Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140605 : co

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140605

$126 million man. >> that's a lot of money. i'm happy for him. >> reporter: colin kaepernick entered an elite club of professional and bay area athletes. >> i have always just tried to be the best player i can be, and to be able to have this compensation come along with it is amazing. i'm very grateful for it. >> reporter: in the bay, only buster posey and matt cain make more giant salaries. >> cap one of the first guys at the facility every day, one of the last guys to leave. he is always working hard and inspiring other people to work hard. as a leader on this football team, i think he deserves it. >> reporter: he says he wants to take care of his parents but the fat contract isn't burning a hole in his pocket. >> not at this point. i don't spend too much money. i think the most expensive things i own are my bed, tv and couch. i'm going to keep it that way for a while. >> reporter: fans and keap agree on one thing. >> i'm going to work to try to be sure i'm worth every penny of this and win as many games as possible. >> reporter: more specifically this. >> go to the super bowl. >> trying to win as many super bowls as i can. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5. >> tv, bed and a couch. it's the little things. the deal with kaepernick will keep him with the 49ers through the year 2020. as for baseball, a's co- owner lew wolff says he is close to reaching a deal for a ten-year lease extension at the oakland coliseum. he said yesterday something could be signed within a couple of weeks. >> the fact that they signed a ten-year lease says nothing about a new ballpark which they need. it says nothing about a declining fan base which they have. >> the a's long term plan is a ballpark in san jose, a lease extension at the coliseum would assure the a's have a place to play while dealing with the hurdles. baseball hasn't approved the move. a hearing on the antitrust suit against major league baseball is set for august. 4:33. a check of weather from a man that's had a name change. he is mr. friday. [ laughter ] >> i am mr. friday today! yeah. this is the day before i go on vacation. how about that? >> it's not hot enough around here, i'm going to the desert. it will be hotter there. around the bay area today we are starting out with some dense fog early on this morning but looks like that will give way to sunshine into the afternoon. the clouds pretty thick. high pressure overhead compressing down to the surface so out along the coastline this afternoon, still a couple patches of fog and 60s there. 70s and 80s into san jose. and here come the hot 90s in some of the valleys. so a change in the weather the next few days and temperatures going to get a little uncomfortable in some parts of the interior. 50s and some 60s even right now. by the afternoon, up to 90 in livermore. 89 in fairfield. 83 in san jose. about 68 and mostly sunny into san francisco. let's check the roads with elizabeth. we are getting a check of mass transit, as well. thank you, lawrence. and it sounds like there's better news for muni. we are still getting word of the official numbers. we have been talking to the muni spokesman and he says that cable cars are back in service today. so right now, everything looks good. we'll continue to watch it and keep you posted. in the meantime, bart is also reporting no delay. great start there. caltrain and ace train number one will leave central valley with no issues at all. here's a live look once again at the bay bridge toll plaza. eastbound this morning leaving san francisco to oakland you will find some lanes blocked some roadwork out there. it's not much to slow you down. frank said earlier traffic is very light at this time of the morning. [ laughter ] >> so you should have no big issues in either direction between the city and the east bay. we have fog as lawrence said. we have a fog advisory on state route 35 through portions of daly city also thick on highway 1 through pacifica and on stretches of 280. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge and the right side of your screen is the commute direction, we also have a drive time for you, 13 minutes between 880 and 101. we'll have another "kcbs traffic" check coming up. in the meantime, frank and michelle, back to you guys. >> all right, liz, thanks. 4:35 now. san francisco's muni has a backup plan in place in case drivers call out sick again. employees are now being told if they want to get paid, bring a doctor's note. a quarter of muni workers called out sick again yesterday. our mike sugerman caught up with one of the drivers. >> reporter: you were sick monday? >> yes, i am -- yes, i was. >> reporter: what was wrong? >> i don't want to be on camera. >> there you go. the sickout is not an official strike. that would be illegal. they cannot go on strike. city attorney has now filed charges against the union to try and put an end to all the sick calls. the drivers union says it did not order the sick calls so it can't call it off. several police departments along the nimitz freeway from newark to berkeley will meet tomorrow to talk about a disturbing new problem. large groups of young people attacking and robbing others. more now from kpix 5's cate caugiran. reporter: massive teenage terror. here's a kid smashing a chair through the back of a car window. this happened in chicago. something like it happened in san leandro. [ screaming ] >> they are using their sheer numbers to intimidate, assault and rob other people and it is pretty scary. >> reporter: over the weekend dozens if not hundreds of teenagers got more than rowdy at the bay fair mall food court. >> it was a lot of commotion, police were up here and then the security guard was trying to get them off of the premises. >> reporter: police tried to break up the group but they ended up running back and forth from the mall to bay fair bart station. some mall employees say they have had to shut down the stores in order for police to escort these teens out. san leandro police are gathering surveillance video and hope they can identify some of the teens involved in the incident. at one point, a teenager shot himself in the foot trying to get away. as bart police were helping that kid, another group chased down two other kids. the group ran through the mall to a bank of america parking lot where they surrounded one young boy and beat him all for a pair of nikes and an iphone. >> these kids need to get them some jobs and stay off the street bumming and beating up on people. >> to gang up on a kid and take their shoes, i think that's wrong. >> reporter: cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> no one was hurt when a military jet crashed into a southern california neighborhood. the harrier jet from the marine base at yuma, arizona, went down in a front yard in the city of imperial. the debris caught three homes on fire and at least one car. one home was destroyed, its roof is gone, even though the walls are still standing. one neighbor says she heard what sounded like a car backfiring yesterday afternoon. >> and then it backfired again much louder. i mean, it was a very deafening noise and i look and the plane is just coming straight and it just completely nosedived down. and i kind of went into panic mode. >> the pilot ejected and was not hurt. this was the second crash in less than a month of a plane from the marine air station at yuma. and late last night a navy jet crashed into the ocean near san diego as it was preparing to land on an aircraft carrier. the pilot ejected and is in stable condition this morning. the san francisco man charged with possessing illegal explosives will have a mental health evaluation. a federal magistrate ordered the exam at the request of ryan chamberlain's public defender. chamberlain was arrested at crissy field monday. the fbi says it found bomb- making materials in his apartment. the 42-year-old is being held without bail. he is due back in court tomorrow for a detention hearing. it is 4:38 now. public storage workers cleaning out a san jose police officer's unit found some pot inside. officer son vu was arrested. as betty yu reports, vu's relatives speculate he was probably selling pot because he was behind on his bills. >> reporter: officer vu, we would like to hear you side of the story and talk to you for a minute. reporter: he posted bail but didn't come to the door at his san jose home. his older brother, who lives next door, did. what do you have to say about his arrest? >> hm. uhm, i can't really say anything. uhm, i'm in shock. >> reporter: vin vu says his brother is a stand-up guy who works as a patrol officer and he sometimes fell behind on his bills. [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: would he ever do something like this? >> i'm not sure. if he needs the money, ha -- >> reporter: so you think maybe that might be the motivation for selling, possessing marijuana? >> yes. >> reporter: he said he didn't know son rented a storage locker. does he smoke weed? >> i don't think he does, probably sell it for money. >> reporter: every. >> reporter: san jose police say this is an isolated case and no or officers are involved in the suspected drug dealing. in san jose, betty yu, kpix 5. >> he is now on paid administrative leave. [ chanting ] dozens of walmart workers took to the streets in union city to demand higher wages. they want walmart to pay employees at least $25,000 a year. walmart calls the national day of action a pr stunt ahead of tomorrow's shareholders meeting. another big turn of events may lead to a quick conclusion in the battle over the clippers. clippers owner donald sterling has agreed to sell the team to former microsoft ceo steve balmer for $2 billion according to sterling's attorney. this comes just days after sterling filed suit against the nba which has been trying to force sterling out because of those racist comments he made weeks back. recordings of 911 calls are being played in court in bryan stow's civil suit against the los angeles dodgers. he was disabled by a beating while leaving a game at dodger stadium three years ago. kpix 5 reporter juliette goodrich has more on those calls and newly released video. >> someone just got punched, knocked out. >> is he awake, is he breathing? >> reporter: then a second person calls 911. it's brian's friend an off duty paramedics. >> he is unconscious, snoring respiration at the moment, bleeding out of his left ear, no response to stimuli. we need an ambulance right now. >> reporter: jurors also saw this fight video taken from a fan at dodger stadium the same day bryan was beaten. >> no nobody reports it. they were supposed to have security people going up and down those aisles. >> reporter: tom girardi represents the stow family. he called the dodgers stadium security to the stand who testified that on opening day the dodgers "did not have enough security guards to go up and down the aisles in the sixth, seventh, 8th and 9th innings as required by their own policy." the dodgers security guard testified this fight broke out in the 6th inning and security never knew about it. this fight had nothing to do with bryan. but stow's attorney says this video is just another piece of chilling evidence security was nowhere to be found. >> we proved all this antagonism that went on starting in the second inning somebody being drunk, yelling obscenities, throwing stuff, and nothing happened. totally in violation of their own rules. >> reporter: juliette goodrich, kpix 5. >> stow is wheelchair-bound and needs round the clock assistance by caregivers. he attended the first day of jury selection. his attorney wanted jurors to see what stow's life is like now. he has permanent brain damage and no memory of the night he was beaten. the civil suit alleges former dodgers owner frank mccourt cut corners on security to save money. stow's attorney says medical expenses and lifetime care could cost $34 million. the two men who beat stow pleaded guilty earlier this year in the criminal case. it is 4:43. coming up, california horses sold for food. it is against the law but no one has ever been arrested until now. a kpix 5 exclusive coming up next. >> homecoming plans are falling apart since the return of p.o.w. bowe bergdahl. the threat his community faces since his rescue. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, canadian woman's home... as gunman went on a ramp can you see him? oh!! >> this is amateur video from inside a canadian woman's home as a gunman went on a rampage outside. three canadian police officers were killed and a massive manhunt for the gunman continues. the officers responded to last night's calls about an armed man wandering the streets in new brunswick. they are looking for a 24-year- old man. sergeant bowe bergdahl's idaho hometown is canceling his homecoming celebration after hundreds of threatening phone calls. that's not all. in the days following his release, the town of hailey has been flooded with angry emails ready to protest the homecoming. there's a grow debate over whether the army sergeant was a desertedder. >> something that was very happy is very mixed. in my mind, he is a hero no matter what. >> members of congress want more hearings into the obama administration's decision to release five taliban fighters in exchange for bergdahl. in a closed door briefing of the senate yesterday, white house officials showed a video they say proves bergdahl's health required immediate action. for the first time prosecute verse charged a man with selling california horses -- prosecutors have charged a man with selling california horses for food. elizabeth cook with the story you'll see only on 5. reporter: it's the talk of the town in madera. sheriff john anderson has arrested a well-known businessman. >> he will be treated no differently than anyone else. >> reporter: for an almost unheard of crime. billy ray brown, jr., son of the owner of the local b and b livestock auction is accused of sending this horse called lacey out of state to slaughter for human consumption. that's a felony in california. a law was passed in 1998 to protect horses. but this is the first time it's being enforced. billy is a familiar face at b and b. he is the auctioneer. so how did he get lacey? a detective says his investigation started when lacey's owner reported her and another horse called squirt missing. the owner told the detective that he had given the horses to a brand inspector with the california department of food and agriculture, whom he trusted and who he says promised to take them to harris farms to retire. but -- >> she told them that she had lied about, you know, where she had taken the horses. >> reporter: instead, she admitted selling them to a horse dealer who adam later learned sold them to billy brown. a paper trail led the detective across three states from california to oregon, washington and across the border to a slaughterhouse in canada. >> i visited the slaughterhouse in an undercover capacity. >> reporter: eric is with the humane society of the united states. >> in many cases you'll see the stunner hit the horse five, six times before they are actually going down and staying down. >> reporter: he says california is one of the only states that bans shipping horses here. and yet -- >> in 2013, over 140,000 horses went to slaughter. and many of those horses came from california. >> reporter: hi, how are you doing? we couldn't find billy but found his father. >> there is nothing to be said. instructions from the attorney until it's done. then you'll find out what transpired. out of here! >> reporter: adam says he is confident there will be a conviction because billy admitted using a fake name in the deal. >> he picked the name out of the phone book. >> reporter: but adam says the signature was just like billy's. >> painfully obviously it's been forged. if it's legitimate, why not use your own information? he told me that from selling horses in the past that he had roused the suspicion of canadian authorities. >> reporter: elizabeth cook, kpix 5. >> summer rose tech faces grand theft charges. her attorney says she never made any promises to the owner of the horses and they had no idea they were going to slaughter. southern mexico is drenched. they have had nearly 2 feet of rain in some areas from tropical storm boris. it's weakened to a tropical depression and is dissipating this morning. but the damage is done. there are evacuations in mexico's ciappa state and landslides in guatemala have closed at least one mountain highway. >> when you think about storms like that, you think about florida and the eastern seaboard but mexico gets hit hard, too. >> absolutely. didn't even come on land as a hurricane. but it doesn't matter because you get so much rain. two feet in 36 hours. that's amazing. >> meanwhile, here, we're dry. >> we are dry. even today hot temperatures inland. out the door we have patchy fog now. high pressure strengthening overhead so it's continuing to compress. and that means we're seeing some dense fog toward the coastline. so watch out for that. but average temperatures on this date usually in the 60s and the upper 70s. today we are moving well above the average especially inland. livermore about 12 degrees above the average 90 expected this afternoon. 83 in san jose. 73 into oakland. and 68 degrees just above the average in san francisco. starting out with patchy, dense fog this morning giving way to sunshine this afternoon. still a couple of clouds toward the coastline but heating up the next couple of days away from the beaches. so here we go. hot weather beginning today in many spots inland. in fact, around the state you will likely see some triple digits. 101 in fresno. about 103 in redding and 97 degrees in sacramento. patchy fog at the beaches. we have enough of a sea breeze to keep clouds there even into the weekend. we'll sneak in a little sunshine and temperatures warm up but never hot like many places away from the coast. numbers today about 88 in morgan hill. 80 milpitas. 76 hayward. east bay up into the 90s into brentwood and antioch and livermore. about 88 in concord. inside the bay those temperatures in the 60s and the 70s. next couple of days, the heat is on. this weekend maybe some triple digits toward sunday. that will be the peak of the heat. and cooler temperatures back to normal return toward the middle of next week. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. in the meantime we have patchy fog we are dealing with this morning and chp issued a dense fog advisory for highway 35. in the meantime, you can see fog coming in through the golden gate bridge and some headlights, as well. traffic is very light right now from marin county into san francisco. three lanes open on the toll plaza both directions of 101. 35 daly city is reported to have 100 feet of visibility. that's the latest from chp. so watch out for that also on stretches of highway 1 and coming up parts of 280. here's a live look outside on the nimitz freeway near the oakland coliseum. looks great the drive time still in the green 15 minutes between 238 and the maze. same thing through the altamont pass. so far we are seeing a few brake lights through tracy but nothing through the livermore valley. everything looks great. and a mass transit check just another note again the spokesman for muni tells us this morning that things are looking better. it looks like all service including cable cars are returning to normal routes. but they are still crunching the numbers still trying to figure out how many sick calls they have this morning. so we'll keep you posted. stay tuned right here. we'll have a live update coming up. in the meantime, frank and michelle, back to you guys. >> thank you. 5:42. this hotel is winning a war. you don't want to go inside. their dubious distinction when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, felony sex charges involvina nine- an oakland woman is expected in court tomorrow to face felony sex charges involving a 9-year-old girl. 48-year-old haseemah diame was arrested at lafayette elementary school in oakland. police say she forced the girl into a stall and assaulted her with a hammer. she was arrested after a school security guard walked into the restroom. a bear surprised a nevada county woman by making himself comfortable right inside her home. the woman says she heard a commotion and thought it was her husband downstairs coming home for lunch but when she checked, she saw paw prints on the floor and found the bear rummaging for food in her kitchen. >> as i came around the stairs, he was walking back out this way. and i just stood there and went, ha? [ laughter ] >> oh, boy. that would be anybody's reaction. it appears the bear let himself in by sliding open a screen door. >> comes in handy. well, the bidding war for the dirtiest hotel in america is about to come to an end of the the carter hotel is expected to sell for $180 million. it's right near times square. and that's where the good stuff ends. it earned its reputation for winning trip advisor's dirtiest hotel in america three times in a row. hat trick for that. a complete renovation will cost another $100 million. 4:56. video surfaces showing an american woman and her husband taken captive in afghanistan in 2012. why their families are just now coming forward. >> reporter: a plan for a big expansion at this east bay oil refinery is headed to court. but it's not chevron being sued. more on the controversy up next. ,, ♪[ music ] i'm the man ♪ >> he's the man all right. the $126 million man. quarterback colin kaepernick signed a $162 million contract with the 49ers. >> no response to stable stimuli. we need an ambulance right now. >> the 911 calls made after dodger fans attacked bryan stow are played. a lawsuit alleges the former dodger owner cut corners on security to save money. >> would he ever do something like this? >> i'm not sure. if he needs the money, ha. >> a veteran san jose police officer accused of using his storage unit to stash marijuana. >> it's completely nosediving down. >> a military jet crashes in southern california setting fire to homes. authorities are investigating what may have caused that plane to go down. ♪[ music ] >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning" captions by: caption colorado [email protected] your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it's going to get hot in the bay area. away from the coastline. toward the beaches plenty of fog and low clouds again. on surface early today. but by the afternoon temperatures heating up, 80s and low 90s in the valleys today. lots of 70s and 80s around the bay area. and 60s at the coastline. sea breeze brings clouds at the coastline and at the bay. temperatures in the 50s. hot this

Related Keywords

Altamont Pass , California , United States , Canada , Nevada County , Brentwood , Livermore Valley , Oakland , Afghanistan , Fresno , San Leandro , Florida , San Diego , Oregon , Guatemala , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Mexico , Daly City , Marin County , Arizona , Central Valley , Redding , Milpitas , Pacifica , Colorado , Sacramento , Los Angeles , Morgan Hill , Dodger Stadium , Chicago , Illinois , America , Canadian , American , Billy Ray Brown Jr , Matt Cain , Ryan Chamberlain , Bowe Bergdahl , Juliette Goodrich , Billy Brown , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , John Anderson , Lew Wolff , Linda Macdonald , Tom Girardi , Betty Yu , Frank Mccourt , Steve Balmer , Elizabeth Cook ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140605 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140605

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$126 million man. >> that's a lot of money. i'm happy for him. >> reporter: colin kaepernick entered an elite club of professional and bay area athletes. >> i have always just tried to be the best player i can be, and to be able to have this compensation come along with it is amazing. i'm very grateful for it. >> reporter: in the bay, only buster posey and matt cain make more giant salaries. >> cap one of the first guys at the facility every day, one of the last guys to leave. he is always working hard and inspiring other people to work hard. as a leader on this football team, i think he deserves it. >> reporter: he says he wants to take care of his parents but the fat contract isn't burning a hole in his pocket. >> not at this point. i don't spend too much money. i think the most expensive things i own are my bed, tv and couch. i'm going to keep it that way for a while. >> reporter: fans and keap agree on one thing. >> i'm going to work to try to be sure i'm worth every penny of this and win as many games as possible. >> reporter: more specifically this. >> go to the super bowl. >> trying to win as many super bowls as i can. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5. >> tv, bed and a couch. it's the little things. the deal with kaepernick will keep him with the 49ers through the year 2020. as for baseball, a's co- owner lew wolff says he is close to reaching a deal for a ten-year lease extension at the oakland coliseum. he said yesterday something could be signed within a couple of weeks. >> the fact that they signed a ten-year lease says nothing about a new ballpark which they need. it says nothing about a declining fan base which they have. >> the a's long term plan is a ballpark in san jose, a lease extension at the coliseum would assure the a's have a place to play while dealing with the hurdles. baseball hasn't approved the move. a hearing on the antitrust suit against major league baseball is set for august. 4:33. a check of weather from a man that's had a name change. he is mr. friday. [ laughter ] >> i am mr. friday today! yeah. this is the day before i go on vacation. how about that? >> it's not hot enough around here, i'm going to the desert. it will be hotter there. around the bay area today we are starting out with some dense fog early on this morning but looks like that will give way to sunshine into the afternoon. the clouds pretty thick. high pressure overhead compressing down to the surface so out along the coastline this afternoon, still a couple patches of fog and 60s there. 70s and 80s into san jose. and here come the hot 90s in some of the valleys. so a change in the weather the next few days and temperatures going to get a little uncomfortable in some parts of the interior. 50s and some 60s even right now. by the afternoon, up to 90 in livermore. 89 in fairfield. 83 in san jose. about 68 and mostly sunny into san francisco. let's check the roads with elizabeth. we are getting a check of mass transit, as well. thank you, lawrence. and it sounds like there's better news for muni. we are still getting word of the official numbers. we have been talking to the muni spokesman and he says that cable cars are back in service today. so right now, everything looks good. we'll continue to watch it and keep you posted. in the meantime, bart is also reporting no delay. great start there. caltrain and ace train number one will leave central valley with no issues at all. here's a live look once again at the bay bridge toll plaza. eastbound this morning leaving san francisco to oakland you will find some lanes blocked some roadwork out there. it's not much to slow you down. frank said earlier traffic is very light at this time of the morning. [ laughter ] >> so you should have no big issues in either direction between the city and the east bay. we have fog as lawrence said. we have a fog advisory on state route 35 through portions of daly city also thick on highway 1 through pacifica and on stretches of 280. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge and the right side of your screen is the commute direction, we also have a drive time for you, 13 minutes between 880 and 101. we'll have another "kcbs traffic" check coming up. in the meantime, frank and michelle, back to you guys. >> all right, liz, thanks. 4:35 now. san francisco's muni has a backup plan in place in case drivers call out sick again. employees are now being told if they want to get paid, bring a doctor's note. a quarter of muni workers called out sick again yesterday. our mike sugerman caught up with one of the drivers. >> reporter: you were sick monday? >> yes, i am -- yes, i was. >> reporter: what was wrong? >> i don't want to be on camera. >> there you go. the sickout is not an official strike. that would be illegal. they cannot go on strike. city attorney has now filed charges against the union to try and put an end to all the sick calls. the drivers union says it did not order the sick calls so it can't call it off. several police departments along the nimitz freeway from newark to berkeley will meet tomorrow to talk about a disturbing new problem. large groups of young people attacking and robbing others. more now from kpix 5's cate caugiran. reporter: massive teenage terror. here's a kid smashing a chair through the back of a car window. this happened in chicago. something like it happened in san leandro. [ screaming ] >> they are using their sheer numbers to intimidate, assault and rob other people and it is pretty scary. >> reporter: over the weekend dozens if not hundreds of teenagers got more than rowdy at the bay fair mall food court. >> it was a lot of commotion, police were up here and then the security guard was trying to get them off of the premises. >> reporter: police tried to break up the group but they ended up running back and forth from the mall to bay fair bart station. some mall employees say they have had to shut down the stores in order for police to escort these teens out. san leandro police are gathering surveillance video and hope they can identify some of the teens involved in the incident. at one point, a teenager shot himself in the foot trying to get away. as bart police were helping that kid, another group chased down two other kids. the group ran through the mall to a bank of america parking lot where they surrounded one young boy and beat him all for a pair of nikes and an iphone. >> these kids need to get them some jobs and stay off the street bumming and beating up on people. >> to gang up on a kid and take their shoes, i think that's wrong. >> reporter: cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> no one was hurt when a military jet crashed into a southern california neighborhood. the harrier jet from the marine base at yuma, arizona, went down in a front yard in the city of imperial. the debris caught three homes on fire and at least one car. one home was destroyed, its roof is gone, even though the walls are still standing. one neighbor says she heard what sounded like a car backfiring yesterday afternoon. >> and then it backfired again much louder. i mean, it was a very deafening noise and i look and the plane is just coming straight and it just completely nosedived down. and i kind of went into panic mode. >> the pilot ejected and was not hurt. this was the second crash in less than a month of a plane from the marine air station at yuma. and late last night a navy jet crashed into the ocean near san diego as it was preparing to land on an aircraft carrier. the pilot ejected and is in stable condition this morning. the san francisco man charged with possessing illegal explosives will have a mental health evaluation. a federal magistrate ordered the exam at the request of ryan chamberlain's public defender. chamberlain was arrested at crissy field monday. the fbi says it found bomb- making materials in his apartment. the 42-year-old is being held without bail. he is due back in court tomorrow for a detention hearing. it is 4:38 now. public storage workers cleaning out a san jose police officer's unit found some pot inside. officer son vu was arrested. as betty yu reports, vu's relatives speculate he was probably selling pot because he was behind on his bills. >> reporter: officer vu, we would like to hear you side of the story and talk to you for a minute. reporter: he posted bail but didn't come to the door at his san jose home. his older brother, who lives next door, did. what do you have to say about his arrest? >> hm. uhm, i can't really say anything. uhm, i'm in shock. >> reporter: vin vu says his brother is a stand-up guy who works as a patrol officer and he sometimes fell behind on his bills. [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: would he ever do something like this? >> i'm not sure. if he needs the money, ha -- >> reporter: so you think maybe that might be the motivation for selling, possessing marijuana? >> yes. >> reporter: he said he didn't know son rented a storage locker. does he smoke weed? >> i don't think he does, probably sell it for money. >> reporter: every. >> reporter: san jose police say this is an isolated case and no or officers are involved in the suspected drug dealing. in san jose, betty yu, kpix 5. >> he is now on paid administrative leave. [ chanting ] dozens of walmart workers took to the streets in union city to demand higher wages. they want walmart to pay employees at least $25,000 a year. walmart calls the national day of action a pr stunt ahead of tomorrow's shareholders meeting. another big turn of events may lead to a quick conclusion in the battle over the clippers. clippers owner donald sterling has agreed to sell the team to former microsoft ceo steve balmer for $2 billion according to sterling's attorney. this comes just days after sterling filed suit against the nba which has been trying to force sterling out because of those racist comments he made weeks back. recordings of 911 calls are being played in court in bryan stow's civil suit against the los angeles dodgers. he was disabled by a beating while leaving a game at dodger stadium three years ago. kpix 5 reporter juliette goodrich has more on those calls and newly released video. >> someone just got punched, knocked out. >> is he awake, is he breathing? >> reporter: then a second person calls 911. it's brian's friend an off duty paramedics. >> he is unconscious, snoring respiration at the moment, bleeding out of his left ear, no response to stimuli. we need an ambulance right now. >> reporter: jurors also saw this fight video taken from a fan at dodger stadium the same day bryan was beaten. >> no nobody reports it. they were supposed to have security people going up and down those aisles. >> reporter: tom girardi represents the stow family. he called the dodgers stadium security to the stand who testified that on opening day the dodgers "did not have enough security guards to go up and down the aisles in the sixth, seventh, 8th and 9th innings as required by their own policy." the dodgers security guard testified this fight broke out in the 6th inning and security never knew about it. this fight had nothing to do with bryan. but stow's attorney says this video is just another piece of chilling evidence security was nowhere to be found. >> we proved all this antagonism that went on starting in the second inning somebody being drunk, yelling obscenities, throwing stuff, and nothing happened. totally in violation of their own rules. >> reporter: juliette goodrich, kpix 5. >> stow is wheelchair-bound and needs round the clock assistance by caregivers. he attended the first day of jury selection. his attorney wanted jurors to see what stow's life is like now. he has permanent brain damage and no memory of the night he was beaten. the civil suit alleges former dodgers owner frank mccourt cut corners on security to save money. stow's attorney says medical expenses and lifetime care could cost $34 million. the two men who beat stow pleaded guilty earlier this year in the criminal case. it is 4:43. coming up, california horses sold for food. it is against the law but no one has ever been arrested until now. a kpix 5 exclusive coming up next. >> homecoming plans are falling apart since the return of p.o.w. bowe bergdahl. the threat his community faces since his rescue. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, canadian woman's home... as gunman went on a ramp can you see him? oh!! >> this is amateur video from inside a canadian woman's home as a gunman went on a rampage outside. three canadian police officers were killed and a massive manhunt for the gunman continues. the officers responded to last night's calls about an armed man wandering the streets in new brunswick. they are looking for a 24-year- old man. sergeant bowe bergdahl's idaho hometown is canceling his homecoming celebration after hundreds of threatening phone calls. that's not all. in the days following his release, the town of hailey has been flooded with angry emails ready to protest the homecoming. there's a grow debate over whether the army sergeant was a desertedder. >> something that was very happy is very mixed. in my mind, he is a hero no matter what. >> members of congress want more hearings into the obama administration's decision to release five taliban fighters in exchange for bergdahl. in a closed door briefing of the senate yesterday, white house officials showed a video they say proves bergdahl's health required immediate action. for the first time prosecute verse charged a man with selling california horses -- prosecutors have charged a man with selling california horses for food. elizabeth cook with the story you'll see only on 5. reporter: it's the talk of the town in madera. sheriff john anderson has arrested a well-known businessman. >> he will be treated no differently than anyone else. >> reporter: for an almost unheard of crime. billy ray brown, jr., son of the owner of the local b and b livestock auction is accused of sending this horse called lacey out of state to slaughter for human consumption. that's a felony in california. a law was passed in 1998 to protect horses. but this is the first time it's being enforced. billy is a familiar face at b and b. he is the auctioneer. so how did he get lacey? a detective says his investigation started when lacey's owner reported her and another horse called squirt missing. the owner told the detective that he had given the horses to a brand inspector with the california department of food and agriculture, whom he trusted and who he says promised to take them to harris farms to retire. but -- >> she told them that she had lied about, you know, where she had taken the horses. >> reporter: instead, she admitted selling them to a horse dealer who adam later learned sold them to billy brown. a paper trail led the detective across three states from california to oregon, washington and across the border to a slaughterhouse in canada. >> i visited the slaughterhouse in an undercover capacity. >> reporter: eric is with the humane society of the united states. >> in many cases you'll see the stunner hit the horse five, six times before they are actually going down and staying down. >> reporter: he says california is one of the only states that bans shipping horses here. and yet -- >> in 2013, over 140,000 horses went to slaughter. and many of those horses came from california. >> reporter: hi, how are you doing? we couldn't find billy but found his father. >> there is nothing to be said. instructions from the attorney until it's done. then you'll find out what transpired. out of here! >> reporter: adam says he is confident there will be a conviction because billy admitted using a fake name in the deal. >> he picked the name out of the phone book. >> reporter: but adam says the signature was just like billy's. >> painfully obviously it's been forged. if it's legitimate, why not use your own information? he told me that from selling horses in the past that he had roused the suspicion of canadian authorities. >> reporter: elizabeth cook, kpix 5. >> summer rose tech faces grand theft charges. her attorney says she never made any promises to the owner of the horses and they had no idea they were going to slaughter. southern mexico is drenched. they have had nearly 2 feet of rain in some areas from tropical storm boris. it's weakened to a tropical depression and is dissipating this morning. but the damage is done. there are evacuations in mexico's ciappa state and landslides in guatemala have closed at least one mountain highway. >> when you think about storms like that, you think about florida and the eastern seaboard but mexico gets hit hard, too. >> absolutely. didn't even come on land as a hurricane. but it doesn't matter because you get so much rain. two feet in 36 hours. that's amazing. >> meanwhile, here, we're dry. >> we are dry. even today hot temperatures inland. out the door we have patchy fog now. high pressure strengthening overhead so it's continuing to compress. and that means we're seeing some dense fog toward the coastline. so watch out for that. but average temperatures on this date usually in the 60s and the upper 70s. today we are moving well above the average especially inland. livermore about 12 degrees above the average 90 expected this afternoon. 83 in san jose. 73 into oakland. and 68 degrees just above the average in san francisco. starting out with patchy, dense fog this morning giving way to sunshine this afternoon. still a couple of clouds toward the coastline but heating up the next couple of days away from the beaches. so here we go. hot weather beginning today in many spots inland. in fact, around the state you will likely see some triple digits. 101 in fresno. about 103 in redding and 97 degrees in sacramento. patchy fog at the beaches. we have enough of a sea breeze to keep clouds there even into the weekend. we'll sneak in a little sunshine and temperatures warm up but never hot like many places away from the coast. numbers today about 88 in morgan hill. 80 milpitas. 76 hayward. east bay up into the 90s into brentwood and antioch and livermore. about 88 in concord. inside the bay those temperatures in the 60s and the 70s. next couple of days, the heat is on. this weekend maybe some triple digits toward sunday. that will be the peak of the heat. and cooler temperatures back to normal return toward the middle of next week. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thank you, lawrence. in the meantime we have patchy fog we are dealing with this morning and chp issued a dense fog advisory for highway 35. in the meantime, you can see fog coming in through the golden gate bridge and some headlights, as well. traffic is very light right now from marin county into san francisco. three lanes open on the toll plaza both directions of 101. 35 daly city is reported to have 100 feet of visibility. that's the latest from chp. so watch out for that also on stretches of highway 1 and coming up parts of 280. here's a live look outside on the nimitz freeway near the oakland coliseum. looks great the drive time still in the green 15 minutes between 238 and the maze. same thing through the altamont pass. so far we are seeing a few brake lights through tracy but nothing through the livermore valley. everything looks great. and a mass transit check just another note again the spokesman for muni tells us this morning that things are looking better. it looks like all service including cable cars are returning to normal routes. but they are still crunching the numbers still trying to figure out how many sick calls they have this morning. so we'll keep you posted. stay tuned right here. we'll have a live update coming up. in the meantime, frank and michelle, back to you guys. >> thank you. 5:42. this hotel is winning a war. you don't want to go inside. their dubious distinction when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, felony sex charges involvina nine- an oakland woman is expected in court tomorrow to face felony sex charges involving a 9-year-old girl. 48-year-old haseemah diame was arrested at lafayette elementary school in oakland. police say she forced the girl into a stall and assaulted her with a hammer. she was arrested after a school security guard walked into the restroom. a bear surprised a nevada county woman by making himself comfortable right inside her home. the woman says she heard a commotion and thought it was her husband downstairs coming home for lunch but when she checked, she saw paw prints on the floor and found the bear rummaging for food in her kitchen. >> as i came around the stairs, he was walking back out this way. and i just stood there and went, ha? [ laughter ] >> oh, boy. that would be anybody's reaction. it appears the bear let himself in by sliding open a screen door. >> comes in handy. well, the bidding war for the dirtiest hotel in america is about to come to an end of the the carter hotel is expected to sell for $180 million. it's right near times square. and that's where the good stuff ends. it earned its reputation for winning trip advisor's dirtiest hotel in america three times in a row. hat trick for that. a complete renovation will cost another $100 million. 4:56. video surfaces showing an american woman and her husband taken captive in afghanistan in 2012. why their families are just now coming forward. >> reporter: a plan for a big expansion at this east bay oil refinery is headed to court. but it's not chevron being sued. more on the controversy up next. ,, ♪[ music ] i'm the man ♪ >> he's the man all right. the $126 million man. quarterback colin kaepernick signed a $162 million contract with the 49ers. >> no response to stable stimuli. we need an ambulance right now. >> the 911 calls made after dodger fans attacked bryan stow are played. a lawsuit alleges the former dodger owner cut corners on security to save money. >> would he ever do something like this? >> i'm not sure. if he needs the money, ha. >> a veteran san jose police officer accused of using his storage unit to stash marijuana. >> it's completely nosediving down. >> a military jet crashes in southern california setting fire to homes. authorities are investigating what may have caused that plane to go down. ♪[ music ] >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning" captions by: caption colorado your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. it's going to get hot in the bay area. away from the coastline. toward the beaches plenty of fog and low clouds again. on surface early today. but by the afternoon temperatures heating up, 80s and low 90s in the valleys today. lots of 70s and 80s around the bay area. and 60s at the coastline. sea breeze brings clouds at the coastline and at the bay. temperatures in the 50s. hot this

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , Canada , Nevada County , Brentwood , Livermore Valley , Oakland , Afghanistan , Fresno , San Leandro , Florida , San Diego , Oregon , Guatemala , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Mexico , Daly City , Marin County , Arizona , Central Valley , Redding , Milpitas , Pacifica , Colorado , Sacramento , Los Angeles , Morgan Hill , Dodger Stadium , Chicago , Illinois , America , Canadian , American , Billy Ray Brown Jr , Matt Cain , Ryan Chamberlain , Bowe Bergdahl , Juliette Goodrich , Billy Brown , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , John Anderson , Lew Wolff , Linda Macdonald , Tom Girardi , Betty Yu , Frank Mccourt , Steve Balmer , Elizabeth Cook ,

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