Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170118 : c

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170118

carquinez bridge to the maze should take about 20 minutes then no delay through the toll plaza. roadwork on 880 in hayward/fremont in both directions and on the northbound side from stevenson to 92 the san mateo bridge southbound side whipple and stevenson blocked until 5 a.m. san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city, a quick 14- minute drive and roadwork on highway 84 in woodside. this is still under one way control after the last week's storm. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. a large sinkhole in orinda now has the city under a state of emergency. roads are blocked off and more storms are on the way. joe vazquez reports. >> reporter: the timing of the storm isn't good. work crews at the giant sinkhole in orinda still have a lot to do. >> we were hoping to be able to get in and start working in the sinkhole to remove debris and assess the damage. >> reporter: but much of that will have to wait as more storms approach. >> here we go again, another round. >> reporter: the caltrans spokesman says crews worked double shifts dealing with rain, closures, slides, swollen rivers. >> we have had a tremendous amount of snow here. >> reporter: thick snow. as the skies have cleared over the last few days, crews have been working hard to clean up the mess. >> i got you! >> reporter: in santa cruz county a 200-foot, 200-year-old redwood was left leaning dangerously over larry keller's property. [ chainsaw ] >> reporter: they decided it's unsafe. the tree has got to go. >> that was awesome. >> reporter: you feel safer now that the tree is down? >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. there's nothing there that can reach my home now. >> reporter: caltrans says it's doing what it can to get ready for the next storms and you should be prepared. >> if you are take an extended trip, more than 10 or 15 miles away, plan for the possibility of being stranded in a flooded road. >> reporter: joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> experts suggest food, water and even a blanket in your car just in case you get stranded. in sonoma county, authorities there say they do not expect the russian river to flood during these upcoming storms. last week, the river crested well above flood stage. county officials are still trying to determine the number of people affected by the high water but damage to county roads is estimated at $7.1 million. new this morning, former president george h.w. bush is in the hospital. the family's chief of staff says that he was recently admitted to a facility in houston after he got sick. they have not released any more information about why he was sent to the hospital. they say he is in stable condition. the 92-year-old is expected to be discharged in the next couple of days. we wish him well. hope he gets better soon. it is 4:33. 34, just turned 4:34. >> up to the minute. >> rain. >> let's talk about it. >> fog, too. >> a little bit of fog and rain and everything today except sunshine unfortunately. we do have kpix 5 hi-def doppler radar up and running this early wednesday morning. and here's how it looks on the time lapse. midnight not much. this storm now approaching and at 2 and 4 and then look at that development up to air time. you can see a fairly good cell that will be moving in over the peninsula and that looks like it means almost unrelenting rain, right? but it won't. this is just an initial band that's coming in. it will blow through and then we'll get a little bit of a break mid-morning before the brunt of the front comes through later in the day. but you can see that by rio vista over the delta, which had flood warnings for the all the delta islands that were just lifted a couple of days ago, they are getting pounded this morning too but briefly. the winds pick up. we'll have south winds from 30 to 45 miles an hour. all this will be later in the day. a top gust of 60 miles an hour so that means that power lines could come down, trees could come down, same old thing with the saturated soil. right now the numbers are off to a chilly start. mid-40s for the most part. as the day goes on front approaches in the bay area it will be windy and wet. so expect a blustery wednesday on tap. futurecast shows that, wham, right around 5:00 tonight for the evening commute, not only do the roads get wet this morning, second surge makes shore then we get plenty wet tonight. amounts, about a half inch down below to 2 inches up top. get a little bit of a break on thursday before the morning commute on friday. here comes the next one. 1, 2, 3 punch. another storm coming in on sunday after a blustery friday. so here's what to expect, rain and winds, break thursday, two more storms coming in on friday and sunday. for tonight expected to be rainy as you head home, temperatures in the upper 40s. and it's going to be a wet and blustery one, temperatures in the mid-50s. in the extended forecast today,friday, sunday. then next week we'll get a break. that's weather. here's traffic. it is 4:36. let's take a look at our roads starting with the bay bridge toll plaza if you are headed into downtown san francisco. wet roads out there so make sure you're driving carefully and very slowly so from the carquinez bridge to the maze along the eastshore freeway, that will take 19 minutes but no delay through the toll plaza. those metering lights will turn on in about an an hour or so. 880/92 roadwork on 880 in both directions, the southbound side is from whipple and stevenson both directions with two left lanes closed opening up around 5 a.m. or so. 880 to the san mateo bridge here's a live look at that compute looking good. not bad at all into the peninsula but if you get into woodside utility work on 84 still from last week's storm so that's still under one-way traffic control between grandview drive and 35. pg&e is out there replacing power poles and we have more rain coming. so we'll keep an eye on it for you. moving to the altamont pass, out of 205 you're moving at 40 miles per hour, 39 at north flynn road so north tracy boulevard to the altamont pass will take about 20 minutes. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. we're only two days away from donald trump's inauguration but his transition to the presidency doesn't appear to be a completely smooth process. as diane gallagher reports. >> reporter: new poll numbers painting a picture for the incoming president. a new cnn poll shows 40% aof his performance during the transition. that's significantly lower than other presidents. donald trump reacted on twitter calling the poll rigged. trump is arriving in washington, dc tuesday evening as he battles controversy including a boycott by democratic lawmakers. >> i can't go to this inauguration because he continues to spew hatred, bigotry and prejudice. >> reporter: meanwhile, some of trump's top cabinet picks are facing their own challenges. senators grilling education secretary hopeful betsy devos about her views on charter schools, higher education and if her past donations to the gop got her the nomination. >> do you think if you were not a multibillionaire, if your family has not made hundreds of millions of dollars of contributions to the republican party that you would be sitting here today? >> as a matter of fact, i do think there was that possibility. i have worked very hard on behalf of parents and children for the last almost 30 years. >> reporter: tom price trump's pick for health and human services secretary is facing ethics concerned after he purchased shares in a medical device manufacturer just days before introducing legislation that would have directly benefited the company. >> if he knew about it, um, it could very well be a violation of the law. >> reporter: an aide to price says the stock was purchased by a broker without his knowledge at the time. after arriving in dc last night donald trump was joined by mike pence for an exclusive dinner with foreign diplomats. >> i want to thank mike and karen and want to thank all the people in the room. we have so many friends, 147 diplomats and ambassadors, never been done before. [ applause and cheers ] >> meanwhile, senate confirmation hearings continue today for more of president- elect donald trump's cabinet nominees. among them, commerce secretary pick wilbur ross and health and human services nominee tom price. one bay area city has given women a platform to share their concerns. kpix 5's andria borba reports. >> reporter: it was standing room only at santa clara county as people gathered to lay out what women will need to survive and thrive in the incoming trump administration. >> it was that true call to action that some of us needed to stop just signing online petitions and thinking that we're doing our duty. >> reporter: the supervisors are looking for action items on the county levels to help absorb of loss of services brought on by potential policy changes in the incoming administration. >> if women rise up and decide how they want it to be in this county and the state and country, it will be that way. that's a fact. it's a democratic country. that's a fact. >> reporter: first to speak the head of planned parenthood about to have no funding by federal taxes. >> subsidized healthcare at planned parenthood. the rest of the safety net in california simply doesn't have the capacity to absorb the more than 1 million annual visits to planned parenthood health centers. >> reporter: the concerns stretch for house and housing to gay issues and civil rights. >> there's a major concern that the incoming administration could gut current housing programs that serve survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking. >> reporter: in san jose, andria borba, kpix 5.. some bay area women are flying east to participate in a nationwide march on saturday. >> it's something that i woke up, i called my girlfriend and we were, like, we have to do this. we have to do this. we cannot step back and let people do this for us. >> berkeley resident marina will join forces with other women who player to wear pink hats. kpix 5's melissa caen will also be in dc covering donald trump's inauguration, live coverage starting thursday. time now 4:41. from plan to reality, how likely is president-elect donald trump's idea for a border wall? a closer look next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, kpix 5's betty yu shows us-- what she reportedly managed to pocket.. while on the job. a 36 year old woman living on montecito avenue near farley a house cleaner in the south bay is accused of stealing from the home she was supposed to clean. betty yu reports. >> reporter: a 36-year-old women on montecito avenue realized someone stole cash and items from her home but the doors and windows were locked. 39-year-old sandra was the only other person with access to her home. her house cleaner. detectives believe that the woman didn't just burglarize this home but others in mountain view, san jose and at least one home in the east bay. and there may be more victims out there. investigators found stolen property including jewelry at him san jose home where she was arrested. quoto also tried to use a stolen credit card. >> put things away in a lock box if you can do an electric key code where the code changes every time the individual comes back so they don't have access and also if you can and if you can afford it install video surveillance in your home. >> i'm shocked. they would do background checks or i would before letting anyone into high house to work. >> reporter: she has been arrested before. she was on probation at the time of this burglary arrest. mountain view police want to hear from you if you suspect you have been a victim. in mountain view, betty yu, kpix 5. activists want classes canceled on friday during donald trump's inauguration. teachers and students gathered at oakland city hall yesterday. they want school districts, colleges and universities to close on friday to send a message to the president. >> to make sure that the whole community can come together and act on the day that the worst president in modern history is about to be sworn in. >> officials with oakland school district however say that classes will be held on friday. the director of the district says that it's an important time for teachers who "shape our future leaders." experts doubt the likedly hood that donald trump will ever get a wall built along the mexico border. chris martinez breaks down the concerns surrounding a major promise by the president. >> reporter: razor wire line fencing 18 feet high stretches along the u.s./mexico border in san diego. but it doesn't always stop people from trying to get through. >> day or night, it doesn't matter. >> reporter: this agent showed us areas where people attempted to cross or even cut their way through. >> this is not something that's been tried once. they are doing this over and over again. >> over and over again and you can see the cuts here. >> reporter: that's the reality of border barriers according to some experts who question president trump's plan. >> we are going to build a wall! >> reporter: some estimates suggest a nearly 2,000-mile- long along the u.s.-mexico border could cost $25 billion. mr. trump says it would be less than half that amount. >> mexico in some form will reimburse us. >> reporter: immigration professor manuel pastor believes the wall would do little on its own to enhance security. >> if he builds a higher wall someone will build a higher ladder. what you need on the border to ensure security is more border patrol agents. >> reporter: mr. trump's cabinet pick for homeland security agrees. >> physical barrier in and of itself will not do the job. it has to be a layered defense. >> reporter: agents say manmade barriers can help slow down illegal crossers. >> so we have that time to make the apprehension horses but they stress more manpower is what's needed to secure the border. cries martinez, cbs news, san diego. >> others suggest that uneven mountainous terrain will prove troublesome for the wall project. >> president-elect donald trump says it won't be needed where natural barriers could protect the united states. >> 4:48. let's check the weather with rain and fog. >> can't get enough checks on a day like this. it's rapidly moving. there's not a computer model in the world that would suggest it would start raining this early this morning. no! a weatherman is the only guy who can just wake up and go! oh!! this is what happens. i went out to the car -- [ laughter ] >> not supposed to be raining! but it is. and we have some light rain. actually we have a good initial thrust but it should ease up later in the day. hi-def doppler does show a good band of showers moving in over the bay area this morning with most of it as you can see this initial thrust is now out towards napa, petaluma, novato, 101 to fairfax. now it's headed to the delta to the peninsula. again this initial wave is just a layering, 280 and 101, and moving to the east quickly. that's one characteristic of this storm. it's a fast mover ushered along by strong winds. wind advisory for the bay area. south winds 35 to 45 miles an hour, higher gusts in higher elevations. winter storm warnings in the mountains, snow and gusty winds with snow level at 4500 feet with 6 to 18 inches up at the passes and winds to 60 miles an hour. there will be travel delays. back in the bay area, we have rain heading east in the early going. and then we get a break and then the big thrust coming this afternoon. temperatures in the mid-40s in the early going this morning. futurecast lay it is out. the computer model unreliable little thing that it is is showing that we have about 1:00 in the afternoon the main band begins in the north bay. watch what happens this afternoon. it all begins to ease south so that by the evening commute tonight we have widely scattered but in some plays heavy rain and right on top of the evening commute and then it heads out so that by thursday, we just have a few showers popping up. it's a fast mover rain amounts just half to 2 inches. rain spreads south today. timing through noon, the rain and gusty wind heads south and friday and sunday two more storms move in. it's going to be rainy from top to bottom eureka to fresno. overnight 50s. chilly windy day. extended forecast rain today, already has rained, thursday isolated showers, friday next one comes in early in the day, saturday a break, sunday more rain and then monday and tuesday we dry it out. but for now, we have the wet roads to contend with. here's roqui. >> that's right. you heard it. the rain is coming down now so it's time to focus and drive slowing out the door. 4:50 let's take a look at the altamont pass. from tracy along the way you're moving at just about 30 miles per hour all the way through so take it easy there. north tracy boulevard to the altamont pass will take 24 minutes then you can breathe a little through livermore and then slow on the dublin interchange. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city. traffic moving smoothly but cars are out there driving slowly and paying attention because the roads are wet. rain is coming down harder now. utility work on highway 84 in woodside between grandview and highway 35 and pg&e replaces power poles. now it's raining today so i don't think that they are out there replacing power poles. that may not be safe. but expect one-way traffic control and also one lane open in each direction. our stage manager drives true there every morning and says give yourself some extra time to get through the area as he drives through there every morning. 238 in san leandro to the maze will take about 15 minutes. and if you are taking that to the bay bridge toll plaza, oh, wow, you can see the rain coming down pretty hard here, so traffic is moving pretty smoothly but take it slow. from the carquinez bridge to the maze, that will take you 19 minutes. and then expect no delay as you head through the toll plaza. those metering lights should turn on in about30 minutes or so. roqui, thank you. it's hard not to feel grateful for sunny days. but a new study shows our mild days are moving on. and it's all thanks to "global warming" allegedly according to the study. by the end of the century will will be 10 fewer days of mild weather!! by the year 2080, the number will string. >> let the debate begin. mayor ed lee with a new title because of how much money he makes every year. we'll explain next. ,, ,,,, ,,,, ♪ strummed guitar you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. there's only one way to travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing. and that's with a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. canada's rocky mountains await. call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. researchers at the american city business journal crunched the numbers. the report shows.. mayor ed lee makes 289- thousand dollars per year. the mayor of los angeles came d 238- thousa mayor ed lee makes $289,000 a year more than any other mayor in the country. the mayor of los angeles is second with around 238,000. that's followed by the mayor of houston and new york city. new this morning, some big layoffs at lowes. the retailer is laying off nearly 2400 workers. the majority of the cuts will be at the store level. but some will be at distribution centers and customer support centers. the ceo says it will help enhance efficiency and productivity. we're learning more about why the under water search for malaysia airlines 370 ended nearly three years after the plane disappeared. many factors went into the final decision but the main one is that crews feel that they have looked everywhere within the current search area and found nothing. they are hoping continued surface searches may lead to more debris being found in other parts of the indian ocean and if that happens, future under water searches are still a possibility. >> i don't rule out a future under water search by any stretch. it's a question if you have credible new information leading to a specific location. >> australian and malaysian leadership in charge of the search also admit that the efforts have been costly and they believe that current technology is not advanced enough to find the aircraft at this time. good news for airlines and for you as flight cancellations hit a record low in november. the department of transportation says airlines canceled just 0.29% of their flights. that's less than 1 out of every 340 departures. and it's the lowest number in more than 2 decades of recordkeeping. lost bags also hit a new low with just over two reports of missing luggage for every 1,000 passengers. so much buzz surrounding the new leadership about to move into the white house. the answer of what it's worth is about $400 million. the price tag of $397 million is 14% higher than before the obamas entered the doors. prices in downtown washington have jumped 38% in that time. while the white house isn't for sale, zillow estimates that it would rent at about $2 million a month. >> wow. like san francisco prices. >> yeah. it is 4:57. a bay area community coming together to help members of a local band hurt in an accident. [ sound of heavy rain ] >> reporter: plus, the rainy weather spelling trouble for the orinda. where a massive sinkhole opened up a week ago. coming up we'll have the latest live coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, let's get a look at weather and traffic. here's roberta gonzales it's wednesday, january 18. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. let's take a live look at the golden gate bridge. you can see the roads are definitely wet this morning. mr. hackney predicted it. >> it's not just early, though. >> a little bit off. >> little bit of an early start to the rain. this is just an initial burst. most of it will be coming later in the day. you can see the kpix 5 hi-def doppler radar we have this little band of rain moving through the bay area. and wham, up in the north bay, it is now quickly moving to the east. a few minutes ago over 101 now popped over to 29 and heading over 37 through vallejo and on the east bay now, it's over 880 so the peninsula

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , New York , Malaysia , Canada , Australia , Fresno , Russian River , San Leandro , Washington , Mountain View , Grandview , Santa Clara County , San Diego , Dublin , Ireland , Santa Cruz County , San Francisco , Oakland City Hall , Mexico , Berkeley , Oakland School , Texas , Sonoma County , Houston , Petaluma , Australian , Canadian , Malaysian , American , Larry Keller , Chris Martinez , Joe Vazquez , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , Los Angeles , Kenny Choi , Betty Yu , Indian Ocean , Diane Gallagher , Wilbur Ross , Betsy Devos , Melissa Caen , Hayward Fremont ,

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