Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20161107 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20161107

for a new approach." man: vote yes on 64. el live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. we are counting down the hours to election day. good afternoon, it's monday, november 7. i'm can actually. >> and i am michelle griego. the candidates are both making a final sprint to the country and is jamie yuccas reports, by tomorrow the two campaigns will be at their new york headquarters to watch the results. it's the final day of campaigning and hillary clinton is bringing out some big names. the president and first lady will join clinton and her family in philadelphia today and donald trump will hold a rally in scranton as pennsylvania remains in the campaign crosshairs. the dow serves -- surged more than 200 points at the opening bell this morning following fbi director james comey's announcement on sunday that the bureau will not recommend charges related to clinton's use of a private email server. after its review of newly discovered emails. >> we are grateful that this matter is resolved now. we found it very puzzling as you know when director comey first brought this up a week ago. >> reporter: donald trump razed against the decision -- raged against the decision. >> with what's happening with our justice, our country is the laughingstock all over the world. the republican nominee plans to visit five critical states today beginning in florida where the latest battleground tracker pulls show the candidates in a dead heat, each with 45% of the vote. trump plans to continue his sprint through the battleground state even as voters are showing up to the polls on tuesday. then both candidates will be back here in new york at the headquarters as a root -- as the results role in. overall, the general election matchup nationally shows clinton with a four-point lead, 45% to 41% for trump. jamie yuccas cbs 2 news new york. it's not just the presidential candidates. the breed -- the vice president candidates are also crisscrossing the country . >> as they hold the -- make the final push, we're keeping a close eye on the key battleground states. >> if we look at the map as it stands, you can see there are four places that appear -- states that appear to be in play and a number of others that appear to be leaning to one side or another. three of the four states are in play are on the east coast, so for us west coast folks, we can watch those numbers come in relatively early. as jamie yuccas said, florida is an important -- california is important. but i want to give you a quick shorthand. here's the thing, if trump loses florida there's almost no way he can win this and clinton lose -- loses, there's a most no way she can win it so those are the main two to keep your eye on. florida polls close at seven, pennsylvania they close at 5 pm. and as you know it takes some time for the results to come in. there will be exit polls etc. but those are the two to be watching as we wait for the local ballots and information to come in later that night. voters in three bay area counties will also decide on a $3.5 billion bond measure aimed at repairing and upgrading part -- barr. they need a two thirds majority -- butt. -- they are explaining why not everybody is on board with this the transit agencies -- agency's plan. >> reporter: anytime there's an issue with b.a.r.t. we hear from a b.a.r.t. spokesperson that it's just an example of why they believe this measure needs to pass so from today we hear from those both for it and against the measure as they try to get voters' attention. >> just as b.a.r.t. connects our city into a system so that we can all flow around, we are here connected together. >> measure rr would approve a $3.5 billion bond that would attempt to improve commuter congestion across the bay area. butt says things -- b.a.r.t. says it's much faster than those who drive across the bridge. >> at the region growing exponentially where we anticipate more residents by 2040 in a region that is desperate for comprehensive infrastructure and transit. >> most of the program plan would be used to repair and replace existing infrastructure. the rest would go towards traffic reduction and more access to bart stations. he says he's not against any of those things, but he is against measure rr because he doesn't ask -- doesn't trust how b.a.r.t. will continue to spend taxpayer money. >> they want to say pay up or else. >> there are nine stations in senator glazer's district and he said since he started breaking it down -- it started breaking down back in 1993. >> we need a plan. that doesn't give salaries and benefits -- excessively. >> reporter: measures are on the ballot in several counties. jackie ward, kpix 5. right now senator bernie sanders is in the golden state making a final push for proposition 61 saying the measure would help end price gouging by big pharmacies. this morning sanders made a stop in los angeles and in just about a half-hour he will be speaking at a second rally in sacramento in support of the pro-prop 61 campaign which requires the state to negotiate john prices. -- drug prices. and independent analysis found it could cost taxpayers millions more. 19.4 million people are expected at the polls on tuesday. that is up 18.2 million from 2012. nearly 45% are registered democrats and about 26% are republicans. here's a live look inside the san francisco elections department where workers are starting to count early and mail-in ballots. not busy just yet but it should be a lot busier come tomorrow. >> as you prepare to cast her ballot the prepared -- go to there you will find a broad -- a breakdown on local races and salary measures. and be sure to tune in tomorrow for the extension -- extensive election night coverage with the team and reports from our political insiders, as well as the wreck -- the rest of the kpix 5 team. janet reno broke ground in 1993 when she began serving as the first female u.s. attorney general. she passed away last night after a long battle with parkinson's disease. >> reporter: janet reno was the first woman in u.s. history to become the government's top lawyer. by the time she took office, a crisis was already building at a compound in waco, texas. the branch religious sect wasn't -- led by david crash was in a standoff with the fbi. she ordered them to storm the property saying she believed children were being abused. about 80 people died in the raid and reno took full responsibility. >> i approved the plan and i am responsible for it. >> she also drew fire for her handling of the case of ilian gonzales when reno ordered federal agents to storm the house. the child was sent back to cuba to live with his father. the cuban-american queue -- community was enraged. that raid and the follow-up from waco haunted her for years, but she was also recognized for enforcing civil rights and her efforts to regulate violence on tv. reno had been at the justice department for just two years when she noticed her hand shaking and was diagnosed with parkinson's disease. never married, she retired to her modest family home near the everglades and declared herself a private citizen. public life had brought dark times, but looking back she had described her career in politics as an activity of joy. reno was diagnosed with parkinson's in 1995 and spent her final days in florida with her family and friends. they released a statement in response to the passing and -- it read in part she forged a new path for a generation of women in law enforcement and government to follow. i will forever be grateful for her encouragement and support. right now the iraqi military is reporting it has found about 100 decapitated bodies in a mass grave south of bowles oh. a spokesperson says it's unclear whether the remains are soldiers or civilians. iraqi forces are currently battling for control of mosul. more and more civilians are getting caught in the cross fires and hospitals are full of people injured by car bombs, booby-traps and gunfire. >> imagine trying to go into brooklyn or charlotte north carolina where we have huge buildings and now imagine every door, window, rocks, whole, that kind of gunfire can come out at any moment. >> more than 1 million civilians are anticipated to be trapped from inside. they are trying to flee the area . a developing story out of hayward, two leonard dead after a shooting as they were -- they responded to reports of gunfire around 8:30. when they got there, they found two men suffering from gunshot wounds. both were pronounced dead at the scene. those were heyward's 11th and 12 homicides of the year. unclear if any arrests have been made. a suspected serial killer behind bars. the death investigation underway and what led police to the man believed to be responsible for seven killings. and a look at the wake left behind and cleanup efforts getting underway. good afternoon from our kpix 5 weather center in san francisco. it's filtering the sunshine, clouds draped across the bay area and i will show you where they are coming from and the chances of rain. the news will continue. we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the mae gave her top executive managed aa huge pay raiseet, and a lavish car allowance, run up a deficit, then cut jos for local teenagers, and cut after-school program. no wonder tchronicle called mae torlakson "flat-out unprepared" for the assembly. they endorse tim grayson. as mayor of concord, grayson balanced the budget every yer while doing more for kids. tim grayson for assembly. facing the death penalty... as investigators search his property for bodies. todd kohlhepp (coal-ep) was denied bond yesterday.. he was arrested thursday after 30-year-old kala brown was found chained on his rural south carolina property where the body of her boyfriend was found. investigators say kohlhepp confessed to killi a south carolina judge told a suspected serial killer that he's facing the death penalty as investigators search his property for bodies. he was denied bond yesterday, arrested on thursday after 30- year-old kayla brown was found chained on his rural south carolina property when the body -- where the body of his wife -- her boyfriend was found. he confessed to killing four people in 2003 and the widow of one of the victims credits brown with the capture. >> if she had not been found alive we wouldn't be sitting here having an interview right now. >> he was convicted in arizona of kidnapping and raping a 14- year-old girl when he was just 15. he spent 10 years in prison. when he got out he registered as a sex offender and moved to south carolina. eric durst is set to appear in a los angeles courtroom this morning with ken -- in connection with the killing of a friend 16 years ago. he was arrested 15 years after the death of susan berman. his arrest came during the telecast of the final episode of the jinx. the documenting the series endorsed -- described his alleged ties to others death and several other crimes. there was a magnitude 5.0 earthquake last night and many buildings in the town of cushing crumbled, leaving behind piles of brick. only minor injuries have been reported but officials say there was quite a bit of damage and they are warning people to stay out of the downtown area because of the potential danger from damaged building foundations. parts of the bay area were also rattled during a magnitude of -- magnitude 3.2 quake that struck the coast just before midnight. it was reported it miles southwest of sea ranch. what an interesting albeit pretty day we are experiencing here in the autumn time in the bay area. this is our weather camera and i want to point out a couple of things. first off, looking out over the embarcadero, you have. at nine and you have this right on top. look how flat it is. it's not moving in that means winds are called. we have north winds going that way. the flag is also going this way. you have a little bit of went -- movement there. meanwhile another interesting element, cl these clouds? everybody has been saying hey, where are they coming from? what are they? these are generally at elevation of about 20,000 feet or greater and this is where they are coming from. from this disturbance off of the west coast. it's been provided -- providing beneficial rain. currently we have balmy temperatures, now 70 degrees in the day and robert sullivan in redwood city, our weather watcher and he says it is 66 degrees. feeling kind of muggy and that's because when we get that window of the southeast -- you get that maginnis. -- mugginess. futurecast illustrates the rain wants to get close even all the way through tuesday and wednesday but no, just some filtered sunshine all the way through tuesday becoming a little bit more mild for our wednesday. your travel weather across the state, today talking about temperatures in the the 80s in the central valley, 63 degrees in the high sierra where we started the morning off breezy. 70 degrees for our stories today, 73 in san jose which is pretty spot on. sunset earlier at 5:04 and here's the extended forecast with a slight chance of a couple raindrops friday night. that's veterans night. otherwise it's dry with lots of ceremonies and parades going on for veterans day, 60s and mid- 70s. not too bad, roberta. thank you. how companies like lift a ban -- lyft and uber are making horrible san francisco traffic even worse. what recruiters are looking for and the big mistakes job this -- mistakes that jobseekers are making. ,,,,,,,,,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. want a great way to help our children thrive? then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it's time to vote yes on proposition 55. concerned that's making san francisco's awful traffic problems even worse. the san francisco treasurer's office estimates there are 45-thousand drivers in town... working for lyft, uber or similar companies. the municipal transit agency more and more people are becoming drivers for right healing services and some are concerned that it's making the awful traffic problems even worse. the treasurers office estimates there are 45,000 drivers in town working for lyft, lou or similar companies. the municipal transit agency told the san francisco examiner it's required -- it's requested data but they have not -- those companies have not provided any preparation. -- information. this change is in response to criticism the tech giant received as apple recently announced the macbook pro was redesigned. when they did that customers expressed outrage that apple was forcing new owners to update all the peripherals to usb see, the new macbook pros did not ship with adapters. trading kicking off on a high note. the dow is surging at this point up 323 points. it's not always easy to land a job and applicants are often up against hundreds which is why having a standout resume is more important than ever. we show what -- recruiters are looking for an critical mistakes jobseekers are making. >> dawn marie warner shows just how important that resume can be which is why she brought a stack of resumes to the new york city job fair hoping to set -- to stand out in a sea of applicants. >> how difficult is this? >> it's very difficult because everything is so competitive. >> a recent survey from career builder found 43% of hiring managers spend less than a minute looking at a resume and that's why job coach christine minces says it's critical to get right to the point. >> you have to grab their attention very quickly. you cannot have a long paragraph or essay. bullet points, powerful action verbs. >> reporter: in the survey 75% of hr managers also reported finding lies on resumes, and they also spotted plenty of mistakes, which can kill an applicant's chances. xavier brown admits he learned the lesson the hard way. >> for one of my resumes i ended up having to -- a question mark next to my skills and it looks like oh, he's compassionate? instead of saying oh, he's compassionate. [ laughter ] >> reporter: this time around his resume is typo free and he is hoping to catch an employer's i that leads to a new job. kenneth craig, cbs news new york. >> and a reminder if you have a consumer question or problem, email consumer watch or call the hotline at 888-5-help-you. ,,,,,, because she doesn't know that it kills 40,000 californians... every year. because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. today fresh grocer tony tantillo shows us an item perfect to add to your fall dinners. all right, time now to shop niche. it's a perfect addition to your fall dinner. >> the taste today is what life gives sweet potatoes. topping the chart is sweet potatoes when it comes to nutrition. they are superfood, loaded with nutrition. by the way, new crops in -- new crop is in and it's going to be good. make sure it's blemish free all the way around, very important and if there is any give to them or break down at the end, you don't want to buy it. when you bring them home, treated like a potato. cool dry place away from moisture. they are great. i enjoy these year-round especially the price. a lot of restaurants are doing this now. always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. goodwill is going upscale, the bay area store where you can now shift through -- six through higher-end merchandise. we have more on that tonight at 5:00. >> i have to go through and study up on all those propositions. [ laughter ] ,, this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. >> maya: ooh, that smells so good. >> nicole: thanks, but i'm not really hungry. >> maya: it's your favorite. >> nicole: i know. i just, uh, feel really bad. i'm -- i'm sorry. >> rick: nicole, you don't need to apologize. >> nicole: i agreed to help you have another baby, and i backed out. >> maya: well, rick and i completely respect your decision. >> rick: yeah. >> nicole: but i can tell you're disappointed. >> maya: not in you. >> nicole: but i don't want you to be disappointed in zende, either. i love him so much, maya. i could have handled this better, waited like you said,

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New York , United States , North Carolina , Texas , Embarcadero , California , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Redwood City , Central Valley , Florida , Sea Ranch , San Francisco , Arizona , Iraq , South Carolina , Sacramento , Cuba , Californians , Iraqi , American , Cuban , Marie Warner , Eric Durst , Xavier Brown , Michelle Griego , Janet Reno , Los Angeles , James Comey , Susan Berman , Kenneth Craig , Tim Grayson , Robert Sullivan , Mae Torlakson , Hillary Clinton , Kayla Brown , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20161107 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20161107

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for a new approach." man: vote yes on 64. el live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. we are counting down the hours to election day. good afternoon, it's monday, november 7. i'm can actually. >> and i am michelle griego. the candidates are both making a final sprint to the country and is jamie yuccas reports, by tomorrow the two campaigns will be at their new york headquarters to watch the results. it's the final day of campaigning and hillary clinton is bringing out some big names. the president and first lady will join clinton and her family in philadelphia today and donald trump will hold a rally in scranton as pennsylvania remains in the campaign crosshairs. the dow serves -- surged more than 200 points at the opening bell this morning following fbi director james comey's announcement on sunday that the bureau will not recommend charges related to clinton's use of a private email server. after its review of newly discovered emails. >> we are grateful that this matter is resolved now. we found it very puzzling as you know when director comey first brought this up a week ago. >> reporter: donald trump razed against the decision -- raged against the decision. >> with what's happening with our justice, our country is the laughingstock all over the world. the republican nominee plans to visit five critical states today beginning in florida where the latest battleground tracker pulls show the candidates in a dead heat, each with 45% of the vote. trump plans to continue his sprint through the battleground state even as voters are showing up to the polls on tuesday. then both candidates will be back here in new york at the headquarters as a root -- as the results role in. overall, the general election matchup nationally shows clinton with a four-point lead, 45% to 41% for trump. jamie yuccas cbs 2 news new york. it's not just the presidential candidates. the breed -- the vice president candidates are also crisscrossing the country . >> as they hold the -- make the final push, we're keeping a close eye on the key battleground states. >> if we look at the map as it stands, you can see there are four places that appear -- states that appear to be in play and a number of others that appear to be leaning to one side or another. three of the four states are in play are on the east coast, so for us west coast folks, we can watch those numbers come in relatively early. as jamie yuccas said, florida is an important -- california is important. but i want to give you a quick shorthand. here's the thing, if trump loses florida there's almost no way he can win this and clinton lose -- loses, there's a most no way she can win it so those are the main two to keep your eye on. florida polls close at seven, pennsylvania they close at 5 pm. and as you know it takes some time for the results to come in. there will be exit polls etc. but those are the two to be watching as we wait for the local ballots and information to come in later that night. voters in three bay area counties will also decide on a $3.5 billion bond measure aimed at repairing and upgrading part -- barr. they need a two thirds majority -- butt. -- they are explaining why not everybody is on board with this the transit agencies -- agency's plan. >> reporter: anytime there's an issue with b.a.r.t. we hear from a b.a.r.t. spokesperson that it's just an example of why they believe this measure needs to pass so from today we hear from those both for it and against the measure as they try to get voters' attention. >> just as b.a.r.t. connects our city into a system so that we can all flow around, we are here connected together. >> measure rr would approve a $3.5 billion bond that would attempt to improve commuter congestion across the bay area. butt says things -- b.a.r.t. says it's much faster than those who drive across the bridge. >> at the region growing exponentially where we anticipate more residents by 2040 in a region that is desperate for comprehensive infrastructure and transit. >> most of the program plan would be used to repair and replace existing infrastructure. the rest would go towards traffic reduction and more access to bart stations. he says he's not against any of those things, but he is against measure rr because he doesn't ask -- doesn't trust how b.a.r.t. will continue to spend taxpayer money. >> they want to say pay up or else. >> there are nine stations in senator glazer's district and he said since he started breaking it down -- it started breaking down back in 1993. >> we need a plan. that doesn't give salaries and benefits -- excessively. >> reporter: measures are on the ballot in several counties. jackie ward, kpix 5. right now senator bernie sanders is in the golden state making a final push for proposition 61 saying the measure would help end price gouging by big pharmacies. this morning sanders made a stop in los angeles and in just about a half-hour he will be speaking at a second rally in sacramento in support of the pro-prop 61 campaign which requires the state to negotiate john prices. -- drug prices. and independent analysis found it could cost taxpayers millions more. 19.4 million people are expected at the polls on tuesday. that is up 18.2 million from 2012. nearly 45% are registered democrats and about 26% are republicans. here's a live look inside the san francisco elections department where workers are starting to count early and mail-in ballots. not busy just yet but it should be a lot busier come tomorrow. >> as you prepare to cast her ballot the prepared -- go to there you will find a broad -- a breakdown on local races and salary measures. and be sure to tune in tomorrow for the extension -- extensive election night coverage with the team and reports from our political insiders, as well as the wreck -- the rest of the kpix 5 team. janet reno broke ground in 1993 when she began serving as the first female u.s. attorney general. she passed away last night after a long battle with parkinson's disease. >> reporter: janet reno was the first woman in u.s. history to become the government's top lawyer. by the time she took office, a crisis was already building at a compound in waco, texas. the branch religious sect wasn't -- led by david crash was in a standoff with the fbi. she ordered them to storm the property saying she believed children were being abused. about 80 people died in the raid and reno took full responsibility. >> i approved the plan and i am responsible for it. >> she also drew fire for her handling of the case of ilian gonzales when reno ordered federal agents to storm the house. the child was sent back to cuba to live with his father. the cuban-american queue -- community was enraged. that raid and the follow-up from waco haunted her for years, but she was also recognized for enforcing civil rights and her efforts to regulate violence on tv. reno had been at the justice department for just two years when she noticed her hand shaking and was diagnosed with parkinson's disease. never married, she retired to her modest family home near the everglades and declared herself a private citizen. public life had brought dark times, but looking back she had described her career in politics as an activity of joy. reno was diagnosed with parkinson's in 1995 and spent her final days in florida with her family and friends. they released a statement in response to the passing and -- it read in part she forged a new path for a generation of women in law enforcement and government to follow. i will forever be grateful for her encouragement and support. right now the iraqi military is reporting it has found about 100 decapitated bodies in a mass grave south of bowles oh. a spokesperson says it's unclear whether the remains are soldiers or civilians. iraqi forces are currently battling for control of mosul. more and more civilians are getting caught in the cross fires and hospitals are full of people injured by car bombs, booby-traps and gunfire. >> imagine trying to go into brooklyn or charlotte north carolina where we have huge buildings and now imagine every door, window, rocks, whole, that kind of gunfire can come out at any moment. >> more than 1 million civilians are anticipated to be trapped from inside. they are trying to flee the area . a developing story out of hayward, two leonard dead after a shooting as they were -- they responded to reports of gunfire around 8:30. when they got there, they found two men suffering from gunshot wounds. both were pronounced dead at the scene. those were heyward's 11th and 12 homicides of the year. unclear if any arrests have been made. a suspected serial killer behind bars. the death investigation underway and what led police to the man believed to be responsible for seven killings. and a look at the wake left behind and cleanup efforts getting underway. good afternoon from our kpix 5 weather center in san francisco. it's filtering the sunshine, clouds draped across the bay area and i will show you where they are coming from and the chances of rain. the news will continue. we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the mae gave her top executive managed aa huge pay raiseet, and a lavish car allowance, run up a deficit, then cut jos for local teenagers, and cut after-school program. no wonder tchronicle called mae torlakson "flat-out unprepared" for the assembly. they endorse tim grayson. as mayor of concord, grayson balanced the budget every yer while doing more for kids. tim grayson for assembly. facing the death penalty... as investigators search his property for bodies. todd kohlhepp (coal-ep) was denied bond yesterday.. he was arrested thursday after 30-year-old kala brown was found chained on his rural south carolina property where the body of her boyfriend was found. investigators say kohlhepp confessed to killi a south carolina judge told a suspected serial killer that he's facing the death penalty as investigators search his property for bodies. he was denied bond yesterday, arrested on thursday after 30- year-old kayla brown was found chained on his rural south carolina property when the body -- where the body of his wife -- her boyfriend was found. he confessed to killing four people in 2003 and the widow of one of the victims credits brown with the capture. >> if she had not been found alive we wouldn't be sitting here having an interview right now. >> he was convicted in arizona of kidnapping and raping a 14- year-old girl when he was just 15. he spent 10 years in prison. when he got out he registered as a sex offender and moved to south carolina. eric durst is set to appear in a los angeles courtroom this morning with ken -- in connection with the killing of a friend 16 years ago. he was arrested 15 years after the death of susan berman. his arrest came during the telecast of the final episode of the jinx. the documenting the series endorsed -- described his alleged ties to others death and several other crimes. there was a magnitude 5.0 earthquake last night and many buildings in the town of cushing crumbled, leaving behind piles of brick. only minor injuries have been reported but officials say there was quite a bit of damage and they are warning people to stay out of the downtown area because of the potential danger from damaged building foundations. parts of the bay area were also rattled during a magnitude of -- magnitude 3.2 quake that struck the coast just before midnight. it was reported it miles southwest of sea ranch. what an interesting albeit pretty day we are experiencing here in the autumn time in the bay area. this is our weather camera and i want to point out a couple of things. first off, looking out over the embarcadero, you have. at nine and you have this right on top. look how flat it is. it's not moving in that means winds are called. we have north winds going that way. the flag is also going this way. you have a little bit of went -- movement there. meanwhile another interesting element, cl these clouds? everybody has been saying hey, where are they coming from? what are they? these are generally at elevation of about 20,000 feet or greater and this is where they are coming from. from this disturbance off of the west coast. it's been provided -- providing beneficial rain. currently we have balmy temperatures, now 70 degrees in the day and robert sullivan in redwood city, our weather watcher and he says it is 66 degrees. feeling kind of muggy and that's because when we get that window of the southeast -- you get that maginnis. -- mugginess. futurecast illustrates the rain wants to get close even all the way through tuesday and wednesday but no, just some filtered sunshine all the way through tuesday becoming a little bit more mild for our wednesday. your travel weather across the state, today talking about temperatures in the the 80s in the central valley, 63 degrees in the high sierra where we started the morning off breezy. 70 degrees for our stories today, 73 in san jose which is pretty spot on. sunset earlier at 5:04 and here's the extended forecast with a slight chance of a couple raindrops friday night. that's veterans night. otherwise it's dry with lots of ceremonies and parades going on for veterans day, 60s and mid- 70s. not too bad, roberta. thank you. how companies like lift a ban -- lyft and uber are making horrible san francisco traffic even worse. what recruiters are looking for and the big mistakes job this -- mistakes that jobseekers are making. ,,,,,,,,,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. want a great way to help our children thrive? then be sure to vote yes on proposition 55. prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. instead, it simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians to prevent education cuts that would hurt our kids. no wonder prop 55 is endorsed by the california pta, teachers and educators. because all of us want to help our children thrive. it's time to vote yes on proposition 55. concerned that's making san francisco's awful traffic problems even worse. the san francisco treasurer's office estimates there are 45-thousand drivers in town... working for lyft, uber or similar companies. the municipal transit agency more and more people are becoming drivers for right healing services and some are concerned that it's making the awful traffic problems even worse. the treasurers office estimates there are 45,000 drivers in town working for lyft, lou or similar companies. the municipal transit agency told the san francisco examiner it's required -- it's requested data but they have not -- those companies have not provided any preparation. -- information. this change is in response to criticism the tech giant received as apple recently announced the macbook pro was redesigned. when they did that customers expressed outrage that apple was forcing new owners to update all the peripherals to usb see, the new macbook pros did not ship with adapters. trading kicking off on a high note. the dow is surging at this point up 323 points. it's not always easy to land a job and applicants are often up against hundreds which is why having a standout resume is more important than ever. we show what -- recruiters are looking for an critical mistakes jobseekers are making. >> dawn marie warner shows just how important that resume can be which is why she brought a stack of resumes to the new york city job fair hoping to set -- to stand out in a sea of applicants. >> how difficult is this? >> it's very difficult because everything is so competitive. >> a recent survey from career builder found 43% of hiring managers spend less than a minute looking at a resume and that's why job coach christine minces says it's critical to get right to the point. >> you have to grab their attention very quickly. you cannot have a long paragraph or essay. bullet points, powerful action verbs. >> reporter: in the survey 75% of hr managers also reported finding lies on resumes, and they also spotted plenty of mistakes, which can kill an applicant's chances. xavier brown admits he learned the lesson the hard way. >> for one of my resumes i ended up having to -- a question mark next to my skills and it looks like oh, he's compassionate? instead of saying oh, he's compassionate. [ laughter ] >> reporter: this time around his resume is typo free and he is hoping to catch an employer's i that leads to a new job. kenneth craig, cbs news new york. >> and a reminder if you have a consumer question or problem, email consumer watch or call the hotline at 888-5-help-you. ,,,,,, because she doesn't know that it kills 40,000 californians... every year. because she doesn't understand what cancer is. because she can't spell emphysema. because she is a butterfly, who fights fires. because she is my daughter, and the surgeon general says that raising tobacco taxes... is a proven way to make sure she never smokes. today fresh grocer tony tantillo shows us an item perfect to add to your fall dinners. all right, time now to shop niche. it's a perfect addition to your fall dinner. >> the taste today is what life gives sweet potatoes. topping the chart is sweet potatoes when it comes to nutrition. they are superfood, loaded with nutrition. by the way, new crops in -- new crop is in and it's going to be good. make sure it's blemish free all the way around, very important and if there is any give to them or break down at the end, you don't want to buy it. when you bring them home, treated like a potato. cool dry place away from moisture. they are great. i enjoy these year-round especially the price. a lot of restaurants are doing this now. always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. goodwill is going upscale, the bay area store where you can now shift through -- six through higher-end merchandise. we have more on that tonight at 5:00. >> i have to go through and study up on all those propositions. [ laughter ] ,, this is the new comfort food. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let's get comfortable with our food again. >> maya: ooh, that smells so good. >> nicole: thanks, but i'm not really hungry. >> maya: it's your favorite. >> nicole: i know. i just, uh, feel really bad. i'm -- i'm sorry. >> rick: nicole, you don't need to apologize. >> nicole: i agreed to help you have another baby, and i backed out. >> maya: well, rick and i completely respect your decision. >> rick: yeah. >> nicole: but i can tell you're disappointed. >> maya: not in you. >> nicole: but i don't want you to be disappointed in zende, either. i love him so much, maya. i could have handled this better, waited like you said,

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