Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240624 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS 20240624

hello, and thanks for watching. i'm matt pieper in new york. and here are some of the stories we're tracking on cbs news roundup. drastic weather. heavy rains in the midwest turn into deadly floods. cracks are appearing in the alliance between u.s. and israel with repeated israeli claims that the u.s. is holding up arms shipments. and what president biden and donald trump are doing to prepare for the first presidential debate. extreme weather disruptions are expected to continue across the country into the week ahead. severe storms in the midwest have given way to riding floodwaters. south dakota's governor says flooding in that state has killed at least one person after days of heavy rain. and the heat wave continues. about 15 million people are still under a heat warning. that's the highest level of alert. cbs reports. >> reporter: record high floodwaters came fast in rock valley, iowa. >> i can tell you, the devastation is severe, and it's widespread. >> reporter: parts of the state saw nearly six inches of crrainn just 24 hours. flash flooding cut off power to wastewater treatment plants in at least two cities. >> every day it's wet and raining and raining. i'm starting to build an ark at home. >> reporter: record levels of 19 feet are projected. days of severe weather turned cities into waterways. from extreme rain to extreme heat. the national weather service is issuing a heat advisory to more than 100 million americans from coast-to-coast. >> very hot. it's too hot. >> reporter: the nation's capital cracked the triple digits this weekend, the first time june temperatures have been that high. and in california, temperatures in some parts of the state could get as high as 106 degrees. firefighters say the heat can make an already-tough job that much more challenging. >> we're also entering that season where things are just starting to dry out. i think it's going to be a very difficult year for us. >> reporter: and heat isn't the only weather-related challenge here. an air quality advisory has been issued for a fourth straight day, meaning the level of air pollutants is just so high, it can be dangerous for sensitive groups. cbs news, new york. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is doubling down on accusations that the u.s. is withholding deliveries of weapons. meanwhile, in tel aviv on sunday, knthousands of israeli protesters called for benjamin netanyahu to resign. as cbs reports from tel aviv, israeli strikes across gaza are intensifying, and a warning that so. images in this report may be hard to watch. >> reporter: they are among the smallest survivors. children covered in dust and blood. rescued from the collapsed building in the immediate aftermath of israel's airstrikes on a refugee camp near gaza city on saturday. in the light of day, the scale of the devastation was hard to fathom. entire buildings pulverized. dozens were killed and many more wounded in the massive attack that israel insist targeted what it called two hamas military infrastructure sites. >> translator: america keeps telling israel it must stop its attack says this eyewitness, but, at the same time, america is giving israel weapons that are being used against civilians. >> reporter: but benjamin netanyahu has yet again accused the u.s. of withholding weapons shipments for israel, tell his cabinet tonight the drop in arms deliveries began four months ago without specifying which weapons. >> translator: for weeks, we asked our american friends to speed up the shipment. we did it time and time again. >> reporter: netanyahu's repeated claims have sparked fury from critics in israel and have been met with confusion and denials from the white house, exposing what's been described as major tensions with the biden administration. tensions which are also growing over israel's actions in the occupied west bank. following outrage over this video of israeli soldiers driving with an injured palestinian strapped to an army jeep, which a top ou.n. officia described as human shielding in action. israel ales war against hamas continues striking a nerve back here at home. in los angeles, on sunday, scattered bouts of violence broke out during a day-long protest over fighting in the middle east. turning now to politics with the first presidential debate of 2024 just days away. the candidates spent much of the weekend preparing. cbs has more from the white house. >> reporter: this week could be a make or break moment for the biden and trump campaigns. >> it's going to be tough and nasty. and to say you're the worst president in history? or should i be nice and calm? and let him speak? >> reporter: trump was out and about this weekend, campaigning in washington, d.c. and philadelphia, where he teased a potential pick for his ticket. >> nobody knows. >> reporter: among the possible candidates is north dakota governor doug burgum. >> i think we're all anxious to see which joe biden is going to show up. >> joe biden doesn't have any concerns about his mental fitness, nor do i. >> reporter: president biden is spending time at camp david, preparing for the upcoming debate with a team of current and former advisers. the president will stay at the presidential retreat until thursday's debate, taking part in mock debate sessions led by former chief of staff ron klain. both men will need to motivate key groups of voters, including those under 30, the majority of whom say biden and trump's age is a factor. only 66% of young voters say they will definitely vote this year, compared to 94% of those 65 and older. while 48% of those under 30 say neither candidate understands younger people. it will likely be a blockbuster news week. not only are we awaitig the presidential debate, but we're also waiting for the supreme court to weigh in over president donald trump's immunity claims. willie james inman, cbs news, the white house. >> and you can watch live coverage of the presidential debate hosted by cnn right here on cbs. it's on thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern time, 8:00 p.m. central. and join us for pre and post coverage. we have learned that federal prosecutors are recommending to the justice department that charges be filed in relation to airline manufacturer boeing. that's according to two sources familiar with the discussions. the doj found earlier this year that boeing had violated a deferred prosecution agreement, and at the time, indicated in court filings that it might proceed with charges against the company for conduct tied to the 737 max krcrashes among other accusations. the final recommendation is not a final decision. neither the department of justice nor boeing have commented. when cbs news roundup returns, we will take a look at donald trump's plan to eliminate federal taxes on service workers' tips. will it even be possible? stay with us for that story and a lot more after this break. 1 out of 5 young people struggle with disorders like depression, dyslexia, adhd, ocd, eating disorders, 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roundup. i'm matt pieper in new york. the countdown has begun to the first debate of the 2024 presidential campaign. president biden and former president donald trump will take the stage in atlanta for the first of only two debates planned before the big vote. it is the earliest debate in u.s. history and will take place before a divided and angry electorate. our robert costa has more. >> reporter: the standoff next thursday in atlanta already historic. earlier than ever in a presidential race. and the first time a current and former president go head to head. >> he's going to be so pumped up. he's going to be pumped up. >> reporter: allies of both tell cbs news, biden, age 81, and trump, age 78, know voters will be paying attention not only to their answers but how they handle themselves. >> the debate is going to make clear the contrast between our president, the current president, who works on behalf of the american people, fights for the american people and the former president who pretty much spends full time fighting for himself. >> reporter: biden is now settling in at camp david for days of private prep, led by former chief of staff ron klain, personal attorney bob bower slated to play trump in miock debates with the campaign focussing on trump as a threat to democracy and abortion rights. >> how is debate prep going! >> reporter: trump sources say he is getting briefed on various policy topics by several senators and is preparing to counter president biden on inflation and immigration. the former president has, for months, challenged biden to take a cognitive test. but suggested on thursday biden was a skilled debater. >> i assume he's going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. yeah, i would say. i think, i don't want to underestimate him. >> reporter: in the fund raising fight, trump outraised biden in may, after trailing the president for months. the former president's efforts got a $50 million donation from billionaire timothy melon, one of the largest single contributions ever. sources close to former president trump tell me they know the money raised will only ramp up this summer, and his team is considering that as he mulls running mate. looking at how effective they might be with big donors. robert costa, washington. republicans in the senate have unveiled a bill to eliminate the federal tax on tips. it is a proposal former president trump unveiled on the campaign trail. millions rely on tips to make ends meet. but some worry the tax would balloon the federal deficit, and democrats say if you want to help them raise the federal minimum wage. >> reporter: it's an idea former president trump first introduced while campaigning this month in nevada. >> when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. >> reporter: trump pitched it in the state with the highest percentage of service workers who would be affected. >> it would probably sway me a little bit. because it does help me at the end of the day. >> reporter: if tips went tax free, bartenders, waiters and other service workers would no longer pay federal income or taxes to help fund programs like social security and medicare. >> he knew what he was doing when he came out and said that. >> reporter: she runs 911 taco bar and is undecided how to vote. trump's idea is not enough to win her over, but she knows it would help her workers. her friend, lori ramirez, has been a bar tender for a dozen years, some nights pulling in hundreds of dollars in tips. lori's tips paid by credit card are automatically reported for taxes. cash tips aren't. if trump's plan takes effect, she wonders how she would prove her extra income. >> on paper it's not going to show that. there's good and bad to it, i think. >> reporter: economist mark zandi. >> you need to report your income and prove it. and it might be difficult to do that. that might be another unintended consequence. >> reporter: nevada's powerful c culinary union opposes trump's idea, saying its members are smart enough to know the difference between rell solutions and wild promises from a convicted felon. trump's ideas require congressional action, and this week, republicans close to him unveiled plans to make it law. but other republicans are skeptical. >> it's like everything else, with the tax code, it's complicated, and you've got to think it through. >> reporter: don't be surprised if this proposal comes up during next week's presidential debate. and we have a few more details on what that exchange will look like. president biden has chosen the lectern that will be on the right side of your screen, while donald trump is set to get the last word and deliver the last closing statement. >> that was ed o'keefe, and this is cbs news roundup. did you know... 80% of women are struggling with hair damage? just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind 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(♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. there's still no date for the crew of the boeing starliner to return to earth. the mission to the international space station was supposed to last eight days, but boeing's ship is suffering from thruster malfunctions and helium leaks. mark strassmann reports. >> ignition. and liftoff of starliner and atlas five. >> reporter: starliner's launch two weeks ago was picture perfect. but hours into the test flight, a problem. >> looks like we picked up a couple more helium leaks. >> all right, we're ready to copy. find out exactly what you mean by picked up another helium leak. >> reporter: it had launched with one small lehelium leak. now it has five. starliner also lost five small maneuvering engines on the final approach to the space station. all but one were recovered. but the glitches convince nasa to delay starliner's return to earth. >> we want to give our teams a little bit more time to look at the data, do some analysis and make sure we're really ready to come home. >> reporter: bill harwood. >> they're cleared to come home in an emergency if they really need to leave right now they could. it's not like they're stranded on the space station, but nasa wants to get as much information as they can before the crew comes home. >> yeah, this is a risk. it is a higher risk than most flights. >> reporter: we melt starliner's crew, butch will mormore and su houston. so far all these surprises have been in starliner's service module. but it gets thrown away before the capsule reenters earth's amosphere, meaning engineers need to examine the faulty hardware while in space. that's why they're making this big effort to get as much data as they can. because that's what they're going to have to base their decisions on downstream. >> reporter: boeing hopes this will lead to regular flights to the iss starting early this charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth. charmin ultra soft smooth 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and the gift shop. there are literally no other businesses on the island. >> so people who live out there are resilient. they're creative. >> reporter: and they're few. too few, according to bob. only president of the community development corporation. >> it's essential that we continue to attract families. >> reporter: so last year, this community of about 350 yeary3 efforts to woo others. a young family from central massachusetts, dakota waters, his son flynn, wife hanna and their baby amelia moved here a few months ago. >> our whole family thought we were psychotic. they're like, a remote island in the middle of the ocean? >> had you been on an island before? >> nope. never even been on the ocean. >> reporter: yet here they live. the newest members of a dying breed. at one point, there were about 300 communities out here on maine's most isolated islands. now, just over a dozen we remain. and keeping those alive will require a new breed of frontiers men, folks who value solitude over starbucks and don't mind a bit of diversity. >> people have traded the good life for a convenient one. and convenience isn't always the best. >> reporter: to that point, waters raise some of their own food and work multiple jobs. dakota does plumbing, lawn maintenance. the old land lobber even works on a lobster boat. and, as for the children, this year, his son flynn was just one of two kids in the k-8 schoolhouse, and that was the other. the place is just that small. but dakota says the tininess is more blessing than curse. >> there we go! >> we have so much more bonding time with the kids. it's undescribably wholesome. >> reporter: you think you're here for good? >> yeah. >> i'm not moving my stuff off this rock again. it was too hard to get it here. >> reporter: come for the beauty. stay because it's too hard to leave. could be another soft-sell ad. steve it's monday, june 24th, 2024. this is "cbs news mornings." extreme weather. rising floodwaters swamp the midwest, while much of the country continues to broil in the heat. targeted by terror. gunmen open fire on places of worship in what appears to be a coordinated attack in russia's dagestan province. and criminal charges against boeing? the recommendation from federal prosecutors against the aerospace giant. good morning, and good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. more than a million people are under flood warnings across the midwest, and the video is just devastating. some towns left almost completely submerged leading to evacuations and rescues, some rivers at record levels. iowa's governor called the flooding in her state catastrophic, and at least one person was killed in south dakota. and there is no relief from the heat in much of the country. at least eight deaths are being blamed on the scorching temperatures. cbs' naomi ruchim is joining us now from new york with the latest on all of this weather. good morning. >> reporter: anne-marie, good morning. this oppressive heat wave is now shifting with its sight set on the southeast according to the national weather service, multiple heat records could be tied or broken in the coming days. for others the danger is in the heavy rain and some flooding swallowing towns whole. waterville, minnesota, is waterlogged. the largest flooding event in the area's history. even though the rain has stopped, officials expect more water will arrive from swollen rivers to the north and say it could be days before those floodwaters recede. >> i'm just devastated over what has happened. >> reporter: down river in sioux county, iowa, officials say the worst is over. about 1,500 residents had to be evacuated by helicopter over the weekend after 15 inches of rain fell and a river breached a levee. >> i can tell you the devastation is severe, and it's widespread. >> reporter: governor kim reynolds declared a disaster for more than 20 counties as some cities lost power and drinking water. some businesses were destroyed like this home decor store. >> total loss. >> reporter: volunteers in the flood zones will face a separate challenge ads the heat and humidity make temperatures feel like the triple digits. the northeast and mid-atlantic will cool down today after nearly a week under a heat dome. but no such luck for southern california where actual triple-digit temperatures could last through thursday. >> it's very hot. like burning. >> reporter: washington, d.c., baltimore, and philadelphia all broke heat records this weekend, but it's not just the heat. in many areas the humidity is making it feel like triple digits, with no relief even overnight, anne-marie. these temperatures are still high. >> man, naomi ruchim, thank you so much. russian officials say more than 15 police officers and several civilians including a priest were killed in attacks in the southern republic of dagestan. authorities say armed militants opened fire on two orthodox churches, synagogues and a police post. the near simultaneous terror attacks happened yesterday in two cities. video shows buildings on fire and gun battles raging in the streets. local officials say six gunmen were killed. no one has claimed responsibility for the attacks. and now to the growing tensions between israel and the united states with prime minister benjamin netanyahu doubling down on accusations the u.s. is withholding weapons. secretary of state antony blinken is set to meet with israel's defense minister, yoav gallant, today in washington. now gallant's main goal is to get the u.s. to unfreeze a shipment of heavy-duty bombs it's withholding. meanwhile netanyahu says the military is close to completing its ground offensive in rafah. while that does not mean the end to the war, he says it would free up troops allowing the military to shift its focus to the northern border where fighting has intensified against hezbollah. the prime minister also says that he is ready to make a partial deal with hamas to return some hostages still being held captive. he reiterated the war will continue until the terror group is eliminated. hamas continues to insist that any agreement include a permanent cease-fire. cbs' imtiaz tyab has the latest from tel aviv. >> reporter: they are among the smallest survivors -- children covered in dust and blood. rescued from a collapsed building in the immediate aftermath of israel's air strikes on the shati refugee camp near gaza city on saturday. in the light of day, the scale of the devastation was hard to fathom. entire buildings pulverized. dozens were killed, and many more wounded in the massive attack that israel insists targeted what it called two hamas military infrastructure sites. america keeps telling israel it must stop its attacks, said eyewitness mohammed madoukh, but at the same time america is giving israel weapons that are being used against the civilians. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has yet again accused the u.s. of withholding weapons shipments for israel, telling his cabinet the drop in arms deliveries began four months ago without specifying which weapons. for weeks we asked our american friends to speed up the shipments, he said. we did it time and time again. netanyahu's repeated claims have sparked fury from his critics in israel and have been met with confusion and denials from the white house exposing what's been described as major tensions with the biden administration. tensions which are also growing over israel's actions in the occupied west bank. following outrage over this video of israeli soldiers driving with an injured palestinian strapped to an army jeep which a top u.n. official described as human shielding in action. imtiaz tyab, cbs news, london. it was another weekend of deadly violence across america with more than a dozen mass shootings. that's according to the gun violence archive. in arkansas four people were killed, and ten were hurt when a gunman opened fire at a grocery store friday. police say the shooter began firing in the parking lot before entering the store where he continued shooting. the gunman was arrested after being shot by police. in columbus, ohio, police are searching for a suspect who fled in a car after ten people were shot and wounded yesterday. all of the victims, though, are expected to survive. and in montgomery, alabama, at least nine people were shot and wounded during a crowded street party yesterday. police say more than 600 rounds were fired from high-powered rifles and handguns in the shooting that lasted about two federal prosecutors are recommending the justice department file criminal charges against boeing. the justice department must decide by july 7th whether the company violated a deferred prosecution agreement in connection with the two 737 max crashes that killed more than 300 people. under the deal boeing would not be prosecuted if it paid were m -- paid more than $2 billion in settlement money and made certain organizational changes. boeing says that it has not violated the agreement. a maryland couple is among the more than 1,300 people who died during extreme heat at this year's muslim hajj pilgrimage in saudi arabia. u.s. senate candidate angela alsobrooks confirmed the news on x in a post. the couple is believed to have died of heatstroke in mecca as temperatures soared to 120 degrees. turning now to the presidential race and the first debate of 2024 is only three days away. and both president biden and former president donald trump are gearing up but in very different ways. cbs' willie james inman reports from the white house on the candidates' preparations. >> reporter: this week could be a make-or-break moment for the biden and trump campaigns. >> should i be tough and nasty and just say you're the worst president in history? or should i be nice and calm and let him speak? >> reporter: trump was out and about this weekend campaigning in washington, d.c., and philadelphia where he teased a potential pick for his ticket. >> do they know -- >> no, nobody knows. >> reporter: among the possible candidates is north dakota governor doug burgum who said the biden team is trying to lower expectations. >> i think we're all anxious to see which joe biden is going to show up. >> joe biden doesn't have any concerns about his mental fitness, nor do i. >> how is debate prep going? >> reporter: president biden is spending time at camp david preparing for the upcoming debate with a team of current and former advisers. the president will stay at the presidential retreat until thursday's debate, taking part in mock debate sessions led by former chief of staff ron klain. both men will need to motivate key groups of voters including those under 30. the majority of whom say biden and trump's age is a factor. while young voters prefer biden, only 66% of registered young voters say they will definitely vote this year, compared to 94% of those 65 and older. 48% of those under 30 say neither candidate understands younger people. it will likely be a blockbuster news week. not only are we awaiting the presidential debate, but we're awaiting the supreme court to weigh in over president donald trump's immunity claims. willie james inman, cbs news, the white house. and you can watch the presidential debate hosted by cnn this thursday right here on cbs. it starts at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 8:00 central. coming up, drownings at beaches in florida. tourists get caught up in a deadly rip current. and the wilderness rescue. the search for a little boy who went missing for nearly a day. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an 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see-through. -i knew that. -i knew you knew that. talenti. raise the jar. a scary scene during the end of the travelers championship in connecticut. six climate change protesters ran onto the 18th green during the pga tour event as the leaders including number-one-ranked golfer scottie scheffler were lined up their putts. the protesters sprayed white and red powder before they were tackled and taken away by police. a reward is being offered in the new mexico wildfire investigation, and tragic drownings in florida. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." the "associated press" says three men were killed when they were caught in a rip current at a florida panhandle beach. authorities say the three alabama men got pulled out soon after they went into the water friday night off the coast of panama city. their deaths come one day after a pennsylvania couple drowned in a rip current off the state's atlantic coast. two of their children who were swimming with them on hutchinson island were able to break free. "usa today" reports the fbi is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone responsible for starting two deadly new mexico wildfires. the fires killed two people and destroyed or damaged more than 1,400 homes and buildings. the thousands who evacuated the village of ruidoso will be allowed to return home today. officials say that the fires are not expected to be fully contained for several weeks. and the "los angeles times" says a 4-year-old boy was found safe after spending 22 hours alone in the california wilderness. search crews found the boy friday morning nestled under a tree near a lake about a quarter mile from where he disappeared the day before. his family reported him missing after he wandered away from a campground in the sierra national forest north of fresno. officials say he was exhausted up and hungry but otherwise in good health. ahead, a pageant for pooches. tongues are wagging as the winner of the world's ugliest dog contest is crowned. rowned. 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( ♪♪ ) here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ meet the world's ugliest dog. not that bad. an 8-year-old pekingese from oregon named wild thang finally took home the crown after five tries. wild thang's biography says he contracted a virus as a puppy that left him with permanent side effects including no teeth which makes his tongue hang out a bit, and his front leg, right front leg moves constantly. car dealerships still suffering from a cyberattack, and a big battery charger recall. here's matt pieper with today's cbs "moneywatch." >> reporter: stocks coasted to the close of their latest winning week as nvidia stock continued to cool from its startling super nova run. the dow gained 15. the nasdaq, though, lost 32. s&p down 8 points. a michigan company is recalling 567,000 portable battery chargers that are sold at costco after 120 reports of the product overheating while charging. and the devices are linked to two residental fires. they were sold at costco stores nationwide and on line from january, 2022, through november of '23, for about $40. birmingham, michigan, mycharge says it's received five reports of the made-in-china chargers overheating including two home fires. car dealerships are still feeling the wrath after back-to-back cyberattacks last wednesday. work has begun to restore systems used by 15,000 auto dealers nationwide. for prospective car buyers that may mean delays at dealerships or vehicle orders written by hand with no end in sight. the group said it hacked cdk global is demanding tens of millions in ransom. and "inside out 2" was still number one at the movies. the pixar sequel made another $100 million in ticket sales, a new record for an animated movie in its second week in theaters. it's also now the biggest movie of the year. that's your cbs "moneywatch" report for this monday morning. i'm matt pieper, cbs news, new york. up next, an extra special guest at taylor swift's concert. her football boyfriend dressed up for a surprise appearance. have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm. (katie) check it outtttt... (gina) nice! blue buffalo, huh? we have nutrish... sound like you? (katie) well blue's got deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, oatmeal... (gina) nutrish has chicken, soybean meal, whole corn, whole grain wheat... hmmm... (gina) okay bud, we'll switch to blue! [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy? when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. (♪♪) if it's been a minute since you've been to panera, you might not want to wait a second longer. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. enjoy free drinks all suer hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. you're never cool. visit here's a look at the forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ taylor swift brought a surprise guest on stage during her "eras tour" concert in london. that's her boyfriend and kansas city chiefs player travis kelce in a tux and a top hat. and swift's tour drew a who's who was celebrities to wembley stadium this weekend. among them, tom cruise, ashton kutcher and mila kunis and many more. also in the audience prince william and his eldest children, prince george and princess charlotte. they all posed for a selfie with the pop star and also one with travis kelce. justin timberlake broke his silence about the dwi arrest in new york. >> been a tough week. you're here, and i'm here. >> the singer made those comments in chicago friday night. his first concert since his arrest in the hamptons last week. timberlake allegedly told cops he had just one martini when he was pulled over. coming up first on "cbs mornings," actors djimon hounsou and alex wolff discuss their new movie "a quiet place: day one." i'm anne-marie green. this is "cbs news mornings." n. this is "cbs news mornings." when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. talenti mango sorbetto is made with a hundred percent real fruit. -with alphonso mangoes. -yeah, i know. -oh? -right? -mmm-hmm. talenti. raise the jar. time to press rewind with... neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair. it has derm-proven retinol... ...expertly formulated... target skin cell turnover... ...and fights not one—but 5 signs of aging. ♪ hey there, welcome to "cbs mornings" on this monday, june 24th. i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm vlad duthiers. >> i'm

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