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Results our Political Insider will weigh in the hot topics of the ballots and the results Going Forward a lot is coming up in the next a hour but lets check on your Weather Forecast because we are seeing rain in the north bay a live look at the golden gate bridge. Its not fog you are seeing. Those are low rain clouds. Keeping the temperatures relatively mild this morning. Upper 40s low 50s. And there is our high def doppler rain moving through petaluma and fairfield right now all of that is going to move north and entire bay area will be seeing showers throughout the day. Wet start to the workweek as well. So be aware of your morning commute tomorrow. Dry weather will return to finish off the week. We will have closer look at the extended forecast coming up but mark has headlines. And the navy fired an unarmed missile from a submarine off the coast of Southern California last night. It was so bright peels people as far away as mexico reported seeing it. Southern california airports did know about it and they had change some of the night path in advance to accommodate the offshore testing. But the penalty gone issued a statement saying. [audio not understandable] frequent recurring bases to continue the reliability of the system and it said the public was not notified ahead of time because the test are classified prior to launch. Major development in the investigation of the Russian Airline at that crashed in egypt. Spinettors say a inspittors say noise was inspectors say a noise was heard in the last second of the cockpit voice recording. They are investigating to see if the midair explosion was caused by a explosion or mechanical problem. The state is digging deep into the Rainy Day Fund to repair damage from two wild fires. It is bringing up another 45 Million Dollars to pay for cleanup and debris removal in the butte and valley fire zones. That is on top of another 10 million transferred out of reserves last month. But the feds could end up taking care of the costs because wild fires were declared federal disasters. And the Golden State Warriors are hot cruising on to the 7th victory last night at the capital. Steph led all scores and they are head back home where they host the pistons that game is tomorrow night. Thats the top stories now back to you ann and phil. California has plan to execute criminals on death row. Last execution at san quentin was 2006 after that three drug cocktail for lethal injection was deemed inhumane by a judge. Criminal Justice Legal Foundation forced California Department of corrections to come with up way to perform lethal injections. Proponents say using one drug that is proven to work is key except that drug is not available in the u. S. There are ways around that texas. [audio not understandable] critics can concerned inmates are used as human experiments. And we will see how that progresses but we could decide on this sooner. Is a potential ballot measure for next years election in november that could abolish the Death Penalty and the possibility of one that could speed up the Death Penalty. So some conflicting measures. And speeding up some of it is a result of a lawsuit filed by Death Penalty proponents who said the state was dragging its feet. And in fact it had the solutionfor the law and no one wanted to act. Its interesting and the governor and attorney general said they were against the Death Penalty but they have to enforce the law of the land. And the question is when they are doing it or not and thats going to be probably on the ballot box and as well in the legislature as well. Speaking of. [audio not understandable] the Commission Chair is already threat eke to threatening to quit. After it came to light the county had started a parallel investigation with a private consulting group. Some say the other pair of eyes could help fix the jail. What concerns me is that the idea that theres something secret going on the contract has not been brought to the board of supervisors and the final scope has not been developed. Some on the panel worry the private consulting findings will have more pull with the board making the fiendings all for findings all for nothing. The part of the job is to avoid lawsuits from inmates and family and mark you were at the meeting yesterday down in the south bay. Seems like a power struggle. Three hour meeting. Serious power struggle. Between the private consultant they are thinking about hiringin Santa Clara County and the be public Blue Ribbon Commission. Really the big debate what decisions are made and who is going to have the final say as far as what to do with the jail and how to fix it. Isnt there a question of funding money who has more money and more access to records so. Exactly. What records will be public and which ones will be private and the consultant that cost a pretty pinny penny but the Blue Ribbon Commission is free. Theres an irony the first thing you are trying to do is bring in a commission so everything will be transparent and the first thing you say is we are going to have a second one that may not be right . Right. And its all to avoid a lawsuit so i guess thats where the consultants money comes in. We will see. A new sheriff is in town. We both know it and in San Francisco voters ousted ross after one embattled term. Former chief deputy Vikki Hennessey rolled to victory doubling the number of votes. She is the first woman aelected sheriff in San Francisco. Hen see portraying herself as effective manager and ran a no nonsense campaign and has the support of almost everybody at city hall. I am relieved its done. Its been a great surge over the last few weeks in particular. We have had an amazing band of volunteers and just people kind of coming out of the woodwork. In the end it was not enough to get the sheriff reelected. Now mayor cruised to an easy reelection victory but a second term could hate speed bump because of a returning former opent. The board of soupor vice supervisors is the first former supervisor to make comeback on a board. He has been repeatedly a thorn in the side of mayor lee and past mayors and he has been busy in and out of office. We have a history of not getting a loy you have a history of not getting along with mayors. I have a history of being independent and standing up when others are not willing to. A wall on the water Front Movement to lead by high risemovement but says he has grown since the last time on the board. I will do it with a lot more honey than vinegar. We will have a chance to match. He says the first call to action is addressing the lack of real action coming from city hall. That sounds like a political punch if i heard one. He is a interesting politician and he lives in north beach and he said someone came to his door and his parents peskin aparents came to campaign and knocked on the door and he said i have seen peskin speeding down the neighborhood and tell him something about that. And he calls the guy and thats grass roots campaigning. I think thats part of the reasons why he worked he couldnt go to chinatown or north beach or any part of the district in the last couple months without bumping into a smiling aaron peskin which was different than the one we had before. It will be interesting in San Francisco. Meanwhile over in oakland. Chef will head to new york hoping to convince the nfl the raiders should stay in her city. She has no concrete deal but the raid verse been considering a move to proposed stadium in Los Angeles County they would share with the san diego chargers. Now oakland is scrambling to put together a plan for a new stayed why stadium that would leave taxpayers on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars in past funds they spent on the team. We believe when we provide clarity to the team about our participation they are going to have the tools they need to go out and put together a stadium plan that works for them. A sports finance and Advisory Firm has been hired to craft deal at the coliseum site. League owners could make a decision as early as january. Meanwhile it turns out theraiders are lower on the list of priorities. The Top Priorities were education, job and creation in public safety. Holding onto pro stores teams was at the bottom with the raiders actually ranking last on the survey. A lot of people are upset not wanting taxpayer money to go to the development when the nfl is a multibillion dollar industry. But they ranked at about 14, 15 and 16 on the scale of priorities. But, still, the raiders have about a third of the people that say they want them to stay and a third would like them to stay and a third is like no. So aid typical 3way split we see in the situations and its going to be up to the city hall to try to sort through which third going to get the voice. And its a lot of passion from the raider nation to say they are starting an online Fund Raising Campaign to put their own money into the deal. They only need 300 Million Dollars. Up next the High Speed Rail Authority gives up the fight to keep a report on cost overruns out of the public eye. We will sit down with the chair. Campaign speeches for jokes when he returns to the snl stage. We will look at the controversial visit. I am totally blind. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24. Learn more by calling 8448242424. Or visit your24info. Com. Cost increase in the first g the california high speed rail authorities hats released a copy of the has reese he leeed authority has released a copy of the report showing a large increase in the first leg of the process. Joining thus morning dan richards. First question, we had a Ribbon Cutting in january i believe it was down in the Central Valley said we are getting rolling. How far have we actually gotten on this . Actually theres a lot of work going on in the Central Valley. First contract which is about a billion dollar contract, underneath what our engineers estimated it would be. Last week, they were building the new railroad bridge across the fresno river and they are going through the city of fresno taking down buildings getting rade to realign streets and so forth. So we will have that what size stretch. About 130 miles from north of fresno to north of bakersfield and thats the spine of the system built right now. And then we are looking at the caltrans electrification in the north and similar things to the south. Now, where theres the Los Angeles Times pulled up 2013 parseons brinker hoff report there was questions about funding estimates and it was in the report a draft that possibly it could go 8 billion dollars over budget in the first leg. Right and that first of all, this has been the source great controversy all week the socalled benghazi memo i call it a draft power point. Okay. One of hundreds of documents that went into the cost estimate. Our cost estimates in 2014 didnt change from 2012 because inflation didnt change. This same draft power point also showed by the way, that it was an apples. [audio not understandable] to oranges they werent comparing the same two legs and they didnt know because it was a report out of context. The rest of the system was going down price. Having said all that. Right. Is the rail projections costs coming in at the original estimate that voters approved . No its coming in below. You are saying that its going to come in below. Well, what i am saying is right now. No. I realize right now but as we look ahead,. I wont insult you or your viewers by saying we know everything that could happen on this. I am telling you that the first two contracts that were issued are a billion dollars below our engineers estimate. I am telling you as we look at the numbers right now, we think that we are tracking below the 68 billion dollars we told the public this would cost. Okay. Next question, how about timeline . Are we going to have this thing done in 7 years. I am not. [audio not understandable] we are looking at that right now. That could end up slipping a little bit i doesnt know we are looking at a new Business Plan that comes out in 2016 and we will have very definitive statements about time and cost at that point. When you say slipping a little, are we talking a year or. Yeah something like. Or 10 years. Not 10 years. I am saying that i am not sure right now we can hole to the 2022 date. Second big concern is funding for this. Right. Theres question about whether the federal funding will continue and theres a question whether private funding can be found initially to make up the difference and theres question of whether or not taxpayers whether it be out of their pocket now or this Clean Air Fund we pay at the pump is going to be used continuously to subsidize the system. Well, first of all let me say that the federal funding we are not counting on any further federal funding now i think there will be in the future we are not counting on any nowch the private sector will come in. You used the word initially they are not coming in initially. And frankly we dont think they should come in initially it would cost too much but we see 20 billion dollars of private funding for the system about a third of the system. And we do see the cap in trade dollars being an important source of building this so. Are tax dollars going to subsidize in. No the bond measure says by law that they cannot have an ongoing subsidy. We will hold you to that. You should. You Better Believe it. Now, lets look at the weather out there. Sound good phil. Heres roof top cam this morning. You can see the bay bridge out there. With increasing clouds too so if you heading out, definitely you will want to take an umbrella. Lets look at the high def doppler this morning. Northern parts of the viewing area you can see Fairfield Vallejo right now starting to see the showers out there. That will be affecting the rest of us later on. [audio not understandable] throughout the day today. So heres what to expect. Mostly cloudy and showers today. Its going to stay wet into our monday. So be prepared for that for your monday morning commute. Dry weather is not going to return until tuesday. So lets look at the highs today. They are staying pretty cool. Upper 50s lower 60s. Concord is going to get to 62. San francisco is 61 degrees and santa rosa 62. Napa 61. 236 you are heading to if you are heading to veterans day parade, 61 and thats on Fishermans Wharf a change. It used to be along market street. Thats 11 a. M. Today. What we will have is clouds and showers for that. So the rain is going to stick around sunday and monday before it dries up tuesday and wednesday, its veteranss day and looks mostly sunny for that and we are heading into a warming trend to end off the workweek. Donald trump returns to nbc last night to host saturday night live. [audio not understandable] he had been heckeled by someone off stage calling him a racist but he shook it off. A lot of people are saying donald you are the most amazing guy. You are brilliant and you are handsome and you are rich. You have everything going. World is waiting for you to be president. So why are you hosting saturday night live why . And the answer is, i have really Nothing Better to do. Okay. Previously only 8 politicians have served as guest hosts. Still to come a bizarre plan to eliminate trash at bay area beach. Counter intuitive plan to keep it clean. We will be right back. ,,,,,, if you havent checked out covered california in a while, weve got some new options that might interest you. Like adult dental coverage. Great news for you. And your sweet tooth. To find free local, inperson help visit coveredca. Com find out if you could get help paying for Health Insurance with just your age, income, zip code, and the number of people in your household. Information you probably know off the top of your head. Enroll by december 15th to be covered by january 1st received 5 San Francisco mayor easily juan second term as we talked about earlier no major opposition and got 56 of the vote. Our Political Insiders weigh in on the last weeks of the campaign and the fact that mayor lee didnt get 46 of the vote. Whats this mean for San Franciscos leader . He won himself and he won the thing he cared about the most. And that was Affordable Housing. It was you couldnt turn on a Television Set in the bay area without seeing ed lees picture selling the Affordable Housing bond but we didnt see a lot of ed lee what i found and what i am going to do as mayor. What do you think. The mayor put himself out there on issues not necessarily on his record and the fact is voters didnt turn out to cast ballots for him as much as they did for some of the other issues out in front of them. You are right. Not only that he didnt have the coalition that produced the result for hill on previous occasions. That coalition in part was busy producing aaron pesk noin thats interesting because part of his. [audio not understandable] he says he hasnt been doing enough for the Chinese Community and we are going for peskin. Thats right i think in a way the vote was a control on ed lee and a message to ed lee you know we got an alternative to you. And you got to know that this was one of the rare election if given you gave to all sides. [audio not understandable] they were afraid of the mayor or peskin but didntknow a who to be afraid of. When i moved around the same i couldnt find one headquarters that was. [audio not understandable] question, the rest of the world is looking at this and saying this was a vote on sap frans sanctuary policy do you believe that. No i dont believe it was a vote. I think for whatever reason, hlost it somewhere because every day he was doing something to destroy his own image. Whether it was driving without a license whether it was driving without insurance. Whether it was failing to report an accident all of those things had nothing to do with the sanctuary problems. This was almost like a guy trying to commit political suicide. Did you see surprises . No i mean i think in fact Vicky Hennessey has the same as ross does the fact is where does San Francisco go from here . The tech vote is going to be important. I think tech vote will disappear into the social Justice Movement that you were talking about. Because tech is negative. We are going to be talking about tech in the next half hour. And the idea that air b and b and uber wants to take the political victories they have been scoring in San Francisco to the world. Uhhuh. San francisco setting the stage. Well its not even thanksgiving yet. But its beginning to look like christmas in San Francisco union square. Already. That tree is up 83 foot tall reusable tree hold are monday than 33,000 l. E. D. Lights 1100 ornaments but Tree Lighting is set for november 28th are you ready for this. Bring it on. Its crazy. Crazy. More the merrier. Super bowl 50 is about to get help. Hundreds got orientation on saturday at the masonic in San Francisco. They will be pressed into action starting next month filling all sorts of roles around the bay as the big game approaches. The Super Bowl Host Committee says it could still use some more volunteers. Another part of the build up to super bowl 50 is hitting the beach this weekend. 50 tour south of Santa Cruz Boardwalk throughout the day. Check out the 8 lombardi trophies won by the raiders and the niners. And, of course, the big game just 90 days away at this point. And you can catch it here on kpix5. Still to come legalizingrecreational pot could end up on next years ballot. How the ballot is taking shape and the big money involved. ,,,,,,,,,,pix 5 this morning. The time is. Live from the cbs bay area studios this is kpix5 news. Welcome back to kpix5 this morning the time is 7 58. I am phil matier. We have a lot to get to. Raiders and warriors try tocome with up plans to the new stadium they want to look to the giant success. The president and ceo is here with advice for the teams. He is celebrating a win on the ballot in San Francisco just this past week. In plus we have disturbing new reports on airport security. Yeah. Local congressman calling for improvements and quickly. And the war over air b and b and another battle hats been has been won but this time its in the tech companys favor. And it did get ugly we will see from thely the cal insiders how it from the political insideers how it might be the rules for the rest of the country. A lot coming up. Lets check Weather Forecast today. Starting with a lie look at golden gate bridge. You can see the folks running the golden gate Half Marathon this morning. They are running up to vista point. Mild temperatures because you see the clouds in the picture. Those are rain clouds on the way so temperatures in the lower 50s almost everywhere. Theres the live high def doppler being see the showers in petaluma and fairfield and thats zooming in the on north bay and eventually the showers will move south. The bay area will see showers by the end of the day. On and off also the workweek for your monday morning commute and dry weather for the rest of the week. We will leek at the extended look at the extend forecast but mark has headlines. The navy fired a unarmed missile off the coast of Southern California last night it was so bright people as far away as mexico reported seeing it. Apparently the Southern California airports knew about it and they had changed some of the flight paths in advance to accommodate the offshore testing. The pentagon issued a statement saying launches are conducted on a frequent recurring basis to ensure the continued reliability of the system. It went onto say the pb hick was not the notified public was not notified ahead of time because try dent missile tests are classified prior to lobch. In launch. Inspentors say noise was inspectors say a noise was heard in the last secretary of the cockpit recording. They are analyzing to see if the midair explosion was a bomb or mechanical problem. They believe the plane broke apart at high all the actual but what caused it still altitude but what caused it is a history. The state is digging digging deep to repair damage from two major wild firesfreeing up another 45 million to play for clean up and debris removal in the butte and valley fire zone. Now that is on top of another 10 million in transferred out of reserves last month. But the feds could reimburse a lot of those costs because both wild fires were declared federal disasters. Thats a look at your top stories. Now back to you anne and phil. Tsa agents failed to detect contraband on passengers 95 of the time. Its stunning and scarry. The report includes all airports across the country on average testers were able to slip past agents with weapons and explosives. [audio not understandable] the report raising concerns about security gaps with the busy Holiday Season right around the corner. Those kind of numbers you cant have a high level of confidence. Its good we do these things to understand whether we are failing or succeeding but as a person who now travels a lot, and as a person who is on the Oversight Committee thats unacceptable. Defense department will tighten security measures at airports domestically and around the globe. Really . This is. That should have been done sometime ago. This is interesting because this report dealt with passengers going through tsa but recently we have had reports both in San Francisco and oakland of questions of. Employees. Baggage employees and handlers putting contraband on the planes as well. People who have access to the planes but are not 1 hundred screened. The congressman has been calling for changes but. [audio not understandable] they were talking about new rules for International Flights on friday. I was at airport asking passengers if they are concerned and how they feel and no one was concerned and everybody feels like its being taken care of but clearly its not. Okay well, we will see what happens. On the california front theres an effort to legalize Recreational Marijuana and it could wind up on next year ballot. Looks like it is going to. Called the marijuana control legalization and revenue act the hope is to place it on the ballot next november. Backers say it would create hundreds of millions of dollars in pot packed revenue but some folks are not convinced. I guarantee you if they legalize it you will have marijuana usage in your parks, you will have it in your school yards and on the street. The polling continues to come out in favor of legalization so we want to make sure people have a place to come to be educated about the process. Four states have legalized marijuana for correctation use including washington and colorado. I saw the governor and president ial candidate on Stephen Colbert and he was pressing him on why he wouldnt want to allow pot to be legalized and it sounds like that measure was too much too soon because it was calling for the legalization of medical marijuana and Recreational Marijuana. Too much. Billion dollar industry. We will see if theres host of initiatives the question is can they bring it down to one and get support behind it. But its going to be interesting in california because if you look at our demographics we are a mix of oregon colorado and ohio in different parts of the state. And it will be interesting to see if the votes go for it. The election is going to be interesting. Last halfhour we talk about the possibility of the Death Penalty being on the ballot and we got the Death Penalty and marijuana and president ial candidates. This is going to be hot. I like that. Apple just keeps ongoing. The company is expanding from cooper cupertino to san jose and will build another mega campus. 4. 15 million square feet to play with. City of san jose drafting a Development Agreement with apple providing a broad framework for the project. It would be a great match. We have long considered ourselves the capital of silicon valley. The exact plan for the new real estate is top secret. There is talk that they might have the sort of like live work community. So people who work there would be able to live close by perhaps at reduced rate i doesnt know if i want to live that close to work. That is one of the interesting things about this whole bay area planning and development, the Big Tech Companies have campuses in the south bay but are living in San Francisco so what are they doing . Taking up the road. The idea is to get people to live closer to it but you may not want. Why san jose . It was interesting point its the richest city in the country. Beyond San Francisco. Its not just san jose and its not just San Francisco. Or oakland. Believe it or not a debate inalameda gottingly with renters angry when lan lords took up got angry when renters got ugly when renters were angry when landlords took up all the seat. The first time in the history of the town, that renters have had some form of protection. Now some renters say the rent consistently increased by 10 a year and if there was a study by the bae urban economics who looked at alameda and between 2000 and 2013, the medium Household Income went up 29 but rent increases were 54 . And thats the story throughout the bay area. It is. You cant make enough to keep up with the rents. I hear you on that. Heres a classic local versus national turning into a dog fight in San Francisco. New restrictions in the Golden Gate National Recreational Area would not allow dogs to run free off leash. You can see this happening all the time now. The Recreation Area has 80,000ing aers in san mateo marchin and San Francisco county. Park service says free running dogs are a problem because of the bites and they can harm wildlife but local leaders say city parks cant handle the four legged friends in San Francisco. Its frustrating because its clear that they want to implement the restrictions and i hope they will think twice and make changes. The proposed new rules will be revealed in january and theres going to be a 60 day Public Comment period on them in San Francisco. You dont mess with the dogs. No. You talk to willie brown and he says of all the debates whether its development or crime anything the one you dont want to get in the middle of is a dog fight over who can be in the fight. You cant win. [audio not understandable] ocean beach to keep it clean. The park service says they used it before and it worked. But instead of adding trash corrector or cans they threw out the cans altogether and got rid of them. Hope is people will pack their trash and take it home. We are looking at if by taking away some of the trash receptacles we end up with a cleaner beach and promenade. People will leave their trash. They wont take it home for sure. The park service says they did the same experiment at baker beach and they made it permanent there but i got to point out baker beach is a lot different than the grand highway beach. Right. A lot less accessible and fewer cars and fewer people. I take my dog to ocean beach and youve bag of poop and you want to throw it in the garbage can you dont want to take it home. There are going to be shall use. You got one person who is going to be out there and they wont be happy. Still. A big win for the giants following a disappointing season. Details on the major expansion for San Franciscos baseball team. A whole new community. We will be right back. ,,,,,, it took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. How do you become a superstar . Saving superstars. With pg es free Online Home Energy checkup. Dont let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. Visit pge. Com checkup and get started today. Easily passed in last weeks it is 12 minutes after 8 and you can see the showers moving into the bay area. Our high def doppler showing mainly in the north bay but moving into the east bay. So showers and concord and san ramon this morning. We are all going to see it before the end of the day. More on the Weather Forecast but first prop d easily passed in last weeks election in San Francisco clearing the way for the giants developments plans south of the stadium. Joining us now in the studio is San Francisco giants president larry baer. This is the second time you have gone to the voters and the first time was for this ball park and now to build a new neighborhood. Congratulationses. Thank you. We were encouraged and appreciative of the voters in San Francisco. We got to 73 and thats better than the first time so we improved. You managed to get the first ball park approved in San Francisco. And now you got this Huge Development okay. Mown while, other teams seem to be struggling with getting their deals together. What is the secret of the giants success . Well. Aside from the fact you wouldr the first to say you will pay for it. A lot of it is the private aspect and you have to show the Greater Community need and concerning your answering concerns. With this project proposition da lot of it was around Affordable Housing and open space two big issues. But you are a baseball team. Right. So why are we in the Development Business . Because we have a we are not going anywhere. And we have been here we have 66 year lease with extensions and we want to protect and conserve and enhance the neighborhood around us. What was you afraid would go in there knee didnt know. It was question mark. Who knows. But its going to be the front door of our ball park for the next generation or two or three hopefully. And so for the next several decades we want to make sure the ball park has a great entry point and has great neighborhood around it. People could come pregame and stay post game. Okay you are going to make money. We hope to. How important are Development Deals to sports teams and why are they this important. What happened to the days of playing ball and getting Television Revenues and that being enough. Its important to diversify because in sports the stakes are higher and salaries you know what the salaries are for the players. So you have to be able to try to diversify and get in other businesses. We are involved in our Television Network and real estate is a business and see teams do this where they can. We are in a great location where its actually becoming the corner of main and main in San Francisco. This south of market area third and king great transit and ways in and out. So we are going this could be a hub for housing and a hub for Office Workers and a hub for retail. Will you make more money off the development than local television contracts is there more money as a real estate entity. Depends on how we execute. Its longterm project and theres going to be several phases over the decade. We get into the ground in 2017 and we will be building up through 2022 and 2023 but we the idea phil is to deliver a neighborhood around the ball park thats wonderful amenity for San Francisco sis cans for years to come. Most ball parks or stadiums deals these days have the Development Built in as they go in saying we need the money to did this. Why were you able the economics changed . You are going. St neighborhood changed in 1996, what was at the ball park . What was at third and king in Willie Mayes Plaza dilapidated warehouse was nothing going on. So as the ball park came in in year 2000 it grew in the decade usf glue you are right and a neighborhood blossomed around the ball park the ball park was a catalyst for that as we saw that we found this is an opportunity in the city that has a really need for housing and need for open space. And a city that has a need for additional amenities for the south part of the southern part. Will you have another jaint sf giants incorporated. Its okay. Its okay we are a business and we want to look this helps the giants stay competitive, we have we compete in market like teams in new york and l. A. And they are bigger markets. And the economy of those markets versus ours are different. So we want to be very competitive. So going into real estate business is going to make you more competitive with the new york teams. It could. And los angeles. There are a lot of reasons. Multilayered numbers of reasons we want to do this and we are pleased the voters endorsed it last tuesday. I got share something with the viewers he is flashing this bling can you show them what it is on your hand. Its a undisclosed flying object known as the world series ring. Come on my god that could be a watch or bracelet or what. The players ring. The players deserved it. Its subtle and subdued. Oh. Subtle and subdued. Can i kiss it . Good knees. Sunday Morning Television . Wow. I would congratulate you. I was thinking it was face the nation. Lets look at the weather. Sounds good. We are expecting rain for all of us. Heres from the where you can see the clouds that are here. So take the umbrella as you head out the door. The high def doppler you can see the rain moving through vallejo and fairfield. Its in the north bay now but will be here for all of us later on today. So heres what spoke. Mostly cloudy and showers today. Staying wet into monday. So be ready for monday morning commute. And dry weather does not return until tuesday. So here are the highs today. A lot of high 50s or low 60s. 63 in san jose. 62 in fairfield. 61 in San Francisco. And 60 degrees in san rafael. So staying cool especially for veterans day parade. Its actually a little change. Typically its on market street, but trying to get a little bit more people to watch they are doing it along Fishermans Wharf today 11 a. M. It will be cloudy with showers and 61 degrees. So that rain is going to stick around through our monday. Before it dries out tuesday and wednesday. And wednesday veterans day looking good. Mostly sunny and we have a by the of a warming trend through the end of the workweek. We will be right back. ,,,, this pairing of pumpkin pancakes and pecan pie is pure perfection, pleasing my palette like a prolevel pumpkin pancake pecan pie party. And the price, perfectly puny. Dennys new pumpkin pecan pie pancakes just 4. 99. San francisco voters. Pro would have tightened the ci ions on the indust a big win for air b and b after prop f it would have tight nd restricts. And our Political Insiders weigh nonet victory and how the city is going to deal with shortterm rentals and where air b and b takes the next step. Both of the Companies Air b and b and uber are looking at creating almost a democratic social Justice Campaign for their firms. They have been under attack. Excuse me democratic social Justice Campaign for billionaires. Thats right. They have been under attack for regular story issues and they are taking the position that hey, work for the workingman. And that was the campaign that air b and b ran in San Francisco and uber is trying it also. And they want to now. [audio not understandable] put them together in a coalition and constituency. Have you seen anything like this before. Never in the history. If you go backwards a little bit, however, you will notice that when organized labor began to understand that doing a strike against employer was not enough, they needed to translate that into some political activity. Teachers and firefighters how. And nurses and. Right. So you are trying to build an image. The people who rent couches why are you upset over the fact they are replicating what the trial lawyers and the doctors and the dentists and all of those special interests organization have been doing for years. They want to control being regulated. They want to put a brakes on that. Absolutely and to do that they hired the top political op tifts. Operatives. And this one. Who is for hire apparently. But. Former clintongore. Thats right. David. From the obama administration. And these guys know how to run put together voters and they have contacts and know how to reach them and its a brilliant move because labor is going have to. This is not unusual. Work with the guys. The political consultant types have been for years making transitions into make pr firms. Mercury and others. You are right. They have always done that and always however been basically republicans making that move. Suddenly, youve got the rag tag democrat type now making the move. There very successfully and assessing how best to develop the influence and believe me, if you were in a position where had to go to uber and say i want to speak to your employees of the association you created just think of how impressed you would be if you got the endorsement. And that is what its all about. Trying to get grass roots support like the firefighters and nurses yearround so when something comes up at city hall whether its about uber or lift or lift or lyft or air b and b they will have force that goes down of citizens rather than paid lobbyists. Probably paid lobbyists as well. Citizens were upset with the way the air b and b went about it. They were snacky snacky. Kind of cocky. Its trying to frame the debate make nonny or changing neighborhoods. We will see you switching gears a little bit the worst night of stacy redmans life brought out the best in her. Allen martin explains how jefferson award winner took a senseless act of violence and created a network of caring. Reporter september 17th, 2004, the night giants fans wont forget a night changed stacy redmon forever. I can remember being at home thinking, oh i am so glad tim is there to see that. Reporter her son tim griffith did see it. But then suddenly in the post game celebration,. That was the night he was killed and it just. Reporter outside the park stacys 21yearold son had been stabbed and killed. A victim of random violence. I have the saying when i see a hawk it feels like a sign to me tim is around. Reporter showing me the painting tims girlfriend created after he died, stacy explains she was determined that her son would not be just another statistic. That is when the Tim Griffith Foundation took flight. We decided we are going to start something and we are going to work on antiviolence that was our original mission. Reporter the foundation since branched out to include grief counseling for parents who lost. [audio not understandable] and a sober living house in red roodwood city for young men out of rehab called tims house. Redwood city for young men coming out of rehab called tims house. Its its the law grief retreats for mom and for dads who lost children was really out of my own need for something. Like that. Reporter go to 3aa or aa meetings a week. Reporter gavin smith is living at tims house. I done time before so doing time is easy i decided to try something different. Reporter he knows tim would approve. I talked to him every once in a while. Reporter does he send you messages. Yeah. Thats what i wanted right was for the guys to feel that connection. To feel like taking care of that its not just a house that theres more much more behind it than that. Reporter so for helping stop the violence, comforting grieving parents and. [audio not understandable] recovery at home, this weeks jefferson award in the bay area goes to stacy redmon. We will be back with one last look at you ever forecast. ,,, [announcer] during mattress price wars at sleep train, save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. But mattress price wars is ending soon. One final look at high def doppler you can see showers in the north bay that will be moving south and the whole bay area will see object and off showers throughout much of the day. It will be clearing up towards the evening hours and you will have the possibility of a wet morning commute tomorrow. We will keep our eye on that and sunshine for the rest of the week. Thanks for joining us this morning hope the rest of your sunday goes well. Face the nation is coming up next on kpix5. Ble 12. ,,,,,, i am totally blind. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24. Learn more by calling 8448242424. Or visit your24info. Com. Dickerson with the election one year from today one republican front runner basks in the spotlight. The other feels the heat. Donald trump spent last night hamming it up on saturday night live. Well talk to him this morning. Used to call me on the cell phone. Dickerson clearly not losing any sleep over challenge to his front runner status. Now its ben carsons turn to feel the pressure of being at the top of the polls. There is a desperation on behalf trying to find way to tarnish me because we have been looking through everything. They have been talking to everybody ive ever known. Dickerson well ask him about the controversy surrounding his campaign. New York Democratic senator kiir tin gillibrand will also be with us as

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