Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140709 : co

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140709

younger women. police say forrest hayes hired alix tichleman for a night of sex and drugs. it wasn't their first date but it was their lat. >> miss tichleman provided him and injected him with the heroin and she is a heroin addict. >> reporter: he overdosed. instead of calling for help, police say video from his boat shows her cleaning up the crime scene and taking a break. >> she was so callous that she literally stepped over the victim's body to retrieve her glass of wine and finish the glass of wine as the victim is laying there dying at her feet. >> reporter: months after his death, police caught up with her by arranging a fake date online on july 4. they promised to pay her $1,000. >> she was coming to aune scale resort here in santa cruz to meet -- to an upscale resort here in santa cruz to meet her. we threw a surprise party and arrested her. >> reporter: that same day police served a search warrant at her sacramento area home. during the interview. detectives say she showed no remorse and wasn't shy about her business. >> she actually boasted to our investigators of her over 200 male clients. >> reporter: on her facebook page, alix shows her love for the dark side. about a week ago she wrote, it's really nice to talk with someone about killing sprees and murdering people in cold blood. betty yu, kpix 5. >> tichleman is in santa cruz county jail in lieu of $1.5 million bail. there's new details today in the bryan stow trial in los angeles. the jury has been deliberating for several days and the judge has a question. lawyers spent about 10 minutes going over documents in the judge's chambers apparently trying to answer it but the judge refused to say what the jury's question was. bryan stow's suit seeks millions for lifetime care a cell phone robbery turns deadly when a girl runs after the thief and is thrown from the getaway car. this is the sketch of the suspect police believe snatched 15-year-old ruby rubio's phone in southern california when he jumped into a waiting get away car, rubio chased him down and grabbed the trunk. the driver swerved and the girl fell to the pavement hitting her head. she died this past saturday two days after the incident. protestors are angry about a decision not to charge a sonoma county sheriff's deputy who fatally shot a teenager. >> it's a cover-up. >> 13-year-old andy lopez was carrying a toy gun when he was shot by eric gelhaus last year. the district attorney announced this week that no criminal charges would be filed against him. protestors camped out in front of the d.a.'s office and voiced their objections. >> why should that officer did he hiv in the manner he did. why the district attorney of that particular county allow that officer to get away with it? >> the d.a. concluded in her investigation that lethal force was a reasonable response under the circumstances. her findings will be sent to the state attorney general's office for review. wasting water could soon cost you hundreds of dollars. next tuesday, the state water resources control board will consider mandatory restrictions on water use and fines if you don't comply. here are some of the restrictions that could mean big fines? >> you couldn't water the lawns to the point where it causes runoff; use water to wash hard surfaces; use a hose to wash a car unless it has a shutoff. president obama is approving money to fight wildfires. this wildfire in napa counties is an example. the president is asking for $615 million. the money would go toward the growing costs of fighting fires as summer temperatures increase. it's getting warmer, right? no, we're cooling down. i'm glad i'm here today to straighten these things out. >> i thought i listened to you well. >> all right. we have some cooler temperatures on the way. the sea breeze kicking in. we have seen some gusts this morning over 30 miles per hour through fairfield as the sea breeze is working its way through the valleys. monsoonal clouds making for interesting days. that's moving out. still clinging to the high sierra nevada but skies will be mostly sunny this afternoon. warm inland up in the 80s but temperatures cooling down a bit. 60s and 70s around the bay and then 60s and low clouds and fog hugging the coastline today even drizzle there. temperatures out the door mainly in the 50s this morning. the breeze is kicking up in spots. it will be about 79 degrees this afternoon, very comfortable and sunny in san jose. 75 a little breezy into vallejo and about 64 and cool in san francisco. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. and they reopened that connector ramp in the maze. they opened it a little early. so if you are trying to get to emeryville from the east bay westbound 580 to eastbound 80 connector is open. no u-turns in the bay bridge toll parking lot necessary. here's a live look outside at the nimitz freeway. so we just confirmed that caltrans that southbound 880 roadwork at davis still there. they have been closing alternate lanes overnight. pretty major construction project going on there for a lot of this month so heads up southbound again hitting davis street. we are not seeing any delay on our sensors crews are out there until 5:00. live look at the bay bridge slight delays in the far left lanes. otherwise, delay-free from end to end. and they should have picked up overnight roadwork as well from airway into pleasanton. no longer seeing any delay in our sensors. in fact, so far it's clear from the altamont pass. coming up we'll check mass transit. in the meantime, michelle, brian, back to you guys. >> all right. thank you, elizabeth. developing news in the middle east where the violence between israel and hamas militants is escalating. tara mergener reports israel is carrying out its largest offensive in nearly two years and hamas is firing back. reporter: palestinians clashed are israeli forces on the streets of the west bank early wednesday. rioters through rocks while police used tear gas. in the skyrockets flew over gaza. overnight israel targeted about 160 hamas sites. hamas militants have been launching their own rockets in israel. air raid sirens wailed in tel aviv this morning for a second straight day. the israeli army says its rocket defense system intercepted two missiles in the area. >> in general, we are calm, although we are a little bit anxious. we took the children to the shelter. >> reporter: last month's kidnapping and murder of three israeli students in the west bank and the retaliatory killing of a palestinian teen triggered the latest violence. benjamin netanyahu told military leaders tuesday to take off the gloves activating 40,000 troops advising them to prepare for every scenario including a ground invasion. >> it has the makings of a major disaster and the real question, is this region at the tipping point as we see conflict potentially now in israel alongside the civil war in syria and an ongoing conflict in iraq? >> reporter: the u.s. state department along with the u.n. condemned the rocket attacks on israeli civilians. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. >> palestine's president is calling on the international community to guarantee security for all palestinians. well, brazilian soccer fans are devastated after a historically lopsided loss ended their team's world cup run. it was made even worse because, of course, brazil is the host country this year. many fans started booing and leaving before halftime. germany scored five goals in just 18 minutes in the first half. on its way to a 7-1 rout. police were in riot gear. fans were advised to stay inside the stadium until they were escorted out. but there were no major problems. for sunday's championship imagine germany will take on the winner of today's match between argentina and the netherlands. there will be several viewing parties in the area. some of berkeley's less fortunate will get help. medical cannabis clubs will be required to give away 2% of the pot they sell each year to patients who can't afford it. yesterday, the city council gave final approval with the unanimous vote. supporters say low income or job let people shouldn't have to go without medicine. the ordinance goes into effect in 30 days. 3, 2, 1! open for business! >> and the wait proved to be worth it for some in seattle. the first stores opened to sell recreational marijuana. shops sold out in hours and supplies are short because state investigators are taking time to screen pot growers. time now 4:40. severe weather turns deadly from the midwest to the east coast. the clean-up this morning. >> and now we ask you the daily question: what's cool about your school? you can email your nomination to [email protected]. we may come and feature your school or camp on the show. today. ,,,,,,,,,,,, you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. so why are we so obsessed with turbo? because there's nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. and you can get that in places you might not expect. like the passat. and also in the fun-to-drive jetta. in fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. that is a lot of turbo. hurry in and you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for $219 a month. good morning. welcome back on this wednesday morning. president obama visits texas today. it was originally intended as just a fundraising trip but he is going to meet with texas governor rick perry in dallas to discuss the illegal immigration crisis. perry urged president obama to visit the mexican border but so far the president refused. the obama administration asked congress for emergency funds to control the border crisis. since october, more than 52,000 children have entered the u.s. illegally from south and central america. the president says it's a humanitarian crisis and $3.7 billion now is needed. yesterday we were saying $2 billion. the money would be used to expand detention facilities, hire more judges to expedite deportation hearings, and it would fund a task force to work with central and south american governments to disrupt smuggling rings. >> what we would like congress to do is act promptly to consider this proposal and hopefully move on it in bipartisan fashion. >> what disappoints me so much with the president's request, he is asking for a blank check $3.7 billion, but no reform. >> some in congress insist the emergency funds need to be offset with cuts to other parts of the budget. japan's main islands are preparing for a big typhoon to hit in the coming hours. western japan could get three months worth of rain in just two days. the typhoon is moving north after battering okinawa. the island had its heaviest rainfall in half a century. dozens were injured, tens of thousands lost power. my cousin lives in japan in okinawa on the base but they are okay. >> the sustained winds today are 78 miles an hour so it's a little less energetic than it was but still will be a problem. weather is a problem here. >> no kidding. severe weather causing a big problem in the united states. >> marlie hall reports storms turned deadly from maryland to new york. reporter: violent wind and heavy rain pounded upstate new york. >> it was insane. i mean, it was -- looked out the window and just saw blankets of rain and just trees falling everywhere. >> reporter: in smithfield officials say four people are dead after severe thunderstorms rolled through the region and four homes have been destroyed. a stormy night at a summer camp in maryland turned deadly. officials say a falling tree killed one camper and injured six others as they ran for cover. >> obviously, it's traumatic for the campers because a lot of them were there when it happened. but we have gotten them all together all accounted for taken them to the lower part of our campus which didn't sustain any damage. >> reporter: in medina county, ohio, the national weather service confirmed two tornadoes with winds of 94 miles an hour touched down. the twisters uprooted trees and caused only minor damage to homes but gave residents quite a scare. >> i realized it was a tornado. let's get in the basement! >> reporter: back in upstate new york, investigators will be out today to determine if tornadoes are to blame for the damage there. marlie hall, cbs news. >> wow. it's amazing when you see that especially with our weather here. >> we don't deal with the severe weather here very often. >> today will be calm. the sea breeze is picking up around the bay area. it looks like the low clouds and fog beginning to sweep onshore. looks like we have a cooler day ahead as the fog fills in along the coastline making its way inside the bay likely charging into the valleys, too. winds are picking up and a sea breeze kicking in overnight in fact through some of the valleys here we are seeing stronger gusts. we have had gusts over 30 miles per hour sustained at 23 in fairfield. 11 in antioch. so you have a good wind majoring its way in through the delta to give you an idea we have that cool air working its way further onshore so the temperatures will be coming down outside. it will still be mostly sunny but cooler this afternoon and then the trend continues the next few days before we start to warm things up for the weekend. high pressure breaking down somewhat. that allowing for that sea breeze to kick in carry with it more low clouds and fog. lots of sunshine by the afternoon. still a chance of some thunderstorms over the sierra nevada so watch out for that with some of the monsoonal clouds. about 103 degrees and hot in fresno. 91 sacramento. 66 into monterey bay. low clouds and fog likely to hug the coastline today and then surge back onshore later on this evening into early tomorrow move in further into some of the valleys, maybe into the central valley. so we'll see some cooler days ahead. 70s and 80s in the south bay, 60s at the coast, east bay in the 80s. 64 san francisco, 81 santa rosa. next couple of days, we are going to cool counsel the temperatures, then slowly warm up away from the coastline on saturday and sunday, maybe approaching 90 degrees as we head in toward monday in some of the valleys. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. and out the door no big accidents or anything to slow you down. we have the usual overnight roadwork a lot of it usually wraps up at 5:00. give yourself another 15 minutes. south bay, to show you how well things are moving, these are live sensors 63, one 55 miles per hour, overall things are good from san jose into santa clara on 101 and all clear that connector ramp into the macarthur maze opened ahead of schedule westbound 580 to eastbound 80 and they have also picked up the roadwork that was counter-commute in oakland from about college to caldecott tunnel. so anyway, both directions very quiet and if you are heading to the bay bridge, still those delays building in those far left cash lanes. but again, no metering lights. fastrak users some regular commuters get by fine into san francisco. and lower deck traffic still looks good coming from san francisco. if you are heading across the golden gate bridge, everything is at the limit. three lanes open in both directions closer to the toll plaza. nimitz freeway overnight roadwork southbound between davis and marina hitting san leandro they had a full freeway closure until 4 a.m. from 4 to 5 alternating lanes are closed, not much delay in that area. and mass transit all looks great. no delay for bart, golden gate ferries, caltrain or ace. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." brian, michelle, back to you guys. >> thank you. six first responders at last year's asiana plane crash at sfo have received special recognition. two of the airfield safety officers arrived at the crash site just two minutes after asiana airlines flight 214 hit a seawall at the end. runway. the officers carried several passengers and crew to safety. >> i recognize now that it wasn't all about what we were trained to do that day but what was the right thing to do. >> in total, 6 airfield safety officers were honored for their actions after the crash. we have a question on your next vacation, why not save money and feel right at home? >> kara tsuboi reports on websites that make it easy to rent a personal vacation space. reporter: "airbnb" is one of the premier rental sites with over 600,000 listed properties worldwide including more than of 00 castles. choose your location, set your dates and number of guests and pore through your options of more than 600 castles. people like it for the easy-to- use site, the $1 million insurance policy for hosts and the originality of listings. the home away family of vacation rentals boasts over 950,000 rental properties worldwide. several websites are easy to navigate and lets you search for amenities and price. considering swapping houses. is a great place to start. browse properties in your desired city of travel or choose a destination based on who wants to stay in your city. in san francisco, i'm kara tsuboi,, for cbs news. the time now 9 minutes before 5:00. crime is falling in one bay area city and now one of the reasons why is suddenly on the chopping block. >> and we want to invite all you pet lovers out there, send us your questions about their health and well-being. just email [email protected]. or on our website, and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, officers say the current sy has been unrliable for year the oakland police department is a step closer to getting an up great to its radio system -- upgrade to its radio system because it's been unreliable for years. city administrators have resisted the call to join a regional system but a committee finally said enough is enough. >> we had a lot of bad guys with guns running from the police in my neighborhood. we saw a police officer on cell phones, their personal cell phones, they couldn't communicate with themselves, we couldn't communicate with them. it was terrifying! >> if the upgrades get final approval down the road, oakland pd would join a regional communication system with neighboring cities. >> and to continue the subject, crime is down in richmond but one of the reasons crime is down could be in jeopardy. >> kpix 5's ann notarangelo reports police say they are losing an important crime- fighting tool. reporter: police arrested two squatters for living in a red-tagged home. officers say they found illegal prescription drugs. >> crime and blight, they go together. and again, you eliminate crime that reduces blight and vice versa. it's the broken window theory. >> reporter: the concern is that these people are in there living and start a fire or committ a crime? >> yes, or look at, you have kids out there. >> reporter: the smell of urine was overpowering and there had already been a fire. they are trying to prevent that from happening at this abandoned home. raquel williams was thrilled to see code enforcement. [ applause ] >> reporter: richmond's code enforcement answers thousands of calls a year often within 24 hours. this woman flagged down an officer with her problem. at one point the city had 1,000 abandoned homes which police say feeds crime. >> things of that nature are outward signals to people that the folks who live in the area don't care. and those smaller things when left unchecked can lead to bigger things more serious crime. >> reporter: richmond took the unusual step of merging the police with code enforcement and officers worked side by side. but to manage a citywide deficit, code enforcement's budget has been slapped by a quarter and the staff could be cut in half. city councilman says it has nothing to do with the city suing him over the same property. where do you think the cuts can be made in code enforcement. >> managers. two people are making over $150,000 a year over there. >> reporter: he doesn't buy the claim they have helped reduce crime but mike does. he has been watching this abandoned home. >> a lot every police activity kept coming here. >> reporter: police say the cuts are likely to create more havens for trouble because those who break the law are relentless. >> it a never-ending cycle, a challenge. every day it's something different. every day it's a different property. >> reporter: ann notarangelo, kpix 5. >> now four minutes before 5:00. israel ramps up air strikes on hamas. coming up, the latest on the escalating military confrontation in the middle east. >> today a call girl accused of murdering her john is set to appear in court. coming up more on the homicide by heroin police say occurred in a bay area harbor. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, any public employee could write you a ticket with fines up to 500 bucks a day. >> california's water resources control board is considering mandatory restrictions on water use. if approved next week, the regulations would be in effect for nine months. >> she was so callous that she literally stepped over the victim's body to retrieve her glass of wine. >> a prostitute is charged with murdering a google executive on board his luxury yacht at santa cruz harbor. police say she injected him with heroin last november during a night of sex and drug use leading to a fatal overdose. >> really has the makings of a major disaster. >> gaza is experiencing its worst fighting in two years. the israeli military says at least 150 rockets were launched into the jewish state yesterday. israel retaliated with air strikes on what it calls hamas targets. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado [email protected] your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm brian hackney. how are you this morning? >> i'm doing well. >> we never take a moment, do we? >> we don't. >> i have to tell you quite frankly that we were talking aa few minutes ago about how michelle will go home at the end of the day and her husband will say, what's the weather going to be like and she says i don't know! and this man tells her every time. [ laughter ] >> when i'm giving the weather, michelle is like this all the time. >> i'm listening. >> thank you, brian! [ laughter ] a sea breeze is kicking in and low clouds and fog stretching onshore this morning. monsoonal clouds over the sierra nevada are pushing further east. so we are going to have lots of sunshine by the afternoon away from the coast but temperatures going to be cooler a lot of 60s and 70s inside the bay today. you will have warm 80s in the valleys, cool 60s toward the coast and mostly cloudy there. out the door right now, we have a lot of clouds outside. the temperatures a little cooler this morning in the 50s. by the afternoon, temperatures will be down about 69 in oakland, 64 in san francisco. and about 79 still mostly sunny in san jose. all right. let's check the roads with elizabeth.

Related Keywords

West Bank , Sierra Nevada , California , United States , Fresno , Tel Aviv , Israel , Brazil , Central Valley , New York , Syria , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Mexico , Berkeley , Netherlands , Sacramento , Monterey Bay , Altamont Pass , Japan , Smithfield , Germany , Oakland , Argentina , Texas , San Leandro , Medina County , Ohio , Santa Cruz County , Emeryville , Iraq , Gaza , Israel General , Colorado , Sonoma County , Maryland , Dallas , America , Mexican , Brazilian , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Brian Hackney , Forrest Hayes , Ruby Rubio , Raquel Williams , Michelle Griego , Andy Lopez , Los Angeles , Linda Macdonald , Santa Clara , Eric Gelhaus , Benjamin Netanyahu , Betty Yu , Rick Perry ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140709 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140709

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younger women. police say forrest hayes hired alix tichleman for a night of sex and drugs. it wasn't their first date but it was their lat. >> miss tichleman provided him and injected him with the heroin and she is a heroin addict. >> reporter: he overdosed. instead of calling for help, police say video from his boat shows her cleaning up the crime scene and taking a break. >> she was so callous that she literally stepped over the victim's body to retrieve her glass of wine and finish the glass of wine as the victim is laying there dying at her feet. >> reporter: months after his death, police caught up with her by arranging a fake date online on july 4. they promised to pay her $1,000. >> she was coming to aune scale resort here in santa cruz to meet -- to an upscale resort here in santa cruz to meet her. we threw a surprise party and arrested her. >> reporter: that same day police served a search warrant at her sacramento area home. during the interview. detectives say she showed no remorse and wasn't shy about her business. >> she actually boasted to our investigators of her over 200 male clients. >> reporter: on her facebook page, alix shows her love for the dark side. about a week ago she wrote, it's really nice to talk with someone about killing sprees and murdering people in cold blood. betty yu, kpix 5. >> tichleman is in santa cruz county jail in lieu of $1.5 million bail. there's new details today in the bryan stow trial in los angeles. the jury has been deliberating for several days and the judge has a question. lawyers spent about 10 minutes going over documents in the judge's chambers apparently trying to answer it but the judge refused to say what the jury's question was. bryan stow's suit seeks millions for lifetime care a cell phone robbery turns deadly when a girl runs after the thief and is thrown from the getaway car. this is the sketch of the suspect police believe snatched 15-year-old ruby rubio's phone in southern california when he jumped into a waiting get away car, rubio chased him down and grabbed the trunk. the driver swerved and the girl fell to the pavement hitting her head. she died this past saturday two days after the incident. protestors are angry about a decision not to charge a sonoma county sheriff's deputy who fatally shot a teenager. >> it's a cover-up. >> 13-year-old andy lopez was carrying a toy gun when he was shot by eric gelhaus last year. the district attorney announced this week that no criminal charges would be filed against him. protestors camped out in front of the d.a.'s office and voiced their objections. >> why should that officer did he hiv in the manner he did. why the district attorney of that particular county allow that officer to get away with it? >> the d.a. concluded in her investigation that lethal force was a reasonable response under the circumstances. her findings will be sent to the state attorney general's office for review. wasting water could soon cost you hundreds of dollars. next tuesday, the state water resources control board will consider mandatory restrictions on water use and fines if you don't comply. here are some of the restrictions that could mean big fines? >> you couldn't water the lawns to the point where it causes runoff; use water to wash hard surfaces; use a hose to wash a car unless it has a shutoff. president obama is approving money to fight wildfires. this wildfire in napa counties is an example. the president is asking for $615 million. the money would go toward the growing costs of fighting fires as summer temperatures increase. it's getting warmer, right? no, we're cooling down. i'm glad i'm here today to straighten these things out. >> i thought i listened to you well. >> all right. we have some cooler temperatures on the way. the sea breeze kicking in. we have seen some gusts this morning over 30 miles per hour through fairfield as the sea breeze is working its way through the valleys. monsoonal clouds making for interesting days. that's moving out. still clinging to the high sierra nevada but skies will be mostly sunny this afternoon. warm inland up in the 80s but temperatures cooling down a bit. 60s and 70s around the bay and then 60s and low clouds and fog hugging the coastline today even drizzle there. temperatures out the door mainly in the 50s this morning. the breeze is kicking up in spots. it will be about 79 degrees this afternoon, very comfortable and sunny in san jose. 75 a little breezy into vallejo and about 64 and cool in san francisco. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. and they reopened that connector ramp in the maze. they opened it a little early. so if you are trying to get to emeryville from the east bay westbound 580 to eastbound 80 connector is open. no u-turns in the bay bridge toll parking lot necessary. here's a live look outside at the nimitz freeway. so we just confirmed that caltrans that southbound 880 roadwork at davis still there. they have been closing alternate lanes overnight. pretty major construction project going on there for a lot of this month so heads up southbound again hitting davis street. we are not seeing any delay on our sensors crews are out there until 5:00. live look at the bay bridge slight delays in the far left lanes. otherwise, delay-free from end to end. and they should have picked up overnight roadwork as well from airway into pleasanton. no longer seeing any delay in our sensors. in fact, so far it's clear from the altamont pass. coming up we'll check mass transit. in the meantime, michelle, brian, back to you guys. >> all right. thank you, elizabeth. developing news in the middle east where the violence between israel and hamas militants is escalating. tara mergener reports israel is carrying out its largest offensive in nearly two years and hamas is firing back. reporter: palestinians clashed are israeli forces on the streets of the west bank early wednesday. rioters through rocks while police used tear gas. in the skyrockets flew over gaza. overnight israel targeted about 160 hamas sites. hamas militants have been launching their own rockets in israel. air raid sirens wailed in tel aviv this morning for a second straight day. the israeli army says its rocket defense system intercepted two missiles in the area. >> in general, we are calm, although we are a little bit anxious. we took the children to the shelter. >> reporter: last month's kidnapping and murder of three israeli students in the west bank and the retaliatory killing of a palestinian teen triggered the latest violence. benjamin netanyahu told military leaders tuesday to take off the gloves activating 40,000 troops advising them to prepare for every scenario including a ground invasion. >> it has the makings of a major disaster and the real question, is this region at the tipping point as we see conflict potentially now in israel alongside the civil war in syria and an ongoing conflict in iraq? >> reporter: the u.s. state department along with the u.n. condemned the rocket attacks on israeli civilians. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. >> palestine's president is calling on the international community to guarantee security for all palestinians. well, brazilian soccer fans are devastated after a historically lopsided loss ended their team's world cup run. it was made even worse because, of course, brazil is the host country this year. many fans started booing and leaving before halftime. germany scored five goals in just 18 minutes in the first half. on its way to a 7-1 rout. police were in riot gear. fans were advised to stay inside the stadium until they were escorted out. but there were no major problems. for sunday's championship imagine germany will take on the winner of today's match between argentina and the netherlands. there will be several viewing parties in the area. some of berkeley's less fortunate will get help. medical cannabis clubs will be required to give away 2% of the pot they sell each year to patients who can't afford it. yesterday, the city council gave final approval with the unanimous vote. supporters say low income or job let people shouldn't have to go without medicine. the ordinance goes into effect in 30 days. 3, 2, 1! open for business! >> and the wait proved to be worth it for some in seattle. the first stores opened to sell recreational marijuana. shops sold out in hours and supplies are short because state investigators are taking time to screen pot growers. time now 4:40. severe weather turns deadly from the midwest to the east coast. the clean-up this morning. >> and now we ask you the daily question: what's cool about your school? you can email your nomination to we may come and feature your school or camp on the show. today. ,,,,,,,,,,,, you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card with a new volkswagen turbo. so why are we so obsessed with turbo? because there's nothing more exhilarating than a powerful ride. and you can get that in places you might not expect. like the passat. and also in the fun-to-drive jetta. in fact, volkswagen has sold more turbos than any other brand over the last ten years. that is a lot of turbo. hurry in and you can get a $1,000 turbocharged reward card when you lease a new 2014 passat s for $219 a month. good morning. welcome back on this wednesday morning. president obama visits texas today. it was originally intended as just a fundraising trip but he is going to meet with texas governor rick perry in dallas to discuss the illegal immigration crisis. perry urged president obama to visit the mexican border but so far the president refused. the obama administration asked congress for emergency funds to control the border crisis. since october, more than 52,000 children have entered the u.s. illegally from south and central america. the president says it's a humanitarian crisis and $3.7 billion now is needed. yesterday we were saying $2 billion. the money would be used to expand detention facilities, hire more judges to expedite deportation hearings, and it would fund a task force to work with central and south american governments to disrupt smuggling rings. >> what we would like congress to do is act promptly to consider this proposal and hopefully move on it in bipartisan fashion. >> what disappoints me so much with the president's request, he is asking for a blank check $3.7 billion, but no reform. >> some in congress insist the emergency funds need to be offset with cuts to other parts of the budget. japan's main islands are preparing for a big typhoon to hit in the coming hours. western japan could get three months worth of rain in just two days. the typhoon is moving north after battering okinawa. the island had its heaviest rainfall in half a century. dozens were injured, tens of thousands lost power. my cousin lives in japan in okinawa on the base but they are okay. >> the sustained winds today are 78 miles an hour so it's a little less energetic than it was but still will be a problem. weather is a problem here. >> no kidding. severe weather causing a big problem in the united states. >> marlie hall reports storms turned deadly from maryland to new york. reporter: violent wind and heavy rain pounded upstate new york. >> it was insane. i mean, it was -- looked out the window and just saw blankets of rain and just trees falling everywhere. >> reporter: in smithfield officials say four people are dead after severe thunderstorms rolled through the region and four homes have been destroyed. a stormy night at a summer camp in maryland turned deadly. officials say a falling tree killed one camper and injured six others as they ran for cover. >> obviously, it's traumatic for the campers because a lot of them were there when it happened. but we have gotten them all together all accounted for taken them to the lower part of our campus which didn't sustain any damage. >> reporter: in medina county, ohio, the national weather service confirmed two tornadoes with winds of 94 miles an hour touched down. the twisters uprooted trees and caused only minor damage to homes but gave residents quite a scare. >> i realized it was a tornado. let's get in the basement! >> reporter: back in upstate new york, investigators will be out today to determine if tornadoes are to blame for the damage there. marlie hall, cbs news. >> wow. it's amazing when you see that especially with our weather here. >> we don't deal with the severe weather here very often. >> today will be calm. the sea breeze is picking up around the bay area. it looks like the low clouds and fog beginning to sweep onshore. looks like we have a cooler day ahead as the fog fills in along the coastline making its way inside the bay likely charging into the valleys, too. winds are picking up and a sea breeze kicking in overnight in fact through some of the valleys here we are seeing stronger gusts. we have had gusts over 30 miles per hour sustained at 23 in fairfield. 11 in antioch. so you have a good wind majoring its way in through the delta to give you an idea we have that cool air working its way further onshore so the temperatures will be coming down outside. it will still be mostly sunny but cooler this afternoon and then the trend continues the next few days before we start to warm things up for the weekend. high pressure breaking down somewhat. that allowing for that sea breeze to kick in carry with it more low clouds and fog. lots of sunshine by the afternoon. still a chance of some thunderstorms over the sierra nevada so watch out for that with some of the monsoonal clouds. about 103 degrees and hot in fresno. 91 sacramento. 66 into monterey bay. low clouds and fog likely to hug the coastline today and then surge back onshore later on this evening into early tomorrow move in further into some of the valleys, maybe into the central valley. so we'll see some cooler days ahead. 70s and 80s in the south bay, 60s at the coast, east bay in the 80s. 64 san francisco, 81 santa rosa. next couple of days, we are going to cool counsel the temperatures, then slowly warm up away from the coastline on saturday and sunday, maybe approaching 90 degrees as we head in toward monday in some of the valleys. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. and out the door no big accidents or anything to slow you down. we have the usual overnight roadwork a lot of it usually wraps up at 5:00. give yourself another 15 minutes. south bay, to show you how well things are moving, these are live sensors 63, one 55 miles per hour, overall things are good from san jose into santa clara on 101 and all clear that connector ramp into the macarthur maze opened ahead of schedule westbound 580 to eastbound 80 and they have also picked up the roadwork that was counter-commute in oakland from about college to caldecott tunnel. so anyway, both directions very quiet and if you are heading to the bay bridge, still those delays building in those far left cash lanes. but again, no metering lights. fastrak users some regular commuters get by fine into san francisco. and lower deck traffic still looks good coming from san francisco. if you are heading across the golden gate bridge, everything is at the limit. three lanes open in both directions closer to the toll plaza. nimitz freeway overnight roadwork southbound between davis and marina hitting san leandro they had a full freeway closure until 4 a.m. from 4 to 5 alternating lanes are closed, not much delay in that area. and mass transit all looks great. no delay for bart, golden gate ferries, caltrain or ace. that is your latest "kcbs traffic." brian, michelle, back to you guys. >> thank you. six first responders at last year's asiana plane crash at sfo have received special recognition. two of the airfield safety officers arrived at the crash site just two minutes after asiana airlines flight 214 hit a seawall at the end. runway. the officers carried several passengers and crew to safety. >> i recognize now that it wasn't all about what we were trained to do that day but what was the right thing to do. >> in total, 6 airfield safety officers were honored for their actions after the crash. we have a question on your next vacation, why not save money and feel right at home? >> kara tsuboi reports on websites that make it easy to rent a personal vacation space. reporter: "airbnb" is one of the premier rental sites with over 600,000 listed properties worldwide including more than of 00 castles. choose your location, set your dates and number of guests and pore through your options of more than 600 castles. people like it for the easy-to- use site, the $1 million insurance policy for hosts and the originality of listings. the home away family of vacation rentals boasts over 950,000 rental properties worldwide. several websites are easy to navigate and lets you search for amenities and price. considering swapping houses. is a great place to start. browse properties in your desired city of travel or choose a destination based on who wants to stay in your city. in san francisco, i'm kara tsuboi,, for cbs news. the time now 9 minutes before 5:00. crime is falling in one bay area city and now one of the reasons why is suddenly on the chopping block. >> and we want to invite all you pet lovers out there, send us your questions about their health and well-being. just email or on our website, and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, officers say the current sy has been unrliable for year the oakland police department is a step closer to getting an up great to its radio system -- upgrade to its radio system because it's been unreliable for years. city administrators have resisted the call to join a regional system but a committee finally said enough is enough. >> we had a lot of bad guys with guns running from the police in my neighborhood. we saw a police officer on cell phones, their personal cell phones, they couldn't communicate with themselves, we couldn't communicate with them. it was terrifying! >> if the upgrades get final approval down the road, oakland pd would join a regional communication system with neighboring cities. >> and to continue the subject, crime is down in richmond but one of the reasons crime is down could be in jeopardy. >> kpix 5's ann notarangelo reports police say they are losing an important crime- fighting tool. reporter: police arrested two squatters for living in a red-tagged home. officers say they found illegal prescription drugs. >> crime and blight, they go together. and again, you eliminate crime that reduces blight and vice versa. it's the broken window theory. >> reporter: the concern is that these people are in there living and start a fire or committ a crime? >> yes, or look at, you have kids out there. >> reporter: the smell of urine was overpowering and there had already been a fire. they are trying to prevent that from happening at this abandoned home. raquel williams was thrilled to see code enforcement. [ applause ] >> reporter: richmond's code enforcement answers thousands of calls a year often within 24 hours. this woman flagged down an officer with her problem. at one point the city had 1,000 abandoned homes which police say feeds crime. >> things of that nature are outward signals to people that the folks who live in the area don't care. and those smaller things when left unchecked can lead to bigger things more serious crime. >> reporter: richmond took the unusual step of merging the police with code enforcement and officers worked side by side. but to manage a citywide deficit, code enforcement's budget has been slapped by a quarter and the staff could be cut in half. city councilman says it has nothing to do with the city suing him over the same property. where do you think the cuts can be made in code enforcement. >> managers. two people are making over $150,000 a year over there. >> reporter: he doesn't buy the claim they have helped reduce crime but mike does. he has been watching this abandoned home. >> a lot every police activity kept coming here. >> reporter: police say the cuts are likely to create more havens for trouble because those who break the law are relentless. >> it a never-ending cycle, a challenge. every day it's something different. every day it's a different property. >> reporter: ann notarangelo, kpix 5. >> now four minutes before 5:00. israel ramps up air strikes on hamas. coming up, the latest on the escalating military confrontation in the middle east. >> today a call girl accused of murdering her john is set to appear in court. coming up more on the homicide by heroin police say occurred in a bay area harbor. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, any public employee could write you a ticket with fines up to 500 bucks a day. >> california's water resources control board is considering mandatory restrictions on water use. if approved next week, the regulations would be in effect for nine months. >> she was so callous that she literally stepped over the victim's body to retrieve her glass of wine. >> a prostitute is charged with murdering a google executive on board his luxury yacht at santa cruz harbor. police say she injected him with heroin last november during a night of sex and drug use leading to a fatal overdose. >> really has the makings of a major disaster. >> gaza is experiencing its worst fighting in two years. the israeli military says at least 150 rockets were launched into the jewish state yesterday. israel retaliated with air strikes on what it calls hamas targets. from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. i'm michelle griego. >> and i'm brian hackney. how are you this morning? >> i'm doing well. >> we never take a moment, do we? >> we don't. >> i have to tell you quite frankly that we were talking aa few minutes ago about how michelle will go home at the end of the day and her husband will say, what's the weather going to be like and she says i don't know! and this man tells her every time. [ laughter ] >> when i'm giving the weather, michelle is like this all the time. >> i'm listening. >> thank you, brian! [ laughter ] a sea breeze is kicking in and low clouds and fog stretching onshore this morning. monsoonal clouds over the sierra nevada are pushing further east. so we are going to have lots of sunshine by the afternoon away from the coast but temperatures going to be cooler a lot of 60s and 70s inside the bay today. you will have warm 80s in the valleys, cool 60s toward the coast and mostly cloudy there. out the door right now, we have a lot of clouds outside. the temperatures a little cooler this morning in the 50s. by the afternoon, temperatures will be down about 69 in oakland, 64 in san francisco. and about 79 still mostly sunny in san jose. all right. let's check the roads with elizabeth.

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