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Very proud and supportive of our lgbtq plus community as well in belmont. Sausalito gave us an inside look of what theyve got lined up for this years pride. Sausalito center for the arts is presenting pride night prejudice, a multi exhibit celebration. There is jazz by the bay which is a weekly event in sausalito that will be dedicated to pride month. A number of bay area City Government school systems, sports teams, corporations taking to social media showing support for the start of pride month tweeting to the lgbtq ia plus community. Not everyone is on board. Each year a new controversy about representation and people dodging support for fear of backlash. California has seen its fair share of the battles. In solano, vacaville came under scrutiny for delay recognizing pride month with the solano pride centercity issued a proclamation recognizing pride month since 2018. Then there was the back and forth in baseball between the dodgers and sisters of perpetual indulgence. The Charity Group was first removed from the pride night celebration over opponents claims that they mock the catholic faith. The team reinvited the group to be recognized later this month. While all this is happening here, the National Debate over drag performances is now spilling over into the military. The pentagon forced an air force base in nevada to cancel the drag event scheduled for today. It was supposed to recognize the experience of the lgbtq plus services members. A pentagon spokesperson told cnn drag shows are not an appropriate use despite the previous two held there. No word on if theyll be moved to a different location to his as we welcome pride month i had a chance to recognize a drag group who represents both worlds. They were performing at a time when there were only a handful of asian performers in drag. They book year round but with the recent rise in antidrag including an attack on one of their own, they are aware and cautious about when and whom they perform for. Well have the story through the founder of the eyes of the rockets at 3 00. We are talking about this years celebration and big events leading up to the parade. Lets switch gears and look at our weather. Meteorologist darren peck, first weekend of pride month looks like it will be perfect, just gorgeous. Its going to be great. We are going to use one of the locations in San Francisco in the mission. We are looking down from our camera on top of the salesforce tower. We can use this to see far and wide and also to get a close up view. You can see mission high on the edge of the screen. You could a moment ago. Thats San Francisco. Whats going to happen for the first weekend in pride month . You will not change a whole lot. Take the weather today and repeat it through saturday and sunday because in the city, no change. If you are inland, there is a change. Thats a live look from mount diablo at concord. Its already 70 there. If we look at what happens over the next four days, a noticeable warm up for inland locations. Mid 80s by saturday and sunday. We are in the pattern where the warm up does not affect the bay area equally. I will show you everybodys numbers in a bit. Thanks so much. Time for a look at top stories. In San Francisco the man accused of stabbing a chinatown bakery employee is in court. The 61yearold is facing charges of attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, battery. The suspect had been out on parole for attempted murder in 2016. The San Francisco d. A. Brooke jenkins asked the court to keep him in custody saying he poses a threat to public safety. Alameda da pamela price dropped two out of three murder charges against logwood. The case made headlines when price offered a 15 year plea deal in exchange for pleading guilty to predecessor and says the former d. A. Filed too many charges. Logwood has served 14 years and attorneys on both sides are back in court today hashing it out. Lets take a live look at wall street and the big board. As you see it is in positive territory looking really good this morning at 253 points in the plus side. A live look at dc where the senate is taking up compromised bill to raise the debt ceiling and avoid catastrophic default. House overwhelmingly passed the measure last night but there are grumblings in the senate. Natalie. Reporter hi ryan. Its similar to what we saw in the house where not everyone is happy about the bill. For instance last night, bay area democrats were divided and vented in a 33 split. In the senate, there is still a lot of negotiating behind the scenes. Some lawmakers want to be able to debate and take up amendments which could slow dow senators are now saying that theyre feeling hopeful that ayse wato cing a act fast. The senate will stay in session until we send a bill avoiding default to the president s desk, and we will keep working until the job is done. Bill is passed. Reporter legislation to raise the debt ceiling overwhelmingly passed the house last night with ample bipartisan support ending days of tense negotiations. Tonight we all made history because this is the biggest cut and savings this congress has ever voted for. Reporter fiscal responsibility act lifts debt limit through early 2025 giving u. S. More borrowing power to pay bills. It cuts federal spending in return clawing back unused covid relief money and irs funding, loosening environmental rules for new projects and placing stricter work requirements for some receiving food assistance. Like in the house, some conservative republicans and progressive democrats in the Senate Oppose the bill. There is no way i can pass this much debt to my grandchildren. Reporter among those against it are South Carolina its tim scott who is running for president and vermonts bernie sanders. The American People are sick and tired of seeing deficit reduction on the backs of working people who are struggling. Reporter some senators are pushing for amendments and leaders are hoping for final vote before the weeks end. Some republican senators have expressed concerns about limits to defense spending. Senator Lindsey Graham for instance is trying to get a commitment from leaders to take up a separate bill that would increase funding for ukraine down the road. Again, a lot is happening behind the scenes while senators try to work out an agreement on how quickly they can get this done. As for california senators, i continue to reach out to their offices but so far they have not commented on the bill itself or how they will vote. Ryan. Thank you. Natalie brand reporting live from our nations capital. We are learning more about the bay areas next big sports team. How the new womens soccer team in san jose is going to make it feel like everyones team. A San Francisco woman spent the last quarter century training young people looking live to denver where nba finals begin tonight. Players on the upset minded miami heat preparing for tip off against the best of the west, denver nuggets. Both teams had different paths to the finals. Nuggets are a number one seed while miami the heat barely made the playoffs, eight seed. Tip off is at 5 30. Fans have another pro club to cheer for. San jose expansion of the National Womens Soccer League unveiled the logo. Bay fc. The effort was spearheaded by a group of of former u. S. Womens soccer stars who are part of the ownership group. That includes a two time cup champ and olympic native san jose native brandi chastain. We know our values come from this special location. We have this deep, deep fire in our belly to be the best. You know us. You know alley. You know leslie, danyel. You know me. We want to be the best. The team is focused on fielding a roster of players, executives, coaches ahead of the first match in nine months. Thats going to be great. The owner could probably put on now, throw on some cleats and play now. All of them could. Its amazing to see this group of women pull this together. Its going to be popular. Do you think there is a chance we can get them to buy the as . You know, no. I think theyre probably focused on the future. Dont rule it out. They can do it. Thats true. If anybody can do it, they can do it. At this point i am pi do. Le jose. We will use one more location as the example of the warm up. We noticed how noticeable it would be for inland contra costa. San jose will feel this. Its 67 now. Today is really nice. If we look at todays numbers for san jose and just scale them through the hour, were going to the mid 70s today. We are already passed the mid 50s. San jose should get to the low 70s for daytime highs. When we get up to the 75 up there, we are already starting to get above average. Numbers are going to climb farther than that over the next days. To see how that will happen, lets look at the next four from san jose making it from 73 today to 79 saturday, 81 sunday. You really top out in the mid 70s today give or take a few degrees. You are well into low 80s once we get to sunday. It will be the warmest part of the weekend. We are starting to see the disappearance of todays marine layer. High resolution satellite ows a little patch off the coast. This is building the marine layer for that one localized area and trying to squeeze through the golden gate. It is pretty gray on the west side of the city. It is not cloudy anywhere else. Thats a localized feature. With more blue sky than anything, daytime highs today, mid 70s for san jose, 80 antioch, 75 in concord. In the sevenday forecast, we dont notice the trend so much for San Francisco and oakland. We seldom do really except for the significant warm up. You will not change a lot. Oakland, you will go from upper 60s to low 70s. North bay and south bay valleys show it more, from 80 today to 84 saturday and sunday. San jose you will go to 81 sunday as we saw your trend already. If we look at the number for inland east bay, you go to the mid 80s into saturday. The beaches are not changing a lot. We are staying gray, cool, and june beachy which is what you would expect. Its not necessarily the best beach weather but it is what we got. Thats home. Guys, back to you. Is june beachy incold at the beach, yes. Bundle up. A simple message one woman is using to make a profound difference in young peoples lives. I wanted them to have the confidence to know whatever it is they wanted, they can do it if they put their mind to it. How changing lives starts with how changing how you see yourself. Another look outside, you see the gray gamuloness of june gloom over the golden gate. Here are your cbs deals. We live in a fast paced world. We are all being pulled in many directions wearing multiple hats and juggling essential tasks. That can cause stress, lack of quality sleep, scattered memory and concentration. Thats why i started incorporating this into my daily routine. I have taken this plant for years. Goli gummies has made it easier to add. Two gluten free gelatine free gummies a day. The km66 reduces stress and promotes relaxation. I can be mo focused and faly enhomeas new mom working a time and traveling, ta one ofa healthy immune system. I want to be around for my family and function at a high level so i can jump into tag on a whim or take a family hike to unwind. Goli gummies have good amount of vitamin d which play a role in the health of teeth, muscles. We are offering 50 off on the trio. Head to cbsdeals. Com for salonpas lidocaine flex. A super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. And did we mention, it really, really sticks . Salonpas, its good medicine. A San Francisco woman spent the last quarter century training thousands in job preparation skills. Sharon chin introduces us to this weeks bay area jefferson award winner. Reporter Kelly Armstrong has served in various roles and organizations over the years but she says Service Began when she changed how she thought about herself. For Kelly Armstrong, walking through the kitchen with ricky smith brings back memories. He was 13 and too young to join her Culinary Arts Program but her decision sent him down the right aisle. I could tell he was so serious about wanting to be a chef. I said i will let you in. I am so great shape. Reporter kelly started primed and prepped in 2013 at the bay view ymca. Its given people like ricky hands on experience cooking with professional chefs and learning hospitality management. We did most prep on the two tables right here. Reporter he runs his own catering business and is a lead line cook. He says kelly helped him believe in himself. Every bad decision, mistakes i made she was there to help me rebound from that. Reporter primed and prepped trained 100 under served students while kelly ran it the first five years. Before she ever started the program, kelly had to believe in herself. A comment from pioneering black sports journalist sam skinner sparked a change. He was the one who at that time told me i had low self esteem. At the time i didnt know what that meant. Reporter she did research, stepped into the Self Esteem Movement led by a state lawmaker and took a second look in the mirror just kind rter became an image consultant and building self esteem became foundational in work with young people. I wanted them to have the confidence to know whatever it is they wanted to be, they could do it if they put their mind to it. Go to the other Shopping Centers and see if you can get something close to it. Reporter kelly taught dean girls job preparation skills through her program called dressed up from the inside out. Shed bring them on union square to learn to dress professionally. Now a working mom, still remembers the field trip to the legendary retailer and how kelly prepared her for job interviews. I have the skills and i have never lost them. She wants you to put your best foot forward always. How do you get them motivated . Reporter today kelly hosts a podcast, straight talking with Kelly Armstrong, a place to share resources and ideas. I am excited even more so tonight. Reporter with her last class in personal styling she retired from teaching 22 years at city college of San Francisco. She still hears from students whose lives she touched. It brings me joy. It brings me joy. Reporter for building young peoples self esteem and equipping them skth weeks ffer goes to Kelly Armstrong. Nominate online at kpix. Com hero. It may be the cutest roof top rescue you will ever see. Well tell you about a mans mission in the search for epic s one Grocery Store will stop at nothing to make sure you save more on the brands you love. Starring produce, and. You. As the super saver, in. Bargain bliss bliss, bliss, bliss todd we talked about this. Our deals are just so epic. I know, todd. I know. Groutt bargain market the next few days, 69 degrees there now in dublin. When we look at the sevenday forecast, the warm up really shows up for inland east bay valleys. You see well be near 80 for san jose but you will also be looking at daytime highs at 80 as well for inland alameda county. A great weekend ahead. Thank you. A family of ducklings rescued from a roof top in england. They were born stranded on a roof in manchester. People lowered the babies to the ground in a bucket before releasing them. There they go. The guy who led the operation has been rescuing stranded ducks since the first covid lock down started. So he is an expert. Look at those little guys follow mom. They were new too, [ relaxing music ] deacon you know, i i probably loved brooke since the minute i saw her. Taylor i mean, thats thats something nice that you could you could tell her. Deacon im pretty sure she knows how i feel. Taylor right. It doesnt hurt to say it again and again. Deacon i have, and it does hurt. Taylor i dont know, what if what if im right . You know, what what if. [ deacon chuckling ] what if what if everything works out, and you have a future with brooke and and hope has her family back together and youre the key to breaking us out of this terrible, toxic cycle. Deacon hmm. Yeah

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