Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703

from members of his own party willingham took a step down from congress. >> not only will i be exonerated, but it will also be new jersey's senior senator. it's beyond terrifying moments on a flight to fort lauderdale for they'll as turbulent sends eight people to the hospital. the new details. emotional return to lahaina, to see what is left of their homes for the first time sice the maui wildfires. >> at least a dozen people returned home today, many discovering scenes like this. >> they are upside down. >> norah: nightmare in wonderland as writers and at an amusement park or stop upside down for nearly 30 minutes. ♪ ♪ >> if you have driven the nation's interstates who have probably seen something like this, a big rig parked along in off-ramp. their big safety questions being raised about where those big rigs should park. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ loving him was read ♪ >> norah: and taylor swift is seeing red, the swift reaction after she attends a kansas city chiefs game. >> if we play like this every time taylor is in the building, then she needs to be here every week. ♪ ♪ >> norah: good evening, and thank you for joining us as we begin a new week together. we want to begin tonight with one of the longest hollywood strikes in history, coming to a possible end with the writers guild of america. and the major studio agreeing to a tentative deal. the potential agreement announced late last night comes nearly five months since production came to a standstill. what followed was months of bitter talks, picket lines coming coming in around the clock negotiations over demands including residuals and the use of artificial intelligence. now the terms are not yet known, but in an email to members, the wga said the deal had meaningful gains and protections for writers. members of the union still need to ratify the new contract, so that writers won't be returning to work immediately. attention turns to the ongoing strike of members of the screen actors guild with many of the same issues on the line. cbs's elise preston will start us off from a studio lot in los angeles. good evening, elise. >> reporter: norah, good evening to you. after 146 days of walking the picket line, writers are expected to ratify this deal within the coming weeks. but with actors on strike, there is still no hollywood ending. picket signs are coming down, but don't expect the curtain to rise anytime soon for your favorite shows. while the writers have reached a deal, it still must be ratified by the guilds 11,000 members, and more than 160,000 actors are still without a contract. the wga calls its 3-year deal exceptional, includes concessions on royalty payments for streaming and protecting writers from being replaced by ai. two of the main sticking points of a strike that has cost the industry more than $5 billion. the first shows that forced off the air, late night talk shows will likely be the first programs to return. perhaps as early as next week. >> what we want? >> contracts. >> the writers and actors walkouts have shown solidarity and the many job actions seen in this summer of strikes. what does this mean for everyone else? >> we are in a labor moment. we had dual hollywood strikes for the first time in 63 years. we have the autoworkers out, almost ups out. workers even nonunionized workers are sick and tired and have found a straw that broke their back and turns of income inequality in this country. >> reporter: it was only last week that studio heads were brought in to try to end the strike that lasted nearly five months. are you surprised that it took this long? >> it really is a dereliction of duty. the studio heads sat on their yachts and went to billionaire summer camps, and the allowed working people to go without jobs to walk on the picket line and to wonder how they were going to put food on the table. that's outrageous. >> reporter: now with the ongoing actors strike coming your favorite shows may not return until next year, and even then, there still could be more trouble ahead, labor options for other industry jobs are looming. norah. >> norah: elise preston with this important story. thank you. we are hearing from the first time from senator roberts menendez days after he was indicted for a wide range of corruption scheme. the powerful democrat is accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and luxury gifts to help new jersey businessmen and the government of egypt. cbs's nikole killion spoke with his constituents as calls for his resignation are growing today. >> reporter: tonight to new jersey senator dave bob menendez is bracing for its biggest fight yet and showed no signs of bob backing down. >> i firmly believe when all of the facts are presented, not only will they be exonerated, but i will be new jersey's senior senator. >> reporter: the democratic lawmaker took no questions. >> are you running for reelection? >> reporter: as he responded publicly to a three count indictment filed last week against a senator, his wife, and three new jersey business associates. the senator is accused of using his political influence on the foreign relations can get to take thousands of dollars in bribes including mortgage payments to his wife, a luxury car, 13 bars of gold, and around $5,000 in cash with some of the money stuffed and congressionalg his name. >> for 30 years, i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from a personal savings account. which i have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my family facing confiscation in cuba. >> reporter: menendez climbed over the weeken that his critics were rushing to judge a latino, something disputed by fellow democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez prayed >> as a latino, there are absolutely ways in which there is systemic bias, but i think what is here in this indictments quite clear. >> reporter: new jersey governor phil murphy has called for menendez immediate resignation and close to half of the delegation believes he should step down. that includes congressman andy kim who announced he will primary the three term senator next year. >> i'm very concerned that if senator menendez continues on, that he could put this seat in jeopardy. >> reporter: at least two senate democrats say that menendez should leave office. the white house stopped close of calling for his resignation coming in here in new jersey, senator cory booker has not weighed in. norah. >> norah: nikole killion, thank you. some terrifying moments of board a jetblue flight from ecuador to fort lauderdale when it hit severe turbulence. it landed safely, but seven passengers and a crew member were sent to the hospital for evaluation and treatment. the plane was taken out of service for inspection. now to some lingering weather problems caused by the remnants of tropical storm ophelia. the storm lashley east coast over the weekend with strong winds and up to 10 inches of rain from north carolina to the jersey shore. while the worst is behind us, states up and down the coast are in store for more stormy weather. so for all of that late spring and meteorologist alex wilson form our partners at the weather channel. good evening, alex. >> reporter: norah, it's going to be a tough week on the east coast as conditions remain unsettled, particularly at those areas along the beaches. we have the remnant circulation of ophelia, keeping rain showers stronger and high to the north. that will lead to an increased pressure gradient, strong winds and an onshore flow. you can expect increased waves, dangerous work currents, and gusty winds to continue along the east coast. up and down the east coast with rain showers through the middle and even a part of the week. wet weather will linger with those winds, expect dreary red or from the atlantic to the northeast, even the ohio valley getting in on those thunderstorms and showers during the second half of the week. and river setting up, norah, this will brng some much needed rain to specific parts of the northwest where they have been dealing with drought empires. >> norah: alex, thank you. some residents of the hardest hit part of maui are being allowed to return to the property is in lahaina, a month after the catastrophic wildfires destroyed the area and left at least 97 people dead. cbs's jonathan vigliotti was back in the disaster zone today along with families struggling to coast the link and cope with their loss. >> reporter: it's been nearly seven weeks since residents of lahaina's fire disaster zone have been allowed to return home. >> pretty bad. after so many years living here. >> reporter: for many like normally new whales and her granddaughter tony, to be back was overwhelming. >> we need to see it in person. we need to go and stand on our property and see what's left and process that. >> reporter: at least a dozen people returned home today, many discovering scenes like this. but they were the lucky ones. we are told at least one person in the neighborhood was unable to escape the flames alive. chuck hogan's home survived. >> sorry. i get a little choked up sometimes. >> reporter: i understand. >> it's just so hard. and the fact tht i made it is just the luck that the wind was blowing, basically. >> reporter: hogan, contractor by trade things that will take at least a decade to rebuild the town. the names added to the long row of crosses, each one a family member lost in the fire. partially paralyzed died while trying to flee the fire by a car with his wife nelda, the flames blocked their exit on french street and nelda could not carry her husband over the seawall to safety. >> unfortunately, the fire got really close and my grandma did whatever she could. she did not give up. but my grandpa told her, go, just leave me. go find the family and take care of yourself and them. >> reporter: heartbreak and a long road to recovery ahead, officials say it could take a year alone to remove all of the rubble. 700,000 tons coming in to give you some perspective, that's about half of the amounts removed from the world trade center site after 9/11, norah. >> norah: jonathan vigliotti, thank you for all of your reporting from there. turning to the crisis at the border. cbs news can report that more than 9,000 migrants were apprehended at the border just yesterday. the mayor of el paso says that his city is reaching a breaking point with more than 2,000 migrants arriving per day. a dozen buses of migrants pulled into chicago over the weekend. america's third-largest city is now spending $29 million to set up one terrorized tent camps for the migrants. turning overseas, ukraine says it killed the commander of russia's black sea fleet in a missile strike last week. the attack targeted the russian navy's headquarters in crimea, the claim comes as president zelenskyy announced today that his forces have received much-needed u.s. abrams tanks saying they are being prepared for battle. back here at home, time is running out to avoid a government shutdown parrot house speaker kevin mccarthy is facing an uphill battle with his own fellow republicans, while president biden says the g.o.p. should live up to its budget deal. cbs's weijia jiang is at the white house. good evening, what did we learn? >> reporter: tonight though white house is calling this a republican shutdown and warrants without a solution at least 4 million federal workers won't get paid, food safety inspectiod cancer research could be stalled. this after president biden said the cuts would disproportionately impact the black community and puts food assistance to 7 million women and children at risk. he also put the brain's lament blame squarely on the group of far right republicans who are holding out on funding the government, because they want deep spending cuts. house speaker kevin mccarthy has failed numerous times to convince those lawmakers to compromise. a task that may be even tougher% now that former president donald trump's urging conservatives today to shut down the government if they don't get "everything they want." norah. >> norah: weijia jiang, thank you very much for tonight the national transportation safety board is looking into a hidden danger on america's highways. the nationwide shortage of rest stops based for large trucks results in many drivers parking on the sides of off ramps. sometimes with deadly consequences. cbs's kris van cleave goes in-depth on the dangers and the calls for change. >> reporter: mario gonzalez died on his way home from visiting family in july when his pickup slammed into the back of a semi, parked on the side of the road through a rest stop off of interstate 37, south of san antonio. it was dark and the truck did not have lights on it. his daughter lori. >> losing him has left a hole in our family. hold that nothing is going to fill. >> reporter: gonzalez was to be of the unit before hitting the brakes and a second before the impact. his family is now suing the trucking company that denies any wrongdoing. >> does not take professional experience to understand the dangers of an 18-wheeler parked on a roadway at night in the dark. >> reporter: gonzalez died two days after a hauntingly similar crash in illinois killed three when a greyhound bus set hit several big rigs stopped on an access road. the trucking industry says that truck drivers are forced to park in such places because there's only one parking space for every 11 trucks on the nation's road. cbs news found big rigs on freeway and stop shoulders across the country. and crowding roads into rest stops already full of parked trucks. investigators for the gonzalez family shot this video of the rest stop where mario died jammed with trucks on both sides of the road. laws vary by state, but texas does not prohibit parking on the shoulder. how hard is it to find a place to park for one of these things? >> it can be from easy, a small percent of the time to impossible a large percent of the time. >> reporter: denny snouts, president of freight lines in houston says the lack of parking coupled westrick drive time rules forces drivers into unsafe situations. what do you tell your drivers about this issue of parking on and off ramp? >> first of all we have to be safe, so we tell drivers to realize that cuttiting t their y short is betetter than putting someone inin an unsafe position. >> reporter: nationally in 2020 there w were 4 4,0,000 injy accidents involving big rigs near interstate on and off ramps, another 55 fatal. transfer torsion secretary pete buttigieg. >> this is not just a quality a quality-of-life issue for truck drivers who deserve a good convenience a place to park. but it's a safety issue for the entire system. >> reporter: the department of transportation is requiring grants per truck parking in several states, while a bill giving states $755 million to expand existing truck parking languages. >> we have so much life to live, and he died way too young, and it was preventable. >> reporter: now the gonzalez family once parking on the side of the road ban. kris van cleave, cbs news san antonio. >> norah: caught on camera, a small plane crashes into a soccer field in southern california. we havave the detatails next.. ♪ ♪ i don'n't. cascade e platinum p plus has me doioing dishes.s... difffferently. scrub? s soak? nope.e. i just scrcrape, loadd and i'i'm done. only platitinum plus is biggeger. with dououble the dadawn greae fighghting powerer and doububle ththe scrubbining power. fofor a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. rewash? not in my house.e. upgrade toto cascadade platinumum plus. darere to dish d differently. 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[bones craracking] ♪ ( (tense musisic) ♪ one aleve e works all l day so i i can keep p working my magicic. just o one aleve.. 12 houours of ununinterrupted painin relief. aleve. who do y you take itit for? >> norah: dramatic video shows a small plane crashing into a soccer park called the field of dreams today in southern california. this happened in san pedro, that's just south of los angeles. both people on board were critically injured, the plane nearly broken in half. to the cause of the crash tonight under investigation. also tonight, a cleanup is underway in oklahoma city after workers accidentally broke a pipe causing a crude oil to gush out of the ground. the 16-inch line was quickly shut down while workers scrambled to contain the >> norah: . the fire chief says there is significant environmental impact with oil flowing into an area where the storm drains are located. it's not clear yet how much oil actually leaked out. terrifying moments had an amusement park when a ride unexpectedly stops leaving these riders upside down for almost 3. how it all ended, next. triggers can pop up out of nowhere and lead to an asthma attack. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have tezspire can help you be you. tezspire is an add-on treatment for people 12 and over that can help you have fewer attacks,... breathe better and relieve your asthma symptoms. so you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions may occur and can be serious. rash or eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma tezspire can help you be you. no matter who you are. ask your asthma specialist about tezspire today. i'm m patriotic c kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda. my scooterer broke dowown. i wewent into a a depression. (how d do you feelel about t that?) pretty sadad. i poststed it to s show ththat kenny''s not t always h. within 24 4 hours peopople had d donated ovover $5,000. no, you'u're kididding. (we seset up the p patriotic kennnny foundatition) (to o give mobilility scootersrs to veterarans.) it hasas changed m my lifee trtremendouslyly. (none ofof this woululd've happppened withohout tiktok.) wewe're here t today to set t the recordd straight aboutut dupuytytren's contntracture. surgrgery is notot your onlnly treatmenent opt. people m may think their contntracture hahas to e severe to o be treateded, but t it doesn't't. visisit findahanandspecicialism totoday to get statarted. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved huhundreds. wiwith the money i saveded, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervouous at f first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog b barks] oh. nono it's justst a bunny!! calmlm down tacoco. sit duchchess. stop!p! sesasame no no. . archie! walter d don't, no, , ahhhh. ahhhhh!! you're lucucky you'u're so cutete. only pay f for what yoyou ne. ♪liliberty. libiberty. libertrty. libertyty.♪ >> norah: an amusement park ride was anything but amusing, when it took a frightening turn and suddenly stopped leaving passengers dangling upside down screaming for help. the lumberjack right at canada's wonderland theme park was stuck for nearly 30 minutes saturday night. park officials say after the maintenance team fix the problem, two people had to be treated for chest pains. a historic hall of asteroid dust was shipped to the johnson space center in houston today for testing. the largest asteroid sample from space arrived in the utah desert inside a nasa capsule following a 7-year nearly 4 billion-mile mission. nasa says the 9 ounces of dust scraped out by a probe will give scientists an extraordinary glimpse into the beginnings of our solar system. pretty cool. which one of the biggest pop music stars in the world has sports fans singing a different tune? the answers next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: if you can't watch the "cbs evevening newsws" yoyou can listen couould subscre whererever you g get your popod. r bebecause of m my sight. bubut now, i c can open upp mymy world witith vabysmo.. vabysmsmo is the f first fda-apprproved treatatment for peoplele with wet t amd that impmproves visision anand deliversrs a chancee for upup to 4 montnths between trtreatments.. which means s doing more o of what i l love. ♪ vabybysmo is thehe ononly treatmement designeded to blockk 2 2 causes of f wet amd. vavabysmo is a an eye injectction. don't t take it ifif you he anan infectionon or activee swelelling in or around d your eye,, or are allllergic to i it or anyny of its iningredie. treatmentsts like vabybysmo can n cause eye e infectn or retininal detachmhment. vabysmsmo may caususe a tempory increasese in eye prpressure afteter receivining the injectction. althouough uncommomon, therere is a pototential ririsk of hearart attack or strokoke associatated with b blood clotsts. open up p your worldld! a chancece for up toto 4 mons betwtween treatmtments with vababysmo. ask your d doctor. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. 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(sung) f febreze! i ususe febreze e fabric refefr everyday.. to makake my homee smell l amazing. onon my bed..... my cououch... my jackeket or jeansns. in betetween washehes. even shoeses. fefebreze doesesn't cover r ups with scentnt, but fighghts themem and freshshens! over o one thousanand uses. fefebreze fabrbric refreshsh. i'm amber, i've lost 128 pounds with golo, taking release. over o one thousanand uses. i have literally tried everything. i i was on thehe verge of f geg gastric bypass sururgery, and i sasaw the gololo commerc, and d it was thehe last thing i trtried 'causese it worked. when m my doctor g gave me breztrtri for my c copd thinings changeded for me. brezeztri gave m me better brereathing, symptom imimprovement,t, and reduduced flare-e-ups. brezeztri won't t replace a rescue i inhaler fofor sudden b breathing p pro. it i is not for r asthma. tell youour doctor i if you e a heart t conditionn or higigh blood prpressure bebefore takining it. don't takeke breztri morere than presescribed. breztri i may increaease your r risk of thrhrush, pneumomonia, and o osteoporo. call youour doctor i if worsd brbreathing, c chest pain,, moututh or tongugue swelli, problelems urinatiting, vivision changnges, or e eye pain ococcur. ask yourur doctor ababout bre. >> norah: finally tonight, the defending super bowl champion kansas city chiefs newest fan is causing quite a stir, and a swift reaction. cbs's jo ling kent reports on the enchanting details. >> i think the secret is out. >> reporter: taylor swift has entered her football era. >> if we play like this every time taylor is in the building,. >> reporter: swift made her fearless return to kansas city's arrowhead stadium that she sold out twice last summer to cheer on tight and travis kelce he. >> i said that i have seen you rock the stadium in arrowhead, and you might have to see me. >> reporter: sitting next to his mom donna, beyond nfl's wildest dreams. >> travis kelce he has had a lot of big catches in his career, this will be the biggest. >> reporter: the women's addition of his jersey are selling fast online, the company behind his outfit, capitalizing calling of the 1989. and stores touting the new balance shoes she wore to the game a hot commodity. swiftlis know all too well she has a mastermind of her business reputation, or to her alone expected to add an estimated $5 billion to the global economy, more than the gdp of at least fifth in the country. >> reporter: welcome to the arrows tour! >> reporter: and now her fan suddenly paying attention to the nfl and her players are ready for it. >> reporter: jo ling kent, los angeles. >> norah: all anybody was talking about this weekend. that's tonight's "cbs evening news." i am norah o'donnell, good night. ♪ ♪ >> judge judy: the defendant sold you a car for $1,500. >> yes. >> judge judy: ms. birdsong says she sold you the car for $6,000. >> announcer: a discrepancy between grandmother and mother... >> she said that as soon as i gave her the $1,500, she would go get the title and sign it over to me. >> judge judy: and then she took the car back. >> announcer: ...and it keeps fueling the fight with her ex. >> the defendant's son and i were involved in an altercation in which he was arrested. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution twenty-three-year-old katie nichols is suing her ex-boyfriend's mother, brenda birdsong, for the return of money she paid for a car. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 249 on the calendar in the matter of nichols vs. birdsong. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. folks, have a seat. >> judge judy: byrd, while i'm doing this case, would you look up the blue book on a 2008 chevy impala, please? >> byrd: sure. >> judge judy: thanks. ms. nichols, you and the defendant's son have two children together. >> we do biologically have one together, although he did raise my older one. >> judge judy: so you have one child together. >> yes. >> judge judy: how old? >> two for the one that we have. >> judge judy: and it is your claim that the defendant sold you her car, a 2008 chevy impala, for $1,500... >> yes. >> judge judy: ...which you paid for... >> mm-hmm. >> judge judy: ...and put new tires on. >> mm-hmm. >> judge judy: and then she took the car back. >> yes. >> judge judy: so you want to be reimbursed for the car and the

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Black Sea Fleet , Crimea , Russian Navy , Republicans , Biden , Gop , Kevin Mccarthy , Budget Deal , Government Shutdown Parrot , Inspectiod Cancer Research , Evening , Shutdown , Solution , Warrants , Weijia Jiang , 4 Million , Women , Cuts , Community , Children At Risk , Food Assistance , Brain , Lament , 7 Million , Times , Group , Lawmakers , Blame , House Speaker , Task , Donald Trump , Everything , Conservatives , Sides , Drivers Parking , Rest , Danger , Shortage , Consequences , Highways , Trucks Results , Off Ramps , National Transportation Safety Board , Rest Stop , Dangers , Side , Kris Van Cleave , Change , Pickup , Back , Semi , Way , Mario Gonzalez , Interstate 37 , South , 37 , Nothing , Gonzalez , Truck , Whole , Daughter , Unit , Second , Brakes , San Antonio , Impact , Trucking Company , In The Dark , Roadway , Wrongdoing , Experience , 18 , Truck Drivers , Trucks , Crash , Parking Space , Places , Trucking Industry , Set , Access Road , Greyhound Bus , Illinois , 11 , Video , Stop , Shoulders , Investigators , Freeway , Parking , Place , Estate , Shoulder , Laws , Texas , Denny Snouts , Issue , Drivers , Houston , Freight Lines , Ramp , Situations , Black , Safe , Ramps , Someone , Position , Cuttiting , Injy , Big Rigs Near Interstate On , There W , 2020 , 4 , 55 , 40 000 , Truck Parking , States , Safety Issue , System , Department Of Transportation , Convenience , Bill Giving , Grants , Transfer Torsion Secretary , Pete Buttigieg , Life , Truck Parking Languages , Road Ban , 55 Million , 755 Million , Plane Crashes , Soccer Field , Detatails Next , Southern California , Caught On Camera , Nope E I Just Scrcrape , Platitinum Plus , Cabinet , Cascade E , No Rewash , Biggeger , Greae Fighghting Powerer , Dadawn , Doububle Ththe Scrubbining Power , Don N T , Me Doioing Dishes S Difffferently , Loadd , Dououble , Fofor , Thyroid Eye Disease , Toto , Vo , Dish D , Cascadade Platinumum Plus , House E Upgrade , Darere , Eyes , Curse , Stilltreatted Com , It Dadancing Is M , Travel , My Passion , Isis , Moderatete , Eczemama , Fefebreze Doesesn T Cover R , It Hasasn T , Skin , Stayiying Ahead O , Eye Pain Or Vision N Changes , Can Bebe S Tell Youour , Withihin , Heal Yoyourn , Doctor A About W , Worsenining , Dudupixent Helelps , Noticeablyly , Eye Proroble , Seriouous Allergicic , Asthma , Painins , Whoa , Rouou , Don N T Chanange , Parasititic Infectitio , Ask Yoyour , Withthout Talkining , Listerine , Joint Achehes , Includining Blurred D Vision , Oror , Dupit , Ththe Gumline E For A Clcleaner , Shshows Listerinine , Listerine E Fefeel , Nenew Sciencee , Tense Musisic , Reducucing Plaqueue , Hehealthier Momouth , Morere Effectiveve , Ahahhhhh , Whohoa , Bones Craracking , 5 , Ununinterrupted Painin Relief , Do Y You , Aleve , My Magicic , Houours , Who , 12 , Soccer Park , The Field Of Dreams , San Pedro , Cleanup , Cause , Crude Oil , Investigation , Ground , Pipe , Oklahoma City , 16 , Soil , Fire Chief , Storm Drains , Riders , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attack , Bride , Lead , Triggers , Matter , Tezspire , Add On Treatment , Attacks , Type , Eye , Allergy , Rescue Medication , Reactions , Asthma Symptoms , Doctor , Back Pain , Infection , Sore Throat , Vaccines , Tezspire Today , Asthma Specialist , Depression , My Scooterer Broke Dowown , C Kenny , Amanda , Show , Walter D , O Give , Lucucky You U , Mobilility Scootersrs , Pretty Sadad , Ovover , Ththat Kenny S Not T Always H , Kididding , Patriotic Kennnny Foundatition , To Veterarans , 24 , Surgrgery , Contntracture , Here T Today To Set , None , Treatmenent Opt , It Hasas , Lifee Trtremendouslyly , Recordd , Happppened Withohout Tiktok , Woululd , Wewe , Straight Aboutut Dupuytytren , Onlnly , Doesn T , Dog Walking Business , Walking , Be Treateded , Car Insurance , Get Statarted , Visisit Findahanandspecicialism Totoday , Wiwith , Huhundreds , Liberty Mutual , Justst , Nono It , Dog B Barks , Calmlm Down Tacoco , Sit Duchchess , Archie , Ahhhh , Yoyou Ne , Pay , Libertrty , Libertyty , Liliberty , Libiberty , Turn , Anything , Amusement Park Ride , Chest Pains , Problem , Team , Fix , Saturday Night , Help , Canada S Wonderland Theme Park , Lumberjack , Space , Hall , Testing , Asteroid Sample , Capsule , Nasa , Johnson Space Center , Asteroid Dust , Utah , 7 , 4 Billion , Probe , World , Scientists , Solar System , Dust , Pop Music , Mission , Beginnings , Glimpse , 9 , Announcer , Popod , Bebecause , Sight , Tune , Cbs Evevening Newsws , Couould Subscre Whererever , Amd , Apprproved Treatatment , Wet T , Peoplele , Vabysmsmo , A Chancee , World Witith Vabysmo , Impmproves Visision , Trtreatments , Ic Can Open Upp Mymy , Bubut , Upup , Fda , Anand Deliversrs , O , Causes , Ononly Treatmement , Vabybysmo , Eye Injectction , Take It Ifif You , Anan Infectionon , Vavabysmo , Wet Amd , Activee Swelelling , What Il Love , 2 , Treatmentsts , Retininal Detachmhment , Vabysmsmo May Caususe , Eye E Infectn , Hearart , With B Blood Clotsts , Althouough Uncommomon , Vabybysmo Can N , Eye Prpressure , The Injectction , Strokoke Associatated , Its Iningredie , Afteter Receivining , Tempory Increasese , Pototential Ririsk , Therere , D Doctor , Chancece , Worldld , Mons Betwtween Treatmtments , Vababysmo , Relief , Medicine Fast , Laser , Gels , Pain Relief , Pain Hits Fast , Drilled Holes , Tylenol Rapid , Strength , Precise , Get Max , Plop Fizzzz , Thihing Dripping S , Sneeze , Bed , Febreze E , Refefr Everyday , Flflu Reli , Withth , Homee Smell L , Fizzyzy , Febreze , Onon , My Cououch , Seltltzer , Alka , Cough H , My Jackeket , Jeansns , Betetween Washehes , Release , Amber , Thousanand , Everything Ii , Scentnt , Fighghts Themem , Golo , Shoeses , Freshshens , Fefebreze Fabrbric Refreshsh , 128 , It , Gololo Commerc , D , Thing , Brezeztri Won T , Copd Thinings Changeded , Causese , Brezeztri , My C , Doctor G , Reduduced , Thehe Verge , F Geg , Gastric Bypass Sururgery , Symptom Imimprovement , Flare E Ups , Me Better Brereathing , Prpressure Bebefore Takining , Worsd Brbreathing , Risk , B Breathing P Pro , Presescribed , Tell Youour , Call Youour , Don T Takeke , Breztri Morere , You Ea Heart T Conditionn , Rescue I Inhaler , Higigh , O Osteoporo , Thrhrush , Pneumomonia , Vivision Changnges , Tongugue Swelli , Pain Ococcur , Moututh , Problelems Urinatiting , Ask Yourur , Doctor Ababout Bre , Fan , Stir , Super Bowl , Swift , Secret , Football , Jo Ling Kent , The , Arrowhead Stadium , Arrowhead , Stadium , Travis Kelce , Fearless Return , Jersey , Biggest , Career , Lot , Catches , Addition , Beyond Nfl S Wildest Dreams , Mom Donna , Stores , Commodity , Business Reputation , Company , Outfit , Balance , Mastermind , Swiftlis , Capitalizing Calling , 1989 , Gdp , Arrows Tour , Anybody , Players , Good Night , Nfl , Judge Judy , Brenda Birdsong , Ms , Title , Birdsong , Yes , Grandmother , Discrepancy , 1500 , 500 , 1500 Yes Judge , 6000 , Son , Sex , Altercation , Katie Nichols , Courtroom , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Twenty Three , Byrd , Parties , Rise , Calendar , Nichols Vs , 249 , Case , Thanks , Folks , Chevy Impala , Blue Book , 2008 , Judge , Children , Child , Tires ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240703

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from members of his own party willingham took a step down from congress. >> not only will i be exonerated, but it will also be new jersey's senior senator. it's beyond terrifying moments on a flight to fort lauderdale for they'll as turbulent sends eight people to the hospital. the new details. emotional return to lahaina, to see what is left of their homes for the first time sice the maui wildfires. >> at least a dozen people returned home today, many discovering scenes like this. >> they are upside down. >> norah: nightmare in wonderland as writers and at an amusement park or stop upside down for nearly 30 minutes. ♪ ♪ >> if you have driven the nation's interstates who have probably seen something like this, a big rig parked along in off-ramp. their big safety questions being raised about where those big rigs should park. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ loving him was read ♪ >> norah: and taylor swift is seeing red, the swift reaction after she attends a kansas city chiefs game. >> if we play like this every time taylor is in the building, then she needs to be here every week. ♪ ♪ >> norah: good evening, and thank you for joining us as we begin a new week together. we want to begin tonight with one of the longest hollywood strikes in history, coming to a possible end with the writers guild of america. and the major studio agreeing to a tentative deal. the potential agreement announced late last night comes nearly five months since production came to a standstill. what followed was months of bitter talks, picket lines coming coming in around the clock negotiations over demands including residuals and the use of artificial intelligence. now the terms are not yet known, but in an email to members, the wga said the deal had meaningful gains and protections for writers. members of the union still need to ratify the new contract, so that writers won't be returning to work immediately. attention turns to the ongoing strike of members of the screen actors guild with many of the same issues on the line. cbs's elise preston will start us off from a studio lot in los angeles. good evening, elise. >> reporter: norah, good evening to you. after 146 days of walking the picket line, writers are expected to ratify this deal within the coming weeks. but with actors on strike, there is still no hollywood ending. picket signs are coming down, but don't expect the curtain to rise anytime soon for your favorite shows. while the writers have reached a deal, it still must be ratified by the guilds 11,000 members, and more than 160,000 actors are still without a contract. the wga calls its 3-year deal exceptional, includes concessions on royalty payments for streaming and protecting writers from being replaced by ai. two of the main sticking points of a strike that has cost the industry more than $5 billion. the first shows that forced off the air, late night talk shows will likely be the first programs to return. perhaps as early as next week. >> what we want? >> contracts. >> the writers and actors walkouts have shown solidarity and the many job actions seen in this summer of strikes. what does this mean for everyone else? >> we are in a labor moment. we had dual hollywood strikes for the first time in 63 years. we have the autoworkers out, almost ups out. workers even nonunionized workers are sick and tired and have found a straw that broke their back and turns of income inequality in this country. >> reporter: it was only last week that studio heads were brought in to try to end the strike that lasted nearly five months. are you surprised that it took this long? >> it really is a dereliction of duty. the studio heads sat on their yachts and went to billionaire summer camps, and the allowed working people to go without jobs to walk on the picket line and to wonder how they were going to put food on the table. that's outrageous. >> reporter: now with the ongoing actors strike coming your favorite shows may not return until next year, and even then, there still could be more trouble ahead, labor options for other industry jobs are looming. norah. >> norah: elise preston with this important story. thank you. we are hearing from the first time from senator roberts menendez days after he was indicted for a wide range of corruption scheme. the powerful democrat is accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and luxury gifts to help new jersey businessmen and the government of egypt. cbs's nikole killion spoke with his constituents as calls for his resignation are growing today. >> reporter: tonight to new jersey senator dave bob menendez is bracing for its biggest fight yet and showed no signs of bob backing down. >> i firmly believe when all of the facts are presented, not only will they be exonerated, but i will be new jersey's senior senator. >> reporter: the democratic lawmaker took no questions. >> are you running for reelection? >> reporter: as he responded publicly to a three count indictment filed last week against a senator, his wife, and three new jersey business associates. the senator is accused of using his political influence on the foreign relations can get to take thousands of dollars in bribes including mortgage payments to his wife, a luxury car, 13 bars of gold, and around $5,000 in cash with some of the money stuffed and congressionalg his name. >> for 30 years, i have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from a personal savings account. which i have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my family facing confiscation in cuba. >> reporter: menendez climbed over the weeken that his critics were rushing to judge a latino, something disputed by fellow democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez prayed >> as a latino, there are absolutely ways in which there is systemic bias, but i think what is here in this indictments quite clear. >> reporter: new jersey governor phil murphy has called for menendez immediate resignation and close to half of the delegation believes he should step down. that includes congressman andy kim who announced he will primary the three term senator next year. >> i'm very concerned that if senator menendez continues on, that he could put this seat in jeopardy. >> reporter: at least two senate democrats say that menendez should leave office. the white house stopped close of calling for his resignation coming in here in new jersey, senator cory booker has not weighed in. norah. >> norah: nikole killion, thank you. some terrifying moments of board a jetblue flight from ecuador to fort lauderdale when it hit severe turbulence. it landed safely, but seven passengers and a crew member were sent to the hospital for evaluation and treatment. the plane was taken out of service for inspection. now to some lingering weather problems caused by the remnants of tropical storm ophelia. the storm lashley east coast over the weekend with strong winds and up to 10 inches of rain from north carolina to the jersey shore. while the worst is behind us, states up and down the coast are in store for more stormy weather. so for all of that late spring and meteorologist alex wilson form our partners at the weather channel. good evening, alex. >> reporter: norah, it's going to be a tough week on the east coast as conditions remain unsettled, particularly at those areas along the beaches. we have the remnant circulation of ophelia, keeping rain showers stronger and high to the north. that will lead to an increased pressure gradient, strong winds and an onshore flow. you can expect increased waves, dangerous work currents, and gusty winds to continue along the east coast. up and down the east coast with rain showers through the middle and even a part of the week. wet weather will linger with those winds, expect dreary red or from the atlantic to the northeast, even the ohio valley getting in on those thunderstorms and showers during the second half of the week. and river setting up, norah, this will brng some much needed rain to specific parts of the northwest where they have been dealing with drought empires. >> norah: alex, thank you. some residents of the hardest hit part of maui are being allowed to return to the property is in lahaina, a month after the catastrophic wildfires destroyed the area and left at least 97 people dead. cbs's jonathan vigliotti was back in the disaster zone today along with families struggling to coast the link and cope with their loss. >> reporter: it's been nearly seven weeks since residents of lahaina's fire disaster zone have been allowed to return home. >> pretty bad. after so many years living here. >> reporter: for many like normally new whales and her granddaughter tony, to be back was overwhelming. >> we need to see it in person. we need to go and stand on our property and see what's left and process that. >> reporter: at least a dozen people returned home today, many discovering scenes like this. but they were the lucky ones. we are told at least one person in the neighborhood was unable to escape the flames alive. chuck hogan's home survived. >> sorry. i get a little choked up sometimes. >> reporter: i understand. >> it's just so hard. and the fact tht i made it is just the luck that the wind was blowing, basically. >> reporter: hogan, contractor by trade things that will take at least a decade to rebuild the town. the names added to the long row of crosses, each one a family member lost in the fire. partially paralyzed died while trying to flee the fire by a car with his wife nelda, the flames blocked their exit on french street and nelda could not carry her husband over the seawall to safety. >> unfortunately, the fire got really close and my grandma did whatever she could. she did not give up. but my grandpa told her, go, just leave me. go find the family and take care of yourself and them. >> reporter: heartbreak and a long road to recovery ahead, officials say it could take a year alone to remove all of the rubble. 700,000 tons coming in to give you some perspective, that's about half of the amounts removed from the world trade center site after 9/11, norah. >> norah: jonathan vigliotti, thank you for all of your reporting from there. turning to the crisis at the border. cbs news can report that more than 9,000 migrants were apprehended at the border just yesterday. the mayor of el paso says that his city is reaching a breaking point with more than 2,000 migrants arriving per day. a dozen buses of migrants pulled into chicago over the weekend. america's third-largest city is now spending $29 million to set up one terrorized tent camps for the migrants. turning overseas, ukraine says it killed the commander of russia's black sea fleet in a missile strike last week. the attack targeted the russian navy's headquarters in crimea, the claim comes as president zelenskyy announced today that his forces have received much-needed u.s. abrams tanks saying they are being prepared for battle. back here at home, time is running out to avoid a government shutdown parrot house speaker kevin mccarthy is facing an uphill battle with his own fellow republicans, while president biden says the g.o.p. should live up to its budget deal. cbs's weijia jiang is at the white house. good evening, what did we learn? >> reporter: tonight though white house is calling this a republican shutdown and warrants without a solution at least 4 million federal workers won't get paid, food safety inspectiod cancer research could be stalled. this after president biden said the cuts would disproportionately impact the black community and puts food assistance to 7 million women and children at risk. he also put the brain's lament blame squarely on the group of far right republicans who are holding out on funding the government, because they want deep spending cuts. house speaker kevin mccarthy has failed numerous times to convince those lawmakers to compromise. a task that may be even tougher% now that former president donald trump's urging conservatives today to shut down the government if they don't get "everything they want." norah. >> norah: weijia jiang, thank you very much for tonight the national transportation safety board is looking into a hidden danger on america's highways. the nationwide shortage of rest stops based for large trucks results in many drivers parking on the sides of off ramps. sometimes with deadly consequences. cbs's kris van cleave goes in-depth on the dangers and the calls for change. >> reporter: mario gonzalez died on his way home from visiting family in july when his pickup slammed into the back of a semi, parked on the side of the road through a rest stop off of interstate 37, south of san antonio. it was dark and the truck did not have lights on it. his daughter lori. >> losing him has left a hole in our family. hold that nothing is going to fill. >> reporter: gonzalez was to be of the unit before hitting the brakes and a second before the impact. his family is now suing the trucking company that denies any wrongdoing. >> does not take professional experience to understand the dangers of an 18-wheeler parked on a roadway at night in the dark. >> reporter: gonzalez died two days after a hauntingly similar crash in illinois killed three when a greyhound bus set hit several big rigs stopped on an access road. the trucking industry says that truck drivers are forced to park in such places because there's only one parking space for every 11 trucks on the nation's road. cbs news found big rigs on freeway and stop shoulders across the country. and crowding roads into rest stops already full of parked trucks. investigators for the gonzalez family shot this video of the rest stop where mario died jammed with trucks on both sides of the road. laws vary by state, but texas does not prohibit parking on the shoulder. how hard is it to find a place to park for one of these things? >> it can be from easy, a small percent of the time to impossible a large percent of the time. >> reporter: denny snouts, president of freight lines in houston says the lack of parking coupled westrick drive time rules forces drivers into unsafe situations. what do you tell your drivers about this issue of parking on and off ramp? >> first of all we have to be safe, so we tell drivers to realize that cuttiting t their y short is betetter than putting someone inin an unsafe position. >> reporter: nationally in 2020 there w were 4 4,0,000 injy accidents involving big rigs near interstate on and off ramps, another 55 fatal. transfer torsion secretary pete buttigieg. >> this is not just a quality a quality-of-life issue for truck drivers who deserve a good convenience a place to park. but it's a safety issue for the entire system. >> reporter: the department of transportation is requiring grants per truck parking in several states, while a bill giving states $755 million to expand existing truck parking languages. >> we have so much life to live, and he died way too young, and it was preventable. >> reporter: now the gonzalez family once parking on the side of the road ban. kris van cleave, cbs news san antonio. >> norah: caught on camera, a small plane crashes into a soccer field in southern california. we havave the detatails next.. ♪ ♪ i don'n't. cascade e platinum p plus has me doioing dishes.s... difffferently. scrub? s soak? nope.e. i just scrcrape, loadd and i'i'm done. only platitinum plus is biggeger. with dououble the dadawn greae fighghting powerer and doububle ththe scrubbining power. fofor a no rewash clean... and a cabinet ready shine. rewash? not in my house.e. upgrade toto cascadade platinumum plus. darere to dish d differently. (vo) if your thyroid eye disease was diagnosed a long, long time ago cascadade platinumum plus. you may think your eyes will be bulging forever. like a never-ending curse that can't be broken. but even if you've been told it's too late, treating your thyroid eye disease may still be possible. and a new day is within sight. learn how you could give your eyes a fresh start at travel.. there isis nothing l like it dadancing is m my passion.. but with m my moderatete-to-se eczemama, it hasasn't been e easy. now,w, i'm stayiying ahead o . dudupixent helelps heal yoyourn from withihin. so, you cacan clearer r skin and d noticeablyly less ith seriouous allergicic reacts cacan occur, t that can bebe s. tell youour doctor a about w or worsenining eye proroble, such as s eye pain or vision n changes, includining blurred d vision, joint achehes and painins, oror a parasititic infectitio. don'n't chanange or stopp asthma m medicines withthout talkining to youour doctor.. ask yoyour doctor r about dupit not flosossing well?l? then adddd the whoa!a! of l listerine t to your rouou. nenew sciencee shshows listerinine is 5x morere effectiveve than flossss at reducucing plaqueue above ththe gumline.e. for a clcleaner, hehealthier momouth. ahahhhhh. listerine.e. fefeel the whohoa! [bones craracking] ♪ ( (tense musisic) ♪ one aleve e works all l day so i i can keep p working my magicic. just o one aleve.. 12 houours of ununinterrupted painin relief. aleve. who do y you take itit for? >> norah: dramatic video shows a small plane crashing into a soccer park called the field of dreams today in southern california. this happened in san pedro, that's just south of los angeles. both people on board were critically injured, the plane nearly broken in half. to the cause of the crash tonight under investigation. also tonight, a cleanup is underway in oklahoma city after workers accidentally broke a pipe causing a crude oil to gush out of the ground. the 16-inch line was quickly shut down while workers scrambled to contain the >> norah: . the fire chief says there is significant environmental impact with oil flowing into an area where the storm drains are located. it's not clear yet how much oil actually leaked out. terrifying moments had an amusement park when a ride unexpectedly stops leaving these riders upside down for almost 3. how it all ended, next. triggers can pop up out of nowhere and lead to an asthma attack. but no matter what type of severe asthma you have tezspire can help you be you. tezspire is an add-on treatment for people 12 and over that can help you have fewer attacks,... breathe better and relieve your asthma symptoms. so you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions may occur and can be serious. rash or eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma tezspire can help you be you. no matter who you are. ask your asthma specialist about tezspire today. i'm m patriotic c kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda. my scooterer broke dowown. i wewent into a a depression. (how d do you feelel about t that?) pretty sadad. i poststed it to s show ththat kenny''s not t always h. within 24 4 hours peopople had d donated ovover $5,000. no, you'u're kididding. (we seset up the p patriotic kennnny foundatition) (to o give mobilility scootersrs to veterarans.) it hasas changed m my lifee trtremendouslyly. (none ofof this woululd've happppened withohout tiktok.) wewe're here t today to set t the recordd straight aboutut dupuytytren's contntracture. surgrgery is notot your onlnly treatmenent opt. people m may think their contntracture hahas to e severe to o be treateded, but t it doesn't't. visisit findahanandspecicialism totoday to get statarted. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved huhundreds. wiwith the money i saveded, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervouous at f first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog b barks] oh. nono it's justst a bunny!! calmlm down tacoco. sit duchchess. stop!p! sesasame no no. . archie! walter d don't, no, , ahhhh. ahhhhh!! you're lucucky you'u're so cutete. only pay f for what yoyou ne. ♪liliberty. libiberty. libertrty. libertyty.♪ >> norah: an amusement park ride was anything but amusing, when it took a frightening turn and suddenly stopped leaving passengers dangling upside down screaming for help. the lumberjack right at canada's wonderland theme park was stuck for nearly 30 minutes saturday night. park officials say after the maintenance team fix the problem, two people had to be treated for chest pains. a historic hall of asteroid dust was shipped to the johnson space center in houston today for testing. the largest asteroid sample from space arrived in the utah desert inside a nasa capsule following a 7-year nearly 4 billion-mile mission. nasa says the 9 ounces of dust scraped out by a probe will give scientists an extraordinary glimpse into the beginnings of our solar system. pretty cool. which one of the biggest pop music stars in the world has sports fans singing a different tune? the answers next. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: if you can't watch the "cbs evevening newsws" yoyou can listen couould subscre whererever you g get your popod. r bebecause of m my sight. bubut now, i c can open upp mymy world witith vabysmo.. vabysmsmo is the f first fda-apprproved treatatment for peoplele with wet t amd that impmproves visision anand deliversrs a chancee for upup to 4 montnths between trtreatments.. which means s doing more o of what i l love. ♪ vabybysmo is thehe ononly treatmement designeded to blockk 2 2 causes of f wet amd. vavabysmo is a an eye injectction. don't t take it ifif you he anan infectionon or activee swelelling in or around d your eye,, or are allllergic to i it or anyny of its iningredie. treatmentsts like vabybysmo can n cause eye e infectn or retininal detachmhment. vabysmsmo may caususe a tempory increasese in eye prpressure afteter receivining the injectction. althouough uncommomon, therere is a pototential ririsk of hearart attack or strokoke associatated with b blood clotsts. open up p your worldld! a chancece for up toto 4 mons betwtween treatmtments with vababysmo. ask your d doctor. pain hits fast. so get relief fast. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now, get max strength topical pain relief precisely where you need it. with new tylenol precise. [sneeze] dude youou coming? because ththe only thihing dripping s should be y your s. plopop plop fizzzz fizz withth alka-seltltzer plusus cold & flflu reli. also tryry for fizzyzy fast cough h relief. (sung) f febreze! i ususe febreze e fabric refefr everyday.. to makake my homee smell l amazing. onon my bed..... my cououch... my jackeket or jeansns. in betetween washehes. even shoeses. fefebreze doesesn't cover r ups with scentnt, but fighghts themem and freshshens! over o one thousanand uses. fefebreze fabrbric refreshsh. i'm amber, i've lost 128 pounds with golo, taking release. over o one thousanand uses. i have literally tried everything. i i was on thehe verge of f geg gastric bypass sururgery, and i sasaw the gololo commerc, and d it was thehe last thing i trtried 'causese it worked. when m my doctor g gave me breztrtri for my c copd thinings changeded for me. brezeztri gave m me better brereathing, symptom imimprovement,t, and reduduced flare-e-ups. brezeztri won't t replace a rescue i inhaler fofor sudden b breathing p pro. it i is not for r asthma. tell youour doctor i if you e a heart t conditionn or higigh blood prpressure bebefore takining it. don't takeke breztri morere than presescribed. breztri i may increaease your r risk of thrhrush, pneumomonia, and o osteoporo. call youour doctor i if worsd brbreathing, c chest pain,, moututh or tongugue swelli, problelems urinatiting, vivision changnges, or e eye pain ococcur. ask yourur doctor ababout bre. >> norah: finally tonight, the defending super bowl champion kansas city chiefs newest fan is causing quite a stir, and a swift reaction. cbs's jo ling kent reports on the enchanting details. >> i think the secret is out. >> reporter: taylor swift has entered her football era. >> if we play like this every time taylor is in the building,. >> reporter: swift made her fearless return to kansas city's arrowhead stadium that she sold out twice last summer to cheer on tight and travis kelce he. >> i said that i have seen you rock the stadium in arrowhead, and you might have to see me. >> reporter: sitting next to his mom donna, beyond nfl's wildest dreams. >> travis kelce he has had a lot of big catches in his career, this will be the biggest. >> reporter: the women's addition of his jersey are selling fast online, the company behind his outfit, capitalizing calling of the 1989. and stores touting the new balance shoes she wore to the game a hot commodity. swiftlis know all too well she has a mastermind of her business reputation, or to her alone expected to add an estimated $5 billion to the global economy, more than the gdp of at least fifth in the country. >> reporter: welcome to the arrows tour! >> reporter: and now her fan suddenly paying attention to the nfl and her players are ready for it. >> reporter: jo ling kent, los angeles. >> norah: all anybody was talking about this weekend. that's tonight's "cbs evening news." i am norah o'donnell, good night. ♪ ♪ >> judge judy: the defendant sold you a car for $1,500. >> yes. >> judge judy: ms. birdsong says she sold you the car for $6,000. >> announcer: a discrepancy between grandmother and mother... >> she said that as soon as i gave her the $1,500, she would go get the title and sign it over to me. >> judge judy: and then she took the car back. >> announcer: ...and it keeps fueling the fight with her ex. >> the defendant's son and i were involved in an altercation in which he was arrested. >> announcer: "judge judy." you are about to enter the courtroom you are about to enter the courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. captions paid for by cbs television distribution twenty-three-year-old katie nichols is suing her ex-boyfriend's mother, brenda birdsong, for the return of money she paid for a car. >> byrd: order! all rise! this is case number 249 on the calendar in the matter of nichols vs. birdsong. >> judge judy: thank you. >> byrd: you're welcome. parties have been sworn in. you may be seated. folks, have a seat. >> judge judy: byrd, while i'm doing this case, would you look up the blue book on a 2008 chevy impala, please? >> byrd: sure. >> judge judy: thanks. ms. nichols, you and the defendant's son have two children together. >> we do biologically have one together, although he did raise my older one. >> judge judy: so you have one child together. >> yes. >> judge judy: how old? >> two for the one that we have. >> judge judy: and it is your claim that the defendant sold you her car, a 2008 chevy impala, for $1,500... >> yes. >> judge judy: ...which you paid for... >> mm-hmm. >> judge judy: ...and put new tires on. >> mm-hmm. >> judge judy: and then she took the car back. >> yes. >> judge judy: so you want to be reimbursed for the car and the

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, It Dadancing Is M , Travel , My Passion , Isis , Moderatete , Eczemama , Fefebreze Doesesn T Cover R , It Hasasn T , Skin , Stayiying Ahead O , Eye Pain Or Vision N Changes , Can Bebe S Tell Youour , Withihin , Heal Yoyourn , Doctor A About W , Worsenining , Dudupixent Helelps , Noticeablyly , Eye Proroble , Seriouous Allergicic , Asthma , Painins , Whoa , Rouou , Don N T Chanange , Parasititic Infectitio , Ask Yoyour , Withthout Talkining , Listerine , Joint Achehes , Includining Blurred D Vision , Oror , Dupit , Ththe Gumline E For A Clcleaner , Shshows Listerinine , Listerine E Fefeel , Nenew Sciencee , Tense Musisic , Reducucing Plaqueue , Hehealthier Momouth , Morere Effectiveve , Ahahhhhh , Whohoa , Bones Craracking , 5 , Ununinterrupted Painin Relief , Do Y You , Aleve , My Magicic , Houours , Who , 12 , Soccer Park , The Field Of Dreams , San Pedro , Cleanup , Cause , Crude Oil , Investigation , Ground , Pipe , Oklahoma City , 16 , Soil , Fire Chief , Storm Drains , Riders , 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, Pay , Libertrty , Libertyty , Liliberty , Libiberty , Turn , Anything , Amusement Park Ride , Chest Pains , Problem , Team , Fix , Saturday Night , Help , Canada S Wonderland Theme Park , Lumberjack , Space , Hall , Testing , Asteroid Sample , Capsule , Nasa , Johnson Space Center , Asteroid Dust , Utah , 7 , 4 Billion , Probe , World , Scientists , Solar System , Dust , Pop Music , Mission , Beginnings , Glimpse , 9 , Announcer , Popod , Bebecause , Sight , Tune , Cbs Evevening Newsws , Couould Subscre Whererever , Amd , Apprproved Treatatment , Wet T , Peoplele , Vabysmsmo , A Chancee , World Witith Vabysmo , Impmproves Visision , Trtreatments , Ic Can Open Upp Mymy , Bubut , Upup , Fda , Anand Deliversrs , O , Causes , Ononly Treatmement , Vabybysmo , Eye Injectction , Take It Ifif You , Anan Infectionon , Vavabysmo , Wet Amd , Activee Swelelling , What Il Love , 2 , Treatmentsts , Retininal Detachmhment , Vabysmsmo May Caususe , Eye E Infectn , Hearart , With B Blood Clotsts , Althouough Uncommomon , Vabybysmo Can N , Eye Prpressure , The Injectction , Strokoke Associatated , Its Iningredie , Afteter Receivining , Tempory Increasese , Pototential Ririsk , Therere , D Doctor , Chancece , Worldld , Mons Betwtween Treatmtments , Vababysmo , Relief , Medicine Fast , Laser , Gels , Pain Relief , Pain Hits Fast , Drilled Holes , Tylenol Rapid , Strength , Precise , Get Max , Plop Fizzzz , Thihing Dripping S , Sneeze , Bed , Febreze E , Refefr Everyday , Flflu Reli , Withth , Homee Smell L , Fizzyzy , Febreze , Onon , My Cououch , Seltltzer , Alka , Cough H , My Jackeket , Jeansns , Betetween Washehes , Release , Amber , Thousanand , Everything Ii , Scentnt , Fighghts Themem , Golo , Shoeses , Freshshens , Fefebreze Fabrbric Refreshsh , 128 , It , Gololo Commerc , D , Thing , Brezeztri Won T , Copd Thinings Changeded , Causese , Brezeztri , My C , Doctor G , Reduduced , Thehe Verge , F Geg , Gastric Bypass Sururgery , Symptom Imimprovement , Flare E Ups , Me Better Brereathing , Prpressure Bebefore Takining , Worsd Brbreathing , Risk , B Breathing P Pro , Presescribed , Tell Youour , Call Youour , Don T Takeke , Breztri Morere , You Ea Heart T Conditionn , Rescue I Inhaler , Higigh , O Osteoporo , Thrhrush , Pneumomonia , Vivision Changnges , Tongugue Swelli , Pain Ococcur , Moututh , Problelems Urinatiting , Ask Yourur , Doctor Ababout Bre , Fan , Stir , Super Bowl , Swift , Secret , Football , Jo Ling Kent , The , Arrowhead Stadium , Arrowhead , Stadium , Travis Kelce , Fearless Return , Jersey , Biggest , Career , Lot , Catches , Addition , Beyond Nfl S Wildest Dreams , Mom Donna , Stores , Commodity , Business Reputation , Company , Outfit , Balance , Mastermind , Swiftlis , Capitalizing Calling , 1989 , Gdp , Arrows Tour , Anybody , Players , Good Night , Nfl , Judge Judy , Brenda Birdsong , Ms , Title , Birdsong , Yes , Grandmother , Discrepancy , 1500 , 500 , 1500 Yes Judge , 6000 , Son , Sex , Altercation , Katie Nichols , Courtroom , Captions , Cbs Television Distribution , Twenty Three , Byrd , Parties , Rise , Calendar , Nichols Vs , 249 , Case , Thanks , Folks , Chevy Impala , Blue Book , 2008 , Judge , Children , Child , Tires ,

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