Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition 20

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition 20131012

latest on the b.a.r.t. situation. b.a.r.t. and union leaders continue to work trying to avoid another strike. b.a.r.t.'s general manager is likely to make a new offer. talks will resume in less than two hours from now, and all the participants are under a gag order. trying to figure out what it's going to take to get a deal. also alternate the table -- also at the table, several elected officials. 7 6% are opposed to a strike. union leaders say the latest talks do seem productive. >> i believe it was very informative for the b.a.r.t. managers, including the general manager to understand where we have been at this point as she is fairly, you know, new to this process. so we're hopeful, but we have a lot of bargaining to do. >> how much is that helping just having her there. >> i think she at least is getting both sides of the story and that is important because we don't know what is actually being filtered to her, but when she's sitting at the table, we know this is what we're telling her. >> that doesn't help the process at all. , if anything, it delays it a little bit. they spend a lot of time in the other room talking to them. >> we don't know the specifics of the deal on the table right now because of the gag order. the expectation is this morning they will be looking at b.a.r.t.'s latest contract offer. now, tomorrow on kpix 5 a, seiu1021 president roxanne sanchez will join us live in studio with their perspective. we'll continue monitoring the b.a.r.t. negotiations all weekend long. look for updates on kpix 5 and also happening today, the other big story, the u.s. senate is meeting now in a rare saturday session to vote on whether to advance a bill on lifting the government's borrowing limit. a live look at the house of representatives in session right now. republicans are expected, however, to reject the bill. at the same time a bipartisan group of rank and file senators are working on a different plan that would keep the government open for 6 months and increase the borrowing limit through january. president obama is warning against any shorter range plan. >> it wouldn't be wise as some suggest to just kick the debt ceiling can down the road for a couple of months and flirt with the first ever intentional default right in the middle of the holiday shopping season. >> the longer we go on setting for maybe next time, for this notion of putting things off until the next election is okay, the harder this is going to get. >> republican leaders say they'll make sure the debt limit is raised but they are seeking concessions before they agree to reopen the government, which may still be shut down. the government shut down is not going to stop lady liberty from welcoming her visitors. the statute of liberty will be open to the public after being closed since october 1st. the state of new york will may more than $60,000 a day to reopen the landmark. south dakota will pay $15,000 a day to open mount rushmore starting on monday. and the grand canyon in arizona. california limousines will be safer thanks to another bill the governor signed. several limo fires sparked a law that requires two emergency exits in limousines. that's in addition to the two doors. drivers will also have to educate passengers about safety features of the limo. these new requirements take effect in july of 2015. the governor vetoed banning the sale of semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines. he says it goes too far and he didn't think it would curb violence. he did approve eleven new gun control laws including a ban on clip kits that convert regular guns to shoot at high capacity, a bill requiring safety training for gun owners, better tracking of guns that are lost or stolen and new restrictions for the mentally ill owning guns. develop news, hundreds of thousands of people are running for their lives in eastern india as a powerful cyclone packing 160 miles per hour winds gets closer. large waves have started crashing on the beaches in india become ago super cyclone. it could reach land in a few hours. 12million people are in the path of that storm. more developing news out of afghanistan, a third round of talks is expected today between secretary of state john kerry and afghanistan president karzai, the topic, allowing american troops to stay in the country after the military mission ends next year. sources say the two countries are close to an agreement. the u.s. wants a deal by the end of the month. an orange county man pled not guilty to charges he was helping al-qaeda. sim wen was picked up at a bus station, headed to mexico. besides terrorism, he's accused of lying about his name and other information on a passport application. he'll be in court next week. photos from a stolen laptop show the men who may have nabbed it. they were taken by software that the owner had installed on his mac book computer. the owner reported the theft to police after he had obtained the photos, and an approximate location for the people using the computer. headlines around the bay, berkeley police are asking for your help in finding a tip jar thief. the suspect was caught on tape walking away from with a tip jar from a store. he has struck three stores all in downtown berkeley. and the cupertino city council is set to vote tuesday on a new campus for apple. these are sketches of the proposed design. it's a four story saw certificate shaped building where an hp office stands. 7400 jobs could be created at the campus. mark zuckerberg went on a shopping spree for houses. the facebook founder and ceo bought four homes that surround his own 5 bedroom pad. it seems the multibillionaire is taking privacy to a new level. he spent $30 million buying the houses. three are behind his house on hamilton. a realtor rosays this probably will not affect the neighborhood's home prices. the median palo alto home price is heading up already, the sellers market in this case even if you aren't looking to sell. >> if you're interested in a very particular piece of property, you know, maybe isn't on the market, then, you know, going up and knocking on somebody's door and saying what do you want for your property, that's very different than a seller who has a reason to sell. >> zuckerberg heard the developer wanted to build a mansion and market it being near the ce, o. the families he bought the houses from are living in the houses. the pr response no one was supposed to see. after a major airline loses a dog at sfo. plus, it was very cold. we slept under walks. >> walking for five days and nights, simply to get an education. how this bay area student literally walked to freedom to become the first in her family to go no college. and just ahead, we have a look at your saturday forecast, starting out cloudy, but there's a silver lining behind the clouds, we'll have the forecast for you after a break. ,, people go to a mattress store, and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah! at our columbus day event, save $500 to $700 on the final closeout of our performance series mattress sets. but hurry - ends soon! only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. becoming california's first openly gay elected politici. now he harvey milk made history becoming california's first openly gay elected politician. now he's about to make more history, the u.s. postal service plans to issue a commemorative stamp next year. milk was elected as san francisco supervisor in 1997 to be assassinated in 1978. people are fired up against air canada on social media after a mix up at sfo that left a dog missing. fliers of larry the greyhound have been posted near the airport. the dog was let out for a potty break on monday and disappeared. people have been looking for larry the dog for five days now. he was let out of the air canada car go area and instead of going to the bathroom, larry took off toward the employee parking lot and the 101 freeway. that's duncan white of brith columbia... >> i'm very upset, you know, you look at their web site, and they say they take great care in shipping animals and obviously it's not true. >> duncan white of british columbia, he was going to adopt larry. at a response for air canada communicationings that said just ignore it, their entire government is shut down, and this is how the u.s. media spends its time. whoops. >> yeah. >> weather wise, yeah, we have had a little bit of a downward trend. >> little bit, yeah, but today we should recover and there's been a lot of sun around. it's that little nip in the air. >> and that fog. >> it is mid october. it's supposed to go down a little bit. today it will warm up a nudge or two. low clouds as we look at the golden gate bridge if we can see it. san francisco's got 51 degrees. livermore at 46. san jose 48 degrees and santa rosa, same one, not much traffic at this hour. out the door, we're going to be looking at numbers mostly in the low 50s with partly sunny skies. but the sun will be coming out in a few hours and we recover to mid-70s inland, and around the bay 70 degrees, and right by the shoreline, 65 degrees or so. and here's how it's looking as high pressure really is building in strongly. this high goes all the way into british columbia, and the high bumps up the pressure, a mostly sunny day out of it today, as soon as we dispense with the low clouds along the shoreline. the approach to the bay bridge, expect a chilly start today, warms up a bit later and by the end of the weekend, it will be near 80 degrees inland. a little bit of a warming trend. if you're headed up to ukiah, 78 degrees on 101 and way up north, 64 degrees at eureka where they had an earthquake yesterday, magnitude 5, 30 miles offshore. 76 at livermore and 64 in san francisco, so you'll notice that those numbers are a little bit below average. the 64, not quite where we should be for this time of year. one of the warmest months of the year in san francisco. livermore is a couple degrees back and san jose, 5 degrees cooler than average. sunnyvale at 72 degrees. and campbell at 72. 74 in morgan hill. nice in the east bay, plenty of sunshine and numbers will pop out of the mid-70s. 74 at danville. 75 at pleasant hill and 74 at brentwood. north bay looks good too. numbers recover in the low 70s. a little bit chilly. and unless you hop over the gate which is an easy thing to do. i have done it. 73 at lake port and in the extenned forecast you get partly cloudy skies, which means cloudy and sun in the afternoon. look at the numbers next week. near 80 degrees inland. bay looks nice, too. mostly in the low 70s. saturday looks good. have a good time. bay area kids who have big dreams of going to the big scripps national spelling bee got good news, radio is going to sponsor the area students. the san francisco chronicle announced it will no longer sponsor the regional budget cuts so we'll be sponsoring 8 counties. if you're feeling guilty, you're probably feeling heavier, too. a new study says people with guilt actually feel more rating a weight in their bodies. -- more weight in their bodies. the more guilt, the heavier they perceived their bodies to be. and too busy for exercise, we have good news for you, then. the american council on exercise says all you need is 20 minutes of high intensity work outs a day. exercise programs like tabata. did i say that right. apparently they're growing in popularity, so we'll be hearing more about them. you work hard for 20 seconds and break for 10. you do that for 20 minutes and you're done. a bay area teen heading to college, her unique understanding of freedom from an incredible childhood memory, our student rising above, coming up. it went on and on and on. it had to be over before i got up to talk to you. cardinals, dodgers, extra innings, nlcs, don't move. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, load up on your favorite coke products. 12 packs are $2.77 each. tide is $16.99 for 150 ounces. that's under 20 cents a load. and oikos greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. good morning everybody. well, it started yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon, and by the time -- 5:30 in the afternoon, and by the time it was over, we were saying good night now on the 10:00 news. i'm talking about dodgers, cardinals, game one, nlcs. here's a nice come back, juan, a one time giant, two dodgers score to make it 2-0. in st. louis and the home team, punching them out. oh, man. beltran gutting mark ellis at the plate. so this baby would be tied at 2 a piece. they went extra innings. gave them the run. and in that extra inning, it was carlos beltran, another one time giant scoring former st. francis store danny descalso and the cardinals win. adrian peterson, his 2-year- old son died when allegedly his mother's current boyfriend beat him to death. the incident happened wednesday in sioux falls south dakota. peterson plans on playing tomorrow. the u.s. soccer team, atop their group in world cup qualifying josie out the door, finishing off jamaica as the u.s. wins this one, final of 2- 0 last night. we have a laundry list of college football to fill your day on saturday. don't forget sunday, raiders chiefs on kpix 5 at 10:00 a.m. and then the big one in the afternoon, 9ers, cardinals. who you got. the 9ers and cardinals, i guess. the warriors are taking break from the grind of training camp. they bored a plane heading to china. they will play two preseason games against the laker and during that stretch, they will have traveled 12,000 miles and crossed over 15 time zones. our student rising above today comes from a tiny village in tibet and this fall she became the first in her family to go to college. she understanding freedom in a way that even some americans do not. >> reporter: orientation at oxford college in georgia, one face in the crowd here, she was a stand out at commencement at albany high in june when she spoke about how she got here. >> the most memorable moment of my life was escaping from my country of tibet, by crossing the himalayan mountains. i was 8 years old. >> most of her classmates knew nothing of the dangerous journey that little girl took, first to get to the border of tibet, then walking for 5 days to freedom. >> at night it was very cold. we slept under rocks. and during the day, close to where the camps are, we have to kind of hide so that they won't catch us. >> and she also described how many of the people that have escaped have been caught and killed. >> this photo of pasan of her uncle is the only one she has of tibet. her family risked everything so their children could get an education. >> i'm in school, and people in tibet, they don't have that chance. >> reporter: i am here for a reason, she says. >> in my 7 years as a counselor, she's probably the most special student i have worked with. it's her character, how much she cares for others and wants to help others around her. >> reporter: pasan's family lives below the federal poverty line. her father struggles to support them. >> what i have is my religion, you know, and through my religion, i have learned to not be materialistic. if you have all the things you need instead of the things you want, knowledge is more important than materials. >> reporter: people in the bay area may know more than most about the plight of tibetans. they're not allowed to practice their own religion or speak their own language. the tibetan religious leader, the dalai lama cannot go home. but the pictures are dozens of tibetans, who have set themselves on fire to protest their treatment under the chinese government. >> i'm scared that if this keeps going, someday there won't be a tibet. >> reporter: pasan wants to give tibetans a voice. >> i lived in a country where there is no freedom, and i'm living in a country that has freedom, so i see the difference. >> reporter: she wants to go into medicine and work in undeveloped countries. wendy tokudo, kpix 5. >> now, her family doesn't have the money to send her to college. if you would like to help her and other kids in the bay area like her go to get a college education, go to our web page,, as in students rising above. >> extraordinary story and good luck to her. another look at today's top stories, that includes the latest push by b.a.r.t. and union leaders to prevent a strike on monday. falls ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in about 90 minutes talks wl re negotiations. here's a look at this morning's top stories. >> in 90 minutes, talks will resume in the b.a.r.t.'s labor negotiations. the general manager is likely to make a new offer to the unions. a b.a.r.t. spokeswoman says gm is trying to figure out what it's going to take to get a deal. all parties involved are trying to head off the strike on sunday night at midnight. we are looking live inside the house chambers where representatives are debating the government shut down. the u.s. senate is meeting to consider a bill on lifting the borrowing limit. republicans are expected to block it. meanwhile, a bipartisan group of rank and file senators are working on a different plan. it would keep the government open for six months and also increase the borrowing limit through january. and a powerful cyclone is about to hit land in eastern india. 12million people are in the storm's path. more than 40,000 of them have been moved to higher ground. experts warn the cyclone could grow into a super storm. >> and it has 160 miles per hour winds so that is massive. let's have a last look at the saturday morning forecast. >> it's calm. >> not bad, a little bit cloudy as we look at the golden gate bridge. the numbers, it conquered 44 degrees. it's a chilly start to the morning. livermore in the mid-40s and san francisco at 61 degrees. where you had clear skies, it got chilly overnight. later today, temperatures rising into the mid-70s inland and we'll be about 70 degrees if you're in one of the cities lining the bay. looking for numbers to recover slowly, 80-degree rage by monday, next week, plenty of sun. and we'll have that too. dogs are determined little creatures. >> and it doesn't matter the task, they'll try and try even if they fail. check out this little guy. ♪ ♪ >> the eye of the tiger, well in this case, bandit, the pit bull puppy gives a champion effort and managed to get untread mill for a second or two. he doesn't give up. this video has more than 2 million hits on youtube. doggy trend treadmill, if i had a cat treadmill, my cat could use. >> that i believe in laughing, i think we succeeded. time to call it a morning, thank you for watching kpix 5 news this morning. >> we'll be back here tomorrow with phil matier with the latest on the b.a.r.t. strike, we'll have our fingers crossed as negotiations continue this weekend. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. beef stir fry... shrimp tacos... endless possibilities! you score little victories every now do it with dinner. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. for chicken pasta... skillet lasagna... shrimp tacos... endless possibilities! sauté express®. in the dairy aisle. announcer: when you see this symbol you know you're watching a show that's educational and informational. the cbs dream team& it's epic. narrator: today on lucky dog. brandon saves an active little puppy who was left at a local shelter. he's a smart, eager little guy with a very short attention span. brandon: hey, hey, hey, stay in the ballpark! narrator: brandon knows long family who would be the perfect match, almost. brandon: you folks do live in rattlesnake and coyote country. narrator: if brandon can get this excitable puppy to focus and listen, even in the most trying situations, emmett will have found his perfect family match. gigi: good boy! brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope.

Related Keywords

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition 20131012 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition 20131012

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latest on the b.a.r.t. situation. b.a.r.t. and union leaders continue to work trying to avoid another strike. b.a.r.t.'s general manager is likely to make a new offer. talks will resume in less than two hours from now, and all the participants are under a gag order. trying to figure out what it's going to take to get a deal. also alternate the table -- also at the table, several elected officials. 7 6% are opposed to a strike. union leaders say the latest talks do seem productive. >> i believe it was very informative for the b.a.r.t. managers, including the general manager to understand where we have been at this point as she is fairly, you know, new to this process. so we're hopeful, but we have a lot of bargaining to do. >> how much is that helping just having her there. >> i think she at least is getting both sides of the story and that is important because we don't know what is actually being filtered to her, but when she's sitting at the table, we know this is what we're telling her. >> that doesn't help the process at all. , if anything, it delays it a little bit. they spend a lot of time in the other room talking to them. >> we don't know the specifics of the deal on the table right now because of the gag order. the expectation is this morning they will be looking at b.a.r.t.'s latest contract offer. now, tomorrow on kpix 5 a, seiu1021 president roxanne sanchez will join us live in studio with their perspective. we'll continue monitoring the b.a.r.t. negotiations all weekend long. look for updates on kpix 5 and also happening today, the other big story, the u.s. senate is meeting now in a rare saturday session to vote on whether to advance a bill on lifting the government's borrowing limit. a live look at the house of representatives in session right now. republicans are expected, however, to reject the bill. at the same time a bipartisan group of rank and file senators are working on a different plan that would keep the government open for 6 months and increase the borrowing limit through january. president obama is warning against any shorter range plan. >> it wouldn't be wise as some suggest to just kick the debt ceiling can down the road for a couple of months and flirt with the first ever intentional default right in the middle of the holiday shopping season. >> the longer we go on setting for maybe next time, for this notion of putting things off until the next election is okay, the harder this is going to get. >> republican leaders say they'll make sure the debt limit is raised but they are seeking concessions before they agree to reopen the government, which may still be shut down. the government shut down is not going to stop lady liberty from welcoming her visitors. the statute of liberty will be open to the public after being closed since october 1st. the state of new york will may more than $60,000 a day to reopen the landmark. south dakota will pay $15,000 a day to open mount rushmore starting on monday. and the grand canyon in arizona. california limousines will be safer thanks to another bill the governor signed. several limo fires sparked a law that requires two emergency exits in limousines. that's in addition to the two doors. drivers will also have to educate passengers about safety features of the limo. these new requirements take effect in july of 2015. the governor vetoed banning the sale of semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines. he says it goes too far and he didn't think it would curb violence. he did approve eleven new gun control laws including a ban on clip kits that convert regular guns to shoot at high capacity, a bill requiring safety training for gun owners, better tracking of guns that are lost or stolen and new restrictions for the mentally ill owning guns. develop news, hundreds of thousands of people are running for their lives in eastern india as a powerful cyclone packing 160 miles per hour winds gets closer. large waves have started crashing on the beaches in india become ago super cyclone. it could reach land in a few hours. 12million people are in the path of that storm. more developing news out of afghanistan, a third round of talks is expected today between secretary of state john kerry and afghanistan president karzai, the topic, allowing american troops to stay in the country after the military mission ends next year. sources say the two countries are close to an agreement. the u.s. wants a deal by the end of the month. an orange county man pled not guilty to charges he was helping al-qaeda. sim wen was picked up at a bus station, headed to mexico. besides terrorism, he's accused of lying about his name and other information on a passport application. he'll be in court next week. photos from a stolen laptop show the men who may have nabbed it. they were taken by software that the owner had installed on his mac book computer. the owner reported the theft to police after he had obtained the photos, and an approximate location for the people using the computer. headlines around the bay, berkeley police are asking for your help in finding a tip jar thief. the suspect was caught on tape walking away from with a tip jar from a store. he has struck three stores all in downtown berkeley. and the cupertino city council is set to vote tuesday on a new campus for apple. these are sketches of the proposed design. it's a four story saw certificate shaped building where an hp office stands. 7400 jobs could be created at the campus. mark zuckerberg went on a shopping spree for houses. the facebook founder and ceo bought four homes that surround his own 5 bedroom pad. it seems the multibillionaire is taking privacy to a new level. he spent $30 million buying the houses. three are behind his house on hamilton. a realtor rosays this probably will not affect the neighborhood's home prices. the median palo alto home price is heading up already, the sellers market in this case even if you aren't looking to sell. >> if you're interested in a very particular piece of property, you know, maybe isn't on the market, then, you know, going up and knocking on somebody's door and saying what do you want for your property, that's very different than a seller who has a reason to sell. >> zuckerberg heard the developer wanted to build a mansion and market it being near the ce, o. the families he bought the houses from are living in the houses. the pr response no one was supposed to see. after a major airline loses a dog at sfo. plus, it was very cold. we slept under walks. >> walking for five days and nights, simply to get an education. how this bay area student literally walked to freedom to become the first in her family to go no college. and just ahead, we have a look at your saturday forecast, starting out cloudy, but there's a silver lining behind the clouds, we'll have the forecast for you after a break. ,, people go to a mattress store, and essentially they just get sold something. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. before you invest in a mattress, discover the bed clinically proven to improve sleep quality. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah! at our columbus day event, save $500 to $700 on the final closeout of our performance series mattress sets. but hurry - ends soon! only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.99. sleep number. becoming california's first openly gay elected politici. now he harvey milk made history becoming california's first openly gay elected politician. now he's about to make more history, the u.s. postal service plans to issue a commemorative stamp next year. milk was elected as san francisco supervisor in 1997 to be assassinated in 1978. people are fired up against air canada on social media after a mix up at sfo that left a dog missing. fliers of larry the greyhound have been posted near the airport. the dog was let out for a potty break on monday and disappeared. people have been looking for larry the dog for five days now. he was let out of the air canada car go area and instead of going to the bathroom, larry took off toward the employee parking lot and the 101 freeway. that's duncan white of brith columbia... >> i'm very upset, you know, you look at their web site, and they say they take great care in shipping animals and obviously it's not true. >> duncan white of british columbia, he was going to adopt larry. at a response for air canada communicationings that said just ignore it, their entire government is shut down, and this is how the u.s. media spends its time. whoops. >> yeah. >> weather wise, yeah, we have had a little bit of a downward trend. >> little bit, yeah, but today we should recover and there's been a lot of sun around. it's that little nip in the air. >> and that fog. >> it is mid october. it's supposed to go down a little bit. today it will warm up a nudge or two. low clouds as we look at the golden gate bridge if we can see it. san francisco's got 51 degrees. livermore at 46. san jose 48 degrees and santa rosa, same one, not much traffic at this hour. out the door, we're going to be looking at numbers mostly in the low 50s with partly sunny skies. but the sun will be coming out in a few hours and we recover to mid-70s inland, and around the bay 70 degrees, and right by the shoreline, 65 degrees or so. and here's how it's looking as high pressure really is building in strongly. this high goes all the way into british columbia, and the high bumps up the pressure, a mostly sunny day out of it today, as soon as we dispense with the low clouds along the shoreline. the approach to the bay bridge, expect a chilly start today, warms up a bit later and by the end of the weekend, it will be near 80 degrees inland. a little bit of a warming trend. if you're headed up to ukiah, 78 degrees on 101 and way up north, 64 degrees at eureka where they had an earthquake yesterday, magnitude 5, 30 miles offshore. 76 at livermore and 64 in san francisco, so you'll notice that those numbers are a little bit below average. the 64, not quite where we should be for this time of year. one of the warmest months of the year in san francisco. livermore is a couple degrees back and san jose, 5 degrees cooler than average. sunnyvale at 72 degrees. and campbell at 72. 74 in morgan hill. nice in the east bay, plenty of sunshine and numbers will pop out of the mid-70s. 74 at danville. 75 at pleasant hill and 74 at brentwood. north bay looks good too. numbers recover in the low 70s. a little bit chilly. and unless you hop over the gate which is an easy thing to do. i have done it. 73 at lake port and in the extenned forecast you get partly cloudy skies, which means cloudy and sun in the afternoon. look at the numbers next week. near 80 degrees inland. bay looks nice, too. mostly in the low 70s. saturday looks good. have a good time. bay area kids who have big dreams of going to the big scripps national spelling bee got good news, radio is going to sponsor the area students. the san francisco chronicle announced it will no longer sponsor the regional budget cuts so we'll be sponsoring 8 counties. if you're feeling guilty, you're probably feeling heavier, too. a new study says people with guilt actually feel more rating a weight in their bodies. -- more weight in their bodies. the more guilt, the heavier they perceived their bodies to be. and too busy for exercise, we have good news for you, then. the american council on exercise says all you need is 20 minutes of high intensity work outs a day. exercise programs like tabata. did i say that right. apparently they're growing in popularity, so we'll be hearing more about them. you work hard for 20 seconds and break for 10. you do that for 20 minutes and you're done. a bay area teen heading to college, her unique understanding of freedom from an incredible childhood memory, our student rising above, coming up. it went on and on and on. it had to be over before i got up to talk to you. cardinals, dodgers, extra innings, nlcs, don't move. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, load up on your favorite coke products. 12 packs are $2.77 each. tide is $16.99 for 150 ounces. that's under 20 cents a load. and oikos greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. good morning everybody. well, it started yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon, and by the time -- 5:30 in the afternoon, and by the time it was over, we were saying good night now on the 10:00 news. i'm talking about dodgers, cardinals, game one, nlcs. here's a nice come back, juan, a one time giant, two dodgers score to make it 2-0. in st. louis and the home team, punching them out. oh, man. beltran gutting mark ellis at the plate. so this baby would be tied at 2 a piece. they went extra innings. gave them the run. and in that extra inning, it was carlos beltran, another one time giant scoring former st. francis store danny descalso and the cardinals win. adrian peterson, his 2-year- old son died when allegedly his mother's current boyfriend beat him to death. the incident happened wednesday in sioux falls south dakota. peterson plans on playing tomorrow. the u.s. soccer team, atop their group in world cup qualifying josie out the door, finishing off jamaica as the u.s. wins this one, final of 2- 0 last night. we have a laundry list of college football to fill your day on saturday. don't forget sunday, raiders chiefs on kpix 5 at 10:00 a.m. and then the big one in the afternoon, 9ers, cardinals. who you got. the 9ers and cardinals, i guess. the warriors are taking break from the grind of training camp. they bored a plane heading to china. they will play two preseason games against the laker and during that stretch, they will have traveled 12,000 miles and crossed over 15 time zones. our student rising above today comes from a tiny village in tibet and this fall she became the first in her family to go to college. she understanding freedom in a way that even some americans do not. >> reporter: orientation at oxford college in georgia, one face in the crowd here, she was a stand out at commencement at albany high in june when she spoke about how she got here. >> the most memorable moment of my life was escaping from my country of tibet, by crossing the himalayan mountains. i was 8 years old. >> most of her classmates knew nothing of the dangerous journey that little girl took, first to get to the border of tibet, then walking for 5 days to freedom. >> at night it was very cold. we slept under rocks. and during the day, close to where the camps are, we have to kind of hide so that they won't catch us. >> and she also described how many of the people that have escaped have been caught and killed. >> this photo of pasan of her uncle is the only one she has of tibet. her family risked everything so their children could get an education. >> i'm in school, and people in tibet, they don't have that chance. >> reporter: i am here for a reason, she says. >> in my 7 years as a counselor, she's probably the most special student i have worked with. it's her character, how much she cares for others and wants to help others around her. >> reporter: pasan's family lives below the federal poverty line. her father struggles to support them. >> what i have is my religion, you know, and through my religion, i have learned to not be materialistic. if you have all the things you need instead of the things you want, knowledge is more important than materials. >> reporter: people in the bay area may know more than most about the plight of tibetans. they're not allowed to practice their own religion or speak their own language. the tibetan religious leader, the dalai lama cannot go home. but the pictures are dozens of tibetans, who have set themselves on fire to protest their treatment under the chinese government. >> i'm scared that if this keeps going, someday there won't be a tibet. >> reporter: pasan wants to give tibetans a voice. >> i lived in a country where there is no freedom, and i'm living in a country that has freedom, so i see the difference. >> reporter: she wants to go into medicine and work in undeveloped countries. wendy tokudo, kpix 5. >> now, her family doesn't have the money to send her to college. if you would like to help her and other kids in the bay area like her go to get a college education, go to our web page,, as in students rising above. >> extraordinary story and good luck to her. another look at today's top stories, that includes the latest push by b.a.r.t. and union leaders to prevent a strike on monday. falls ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in about 90 minutes talks wl re negotiations. here's a look at this morning's top stories. >> in 90 minutes, talks will resume in the b.a.r.t.'s labor negotiations. the general manager is likely to make a new offer to the unions. a b.a.r.t. spokeswoman says gm is trying to figure out what it's going to take to get a deal. all parties involved are trying to head off the strike on sunday night at midnight. we are looking live inside the house chambers where representatives are debating the government shut down. the u.s. senate is meeting to consider a bill on lifting the borrowing limit. republicans are expected to block it. meanwhile, a bipartisan group of rank and file senators are working on a different plan. it would keep the government open for six months and also increase the borrowing limit through january. and a powerful cyclone is about to hit land in eastern india. 12million people are in the storm's path. more than 40,000 of them have been moved to higher ground. experts warn the cyclone could grow into a super storm. >> and it has 160 miles per hour winds so that is massive. let's have a last look at the saturday morning forecast. >> it's calm. >> not bad, a little bit cloudy as we look at the golden gate bridge. the numbers, it conquered 44 degrees. it's a chilly start to the morning. livermore in the mid-40s and san francisco at 61 degrees. where you had clear skies, it got chilly overnight. later today, temperatures rising into the mid-70s inland and we'll be about 70 degrees if you're in one of the cities lining the bay. looking for numbers to recover slowly, 80-degree rage by monday, next week, plenty of sun. and we'll have that too. dogs are determined little creatures. >> and it doesn't matter the task, they'll try and try even if they fail. check out this little guy. ♪ ♪ >> the eye of the tiger, well in this case, bandit, the pit bull puppy gives a champion effort and managed to get untread mill for a second or two. he doesn't give up. this video has more than 2 million hits on youtube. doggy trend treadmill, if i had a cat treadmill, my cat could use. >> that i believe in laughing, i think we succeeded. time to call it a morning, thank you for watching kpix 5 news this morning. >> we'll be back here tomorrow with phil matier with the latest on the b.a.r.t. strike, we'll have our fingers crossed as negotiations continue this weekend. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. beef stir fry... shrimp tacos... endless possibilities! you score little victories every now do it with dinner. land o'lakes sauté express meal starter, with herbs, spices, butter and olive oil. for chicken pasta... skillet lasagna... shrimp tacos... endless possibilities! sauté express®. in the dairy aisle. announcer: when you see this symbol you know you're watching a show that's educational and informational. the cbs dream team& it's epic. narrator: today on lucky dog. brandon saves an active little puppy who was left at a local shelter. he's a smart, eager little guy with a very short attention span. brandon: hey, hey, hey, stay in the ballpark! narrator: brandon knows long family who would be the perfect match, almost. brandon: you folks do live in rattlesnake and coyote country. narrator: if brandon can get this excitable puppy to focus and listen, even in the most trying situations, emmett will have found his perfect family match. gigi: good boy! brandon: i'm brandon mcmillan, and i've dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs that are living without hope.

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