Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 7pm 20240707 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 7pm 20240707

a mask today. >> these fires can be virtually impossible to put out. in yosemite, the giant sequoias seemed to have survived the washburn fire so far thanks to small fires that have been intentionally set there for decades. they said pre scribed burns helped contain the brush, protecting them during this fire. >> the crews will go up to the actual fire's edge and start working off that, bringing fire down the slope. >> reporter: firefighters are using a similar tactic to fight this fire, setting back burns to push it away from the grove. it so far burned five square mails since thursday. it is 22% contained and it is moving away from the mariposa aggressive. the danger isn't over for the nearby community. >> what's your biggest concern at this time? >> just the community to get away and it burns out the community. i have a house there that my father gave me, that we built together did you go the '70s. i don't really want to lose that house. >> the fire started near a trail, we're told, but it wasn't from lightning. firefighters won't comment on whether it was started accidentally or intentionally. >> an unusual thing at a homeless encampment, stuffed with goods. there are more than just a few stolen items. >> reporter: the police department said they recovered more than $100,000 worth of stolen items from this bunker. it gives new definition to the phrase criminal underground. detectives say it was elab the rat, hidden in plain sight and completely and totally illegal. >> it was a hatedout used to store stolen goods and hide the criminality that would have been found in an apartment or house. >> reporter: san jose police tweeted out these foets to the entrance built along the creek in san jose. officers say the entrance was low and narrow, just 12 inches hey. requiring them to crawl on their hands and knees to access a more spacious area on the inside. >> officers discovered a bunker that was built into the side of the creek bed. through that bunker they found five of the individuals arrested were actually living in that bunker and utilizing it as a hideout. >> reporter: the police department said it was their investigation into an early morning burglary that ultimately led them to the bunker. the thief stole more than $100,000 worth of equipment and other items. >> there were three shotguns that were not loaded but still very dangerous and a weapon that was outstanding. multiple tool, multiple electronic parts, totaling approximately $100,000. >> reporter: police arrested six people at the bunker and said they shut town an unsafe location and the criminal activity going on there. >> it is an illegal site, dangerous to the people living in that location and overall, completely invisible to the usual common eye. >> reporter: the big question now is what happens to the bunker? that's a question without an easy or straightforward answer. it is not entirely up to the police department. city hall will have some say about whether or not they leave it alone. they have fenced off the area or if they plan to demolish it so no one else can use it in the future. in san jose. kpix 5. a stand-off between santa clara deputies, an armed woman, with more than an hour of negotiations. deputies were called to the corner in san jose just before 10:00 in the morning. they say they found a woman who was very distressed sitting on the curb. she had a navy and a gun. she waved them at them several times. she was taken into custody with the help of a canine. in san jose, 83-year-old burt is under arrest accused of shooting and killing his neighbor. this happened around 6:30 yesterday evening at the river glen mobile park. no word on the victim's name or what led up to it. a contra costa man is under arrest accused of sexual assault. they just charged christopher david owens. detectives do believe there will be more victims. governor newsom assigned sweeping gun control laws setting the stage for a legal showdown. one of the bills allows to sue gun makers for negligence in civil court. new legislation requires california gun makers and dealers to block sales to anyone at a substantial risk of using a gun illegally or harming. they or others. >> even a day to day shooting event in sacramento, it is a pain on may heart. and i just don't want anyone else to have to deal with that. >> they choose not to address the crime problem, and the gang problem in any meaningful way, and instead, they put all the blame on the lawful gun owners. >> reporter: gun right advocates say they plan to challenge every bill the governor signs in this regard. and twitter now suing elon musk for trying to back out of his $44 billion takeover. in a complaint filed in a delaware court, twitter said musk refuses to honor his obligations because it no longer serves his personal interests. it goes on to say musk is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value and just walk away. on friday, musk lawyer claimed that twitter was in breach of multiple terms of the deal and accused the company of withholding information on bots. it could be a very long legal battle. twitter now seeking a four-day trial in september. peninsula health officials warning community transmission of covid is high in san mateo county and they're asking people to wear masks in risky settings and to get boosted. stay wide the positivity rate statewide is 16%. that's slightly higher than last week. 4200 people are in the hospital in california. that's about 20% of the all time high. and an important reminder, you can still order the free covid tests. just goes to khost now to the latest on monkey pox as more cases are being reported in the bay area. there is growing frustration over the slow rollout of vaccines. thfts the line outside sf general today. eight cases were confirmed bringing the city's total to 60. >> here at the health department, we are literally begging our federal partners to provide more vaccine so we can get it into the arms of people who need it most. >> the san francisco health department has put in an urgent request for 35,000 doses. the feds have 2.5 million on order. still to come, streaming on cbs news bay area, evictions happening not just on land. the voters worried about being left high and dry. and this animal shelter bursting at the seams. what they're urging people not to do. and it's like using a time machine. looking into the universe. and later we're looking at all the excitement at levi's. the temperatures pretty much the same as yesterday around the bay. farther inland, substantially cooler. only in the 80. check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's even people who don't live on land are vulnerable to eviction. voters who live at one san francisco marina are being told they need to find a new place to live. they live at oyster cove marina. many have called it home for decades. as max daro tells us, some fear they won't have anywhere else to go. >> reporter: matt has lived on a boat in the marina for 17 years. >> yeah. it has a landmark two. >> reporter: it is where he's found a home in the bay area. >> not just because it is a low income, low impact housingful it is what we want to do. >> reporter: but he and the others will have to find a new place to live and they don't have much choice. >> we are going to be homeless. we are giving a very swift notice. >> reporter: on june 16th, around 110 boats received notes from the property owner. they're re-evaluating long term use of the marina and terminating all leases. residents have a choice. sign a document to agree to leave by october 15th or be faced with an eviction notice. >> there is no right of return. >> basically saying, go somewhere far, far away and just uproot your life. >> she works at the marina part time. she has a place to go but says many of her neighbors who are on fixed incomes, don't. >> many say i can't sleep. i'm so terrified what the future holds. i don't know how to manage all this. >> reporter: 14 of tenants who can live here full time were offered $10,000 to leave if they signed the deal within two weeks. that deadline has been extended to the end of july. so far 11 of the 14 have taken the deal. a statement provided to kpix 5 on behalf of the marina said we understand the uncertainty this will introduce to the boat owners which is why we're working with them to make this as painless as possible. we are providing them four months to prepare for the next move while offering to waive their rental fees in the interim. they said it will take more money and time for most residents to find a new place to live. >> i'm a live aboard here but it won't transfer to another marina. >> it is a huge not just endeavor but a life change to people who have been here forever. >> reporter: he said there's not much they can do to help. >> it's a private marina. it is up to the private owner to accommodate. we are asking them to be fair. to recognize for the live a boards, it may be difficult to find a legal live aboard spot. >> reporter: while many are making plans to go, he isn't saying much yet. >> as far as what am i going to do, the fight is not over yet. >> reporter: in san francisco, kpix 5. right now the berkeley city council meeting is deciding whether to put rent control measures on the november ballot. that'll would extend the authority over certain newly constructed buildings and remove exemptions on owner occupied buildings such as golden duplexes. those are properties built before 1980 where an owner occupies at least 50% of that property. new at 7:00, animal control making a plea for people to stop surrendering dogs this week. the shelter is at capacity and it is full of lost dogs. in fact the shelter took in 23 dogs over a 24-hour period. the staff has been working to find homes for all these dogs. today some of them are on the way to rescues being flown out of state to help ease the strain on the shelter. luckily the shelter is seeing a the loe of cat adoptions, and one animal care officer rescued a kitten that was 15 feet down a hole. since it was so narrow, the officer had to makeshift a harness down there. when he moved his head and shoulders into the loop, the kitten was pulled up safely which sounds kind of difficult. >> no kidding. today is an historic moment in astronomy. paul haggen day. no. this is what happened. nasa released the first images from the james webb telescope. >> check out these images. this is a cluster of thousands of galaxies. the telescope's infrared camera helped see farther than ever before. jump in at any point. >> this is the karena nebula where stars burst into life. this is a planetary nebula, the remnant of a star like our sun at the very heart of that. all that's left is the white dwarf. we're looking at different wave lengths. they can use filters to get a better view of it. it has been sending out dust for thousands of years. especially the wider field images that show all those galaxies. thousands of galaxies, that's like a thing, okay, thousands of galaxies. every galaxy has a hundred billion stars at least. and will there are thousands just in that one picture. >> yeah. the scientists in palo alto say it's like going back in a time machine. >> now we can see 13.5 billion years. so very, very close to when the universe started. that helps us with the relative scale that we'll be able to look very close to when everything got started. and that's why we'll see the formation of galaxies, stars, the very first ones. >> believe it or not they didn't start working on it last week. this is years in the making for engineers and scientists. sfwl yeah. the team worked on it on the main telescope. it allows different wave lengths of light to come into the telescope. and i know you were waiting for these photos. did they meet the expectations or surpass them? >> it is cool to compare and contrast. that's a lot more details than huble. and it was the atmosphere around a different star. >> like a flip phone versus an iphone 13. >> a pretty apt comparison. a whole different ball game. >> scientists just love our data. let's talk about weather data. >> i will talk a lot more about the james webb space telescope in this week's weather extra. it won't be weather extra. it will be space extra. that's coming up later this being. weatherwise, normal weather sticking around tomorrow. a contrast between the heat dome in the southwest. much of the nation is cooking but we're in an unsettled weather pattern remaining offshore. it is close enough to keep the onshore breeze going until later this week. the heat dome edges just a little closer. a nice look from the top of mount diablo. you can see it is on top. the temperatures are in the 60s and 70s. 74 for the warm spots in san jose, livermore and concord. the upper nays in the inland east bay yesterday. the fog will spread well into the inland valleys. we saw the view from mount diablo. it will back up but it will be a little slower along the bay and the coast. more sunshine peeking through in the afternoon. the temperatures will start close to normal. mid to upper 50s. we're not talking about hot temperatures at all. by lunch time, mostly in the 70s. temperatures around the bay will be in the mid 60s. half moon bay and pacifica, around the bay, with farther inland, mostly in the 80s. a mix of the 70s and 80s for the marine influence there. even the warmest spots, staying below 90 degrees for one more day. then a warmling trend does kick in later this week. that will elevate the fire threat for one more day. it will remain low. it won't be zero. but it will be in the lower half of the spectrum and our fire danger index. seeing a three or a four on that 0-10 scale. from below the halfway pointed, that is a good place to be. the temperatures warm up modestly. here's 70 in san francisco. mid 70s in oakland with mid to upper 70s in san jose. temperatures will be hottest in the east bay. if it's below 100, fairfield, antioch, that's bonus territory in the middle of july. we'll take it. coming up, we're counting down to pre season my tribe has lived on this land for 12,000 years. we call it oleyumi. you call it california. our land, our culture, our people once expansive, now whittled down to a small community. only one proposition supports california tribes like ours. while providing hundreds of millions in yearly funding to finally address homelessness in california. vote yes on 27. tax online sports betting and protect tribal sovereignty and help californians that are hurting the most. okay. the countdown is on. we're officially one month away from the niners' first pre season game right here on kpix 5. >> we're excited about that. they are taking on the packers on august 12th. the team reports to training camp in two weeks and the fan will get to see them in practice on 27th and the 28th. we have posted the full schedule on >> many niner fans are looking to week four against the rams. the last time these two team met was in the playoffs last year when the niners ended the packers' season on a game winning field goal. tonight, fans have one thing on their mind. >> getting back to the rams. beat them and take the conference this year. get through the playoffs and straight to the super bowl. i started counting down the day we ran down the stadium. the championship game. i've been counting down every day since then. >> as for jimmy g, no personal changes to announce yet. still to we've seen some unusual things on the road. what about a casket? >> that's what drivers saw in san luis obispo. that was not a hungry hmmm. they got multiple calls about a white casket on the shoulder of the freeway. the officer said he was nervous to make sure it was empty but fortunately it was. >> what if he opened it and it was like -- >> i feel like that would be fun. i don't know. >> would you enjoy that. >> i would. >> that's why we love her. >> thanks for watching. the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. >> see you back here at 11:00. announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: welcome to the show, folks. how y'all? thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i appreciate that. yeah, i do. thank you. thank you, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] got another good one for you today. returning for their fourth day, total of 21,035 bucks, straight outta washington, dc, it's the champs, it's the smith family. [cheering and applause] and from right up the road in marietta, georgia, it's the neville family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theyself some cash. somebody

Related Keywords

Georgia , United States , Berkeley , California , Oakland , Pacifica , Sacramento , Togo , San Francisco , Jose Kpix , Luis Obispo , Cove Marina , James Webb , Steve Harvey ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 7pm 20240707 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 7pm 20240707

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a mask today. >> these fires can be virtually impossible to put out. in yosemite, the giant sequoias seemed to have survived the washburn fire so far thanks to small fires that have been intentionally set there for decades. they said pre scribed burns helped contain the brush, protecting them during this fire. >> the crews will go up to the actual fire's edge and start working off that, bringing fire down the slope. >> reporter: firefighters are using a similar tactic to fight this fire, setting back burns to push it away from the grove. it so far burned five square mails since thursday. it is 22% contained and it is moving away from the mariposa aggressive. the danger isn't over for the nearby community. >> what's your biggest concern at this time? >> just the community to get away and it burns out the community. i have a house there that my father gave me, that we built together did you go the '70s. i don't really want to lose that house. >> the fire started near a trail, we're told, but it wasn't from lightning. firefighters won't comment on whether it was started accidentally or intentionally. >> an unusual thing at a homeless encampment, stuffed with goods. there are more than just a few stolen items. >> reporter: the police department said they recovered more than $100,000 worth of stolen items from this bunker. it gives new definition to the phrase criminal underground. detectives say it was elab the rat, hidden in plain sight and completely and totally illegal. >> it was a hatedout used to store stolen goods and hide the criminality that would have been found in an apartment or house. >> reporter: san jose police tweeted out these foets to the entrance built along the creek in san jose. officers say the entrance was low and narrow, just 12 inches hey. requiring them to crawl on their hands and knees to access a more spacious area on the inside. >> officers discovered a bunker that was built into the side of the creek bed. through that bunker they found five of the individuals arrested were actually living in that bunker and utilizing it as a hideout. >> reporter: the police department said it was their investigation into an early morning burglary that ultimately led them to the bunker. the thief stole more than $100,000 worth of equipment and other items. >> there were three shotguns that were not loaded but still very dangerous and a weapon that was outstanding. multiple tool, multiple electronic parts, totaling approximately $100,000. >> reporter: police arrested six people at the bunker and said they shut town an unsafe location and the criminal activity going on there. >> it is an illegal site, dangerous to the people living in that location and overall, completely invisible to the usual common eye. >> reporter: the big question now is what happens to the bunker? that's a question without an easy or straightforward answer. it is not entirely up to the police department. city hall will have some say about whether or not they leave it alone. they have fenced off the area or if they plan to demolish it so no one else can use it in the future. in san jose. kpix 5. a stand-off between santa clara deputies, an armed woman, with more than an hour of negotiations. deputies were called to the corner in san jose just before 10:00 in the morning. they say they found a woman who was very distressed sitting on the curb. she had a navy and a gun. she waved them at them several times. she was taken into custody with the help of a canine. in san jose, 83-year-old burt is under arrest accused of shooting and killing his neighbor. this happened around 6:30 yesterday evening at the river glen mobile park. no word on the victim's name or what led up to it. a contra costa man is under arrest accused of sexual assault. they just charged christopher david owens. detectives do believe there will be more victims. governor newsom assigned sweeping gun control laws setting the stage for a legal showdown. one of the bills allows to sue gun makers for negligence in civil court. new legislation requires california gun makers and dealers to block sales to anyone at a substantial risk of using a gun illegally or harming. they or others. >> even a day to day shooting event in sacramento, it is a pain on may heart. and i just don't want anyone else to have to deal with that. >> they choose not to address the crime problem, and the gang problem in any meaningful way, and instead, they put all the blame on the lawful gun owners. >> reporter: gun right advocates say they plan to challenge every bill the governor signs in this regard. and twitter now suing elon musk for trying to back out of his $44 billion takeover. in a complaint filed in a delaware court, twitter said musk refuses to honor his obligations because it no longer serves his personal interests. it goes on to say musk is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value and just walk away. on friday, musk lawyer claimed that twitter was in breach of multiple terms of the deal and accused the company of withholding information on bots. it could be a very long legal battle. twitter now seeking a four-day trial in september. peninsula health officials warning community transmission of covid is high in san mateo county and they're asking people to wear masks in risky settings and to get boosted. stay wide the positivity rate statewide is 16%. that's slightly higher than last week. 4200 people are in the hospital in california. that's about 20% of the all time high. and an important reminder, you can still order the free covid tests. just goes to khost now to the latest on monkey pox as more cases are being reported in the bay area. there is growing frustration over the slow rollout of vaccines. thfts the line outside sf general today. eight cases were confirmed bringing the city's total to 60. >> here at the health department, we are literally begging our federal partners to provide more vaccine so we can get it into the arms of people who need it most. >> the san francisco health department has put in an urgent request for 35,000 doses. the feds have 2.5 million on order. still to come, streaming on cbs news bay area, evictions happening not just on land. the voters worried about being left high and dry. and this animal shelter bursting at the seams. what they're urging people not to do. and it's like using a time machine. looking into the universe. and later we're looking at all the excitement at levi's. the temperatures pretty much the same as yesterday around the bay. farther inland, substantially cooler. only in the 80. check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's even people who don't live on land are vulnerable to eviction. voters who live at one san francisco marina are being told they need to find a new place to live. they live at oyster cove marina. many have called it home for decades. as max daro tells us, some fear they won't have anywhere else to go. >> reporter: matt has lived on a boat in the marina for 17 years. >> yeah. it has a landmark two. >> reporter: it is where he's found a home in the bay area. >> not just because it is a low income, low impact housingful it is what we want to do. >> reporter: but he and the others will have to find a new place to live and they don't have much choice. >> we are going to be homeless. we are giving a very swift notice. >> reporter: on june 16th, around 110 boats received notes from the property owner. they're re-evaluating long term use of the marina and terminating all leases. residents have a choice. sign a document to agree to leave by october 15th or be faced with an eviction notice. >> there is no right of return. >> basically saying, go somewhere far, far away and just uproot your life. >> she works at the marina part time. she has a place to go but says many of her neighbors who are on fixed incomes, don't. >> many say i can't sleep. i'm so terrified what the future holds. i don't know how to manage all this. >> reporter: 14 of tenants who can live here full time were offered $10,000 to leave if they signed the deal within two weeks. that deadline has been extended to the end of july. so far 11 of the 14 have taken the deal. a statement provided to kpix 5 on behalf of the marina said we understand the uncertainty this will introduce to the boat owners which is why we're working with them to make this as painless as possible. we are providing them four months to prepare for the next move while offering to waive their rental fees in the interim. they said it will take more money and time for most residents to find a new place to live. >> i'm a live aboard here but it won't transfer to another marina. >> it is a huge not just endeavor but a life change to people who have been here forever. >> reporter: he said there's not much they can do to help. >> it's a private marina. it is up to the private owner to accommodate. we are asking them to be fair. to recognize for the live a boards, it may be difficult to find a legal live aboard spot. >> reporter: while many are making plans to go, he isn't saying much yet. >> as far as what am i going to do, the fight is not over yet. >> reporter: in san francisco, kpix 5. right now the berkeley city council meeting is deciding whether to put rent control measures on the november ballot. that'll would extend the authority over certain newly constructed buildings and remove exemptions on owner occupied buildings such as golden duplexes. those are properties built before 1980 where an owner occupies at least 50% of that property. new at 7:00, animal control making a plea for people to stop surrendering dogs this week. the shelter is at capacity and it is full of lost dogs. in fact the shelter took in 23 dogs over a 24-hour period. the staff has been working to find homes for all these dogs. today some of them are on the way to rescues being flown out of state to help ease the strain on the shelter. luckily the shelter is seeing a the loe of cat adoptions, and one animal care officer rescued a kitten that was 15 feet down a hole. since it was so narrow, the officer had to makeshift a harness down there. when he moved his head and shoulders into the loop, the kitten was pulled up safely which sounds kind of difficult. >> no kidding. today is an historic moment in astronomy. paul haggen day. no. this is what happened. nasa released the first images from the james webb telescope. >> check out these images. this is a cluster of thousands of galaxies. the telescope's infrared camera helped see farther than ever before. jump in at any point. >> this is the karena nebula where stars burst into life. this is a planetary nebula, the remnant of a star like our sun at the very heart of that. all that's left is the white dwarf. we're looking at different wave lengths. they can use filters to get a better view of it. it has been sending out dust for thousands of years. especially the wider field images that show all those galaxies. thousands of galaxies, that's like a thing, okay, thousands of galaxies. every galaxy has a hundred billion stars at least. and will there are thousands just in that one picture. >> yeah. the scientists in palo alto say it's like going back in a time machine. >> now we can see 13.5 billion years. so very, very close to when the universe started. that helps us with the relative scale that we'll be able to look very close to when everything got started. and that's why we'll see the formation of galaxies, stars, the very first ones. >> believe it or not they didn't start working on it last week. this is years in the making for engineers and scientists. sfwl yeah. the team worked on it on the main telescope. it allows different wave lengths of light to come into the telescope. and i know you were waiting for these photos. did they meet the expectations or surpass them? >> it is cool to compare and contrast. that's a lot more details than huble. and it was the atmosphere around a different star. >> like a flip phone versus an iphone 13. >> a pretty apt comparison. a whole different ball game. >> scientists just love our data. let's talk about weather data. >> i will talk a lot more about the james webb space telescope in this week's weather extra. it won't be weather extra. it will be space extra. that's coming up later this being. weatherwise, normal weather sticking around tomorrow. a contrast between the heat dome in the southwest. much of the nation is cooking but we're in an unsettled weather pattern remaining offshore. it is close enough to keep the onshore breeze going until later this week. the heat dome edges just a little closer. a nice look from the top of mount diablo. you can see it is on top. the temperatures are in the 60s and 70s. 74 for the warm spots in san jose, livermore and concord. the upper nays in the inland east bay yesterday. the fog will spread well into the inland valleys. we saw the view from mount diablo. it will back up but it will be a little slower along the bay and the coast. more sunshine peeking through in the afternoon. the temperatures will start close to normal. mid to upper 50s. we're not talking about hot temperatures at all. by lunch time, mostly in the 70s. temperatures around the bay will be in the mid 60s. half moon bay and pacifica, around the bay, with farther inland, mostly in the 80s. a mix of the 70s and 80s for the marine influence there. even the warmest spots, staying below 90 degrees for one more day. then a warmling trend does kick in later this week. that will elevate the fire threat for one more day. it will remain low. it won't be zero. but it will be in the lower half of the spectrum and our fire danger index. seeing a three or a four on that 0-10 scale. from below the halfway pointed, that is a good place to be. the temperatures warm up modestly. here's 70 in san francisco. mid 70s in oakland with mid to upper 70s in san jose. temperatures will be hottest in the east bay. if it's below 100, fairfield, antioch, that's bonus territory in the middle of july. we'll take it. coming up, we're counting down to pre season my tribe has lived on this land for 12,000 years. we call it oleyumi. you call it california. our land, our culture, our people once expansive, now whittled down to a small community. only one proposition supports california tribes like ours. while providing hundreds of millions in yearly funding to finally address homelessness in california. vote yes on 27. tax online sports betting and protect tribal sovereignty and help californians that are hurting the most. okay. the countdown is on. we're officially one month away from the niners' first pre season game right here on kpix 5. >> we're excited about that. they are taking on the packers on august 12th. the team reports to training camp in two weeks and the fan will get to see them in practice on 27th and the 28th. we have posted the full schedule on >> many niner fans are looking to week four against the rams. the last time these two team met was in the playoffs last year when the niners ended the packers' season on a game winning field goal. tonight, fans have one thing on their mind. >> getting back to the rams. beat them and take the conference this year. get through the playoffs and straight to the super bowl. i started counting down the day we ran down the stadium. the championship game. i've been counting down every day since then. >> as for jimmy g, no personal changes to announce yet. still to we've seen some unusual things on the road. what about a casket? >> that's what drivers saw in san luis obispo. that was not a hungry hmmm. they got multiple calls about a white casket on the shoulder of the freeway. the officer said he was nervous to make sure it was empty but fortunately it was. >> what if he opened it and it was like -- >> i feel like that would be fun. i don't know. >> would you enjoy that. >> i would. >> that's why we love her. >> thanks for watching. the news continues streaming on cbs news bay area. >> see you back here at 11:00. announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: welcome to the show, folks. how y'all? thank y'all. thank you, everybody. i appreciate that. yeah, i do. thank you. thank you, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] got another good one for you today. returning for their fourth day, total of 21,035 bucks, straight outta washington, dc, it's the champs, it's the smith family. [cheering and applause] and from right up the road in marietta, georgia, it's the neville family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theyself some cash. somebody

Related Keywords

Georgia , United States , Berkeley , California , Oakland , Pacifica , Sacramento , Togo , San Francisco , Jose Kpix , Luis Obispo , Cove Marina , James Webb , Steve Harvey ,

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