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Of course, sacramento, our state capital, the politicians went back to school in a way. They had an ethics training class. Well have our Political Insiders weigh in on whether its worth it. Back to school is a tough culture to change over there. Will that do anything . Thats the question. Also, they are about to start debating, speaking of sacramento. Change in the law and it would be as significant change based on the case of audrey pot, you may remember, she was the bay area girl who committed suicide after being sexually assaulted. Well look at the bill now on the table up for debate this week. First, a look at your weather forecast. Its drizzly, a little wet out there. We saw rainfall overnight. A live look at our ocean beach cam coming from the cliff house. A little bit warmer than what we saw yesterday afternoon because of the clouds cover that remains in the 50s all around the bay area. Your weather headlines for this sunday. Well soo that mist and drizzle tapering off, clearing this afternoon. A mix of sun and clouds. A big warmup on the way. Details in a few. New this morning, the ancient rome is transformed into a holy land. A live picture of vatican city right here. A one of a kind ceremony where two past popes enter into sainthood. Pope john xxiii and john paul ii, both saints. Todays ceremony is an unprecedented event. We have a live report. Warriors play game four of the playoff series with the los angeles clippers. L. A. Leads two games to one but the clippers, as i mentioned, contending with a major distraction. An audio recording allegedly of the teams owner making racist remarking. The nabb is now investigating and kpix 55 don knapp has more on the fall. You dont have to. It was larry burke. The voices supposedly, viviano. After an instagram showed with basketball great magic johnson. People say i have black people on my instagram and it bothers you . It bothers me a lot. If you want to broadcast with black people. Reporter johnson said he fell for the African Americans on sterlings team. We put a lot of money in his pocket, but at the same time, he doesnt want us in the arena or to come to the clipper games. Reporter the nabb has already begun an investigation. The audio recording posting by tmz is truly offensive and disturbing. We intend to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible. Reporter the racist rant comes at the worst of times for the clippers and has distracted the team as they lead warriors 21. I spent 45 minutes in a meeting instead of watching film did not make me happy, if you know me at all, but it is real life. Like you said, and you have to deal with it and we had to deal with it and we have. Reporter a reporter suggested that coach doc rivers that the racism allegations were bigger than the game itself. For you it may be, but for us, this game is business and we try to win a title. Were not going to allow something to get in the way. Reporter player Blake Griffin let loose with just a hint of emotion. Everyday, i deal with things. When i step on the court, its easy. I play basketball. Thats what im here to do. Reporter the nba said its not taking any immediate action against sterling. First, League Investigators will interview him and determine whether that audio tape is even authentic and new this morning, the naacp is urging the l. A. Branch to take sterling off a list of honorees. Sterling has been set to achieve a Lifetime Achievement award next month. And president obama commented on the reported statements by sterling at a News Conference he held with malaysias Prime Minister. When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you just let them talk. You dont have to do anything. Thats what happened here. I have confidence that the nba commissioner, adam silver, a good man, will address this. Reporter its continuing to wrestle with the race and segregation. Fbi searching for clues why a young mother killed her infant son. Was found in Regional Park yesterday morning. Police thought they were investigating a car crash but when they got there, they found her walking down the road with her dead baby in her arms. It appears from our investigation now that she emerged from the vehicle with the child and went into a camp royal proper and that we believe is where the murder occurred. She was carrying the child on her way back down here when officers encountered her. Police said the baby had been stabbed. It also appears the mother tried to commit suicide. A bill known as audreys law goes into effect on tuesday. Its named after audrey pot, naked pictures were passed around high school via text. Three boys allegedly removed her clothing, sexually assaulted and took pictures with their cell phones. Audreys suicide resulted from bullying, cyber bullying, and cowardly sexual assault. It would criminalize the media of a sexual nature with the intent to intimidate, embarrass, or harass. If involved a minor, it would be felony and if victim is compassion at a timed or unconscious, the case could be brought to adult court. Right now, a suspect can only be charged as an adult if the victim was awake at the time of the assault. We see this more and more with the social media and how easy pictures and video float around our world. Its going to be interesting to see how the senate reacts to this. This proposal is significant. It would be a Sweeping Change of the law. It would make it much more strict, but that is because the defendants in this case got a lenient sentence according to a lot of people and concerned about that. Two of the defendants got 30 days incarceration and one got 45 days, but had audrie been awake at the time, this would have been brought to adult court. Its in Juvenile Court. We dont know whats going on because Juvenile Court is done in secrecy. Well see what the senators do with this. I could foresee changes in the wording to make it less strict, but well see. Well see. All right. This week, the golden state warriors, you might have heard, announced plans to move to San Francisco. A new 18,000 seat arena going up in the Mission Bay Area abandoning plans to build along the waterfront. With the warriors on the move, the city of oakland is struggling to retain its grip on other prosports teams. Were going negotiations. We want to retain them but we want to retain them in a responsible way. But that could be a challenge. In the case of as, the first pitch is the five Million Dollars withheld over past five years over a parking tax dispute. Thats taxpayers money. Thats 5 million that can be used for, you know, public safety. It can be used for housing. Reporter officials are willing to deal but they want something in return like a commmitment for a new ballpark. We need to make sure that its being paid for by the private sector, maybe with some Public Sector resources being involved. Reporter officials also tell us the as look for some hefty rent credits as well. That would be 3. 5 million per year. Reporter plus, the raiders and calls for a new stadium. Something that could cost another 300 million. Were still hopeful. These things are very complex. And then there are the warriors. The warriors and their desire to relocate to San Francisco. Reporter one big question is who pays the 70 million on the oakland arena renovations for the team. The legal issue that were talking with though the warriors about. But thats a major issue of dispute. The bottom line, youre in an area that cost a lot at once. Reporter the fans . Worried about the as leaving . I think theyll stay. We are worried. We like them to be close by. San francisco, a city on the move right now. Seems like Everyone Wants to be over here, but is it actually possible for the raiders to make a move like that . Some say its possible. We have the debate with the Political Insiders coming up in a few minutes. Theres certainly a strong contingent of politicians and sport fans in the east bay intent on keeping their teams there. So well see how that all shakes out. A lot of culture there, a lot of history. Still ahead, california lawmakers get a lesson in ethics. Our insiders talk about where lines get blurred between Campaign Money and corruption. And the extreme measures being taken by south koreas government to find someone responsible in response to the sinking ferry disaster. Bulldog i cant wait to get to imattress discounters because the tempurpedic bonus event ends sunday. Ill have first pick from the huge selection of tempurpedic mattresses. Then, ill get to choose 300 in pillows, sheets, and other free gifts. On top of that, up to 48 months interestfree financing. Hurry mattress discounters tempurpedic bonus event ends sunday. Mmm, some alarm clock you turned out to be. Mattress discounters months ferry disaster thatt more than 300 peop 7 42. Today, the Prime Minister of south korea resigned following this months ferry disaster that left more than 300 people dead or missing. The resignation by chung wong. He blames deep rooted issues and the president has most of the executive power. Its now more than 7 weeks since Malaysia Flight 370 lost. Its the most expensive aviation search in history but president obama is commit today providing help to locate the plane and the 239 passengers. As we have since the beginning of this tragedy, well work closely with our malaysian partners and continue to provide all the assistance we can in their search and the investigation. Today, we discuss the Lessons Learned from the tragedy and how nations, including our own, might continue to cooperate moving forward. Its a small area in the indian ocean but if it yields nothing today, searchers have a different approach. Catholic church has two new saints this morning. Susan mcginnis joining us live from vatican city where hundreds of thousands of people gathered to get as close ooze they could to these proceedings. Good morning, susan. Reporter they did. Good afternoon from a very rainy, nasty, windy rome and the canonization ceremonies ended hours ago but hundreds of people are still filing into st. Peters basilica looking down in the roof of the convent. Theyre waiting to get into the basilica. Theyre taking in the days events which comprises rome and what the vatican has never seen before. Prayers. Song. And the reading of all the saints names kicked off the mass that declared two former popes are now saints. Pope john xxiii and Pope John Paul ii were both loved but for different reasons. John xxiii was a liberal pope who ushered the church into the modern era when he led the Second Vatican Council which changed the way the church celebrated mass. John was a conservative who opted for a stricter adherence. John has a special place in your house . Oh, yes. Teaching me how to pray. Reporter the five year waiting period before getting the process to make john paul ii a saint. After waiting for many hours in line, hundreds of thousands of people were finally able to get somewhat close to st. Peters basilica. For some, its the dream of a lifetime. I want to cry because its always been my biggest dream and after two months ago, i didnt even know i was coming, so this is a huge, huge deal for me. You waited a lifetime for this. Lifetime for sure. Reporter and with so many people descending on st. Peters square, security was tight. Even the sisters had to pass through the checkpoint. Now, people are still filing into the basilica. Its staying open for extra hoars this afternoon. Visitors want to see the tombs of the new safety. We heard pope francis may have made news during his homily this morning. Reporter some believe so. Theres a comment he made during the homily relating to divorce and remarried catholics. Heres how theyre interpreting it. Theyre hoping that an upcoming gathering of bishops here at the vatican will recommend a form of pattern for remarried catholics to might eventually receive commune. He did not say those words. This is how its interpreted by some of the clergy here. Could be under way. Susan mcginnis live for us in rome. Lets look at the sunday forecast for us today. A live picture over saab jose. Misty out there in the area, but here, we have a cloudy start and sun peeking through right there. Heres what you could expect today though. Morning clouds, mist and drizzle around the area. Partly cloudy though by the afternoon and its going to be much warmer by the time we get into next wreak, so our highs for today, 66. 58 in pacifica. 65 in santa rosa, 67 for today. Its going to get very warm. Beach sort of weather into tuesday and wednesday. We could even be tapping some 90s come thursday and its going to cool off as we go into next weekend. Three suspended california state senators plus three arrests equals one lost day in sacramento. All lawmakers an top aids were ordered to get ethics training. Phil matier talked about the blurred lines that remain. Reporter ethics lawmakers. How did the mix go down . Im telling you. Watching these state senators go to ethics classes is kind of has the same eerie feeling of Lindsey Lohan go back to rehab. How many times do they need this . Thats a terrible thing to say. These things were totally sincere, trying to project for the public their appreciation and understanding of what the rules, where they are, and how they plan to comply with them on a later date, down the line. Look, the line between graft and picking up Campaign Contributions, where is it . Oh my god. No such thing. Cant use that in the same sentence. Graft is youre bribing somebody or attempting to implore somebody. Campaign contributions is what everybody participates in doing and this is totally and completely sanctioned. If its not graft. This ethics thing was all window dressing. The senators already get ethics training at the start of every theyre on paid vacations because no one has the guts up there to actually expel them from the body. So what would you have done . I would not have had to throw them out. They would taken the lead themselves. In california, a generation ago when david faced the same thing in the senate and he told the guys you are gone, you resign. Why is that happening today . The question is how low can they go . This is all playing against the backdrop of bigger and bigger money coming in to politics. Lets be honest. In sacramento, the senators already accused of taking money, but you go through anybodys Campaign Contributions and you see hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars pouring in from special interest groups, union, everybody up there. Backup. Neither of the two senators are accused of taking ron white and young mr. Calderon. Accused of taking Campaign Contributions. Kalgroan taking money for himself, not for his campaign. Only has the specter of any Campaign Contributions. So this series of problems have very little to do with Campaign Contributions. Weve got a problem. Whats the solution . How does the senate get out of this . I let the senate i would have gone to each one of those guys and when i walked out and away from them, they would have already packed and left with no trace of having been there. Thats the excuse of innocent until Proven Guilty. The fact is, whatever the case is in terms of court of law, none of these guys meet the standards of being able to serve in the senate and they should be gone. No question, carla. But keep in mind that in this world, the public really believes politicians ought to be Given Capital punishment for jaywalking. Of course, suspended from the state senate dropped out of the race for secretary of state. But hes still the information guy who got in the mail this week. Hes ranting against corruption in government, you have to take a look at that. Innocent until Proven Guilty but thats definitely interesting. The influence china may have in the future of basketball in the bay area. Plus, the group quickly replacing americans in the pro sports. ,,, [ male announcer ] a car that is able to see to calculate, to think and can respond to what it encounters. Even if that means completely stopping itself. Its the stuff of science fiction. Minus the fiction. The 2014 eclass. The most intelligent eclass ever. On brand name mattress sets. Get three years interestfree financing plus, get free delivery, and sleep trains 100day low price guarantee. Sleep trains interest free for 3 event, is ending soon. Your ticket to a better nights sleep well, good morning. It is playoff time. And joining us is warrior ceo rick wealth. In terms of the sport of basketball, it is incredibly in the last two sports played in every country. Thats soccer, the rest of the world calls football and then basketball. 25 of the players playing in the nba now are not american. They come from other countries and places like china are developing basketball players at an incredible rate. Growthwise, in asia and china, is that where you see it really exploding . China is by far the biggest market outside the United States. Western europe being second but it really is an act of business, really, everywhere in the world. Like disney, investors, chinese investors as well, so we have a Business Model thats unlike any of the other americans . How does San Francisco play into that . The hookup. We took the warriors to play two games in october in shanghai and beijing. Historically, interestingly, houston has been the connection point with chinese fans because yow ming was the First Chinese player to have a Significant Impact on the nba. We think an actual connection point is the bay area because of a very large asian, especially chinese population, so over time, i really believe the warriors being the connection point of nba basketball and china. Whats the secret for basketballs popularity in these emerging markets . Its the lack of equipment, the minimal equipment that you need to play the game, with one person or play with ten people. You can play with a hoop you put up on your garage or in your driveway and it requires very little space. How would you like to introduce baseball to western europe right now. Its possible but in basketball, you can play that anywhere. Any kind of lot up against the wall, any number of people, predictions on the playoffs . Oh, were out of time. Thank you for joining us this morning. Back to you guys. Okay. Off the hook. An east bay city giving up three grand to give up. Its not popular with everyone. This is to keep traffic moving. Were going to explain coming up. T ready to have a baby, were actually eightweeks pregnant. [women] shut up [brotherinlaw off camera] were pregnant [woman] youre kidding me [man] shut up [woman] shut up [screams] take the kid,take the kid,take the kid [woman] oh my god [everyone laughter,crying] welcome back to kpix 5 ts morning its am on this sunday, april 27th. Good morning, im anne makovec. Im mark kelly. There s a alk about in our n welcome back to kpix 5 this morning. It is 8 00 on sunday april 27th. A lot of news to talk about. This is very big news out of vatican city. Two former popes turn saints this morning, but after the Sexual Abuse Scandal that rocked the Catholic Church in the last several years. They could move to San Francisco. It could happen. Political insiders have a very heated debate coming up. And of course, the clippers versus the warriors today and theres one big distraction while theyre on the court. Clippers owner accused of making racist remarking. We have that audio recording. First, lets take a look at the weather forecast. It was raining overnight and still drizzly. Live look right now at the bay bridge. You can see even a few drops of rain there on our lens. Low 50s, a little bit warmer than what we saw. The big warmup on the way. Game four. Look at all this this. You dont have to have yourself walking with black people. You dont have to. It was larry burke that helped make a difference. Those voices are supposedly of owner ronald sterling. After an instagram posting showed her with basketball great magic johnson. Now even the teams coach is having to address the matter. Spend 45. We put a lot of money, but at the same time, doesnt want to end the arena or to come to the clipper games. So the nba has already begun an investigation, commissioner adam silver called the audio truly offensive and disturbing. Hes promising to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible. The nba also said its not taking any immediate action against sterling. First, League Investigators will interview him and determine whether the audiotape is in fact authentic. New this morning, the naacp california state conference is urging the branch to take sterling off a list of honorees. Still sent to a lifetime award from the Civil Rights Organization next month. Sterling racist behavior. Baylor sued him for racial discrimination. New this morning, a historic day at the vatican today where two past popes became saints. An estimated hundred thousand people gathered to worship. Pope john paul ii be canonized. Includes 600 priests who gave communion to the masses. For the faithful, its a once in a lifetime event. John paul holds a special place in your heart . Yes, teaching me how to live. Showing me how to pray. Today is a day of firsts for the vatican. Two popes have been canonized together and the first time two popes conducted mass together in public. Despite the canonization, not everybody agrees it should be by the priest. They say he covered up the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. He was in charge of an empire of cardinals and bishops who allowed, shuffled, and transferred predators all over california and the United States for almost three decades. The organization Survivors Network for those abused by priests claims that the church has protected guilty priests while denying the abuse happened. In livermore, Police Search for clues as to why a young mother may have killed her infant son. The girl was found yesterday morning. Police originally thought they were investigating a car crash. They later found her walking down the road with her baby who had had stabbed to death. It appears the mother also tried to commit suicide. San franciscos fire chief canceled the reprimand for a rig who ran over a teenage girl on the tarmac at the airport. Chief Mark Johnsons helmet camera caught the rig over the teen. She was still alive when hit but later died. Johnson accused of violating a Department Order against the authorized filming, but now chief joanne white said the department didnt have enough evidence to support the reprimand. The city manager and the City Attorney are wanted to implement recommendation number 15. It encourages the police department. For internal affairs. The department having zero tolerance policy. The report found two cases where officers had sex while on duty and later falsified reports or lied about the incidents. They were both disciplined but not fired. Cordell said most departments in the u. S. , the officers would indeed be terminated. The full San Jose City council will discuss the report come tuesday. Yeah, it is going to be interesting. San ricardo running for mayor. Right now, some are accusing him of making a political play for a popular item out there. That might be approved. Those who enforce the laws cant hide behind them in any way as well. Theyre subject to the same things. Nobody likes lying, ill tell you that. Richmond has some of the highest minimum wage in the country. The city council is expected to give the final proposed hike from 8 an hour to 12. 30. Richmond city leader host on how the increase will impact businesses that look for feedback on in. The rate would increase in stages over the next three years. The Business Outreach meeting happens at 5 30 in the council chambers. Im sure theyll hear an earful from local business leaders. That is a significant more than a 50 rate. For the very Small Business owners, mom and pop shop, its different. That will be interesting. One bay area city is putting resources into helping the homeless kind of. Albany gives 28 people 3,000 to get out of town. The city wants to turn an encampment called the bulb into a Regional Park. Thats kpix 5s Christin Ayers learned the homeless leave, no one is sure where theyll go next. You see the tents first and then the people. A colony of homeless who have been calling home for two decades. Back when it was just a landfill. It was a real home for the homeless. And a beautiful home. Not anymore. They took the money and packed his belongings today. The promotion. Part of the settlement, people who take the money have to agree to not come back and live in the albany bulb. That means many may move next door to places like richmond or berkeley. Leaf blowers, somebody elses sidewalk. Amber said some have already moved right here to berkeleys peoples park. Its putting it on berkeley and berkeley has a very large homeless problem as it is. It will not solve the problem. Reporter albany is working with the nonprofit to find residents permanent homes. So far, theyve placed 14 people. A city spokesperson say its hard to say where people will go. We hope they continue to work with a service provider, what an individual chooses to do is uncertain. Justice has no illusions about finding a permanent home in the bay area where they continue to climb. If worse comes to worse, they give out tents every year to homeless people. In albany, Christin Ayers, kpix 5. People who take the cash find a way to stay for a year. The city plans to spend that time restoring the area before turning it over to east bay Regional Park. Riders know the bus system can be slow but coming up, a little paint could be just the trick to keep buses moving. Well be right back. ,,,, good morning nelly woah. Hey have you ever tried honey nut cheerios . Love em. Neat now you on the other hand. You need some help. Why . Look atchya. What is that . You mean my honey wand . [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. Matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. Shoes. Shades. Ah wow now that voice. My voice . [ autotuned ] whats wrong with my voice . Yeah man, bee got swag be happy be healthy thats gotta go too. Hey must be the honey [ sparkle ] sweet. Especially in San Francisco. Unreliable. One minute theres no bus. Then, two back if you have ridden San Franciscos system, you know it can be unreliable. All of the sudden, one because and then two backtoback. Mooney wants to fix that and they believe the answer can be found in a campaign. Reporter the latest San Francisco street to get the new coat of bright paint and the red color is hard to ignore. I noticed it because theres blood on the floor. In the darkness, that red on the street is much darker. From union square to selma t new red lanes are a clear warning for most drivers to stay out. Only two vehicles, buses and taxis, allowed here. Sfmta spokesperson paul rode said its more reliable. The red transit only lane. We try to remind people that theyre not supposed to be in the lane and that creates a bit of allowing. Reporter we wanted to see if drivers drivers would. Red lanes have been on Church Street for a year. The Pilot Project test the idea. Why are we still seeing the confusion . It doesnt say theres a little bit of sign, not that many signs. They didnt really advertise when they started it. Reporter advertising or not, rain wont be washing this paint away anytime soon. Red lanes are here to stay. Will they help uni run better . Well, at least uni says yes. One of the biggest concerns is that the reliability, these transit only lanes really help to improve reliability. Enforcing it is difficult. Instead of having officers, not very possible, they have cameras actually on every single bus and thats able to give you a ticket. I kind of like the red look of it though. All right. Today is the start of the San Francisco boating season. Rather boating season on the bay. Beginning at noon, the 51st annual blessing kicks out of the occasion and then the annual decorated boat parade along the shoreline. Open to the public from kristy fields to pier 39 to 3 00 p. M. The good news is that we shouldnt see any rain for that. It is still a little drizzly around some parts of the bay area this morning. Dublin cam, no drizzle there, but plenty of clouds in the sky. Those are going to be clearing up throughout the day. Once we get rid of this mist and drizzle, mix of sun and clouds this afternoon and much warmer next week. Were going to see 90s in some spots. These are the highs for today though. 60s all around, except for the 58 in pacifica. Mid 60s inland and you can see the work on the sevenday forecast. Palestinian mahmoud made some interesting remarks ahead of holocaust remembrance in history. This was a rare acknowledgment by an arab leader. It attempts to build bridges days after. Two former popes today, but theres a controversy attached to the ceremony. Phil matier sat down with a father of Michael Rousseau on the significance on the past, present, and future hurdles for the Catholic Church. What is the message to the world coming out of the vatican today . Its a political act on the part of pope francis. Certainly, a spiritual act. A reverential moment, but a way in which pope francis with his extraordinary ability he has as a leader and a generative moral authority brings together the two camps, if you will, of the roman Catholic Church. Those who have been supportive of john 23 and vatican and of course, john paul ii who best represents the more traditional tone that the Catholic Church has taken in the last 30 years. The more aggressive elements in the church. A Global Church and be able to build bridges between those sides. Its an act in which francis has intervened and by way of his own passable leadership is able to get sides to a common enterprise, the church. Politically, has that been a source of debate or tension within the church, those two schools . Its a chasm and i think if someone like pope francis, a genuine adult, has tried to bring these sides together, i think, in this canonization process. For people who dont know church doctrine, how would you describe the chasm . I think the vatican to john xxiiis side might be trying to make a bridge to the modern world. That represents those who look at the internal workings of the church. What direction do you think the current pope will take the church . Reexamine the vatican too and how to best express that today. Weve had the child abuse scandals and the question of wealth and women in the priesthood. The decisions and the movements to take. So taking a walk back from bay area history, you may remember that Pope John Paul ii visited the bay area. So many that a walkway collapsed under. In San Francisco, the pope left People Living with aids. Represented a kind of a water shed in politics with margaret thatcher, regan, and communism and the berlin wall came down. That era has changed. Be pope also drew a faithful candle stick park. They came to see Pope John Paul at the stadium. Looking at the footage yesterday, it was certainly an amazing visit. Still ahead, what one of our Political Insiders said, some considered them fighting words. Francisco . Why the arg San Francisco needs a football team. The raiders want to get out of oakland. It seems to me we ought to provide them with the opportunity to play in our city. Raider nation moving to San Francisco. Why the argument persists. ,,,, [ female announcer ] it balances you. It fills you with energy. And it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. In a convenient two bar pack. This is Nature Valley. Nature at its most delicious. My mornings are definitely not routine. And that can take a lot of energy. [ female announcer ] introducing Nature Valley breakfast biscuits. Four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. I love Nature Valley breakfast biscuits. Raiders may not be too far behind. Its drawing lines between r Political Insiders willie b and sf chronicles carla marinucci. Phil matier has. Its a fine line between Political Insider brown and carla. Phil matier has more. Good morning and sports are definitely on the topic of today. I want you to bring gnaw team to San Francisco. San francisco needs a football team. The raiders want to get out of oakland. It seems to me we ought to provide them with the opportunity to play in our city. Let me school you as an oaklander. Raiders have the loyallest fans in the league. They have a visceral hate of the 49ers and theres no way the fans in the black hole couldnt come to a hand me down 49ers. Build it, use it to build the raiders. We do. We could be back in the game. Are they called . The 49ers play in front of clara. It doesnt matter be you play. Its a motor home arrangement. The black will never play in San Francisco. If you go to any of those tailgate games in oakland, you know what im talking about. Do you know what the value of that franchise would be in San Francisco versus oakland . I would guess and any friend carmen paul would probably tell better story than im telling, but i bet you the value of the team becomes almost double if theyre playing in San Francisco versus oakland. Just think about how much more comfortable and safe it will be. Before, if you take a poll in raider nation. They wouldnt come to the city. Well see. Theres a way of seeing picture. A proposed bill to regulate ride sharing businesses is going to come up in San Francisco by susan from concord to clarify existing insurance policies regulating ride sharing. She says the bill makes room for continued growth in the ride sharing industry. Were talking about lift, uber. The bill will be heard in the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee tomorrow. And of course, theres been a lot of questions around the insurance. Actually had one of the drivers for one of the Unnamed Companies say he was going to stop doing it because at the time, there were so many questions swirling around insurance and what kind of coverage they had and what did they have to provide, would the company provide. A lot of confusion there. As the industries that popped up with such fervor, the legislators have not been able to get ahead of it. Coming up. Well be right back. ,,,, anchor does weather face the nation is next. Bob a final look at 8 23. The clouds are going to clear and we are eventually going to see temperatures in the 60s all around the bay area. And warmup is going to start tomorrow and it is going to really grind up on tuesday and wednesday. Tase the nation is coming up. Bob sleeve with the latest on the situation in ukraine and the standoff right now between president obama and vladimir putin. That will be very interesting. Well, thank you for joining us. Face the nation next here on kpix 5. Of course, your local news continues in just a couple of minutes on channel 44. Well jump over there. Join us. If youre inclined and outdoors, enjoy your sunday. Phil matier will be back here in the chair next week. So we will see you then. ,,,,,,, from cbs news in washington, face the nation with bob schieffer. Schieffer today on face the nation, the president issues a new warning to russia over ukraine, and in the middle east, a surprised announcement from the palestinian side. Is it an overture to restart the peace talks . Well start there with israeli Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Well have the latest from ukraine and get the take on that from the administration and capitol hill. Plus, former president ial candidate Rick Santorum on georgias new gun law and a unique event in Catholic Church history. 60 years of news because this is face the nation. Captioning sponsored by cbs

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