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Stumbled across the body beside a trail. She came upon the body, she realized the person was deceased. Reporter police say an unidentified man in his 20s found at the base of a graffiticovered boulder, easy to climb up, easier to fall off. People have died here before. About a year ago. At the time there were witnesses, the individual climbed up the rock and fell down. This person was found in a similar area. Reporter fire crews snaked down the Berkeley Hills while investigators looked over the car probably left behind by the victim. So far there are no known witnesses so police cant be sure what happened. I have attempted its slippery. If youre not careful you can fall and hurt yourself very badly. Reporter its a popular spot with with a killer view that claimed another life. Brian webb, kpix 5. The search over for a Pleasant Hill construction worker last seen friday, 31yearold jason adams was found sitting in his truck in a parking lot in reno around 2 00 this morning. Police are not releasing details about how he ended up there but say he was in good health. Adams friends and family have been searching for him since he vanished friday morning. Today the university of california hosts a Climate Change conference in sacramento. Governor brown is one of the featured speakers, kpix 5s ann macovick reports the governor is linking Climate Change to the recent fires. Reporter the wildfires in San Diego County last week causing 20 Million Dollars in damage and killing one man were only the beginning. Humanity is on a collision course with nature. Reporter governor jerry brown says california could be in for its worst wildfire season ever after years of drought. He says Climate Change is to blame. As we send billions and billions oftons of heattrapping gases we get heat and fires and get what were seeing. Reporter cal fire has responded to more than 1,500 fires this year, compared with about 800 in an average year. Its going to peak staffing this year as well. The first week of april instead of its usual start in midmay. The money may not be enough. Brown says thousands of additional firefighters may be needed as we try to adapt to our new conditions. But building a political consensus wont be easy. I think republicans need to recognize that its an important issue to people. And to strike the right balance. And Common Ground is making sure were not making pollution worse, not only in california but worldwide. Reporter republicans strategist Tom Del Beccaro referring to brown says the time to act is now. We got to gear up for it and as the Climate Changes this is going to be a radically different future than was our historic past. In the meantime all the we can do is fight all these darned fires. Reporter Governor Brown is set to speak at a Climate Change Conference Today in sacramento. In the newsroom, kpix 5. Lets check the weather now with lauren. A little cool breeze around the bay area today. Were going to see the winds kicking up, to 29 Miles Per Hour at sfo right now. Even a slight chance of a couple of sprinkles. Not much. But out the door we go, a lot of clouds now. Those will continue to work their way on by. In fact we have an area of low pressure that is going to spin down the coastline. Keeping us a little unsettled through the day and breezy conditions expected throughout the next couple of days. Headed out the door today, planning on very Cool Conditions along the coastline. Were going to keep the temperatures way down. 50s now as you head out the door. As we look toward the afternoon numbers up in the 60s. And a couple 70s. Already, lets check on the roads. That wind you talked about may give you a few trouble spots on the roads. We have a couple of accidents. Lets get to the wrecks first. Northbound 680 at Sycamore Valley, two vehicles in an accident, two right lanes are blocked. That will be gone hopefully soon. Chp reports a new accident north 680 at montague express, possibly blocking lanes. And wind advisories, bay bridge, san mateo bridge affected. San mateo bridge still light with the traffic but again high wind advisories, also again on the bay bridge. And we have road work to report at the bay bridge near the incline so look out for that. President obama is reportedly quote unquote madder than hell about the problems at the nations va hospitals. As many as 40 patients at the phoenix va hospital may have died because of delays in treatment. The Dayton Daily News reported the numbers across the nation may be much higher too, says the agency paid out more than 36 million to settle claims related to delayed treatment. The president is madder than hell. And ive got the scars to prove it. Were going to get to the woman of those bottom of those things, fix them and ensure they dont happen again. There are allegations of schemes to cover up delays in at least eight cities. One va official stepped down friday and there are calls for the va secretary Eric Shinseki to resign. Theres been speculation about whether Hillary Clinton will run for president again. Karl rove stirred up controversy last week when he brought up clintons concussion and blood clot in december 2012 as a potential liability. Now rove and other republicans are saying clintons health is relevant but not the only issue. Health and age is fair game. Its fair game for ronald reagan. Its fair game for john mccain. I think the more important issue for me as leader of this party is what is the record of Hillary Clinton. What was her record as a secretary of state. In benghazi, boca what are ram boca haram, syria. Im not questioning her health. Im questioning whether or not its a done deal shes running and she would not be human if they were not if she did not take this into consideration. Shell be 69 at the time of the 2016 election. If she gets elected and serves two terms she will be 77. Hillary clinton only recently has admitted shes considering a run for the presidency but insists shes not made any firm plans. A congressional race is heating up in the silicon valley. The race is tight because the district has been redrawn producing the first asianamerican majority outside of hawaii. Khannas ad debuts later today. First, he stubbornly refused all debates and now theres mud slinging. The ad calls khanna an upgrade for the silicon valley. Hondas campaign emailed this statement. Congressman honda has a strong record of delivering all of the people of his district that is what mas most in this campaign. A candidate for alameda couy auditor controller is out the running. After being a candidate for almeida county auditor controller out of the running after charged with voter fraud. Kathleen knox has withdrawn from the race. The District Attorney says knox lied about being a resident of almeida county and actually lives in contra costa county. Knox appeared in Court Earlier this month where she pleaded not guilty to fraud and perjury charges. When a reporter asked her to clarify where she lives she refused to answer. She has issued a statement since the distraction could be a distraction of the Current Events have been overwhelming and my focus now needs to be entirely on my family, business and private life. Her name will still appear on the june 3rd ballot. Shipments of crude by rail into california are expected to increase 25fold in the next two years. With derailments and explosions on the rise, the railroads need to be checked to be in good condition. But its found theres a major gap in inspections. Reporter michael boyters walk with his dog et are a constant reminder. The old railroad bridge the pittsburgh resident passes under everyday rattles and shakes every time a train goes by. I see it moving a lot when i walk under it. Its pretty scary. Reporter its one of Burlington Northerns busiest bay area routes and could soon get a whole lot busier. Milelong trains carrying fracked crude from north dakota are already traveling through the bay area. The state predicts many more will soon be delivering the highly volatile load. Its the same crude that has been exploding in derailments all over north america. Every time theres an increase in traffic, theres an increased chance there will be a derailment. Reporter paul king is with the California Public utility commission. The Agency Charged with inspecting railroads. He says with 38 inspectors they are getting the job done. With one exception. Up in of our inspect none of our inspectors are tasked or dedicated to inspect bridges. Reporter turns out the p. U. C. Is only inspecting the tracks, not the bridge structure. The agency admits in a report to the legislature that is a potential significant risk because theres hardly any federal oversight either. There is one federal inspector, federal Railroad Administration inspector for 11 western states. Reporter the feds require the railroads to inspect each bring once a year but the state doesnt have access to the information, on an estimated 5,000 to 7,000 bridges. That is just an estimate. Railroads dont give out hard numbers or really any data for that matter. We put in a freedom of information act request for inspections on one bridge, the venetia bridge. That was more than a month ago and still no answer. Its a very serious situation. Reporter senator jerry hill is on the Energy Committee and said it should be their job to inspect both tracks and bridges. Some are over 100 years old, never replaced, never brought up to a newer standard. That is their responsibility. Reporter we asked paul king about that. Why doesnt the cpuc inspect railroad bridges . All our inspectors are dedicated by budget approvals to the job they are doing. Weve heard those excuses frankly since the san bruno explosion of a few years ago. Reporter back in pittsburg, he says Burlington Northern has come in to do some repairs. Heres a spot that was patched last week. Reporter but wonders what is a little patch job going to do . I think its time for an upgrade. Governor browns budget calls for 8 million in funding for Railroad Safety that will include a new bridge oversight plan to run by the puc. As for Burlington Northern the Company Tells us its proud their own internal Inspection Program they believe goes abovened beyond federal requirements. 4 42. One communication giant points to gobble up another. And one more part of the triple crown to go and a hook at what could be another winner in the works but theres an obstacle. ,,,,,,,, violent weather has also triggered up to three thousd landslides. At least two dozen people he died. That number is expe to grow. Marlie hall has the latest on what authorits are calling the flood of the century. pkg track sund159 helicopters could only resc victims one by one after mae flooding hit croatia, serbid bosnia over the weekend. The months worth of rain fell the region in three days. Ts man and thousands of others were forced to evacuate the homes. nat sund234 1 14 bosnian anto zuparic, evacuated villager track e says water took everything away, i had cattle, the ani probably drowned track sund030, sund234 in many p of bosnia only rooftops and tree tops could be seen from above. On the ground, these people had to row where they once walked. ap photo week across the balkans, floodwa triggered more than 3,000 landslides. Authorities are calling this the regions wt flooding since record keepi began 120 years ago. nat sund159 46 croatian track croatian municpal lr hrvoje lucic said there ia single house that hasnt be flooded. track sund160 f waters threatened serbias n power plant, which supplies electricity to a third of t country. There are fears the raging waters moved landmin leftover from bosnias war y from the signs indicating t location. nat sund234 2 sound of shove scraping gr track sund234 sunday pe shovelled sand into bags to form water barriers to prott from more flooding. nats sund072 shoveling water whe others started to clean up d assess the damage was flood waters started to receed in parts of bosnia. Marlie hals news. suggested anchor tan union and slovenia are aidia amd croatilars. Time is 4 heres eather. On the ground these people had to row where they once walked. Across the balkans floodwaters triggered more than 3,000 landslides. Authorities are calling this the regions worst flooding since recordkeeping began 120 years ago. Floodwaters threaten serbias main power plant which supplies electricity to a third of the country. There are fears the raging waters move to land lines left over from bosnias war, away from the sign indicating their location. Sunday people shovelled sand into bags to form barriers to protect from more flooding. While others started to clean up and assess the damage as floodwaters started to recede in parts of bosnia. Marty levin marlie hall, cbs news. Were in the midst of a drought here. We may get some sprinkles. A slight chance. Definitely cool and breezy. Looks like the winds are already kicking up. Some places almost 30 Miles Per Hour already. Some clouds are floating by. Those will continue on and off as an area of low pressure spins down the coastline the next couple of days. If youre headed out, plan on Cool Conditions throughout the afternoon. Partly cloudy skies, latter part of the day. With a slight chance of a wandsering shower. More clouds and unsettled weather the next couple of days as well as that low off the coastline going to start to drag a little further south and draw down near the bay area. That will keep things a little unsettled. You can see not a lot of clouds with that. Low level moisture moving by and bringing with it a couple of scattered light showers. Temperatures in the 70s and 80s in the central valley. 58 degrees in lake tahoe, 64 in the monterey bay. Computer models showing the system dragging clouds flew and bringing with it at least a slight chance of a couple of wandering scattered showers rolling across mainly over the mountaintops, otherwise most of us stay dry but it will be cool and breezy. Temperatures, maybe low 70s. Warmer spot in the south bay, 50s and 60s to the coastline. A lot of 60s, low 70s in the east bay. Then as you head inside the bay 64 degrees now. 62 San Francisco. 60, windy side in daly city. The next couple of days, temperatures slowly warm up. As we head towards next weekend, offshore winds and could be warmer on saturday and surrender. Lets check the roads with gianna. Thank you, busy this morning. Well start with a couple of accidents along 680. First, northbound 680 near Sycamore Valley road, roberta just drove through and she said three lanes are blocked for police and fire crews. Two lanes involved in the accident two cars involved in the accident. Hopefully things will wrap up sooner than later. Other accident north 680 at montague expressway, looks like a minor problem there. Were dealing with windy conditions along the altamont pass, looks ok, just some yellow in so the some spots from tracy but overall 57 Miles Per Hour, again windy conditions, so be careful as you work your way through there. Reporting wind advisories along some of the bay area bridges including the bay bridge, a bit of a backup there but still very light. San mateo bridge no delays now but a wind advisory as well. As well as the car keenas bridge, but the golden gate bridge, nice ride as you work your way to San Francisco. Dont forget to check with kcbs 740 a. M. , our radio partners. At t says its going to bye satellite tv giant direct tv for 48 billion. It will give at t customers access to more channels. The merger will make at t the second largest paid tv provider in the country behind comcast. At t and direct tv expect to close the deal in a year if the government approves the terms. California chrome won two of the three jewels in the horse racing triple crown but there could be a problem winning the third. The horse was has worn nasal strips to help him breathe easier but the strips are against the rules up in new york. Where the third and longest race, the Belmont Stakes is run. This is going to put a little pressure on new york because California Chrome is going for the triple crown. Theres going to be over 100,000 people at the races that day. And its brought a lot of attention. This horse is now really popular in america. Kind of the americas horse. California chromes owners and trainer will need special permission to use the strips at the belmont. If denied they say they could scratch the horse from the race. Coming up in three weeks. Time now 4 50. A look at the highs and lows of this years bay to breakers. Giant, mobile street party t neighbors complain about it will be cool, a little on the breezy side, maybe windy towards the coastline. Temperatures there in the 50s and 60s. In the bay, a little warmer. Sneaking up a couple of upper 60s and low 70s into the south bay but the numbers much cooler than just a week ago. As we look towards the east bay i think we top out the 69 degrees in pleasanton. 73 brentwood. 73 danville. 73 walnut creek. In the north bay, a lot of clouds moving on through and the breezy conditions. Even a slight chance of a couple of light showers. Not much though. Temperatures will be down though, a little blustery into San Francisco, 62 degrees checking traffic. Wind conditions may slow you down this morning. Wind advisories on the bay area bridges including the bay bridge, san mateo bridge and carkeenas bridge so look for that this morning. The bay to breakers is a giant mobile street party of course but neighbors complain about the crowds, and mess left behind. This year theres proof were paying attention. Our kpix reporter john ramos shows us it never did run smoothly. Reporter this was it the year the bay to breakers was going to straighten up and go according to plan. Which is why the race started 25 minutes late. Theres a few delays in equipment we wanted to make sure was in place prior to the race starting. For the safety of the race. Reporter okaynizers were all organizers were all about safety this year so runners were herded to side streets in what they called corrals. And when the race finally did start, if you missed it, that is ok. Because they started it again. And again. Every time a new chorale was opened up. But honestly that didnt seem to dampen the mood much. In england its like maybe 1,000, 2,000 people and were like, whoa all these people. Its crazy. I mean, just look at this. You cant ignore all this. Reporter this year there were bans on alcohol and nudity which met with limited compliance and no wheel devices were allowed, that left parents shoulderrers a lot of responsibility. We usually do the doggie stroller but they changed the rules even the back pax. Reporter and things looked really different at the top of hays hill. Alamo square park, a popular viewing area was completely off limits. In fact the entire procession was walled off from the surrounding neighborhoods. I mean look at it. Knuckleheads are out here drunk. If you just babysit them along the strip youre good. Its a big problem. But were getting the exercise. Were walking the whole way. Reporter people still enjoyed themselves but attendance is less than half of that three years ago. San francisco is the best city in the world. Get a life, have fun. Its one day a year. Baytro breakers bay to breakers, a cultural institution, we love it. Police made a total of 28 arrests, mostly for public intoxication. At least three runners were taken to the hospital for injuries and workers picked up 10 1 2 tons of trash. Its 4 56 on monday. The California Wildfires may be over, for now but Governor Brown has a dire warning for the months ahead. Im mark kelly live in the Berkeley Hills where the body of a man was found at the base of a popular lookout here. What do police say happened. ,,,,,, she realized the person was diseased. A person stumbles over body of a hiker over the weekend. Found near the uc berkeley campus, the same area where a person died after slipping on a rock a year ago. Humanity is on a collision course with nature. Governor jerry brown says california could experience its worst wildfire season ever. Four wildfires are still burning near San Francisco but calmer winds and cooler temperatures have helped firefighters get a handle on the situation. Whoa look at all these people. Its crazy. 1 o3rd annual bay to breakers a hit despite a false start. There were delays due to safety concerns. A kenyan man the first to cross the finish line. The stories that matter on kpix 5 news this morning. A shot to center. Good morning, im michelle griego. Im frank malako. How about a little traffic and weather . Last week we had the recordbreaking hot temperatures. Much cooler around the bay area in youre headed out the door. Partly cloudy skies as well. Winds kicking up. In fact getting breezy in spots now, seeing winds at sfo to 20 Miles Per Hour. 17 fran. Sustained there. And pretty breezy on in through the delta. The winds will likely continue to intensify as we head throughout the day. Out the door we go, from the bay looking good now, the temperatures holding mainly in the 50s outside. I think by the afternoon were looking at cool numbers outside, 60s out toward the coastline. I think the warmest parts of the bay, maybe 70s in the south bay and east bay. Lets check on the roads with gianna. Winds could cause problems on the roadways. High wind advisories for most of the bay area bridges including the done barton bridge. No delays to report now but wind conditions there. Wind advisories reported for the san mateo bridge as well as the bay bridge but so far light traffic this early monday morning. Elsewhere if you plan on taking mass transit so far so good, no delays. Bart moving along. Altamont pass, a few delays and windy conditions reported there as well. And an accident northbound 680 at Sycamore Valley still being cleared. The search is over for a Pleasant Hill construction worker, 31yearold jason adams found in his truck in a parking lot, in reno 2 00 this morning. Police are not releasing details about how he ended up there but say he was in good health. His friends and family have been searching for him since vanishing friday morning. Developing news in inrkeley, uc police are

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