Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140829 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140829

good afternoon, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. people going from the pins to downtown san francisco or over to at&t park for a giants game over the weekend, their regular route might be closed. kpix 5's anne makovec is live with the changes being made right during a busy holiday travel weekend. >> reporter: construction behind me on 280, that crane is moving in parts of a new wooden deck, laying that over steel rails and then concrete will be poured over all of it later this weekend as the 280 closure continues. more traffic tie-ups are expected. >> it's a mess. >> reporter: traffic backups started yesterday afternoon and ramped up again more morning's commute. >> i tried back streets, i tried 101. it was stop and go. >> reporter: this is the third and final of a series of closures planned during holiday weekends this year as caltrans is breaking broken hinges along cesar chavez and 24th street. they allow for movement during an earthquake. >> we identified locations that were worn out and needed to be repaired. we made temporary safety repairs but now we're me to do a permanent fix. >> reporter: the on-ramps affected. the alemany boulevard, 18th street and indiana street and others, making it difficult to get into downtown san francisco from the south. kpix 5 traffic reporter elizabeth wenger followed the jams all morning long. >> right now, northbound 101 is the worst approach. it's backed up solid all the way to south san francisco around oyster point straight into your downtown san francisco exits. >> reporter: some drivers don't mind. >> i can deal with congestion. >> reporter: for others it's motivation to forge a new path. >> i'm moving to san francisco after this. >> reporter: no more traffic for you? >> got to go. got to move. >> reporter: some of the traffic highlights or lowlights of the weekend that we're expecting several giants games going on one tonight one tomorrow night and one sunday afternoon. this whole project is expected to be wrapped up at the latest by tuesday at 5 a.m. live in san francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. >> the number of bay area people who will travel for the labor day weekend down slightly this year. trip adviser says 39% of bay area residents will be on the move down 1% from last year. 68% of those will drive 27 fly and half the bay area travelers plan to visit another city. there's still an impact on water service from last sunday's earthquake in napa. 20 breaks remain and the city says they will be fixed later today. about 200 customers are without running water. today crews will test all the newly repaired lines that run under the streets of napa. then they will post notices on people's doors saying that water service has been restored. and today state farm is out with some earthquake numbers. about 500 people have filed claims for damage to homes or cars. and that includes more than 100 covered by guidelines from the california earthquake authority. napa businesses gearing up for a busy labor day weekend are feeling the effects of the earthquake. this person just opened his downtown restaurant after spending most of the week cleaning up. he says he is out at least $50,000. a big bill, considering he doesn't have earthquake insurance. a labor day weekend is usually a big boom for his business. with up to 200 reservations already set, about this holiday weekend, things will be different. >> when i look at reservations for the next few days i see 20 to 30 people. we lost 75% of our customers. >> it may be a struggle but business owners are staying resilient. more than 90% of the businesses in napa are open and many out of town visitors say they are making a special point to come downtown and spend money where they think it's needed. meanwhile, a church in downtown vallejo that was damaged in the earthquake plans to go ahead with sunday services this weekend. they suffered cracks and damage to the bell tower. workers have been taking down the parapets from the bell tower that were in danger of falling. but on tuesday inspectors cleared the main building for use. new details on a deadly motorcycle crash near the bay bridge in oakland. the chp is looking for at least one driver that hit the motorcycle and then took off. a woman in her 30s was ejected from her bike and died at the scene. this happened at around 10:45 last night on interstate 80 westbound near the toll plaza. chp believes the victim traveled up 880 and then had taken a ramp to 80. a wildfire continues to burn at this hour near casa de fruta in southern santa clara county. yesterday afternoon a fire from a car accident on highway 152 spread to drive grass. the fire jumped the narrow highway. that stretch of 152 was closed for hours and right now, the right lanes in each direction are closed. cal fire says 80 acres have burned. the fire was 50% contained at last report. some people trying to get to hawaii finally left early today and arrived at their intended destination of maui a short while ago. it left from mineta san jose international airport last night. something got caught in the engine and had to turn around. then they had to make an unscheduled landing in oakland. the flight took off again at 5 a.m. this morning. among the passengers were 15 people bound for a san francisco woman's wedding. this is the last tweet from her saying, quote, all worked out now. they just arrived to maui. so it looks like her father and other wedding guests got there just in time. muni riders will have to start bringing extra change come monday. the transit system will raise the price of daily adult fairs buy a quarter to -- fares by a quarter to $2.25. also jumping in price the m pass going up $2 and the a pass which also covers bart rides in the city will increase $4 to $80. the custom service has intercepted 20 giant millipedes at sfo. a package labeled toy car model came from germany. inside a large styrofoam bag holding foot long millipedes and chunks of soil. officials say it's not illegal to import exotic animals but this one lacked proper permits. they are calling it a deliberate attempt to smuggle. nascar driver tony stewart talks publicly for the first time after killing a fellow driver on the track. he said he is returning to the sport of racing. he sat out three major races since his involvement in an accident that killed kevin ward on august 9. he has been in seclusion ever since and today he expects the effects of the fatal incident to be long- lasting. >> this has been one of the toughest tragedies i have ever had to deal with both professionally and personally. this is something that will definitely affect my life forever. this is a sadness and a pain that i hope no one ever has to experience in their lives. >> today stewart cook no questions from the reporters -- took no questions from the reporters. he is not sure if he could answer any questions anyway, he said. also new at noon organizers have announced for the first time the september 11th memorial plaza will be open on the attack's anniversary. previously the general public has not been allowed to visit ground zero on the commemoration date. the plaza will be open are 6 p.m. until midnight. it will be closed to the public the rest of the day because of ceremonies. giant waves hit the shores of southern california. and the swells are putting lifeguards to the test. >> and bay area bicyclists gearing up for a big race and these bikers won't just be pedaling for a when but also for a worthy cause. >> reporter: it was once a hurricane and now it's streaming clouds across the bay area. the effect of these clouds on your holiday as the news continues rights here on kpix 5. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, down. but lifeguards say there's the giant pacific waves in southern california are starting to calm down now. the lifeguards say there's still danger. one man nearly drowned thursday. he was revived after his [ indiscernible ] stopped. teri okita reports from newport beach. >> reporter: it's been almost 0 years since southern californians have seen waves like these. the once in a lifetime chance to ride these big waves can turn into a near-death experience even for the best swimmers. >> you're fighting rip currents instead of, you know, swimming sideways. there's a lifeguard going out. >> reporter: we were with the lifeguard captain. our cameras captured this rescue. >> this current, you can see the rip current, it's that big foamy water. they are going to swim out of that because like right there the current -- they would just be fighting it. >> reporter: a boat raced to the scene as waves crashed over the lifeguard and struggling swimmer. >> this is not going to be good if they get caught inside on this. oh, no. this is the where it's dangerous for a rescue. they have to hold on to that person. >> reporter: after several minutes 23-year-old body surfer luke busey was brought safely to shore. >> you do the it. >> oh,. >> reporter: despite the danger, there are no plans to close the beach. lifeguards patrolling the waters here say they have talked to more than 8,000 people warning them of the dangerous conditions. >> this is what we have. we have red flag surf. if you don't have fins we would appreciate if you don't go in the water. >> reporter: for surfers who can hold their own against the well, it's one wild ride. time for weather now. and it's a big holiday weekend. we decided to get roberta outdoors. she is outside, how does it feel? >> reporter: it feels beautiful. i'm outside the presidio right now. we have a lot of clouds but the sun is trying to peek through. we are here at the presidio but let's go ahead and head to the south bay, take a look at san jose partly cloudy skies currently 74 degrees. other notable numbers in and around our microclimates streaming from the low 60s at the beaches all the way up to 77 degrees at this hour in livermore. and the winds are pretty much nonexistent. here's what you need to know. here's your weather headline. sunshine today with clouds mixed. coastal drizzle due to the low clouds. otherwise, breezy tonight along the beaches. west winds 10 to 20 and becoming a little bit windy in our north bay and east bay mountaintops due to a trough swinging through. we will become sunny and warmer over the holiday weekend. let's explain why. first off, take a look at this satellite and then go outside and look at the clouds. it's the same thing. those are clouds all associated to what was once a hurricane named marie so all these clouds there's fog but subtropical moisture. our satellite and radar image suggests that an area of high pressure will build in. as that happens, it's going to nudge out all the subtropical clouds and result in sunshine and warmer conditions for the weekend but today this getaway friday triple digits from fresno through merced and modesto. 75 degrees in monterey bay through carmel. and a pair of 9s in redding to the north. your bay area high temperatures today, mid-60s beaches, 70s in the central bay, mid-80s inland. sunset 7:43. here is your extended forecast: >> nostalgia day takes place this weekend in novato. good time for everyone. car shows, temperatures, lovely in the 80s. guys, i am here today at the presidio. the reason why, this is the headquarters, this is home of swirl an innovative advertising company but it's not so much about what they do but about the people they hire. >> this guy. [ laughter ] [ pause ] >> reporter: snap on. click in. and shift. the training is in high gear for a purpose. the 11th annual best buddies challenge is a week away. and team swirl is not only competing, but stand or rather sit behind one of its favorite charities. >> boo yeah. >> reporter: a charity organization for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. best buddies joined forces with swirl a spirited advertising company. what do you do? >> i'm a office coordinator. >> reporter: tasha tells us about working with eddie. >> not only is he literally doing a job that helps each and every one of us, he has become part of the team and the spirit of the agency. so we hear you play a mean game of ping pong. >> i don't want to toot my own horn but toot toot. >> reporter: what have you learned? >> always smile. >> reporter: john. >> anytime you see eddie it's in the middle of some really positive nice rapport with somebody and he is making somebody's day brighter. >> reporter: tell me about the 100-mile ride raising money for best buddies. >> it certainly is a challenge of riding 100 miles. if there is a place in the world that would distract you while you're doing it, it's that ride. >> working with the best buddies organization will be amazingly personally rewarding in a way that you don't really know until you do it and it's astonishing. >> hire a best buddy. it's awesome. >> reporter: yeah. this is my favorite best buddy in the whole world. this is eddie. and eddie in one word, how would you describe swirl? >> awesome! [ laughter ] >> reporter: if you want to know more information about eddie or best buddies or the best buddies bike ride or even swirl, all you have to do is visit us online at and click on "links and numbers." frank and michelle? >> i think we need to hire eddie. >> roberta, we think eddie is awesome! [ laughter ] >> all right. thank you. have a great weekend. hot weather in the bay area for this holiday weekend. we know many of you want your pets to enjoy the outdoor fun. our pet expert tells us how to keep them safe in the heat. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lovers... every friday....we take your quess about your favorite animal d put them to veterinarian dr. jill chase. fish. every friday we take your questions about your favorite animal and we put them to veterinarian dr. jill chase thanks for joining us. labor day weekend it's a big weekend. many people are heading outdoors. it's going to be a hot one also in the bay area. so what is the best way to keep pets cool and let them have some fun? >> right. i'm glad we're talking about this because it's amazing how quickly cars will heat up. i wanted to relate a personal story where i was in the car waiting for a little league game to start on treasure island. it was only 62 degrees outside and i had the windows up and within 8 minutes everyone the car was 80 degrees. so it showcases the concept that the cars do heat up very fast so i prefer personally that animals are not kept in the car when it's hot out. if you must do that, then obviously find a very, very shady place and keep the windows open. if it gets super hot and you notice your animals are really, really panting and not doing well, you can actually take a towel and run it under cold water, wring it out, it's great. having fans and shady areas in the yard or inside is great. then water. absolutely. >> keep them hydrated. >> yes. >> another big issue the earthquake on sunday scary for many people but also for the pets. >> mm-hm yeah. you know, it's hard to assess how scary it is for the pets that are going through an earthquake. we don't really know for sure how they are experiencing that. animals definitely pick up on what the owners are thinking and feeling so if you are really stressed, they are probably going to be stressed, too. for them it's a very momentary thing but obviously, in napa, for example, where things are crashing down that's scary and animals can escape. so i guess three next that i'd like to emphasize maybe would be, uhm, make sure that your pets have some sort of id on them whether it's a collar or if they have been microchipped. i think it's a great idea to have any carriers that you might have for cats or small dogs or bigger dogs have information, identification on them, too. i like three forms of identification. one that's the owner, one that's somebody that knows the owner and maybe the veterinarian. so that's helpful. earthquake kits. we always get them ready for us, right? but you should also have stuff in there for your pet. water for sure. extra water for them and their food. i like to use my iphone as a way of alerting thing that things are expiring and a blanket would be nice. and then finally animal care and control here in san francisco and any of the humane societies in the area have accident information in terms of what veterinary hospitals are available if needed. >> do dogs and cats respond differently to events like this? >> i think -- well, the more domesticated cat tends not to run away so much but cats will definitely hide and that can be a problem. dogs, you know, my experience and i can't speak for every dog but my experience is that most animals take things in stride. they really do watch the owners and how are they handling things. obviously, a small nervous dog is going to be more risky, right? worried about things. but golden retrievers, not so much. [ laughter ] >> okay. well, thank you so much. >> sure. >> always give us good advice. we want to hear from you. email your questions to [email protected] or on our facebook page, search kpix/cbs, and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. it's your chance to play your own piano in the backdrop of nature. the bay area county that's letting you strike up a key while in the park. when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, part of the audience. you have a chance to show off your musical talents with mother nature as part of the audience. >> for the first time the santa clara parks and rec department has put four pianos in county parks. how about that? pianists of all ages and skills from chopsticks to chopin can play as long as you want. three pianos will be available in september. the one at the alviso marina will stay until october 12. coming up tonight at 5:00, you're planning your dream wine country wedding. then a 6.0 earthquake hits. a bride tells us how the napa quake has shaken up her weekend plans. that and more coming up at 5. >> i got married on a hurricane. hurricane bob. so i know how that goes. everybody had to come inside. so, you know, if you get married on an earthquake it's probably good luck. that's what i hear. >> it should be a good story. before we go, we want to show you 280 again. remember, it is closed over the weekend the northbound lanes closed for that earthquake retrofit. reopens by 5 a.m. on tuesday. >> going to the giants game, leave early. have a great holiday weekend! take care. [ dance music playing ] [ indistinct conversations ] >> rick: those aren't both for you, are they? >> ivy: [ laughs ] no. i'll see you. >> rick: see you. >> ivy: sorry, i-i didn't get you one. [ chuckles ] >> liam: nice talking to you. >> ivy: so, are you glad you came? >> liam: yes. yeah, i am. [ glasses clink ]

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Germany , Fresno , California , United States , Oakland , Redding , Santa Clara County , Modesto , Monterey Bay , Memorial Plaza , South San Francisco , Newport Beach , San Francisco , Hawaii , Californians , Tony Stewart , Cesar Chavez , Elizabeth Wenger , Santa Clara , Stewart Cook , Luke Busey , Michelle Griego ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140829 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140829

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good afternoon, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. people going from the pins to downtown san francisco or over to at&t park for a giants game over the weekend, their regular route might be closed. kpix 5's anne makovec is live with the changes being made right during a busy holiday travel weekend. >> reporter: construction behind me on 280, that crane is moving in parts of a new wooden deck, laying that over steel rails and then concrete will be poured over all of it later this weekend as the 280 closure continues. more traffic tie-ups are expected. >> it's a mess. >> reporter: traffic backups started yesterday afternoon and ramped up again more morning's commute. >> i tried back streets, i tried 101. it was stop and go. >> reporter: this is the third and final of a series of closures planned during holiday weekends this year as caltrans is breaking broken hinges along cesar chavez and 24th street. they allow for movement during an earthquake. >> we identified locations that were worn out and needed to be repaired. we made temporary safety repairs but now we're me to do a permanent fix. >> reporter: the on-ramps affected. the alemany boulevard, 18th street and indiana street and others, making it difficult to get into downtown san francisco from the south. kpix 5 traffic reporter elizabeth wenger followed the jams all morning long. >> right now, northbound 101 is the worst approach. it's backed up solid all the way to south san francisco around oyster point straight into your downtown san francisco exits. >> reporter: some drivers don't mind. >> i can deal with congestion. >> reporter: for others it's motivation to forge a new path. >> i'm moving to san francisco after this. >> reporter: no more traffic for you? >> got to go. got to move. >> reporter: some of the traffic highlights or lowlights of the weekend that we're expecting several giants games going on one tonight one tomorrow night and one sunday afternoon. this whole project is expected to be wrapped up at the latest by tuesday at 5 a.m. live in san francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. >> the number of bay area people who will travel for the labor day weekend down slightly this year. trip adviser says 39% of bay area residents will be on the move down 1% from last year. 68% of those will drive 27 fly and half the bay area travelers plan to visit another city. there's still an impact on water service from last sunday's earthquake in napa. 20 breaks remain and the city says they will be fixed later today. about 200 customers are without running water. today crews will test all the newly repaired lines that run under the streets of napa. then they will post notices on people's doors saying that water service has been restored. and today state farm is out with some earthquake numbers. about 500 people have filed claims for damage to homes or cars. and that includes more than 100 covered by guidelines from the california earthquake authority. napa businesses gearing up for a busy labor day weekend are feeling the effects of the earthquake. this person just opened his downtown restaurant after spending most of the week cleaning up. he says he is out at least $50,000. a big bill, considering he doesn't have earthquake insurance. a labor day weekend is usually a big boom for his business. with up to 200 reservations already set, about this holiday weekend, things will be different. >> when i look at reservations for the next few days i see 20 to 30 people. we lost 75% of our customers. >> it may be a struggle but business owners are staying resilient. more than 90% of the businesses in napa are open and many out of town visitors say they are making a special point to come downtown and spend money where they think it's needed. meanwhile, a church in downtown vallejo that was damaged in the earthquake plans to go ahead with sunday services this weekend. they suffered cracks and damage to the bell tower. workers have been taking down the parapets from the bell tower that were in danger of falling. but on tuesday inspectors cleared the main building for use. new details on a deadly motorcycle crash near the bay bridge in oakland. the chp is looking for at least one driver that hit the motorcycle and then took off. a woman in her 30s was ejected from her bike and died at the scene. this happened at around 10:45 last night on interstate 80 westbound near the toll plaza. chp believes the victim traveled up 880 and then had taken a ramp to 80. a wildfire continues to burn at this hour near casa de fruta in southern santa clara county. yesterday afternoon a fire from a car accident on highway 152 spread to drive grass. the fire jumped the narrow highway. that stretch of 152 was closed for hours and right now, the right lanes in each direction are closed. cal fire says 80 acres have burned. the fire was 50% contained at last report. some people trying to get to hawaii finally left early today and arrived at their intended destination of maui a short while ago. it left from mineta san jose international airport last night. something got caught in the engine and had to turn around. then they had to make an unscheduled landing in oakland. the flight took off again at 5 a.m. this morning. among the passengers were 15 people bound for a san francisco woman's wedding. this is the last tweet from her saying, quote, all worked out now. they just arrived to maui. so it looks like her father and other wedding guests got there just in time. muni riders will have to start bringing extra change come monday. the transit system will raise the price of daily adult fairs buy a quarter to -- fares by a quarter to $2.25. also jumping in price the m pass going up $2 and the a pass which also covers bart rides in the city will increase $4 to $80. the custom service has intercepted 20 giant millipedes at sfo. a package labeled toy car model came from germany. inside a large styrofoam bag holding foot long millipedes and chunks of soil. officials say it's not illegal to import exotic animals but this one lacked proper permits. they are calling it a deliberate attempt to smuggle. nascar driver tony stewart talks publicly for the first time after killing a fellow driver on the track. he said he is returning to the sport of racing. he sat out three major races since his involvement in an accident that killed kevin ward on august 9. he has been in seclusion ever since and today he expects the effects of the fatal incident to be long- lasting. >> this has been one of the toughest tragedies i have ever had to deal with both professionally and personally. this is something that will definitely affect my life forever. this is a sadness and a pain that i hope no one ever has to experience in their lives. >> today stewart cook no questions from the reporters -- took no questions from the reporters. he is not sure if he could answer any questions anyway, he said. also new at noon organizers have announced for the first time the september 11th memorial plaza will be open on the attack's anniversary. previously the general public has not been allowed to visit ground zero on the commemoration date. the plaza will be open are 6 p.m. until midnight. it will be closed to the public the rest of the day because of ceremonies. giant waves hit the shores of southern california. and the swells are putting lifeguards to the test. >> and bay area bicyclists gearing up for a big race and these bikers won't just be pedaling for a when but also for a worthy cause. >> reporter: it was once a hurricane and now it's streaming clouds across the bay area. the effect of these clouds on your holiday as the news continues rights here on kpix 5. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, down. but lifeguards say there's the giant pacific waves in southern california are starting to calm down now. the lifeguards say there's still danger. one man nearly drowned thursday. he was revived after his [ indiscernible ] stopped. teri okita reports from newport beach. >> reporter: it's been almost 0 years since southern californians have seen waves like these. the once in a lifetime chance to ride these big waves can turn into a near-death experience even for the best swimmers. >> you're fighting rip currents instead of, you know, swimming sideways. there's a lifeguard going out. >> reporter: we were with the lifeguard captain. our cameras captured this rescue. >> this current, you can see the rip current, it's that big foamy water. they are going to swim out of that because like right there the current -- they would just be fighting it. >> reporter: a boat raced to the scene as waves crashed over the lifeguard and struggling swimmer. >> this is not going to be good if they get caught inside on this. oh, no. this is the where it's dangerous for a rescue. they have to hold on to that person. >> reporter: after several minutes 23-year-old body surfer luke busey was brought safely to shore. >> you do the it. >> oh,. >> reporter: despite the danger, there are no plans to close the beach. lifeguards patrolling the waters here say they have talked to more than 8,000 people warning them of the dangerous conditions. >> this is what we have. we have red flag surf. if you don't have fins we would appreciate if you don't go in the water. >> reporter: for surfers who can hold their own against the well, it's one wild ride. time for weather now. and it's a big holiday weekend. we decided to get roberta outdoors. she is outside, how does it feel? >> reporter: it feels beautiful. i'm outside the presidio right now. we have a lot of clouds but the sun is trying to peek through. we are here at the presidio but let's go ahead and head to the south bay, take a look at san jose partly cloudy skies currently 74 degrees. other notable numbers in and around our microclimates streaming from the low 60s at the beaches all the way up to 77 degrees at this hour in livermore. and the winds are pretty much nonexistent. here's what you need to know. here's your weather headline. sunshine today with clouds mixed. coastal drizzle due to the low clouds. otherwise, breezy tonight along the beaches. west winds 10 to 20 and becoming a little bit windy in our north bay and east bay mountaintops due to a trough swinging through. we will become sunny and warmer over the holiday weekend. let's explain why. first off, take a look at this satellite and then go outside and look at the clouds. it's the same thing. those are clouds all associated to what was once a hurricane named marie so all these clouds there's fog but subtropical moisture. our satellite and radar image suggests that an area of high pressure will build in. as that happens, it's going to nudge out all the subtropical clouds and result in sunshine and warmer conditions for the weekend but today this getaway friday triple digits from fresno through merced and modesto. 75 degrees in monterey bay through carmel. and a pair of 9s in redding to the north. your bay area high temperatures today, mid-60s beaches, 70s in the central bay, mid-80s inland. sunset 7:43. here is your extended forecast: >> nostalgia day takes place this weekend in novato. good time for everyone. car shows, temperatures, lovely in the 80s. guys, i am here today at the presidio. the reason why, this is the headquarters, this is home of swirl an innovative advertising company but it's not so much about what they do but about the people they hire. >> this guy. [ laughter ] [ pause ] >> reporter: snap on. click in. and shift. the training is in high gear for a purpose. the 11th annual best buddies challenge is a week away. and team swirl is not only competing, but stand or rather sit behind one of its favorite charities. >> boo yeah. >> reporter: a charity organization for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. best buddies joined forces with swirl a spirited advertising company. what do you do? >> i'm a office coordinator. >> reporter: tasha tells us about working with eddie. >> not only is he literally doing a job that helps each and every one of us, he has become part of the team and the spirit of the agency. so we hear you play a mean game of ping pong. >> i don't want to toot my own horn but toot toot. >> reporter: what have you learned? >> always smile. >> reporter: john. >> anytime you see eddie it's in the middle of some really positive nice rapport with somebody and he is making somebody's day brighter. >> reporter: tell me about the 100-mile ride raising money for best buddies. >> it certainly is a challenge of riding 100 miles. if there is a place in the world that would distract you while you're doing it, it's that ride. >> working with the best buddies organization will be amazingly personally rewarding in a way that you don't really know until you do it and it's astonishing. >> hire a best buddy. it's awesome. >> reporter: yeah. this is my favorite best buddy in the whole world. this is eddie. and eddie in one word, how would you describe swirl? >> awesome! [ laughter ] >> reporter: if you want to know more information about eddie or best buddies or the best buddies bike ride or even swirl, all you have to do is visit us online at and click on "links and numbers." frank and michelle? >> i think we need to hire eddie. >> roberta, we think eddie is awesome! [ laughter ] >> all right. thank you. have a great weekend. hot weather in the bay area for this holiday weekend. we know many of you want your pets to enjoy the outdoor fun. our pet expert tells us how to keep them safe in the heat. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lovers... every friday....we take your quess about your favorite animal d put them to veterinarian dr. jill chase. fish. every friday we take your questions about your favorite animal and we put them to veterinarian dr. jill chase thanks for joining us. labor day weekend it's a big weekend. many people are heading outdoors. it's going to be a hot one also in the bay area. so what is the best way to keep pets cool and let them have some fun? >> right. i'm glad we're talking about this because it's amazing how quickly cars will heat up. i wanted to relate a personal story where i was in the car waiting for a little league game to start on treasure island. it was only 62 degrees outside and i had the windows up and within 8 minutes everyone the car was 80 degrees. so it showcases the concept that the cars do heat up very fast so i prefer personally that animals are not kept in the car when it's hot out. if you must do that, then obviously find a very, very shady place and keep the windows open. if it gets super hot and you notice your animals are really, really panting and not doing well, you can actually take a towel and run it under cold water, wring it out, it's great. having fans and shady areas in the yard or inside is great. then water. absolutely. >> keep them hydrated. >> yes. >> another big issue the earthquake on sunday scary for many people but also for the pets. >> mm-hm yeah. you know, it's hard to assess how scary it is for the pets that are going through an earthquake. we don't really know for sure how they are experiencing that. animals definitely pick up on what the owners are thinking and feeling so if you are really stressed, they are probably going to be stressed, too. for them it's a very momentary thing but obviously, in napa, for example, where things are crashing down that's scary and animals can escape. so i guess three next that i'd like to emphasize maybe would be, uhm, make sure that your pets have some sort of id on them whether it's a collar or if they have been microchipped. i think it's a great idea to have any carriers that you might have for cats or small dogs or bigger dogs have information, identification on them, too. i like three forms of identification. one that's the owner, one that's somebody that knows the owner and maybe the veterinarian. so that's helpful. earthquake kits. we always get them ready for us, right? but you should also have stuff in there for your pet. water for sure. extra water for them and their food. i like to use my iphone as a way of alerting thing that things are expiring and a blanket would be nice. and then finally animal care and control here in san francisco and any of the humane societies in the area have accident information in terms of what veterinary hospitals are available if needed. >> do dogs and cats respond differently to events like this? >> i think -- well, the more domesticated cat tends not to run away so much but cats will definitely hide and that can be a problem. dogs, you know, my experience and i can't speak for every dog but my experience is that most animals take things in stride. they really do watch the owners and how are they handling things. obviously, a small nervous dog is going to be more risky, right? worried about things. but golden retrievers, not so much. [ laughter ] >> okay. well, thank you so much. >> sure. >> always give us good advice. we want to hear from you. email your questions to or on our facebook page, search kpix/cbs, and we'll have our pet expert give you an answer every friday right here at noon. it's your chance to play your own piano in the backdrop of nature. the bay area county that's letting you strike up a key while in the park. when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, part of the audience. you have a chance to show off your musical talents with mother nature as part of the audience. >> for the first time the santa clara parks and rec department has put four pianos in county parks. how about that? pianists of all ages and skills from chopsticks to chopin can play as long as you want. three pianos will be available in september. the one at the alviso marina will stay until october 12. coming up tonight at 5:00, you're planning your dream wine country wedding. then a 6.0 earthquake hits. a bride tells us how the napa quake has shaken up her weekend plans. that and more coming up at 5. >> i got married on a hurricane. hurricane bob. so i know how that goes. everybody had to come inside. so, you know, if you get married on an earthquake it's probably good luck. that's what i hear. >> it should be a good story. before we go, we want to show you 280 again. remember, it is closed over the weekend the northbound lanes closed for that earthquake retrofit. reopens by 5 a.m. on tuesday. >> going to the giants game, leave early. have a great holiday weekend! take care. [ dance music playing ] [ indistinct conversations ] >> rick: those aren't both for you, are they? >> ivy: [ laughs ] no. i'll see you. >> rick: see you. >> ivy: sorry, i-i didn't get you one. [ chuckles ] >> liam: nice talking to you. >> ivy: so, are you glad you came? >> liam: yes. yeah, i am. [ glasses clink ]

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