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580 freeway in oakland. Kpix 5s joe vazquez reports it was caused by the owner using propane to exterminate termites. Reporter flames shot out the windows. The house next door was in serious danger of also going up in smoke. Neighbors say it all started with a loud explosion. Boom just a loud boom. And the whole house shook. You can see the flames went up about 10 feet. Reporter this man was upset because his cat was trapped inside. He wanted to go in after it. As night fell, firefighters found the mans cat. They rescued and resuscitated him. As you can see, smoke is still pouring off his body. His owner was still upset but grateful. The building has severe fire damage inside. The house next door has some charring on the outside but was spared any serious damage. In all, five adults and one child are left without a place to stay the night. And some other pets who escaped will also be looking for shelter. Joe vazquez, kpix 5. There were no injuries in that fire that started just after 8 00 last night. Two boys were hit by a car in san jose rushed to the hospital. Those are the clothes lying in the street here in this video. It happened around 8 30 last night near college drive. They are injuries included a broken leg. They are expected to recover. The driver of the car stopped and is cooperating. Not clear if the boys were in the crosswalk. Happening now 100mileper hour winds and heavy rain are pounding North Carolina as the first hurricane of the season made landfall overnight. As Susan Mcginnis reports, thousands of vacationers had to scrap their 4th of july plans and get out. Reporter police in dare county, North Carolina, told people here to stay indoors as hurricane arthur came ashore thursday night dumping heavy rain and unleashing 100mile perhour winds. The first named storm of the season made landfall as a cat2 near midnight near the southern end of the states outerbanks. Ahead of the storm the governor put more than 2 dozen counties under states of emergency. We really might not know how extensive the damage might be until midmorning or even later. Reporter arthur washed out 4th of july plans for many vacationers and residents many of whom evacuated, others staying put to ride out the storm. Police went door to door it take note of who stayed behind but harry and his family vacationing in nags head from Northern Virginia decided to leave. We saw the state trooper on the road and asked him and he said its a mandatory evacuation so, you know, thats when we decided to leave early. Reporter the impact is felt far beyond North Carolina. Boston moved its Independence Day festivities up a day putting on its annual boston pops concert and Fireworks Show last night. Arthur is expected to arrive there today as a weaker storm as it continues its path north. Susan mcginnis, cbs news, nags head, North Carolina. This is the first hurricane to make landfall until the u. S. Since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Fireworks in maine, New Hampshire and other areas have been postponed. I still own a cottage on a pond in New Hampshire. They are going you cant do this on the 4th of july its the biggest night ever up there. All those parties and festivities planned. Unfortunately, that big storm coming there. Of course, were always worried about fog here and will we be able to see the fireworks . I think it will work out okay. Starting out with low clouds this morning but very patchy outside. Just beginning to fill in along the coastline and the bay. Some of that making its way into the bay as we speak. Temperatures this afternoon will begin to heat up. High pressure strengthening, 90s in the valleys, 70s and 80s around the bay. Cool 60s and breezy toward the coastline. Out the door we go. Numbers mainly in the 50s by the afternoon. Here we go. Lots of sunshine. And we are heating up. 89 in concord. 83 in san jose. About 91 in livermore. 71 in oakland and 66 degrees in San Francisco. All right. Lets check the roads now with elizabeth. Everything is quiet but we have a northbound 280 closure from the peninsula into San Francisco. It cause asked backups yesterday around noon. Right now everything is clear. Northbound closed for the long Holiday Weekend from the 101 split all the way to downtown as you head by king street. You can use 101 as an alternate and again that alternate looking good at this hour at 4 35 in the morning. Heres a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. A lot of the overnight roadwork suspended for the holiday and it is very quiet coming into San Francisco. We are expecting that today because obviously a lot of folks have the 4th off. Heres a live look at the san mateo bridge. The right side of your screen. Those taillights are leaving hayward in the commute direction and we are not even seeing one yellow sensor. We are not seeing any delays at all so far even coming out of tracy and through the Altamont Pass. Most mass transit is on a Holiday Schedule including bart. They are on a typical sunday schedule. So they are not even running trains yet not until later today. And they will also be running longer trains if you are planning to head to the 4th of July Celebrations along the embarcadero in San Francisco. Bart would be a good option all weekend with the 280 closure in place until monday 5 a. M. Thats the latest kcbs traffic. Frank and michelle, back to you guys. Okay, liz, thanks. 4 36. San francisco will be celebrating the fourth tonight with two Fireworks Shows. The crews were setting up yesterday. A pyro technician tells us 10,000 fireworks will launch from two barges in the bay one in front of aquatic park the other by pier 39. Shows will be synchronized and feature identical displays. Its wonderful to know that you have a city full of people that have come and crowded in and sitting down next to their neighbors and friends and celebrating Independence Day and im able to entertain them for 20 minutes. 20minute show starts at 9 30 tonight along San Franciscos waterfront. If you havent mader plans yet for the 4th of july, let us give you a helping hand. We have a complete list of the bay area Fireworks Shows and Community Celebrations on kpix. Com 4th. Got the music going. I know. Pretty good. A knife attack caught on camera and police say they cant do anything about it. Watch as a man gets out of his pickup in the middle of union square in San Francisco with a knife in his hand. Then he starts running around chasing people. This happened during pride on sunday. People just start throwing things at him. San Francisco Police say they are aware of the video but they are not pursuing the man with the knife since no one everly every ever filed a report. L. A. Jury deliberating the bryan stow case will resume after the Holiday Weekend. The jurors had been at it for a week now. Wednesday they told the judge they couldnt reach a verdict. The judge sent them back as he sent them back to continue deliberations. That had stows parents worried about a deadlocked jury. Im going day by day right now because we spent a lot of time guessing where they were at and we were all so totally wrong so im going to stop doing that and just wait and see what happens. The issue is whether the l. A. Dodgers and their owner provided enough security at the game where stow was severely beaten by two dodger fans. Some architects are taking a stand against capital punishment. They dont want to design death chambers or other faces they say violate human rights. Kpix 5s da lin introduces us to the bay area man behind the movement. Reporter architecture is built on transforming and improving our society. From the iconic bridges to our comfortable homes. Architecture at its best brings people together. Reporter and thats why Rafael Sperry became a architect 15 years ago. Designing better more beautiful spaces for people to live work and play. Reporter but there are two kinds of projects he says architects should never be part of. You cant design a better execution chamber. The choice of a flooring, the color of the walls . None of that is going to change what happens there. Reporter sperry is leading a movement to ban architects from designing execution chambers and socalled supermax prisons with solitary confinement cells. His San Franciscobased group is lobbying the American Institute of architects aia to include the ban in its code of ethics. He even started a crowdsourcing page to raise money for his campaign. We want to stop designing spaces intended to violate human rights. Reporter many architects think the ban is a bad idea. If the point is to stop legal executions, the most efficient way to do it is through the executive branch, not through the building industry. Reporter they say architects should have a choice. Every architect has to follow his conscience to take or not take the commission. Reporter sperry likens the proposal to the medical industry where bans doctors and nurses from participating in executions. He says architecture is about uplifting the human spirit. And its code of ethics should reflect that. Im trying to do what i can as a person in my profession to make the world a better place. Reporter in San Francisco, im da lin, kpix 5. We contacted the American Institute of architects. A Spokesman Says he hasnt heard of the proposed ban and not sure if the aia will consider it. Time now 4 40. 4th of July Celebration lighting up the sky. The boston pops concert on the charles. Why this spectacular light display almost brought the show to an early close. Well tell ya. And what is cool about your school or your summer camp . You can email your nomination to us at coolschools kpix. Com. We may come and feature your school or camp on the show. ,,,,, jerusalem. So an a funeral is planned today for a palestinian teenager abducted and killed in jerusalem. Services were delayed so an autopsy could be done before the 17 could be laid to rest. The death has raised tensions as many palestinians are now calling it a revenge killing after the recent murders of three israeli teens. My little cousin had no involvement, my family had no involvement, in it. He is a child, just a child. The killing has been announced by the palestinian and israeli leaders denounced by the palestinian, israeli leaders, u. S. And other countries. The georgia father accused of intentionally leaving his young son to die inside a hot car broke down as prosecutors laid out the case against him. A detective testified Justin Ross Harris had exchanged nude photos with several women while his son sat in the car. Investigators also discovered two Life Insurance policies had been taken out on the child. The judge said the evidence was overwhelming and ordered ross held without bail. The testimony of the stench in the car was overwhelming at that point in time, that he in spite of that got in the car and drove some distance before he took any action to check on the welfare of the chimed. I find theres probable cause for the two charges contained in the warrant. His attorney argued there was no evidence the boy was left in the car intentionally. He said the testimony about the nude photos was only meant to publicly shame his client. Check out natures fireworks over boston last night. Lightning lit up the sky as soon as the Independence Day Fireworks Show was over. But people were able to enjoy the display before they were ordered to evacuate. [ music ] the show was spectacular. Take a look. The storm forced the boston pops to skip the grand finale. The 1812 overture. That was fenway. Was it . That was fenway park, sure. Very nice. Boston put on a Fireworks Show a day early because hurricane arthur is expected to hit there today. Youve seen this show. I have been to that show at the hatch shell right on the charles river. Its spectacular. Keith lockhart leads the pops and they always have a bunch of stars and people camp out for hours to be there but it was a day early. That hurricane is messing up everything yeah. What a time for this hurricane to hit along the eastern seaboard. And its coming onshore right now as that category 2 strong storm system now sliding along the eastern seaboard. You can see it making its way up of course starting off the coastline of florida now making its way across the outerbanks there in North Carolina pushing out over open water. Sustained winds of 100 miles gusting to 120. Now its really picked up some steam. Yesterday at this time only moving at 9 Miles Per Hour now up to 23 Miles Per Hour sliding all up the eastern seaboard throughout the day today. It is going to be a stormy day up through new york and boston again and all the way to nova scotia toward the weekend. Out west we have some low clouds and fog this morning giving way to a lot of sunshine into the afternoon. And some warmer temperatures outside. Yeah, looking at 50s around the board right now and looks like by the afternoon we are going to see beautiful weather with mostly sunny skies except at the coastline still a couple of patches of fog and then the weekend is going to be much warmer in fact getting very hot in some of the interior valleys. All right. High pressure building in today. The temperatures are going to be warming up. Big question is, is that fog, when will it be moving in . I think it comes back in the evening hours so inside the bay we are watching that very closely. You will see the low clouds and fog pull back to the coastline and then surge back onshore in the evening hours so if you are at pier 39 you will see some fog. It wont be totally clear. Other parts of the bay looking good. Mostly Clear Conditions and clear in the valleys for tonight. Temperatures are looking like this. Plan on numbers up in the 70s and 80s in the south bay 60s along the coast. East bay 80s and 90s. Inside the bay 60s in San Francisco, 71 oakland, 62 degrees in daly city. Next couple of days we are going to see some much hotter weather. Those temperatures soaring to triple digits monday. Then cooling off tuesday, wednesday. Lets check the roads with elizabeth. Yeah, and so far the morning commute i guess we have to put that in quotes today is off to a pretty good start. This is a holiday, of course, 4th of july. And the roads are very quiet. Usually we can tell by certain freeways how bad the drive times are and this one is clear. We always see delays on a typical morning drive even at 4 47 in the morning usually there are some brake lights out of tracy. Nothing. Everything is all clear from 205 to 580 and then from the Altamont Pass to the dublin interchange. Still great 14 minutes. Theres the drive time at the bottom of your screen. Even farther east so far things are looking at top speeds all across the board westbound and eastbound and we are not seeing the usual overnight roadwork. We have a major roadwork project of course replacing all the hinges on the northbound 280 extension. They already did the southbound lanes. The southbound lanes of 280 are open. They did all the work on the memorial day weekend. Now we have the northbound closure this weekend. 101 to king street. Best alternate is 101 which that alternate looks great for now. Live look at the bay bridge toll plaza looking clear coming into San Francisco from the east bay. Same thing across the san mateo bridge. And once again bart is on a Holiday Schedule. They are on a sunday schedule what you typically see on a sunday so trains wont start running until 8 00 this morning. Most mass transit is on a Holiday Schedule including ferries, caltrain and theres no ace train service. If you have any questions about your morning drive heading out of town for the holiday, remember kcbs when you hit the roads at 106. 9 fm or 740am. Thats the latest from here in the kcbs traffic center. Frank, michelle, back to you guys. The crooked section of lombard will be shut down again over the weekend. Between larkin and leavenworth will close from noon to 6 p. M. , but taxis still allowed along with residents cars and emergency vehicles. The point is to reduce congestion from tourists driving down but so far the main effect is a sharp increase in foot traffic. Tourists wont go away. I know. You have to see it. We certainly see our fair share of panhandlers in the bay area especially in the city but when was the last time you gave one of them some money . Kpix 5s cate caugiran talked to one man who is helping them not with dollars but with some clever marketing. Reporter antiochs philosophy is simple, getting a little change starts with a smile. Man, this is the easy way i can help these guys increase their income. Reporter he is talking about these signs. The government stole my sons screen. Im way too sober for this. Reporter he handed out at least 15 so far giving the homeless a marketing makeover in hopes a laugh translates to a donation. What antioch does is he keeps a spare sign in the back of his car so if he is driving for a lyft or driving around for himself and he sees someone who needs it he has one ready. Wait for the right person and if i feel like they are standing out there with a sign that could be improved i roll the window down and say, hey, you guys want a new sign . Reporter the social experiment started a few months months ago. He was driving down van ness and saw a panhandler with a sign that said poor, hungry. I had no inclination to give him some money. I wondered if something funny was on the sign, i probably would have. Reporter its working for some. One man said it attracts tourists some asking to take pictures with him. How do you think this helps them find a job . Im not in a position to help someone find a job. Im just a regular guy. I think we all kind of do what we are capable of . Reporter he says his friends wanted to help, too, by either making signs or inspiring catchy phrases. We dont always have to change the world. You can do something really small to make a small difference and its okay. Reporter antioch says he doesnt know if the signs change much but its changed him. In San Francisco, cate caugiran, kpix 5. Antioch says he has given out 15 signs so far. He says he has asked to take a picture of each person who takes one and each one so far has said yes. Foster farms is recalling some chicken tied to salmonella poisoning more than a year after the initial outlook. This covers products with dates between march 21 and 29 of this year. Nearly 600 people got sick over 16 months. But the feds say they waited until finding a direct link between the poultry and the illness. The chicken was sold in california and several other western states. We are just Getting Started on this holiday. 4 51. It came down to the wire but the as finally had a lease deal at the coliseum. How it all came together and what happens next. Coming up. , all right. Checking out your 4th of july forecast, we have some patchy fog this morning. This afternoon, lots of sunshine. 70s and 80s inside the bay. A beautiful 4th of july into the south bay. You will see as high as 85 in campbell, 83 san jose, and 89 in morgan hill. East bay temperatures up into the 80s, as well. It will be mostly sunny there all day long. Even some 90s into pleasanton, antioch and brentwood. About 88 in walnut creek. 87 in pleasant hill. In the north bay, you will see sunshine today this afternoon, those temperatures soaring 90s ukiah, 66 San Francisco. Its quiet across the bay area no surprise on this holiday. Wanted to show you a live look. This is westbound traffic coming on the Richmond San Rafael bridge. Is that frank laughing over there in the corner . Wheres the cars . Its a holiday full look at your drive for wherever youre going today coming up. Those are smart people. Okay, liz, thanks. 4 55. It took a little hardball to keep the as at the oakland coliseum. Oakland city leaders said they wouldnt accept an offer from the team requiring the city to forgive millions in back rent but yesterday they caved in and heres why. The as coowner lew wolff got approval from Major League Baseball to move his team out of the city if the deal fell through. This is appalling and you know it, this is wrong i feel comfortable with my vote. I dont feel that i was [ indiscernible ] under the new deal the as will stay at the coliseum for 10 years but them some outs. The agreement goes to the city council and the county supervisors for approval. The mayor jean quan says she does want to make some minor changes before she signs the contract. Some prime property in santa clara has a 6 billion upgrade in its future. Kpix 5s linda yee reports, highend shops and prime office space are now planned at the site of the city golf course right across the street from the 49ers new stadium. Reporter dozens of golfers hit the links on this day but in two years, the greens will be giving way to a more lucrative green. 6. 5 billion worth of restaurants, hotels and stores. For the golfer, thats disappointing. Oh, its all about money. Its a pain. Too bad. This is my favorite golf course. Reporter but city leaders are beside themselves with joy at the prospect of 8 million square feet of retail and plazas that will rival san joses santana row. Its a downtown and for santa clara and its going to be beautiful, its going to make a lot of money for the city. Reporter a lot of money. Prime real estate across from the new 9ers stadium, its estimated the lease and tax revenue are worth up to 27 million a year to santa clara. But the city will have to be patient. The project is so massive, it will take 20 years to finish it. Its got to happen. Its the 9ers and we have to take one for the team, right . Reporter but not everyone is happy with the megaplans as they stand now. I think its a great plan but i dont think they have thought it well through. Reporter deborah was part of the group who did not want levis stadium. She says the megacomplex will bring more traffic and parking problems. Its another halfbaked plan with grandiose ideas that they havent addressed the infrastructure. Reporter linda yee, kpix 5. This is a threephase project with the first one finished in about five years. And former 9er quarterback joe montana also plans to build a hotel and restaurant in the area. The city council will vote on that project next month. 4 57 on this 4th of july. An explosion sending an oakland home up in flames. Coming up why investigators believe the owner is responsible. ,,,,,,,, this is as fun and exciting, its wonderful to know that you have a city full of people that have come and crowded in. Cities and towns across the bay area gearing up for the 4th of july festivities. San francisco will be celebrating the 4th with two Fireworks Show. Arthur is pounding the North Carolina coastline and washing out july 4 Holiday Plans for residents a vacationers. Hurricane arthur is pounding the east coast after making landfall in North Carolina as a category 2 storm. The impact will be felt from the carolinas up to new england. Picture of my oldest daughter. She is now 19. And so yeah, this would have been a tough one to replace. Homeowners in napa county are breathing a sigh of relief after they were told their homes were no longer in danger from a raging wildfire. Its now scorched over 4,000 acres but firefighters are slowly ge

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