Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20240621 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20240621

is also listed as a defendant. >> how often was he having to do probation snurchz >> -- probation search? >> reporter: >> a lot. >> detective tommy smith sergeant of the detective's unit was first requesting supervision from s.w.a.t. officers. that was denied. he was then requesting specific training related to building searches and that was denied. >> reporter: b.a.r.t. released a statement saying while the b.a.r.t. family continues to mourn the loss of sergeant smith, the tragic shooting occurred despite extensive training the officers received, which far exceeded the standards required. >> it's very tough. >> reporter: kellie says as a b.a.r.t. officer, she has a duty to protect her colleagues and the public, so this will never happen to anyone else. >> after detective smith was killed b.a.r.t. did send some officers to training, but the lawsuit says they want all officers sent to training. say goodbye to bruce jenner and hello to caitlyn. her public debut on the cover of vanity fair. how jenner's transition is shining a spotlight on the transgender community. >> while many in the transgender community are celebrating it they say it only scratches the surface of the anguish of a group that's often misunderstood. >> as soon as the vanity fair cover comes out i'm free. >> reporter: the cover photo by the famed photographer came out midmorning and that's when caitlyn jenner came out to the world as the woman she says she always has been. >> bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie every day, he always had a secret. caitlyn doesn't have any secrets. >> reporter: bruce of course was the 1976 gold medal olympian, the famous father of the kardashian girls. caitlyn has been in transition and has never been seen in public until now. in the magazine she reveals she's had some work done to her face and neck but no other surgeries. >> it's wonderful to see caitlyn jenner having the spotlight, what a way to introduce herself to the world. >> reporter: but the folks at the transgender law center hope at least some of the spotlight will shine on the struggle for those who can't afford the support system caitlyn has been able to surround herself with. the center fights for the many transgender people who have been targets of discrimination. they have a higher rate of unemployment than the general population and are often bullied or worse especially in minority communities. eight transgender women of color have been killed nationwide this year alone. >> almost 50% of the transgender community have attempted suicide. majority have reported harassments. and over 30% have mentioned that they've been fired because of who they are. >> caitlyn will be the star of her own new reality show very soon but the producers insist it's not going to be like the kardashians. they're going to take the issue seriously. by the way see set a new guinness world record today. she gained a million twitter followers in four hours. >> the president joined finally last week and it took him i think the entire day and the pope as well. this goes to show you there's a lot of interest in this. >> there's a lot of interest and the folks in this community are hoping people take note. there's a lot of people they still are struggling with. >> almost 50% attempt suicide. >> and jenner herself said today in that article she thought about it. >> for a look at how fast this news and caitlyn jenner's new profile spread, go to keyword jenner. people are calling on facebook to join its real name policy. they join others in a rally outside of facebook headquarters. they say the policy of requiring a real name unfairly targets them because their accounts can be reported and suspended. facebook defends the rule as a way to hold users accountable. getting you live to breaking news in san francisco we're looking at chopper 5 which is flying over a lot of smashed cars it appears right now on market street. this is between 5th and 6th and we're hearing this may be related to a police chase that started nearby. that hasn't been confirmed as of yet but as you can see, lots of police on the scene sorting it out. we do have a reporter on the way there. we're going to bring you another update later on in the newscast. this is the day californians all of us, are supposed to get a little more serious about the drought. and that means you'll want to take a serious look at your water bill. for example what's your rate per unit of water? do you know? and how many gallons are in a unit anyway? not knowing could cost you some money. and how it will or won't cost you depends entirely on how you live. >> reporter: i'm in the east bay. east bay mud customers have been under mandatory water rationing for the last month and a half. it actually appears to be paying dividends. according to newly released numbers water usage is down 31% in may. that is of course after customers failed to meet drought rationing targets earlier in the year. water district officials generally chalk that up to so called drought fatigue. the rules for east bay mud customers will change yet again on july 1st. that's when they'll begin adding a surcharge for any customer who uses four times the amount of water the average consumer. that $2 per unit surcharge will go in to effect july 1st. >> i'm len ramirez in san jose where the real crackdown will come in two weeks. starting june 15th the san jose water company will roll out a new set of rates aimed at penalizing heavy water use. your first 26 units of water will be build at the normal rate, $3.50 per unit. once you go over the 26 units it will jump to $27 per unit. by using more water you'll effectively be charged twice as much. that starts on june 15th for customers of the san jose water company. for everyone else in the santa clara water district you're being asked to walter your lawn no more than twice a week. >> i'm mike sugerman in marin county. drought restrictions? what drought restriction s? this is bond tempe reservoir. 80% full. right where it's supposed to be right now. all the reservoirs are like that thanks to microclimates. when it does rain in northern california, it rains a lot here. and water people say marinites have already cutback as a group 20% since 2013. so all are no household restrictions. if you insist on hosing down sidewalks or running fountains with drinking water things like that there's a possibility of a $250 fine. but officials don't expect that to happen. marinites seem to be good stewards of their water supply. in south san francisco this morning the fountain in front of city hall was turned off to drive home the conservation message. as of today the state is requiring all water providers to meet certain conservation goals. as you just heard every water district is doing that in their own specific way. so it's important to check with your water provider to see exactly what that means for you. how much a community is being asked to cut back is based on how much water the average customer uses there. cities with the lowest per capita use like san francisco are only being asked to cut water use by 8%. another city in the 8% category is hayward. a general rule of thumb, if you live in an area with a lot of lawns the state is probably asking you to cut back anywhere from 20% to 38%. you think parking in san francisco is bad now? just wait. over the next two years 1600 parking places in some of the city's busiest areas are going to be cis peering. new at 6:00 kpix 5's phil matier on what's behind the vanishing spaces. >> that's right. they're not exactly extinct or maybe even endangered but they are getting in to trouble. and the reason is crowded roadways. here's the story. >> reporter: looking for parking in san francisco is a nightmare. and that nightmare is going to be getting worse every day. just look at the numbers. last year the city took 180 spaces out of service. this year another 591 will be pulled. next year another 719 for a total of 1,490 lost spaces and counting. why is it i get the feeling that cars and parking is the bottom of the transportation food chain around here? >> we're trying to encourage people to use transit to make the roads safer. >> the roads aren't getting any wider. we're trying to organize the streets to make them as safe as possible. >> where are people going to park? >> san francisco is bike friendly. >> the result has been the city putting in more bus stops more bus-only lanes more bike lanes more bike racks and more car share stops. then there's a program called daylighting where parking spaces on street corners are eliminated to make it easier to see across the street. let's not forget these parklets popping up everywhere it ecost of two parking spaces each. >> 33% of all congestion is due to people searching or circling the block looking for parking so what we're trying to do is encourage people to take transit or to walk or ride a bike. >> the supervisors they're keeping their parking. >> that's a whole different process. >> a process we're not likely to see. it's very interesting in san francisco they're pulling them out left and right and it's causing people to look around for them more and more which is congesting the streets. the only other option is to pay big time in a garage. in san francisco, phil matier, kpix 5. still ahead bay area homes with a 1950s feel. and that's the point. now the fight to keep new mansions out of his classic neighborhood. a bold car burglary, a guy driving right through a dealership window from the inside. why he doesn't get very far. >> and $4 million for this new fire house. what's keeping anyone from working inside. >> for the 31st consecutive day, marine layer has made it all the way inland to mount diablo. when is it going to warm up? we'll talk about the 7-day for people in parts of palo alto are rising up in rebellion tonight against huge new homes. they say the two-story remodels are ruining the feel of their '50s era ikeler neighborhoods. kpix 5's len ramirez tells us they're now pressuring the city for a mansion ban. >> you can certainly see both sides on this issue. the new people moving in paying a million, $2 million or more for some of the homes. they want to get the most out of their property and their investment. you can also see the people who have lived here all along. they want to keep things as they are. >> this neighborhood here which is called royal manor. >> reporter: katie says she was attracted by the style of her palo alto neighborhood which is filled with single-story, flat roofed houses built in the '50s and '60s. with palo alto land values skyrocketing, there's a new kind of tension in the neighborhood. new owners are knocking down the old ikelers and putting up large two-story houses that critics say don't match the surrounding neighborhood. >> the city doesn't do anything if somebody wants to come build a huge house. there's really nothing the city can do because there's no limitations. >> reporter: neighbors in several ikeler pockets are gathering signatures hoping to enact a kind of ordinance called the single story over lay. it would prevent homeowners from building large two-story homes in protected neighborhoods. >> a lot of times people love the idea of a single story over lay until it's time to save. >> reporter: he says an ordinance would hurt property values. >> given the very expensive land in palo alto, you need to be able to build a large enough home to justify it. when you have restrictions such as a single story over lay the builders are discouraged and they'll go to neighboring communities that allow for larger homes. >> reporter: neighbors say property values can also be hurt by a loss of privacy given the large number of windows and the relatively small yards the big homes are being squeezed in to. >> if somebody builds a house next door to you it decreases the value of your own house. suddenly you want to go in your jacuzzi naked there's a neighbor right there staring at you. that's kind of an issue. >> according to the rules here in palo alto 70% of the homeowners in a neighborhood need to support the single-story overlay zoning in order for it to pass. already nine neighborhoods here in palo alto have been granted that zoning. reporting live in palo alto, len ramirez, kpix 5. a bold mover by a burglar in san francisco. earlier this morning the man stole a $100,000 car from the bmw dealership on howard at 12th. one of the owners of the business said the suspect came in when janitors and security were there. he tried to take one car through the front doors but got stuck. so he hopped in to another car instead, driving right through the showroom window. >> it seemed really brazen that someone would attempt to drive a car through a window to get it. hopefully this doesn't become a common occurrence. >> the 37-year-old suspect hit a parked taxi before getting out and running away. about an hour later police responded to a domestic dispute and determined the man was also a suspect in the car theft. he's now facing multiple charges and is in custody. employees are credited with helping crack an elaborate car theft. three suspects are in custody and police say there could be more arrests. maria medina on the suspects' m.o. and how they got caught. >> these victims were really fed up and police say it's the reason they were able to crack the case. police say they had a pretty elaborate plan to steal cars. one would allegedly distract a worker at a gym while another would break in to a locker steal car keys, find the car in the parking lot then steal the car. they were able to do this at several gyms in south san jose including the ymca earlier this month. this is where their plan started to unravel. after workers learned a van had been stolen there they remembered two men were acting suspiciously, looked through the surveillance video. they shared that video with other ymcas and sure enough the two men allegedly walked in to a ymca but the workers recognized them. they scared them off then they called police. once that case was in the hands of investigators, they were able to do a lot of detective work, arrest three people, recover five cars and they say it's because of hose alert ymca workers that they were able to solve this case. here's what sergeant and ymc member had to say. >> without the y it would have been really difficult andry probably would have been looking for some of the individuals. >> so little did the suspects know that investigators county-wide were looking for them. the reason why we can't show you the sergeant's face is because he's undercover for the regional auto theft task force but they say this case is far from over. they believe there are more suspects out there. maria medina, kpix 5. we got word today ellen powell will appeal the verdict in her gender discrimination lawsuit against a powerful silicon valley venture capital firm. a san francisco jury cleared perkins of any claims. the company hindered her career because she's a woman. pao, now interim ceo at reddit, has decided to appeal. in response,cliner perkins wants to recover nearly a million dollars of litigation costs from the trial. a hearing on those costs is set for later this month. time to get a check of the weather. not a bad day outside today. >> it was milder. >> it was actually really nice. we got some sunshine. >> a little tweak in the wind is all it takes to go from the coldest may in 25 years to a pretty decent first day of june. june gloom. that was may. june is trend ing a little bit milder. how about this for the first time in a month san francisco you hit 70 degrees. been a long strange month between may 1st and june 1st where you didn't even hit 65. 75 today in san jose. livermore, 77. concord 76 and san rafael 72. let's re rehash a little may action here. i'm calling it may gray near the bay. coldest may in san jose since 1977. that's a long time ago. and may was san francisco's coldest month of the year. that has never happened in san francisco where may was colder than january and february and march and april. you may be wondering why. why has it been so breezy? why has it been so chilly? the reason why is because of the persistent onshore flow. it's still there today. it's just not as strong. there's rainfall in far northern california. we'll not tap in to that but pretty interesting weather pattern where this low stays to our north and ridge of high pressure gives us a light to moderate onshore flow. morning clouds, afternoon sunshine and not as chilly as may. watch what happens. as this low drops to the south it may tap in to some tropical moisture. the eastern pacific hurricane season is off to a very busy start. some of the tropical moisture may make it at a minimum in to southern california. we will be watching on sunday and monday next week. tuesday, oakland 69 degrees. kind of mild. vallejo, 71. san jose, 72 . san francisco 65 degrees. extended forecast, kind of a set it and forget it forecast. it will trend a bit cooler for the end of the week. although there's not a rain chance on there if some of that tropical moisture were to make it here it would be on monday. we're looking at hurricanes for some of the moisture to maybe make it up to the bay area. >> why not? >> it's been that kind of year. still ahead, shiny new and sitting empty. the setback that is leaving the $4 million fire house unused. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. it's a brand new $4 million fire station in santa rosa that was supposed to open in april but sitting empty tonight. >> kpix 5's john ramos reports it may have to undergo major renovations before it can open. >> reporter: on the road leading up to santa rosa's brand new fire station 5 there's a sign that warns conditions have changed. and boy is that the truth. >> second week in april we were notified there might be a potential problem with ada clearances. >> reporter: he said when a final check was done in april it was discovered there were place where's the $4 million building violated disability access rules. there is disabled parking and the public lobby has a lowered desktop. the kitchen counters are too high and there isn't enough room for a wheelchair to get around the center island. >> the question we have is, is it fully accessible and what does that mean for a fire station? >> it's a question because the areas involved are intended for firefighter use only. and since firefighters by definition would have to be able-bodied is it really necessary for their shower to have 60 inches of clearance? this one is an inch and a half too narrow. >> obviously we're under the impression this was a fully compliant building and now that we have been notified that it may not be we're doing the correct steps to make sure it is. >> reporter: the building was designed back in 2009 but the project was put on hold until last year. apparently ada requirements changed in the meantime. kieran coburn who lives next to the station says somebody should have caught that. >> i'm not sure if they're tearing it up or if they can modify it or what they're going to be able to do. >> reporter: the brand new refrigerators may have to be replaces or the kitchen island removed all together. they're waiting for a final ruling. but it's possible this station may have to operate as if one of its firefighters was wheelchair bound. the chief says it's frustrating but he'll do what's necessary to comply with the law and open the new station as soon as possible. in santa rosa, john ramos, kpix 5. >> the fire chief says his other stations are okay because they were all built before 2010. you get a traffic ticket, you pay right? but coming up the change that could help california drivers defend themselves before opening their wallets. >> a failing grade for tsa screeners. what undercover agents managed to get past them over and over again. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. want to update you on our breaking news out of san francisco. >> a multi-car pileup has drawn a big crowd of spectators and police. he joins us now by phone. >> at this point there are a handful of cars in this collision and as far as traffic moving around, this street is blocked off between market and mission and as you said it is starting to draw a large crowd. here's what we know at this point there was one female victim. we estimate to be 25 years old taken to the hospital at this point. this police chase, it started at 3rd and ceasar chavez. possibly in the bayview neighborhood. it ended here at fifth street and market. i'm told by an officer on the scene there were several collisions. we know one crash one female victim, not far from where i am now at 5th and howard. we're told there's still a lot of damage left over, a lot of glass at that intersection a lot of different parts here in central san francisco blocked off at this point. we'll stay on this the rest of the night and bring you the latest. now live in san francisco, mark kelly kpix 5. if you get a traffic ticket now and want to fight it in court, you likely have to pay the ticket first anyway. but a state panel wants to change that. what it would mean for drivers trying to clear their names. >> reporter: george thomas says he was in court today fighting a $600 ticket for stopping traffic to make sure a little boy could safely retrieve his ball. he said all he could think about was his little girl who used to do the same thing. >> i park my truck literally in the middle of the street, put on my hazard lights, got the kid and the ball, and the cop still gave me a ticket. >> reporter: california's chief justice is calling for a new rule that would allow thomas to hold off paying the fine until he has his day in court to explain to a jauj what -- to a judge what happened. the state rule would propose that states must allow defendants to appear for arraignment and trial without the deposited bail unless an exemption applies. one of the exemptions says courts may require the deposit of bail. that troubles attorney theresa zen who represents financially disadvantaged clients. >> judges can still impose bail based on very small minute, sometimes illegitimate reasons. >> the exact language of this proposed rule is still being drafted but it is on the fast track and could go in to effect as early as this week. in fremont investigators are trying to figure out why a man veered off of the road and slammed straight in to a tree. the 61-year-old driver was killed. it happened on mission boulevard just before 4 a.m. police say he was the only person in the car. san francisco mayor ed lee plans to do more on the budget. he says money will go toward increasing funding for police, hiring 400 new officers. he also plans to add 200 firefighters and the mayor wants to hire muni drivers. struggling to come up with a new surveillance program after the patriot program expired over the weekend. craig boswell with the battle over public safety and your privacy. >> reporter: the senate is debating a house bill that overhauls national security agency procedures on collecting u.s. phone records. >> these pictures are common sense. >> reporter: the new system under what's called the usa freedom act would require the government to get specific warrants to obtain phone records from companies. senator rand paul wants a permanent stop to collecting bulk phone records. >> the white house is pushing for congress to agree on new legislation quickly so the government can continue to track terrorists. >> there are tools critical to that effort that are no longer available. >> reporter: edward snowden revealed the government was collecting phone records and using other surveillance programs. craig boswell cbs news capitol hill. >> the next procedural vote is set for tomorrow morning. google wants to make it easier to understand its privacy controls. the company redesigned its my account hub where users can run a test to see which of google's services are gathering data about them. undercover investigators pulled it off without a hitch. the mission was simple. homeland security teams posed as passengers and tried to get banned weapons and mock explosives through security. the bad news, it worked in 95% of the tests. luckily homeland security took action with immediate safety measures. the supreme court sided with a muslim woman who didn't get hired at a retail store because she was wearing a head scarf. samantha won her case against abercrombie and fitch. she said the store denied her the job because she wears the hijab for religious reasons. intel is buying altera. altera makes chips in smart cars and phones. the deal still needs to be approved by altera stockholders. stocks in both companies rose on the news. that deal along with encouraging economic reports helped push the market slightly higher today. dow was up 28 points. nasdaq gained 12. s&p rose 4 points. a solar power plane attempting to circle the globe had to make an unscheduled stop to ride out bad weather. the solar impulse set out to china on what was supposed to be a 5,000-flight to hawaii. instead it had to land in japan. the pilots will likely stay there for a few days until the weather improves. >> this is an adventure. you have problems to squauvl -- to solve and you need to find solutions. >> the experimental aircraft took off from abu dhabi in march. the pacific crossing is the 7th of 12 flights and the riskiest. still ahead a lion attacks, killing an american tourist. the rule officials say she broke that may have cost her her life. >> plus, it draws lovers from all over the world. but now why people are bidding ado to hundreds of thousands ♪ ♪ ♪ it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. deadly attack at a south african wildlife park. an american tourist got a little too close with her camera and a lion pounced. the park lets visitors drive past roaming animals but large signs warn them to keep the car windows rolled up. her car window was rolled all the way down. she started snapping pictures. >> according to the witnesses it walked slowly to the car and stopped roughly a meter away. the lady was taking pictures of it. the lion then lunged at the car and it bit the lady through the window. >> park officials chased the lion but it was too late. they say the animal will not be euthanized. a bridge in paris has been buckling under the weight of romance, specifically locks. city officials are putting a stop to it. they're removing the 700,000 locks for safety reasons. they're saying parts of the bridge are starting to crumble and the graffiti was a big issue. crews are putting up protective glass panels instead. richmond police say they're overwhelmed with phone calls from people who fear they're under attack from space-based weapons. tonight we ask what's going on. i'll have that story and much more tonight on bay area night beat 10:00 on our sister station kbcw 44 cable 12. today begins the driest three-month stretch of the year in the bay area. june july, august we see very little of any rainfall. it's raining on kpix high def doppler right now. for over 60,000 california foster children, it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i don't need anything fancy. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. our top stories right now the widow of a b.a.r.t. officer killed in the line of duty has filed a federal lawsuit against the transit agency. sergeant tommy smith was shot and killed by a fellow officer during an apartment search in dublin last year. smith's wife kelly claims b.a.r.t. ignored his requests for more training in high risk situations. several cities have mandatory water cuts of up to 20%. if you don't meet the had requirement, it could cost you a lot in penalties. >> people living in palo alto's iconic neighborhoods want the city to put a halt to huge remodels there. they say large two-story homes ruin the feel of the neighborhoods. they're trying for an ordinants that would limit two-story construction in protected areas. the department just submitted a detailed testing timeline to the city. 12 officers will be selected to test three different types of cameras over a period of three months. the department and the city expect to choose a vendor by march. officers will spend another three month training before those cameras are actually put in to use. the city estimates the equipment alone will cost about $1 million. turns out the historic trees haven't seen nearly as much history as we first thought. this one called tree 76 is the tallest one there. at 249 feet it was originally thought to be about 1500 years old but a new tree ring analysis reveals it's only about half of that age. but it only looks 500 years old. looking good. kpix 5 high def doppler radar. folks from their backyard send us the weather information and we pop it on television. not that warm in lake county. scott lester reporting in 57 degrees with cloudy skies. hats pretty chilly for you. about 15 to 20 degrees above average. robert sullivan says 77 degrees. light on shore flow. robert reporting that in about 30 minutes ago. in between we find bill moon in arenda. partly sunny skies 66 degrees. we have it all around here. san francisco the warmest day in a month. you hit 70 today. currently 63. that's the gold en gate bridge in the background. you can only see the cars. you can't see the spire because the low cloud cover is already working its way back in. san jose checking in at 71 degrees. some rain, a little bit on kpix 5 radar. impacting mt. shasta city redding, and a little bit south perhaps in chico but the big story for the past several weeks has been the chill. look at this. not only was may below average, may so far this year has been the coldest month of the year in san francisco. that has never happened before where may was colder than january february march and april. may the coldest month of the year. overnight tonight pretty mild night. 55 in oakland. fremont, 55. santa rosa, 52 degrees. here's the set up. low pressure to our north. just showed you the rainfall. much more rainfall from medford oregon to bellingham, washington. that rain will stay to the north but it's continuing the onshore flow. it's still there. it's going no where. zonal flow. not too much of a kink in the jet stream right now. it will still be cooler than average in the bay area for the next several days. watching something very interesting. the eastern pacific right now has had an early start to hurricane season. since the winds flow counterclockwise, we may begin to see a pattern where we draw up more tropical moisture. some of that tropical moisture may make it up here and we may see a few showers or mountain thunderstorms coming up on sunday from a hurricane. very interesting. so tonight it's about fog and drizzle. that's june. mild but not warm. away from the water the breeze will still be there. watching for the tropical moisture late in the weekend to next week. highs tomorrow running a little bit below average. 77 in concord. 72 in san jose . your extended prast will stay in the 70s away from the water. all the way through sunday that is your kpix 5 forecast. do you want to be apart of super bowl 50? now is your chance. tomorrow the bay area will launch a push for volunteers to help out during super bowl week. >> the volunteers will workane number of different locations. they'll support public transportation hubs. they'll support super bowl city and san francisco. they'll support stadiums and game day opportunities. >> the host committee is looking for at least 5,000 volunteers. if you're interested you can apply online starting tomorrow. we have a link to the host (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at klay thompson's concussion symptoms appear to be improving but he won't be able to play in the finals thursday unless he passes a concussion impact test. it measures memory, processing speed and reaction time. he was getting shots in the warriors facility in oakland this afternoon. these five days removed from taking a brutal knee to the side of the head by the rockets' trevor ariza. doctors have yet to clear him to play in a game and he was asked if he could possibly imagine missing game 1. >> i couldn't, and my gut feeling is i won't and i'm pretty positive about that. did you know that steph curry, the other splash brother was a scratch handicap golfer? he was supposed to be pair would two other golfers at 9:30 this morning but instead was at warriors headquarters in oakland. >> kind of a backdoor plan in case i had a free monday but i'll happily pass the yardage book to somebody else. >> the nba wouldn't move up the start of the series after the warriors and cavs ended the conference finals ahead of schedule. whoever thought a king would have to wait. >> we're restless. we don't like this much time off. i don't think anybody likes this much time off. >> the media circus leading up to the finals is nothing new for lebron james but his coach david blatt has never experienced playing for the championship in the united states. he's been coaching in various capacities since 1993. >> when you win an nba finals here or major pro sports title here you can or may hear from the president. >> don't get ahead of yourself. you're getting way ahead of yourself. >> you don't even know what i'm saying yet. >> okay, but i feel where it's going. >> did you hear from netanyahu? >> yes i did and i heard from him the other day. i've been fortunate enough to hear from the prime minister of israel, from then president prime minister of russia and nothing better i'd like to hear from obama. >> what did netanyahu have to say? >> he said all israel is behind the cavaliers. that was great. >> after all that i can't wait to ask steve kerr if he's heard from kim jong un. if serena williams keeps it up she's going to be hearing from francois. serena is facing 22-year-old sloane stephens. it looked like a blowout for stephens in the first set. one of 43 unforced errors in the match. she was three feet but then she won the second set 7-5 closed it out 6-3 in the 3rd. serena has won 18 straight grand slam matches and is on to the quarter finals at the french. roberta gonzalez competed in iron man in kona on saturday. she wasn't even the most impressive runner this weekend. >> my son ray says mom you'll do better next year. [ laughter ] >> that's harriet thompson, the oldest person to run a marathon. 7 hours 24 minutes was her unofficial time. they passed the time during a rain delay by sharpening their wwe moves. those were fake moves. how about some real? bobby stall goes sliding along the track to make the grab. to milwaukee where fans are getting pretty good at multitasking a barehanded catch. surprise the cyclist is on his cell phone. i have no idea what this guy's excuse was but klay thompson isn't the only guy who will have to pass a concussion test after that. how about roberta gonzalez. she just texted me. she said it's 94 degrees trying to do an iron man. >> pretty impressive. >> she competed all over the place. >> the woman who was 77, is that how old she was? >> oldest ever to complete a marathon. >> goodnight. new customers can save an average of $500 just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: come on. come on. thank you much, y'all. i appreciate you now. thank y'all very much. i appreciate you. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. got another good one for you today. this family here returning for the fourth day. from munster, indiana, it's the siurek family. and from dacula, georgia it's the wood family. everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, fuel- efficient ford fusion hybrid. let's play "feud." give me heather. give me deleta. ladies top 5 answers on the board. name something that only takes two people to do, but it's even more fun if more people join in. >> sex. steve: sex. you and carl got something y'all want to tell us? >> 45 years. steve: 45 years. >> i don't want to hear that. steve: your baby brandon don't want to hear it, so let's just move on and see if, well, sex. bow chika wow wow. heather. >> pitch a tent. >> good answer.

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