Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20130820 : co

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20130820

sierra nevada and the foothills. the rim fire closed. you can see on your map. the american fire in the sierra is one of the biggest. it scorched 15,000 acres in steep terrain. 2,000 firefighters are on the front lines. it is 53% contained. there is a lot of fuel to burn. people are allowed to return to their homes that were threatened by the swedes fire. one home and several out buildings were burned. more than 300 buildings are threatened. people who were evacuated are worried what they will come home to. >> they are anxious. some of them didn't get their horses out in time. >> this morning the swedes fire is two thirds contained. firefighters expect to have a line around it by thursday. it has burned 2100 acres. >> one man died after a shooting at an east san jose restaurant. it happened about 10:00 last night at the wong han restaurant. three men were shot. two survived. police haven't said if the shooting happened inside or outside. there is no suspect information. >> developing news out of egypt where one leader is being set free and another is being put behind barrings. susan explains why they might not be able to do much to curb the violence. >> reporter: been acquitted of corruption charges and his lawyer tells cbs news he will be released from jail within the next 48 hours. a popular uprising of the egyptian people swept him out of office in 2011. a move intended to usher in democratic reforms. early this morning, many more arrests in a government crack down including the spiritual leader of the group. calls from the u.s. to include the brother hood in efforts have been ignored. >> politically motivated attentions should end. >> the term oil has law makers calling for president obama to suspend aid. but even cutting off $1.5 billion in annual support may not bring the change washington is hoping for. secretary of defense was asked if cutting aid would end the violence. >> it is limited. it's up to the egyptian people. >> even if the u.s. does cut off support, egypt may not lose a dime. reimburse egypt if western countries suspend their aid. cbs news, washington. >> a new pew poll show 51% of americans want to cut off aid. >> let's get another check on weather. you are talking about lightning. there was a lot of fog out there. >> the atmosphere may be more stable. so maybe not as much lightning as yesterday. still have a chance of lightning. the red flag warnings are still up in the bay area. we have plenty of lightning strikes. you can see that rotating through away from the coastline as low continues to remain south. numerous lightning strikes. over 11,000 continued lightning strikes out over the bay waters as well. quite the display last night. low clouds and fog. the temperatures right now 61 degrees and mild in oakland. 66 in livermore and 63 in san jose. this afternoon 80s and 90s. 60s toward the coastline. and still a chance of thunderstorms. let's check out the roadways with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. outside right now still watching an injury crash in san jose. testimony playerly blocking -- blocking lanes. sounds like it is an overturned accident. and we are just beginning to see some slow downs, brake lights on the northbound 880 lanes. also checking your other east bay drive times. up and down the nimits freeway through oakland, no delay. and from berkeley all the way down towards the maze. coming into san francisco, quiet conditions into the city. back to you guys. >> the deadly limo fire has been ruled an accident. investigators say a mechanical issue sparked the may 4th fire. that trapped 9 friends. 5 died including the bride. no one will face any criminal charges. joe vasquez on the newly released 911 calls. >> hello? >> [inaudible]. >> the first 911 call came from nelia. she was inside. >> three others crawled out through the small window as the driver made his own anguished call. >> tell me how many people are in the vehicle. >> i don't know, ma'am, i don't know. i don't know. >> okay. it's okay. we have people on the way. they are right before the high rise westbound on the bridge correct? >> yes. >> the fire was caused by a catastrophic failure. metal on metal contact underneath the car created enough friction to set the floor boards on fire. the flames were out of control. >> the people are telling me there's five more people trapped inside. the doors are locked. i can't get inside the car. >> rescuers got the rear doors open but by then, it was too late. >> anything else you need me to do? >> no, i don't think there's anything we can do. >> the child safety lock was engaged on the left rear door so the women couldn't open it. the right rear door was too burned to tell if the safety lock was gauged. >> happening today, the people in charge of the bay bridge project will give details of what needs to be done. there are a lot of questions about whether the contractor should be awarded a bonus. $20 million is at stake. >> reporter: it's one of the final steps before the eastern span of the bay bridge will open the tuesday after labor day. engineers installed wedges called shims to reinforced the cracked bolts. clears the way for the bridge to open by labor day and for the lead contractor to collect a controversial $20 million bonus for finishing on time. >> give out a $20 million bonus on a project that $5 billion in ten years over budget is outrageous. >> his issue that a state audit found american bridge floor was partly to blame for the busted bolts. >> signed with a contractor a couple years ago. also in the contract were the assumptions the bridge would be constructed correctly and bolts wouldn't practice break. >> the cost to fix the bolts? about the same as the bonus, $23 million. cal trans will ultimately make the decision. some of the questions they'll have to ask, did the contractor earn the bonus and should the cope ability affect the bonus? >> that's my goal to make sure bonuses aren't awarded and figure out what went wrong and who is responsible. >> they have not made a final decision and unclear when they will. kpix 5. >> the eastern span is just about ready for traffic through the wrapping up work on the lighting and lane striping. the big final project is set for next week so crews can complete the conversion to the new span. that closure is set to begin 8 days from now. the bridge is scheduled to be closed for five days before reopening traffic tuesday september third. there is no sign of progress in the labor dispute. the next contract deadline is october 10th. but negotiators have not met in more than a week. >> there's a clarification about use of cameras on firefighter's helmets in the aftermath of the asiana crash. whether the chaos that day contributed to the death of a crash survivor who was on the tarmac. on monday, the fire department set the record straight. >> the policy specifically says that recording devices of any kind, any type of recording device is prohibited without the permission of the chief. >> authorities say if they allowed firefighters to wear helmet cameras, they would be city issued. >> the risky move that almost blew the trial for an accused bay area serial killer. >> customers are upset about what forever 21 are cutting from the stores. why they are blaming president obama's affordable care health act. ,, [ female announcer ] jump-start your day with mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. ♪ and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ your sleep number setting. it will give you the soundest sleep you've ever had. it's a bed so intuitive it even knows you by name. now it's easier than ever to experience deep, restful sleep with the sleep number bed's dualair technology. at the simple touch of a button, the sleep number mattress adjusts to your ideal level of comfort and support, with exceptional pressure relief on each side. experience the newest innovation from sleep number: the only bed that knows you. and there's only one place in the world you'll find the sleep number bed: at one of our 425 stores nationwide. where at our biggest sale of the year, every sleep number bed is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599. and save an incredible 40% on the sleep number limited edition memory foam mattress sets. sleep number. comfort individualized. life insurance money... to e paternal grandmother of 16-year-old kidnap survivor erson. a suspected murderer and kidnapper james dimaggio left life insurance money to the grandmother of the survivor hannah anderson. $112,000 will go to bernice anderson. dimaggio was shot to death during an operation to rescue hannah. >> the fate of accused serial killer joseph naso is in the hands of a jury. he's serving as his own attorney wrapped up his closing arguments yesterday. suspected of murdering four women. the case was briefly delayed yesterday. the judge had to make sure the jurors were not influenced by a sign. >> didn't want to throw anything in there. now it says he is being charged with the murder of my sister. >> could get the death penalty if convicted. >> hundreds of truckers closed down the terminal. parked their rigs and held signs and protested the ssa terminal. drivers are upset about delays and dropping off and picking uploads. and an attack on a blues musician led to a $5 million lawsuit. suing the city of hayward claiming the event lacked security. that attack was caught on tape. you see it there. dina lynn andrews potter has been charged with assault and elder abuse. >> police are on the look out for a chevy impalla convertible. stole this car between friday night and saturday morning. it's valued at $220,000 because it's the only known model with all original parts. the car was on the auction block and someone is missing that car. >> hopefully, they have insurance. >> hopefully. >> i'd be missing that too. take that for a nice cruise around the bay area. >> would be a nice day for it. >> we have the fog out there. all the lightning strike s yesterday. that was pretty exciting stuff. today another chance of more thunderstorms. be careful outside. fire danger running high. you can see it rotating away from the coastline. the core of that low remains off the coast and to the slth of us. still, it's similar to yesterday as we're starting out quiet. the atmosphere may be more stable. we have fog and drizzle out towards the coastline. partly cloudy and mild temperatures in some of the valleys. this afternoon not going to be hot. could see thunderstorms over the mountain tops. temperatures inside the bay with 70 outside and a few 60s out toward the coast. spinning off the coastline. you can see it rotates up moisture in our direction. and that means we're going to keep things unsettled until the system begins to move on shore. that not going to happen for a couple days. things staying unsettled. thunderstorms continue and the red flag warning as. high fire danger over the mountain tops. all right. with that in mind around the state thunderstorms expected to cross the sierra nevada. around the bay, 92 in livermore. 80 in redwood city. next couple days un settled weather with possibility of lightning strikes and dry more normal weather into thursday and friday and over the weekend. let's check out the roadways. >> back to san jose. updated information from ch p on this injury. all lanes are still blocked. northbound 880 by the 280 inter change. they've shut down lanes. able to get some cars by on the right hand shoulder. a lot of overnight road work so all the connect or ramps have been closed. the extent of the injuries we are not sure. expect delays and find alternates. traffic there can use the shoulder. let's go outside and show you a couple live traffic cameras. 880 freeway close to the coliseum. that's northbound traffic. there is a little bit of overnight road work closer towards high street. but southbound looked good if you are heading towards oakland airport down into hayward. the golden gate bridge, soaked in fog. my producer said it was foggy coming into work this morning. you can see a few headlights into san francisco. that is your very latest time saver traffic. >> bradley manning will be sentenced today or tomorrow. a military judge will be handing that down. convicted last month in 20 charges. faces up to 90 years in prison. but prosecutors asked he be sentenced to 60 years. >> general bo biden is under going medical tests. became weak and disoriented while driving on a family vacation. his father joe biden accompanied him to the hospital. >> we're months away from the deadline for everyone american to buy health insurance. closing argument january 1st you'll pay a penalty if you don't have health coverage. insurance premiums have gone up 170% in the last decade. a new poll find 50% of americans have difficulty affording healthcare. a popular clothing store has cut hours. >> some of forever 21 workers got the bad news last week. hours are getting cut. no more vacation time and losing medical, dental and vision coverage. they have the biblical reference john 3: 16 on their backs. >> for them to be a christian organization and doing something like that, doesn't seem right. >> according to a leaked memo, the cut backs are coming after the company auditing staffing level, staffing needs and payroll and a part time employee will not exceed 29.5 hours which happens to be just short of the 30 hour per week definition of the full time employee. >> it's not right to do that to them. >> the company has forecasted a slow down. and wrote on facebook forever 21 like all retailers, staffs at stores based on projected store sales, completely independent of the affordable care act. customers posted hundreds of negative comments like this is a blatant attempt to circumstance come vent obama care. at the great mall, sandra said it's unfortunate. >> it's sad what they are doing. >> you are going to keep shopping? >> yeah, if i need something, i'll run in there and get it. but hope it changes. >> at first, jackie said she didn't care either but then changed her mind. >> treat their workers right and it doesn't matter all about the money. just need to be fair to other people. >> kpix 5. >> forever 21 says the change impacted 196 employees. less than 1% of its workforce. >> didn't take long for amazon to lose millions of dollars. the web site went down for 15 minutes. lost about $1,000 per second in sales. unclear what triggered that disruption. a 5 minute outage at google is said to have cost more than half a million dollars. another down day on wall street. 4 consecutive sessions it fell 70 points. and yahoo's ceo is striking a pose for vogue. the 38-year-old is featured in a two page photo spread. first in depth interview. the magazine described her as unusually stylish tech geek. >> she does look great. when we come back, the newest family member in the white house. >> a bay area guy is celebrating a competitive eating win. we'll tell you what the guy woofed down. ,,,, [ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day. ♪ plenty of lightning strikes around the bay area yesterday. a chance of more on the way. that being said, red flag warnings remain in affect in parts of the bay area until 11:00 today continuing in the north bay through tomorrow. expect possible thunderstorms, hot temperatures, possibility of strong gusty winds. >> and chp just gave us the word 5:30 this morning. that's when they hope to begin opening lanes or get the street sweepers on scene. northbound 880 by 280 all lanes remain closed down. alternates and continuous updates in a few minutes. >> the first family is welcoming a new member. the obamas adopted a second dog. the same breed as their other dog. the white house released video playing on the lawn there. and sunny is about one year old. >> she's awfully cute. >> closer to hope. remember the dogs out paddling in the middle of the bay? no one knows how he got there but now we know where he's going. the puppy will be adopted by the man who saved his life. saw the puppy swimming from shore and rescued him. the pup has no identity chip or tag. they decided to keep him for good. >> that's a happy ending. >> a san jose man set a new world record in competitive eating. >> matt megatode stoney. beat joey chestnut who ate 251. he showed us how he trains. eating anything and everything very quickly. also gave our reporter some pointers on eating pot stickers. >> i think he was able to eat 15 in a minute. >> he would never do well. >> 4:56. the bay area skies lit up overnight. which neighborhoods could see more dramatic lightning. >> reporter: the new span of the bay bridge still looking to open on time. there's another issue over the bonus the contractor is going to get. the numbers don't add up for state politicians. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i cannot take it off. >> chilling 911 calls from the deadly limo fire shed new light on what happened. >> that's not right to do that to them. they worked hard. >> a decision by forever 21 has some employees scrambling to get health insurance. >> gave out a $20 million bonus on a project that $5 billion and ten years over budget is outrageous. >> the bay bridge will open as scheduled and contractors are supposed to get a $20 million bonus for the on-time opening. not everyone thinks the extra cash is deserved. >> the cost to permanently fix the bolts, about the same as the bonus. >> it's always scary. always the possibility of fire. >> from across the bay to around the world. the stories that matter on kpix 5 news this morning. >> good morning, everyone. it's tuesday august 20th. >> it is 5:00. here's something you don't see very often. lightning and a lot of it. thousands of lightning strikes lit up the sky. this video is from a viewer in san bruno showing some of the display overnight. sounds like we will have more today. >> there's certainly that possibility. the area of low pressure remains off the coastline. looks like things are stabilizing. you can see numerous lightning strikes. can you believe that measured in the bay area and off the coastline? that is rotating off

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United States , Berkeley , California , San Bruno , Sierra Nevada , Egypt , Oakland , Redwood City , Sweden , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Americans , Swedes , American , Egyptian , Hannah Anderson , Dina Lynn Andrews Potter , Bradley Manning , James Dimaggio , Joe Vasquez , Joe Biden , Bernice Anderson , Wong Han , Joseph Naso , Bo Biden ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20130820 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20130820

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sierra nevada and the foothills. the rim fire closed. you can see on your map. the american fire in the sierra is one of the biggest. it scorched 15,000 acres in steep terrain. 2,000 firefighters are on the front lines. it is 53% contained. there is a lot of fuel to burn. people are allowed to return to their homes that were threatened by the swedes fire. one home and several out buildings were burned. more than 300 buildings are threatened. people who were evacuated are worried what they will come home to. >> they are anxious. some of them didn't get their horses out in time. >> this morning the swedes fire is two thirds contained. firefighters expect to have a line around it by thursday. it has burned 2100 acres. >> one man died after a shooting at an east san jose restaurant. it happened about 10:00 last night at the wong han restaurant. three men were shot. two survived. police haven't said if the shooting happened inside or outside. there is no suspect information. >> developing news out of egypt where one leader is being set free and another is being put behind barrings. susan explains why they might not be able to do much to curb the violence. >> reporter: been acquitted of corruption charges and his lawyer tells cbs news he will be released from jail within the next 48 hours. a popular uprising of the egyptian people swept him out of office in 2011. a move intended to usher in democratic reforms. early this morning, many more arrests in a government crack down including the spiritual leader of the group. calls from the u.s. to include the brother hood in efforts have been ignored. >> politically motivated attentions should end. >> the term oil has law makers calling for president obama to suspend aid. but even cutting off $1.5 billion in annual support may not bring the change washington is hoping for. secretary of defense was asked if cutting aid would end the violence. >> it is limited. it's up to the egyptian people. >> even if the u.s. does cut off support, egypt may not lose a dime. reimburse egypt if western countries suspend their aid. cbs news, washington. >> a new pew poll show 51% of americans want to cut off aid. >> let's get another check on weather. you are talking about lightning. there was a lot of fog out there. >> the atmosphere may be more stable. so maybe not as much lightning as yesterday. still have a chance of lightning. the red flag warnings are still up in the bay area. we have plenty of lightning strikes. you can see that rotating through away from the coastline as low continues to remain south. numerous lightning strikes. over 11,000 continued lightning strikes out over the bay waters as well. quite the display last night. low clouds and fog. the temperatures right now 61 degrees and mild in oakland. 66 in livermore and 63 in san jose. this afternoon 80s and 90s. 60s toward the coastline. and still a chance of thunderstorms. let's check out the roadways with elizabeth. >> thank you, lawrence. outside right now still watching an injury crash in san jose. testimony playerly blocking -- blocking lanes. sounds like it is an overturned accident. and we are just beginning to see some slow downs, brake lights on the northbound 880 lanes. also checking your other east bay drive times. up and down the nimits freeway through oakland, no delay. and from berkeley all the way down towards the maze. coming into san francisco, quiet conditions into the city. back to you guys. >> the deadly limo fire has been ruled an accident. investigators say a mechanical issue sparked the may 4th fire. that trapped 9 friends. 5 died including the bride. no one will face any criminal charges. joe vasquez on the newly released 911 calls. >> hello? >> [inaudible]. >> the first 911 call came from nelia. she was inside. >> three others crawled out through the small window as the driver made his own anguished call. >> tell me how many people are in the vehicle. >> i don't know, ma'am, i don't know. i don't know. >> okay. it's okay. we have people on the way. they are right before the high rise westbound on the bridge correct? >> yes. >> the fire was caused by a catastrophic failure. metal on metal contact underneath the car created enough friction to set the floor boards on fire. the flames were out of control. >> the people are telling me there's five more people trapped inside. the doors are locked. i can't get inside the car. >> rescuers got the rear doors open but by then, it was too late. >> anything else you need me to do? >> no, i don't think there's anything we can do. >> the child safety lock was engaged on the left rear door so the women couldn't open it. the right rear door was too burned to tell if the safety lock was gauged. >> happening today, the people in charge of the bay bridge project will give details of what needs to be done. there are a lot of questions about whether the contractor should be awarded a bonus. $20 million is at stake. >> reporter: it's one of the final steps before the eastern span of the bay bridge will open the tuesday after labor day. engineers installed wedges called shims to reinforced the cracked bolts. clears the way for the bridge to open by labor day and for the lead contractor to collect a controversial $20 million bonus for finishing on time. >> give out a $20 million bonus on a project that $5 billion in ten years over budget is outrageous. >> his issue that a state audit found american bridge floor was partly to blame for the busted bolts. >> signed with a contractor a couple years ago. also in the contract were the assumptions the bridge would be constructed correctly and bolts wouldn't practice break. >> the cost to fix the bolts? about the same as the bonus, $23 million. cal trans will ultimately make the decision. some of the questions they'll have to ask, did the contractor earn the bonus and should the cope ability affect the bonus? >> that's my goal to make sure bonuses aren't awarded and figure out what went wrong and who is responsible. >> they have not made a final decision and unclear when they will. kpix 5. >> the eastern span is just about ready for traffic through the wrapping up work on the lighting and lane striping. the big final project is set for next week so crews can complete the conversion to the new span. that closure is set to begin 8 days from now. the bridge is scheduled to be closed for five days before reopening traffic tuesday september third. there is no sign of progress in the labor dispute. the next contract deadline is october 10th. but negotiators have not met in more than a week. >> there's a clarification about use of cameras on firefighter's helmets in the aftermath of the asiana crash. whether the chaos that day contributed to the death of a crash survivor who was on the tarmac. on monday, the fire department set the record straight. >> the policy specifically says that recording devices of any kind, any type of recording device is prohibited without the permission of the chief. >> authorities say if they allowed firefighters to wear helmet cameras, they would be city issued. >> the risky move that almost blew the trial for an accused bay area serial killer. >> customers are upset about what forever 21 are cutting from the stores. why they are blaming president obama's affordable care health act. ,, [ female announcer ] jump-start your day with mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. ♪ and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ your sleep number setting. it will give you the soundest sleep you've ever had. it's a bed so intuitive it even knows you by name. now it's easier than ever to experience deep, restful sleep with the sleep number bed's dualair technology. at the simple touch of a button, the sleep number mattress adjusts to your ideal level of comfort and support, with exceptional pressure relief on each side. experience the newest innovation from sleep number: the only bed that knows you. and there's only one place in the world you'll find the sleep number bed: at one of our 425 stores nationwide. where at our biggest sale of the year, every sleep number bed is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599. and save an incredible 40% on the sleep number limited edition memory foam mattress sets. sleep number. comfort individualized. life insurance money... to e paternal grandmother of 16-year-old kidnap survivor erson. a suspected murderer and kidnapper james dimaggio left life insurance money to the grandmother of the survivor hannah anderson. $112,000 will go to bernice anderson. dimaggio was shot to death during an operation to rescue hannah. >> the fate of accused serial killer joseph naso is in the hands of a jury. he's serving as his own attorney wrapped up his closing arguments yesterday. suspected of murdering four women. the case was briefly delayed yesterday. the judge had to make sure the jurors were not influenced by a sign. >> didn't want to throw anything in there. now it says he is being charged with the murder of my sister. >> could get the death penalty if convicted. >> hundreds of truckers closed down the terminal. parked their rigs and held signs and protested the ssa terminal. drivers are upset about delays and dropping off and picking uploads. and an attack on a blues musician led to a $5 million lawsuit. suing the city of hayward claiming the event lacked security. that attack was caught on tape. you see it there. dina lynn andrews potter has been charged with assault and elder abuse. >> police are on the look out for a chevy impalla convertible. stole this car between friday night and saturday morning. it's valued at $220,000 because it's the only known model with all original parts. the car was on the auction block and someone is missing that car. >> hopefully, they have insurance. >> hopefully. >> i'd be missing that too. take that for a nice cruise around the bay area. >> would be a nice day for it. >> we have the fog out there. all the lightning strike s yesterday. that was pretty exciting stuff. today another chance of more thunderstorms. be careful outside. fire danger running high. you can see it rotating away from the coastline. the core of that low remains off the coast and to the slth of us. still, it's similar to yesterday as we're starting out quiet. the atmosphere may be more stable. we have fog and drizzle out towards the coastline. partly cloudy and mild temperatures in some of the valleys. this afternoon not going to be hot. could see thunderstorms over the mountain tops. temperatures inside the bay with 70 outside and a few 60s out toward the coast. spinning off the coastline. you can see it rotates up moisture in our direction. and that means we're going to keep things unsettled until the system begins to move on shore. that not going to happen for a couple days. things staying unsettled. thunderstorms continue and the red flag warning as. high fire danger over the mountain tops. all right. with that in mind around the state thunderstorms expected to cross the sierra nevada. around the bay, 92 in livermore. 80 in redwood city. next couple days un settled weather with possibility of lightning strikes and dry more normal weather into thursday and friday and over the weekend. let's check out the roadways. >> back to san jose. updated information from ch p on this injury. all lanes are still blocked. northbound 880 by the 280 inter change. they've shut down lanes. able to get some cars by on the right hand shoulder. a lot of overnight road work so all the connect or ramps have been closed. the extent of the injuries we are not sure. expect delays and find alternates. traffic there can use the shoulder. let's go outside and show you a couple live traffic cameras. 880 freeway close to the coliseum. that's northbound traffic. there is a little bit of overnight road work closer towards high street. but southbound looked good if you are heading towards oakland airport down into hayward. the golden gate bridge, soaked in fog. my producer said it was foggy coming into work this morning. you can see a few headlights into san francisco. that is your very latest time saver traffic. >> bradley manning will be sentenced today or tomorrow. a military judge will be handing that down. convicted last month in 20 charges. faces up to 90 years in prison. but prosecutors asked he be sentenced to 60 years. >> general bo biden is under going medical tests. became weak and disoriented while driving on a family vacation. his father joe biden accompanied him to the hospital. >> we're months away from the deadline for everyone american to buy health insurance. closing argument january 1st you'll pay a penalty if you don't have health coverage. insurance premiums have gone up 170% in the last decade. a new poll find 50% of americans have difficulty affording healthcare. a popular clothing store has cut hours. >> some of forever 21 workers got the bad news last week. hours are getting cut. no more vacation time and losing medical, dental and vision coverage. they have the biblical reference john 3: 16 on their backs. >> for them to be a christian organization and doing something like that, doesn't seem right. >> according to a leaked memo, the cut backs are coming after the company auditing staffing level, staffing needs and payroll and a part time employee will not exceed 29.5 hours which happens to be just short of the 30 hour per week definition of the full time employee. >> it's not right to do that to them. >> the company has forecasted a slow down. and wrote on facebook forever 21 like all retailers, staffs at stores based on projected store sales, completely independent of the affordable care act. customers posted hundreds of negative comments like this is a blatant attempt to circumstance come vent obama care. at the great mall, sandra said it's unfortunate. >> it's sad what they are doing. >> you are going to keep shopping? >> yeah, if i need something, i'll run in there and get it. but hope it changes. >> at first, jackie said she didn't care either but then changed her mind. >> treat their workers right and it doesn't matter all about the money. just need to be fair to other people. >> kpix 5. >> forever 21 says the change impacted 196 employees. less than 1% of its workforce. >> didn't take long for amazon to lose millions of dollars. the web site went down for 15 minutes. lost about $1,000 per second in sales. unclear what triggered that disruption. a 5 minute outage at google is said to have cost more than half a million dollars. another down day on wall street. 4 consecutive sessions it fell 70 points. and yahoo's ceo is striking a pose for vogue. the 38-year-old is featured in a two page photo spread. first in depth interview. the magazine described her as unusually stylish tech geek. >> she does look great. when we come back, the newest family member in the white house. >> a bay area guy is celebrating a competitive eating win. we'll tell you what the guy woofed down. ,,,, [ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day. ♪ plenty of lightning strikes around the bay area yesterday. a chance of more on the way. that being said, red flag warnings remain in affect in parts of the bay area until 11:00 today continuing in the north bay through tomorrow. expect possible thunderstorms, hot temperatures, possibility of strong gusty winds. >> and chp just gave us the word 5:30 this morning. that's when they hope to begin opening lanes or get the street sweepers on scene. northbound 880 by 280 all lanes remain closed down. alternates and continuous updates in a few minutes. >> the first family is welcoming a new member. the obamas adopted a second dog. the same breed as their other dog. the white house released video playing on the lawn there. and sunny is about one year old. >> she's awfully cute. >> closer to hope. remember the dogs out paddling in the middle of the bay? no one knows how he got there but now we know where he's going. the puppy will be adopted by the man who saved his life. saw the puppy swimming from shore and rescued him. the pup has no identity chip or tag. they decided to keep him for good. >> that's a happy ending. >> a san jose man set a new world record in competitive eating. >> matt megatode stoney. beat joey chestnut who ate 251. he showed us how he trains. eating anything and everything very quickly. also gave our reporter some pointers on eating pot stickers. >> i think he was able to eat 15 in a minute. >> he would never do well. >> 4:56. the bay area skies lit up overnight. which neighborhoods could see more dramatic lightning. >> reporter: the new span of the bay bridge still looking to open on time. there's another issue over the bonus the contractor is going to get. the numbers don't add up for state politicians. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i cannot take it off. >> chilling 911 calls from the deadly limo fire shed new light on what happened. >> that's not right to do that to them. they worked hard. >> a decision by forever 21 has some employees scrambling to get health insurance. >> gave out a $20 million bonus on a project that $5 billion and ten years over budget is outrageous. >> the bay bridge will open as scheduled and contractors are supposed to get a $20 million bonus for the on-time opening. not everyone thinks the extra cash is deserved. >> the cost to permanently fix the bolts, about the same as the bonus. >> it's always scary. always the possibility of fire. >> from across the bay to around the world. the stories that matter on kpix 5 news this morning. >> good morning, everyone. it's tuesday august 20th. >> it is 5:00. here's something you don't see very often. lightning and a lot of it. thousands of lightning strikes lit up the sky. this video is from a viewer in san bruno showing some of the display overnight. sounds like we will have more today. >> there's certainly that possibility. the area of low pressure remains off the coastline. looks like things are stabilizing. you can see numerous lightning strikes. can you believe that measured in the bay area and off the coastline? that is rotating off

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