Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140605 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140605

>> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. kiet do has been at the scene. what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning -- good afternoon, i should say. sunnyvale typically not known for this kind of drama but you have a s.w.a.t. tank that's plowed up on the corner of this house here and if you look to the left of the tree, you can see that white metal security gate. that door has been ripped off. neighbors say it was quite a shootout today with at least a half dozen shots fired. it began around 9:0 a.m. when the sunnyvale department of public safety came to the house to serve a search and arrest warrant. after they knocked police say the man flashed a long gun. the timeline is unclear but neighbors say officers friday to use a bull horn to talk to him. at some point police entered the house and the suspect was shot inside. it is not clear if the suspect himself fired any rounds. paramedics took him to valley medical center where he died. sunnyvale dps defended the call to go in after the suspect instead of waiting. >> standard procedure is to give knock and notice, we're the police, ask and demand compliance. if that doesn't work then forcible entry is an option. >> reporter: he is a missing person that turned into a homicide case from a couple of years back. one campus on lockdown was columbia middle school. crime scene techs will be here, so avoid the area. traffic is a mess. kiet do, kpix 5. san jose police are trying to determine whether a man found stabbed to death this morning on piercy road near hellyer avenue was killed there or his body was dumped at the location believed to be a hispanic male in his 30s and may have lived nearby. new at noon, it's been a year since the 49ers won the bid to host the biggest event in professional sports, super bowl 50 in 2016. kpix 5's anne makovec is in san francisco where the host committee just gave their one year progress report. anne. >> reporter: they have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes. they are trying to make super bowl 50 a real community event. and when i say community, we are talking a large one from the north to the south. the committee is trying to redefine what a super bowl event should be. 20 months away, but it's game on for the super bowl 50 host committee. it released this promotional video today highlighting sights from the city of san francisco to wine country to the new levi stadium in santa clara which will host of the big game in 2016. >> terrific day. this is the start of what started almost four years ago. >> reporter: for john york, whose family owns the 49ers, super bowl 50 on home turf is a dream come true. >> it's the culmination of a lot of hard work and a lot of things that we do throughout the bay area. and i'm just happy that it is coming together here. >> reporter: this is the committee's new logo featuring the iconic golden gate bridge. >> by gosh, when you look at the logo, gold-plated 50, that's a wonderful, wonderful sign. >> reporter: san francisco's mayor says he expects every hotel in the area to be booked in the first week of february in 2016. >> it's like a football contract that gets bigger. >> reporter: on people who don't care about the event will benefit. the host committee will donate 25% of every dollar raised to bay area nonprofits. >> this will go a long way towards fulfilling our goal for super bowl 50 to be the most giving super bowl ever. >> reporter: and the legacy fund which will decide where all the charitable money is headed will be called, the 50 fund. live in san francisco, anne makovec, kpix 5. there is an entire section on super bowl 50 on you can see sign up for volunteer opportunities. tell us what you think about the new logo and learn about levi stadium. some new details now. senators coming out of a closed- door meeting say that the president didn't notify congress about spending swap of a soldier because the taliban threatened to kill him if the information leaked out. sergeant bowe bergdahl was handed over in exchange for five taliban fighters. officials told congress the threat and the concerns over the soldier's health were the reason they moved so quickly to make the deal. the move has sparked a big backlash in washington. >> we had a prisoner of war whose health had deteriorated. and we were deeply concerned about it and we saw an opportunity and we seized it and i make no apologies for that. >> there is now a growing debate over whether he was a deserter. families of a missing couple in afghanistan are asking the u.s. government for help. they say this video was released by the taliban. it shows american citizen caitlin coleman and her canadian husband, joshua boyle. they went missing in 2012. coleman was 7 months pregnant at the time and gave birth while in captivity. their families are disappointed their children were not freed as part of the same deal as army sergeant bowe bergdahl. bay area news now. things are back to normal for san francisco's muni transit system after drivers staged an unofficial sickout most of the week. muni says it was able to operate at about 90% of its normal service this morning much better than the 53% on monday when this whole thing started out. richmond is set to have the highest minimum wage in the state. the city council voted to raise the city's minimum wage to $13 last night. some businesses will be exempt from the hike in order to keep them from leaving. the state minimum wage will go to $10 an hour in 2016. general motors says the delayed recall of millions of cars with faulty ignitions was the result of incompetence and neglect. the internal report investigating the issue was released this morning. cbs reporter alexis christoforous with the troubling failures within company. >> reporter: general motors' ceo says 15 people have been fired over the company's long delay in recalling tars with faulty ignition switches. the automaker is also creating a fund to compensate victims as a result of those switches linked to 13 deaths. ceo mary barra did not name individuals, but she said those who were fired were mostly in senior or executive roles. >> some were removed because of what we consider misconduct or incompetence. others have been relieved because they simply didn't do enough. >> reporter: it took gm more than a decade to finally recall 2.6 million vehicles with the safety defect. barra says the company's internal investigation points to a pattern of incompetence and neglect but not to a conspiracy or cover-up. >> this report is extremely thorough, brutally tough and deeply troubling. >> reporter: the report finds gm engineers knew for years about the faulty switches which could turn to the off position while cars were in motion. gm says 113,000 vehicles have been repaired so far in the recall. the internal report does not implicate barra, who had just been promoted to ceo when the scanda broke. >> for us who have dedicated our lives to this company, it's difficult to see our shortcomings laid out so vividly. >> reporter: the report is being shared with federal regulators and congress. alexis christoforous, cbs news new york. >> general motors is still facing criminal investigation by the justice department. now a correction to a story that aired this morning. we mistakenly reported chevron is doubling sulfur emissions at the richmond refinery. they say there will be no increase in sulfur emissions. and we also incorrectly reported chevron wrote the environmental impact report. the city of richmond drafted that report. and chevron is modernizing the refinery, not expanding it as we first reported. a bay area company says it has a solution to gridlocked streets. coming up, our kiet do takes the electric skateboard for a test ride. >> hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the kpix 5 weather center. a lot of clouds out toward the coastline. very gray still. but plenty of sunshine elsewhere. and getting hot. we'll talk about that coming up next. >> i'm roberta gonzales and as lawrence was just saying, the heat wave, it is coming! so we are ready to take the plunge at the hayward plunge as the news continues on kpix 5. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's the brainchild of a mountain view now to a story you're only going to see here on kpix 5. it's pretty cool. a skateboard, motor and it's all in one. it's the brainchild of a mountain view startup and kiet do shows us how it's looking to clear the gridlock on our roads. >> reporter: experts say within a decade terminal gridlock is coming to the bay area. it's where cars are stuck in traffic for hours or days. the remedy? public transportation. but when it comesto commuting there's a problem known as the last mile. basically, how do you cover that last mile or so from the train station to your office? you could lug a bike on the train but that's just so analog >> this is test grounds, aka our parking lot. >> reporter: introducing boosted, a long board with dual 1,000 watt motors 40-volt lithium ion phosphate battery and re-gen breaking the tesla of skateboards. >> this is the safety trigger and then you roll the wheel forward. >> reporter: off you go. oh, no joke. whoa! with the top speed of 20 miles an hour and the ability to climb 15% grades, it feels like a sci-fi movie come to life. >> hover board! >> reporter: okay, so it's not quite the hover board that marty rode in back to the future but at a tech talk last year the company said compared to a car, the boards use 20 times less energy. >> so next time you think about a vehicle, i hope like us you're thinking about something new. >> reporter: at 15 pounds with a six mile range, they say it might be just enough to get some commuters out of their cars. we showed the boosted board to transportation guru rod diridon. >> yup. not me! >> reporter: the 75-year-old thinks it's a great idea, just be careful. >> i'm sure a young person would think that's wonderful. but us old folks shouldn't get near 'em. >> this is cool. >> reporter: commuters we talked to were intrigued. >> kiet do, kpix 5. >> they are popular, there's a 3 months waiting period if you want to buy one for $2,000. in eastern canada a scene of ter ro in moncton, new brunswick. >> can can you see him? oh!! >> this is amateur video from inside a woman's home shot as a gunman went on a rampage outside in moncton, new brunswick, canada. three royal mounted police were killed. >> two other officers were injured. their lives are not threatened at this time. >> the officers were responding last night to calls about an armed man wandering the streets of among done. two others were injured. happening today, the man in charge of the va is heading to phoenix now acting veterans affairs secretary that's sloan gibson is looking into allegations of delayed treatment there. gibson will tour the facility, looking into allegation that as many as 40 veterans may have died while they were waiting for treatment at the hospital. meanwhile, the senate is working on a compromise bill now to help veterans avoid long waste to see a doctor. and let's get another check on the weather. you're saying it's hot. you're already thinking about the weekend? >> i don't know why! [ laughter ] >> you know, it's going to get hot in spots. today even the temperatures heating up outside although we have still have patchy coastal fog and cooler temperatures toward the beaches. look at the clouds at the coastline. they be hugging the coastline all day long maybe a smidgeon of sun there. but you get away from the coast and out over the bay you have mostly sunny skies. temperatures now heating up starting to send those numbers up into the 80s in livermore already. 78 in san jose. 62 in san francisco and 73 in santa rosa. yeah, these numbers look to be running above the average. usually in the 60s and 70s at this time of year. 37 degrees in oakland73 degrees in oakland, 68 in san francisco. clouds continuing this afternoon in the coastline, hot inland and then tonight maybe some dense fog right along the coastline. hotter over th weekend. minor fluctuations over the next few days but the trend is toward warmer weather but the sea breeze will stay with us. that means that patchy fog will keep us cool out toward the coastline. today 64 degrees into monterey bay about 100 though in fresno, 95 in sacramento and 78 in lake tahoe. yeah, computer models showing you some patchy fog along the coastline and throughout the afternoon. starting to move onshore overnight tonight but probably not going to fill all the way into the interior valleys so tomorrow again a lot of sunshine coming our way and temperatures heating up in the valleys. this everyone a you're looking at 88 i morgan hill, 80 redwood city, 64 and patchy fog in pacifica, low 90s in antioch and brentwood, 90 livermore. inside the bay 60s and some 70s. so as your sun sets tonight at 8:28,ing good, tomorrow morning 5:49 sunrise with patchy fog and next couple of days, maybe triple digits next weekend. cooling back to normal middle of next week. >> all right, lawrence. we have triple digits, time to maybe go find a good big pool. >> oh, yeah. a lot of people are turning to the pools and so is kpix 5's roberta gonzales. >> reporter: i'm so happy right now, i really am, with the impending heat wave we thought we would find an indoor pool. we found the historic hayward plunge. i have never been here before so to tell us more about here we have nicole with the hayward area recreation park district. how old is this wonderful, wonderful establishment? >> it's 78 years old. >> reporter: well, my dad was born in 1936. so it's as old as my daddy to put it in perspective. it looks amazing! >> thank you. >> reporter: so it doesn't even smell chlorine-like indoors. >> we have a great ventilation system that keeps it from having that chlorine smell when you walk in. >> reporter: and no sunburn. >> definitely protects you from the sun. >> reporter: so if i want to bring my family to swim this weekend with the heat wave, how much will it set me back? >> well, it will be $2 per person. and it would be on saturday from 1:30 to 3:30. >> reporter: one thing i'm real liqueur just about is children and pools. because i'm very concerned with this subject. >> yes. and definitely that is definitely something to be concerned about because drowning is -- can be silent. so you can have a party in your backyard, everybody is around the pool and they wouldn't notice the child slipping and going under the water. that's why it's so important for parents to have that uninterrupted supervision of their children even in a facility with lifeguards. >> reporter: your lifeguards are around and i talked to them and i had this discussion with them, they all know cpr. >> they do, yes. they are all trained in cpr, oxygen, so they are very well trained. >> reporter: so one thing i notice is you guys have a terrific website so what we did is link you up with our website, at and you click on "links and numbers." you will find the hours, the cost and the days of operation right here at the hayward plunge 78 years old. i want to go for a swim, guys. can i go? can i just go right now? >> jump in! >> go! >> jump! >> on tv! >> looks good. okay. [ laughter ] >> thanks, roberta. he is a pioneer who poured his heart into the community. the message that san francisco's chinatown's first cardiologist is spreading now to save some lives. ,, ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. and this week's jefferson ad winner is trying to make su everyone gets the word on ho stay healthy. kpix five's sh a pioneer. heart disease is america's number one killer and this week's jefferson award winner is trying to get the word out to everyone to how to stay healthy. sharon chin introduces us to a pioneer. [ non-english language ] >> reporter: dr. collin quock teaches hands only cpr an unforgettable lesson for jenny. >> i can help people and save their lives from heart attack. [ non-english language ] >> reporter: decades ago a class like this would have been taught only in english but today, it's in chinese thanks to dr. quock. he has been spreading the word on how to prevent heart disease for nearly 40 years. [ non-english language ] >> reporter: he reaches large immigrant populations like students at francisco middle school. >> i was the first cardiology in the chinese communities so i sort of felt it was my obligation. >> reporter: dr. quock has been retired since 2008 but he is still a volunteer at heart continuing the work he started. nearly 30 years ago, he helped launch the chinese community cardiac council, a first-of-its- kind group in the american heart association that shows the chinese community how to stay heart healthy. he has recruited dozens of volunteers like retired school principal claudia jung. >> he thinks outside of the box. he always has ideas to -- different ways to bring heart health education to everybody. >> reporter: the san francisco native was the first cardiologist to bring chinese language cpr training programs to the city's doctors and nurses years ago. today, he still offers free blood pressure checks at senior centers and gives out chinese language medical pamphlets he helped develop. >> so we set out to not only translate, but to do it in a culturally sensitive manner not only to tell people to keep the sodium low but what kinds of foods in their regular diet contain high content of sodium. >> reporter: volunteer ivy cam says his education campaigns save countless lives. >> he brings people together and is like the catalyst that makes things happen. >> reporter: so for spreading the heart healthy message to san francisco's ethnic community, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to dr. collin quock. sharon chin, kpix 5. >> you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online at still ahead, a senior prank on a california principal that is just as cute as it is a little bit annoying. coming your way. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, barbara seniors had somethi harmless and funny in mind r their principal. it's senior prank season and some santa barbara seniors had something harmless, funny in mind for their principal. they hired a mariucci band to follow the principal around for an hour and once he stepped out of his office, of course that began the serenade. the principal got a kick out of it. nobody was suspended. and they are still playing. >> the mariachis are good! >> after an hour? i'm sorry. [ laughter ] >> get away from me? >> cue the music. >> have a good afternoon. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ,, [ male announcer ] choose it. scoop it. pour it. blend it. [ blender whirs ] no matter how you make it, you'll love our endless variety of beverages. baskin-robbins cappuccino blast®. customize yours today. oh chris, did you remember to pay the dog sitter? oh, i knew i forgot something. i'll just do it now. well, we're boarding. no, i'll use citi mobile. it takes two seconds, better safe than sorry, right? yeah, who knows if we'll even get service on the island? what! no service? seriously? you guys might actually have to talk. to each other? we do it all the time. i like it. should we? no. bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. to learn more, visit >> bill: [ sighs ] is he out there, justin? have you heard anything? >> justin: no. >> bill: well, you saw him land in the water, right? he went under, and he came up. >> justin: i was flying the chopper. i couldn't see much. >> bill: did you see him in the water or not? >> justin: look, i did what you told me, boss. >> bill: cool him off. >> brooke: ridge! >> bill: i was watching from the helipad. you weren't that high. >> justin: didn't seem like i was. >> bill: then forrester's out

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New York , United States , Canada , Brentwood , California , Fresno , Oakland , Afghanistan , Redwood City , China , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Pacifica , Colorado , Hollywood , Sacramento , Valley Medical Center , Phoenix , Arizona , Monterey Bay , Moncton , New Brunswick , Morgan Hill , Mountain View , America , Canadian , Chinese , American , Lawrence Karnow , Roberta Gonzales , Bowe Bergdahl , Michelle Griego , Caitlin Coleman , Sloan Gibson , Joshua Boyle , Santa Barbara , Linda Macdonald , Santa Clara , Mary Barra , Claudia Jung ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140605 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At Noon 20140605

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>> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. kiet do has been at the scene. what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning -- good afternoon, i should say. sunnyvale typically not known for this kind of drama but you have a s.w.a.t. tank that's plowed up on the corner of this house here and if you look to the left of the tree, you can see that white metal security gate. that door has been ripped off. neighbors say it was quite a shootout today with at least a half dozen shots fired. it began around 9:0 a.m. when the sunnyvale department of public safety came to the house to serve a search and arrest warrant. after they knocked police say the man flashed a long gun. the timeline is unclear but neighbors say officers friday to use a bull horn to talk to him. at some point police entered the house and the suspect was shot inside. it is not clear if the suspect himself fired any rounds. paramedics took him to valley medical center where he died. sunnyvale dps defended the call to go in after the suspect instead of waiting. >> standard procedure is to give knock and notice, we're the police, ask and demand compliance. if that doesn't work then forcible entry is an option. >> reporter: he is a missing person that turned into a homicide case from a couple of years back. one campus on lockdown was columbia middle school. crime scene techs will be here, so avoid the area. traffic is a mess. kiet do, kpix 5. san jose police are trying to determine whether a man found stabbed to death this morning on piercy road near hellyer avenue was killed there or his body was dumped at the location believed to be a hispanic male in his 30s and may have lived nearby. new at noon, it's been a year since the 49ers won the bid to host the biggest event in professional sports, super bowl 50 in 2016. kpix 5's anne makovec is in san francisco where the host committee just gave their one year progress report. anne. >> reporter: they have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes. they are trying to make super bowl 50 a real community event. and when i say community, we are talking a large one from the north to the south. the committee is trying to redefine what a super bowl event should be. 20 months away, but it's game on for the super bowl 50 host committee. it released this promotional video today highlighting sights from the city of san francisco to wine country to the new levi stadium in santa clara which will host of the big game in 2016. >> terrific day. this is the start of what started almost four years ago. >> reporter: for john york, whose family owns the 49ers, super bowl 50 on home turf is a dream come true. >> it's the culmination of a lot of hard work and a lot of things that we do throughout the bay area. and i'm just happy that it is coming together here. >> reporter: this is the committee's new logo featuring the iconic golden gate bridge. >> by gosh, when you look at the logo, gold-plated 50, that's a wonderful, wonderful sign. >> reporter: san francisco's mayor says he expects every hotel in the area to be booked in the first week of february in 2016. >> it's like a football contract that gets bigger. >> reporter: on people who don't care about the event will benefit. the host committee will donate 25% of every dollar raised to bay area nonprofits. >> this will go a long way towards fulfilling our goal for super bowl 50 to be the most giving super bowl ever. >> reporter: and the legacy fund which will decide where all the charitable money is headed will be called, the 50 fund. live in san francisco, anne makovec, kpix 5. there is an entire section on super bowl 50 on you can see sign up for volunteer opportunities. tell us what you think about the new logo and learn about levi stadium. some new details now. senators coming out of a closed- door meeting say that the president didn't notify congress about spending swap of a soldier because the taliban threatened to kill him if the information leaked out. sergeant bowe bergdahl was handed over in exchange for five taliban fighters. officials told congress the threat and the concerns over the soldier's health were the reason they moved so quickly to make the deal. the move has sparked a big backlash in washington. >> we had a prisoner of war whose health had deteriorated. and we were deeply concerned about it and we saw an opportunity and we seized it and i make no apologies for that. >> there is now a growing debate over whether he was a deserter. families of a missing couple in afghanistan are asking the u.s. government for help. they say this video was released by the taliban. it shows american citizen caitlin coleman and her canadian husband, joshua boyle. they went missing in 2012. coleman was 7 months pregnant at the time and gave birth while in captivity. their families are disappointed their children were not freed as part of the same deal as army sergeant bowe bergdahl. bay area news now. things are back to normal for san francisco's muni transit system after drivers staged an unofficial sickout most of the week. muni says it was able to operate at about 90% of its normal service this morning much better than the 53% on monday when this whole thing started out. richmond is set to have the highest minimum wage in the state. the city council voted to raise the city's minimum wage to $13 last night. some businesses will be exempt from the hike in order to keep them from leaving. the state minimum wage will go to $10 an hour in 2016. general motors says the delayed recall of millions of cars with faulty ignitions was the result of incompetence and neglect. the internal report investigating the issue was released this morning. cbs reporter alexis christoforous with the troubling failures within company. >> reporter: general motors' ceo says 15 people have been fired over the company's long delay in recalling tars with faulty ignition switches. the automaker is also creating a fund to compensate victims as a result of those switches linked to 13 deaths. ceo mary barra did not name individuals, but she said those who were fired were mostly in senior or executive roles. >> some were removed because of what we consider misconduct or incompetence. others have been relieved because they simply didn't do enough. >> reporter: it took gm more than a decade to finally recall 2.6 million vehicles with the safety defect. barra says the company's internal investigation points to a pattern of incompetence and neglect but not to a conspiracy or cover-up. >> this report is extremely thorough, brutally tough and deeply troubling. >> reporter: the report finds gm engineers knew for years about the faulty switches which could turn to the off position while cars were in motion. gm says 113,000 vehicles have been repaired so far in the recall. the internal report does not implicate barra, who had just been promoted to ceo when the scanda broke. >> for us who have dedicated our lives to this company, it's difficult to see our shortcomings laid out so vividly. >> reporter: the report is being shared with federal regulators and congress. alexis christoforous, cbs news new york. >> general motors is still facing criminal investigation by the justice department. now a correction to a story that aired this morning. we mistakenly reported chevron is doubling sulfur emissions at the richmond refinery. they say there will be no increase in sulfur emissions. and we also incorrectly reported chevron wrote the environmental impact report. the city of richmond drafted that report. and chevron is modernizing the refinery, not expanding it as we first reported. a bay area company says it has a solution to gridlocked streets. coming up, our kiet do takes the electric skateboard for a test ride. >> hi, i'm meteorologist lawrence karnow in the kpix 5 weather center. a lot of clouds out toward the coastline. very gray still. but plenty of sunshine elsewhere. and getting hot. we'll talk about that coming up next. >> i'm roberta gonzales and as lawrence was just saying, the heat wave, it is coming! so we are ready to take the plunge at the hayward plunge as the news continues on kpix 5. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's the brainchild of a mountain view now to a story you're only going to see here on kpix 5. it's pretty cool. a skateboard, motor and it's all in one. it's the brainchild of a mountain view startup and kiet do shows us how it's looking to clear the gridlock on our roads. >> reporter: experts say within a decade terminal gridlock is coming to the bay area. it's where cars are stuck in traffic for hours or days. the remedy? public transportation. but when it comesto commuting there's a problem known as the last mile. basically, how do you cover that last mile or so from the train station to your office? you could lug a bike on the train but that's just so analog >> this is test grounds, aka our parking lot. >> reporter: introducing boosted, a long board with dual 1,000 watt motors 40-volt lithium ion phosphate battery and re-gen breaking the tesla of skateboards. >> this is the safety trigger and then you roll the wheel forward. >> reporter: off you go. oh, no joke. whoa! with the top speed of 20 miles an hour and the ability to climb 15% grades, it feels like a sci-fi movie come to life. >> hover board! >> reporter: okay, so it's not quite the hover board that marty rode in back to the future but at a tech talk last year the company said compared to a car, the boards use 20 times less energy. >> so next time you think about a vehicle, i hope like us you're thinking about something new. >> reporter: at 15 pounds with a six mile range, they say it might be just enough to get some commuters out of their cars. we showed the boosted board to transportation guru rod diridon. >> yup. not me! >> reporter: the 75-year-old thinks it's a great idea, just be careful. >> i'm sure a young person would think that's wonderful. but us old folks shouldn't get near 'em. >> this is cool. >> reporter: commuters we talked to were intrigued. >> kiet do, kpix 5. >> they are popular, there's a 3 months waiting period if you want to buy one for $2,000. in eastern canada a scene of ter ro in moncton, new brunswick. >> can can you see him? oh!! >> this is amateur video from inside a woman's home shot as a gunman went on a rampage outside in moncton, new brunswick, canada. three royal mounted police were killed. >> two other officers were injured. their lives are not threatened at this time. >> the officers were responding last night to calls about an armed man wandering the streets of among done. two others were injured. happening today, the man in charge of the va is heading to phoenix now acting veterans affairs secretary that's sloan gibson is looking into allegations of delayed treatment there. gibson will tour the facility, looking into allegation that as many as 40 veterans may have died while they were waiting for treatment at the hospital. meanwhile, the senate is working on a compromise bill now to help veterans avoid long waste to see a doctor. and let's get another check on the weather. you're saying it's hot. you're already thinking about the weekend? >> i don't know why! [ laughter ] >> you know, it's going to get hot in spots. today even the temperatures heating up outside although we have still have patchy coastal fog and cooler temperatures toward the beaches. look at the clouds at the coastline. they be hugging the coastline all day long maybe a smidgeon of sun there. but you get away from the coast and out over the bay you have mostly sunny skies. temperatures now heating up starting to send those numbers up into the 80s in livermore already. 78 in san jose. 62 in san francisco and 73 in santa rosa. yeah, these numbers look to be running above the average. usually in the 60s and 70s at this time of year. 37 degrees in oakland73 degrees in oakland, 68 in san francisco. clouds continuing this afternoon in the coastline, hot inland and then tonight maybe some dense fog right along the coastline. hotter over th weekend. minor fluctuations over the next few days but the trend is toward warmer weather but the sea breeze will stay with us. that means that patchy fog will keep us cool out toward the coastline. today 64 degrees into monterey bay about 100 though in fresno, 95 in sacramento and 78 in lake tahoe. yeah, computer models showing you some patchy fog along the coastline and throughout the afternoon. starting to move onshore overnight tonight but probably not going to fill all the way into the interior valleys so tomorrow again a lot of sunshine coming our way and temperatures heating up in the valleys. this everyone a you're looking at 88 i morgan hill, 80 redwood city, 64 and patchy fog in pacifica, low 90s in antioch and brentwood, 90 livermore. inside the bay 60s and some 70s. so as your sun sets tonight at 8:28,ing good, tomorrow morning 5:49 sunrise with patchy fog and next couple of days, maybe triple digits next weekend. cooling back to normal middle of next week. >> all right, lawrence. we have triple digits, time to maybe go find a good big pool. >> oh, yeah. a lot of people are turning to the pools and so is kpix 5's roberta gonzales. >> reporter: i'm so happy right now, i really am, with the impending heat wave we thought we would find an indoor pool. we found the historic hayward plunge. i have never been here before so to tell us more about here we have nicole with the hayward area recreation park district. how old is this wonderful, wonderful establishment? >> it's 78 years old. >> reporter: well, my dad was born in 1936. so it's as old as my daddy to put it in perspective. it looks amazing! >> thank you. >> reporter: so it doesn't even smell chlorine-like indoors. >> we have a great ventilation system that keeps it from having that chlorine smell when you walk in. >> reporter: and no sunburn. >> definitely protects you from the sun. >> reporter: so if i want to bring my family to swim this weekend with the heat wave, how much will it set me back? >> well, it will be $2 per person. and it would be on saturday from 1:30 to 3:30. >> reporter: one thing i'm real liqueur just about is children and pools. because i'm very concerned with this subject. >> yes. and definitely that is definitely something to be concerned about because drowning is -- can be silent. so you can have a party in your backyard, everybody is around the pool and they wouldn't notice the child slipping and going under the water. that's why it's so important for parents to have that uninterrupted supervision of their children even in a facility with lifeguards. >> reporter: your lifeguards are around and i talked to them and i had this discussion with them, they all know cpr. >> they do, yes. they are all trained in cpr, oxygen, so they are very well trained. >> reporter: so one thing i notice is you guys have a terrific website so what we did is link you up with our website, at and you click on "links and numbers." you will find the hours, the cost and the days of operation right here at the hayward plunge 78 years old. i want to go for a swim, guys. can i go? can i just go right now? >> jump in! >> go! >> jump! >> on tv! >> looks good. okay. [ laughter ] >> thanks, roberta. he is a pioneer who poured his heart into the community. the message that san francisco's chinatown's first cardiologist is spreading now to save some lives. ,, ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. and this week's jefferson ad winner is trying to make su everyone gets the word on ho stay healthy. kpix five's sh a pioneer. heart disease is america's number one killer and this week's jefferson award winner is trying to get the word out to everyone to how to stay healthy. sharon chin introduces us to a pioneer. [ non-english language ] >> reporter: dr. collin quock teaches hands only cpr an unforgettable lesson for jenny. >> i can help people and save their lives from heart attack. [ non-english language ] >> reporter: decades ago a class like this would have been taught only in english but today, it's in chinese thanks to dr. quock. he has been spreading the word on how to prevent heart disease for nearly 40 years. [ non-english language ] >> reporter: he reaches large immigrant populations like students at francisco middle school. >> i was the first cardiology in the chinese communities so i sort of felt it was my obligation. >> reporter: dr. quock has been retired since 2008 but he is still a volunteer at heart continuing the work he started. nearly 30 years ago, he helped launch the chinese community cardiac council, a first-of-its- kind group in the american heart association that shows the chinese community how to stay heart healthy. he has recruited dozens of volunteers like retired school principal claudia jung. >> he thinks outside of the box. he always has ideas to -- different ways to bring heart health education to everybody. >> reporter: the san francisco native was the first cardiologist to bring chinese language cpr training programs to the city's doctors and nurses years ago. today, he still offers free blood pressure checks at senior centers and gives out chinese language medical pamphlets he helped develop. >> so we set out to not only translate, but to do it in a culturally sensitive manner not only to tell people to keep the sodium low but what kinds of foods in their regular diet contain high content of sodium. >> reporter: volunteer ivy cam says his education campaigns save countless lives. >> he brings people together and is like the catalyst that makes things happen. >> reporter: so for spreading the heart healthy message to san francisco's ethnic community, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to dr. collin quock. sharon chin, kpix 5. >> you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online at still ahead, a senior prank on a california principal that is just as cute as it is a little bit annoying. coming your way. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, barbara seniors had somethi harmless and funny in mind r their principal. it's senior prank season and some santa barbara seniors had something harmless, funny in mind for their principal. they hired a mariucci band to follow the principal around for an hour and once he stepped out of his office, of course that began the serenade. the principal got a kick out of it. nobody was suspended. and they are still playing. >> the mariachis are good! >> after an hour? i'm sorry. [ laughter ] >> get away from me? >> cue the music. >> have a good afternoon. captions by: caption colorado ,, [ male announcer ] choose it. scoop it. pour it. blend it. 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