Transcripts For KPIX 60 Minutes 20140317 :

Transcripts For KPIX 60 Minutes 20140317

Us. Safer drones are operating all over america right now. There you go. Safer and what theyre doing is more than you ever imagined. Governments dont just get to have drones now. Your everyday person can go buy a drone on the internet. Safer i find that scary, quite honestly. There was no commercially sold hot sauce before tabasco. Edmund invented the category. Gupta that would make this the first family of hot sauce. laughs that sounds real good. Gupta the first family of hot sauce turned tabasco into one of the oldest and largest familyowned businesses in the country. Im looking at the color. Thats why ive got an incandescent light. I want to look at the color, i want to look at the seed. Just let it sit there for a minute. And then, the heat kicks in. Tastes like candy. Gupta tastes like candy . Smells like money. Im steve kroft. Im lesley stahl. Im morley safer. Im bob simon. Im scott pelley. Those stories tonight on 60 minutes. Call. Good evening, the u. S. Says there will be costs for russia after todays crimea vote. Hondas recalling nearly 900,000 odyssey minivans because of faulty fuel pump cover. And an unnamed billionaire has purchased a world record 201 Million Dollar Life Insurance plan. Im shareen alfonsi, cbs news. Always one step ahead with an intuitive motion activated lid and seat, kohler makes sure youll never have to ask him again. Still running in the morning . Yeah. Getting your vegetables every day . When i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] couldve had a v8. Two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. Crestor got more highrisk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. Way to go, crestor yeah getting to goal is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors. Because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. So, when diet and exercise arent enough to lower cholesterol, adding crestor can help. 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His weekly show was yanked off the air last october and, though he is back on now, he doesnt know for how long, or how seriously he should take the Death Threats he receives with some regularity. Youssef does political satire on tv, and nobodys seen anything like it not in egypt, not in the rest of the arab world. We traveled to cairo last month to watch youssef as he was preparing his first show on a new network. He knows it could be cancelled any day, not because of poor ratings, but because people in power so often feel threatened by laughter. He has such a fervent following that all he has to do is say welcome to the program for his audience to crack up. Bassem youssef speaking in arabic simon its the kind of show with which americans are very familiar. Youssef the name of the game, whats up simon every week, an estimated 30 Million People tune in. Egyptians have never seen anything like this before. Youssef speaking in arabic simon and bassem knows hes never quite beyond the reach of the authorities. We wont listen to anybody who intimidates us, he says. We want freedom. Freedom bassem saved his best material for former president mohammed morsi. Look at what morsi wore when he received an honorary doctorate in pakistan. Now, look at how bassem portrayed it on the air. Bassem was accused of damaging egypt pakistan relations. You made him look like a clown. Youssef i never. I never meant to actually make him look like a clown. Simon oh, come on, you wore a hat. Youssef yeah. Simon . That made him look like a clown. Youssef i made fun of the hat, not about the president. Simon oh, come on. Youssef i impersonated the hat. laughter simon egyptians across the country laughed themselves silly, but morsi was not amused by the hat joke. A warrant was issued for bassems arrest. He was formally accused of insulting the president and insulting islam serious charges in egypt. But at his interrogation, he reacted the only way he knew how. Youssef they called me in. In an interrogation. It was fun. Simon it was fun . Youssef yes, because there were some people in the area that were actually fans of the show. laughter simon now, when. When they read you out the joke, were they laughing . Youssef the guy was reading it with a straight face, but the guy who was actually writing was laughing, and the lawyers were laughing. Simon he records in this 75 yearold art deco theater, built in the same style as radio city music hall in new york. Youssef each episode, we have 100,000 requests for 200 seats. 100,000 requests can you imagine that . Simon no. Youssef so, this is a whole new lobby. Simon its a far cry from the chaos of cairo. His set is worthy of any late night talk show. Youssef and this is, sir, my desk. Hes make. Hes keeping my seat warm. Thank you. Simon now, it does have a certain resemblance to the daily show with jon stewart, doesnt it . Youssef yeah. But we have a bigger theater. laughter simon and a much bigger audience around twenty times bigger. Jon stewart took notice, and invited him to new york to appear on his show. Jon stewart please welcome Bassem Youssef. cheers and applause simon bassem couldnt believe he was there. cheers and applause last year, in a show of support for bassem, stewart went to cairo. He was led onto the set by a couple of nasty looking guys. This time, it was stewart who was heading for an interrogation. Ladies and gentlemen, jon stewart cheers and applause simon bassem was the one asking the questions. Youssef does satire get you into trouble . I mean, what about the love that you get from the people . Stewart ill tell you this it doesnt get me into the kind of trouble it gets you into. I get in trouble, but nowhere near what happens to you. Simon bassem may have been in trouble with morsi, but morsi was in real trouble. His regime was a disaster, the economy was in shambles, and his islamist agenda was angering people across egypt. After months of protests, the military stepped in and deposed him. Some held bassem partly responsible for demolishing morsis reputation. Did you help destabilize morsi . Youssef of. Well, its like helping what i did is i did a political satire show. If his regime was destabilized because of a show that comes one hour a week, that is a very weak regime. So its. Maybe its not about my strength, and maybe its about their weakness. Simon but laughter is a very powerful instrument. You know that better than anyone. Youssef i just want to have fun, dude. I mean, what are you getting me into . Simon with the generals now in charge, egypt became a military dictatorship. Field marshall Abdel Fattah El sisi, the new leader, was lionized for having overthrown morsi. But he was slamming the door on dissent. Since last summer, over 1,000 protestors have been massacred. Journalists and dissidents of all stripes have been arrested and tortured. But Bassem Youssef refused to be deterred. Are you the only voice thats not in this syndrome of pleasing the army . Youssef lets say that i am not in part of the massive current going in the certain direction to please certain people. Simon you can see which way that current is flowing. Everywhere, posters of field marshal sisi dominate the landscape. Instead of baseball cards, vendors sell sisi cards. Pastries adorned with the field marshals face are sold in shops across cairo. That was too delicious for bassam to resist, so in a skit last october, a baker walks in with a tray full of sisi cakes. At first, bassem isnt interested, but he soon realizes it would better for his health to buy one. Only one . The baker asks. You dont like sisi or what . Bassem hesitates. Okay, he says, give me everything youve got. And the reaction you got was. . Youssef people were laughing. But thats the immediate reaction. Theres another reaction that we have to deal with it. Simon and that reaction came a week later. There were protests outside of bassems theater, and the network pulled his next episode just minutes before it was due to air. Then, the show was cancelled altogether. Was that a surprise . These were very powerful people. Werent you scared . Youssef im always not scared. Im always. Simon youre always not scared . laughs youssef im fine. I mean, what. What could happen . Simon they could hurt you. Youssef like what . Simon there are many ways, and we both know what they are. Youssef so it will happen. I mean, if it happens, it happens. You should let go of your fears in. So you can be able to operate. Simon and youre able to do that . Youssef im trying to, because sometimes fear is crippling. Simon fear is everywhere in egypt today. But just three years ago, millions gathered across the country to demand freedom. At first, bassem didnt really participate in the movement. He was a respected heart surgeon, had never shown any interest in politics. But when people started getting bloodied and killed in tahrir square. Youssef we got medical supplies, and we went to the square. And we started treating patients, stitching wounds, and. In the makeshift clinics in the square. So this was our involvement. Simon when you were there tending to the wounded, was this for you, a moment of truth, an epiphany, Something Like that . Youssef no, it. I think it was a moment of solidarity. I mean, im. Im not into the business of throwing rocks. All i did was just, like, fix the wounds. Simon you were being a doctor. Youssef yeah, im just being a doctor simon that experience led him to make an astonishing career change. Hed always loved the limelight and dreamt about being a comedian, so when a friend approached him about doing his own show on youtube, he jumped at the chance. Youssef we set it up in my house, one camera. Simon in your house . Youssef yes, my spare room. One desk, one camera, and me on the camera, writing scripts and getting clips of the media at that time. Simon egyptian media had never been called upon to broadcast anything resembling truth. Bassem was a trailblazer. When you started uploading onto youtube, what did you expect . Youssef i expected about 10,000 views, for. Simon did you get 10,000 . Youssef i got five million. Simon and then he got an offer any comedian would die for his own tv show. But that wasnt the only offer on the table. Simon you were offered a job as a cardiac surgeon. Youssef yes, in cleveland. Simon . In cleveland. You could have had a lovely house with a white picket fence, and a swimming pool, and a good school. You were being offered the american dream. Youssef yeah, the american dream. Yeah. I chose the egyptian dream, the dream to make a tv show, and then be called an infidel by the end. laughs simon an infidel, and now. Youssef and now, a traitor. Simon but the traitor, as hes called, began conspiring to make a comeback. After three months off the air, bassem found another network that was willing to take the risk. His army of researchers snapped to it, scouring the internet and the airwaves for new targets to skewer, even if it was far from certain that there would be another show. Youssef and this is the key, this is the whole key if you lose faith in what you do, all of this doesnt mean anything. Simon a day before the taping, bassems writers are busy and bewildered. What do you think is going to happen this time . Are you confident that its going to be on the air . Youssef show of hands that we are going to continue without stopping. Show of hands we are going to be pulled off air very soon. Whoo laughter simon anything could happen the police or the army could step in, shut bassem down before he even gets to the stage. The network could get cold feet. But they keep on going. The theater has come alive in a frenzy of preparations bomb sniffing dogs, surveillance cameras, a steel gate. Its easier to get a ticket to the super bowl. Valet parking, a cordon of riot Police Everything but certainty. Even the people who came to see the show didnt know whether there would be a show. I cannot predict that. I hope so. And its going to be stupid, because the more you ban something, the more, like, people want to see it more. Simon people knew that bassem would have to be careful this time around. He would try to make people laugh, of course, but wouldnt make fun of sisi. Well, people were wrong. cheers and applause sisi wasnt spared bassems team spun a wheel, hoping to find a tv program that wasnt about the field marshal. First up, a food channel. Sisi, sisi. Simon then a fashion channel. It featured jeans, signed by sisi. He couldnt do it. Every channel he turned to had nothing on it but sisi. Bassem had had enough, he cut to a commercial. The brand of this cooking oil . Sisi. laughter as a last resort, he tried a foreign channel, but that didnt work either. Oh, see seesee rider. Simon while bassem was ready to pull the trigger, people across egypt were killing themselves laughing. But will there be an encore . The punch line of your next joke could be jail. Youssef why . Why are you being so gloomy . Just expect the best, man. I will be okay. Simon for the second week in a row, bassems broadcast signal has been jammed mysteriously. Right after the show was knocked off the air this past friday, bassem told us this has never been done in the history of tv here. We dont know who is doing it and we frankly dont know what to do. What does americas jon stewart think of egypts jon stewart . Go to 60minutesovertime. Com to find out. Safer it may surprise you to learn that drones are flying across america not the impersonal killing machines that patrol the badlands overseas, but drones none the less. Used by the fbi, by university researchers, by amateur photographers, even by your nosy neighbors. Domestic drones are poised to become a multibillion dollar industry, revolutionizing everything from Crop Management down on the farm to possibly Package Delivery to your doorstep. The federal Aviation Administration is trying to figure out the rules of the road for drones, but for the moment, theyre barely regulated. Tonight, we offer a quick once over of just what these gizmos can do. We begin in a park in austin, texas. Colin guinn so ill go ahead and hit record and ill start flying this for you. And then, just slowly tilt up my camera to reveal the city. Safer were looking at the future. Guinn and then i can spin around us here. Safer and whether we like it or not, the future is looking back at us. Guinn . And then come right in on us. There you go. And its just going to hang out there till were done with it. Safer colin guinn is showing us his flying cameras, his own squadron of drones. These are definitely not your grandfathers model planes. Guinn and then this shows me that i have seven satellites in view. Safer they navigate by gps signals, this one controlled through a very smart phone. Guinn this is a wifi repeater that the phone only has to talk this far. And then this talks to that. Safer sensors on board tell the drone exactly where it should be and how to get back home. Guinn now, if i take it and i move it over here . If i let it go, where does it go . It knows where its supposed to be. So it goes right back to where its supposed to be. Safer sophisticated as they are, any idiot can fly one. Guinn now, just push up on this one. Safer up . Guinn push up and just let it keep going. Just let it keep going. Safer and in the hands of someone who actually knows what theyre doing, you can get a birds eye view of things, literally. Guinn so say i want to fly right through this hole in the tree, that little gap. So im going to bring it down and fly it back through that hole right at us. It takes a little practice to be able to, you know, stick them down through areas like that, but. And there you go. Safer laughs guinn saw the potential of drones early on, and became an entrepreneur, selling small drones for the consumer market. Guinn we thought the people that would be buying them would be just your photographers and your videographers, right. But whats interesting is that people see this thing flying around and they go, man, im not really too sure what im going to take aerial photos or video of, but that things really cool and i want one. Safer and the pictures they take are often breathtaking. Here, a drone hovers over niagara falls, looking straight down. Gadget guys and girls, as guinn calls them, have sent drones weaving their way through the leafy avenues of new yorks Greenwich Village and through the grand canyons of times square. And at the other end of the country, theyve watched the endless summer unfold in hawaii, the surfer dudes in paradise. Young gadgets for a young crowd. I noticed the average age in this business seems to be somewhere in the 20s say, right . Guinn absolutely, its definitely a very young business. Safer increasingly, drones are being used for much more than fun and games environmental research, for example. They monitor Marine Wildlife off the washington coast. And there are other uses. Guinn anything from a farmer that wants to take a photo every week of his crops to look for hot spots, to know where to not use too much pesticide or where they might need to add more water. Safer they help the Forest Service battle wildfires. Guinn they can just monitor it. They can be 200 feet in the air, looking at this fire. Where is it moving . Theres a ton of environmental uses to fly around after an earthquake or after a flood and see what the damage is and. And, you know, who needs help. Safer indeed, after the 2011 tsunami in japan damaged a nuclear reactor, drones flew in to measure radiation when it was still too dangerous for humans. And after last years typhoon in the philippines, they surveyed the devastation, flying lower than any helicopter or plane could do. Michael toscano we have a saying that we build Unmanned Systems for the four ds thats the dirty, dangerous, difficult and dull missions. Safer Michael Toscano

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