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Joining us to talk about ups and downs of the past legislative session. You may have heard about the controversy surrounding willy brown in a high profile Domestic Violence case. That involved a top exec, 1 million fee to make charges go away. We spoke with the man himself about it. We have more on another big name tied up with this, former controller and possibly democratic candidate. A nuclear deal with iran. Some say it is giving too much to a country that has terrorism. First lets take a quick check of your Weather Forecast. We have reason to use our doppler. Actually we are starting with a live look, fog in the skies, a little cloudy. It will be a little bit warmer today than we saw yesterday. There is our doppler this morning. It is sluggish. We had to dust it off. We are seeing some sprinkles if the far north bay, nothing measurable but we wanted to let you know about that. Here is a live look at the golden gate bridge. You cant see it because it is completely fogged in. Temperatures are in the low 60s around most spots, santa rosa, san jose. We will see the clouds sticking around with sprinkles possible, a mix of sun and clouds and warmer temperatures. Mark has more on your headlines. Entire towns evacuated with four firefighters in the hospital with Second Degree burns after a new wildfire explodes across 62 square miles. We are talking about the valley fire. Mandatory evacuation orders are in place along a 30mile stretch of highway 29. We are talking from lower lake. The area is home to at least 10,000 people. The fire started yesterday afternoon burning in lake and napa counties. It has exploded across 40,000 acres. Firefighters have not been able to get containment and there is no word on numbers but multiple homes and other buildings have been destroyed in the flames and there is word this morning that fema is now stepping in to help. Their barn unfortunately burned down. They lost their shop. Theyre hoping to save their home. I know a lot of people here have lost their home. Four evacuees this morning, two shelters are open. One is at the kelsey ville Presbyterian Church on third street in kelsey ville. The other is at the napa county fair ground. Meanwhile the bute fire is holding. Governor brown declared a state of emergency for that area. Cal fire has that about 15 contained this morning but at least 86 homes, 51 out buildings are gone. 6400 more buildings are still threatened. Adding insult to injury, looters are starting to zero in on evacuated homes. Officers arrested an oakland man at a house in san andreas after they say he forced his way in to burglar eyes. Back to you. Californians right to die law is in the handle of Governor Brown. This is after emotional lobbying by the family of brittany maynard, the woman who moved to oregon so she could legally end her life. The governor has not said whether he will sign the bill. If he does here is what it would include, making written and oral request to a doctor for the lethal drug and then making another request to the same doctor within 15 days. Lastly, a second doctor must sign off that the patient is mentally stable and has diagnosis of at most six months to live before a prescription is given. Physicians are not bound to do this. It is really finding one thats willing to write that prescription. The Silver Lining to assisted suicide is it forces doctors to talk to patients about their options like hospice or using pain medication to make patients as comfortable as possible as they die naturally. The big question is whether or not Governor Brown is going to sign this. He is a staunch catholic. He is. When we asked him about it after it passed state assembly he said he had no comment to make publicly. On the other hand he did speak with ms. Maynard before she passed. There is back and forth on that. Regardless whether the governor signs this advocates for assistant suicide say if he does aint theyre ready to take it to the ballot november 16. This bill did die in Committee Last summer. It looked like it wouldnt go anywhere. Suddenly they bring it up. There is a lot of criticism that maybe it was done frantically at the last minute. It wasnt done frantically. It was strategically. It couldnt get out of committees because of opposition from the Catholic Church so they bypassed the committees. There is other legislation that could have a huge impact on the state. There is a slew of new rules for medical marijuana industry. The package of bills would create the first statewide licensing and operating rule since the state legalized medical marijuana in 1996. A new agency would oversee every aspect of the industry including pot farms, medical clinics, product safety labs, retail distribution. The big winners are the patients. When you have different products tested now at different labs we see sometimes they come back with wildly different results than what was stated on the packaging. So because this is a medicine we need to treat it as such and people need to know theyre getting the right dosage when buying the product. There is a lot of talk that the new laws will be the framework if pot is legalized. It is the framework. Its the first step. What we are seeing is a move between collective and operations into a profit making enterprise thats going to be licensed and regulated. One of the winners are the people now running the clubs. This is giving them a license and rules under which to operate. If it goes recreational, they will have the first step ahead. Theyre going to be having a say on that in november 2016. Theyre still working on getting it together. 135,000 people converging on San Francisco now for dream force. Ever heard of it . The city is packed. There are so many people there arent enough hotel rooms. Now there is this, the dream boat. There is a luxury cruise ship docked at pier 27, interior state room thats about 170 square feet goes for 250 per night for those who want to splurge, premium suite with veranda is 850 a night. Most floating bedrooms on getmyboat is offering a Service Called sleep aboard. The service operates the same way that air bnb does for apartments and homes. Its a great way for travelers to see a destination that theyre visiting or for locals just to go down and see the city from a completely different point of view. Find boat rental listings on the Traditional Air bnb site. I was checking some out. The price isnt bad. Its like 200 and you have the boat but i think the rocking would kill me. Whats next . You going to rent cars . Probably. How much would you be willing to gamble on a lighter faster commute. 491 is a fine for car pool violations. Drivers are clearly willing to risk it. A survey found car pool cheating is on the rise. In some spots 30 to 40 of single drivers admit trying to sneak in. Chp says it is on pace to answer citations in the bay area this year, about 3000 more than last year. Clearly people are desperate to get around the crazy commute. Especially in santa clara. I talked with one of the officials who send people out to monitor because theyre trying to figure out how these are working. Its working for the people that want to take the shot, a 30 increase. They were stunned. Some people have fake babies in the back. Its getting pathetic. It is risky. If you need to get somewhere, people are willing to take a chance. A big win for the white house as the acran nuclear deal is approved. Some call it the president s Foreign Policy obamacare. We sit down with one bay area congressman who supports it and talk about where we go from here. How young is too young to light up . One bay area hot spot for the millennial generation wants to change the smoking age. The proposal the city of berkeley is making. ,,,,,, president obama now has a free hand to implement the iran nuclear deal. An effort to block it fell short in the senate meaning there will be no need for a president ial veto. Later House Republicans held votes on their own to send a political message and lay the ground work for a potential lawsuit. They say the fight is not over. Joining us is one of the yes votes. In a nutshell, why did you vote for this . Iran is one of the most evil regimes the world has seen. This puts us where we put diplomacy first and we are able if there is a violation to prosecute the violation. It reduces enrichment and for the first time in years we will have 24 7 monitoring of the nuclear program. One of the arguments was iran was on the verge of getting the bomb anyway. Two to three months away. How did they wind up that close . Why didnt we stop them before . We didnt have an agreement with countries like china, russia and others willing to step up and say this is wrong. We put all those countries together. Now we have a framework where if iran violates, we can tighten that noose with the countries and prosecute the violations. That is what we have on paper. You have just gotten back from afghanistan. We have a history of putting things on paper and a couple years later find out it is not working out. Whats going on in afghanistan . I was in afghanistan for the intelligence committee. The country is doing better than it was two years ago when i was there. If you had told me they would have a Security Agreement with United States which iraq does not and which is why the country is unraveling and that the taliban in alqaeda would be on the run, i never would have believed you. Our presence is still effective and helping the afghan people. That is an example possibly of where diplomacy or obama administrations plan worked. Others look and say that is an example where it is not working. Iran is in between. I think iran gives us best opportunity to take away Nuclear Weapons and if we would have pushed ourselves away from the table and alleged violation, we would have had no credibility. We are at that table now. Even if we find a violation and dont believe china or russia will go, we have more credibility because we tried diplomacy first. Anuclear bomb gets a lot of attention but iran and other countries including saudi arabia are at the same time funding terrorist operations around the world. What are we going to get them to stop from doing that. We have taken the Biggest Issue off the table, Nuclear Weapon. Now we can address funding terrorism better because thats off the table. If we ease sanctions off we are giving them money and go ahead to do the other. We are not giving them money. Theyre getting money they were entitled to. You have to ask the question would you rather deal with iran funding global terrorism with or without a Nuclear Weapon . Now that the Nuclear Weapon is off the table lets go after them on funding terrorism and we are in a better position to do that because they dont have a Nuclear Weapon. I want to switch to the politics of this. Who got this passed . Was it the president . Who was the force behind this . I worked in the house with leader pelosi. I respected that she went to each member and said do you have all the information that you need . If people didnt, she sent them to the military leaders, intelligence individuals, energy individuals, and allowed them to reach their own independent decision. It was a remarkable show i think of her leadership to take a number of different members with varying positions on this and give the president the support that he needed. If i translated what you said and didnt say, i didnt hear much about the president in that. The white house, they came and brought their experts but i think members in the house trusted nancy pelosi because she gave them the room and comfort to arrive at the decision on their own. She did it not with a hammer and a fist. She did it by giving them the information they needed. I think members respected that. Thanks for joining us. We will have to keep an eye on this. This issue will be continued at the forefront especially with the president ial campaign. Now we will take a look at the weather. Here we have a live shot of dublin. This is our dublin cam looking toward mount diablo. Its kind of hard to see. We have a lot of clouds to start our sunday. We did see sprinkles overnight. You can see the sprinkles moving out of the bay area right now. Here is what you can expect waking up, a cloudy start with possible sprinkles still around, partly cloudy afternoon and warmer than temperatures we had yesterday around the bay. Then a chance of showers returning. We will have a little bit more on that in your seven day. First here are your high temperatures. Santa clara you will get to 83, 81 in mountain view, san jose, 83. To the far east bay, our high is 90 in brentwood, 85 in walnut creek. To the central bay, 69 in alameda, same for San Francisco, 80 in mill valley. A cooling trend will return monday before the temperatures finally bottom out in the middle of the week wednesday where we are watching for a 30 chance of rain. Then the sun returns to end off our work week. A bay area ceo who found himself in legal trouble got former mayor willy brown involved in the case. That has turned ,,,,,,,, a San Francisco ceo reportedly was willing to go to Great Lengths to resolve legal trouble after accusations he beat up his girlfriend. The wall street journal says he paid former mayor and Assembly Speaker willy brown a quarter Million Dollars and offered more hoping brown would use influence with the d. A. To make charges go away. Investigators say the beating happened at the penthouse and recorded on video. It was ruled video and charges were reduced and he pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors. Brown later returned nearly 200,000 will ever we sat down with mr. Brown. One of the questions is what was he doing getting involved in this in the first place . Accused of assaulting his girlfriend. Dont forget that. Lawyers are hired to represent people with accusations of the nature made against them. Mr. Westly in emails obtained says he contacted you in the belief you can help this case because you know the District Attorney and might be able to get had i am to back off on the charges. You only get people to back off on the basis of merit, phil. You never get them to back off otherwise. They run for election. Theyre not about to in a 47 count Domestic Violence case, theyre not about to do anything except follow the book. The implication in the story is pay to play politics going on. Was there some kind of deal . I could see you saying for 1 million we can make it go away. I can hear you say that. Thats not the way i operate. I never have operated that way as a matter of fact. I would tell you in a very direct way i can put together a team that based on the facts you tell me if theyre true the methods in the court system says that evidence cant be introduced and you will be free. For a million bucks you put together a team. No. It wasnt a million bucks. It was a retainer of 250,000 with no indication of what the real fee would be based upon whatever the nature of the needs might be. I put together a fabulous legal team that resulted in this man being able to be free of the obligations of the Domestic Violence and in addition there too from the retainer almost 200 grand was not used. It was returned. In this, what we have here is evidence that was brought in front of a judge. The District Attorney did proceed with charges. He dismissed some for lack of evidence but went with the two main ones. He didnt dismiss. The courts dismissed. The District Attorney never dismissed. The court accepted the merits of what was pleaded in court and literally because of the nature of no warrant as a result of that, that evidence couldnt be altered. Now put on your political hat. How does this affect westly who is supposed to announce run for governor. I think he will have to respond to whatever inquiries you make of him based upon his foolish use of communication components. On you as former mayor, as a journalist with a column, somebody that comes and talks as a former state Assembly Speaker who prompted you to get involved with something so distasteful as this brutal beating . Everybody is entitled to a defense, partied. In the world of law, everybody is entitled to a defense. In particular, if they desperately need it and they can afford it. Steve wesly who theyre referring to is a former controller and was democratic knew in a tore candidate. And may be again. This is in the San Francisco chronicle. He was on the board with mr. Sha hall who did wind up with two misdemeanors and he was later let go. At the time there was a Stock Offering about to go up and there was concern that this would affect the value. Steve wesly who was the former controller brought mr. Brown in. He was on the board of the company. The question is whether he will be able to run for governor after Something Like this is out. Multiple firefighters injured and homes burned to the ground overnight. We are going to continue to Monitor Valley fire burning in lake and napa counties. We have the latest. The topic of body cameras is set to be addressed in San Francisco. How ,,,,,,,,,, welcome back to kpix 5. It is 7 58. Good morning. We have a lot to get to in the next 30 minutes. A huge fire continues to burn in lake and napa counties. 10,000 people are in the evacuation area now. Several homes have burned. It exploded overnight and firefighters are trying to get a better handle on how much acreage we are talking about, how many homes are threatened. We will keep you posted on that throughout the next half hour. In other news, there is a stack of bills waiting to become not law sitting on the governors desk. As interesting as that, what did it take to get through the legislator before the big friday deadline . And what did not make the cut . We will be sitting down to get a take on the last minute moves made in sacramento. Get your popcorn ready. Second republican president ial debate is set for this wednesday. It promises to be another bout of must see tv. Political insiders get us ready to figure out where candidates stand or dont stand. Are you ready for football . Raiders and 49ers about to kick off regular seasons on home turf. That could mean traffic troubles monday night especially on the south bay. A lot of raised eyebrows. Bad boy just kicked off the 49ers team. Lets look at your Weather Forecast today. It is foggy and cloudy skiesy. Temperatures are mild. Concord has 58, 69 in San Francisco, 65 in san jose. We have some sprinkles over the north bay today. You can see them on the high def doppler. A lot of the activity is not hitting the ground but you might see some of that continuing through the rest of the morning in the north bay with a mix of sun and clouds later today and warmer temperatures for most. We have your extended forecast coming up. First, the latest on the fire. Entire towns are evacuated and four firefighters are in the hospital with Second Degree burns after a new wildfire explodes across 62 square miles. We are talking about the valley fire. Mandatory evacuation orders are now in place along a 30mile stretch of highway 29 from lower lake. The area is home to at least 10,000 people. The fire that started yesterday afternoon is burning in lake and napa counties exploding in a matter of hours across 40,000 acres. So far firefighters have not been able to get any containment and there is no official word on the numbers but multiple homes and other buildings have already been destroyed in the flames. You can see that in a lot of the video. The blaze is so widespread the firefighters are having a tough time just trying to keep up. What i can tell you is the firefighters and Law Enforcement present here tonight have a unique situation. Not only are they moving from street to street, community to community, one by one theyre addressing this as things flare up from neighborhood to neighborhood. Firefighters are describing the blaze as a fire storm and compare it to the 1991 oak land hills fire which absolutely devastated the area. For evacuees here is your latest. Two shelters are open. One is at kelseyville Presbyterian Church on third street in kelseyville. The other is at the Napa County Fair Grounds in cares toga. The bute fire is holding at 65,000 acres. Governor brown declared a state of emergency for that area. Cal fire has it about 15 contained. At least 86 homes and 51 out buildings are gone. 6400 more buildings are still threatened. Adding insult to injury looters are starting to zero in on evacuated homes in the area. Officers arrested an oakland man at a house in san andreas after they say he forced his way in to burglar eyes it. We will check in with cal fire on both of the fires burning. Those are a look at your top stories on this sunday morning. Back to you. Today is the raiders open of the 2015 season. The game against the Cincinnati Bengals starts at 1 25. You can see it here. Fans of the silver and black are hoping for the first winning season since 2002. The new head coach will be focused on turning the teams fortunes around. Today newly signed linebacker smith will make his debut and will reportedly play on 20 snaps. He is facing charges on a alleged accident. A friend of the new teammate says smith is ready to take the field. He is good. I know he has been working out and itching to get back on the football field. Smith could face disciplinary measures from the nfl following his arrest last month. He has been arrested or charged five times since 2012. People were surprised that the raiders were willing to pick up this liability. Wait, wait, wait. Its the history of the raiders. Bad boys. Also there is a question there. He is charged, not convicted. Also how many stories have you covered about we need to keep people working while theyre going through the process . Cry me a river. Base salary is reportedly 1. 25 million so its certainly a good idea for him to take the field. You know what my first thought was . He has enough to pay willy brown to be his lawyer. There you go. Dont forget we will be covering the game. Oakland Colosseum Authority will hold a meeting about ideas for building and financing new stadiums. There is a 120acre project thats a combination of sports, entertainment, retail, residential complex and the city is currently negotiating with raiders and as on their own. Where are we with this . The deadline for a funding plan is next month. All eyes are down on carson in los angeles to see whether raiders and San Diego Chargers get a green light to build a stadium there. If they do, its a different story. If they dont, we start with ground zero gone, start at first and start Walking Around saying do we have a plan to come up with a way to keep them and the as in oakland. To the bay areas newest football stadium in the south bay. They will have monday night football going on. Its the first regular season game for the niners tomorrow night at levi stadium and traffic is a concern. The exhibition game a few weeks ago didnt seem to cause problems for commuters. How was the traffic . Not bad. Its three and a half hours early. Its 2 45. What are you doing here . We were here at like 12 45 actually. Its football season, we dont care if its exhibition or not. For the last exhibition game a lot of people took the day off or worked from home to avoid traffic. If you want to avoid the traffic the best bet is to watch the game on kpix 5. It starts at 7 15 tomorrow. For people who are headed to the stadium, the good news is they reduced the price of beer. The whole idea of the stadium was to make it feel like you were home watching it on tv. Speaking out about graphic footage from police body cameras. She says its not always necessary for the public to see things like this. The video shows a pair of deadly encounters between officers and suspects. The mayor told us transparency is important but there needs to be a balance between the publics right to know whats happening and the privacy rights of victims and their families. Families absolutely deserve to see this footage and have their questions answered. They deserve to have their attorneys present while they view it. The question of a more full release to the whole public is one that is very trouble some to me. The mayor says she wants to have a public discussion before setting permanent policy on the release of body cam footage. A Public Meeting is planned for wednesday on how police in San Francisco should be using body camera footage. The meeting will take on new significance after what we are about to see. Thats two Police Officers at happy doughnuts and they Start Talking about what they would and wouldnt want captured on body cameras. The video was posted on insurance thanks to a provision gram. The department instagram. The department is doing an investigation. Here is another clip from the footage. [inaudible] what these officers are doing is not illegal and it may not be against Police Policy but the chief says theyre going to look into the matter. People are actually defending the officers online. There are comments saying the officers are human. There is a level where you have to put up a wall. Galos humor. Right. Theyre speaking flip antly about death and thats wrong to people but you do have to sort of build up this insensitivity and reality. Its a sensitive topic and a national topic and comes in the wake of the text message scandal where inappropriate and even racist remarks were exchanged. The chief is under the gun on all those levels. Police body cameras, remember the person next to you has a phone and they can post you too. Thats a perfect example. Well see what happens at the Public Meeting. The smoking aage may be raised in berkeley. City council will be debating. Now you have to be 18. The proposal would raise that to 21 in berkeley. A similar statewide plan died in the state assembly. I am not opposed but in terms of the Business Aspect it can hurt quite a bit. That smoke shop owner says 70 of Tobacco Sales came from kids under 21. In berkeley you think of it as a liberal mecca. It is not shy at strict rules. The sugar tax. They passed that. Well see what they do. Defeat in the final hour. We have talked about bills that did make it through the legislature ahead of fridays deadline. What about the ones that fell . Well sit down for the inside perspective. As gop field gets smaller, more president ial candidates pull ahead. Well talk ,,,,,,,,, it took Serena Williams years to master the two handed backhand. But only one shot to master the chase mobile app. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. We are keeping a very close eye on what is called the valley fire this morning. This has taken over 40,000 acres 40,000 acres. We are talking from calastoga up 29 to clear lake. The entire stretch of 29 is evacuated. There are 10,000 people that live in that area. More than 10,000 people have been evacuated. There is an unknown amount of homes that have burned. You can see in the video some of the structures already on fire. The latest is that fema is stepping in to help in the effort but now the valley fire is burning to 40,000 acres and we will keep a close eye on this. State Legislature Passed a flurry of bills ahead of a deadline on friday night including aid in dying terminally ill patients, regulation of medical marijuana industry. We are joined by one of the late night voters. I want to talk a little bit about this special session. Theyre supposed to fix californias problems specifically but it appears to me that some of this was the governor passing off a responsibility to the state legislature. Healthcare. Over the last years there have been tremendous cuts to health and social programs in the state. Then in two weeks, he expects you or offered you the chance to come up with ways to raise the funding. You proposed . 05 tax on cocktails. It seemed like a hand off for the dirty work. It is hard to have the discussion about raising revenues which are taxes. No one likes the thought of taxes being raised. They were put as legislature in that spot of having the discussion. What happened with the cocktail tax . Its being held now. Our special session is still open. Unfortunately we did have disappointing news about tobacco tax. We were unsuccessful. Its hard to get votes to pass a tax. So no tax went up. Correct. The governor publicly said he doesnt want to do new taxes without a vote of the people. Right. So that was this mixed signal we were getting where we never knew where he stood on issues until the last couple of weeks. You were being asked to raise tax on tobacco, cocktails, gas, car registrations and all that. It was unrealistic but i think it does allow the public hearings to happen. It does allow the discussion to begin. Were at the beginning of the process. I hope that what we are able to communicate to california is we do need more revenue to meet the crushing needs on the horizon. Why dont we incorporate that into our regular budgets . It would seem that roads and healthcare would be the top things we are looking at not as an after thought. They really need to be. Certainly this fall and right away in january we are going to have to address issues particularly around medcal and our developmentally disabled community. We have to find a way to restore the funding and to allow for the growth thats happening. Exactly. Millions more people are coming into california. Lets get back to the roads for a second because just about everybody drives. These measures are going into a pair of special committees that are going to quote study them for a while. Are we going to see them again . I think we will but it may be that we see them on the ballot. Californians say they want the opportunity to vote yes or no when it comes to their taxes. Most important to californians is they want to know where the money is going. They want to know it will be spent on something they value. We have seen a little of the three card monte going on in sacramento. For example the clean air fund. We are paying . 10 more at the pump to clean the air and a quarter of it is going into high speed rail. Nobody asked about that. Thats one of the important things, making sure that money borrowed into other funds is repaid. That is one of the issues in transportation funding. Politically the governor is handing it to the legislature saying if you cant get it done here maybe we put it in front of the voters and have them decide. I dont think it is washing your hands of it. I think thats what the voters prefer and what they want. I think that having public hearings is of value. That is how the process should work prior to it going on the ballot. It allows advocates and opponents to speak. Maybe you develop a better proposition. There is a good chance you can get something done for pot holes because everybody drives and is upset about that. Talking about developmentally disabled and other groups that dont have that voice or that organization. They dont have the lobbying ability. Do they continue to just get left behind . Thats the fear. They have been left behind. They dont have a strong powerful lobbying effort behind them. We are against tobacco. We know how tough that is. We are up against alcohol. We havent raised alcohol tax since 1991. Its time to get the word out to californians that we should look at the two issues as Revenue Generating for particularly the developmentally disabled. On a scale of one to ten, what do you grade this session. Probably an eight. I am on optimist refer are you . Lets take an optimistic look at the weather. Here is our dublin camera. It is cloud eye to start our sunday. Cloudy to start our sunday. On high def doppler you see the sprinkles starting to head out of the area but we have some in the north bay and some parts of the east bay this morning. Expect a cloudy start with possible sprinkles, partly cloudy and warmer temperatures than we saw yesterday with a chance of showers returning. More on that in your seven day. First are your high temperatures for today. 82 in sunnyville, 81 mountain view, 83 san jose, 90 in morgan hill, 89 in wanted yokel, walnut creek will get to 85. San ramon is 83 and dublin is 74 degrees. It is a cooler 67 in daily city. Here is your sevenday forecast. We are going to move into a cooling trend starting monday. Temperatures are going to bottom outcome wednesday with a 30 chance of showers before things clear and the sun returns for the end of the week. Next debate for ,,,,,, as the next republican president ial debate gets closer, new numbers are out. Donald trump is topping the latest poll of Republican Voters in iowa with 27 . Ben carson is in second with 21 followed by ted cruz with 9 . Margin of error is plus or minus three percentage points. So far the republican side 2016 is shaping up to be the year of the outsider. Look at the numbers. 48 said they were going to vote for people that havent held public office. We talked about the current state of the race with political insiders. What is it with this years political scene . It appears that the entire president ial sweeps stakes is defying gravity. Absolutely. When you satisfy you ben carson here this week in San Francisco get an entire audience full of people sold out and he didnt have a lot of details on policy. I cannot explain his rise. Cut the details in policy. You are unimpressed with his response to any question . I pretty much was. I think he is a low keel style but in terms of knowledge of issues you might with him privately. It is very difficult to please this incredible High Standard reporter, columnist. She will really nail you and my friend ben did not get nailed. He is doing what he needs to do in order to be a viable candle light dat for vote purposes among republicans. That doesnt necessarily mean he is a viable president but he certainly is a viable candidate. It seems now the viable candidates are the ones making surges, democrat and republican are the ones going against the grain. As a matter of fact republican front runners arent even politicians. The democratic side, Bernie Sanders is not playing it safe either. Carly fiorina, donald trump, carson are all outsiders and Bernie Sanders as well. The public doesnt like you guys. They dont like elected officials. None are outsiders. Theyre clever people. They wouldnt be running if they were not part of the scene of trying to be elected to public office. Theyre just using a different technique and where they have certain noncredentials on the traditional side, theyre doing well. Thats exactly the way they should do it. Speaking of this defying gravity weve got a sitting Vice President going on late night talk shows and around the audience mulling openly in front of audience whether or not to run for president and displaying psyche on his sons death. I thought his appearance on colbert was bril i cant believe. It showed a real human being, something we do not see from the politicians running. It may make all the difference in the race on the democratic side. In contrast to hillary, biden looks so authentic and so real. I would advise him, thats the last interview. Why . Phil, you only go downhill. People get excited about you and really want you to be involved. The minute you get involved they start looking for the warts. Believe me, when you look for the warts, theyre there. What about Carly Fiorina . She gave a lot of momentum after the last debate even though she was relegated to the happy hour debate. A lot of people like her and yet shes not gaining in polls. Trump is attacking her. What about that attack to her face. It was her persona, not her face. Okay. Jindal came back on Donald Trumps hair. Trumps hair. We are definitely in ,, these 100 beef burgers, trumps hair. We are definitely in ,, are stacked with bacon, sweet bourbon sauce, and apparently my moms fave, spicy sriracha sauce. Eat it, dont tweet it mom. Dennys big burger bash, with burgers starting at 6. 99 this is unbelievable. We are keeping a close eye on the valley fire. So far it burned 40,000 acres in the calistoga clear lake area. An unknown amount of homes are burned. You see in the video structures are already in flames. Fema at this point is stepping in to help. It is that serious. Lets look at the conditions with weather with high temperatures near 90 and wind gusts of 10 miles an hour. We will have to keep an eye ,, dickerson today op face the nation. Wrapped new cbs poll numbers show good news for donald trump and ben carson. But not so good for hillary clinton. Im leading the pack i will tell you with the people, people are tired of incompetence. Theyre tired of people that dont get it done. Dickerson hes right about all that well tell you why with results from a new cbs news tracker poll of key primary states. Well get trumps reaction and well also talk to the man hot on his heels. Neurosurgeon ben carson. And Hillary Clintons campaign does it need a resnoot well talk to president obamas former strategist and well have analysis on the political news of the week including joe bidens emotional struggle over his political future. Its all aad

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