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Added millions to the demolition price tag. Now the smelt threatens to do the same. And in that, even conservationists see some irony. The greatest threat to the long thin smelt is the lack of freshwater flowing from the Central Valley rivers through the delta and into the San Francisco bay estuary. Reporter and if you want to compare threats to one species of fish implosion at the bay bridge could be a knife wound to this fish. The lack of flows coming through the delta and into the estuary is a shot to the head. Reporter we just spoke with fish and wildlife reviewing the permit application and we are told its likely to be approved. So the implosion is still on. For now. What we dont know is if smelt concerns will deliver a larger price tag and remember, the lower cost was one of the big selling point for the explosives. There could be a Seismic Shift in labor in Silicon Valley. More companies could follow the lead of apple and push for workers to join unions. Kpix 5s len ramirez on what could be the start of a new trend. Len. Reporter well, ken, as you know, historically, Silicon Valley has resisted the unionization of the area. But slowly that is starting to break down. [ chanting ] reporter workers staged a protest out the Silicon Valley valley headquarters of citrix targeting the santa clara Software Company to put pressure on its security contractors universal Protection Service which workers blame for poverty wages and antiunion tactics. Security officers are standing united and we will no longer take to be, um, treated unfairly, uhm, due to low, um, wages and benefits. Reporter Silicon Valley labor unions have been beating the drum on issues like this for decades. But their efforts have only begun to gain traction. Silicon valley is the place that more than any other illustrates the problem of income inequality in this country. Reporter south Bay Labor Council president ben field says its the workers themselves that are taking on the big Silicon Valley giants and winning part of a project called Silicon Valley rising. I think that the tide has been turning. I think that theres growing public sentiment in favor of policies and Business Practices that benefit working families. Reporter apple has just agreed to make its security guards staff employees providing them with better wages and benefits instead of hiring them from an outside contractor. Bus drivers who work for compass transportation recently voted to join the Teamsters Union which could boost wages from 19. 50 to 27. 50 an hour. Most drivers are working paycheck to paycheck and we hope to be able to live comfortably buy houses, cars, things like that. You know, ordinary everyday bills and not have to struggle. Reporter and Union Leaders say the next group of workers that they want to talk to is cafeteria workers. They often work very short hours and are deliberately kept to part time status so they wont have to work and gain other benefits that the unions would provide. Reporting live in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. A hospital in sebastopol is shut down because it ran out of money, its set to reopen again. Palm drive hospital is expected to open next month. Its been closed for nearly a year after the healthcare district that owns the hospital declared bankruptcy. On morning the District Voted to turn Palm Drive Hospital over to a local nonprofit. More than 200 people are finally enjoying their hawaiian vacations. Their trip was delayed for hours after mechanical problems forced their plane back to oakland this afternoon. Hawaii Airlines Flight 47 returned a few hours after take off. The plane took off from oakland at 9 40 this morning headed for honolulu. The trouble developed over the ocean. Pilots circled for a few hours to burn off fuel before returning. Another plane was brought in from san jose to get those passengers headed back to hawaii. There was an explosion overnight at a north bay home familiar to the bomb squad and now detectives think that blast was staged. Investigators sailor reason mason purposely set off the explosion. They think she did it to discredit charges already brought against her after explosives were found in her home last month. Mason pled not guilty today in that case. She now faces more charges for last nights explosion. A 3. 2 magnitude shook part of the area this morning near san leandro shaking the area just after 10 a. M. There were no reports of damage or injuries. You can see the kuwait registered on the seismograph. This earthquake was the second in the bay area today. A 2. 6 hit near American Canyon about 9 30. There is a new longterm earthquake forecast for california. The updated study has dropped the estimated rate of earthquakes around magnitude 6. 7 by about 30 . The usgs says one that big could happen every six years. But the new study says the chances are higher that the state will have a magnitude 8 quake in the next 30 years. Its just about a year ago San Franciscos Mission Bay Neighborhood was in complete chaos. A massive Apartment Building under construction engulfed in flames. Many nearby buildings were damaged. And dozens of residents were forced out of their homes. New at 6 00, kpix 5s joe vazquez is live from the Apartment Building and joe, what a difference a year makes, huh . Reporter ken, a year ago today [ sirens ] reporter that Apartment Building back there was 80 complete. Scheduled to open in august. And then a year ago tomorrow, a fire broke out. [ loud sirens in the background ] reporter it was a sight folks around here wont soon forget. Catastrophic. It was just amazing. It looked like 9 11 it was happening down here. Reporter huge flames and billowing smoke could be seen around the city. The fivealarm fire destroyed an Apartment Building that took up a city block here in mission bay. Much of it had to be demolished, it was so badly damaged. All the residents here were freaked out. So it was a really scary time. But now look at it. Its like doesnt even look like a fire took place here. Reporter a year later theres a bee hive of construction at the development called mb360. The new owner Essex Property trust says the recovery is going strong. They plan to open it up for preleasing in august and people will move in by the end of the year. Devastating. We lost a lot of money. Im just hanging in there right now. Reporter he says the fire and cleanup left his storefront hidden behind scaffolding. Business is so bad he thought he might have to close his high end furniture store. When the fire was happening the heat was so hot it melted the whole metal structure on the building. The construction is killing my business. Reporter in fact, the fire shattered all the windows on the building across the street. They are still working on cleaning it up. They are putting the glass in because all the apartments on this side were destroyed. So its been an ongoing process. Reporter investigators believe a welder accidentally started the fire. And now a year later, theres a new rule on all construction sites that anytime they are doing hot work such as welding, they have to have somebody on fire watch to make sure Something Like that doesnt happen again. Reporting live, joe vazquez, kpix 5. Well, we have been saving water during the drought but its not enough. How much more people all over the bay area may have to pay to keep that water running. And inconvenience to some but others say its an epidemic. The trickledown effect of double parking. And the new effort to crackdown. Our kpix 5 weather watchers reporting highs in the 60s and 70s. 78 in san ramon, also sending in some good pictures. This from dana in novato showing the fog that was out there this morning. And that rebuilt back in, in the afternoon. When will we have rain . The forecast is coming up. Plus, hoping to grab your attention, these guys are taking sign spin you answered the call to conserve water during this drought and now you have to pay for it. Kpix 5s Ann Notarangelo on the big water rate hike that is being considered. Ann. Reporter and ken, dont let the green hills fool you. New water supply forecast has been released and yes, it means those water rate hikes are even more likely. Ebmud announced a dire forecast as we head towards spring to reach a regular rainy season we still need 27 inches of rain in the sierra where we usually have 6 to 7 feet of snow, only have one foot. Comanche reservoir the Water Districts largest sierra reservoir is only a third full. Ebmud customers answered the call to useless water and that means they are paying the district less. Money the district says it needs to maintain pipes, water plants and perhaps buy water. Customers can expect an 8 increase this summer and 8 to 25 surcharge on water used. Our reserves are down for water and money and going into the dry summer we need our customers to help out. Its tough but wheres the balance there . Why penalize us for working as hard as were working to conserve water by raising our rates . Reporter the Water District says it is looking into its own operating expenses to see if more cuts can be made but says its used financial reserves and left positions open to avoid having to charge customers more. The public feels helpless. What can you do . Ebmud says it listens to the public and they can weigh in and, in fact, theres a meeting on march 24 if anybody would like to attend. In lafayette, Ann Notarangelo, kpix 5. Amgen is cutting jobs and closing a building in south San Francisco. That companies makes drugs for chemotherapy patients. The cuts are part of a larger reorganization. The memo sent to staff today amgens ceo said, 300 jobs would be lost. Some drivers in San Francisco are turning city streets into parking spots. Now a supervisor wants to fix it. New at 6 00, kpix 5s Mike Sugerman with a warning for double parkers. Reporter this is not news to anyone who hits the streets of San Francisco on even an irregular basis. So how come youre double parked here . Double parking is everywhere. Its rampant. Reporter scott weiner calls it an epidemic and says the citys Parking Authority isnt doing anything about it. In 2014, there was even less double Parking Enforcement than in 2013. Reporter thats what he learned at a city hall hearing where the numbers showed tickets down 10 . Its not that theres 10 less double parking, just fewer tickets. The numbers did go down because we lost parking control officers due to attrition. Reporter ticket givers quit, retired, not enough people on the job last year. But if city hall wants to crackdown on double parking, they might want to start around city hall. Youre putting up no stopping signs but youre double park. City hall was ringed today by doubleparked trucks. What are you doing out here . [ inaudible ] reporter the city hall party. Party. Reporter parking control officers were numerous, but they didnt give any tickets. They had their hands, apparently, full monitoring a pro taiwan rally. [ screaming ] taiwan out of tibet now reporter the supervisor doesnt think they are concentrating enough on the double parking problem. If we keep letting double parking exist in the rampant way that it exists now, its going to cause huge problems. Now this year were back up to full staffing. And we have written more citations than we have in the previous years. Reporter traffic is the worst its ever been in the history of the streets of San Francisco. Double parking makes it even hearter to get around. But double parking has been around for decades and so far nothing has been able to stop it. In San Francisco, Mike Sugerman, kpix 5. The Transit Agency says it is studying the issue and will report its findings in a couple of months. Another shakeup today with the 49ers. Linebacker Patrick Willis is retiring. Sports director Dennis Odonnell tells us what all that means for this team thats gone through so many changes in the last couple of weeks. They called it black monday yesterday. The exodus of the 49ers. This one i dont think they saw coming. Frank gore was the heart and soul of the offense Patrick Willis was that on defense. He worked hard and stayed clean off the field. He was respected by everyone. His career ended today at age 30. There would not have been a day in my career that i dont feel like [ pause ] [ indiscernible ] this game [ crying ] i gave this game everything i had. Reporter he fought back tears during a 30minute press conference. Willis and new head coach jim tomsula began their 49er careers together in 2007. We talk a lot about what a man looks like. Thats what a man looks like. In every sense of the word. [ voice breaking ] reporter willis is considered the poster child of the franchise and the model of the new mantra. He played in only 6 games last season because of an injured big toe. He said above all else that he quit because his dogs were simply barking. I dont have too much in these toes. Honestly i Pay Attention to guys when they finish playing. You know, Walking Around aint got no heels, cant play with their kids, pickup basketball game, can barely walk. Reporter he walks out with 2 years and 18 million left on his contract but will have more time for his friends and family. If i want to go spend time with my lady and we want to go on vacation i dont have to be looking at her like you just dont understand i need to work out, i need to practice. Reporter when he was 17, willis and his three siblings were taken by the state of tennessee and given to chris and julie finley. Chris was the basketball coach when willis was a freshman in high school. We were newlyweds, 25 years old at the time and we took in patrick and his siblings. It sure has blessed my family now to be able to come and be a part of what he has done the last eight years here in San Francisco. Reporter just eight years between them, willis calls chris dad. Hes me son. You tell everybody here that ive got to know over the last eightyears when i leave here today its to take care of my son, take care of my boy. He seemed like a candidate for the football hall of fame but retiring at 8 years throws that. Question. He will need help from the voters. 49er fans have been doing a lot of talking online. What theyre saying is all the good guys bailing out . You got smith and all these guys all of a sudden it feels like this is coming apart. How do you replace him . There is a Silver Lining here. Chris borland replaced Patrick Willis last year. But when willis was injured borland was the first 49er rookie in 13 years to be named the nfc defensive player of the week. This guy can tackle. He is an impact Football Player so while losing Patrick Willis certainly hurts, the 49ers i think look solid at linebacker. Remember, Navorro Bowman was hurt all last year. He is coming back. You got borland, wilhoite. So that is one position i think they can afford a loss. Theres no replacing Patrick Willis but borland is good. Something is going on with that team, man. A lot. Thank you. Read my blog. Dennis, well see you in a little while. [ laughter ] paul . Yes. Read dennis blog. I want to try to get my forecast on dennis blog. Its so wildly possible. Do you have room for a forecast there, dennis . Chance of rain. Wonderful news were talking about the rain getting here about 6 to 12 hours from now. Not much but something. And more rainfall than were going to see any other day for the rest of the week and likely next week, as well. Morgan hill today ahead of the onshore flow really cranking up you hit 77. Livermore 75. But oakland 65. And San Francisco 63. Youre seeing the rain build off to the north and west on kpix 5. Hidef Doppler Radar there it is much of it not hitting the ground but just a sign that finally things are changing a bit. We are desperate not only for rainfall but we are desperate for mountain snowfall. Look at the snowpack 18 of average for this time of year. That is the lowest it has been at any point in time in the past four years. Its been a long drought. Go back to 2011. It has never been lower. So we need a change. Here is the change. Ridge moves front moves in, everything set up perfectly except this front isnt that strong. It looks a lot more impressive on the satellite and we are not going to get a direct him. North about. 25. The rest of you. 10 request. Its something. Well get a little snow in the sierra and not much. Then on thursday here it comes again. The ridge returns. We get warm likely hitting 80 degrees water on saturday. Tomorrow lets be thankful for showers. Vallejo 65. Concord 65. San jose a couple of sprinkles 67. Best chance of rain up towards santa rosa and napa with highs for you in the low 60s. Extended forecast, hello sunshine, back on thursday, friday through the weekend is 81 degrees . Away from the water we are going to be in the low 80s on saturday. So its amazing how rain hangs out like this. And then what month are we in . Its not august actually its cold here in august. Its march. Only march. Winter hasnt started yet. If you guys find it let me know. I dont think were getting it. It will happen in july or august . Gone for 2015. All right. Thanks, paul. Still ahead, getting more women in the drivers seat why uber is calling on females to take the wheel. Plus, flip, twist and tricks. Anything to attract customers. How these guys got started combining entertai ladies, uber wants you to get behind the wheel. The Ridesharing Service pledged today to sign up to 1 million female drivers around the world by the year 2020. Uber has come under fire recently for driver assaults on passengers. The company says being able to request a female driver will help other female passengers feel more at ease. Right now, about 14 of uber drivers in the United States are women. Talk about loving your job. Some sign spinners in the bay area are so into what they do, they are nearly causing traffic accidents. Kpix 5s john ramos tells us why drivers are doing a double take. Reporter when you open a business, the first thing do you is put out a sign to attract attention. But some signs do that better than others. [ beep beep ] reporter they are called sign spinners. Those Street Corner showoffs who catch your eye with a combination of acrobatic athleticism and street comedy. And from its office in hayward, arrow advertising is like the big leagues of this artform. It all began in 2002 when maxs boss caught him tossing around a sign he was supposed to be holding still. You guys start screwing around, your boss got mad, and you decided what . We started our own business. Reporter now he employs 2,000 spinners in every continent except antarctica. The idea is to attract attention to a business by first providing some quick entertainment. Each red light means a new audience. Across the world its just one of the oldest forms of advertising. Stand here and point at stuff so people can find it and we just want to put a new spin on that. Reporter the company trains all its spinners. And they take it seriously honing their craft and developing new tricks. Three years ago, danny was on a sacramento Street Corner dressed as the statue of liberty. Back then i had, um, milkshakes thrown at me on the corner. I have had a bicycle tire thrown out of a car at me. A bicycle tire. Reporter now danny is an accomplished spinner and just last week finished fifth in the International Sign spinning championships in las vegas hosted by, guess who, arrow advertising. Its not easy work. Imagine doing this for eight straight hours. But if you do like what you see given them a little salute with a polite beep beep goes a long way because they are really thats why theyre out there to make you smile and make sure that they got your attention. Reporter that shouldnt be a problem. They are a little hard to miss. In hayward, john ramos, kpix 5. Watch that thing. It will take your head off. The company says many of its spinners began as hiphop dancers or skateboarders. They say theyre always looking for new trainees. The pay starts at about 10 bucks an hour. I could see that as a new fitness craze at the gym. Three or four hours a day, no kidding. Coming up in the next half hour Hillary Clinton speaks out for the first time about her email controversy. I fully complied with every rule that i was governed by. She worked to correct her mistake but republicans arent buying it. [ rap ] no doubted youve heard that song before. And thats the problem. The verdict that has two current singers paying up big time to a music legend. Why do we do it . Why do we spend every waking moment, thinking about people . Why are we so committed to keeping you connected . Why combine performance with a conscience . Why innovate for a future without accidents . Why do any of it . Why do all of it . Because if it matters to you its everything to us. The s60 sedan. From volvo. Lease the wellequipped volvo s60 today. Visit your local volvo showroom for details. In our house, we do just about everything online. And our old internet just wasnt cutting it. So i switched us from uverse to xfinity. They have the fastest, most reliable internet. Which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. Works . Works. Works works . Works. Works. Welcome back. At 6 30, a tiny environmentally friendly threatened fish could complicate caltrans plans to blow up one of the piers. The old eastern span of the bay bridge. Wildlife officials want to make sure that the costeffective implosion plan wont jeopardize the lives of too many tiny smelt. Silicon valley labor unions are putting pressure on High Tech Companies to unionize to give workers better wages and benefits. It comes after apple agreed to make its security guards staff employees and bus drivers for google joined the Teamsters Union. You knew this would happen. The bay areas three largest water agencies now considering raising your rate. They say they are losing money because youre conserving so much water as we face a fourth year of drought. Water rates could go up as much as 30 former secretary of state Hillary Clinton is defending her use of a private email account. As marlie hall reports, it seems clear mrs. Clinton is ready to put the issue to bed. I thought as a matter of convenience reporter after days of silence, Hillary Clinton spoke for the first time about her use of a private email account while secretary of state. She said no classified material was sent on her personal account and no government rules were broken. Looking back, um, it would have been probably, um, you know, smarter to have used two devices. But i have, um, absolute confidence that everything that could be in any way, um, connected to work is now in the possession of the, um, state department. Reporter clinton says she handed over about 30,000 work related emails and had no reason to save personal emails. I fully complied with every rule that i was governed by. Reporter mrs. Clinton was at the United Nations tuesday to deliver a speech about womens empowerment. But much of the focus was on the email issue. Republicans have accused her of avoiding transparency and committing ethical lapses. I went above and beyond what i was requested to do. Reporter clinton said her server would remain private. The state department is reviewing the emails that clinton has turned over. Marlie hall, cbs news, new york. A spokesman for Republican House Speaker John Boehner said clintons press conference raised more questions than it answered and the American People deserve the truth. It was a packed courtroom today during crucial testimony in one of the biggest lawsuits in Silicon Valley. Ellen pao is suing her former Venture Capital firm for sex discrimination. As kpix 5s andria borba reports, she chose to sue for 16 million to make a point. I wanted to make sure my story was told. Reporter in her second day of testimony in the Kleiner Perkins discrimination trial ellen pao told jurors that after ending an affair with an exec at the firm she was slowly choked out of business deals before ultimately getting fired. In crossexamination, Kleiner Perkinss attorney who had been voicing objections all morning long went on the attack methodically trying to poke holes in her testimony and backing the discrepancies out with 2014s deposition. Pao now the interim ceo of reddit is suing the Silicon Valley firm for 16 million in damages. She said it was about making a point about sexual discrimination about women being denied promotions in favor of less qualified men. I wanted the payment to be enough so it was meaningful enough to Kleiner Perkins so that it would actually show that it is painful not to fix problems. I thought around 10 million would be a meaningful number that would actually hit their radar. In San Francisco, andria borba, kpix 5. The trial is expected to last about three more weeks. New call for three more sheriffs deputies to be charged after a San Francisco man was beaten inside a hospital emergency room. One deputy 33yearold Michael Lewelling is already facing charges after allegedly assaulting fernando guanill. But three other deputies were there when it happened in november. And guanills attorneys say they failed to stop it. Guanill, who is homeless, was at San Francisco general when he said he was attacked. The confrontation was caught on tape. They quickly ran over and helped Deputy Lewelling drag him off camera while he was unconscious being choked. Thats completely unacceptable. Guanills lawyers are asking the d. A. Now to pursue criminal charges against the other deputies. Lewelling is facing four felonies including perjury and filing a false police report. A university of oklahoma student expelled for a racist chant is apologizing. Parker rice is one of the students seen here in this video. It shows members of the sae fraternity chanting racial slurs. Rice is one of two students kicked out of school today. The sae chapter has also been closed. Fraternity members have until midnight to pack up and move out. Stood up and say, hey, we should not say this. Another video surfaced this morning fueling the fallout. The fraternitys 78yearold house mother is seen using the same racial slur back in 2013. So far, she has not responded to this new video. New at 6 00, utah has passed a bill allowing firing squads to carry out the death penalty. Its the only state to do it. The firing squad would only be used if there is a shortage of execution drugs. The bill sponsors say its faster and more humane than the drawn out deaths that have occurred in botched lethal injections. Opponents say firing squads are cruel holdovers from the wild west days. Also tonight a growing movement in the Nations Capital surrounding the use of medical marijuana. Craig boswell on the push to stop the federal prosecution of medical pot users in states where its legal. Reporter its an unusual coalition. A trio of senators both republican and democrats standing alongside advocates of marijuana use backing legislation to partially legalize medical marijuana on the federal level. If one of these patients up here takes marijuana in the states where its illegal they would go to jail. Reporter the idea is to remove the threat of federal prosecution for those using medical marijuana in the 23 states where it is currently legal. It would literally be opening a door that has been locked for so many years. Reporter kate hopes her 4 yearold daughter morgan can use a form of marijuana instead of drugs with harsh side effects. If not, brain surgery may be the only option. Its just terrifying. No one wants to [ indiscernible ] especially on a little child. Reporter the bill would also expand access for research and lift the ban on doctors at veterans facilities prescribing marriages to patients in states where its legal. Our veterans are prohibited to from getting the treatment they need to relieve pain and suffering. Reporter but the American Society of addictive medicine says approval every any medication through a legislate of any medication through a legislative process rather than scientific process places the public at grave risk. The senators say trying to get their bill passed will be a months long process. Craig boswell, cbs news, capitol hill. If its approved the bill would allow medical Marijuana Companies to use banks without fear of being prosecuted for Money Laundering laws. A soda tax didnt pass in San Francisco. But supporters are not giving up. Their new push to get people to cut down on sugary drinks. The jury says its a ripoff now two big name music stars are First Impressions are important. Youve got to make every second count. Banking designed for the way you live your life. So you can welcome your family home. For the first time. Chase. So you can. A bad day on wall street. The dow down 332. Nasdaq down 82. S p down 35. Traders are concerned over a possible Interest Rate hike by the Federal Reserve in june. Target is laying off 1700 workers. The company says they need to restructure in order to save money. They want to cut two billion dollars in could see over the next two years. Target leaders warned last week that this would mean eliminating thousands of jobs. The company is also taking away 1400 positions that were listed as open for hire. You may soon see Health Warning labels on ads for sugary drinks in San Francisco. The warning will say drinking sugarsweetened sodas car lead to obesity, diabetes and tooth decail. The proposal is being discussed by the board of supervisors. They are also talking about banning soda auth on the city owned property like ads for cigarette and alcohol. Mcdonalds may add kale to their menu. A wall street Marketing Firm is pushing mcdonalds to add kale as an ingredient. They say adding the superfood could improve the restaurants ratings with customers. For now, mcdonalds is not commenting. Well, some songs just sound like others youve heard before but in this case its more than a coincidence. At least thats what a jury is saying. The big penalty for a couple of music stars. Nothing blurred in the sky right now. We are talking about clouds, everywhere from the south bay all the way up to Sonoma County including this great time lapse from the exploratorium. Wow something sounds sweet in here need a little honey in the bowl. Yeah badabopbopbopa no . Must be the honey living into nightmare. Tonight some bay area tenants say their landlord is sabotaging their home to force them out. Ill have that tonight at 10 00 on nightbeat at 10 00 on our sister station, kbcw 44 cable 12. A huge blow tonight for singer songwriters robin thicke and Pharrell Williams. They lost their copyright lawsuit. The jury ruled the singers copy a famous marvin gaye song. Take a look. [ music ] reporter the jury ruled the song blurred lines clearly copied marvin gayes classic got to give it up. Pharrell williams claims he wrote the 2013 song with robin thicke but the jury didnt buy it awarding gayes family nearly 7. 4 million. The daughter says she and her brothers went to court to preserve their fathers legacy. There was nothing else to do but stand up for him. Stand up for his music. Reporter williams testified he composed most of blurred lines. [ music ] reporter which was the biggest hit song in 2013. The grammy winning singer acknowledged similaritie to marvin gayes song but didnt copy it. The song blurred lines came from the heart and soul of Pharrell Williams and no one else. Reporter during the two week trial the eight jurors heard detailed comparisons of the two songs examining their notes and chords. This is about the copying of melody, of harmony. Reporter blurred lines generated more than 60 million in profit while the ga yes say they are happy with the jurys decision they probably wont see any money while the case is appealed. Danielle nottingham, cbs news, los angeles. A bay area woman is showing how Fresh Produce can change everything. She has created a youth urban garden project called [ non english language ] we wanted to be that organization that actually does things. Kelly carlisle is the winner of the super bowl host committees playmaker grant. The committee is giving out 50 grants over the course of 50 weeks leading up to super bowl 50. Kpix 5 is the media partner for super bowl 50. We are now 333 days away from the big game. Wahoo go to our website, kpix. Com super bowl for all things super bowl. We are just one minute away from paul deanno the countdown clock to weather watchers, as well. We have viewers sending in weather information. We are going to take you to petaluma where the high today was only 60 degrees. Peggy rogers says its in the upper 50s now. Heavy fog with clearing around 1 00 and now its cloudy and windy as some rain gets closer. Out to antioch where the high was 70 today. John reports in with that temperature of 70 degrees. He also says cloudy all day, morning fog and then afternoon some even higher clouds. So weather watchers letting us know whats going on in your neighborhood. You can join up kpix. Com weatherwatchers. Take you to the radar and show you whats happening there as we have some rain beginning to move n you see it building off to the west the majority of that not hitting the ground yet but it will overnight tonight. Cloudy night mild night. Concord 50. San jose 52. San ra fes 50. Some showers impacting your morning commute tomorrow. If i were just to show you this and not say a word would you say, were in for another soaker another inch or two of rainfall. It looks impressive on your television screen. Its not that impressive and the majority of the jet Stream Energy will be aimed to our north as opposed to coming here. Looks are deceiving. The ridge moved out the front moved in and well see some rainfall tomorrow morning but 99. 9 of it will miss to our north. And by thursday, a full 100 of the ridge will move back in blocking anything new from coming in for the next several days so the rain you get tomorrow morning is likely the only rain you will see for a while. Well get warm and sunny quickly as the front moves through. In the north bay a tenth inch to quarter inch of rainfall not much. But its something. East bay less. South bay up to. 10. San francisco, san mateo counties up to. 15. Couple north bay showers tonight youre first. Then light showers for all of us on and off throughout the day tomorrow. It may add up to a slower commute morning and evening because the roads will be slick. San francisco tomorrow showers 64. San jose tomorrow 67. Palo alto you will get a couple of showers 66. Hayward 66 degrees. Mid60s about everywhere tomorrow including pittsburg at 66, dublin 64. Alameda mid60s. Mill valley mid60s with showers. The best chance of a good accumulating rainfall up toward ukiah with a high of 58 degrees. Extended forecast 70s return on thursday. We may see some low 80s away from the water coming up on saturday. We have taken the rain chance out of the forecast for sunday in the north bay and it will feel like spring with Kaiser Permanente youll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Become a member of Kaiser Permanente. Because together, we thrive. Patrick willis decided to walk away from football while he could still walk. Injuries to willis feet and toe versus brought an end to his career. The 11th overall pick in 2007 willis quickly became one of the best line barkers in football making 7 pro bowls in his 8 seasons but retiring still young will likely hurt his chances of making the hall of fame. In my head im already hall of fame. This this this today this closure, this, um, of this chanter to me feels like chapter to me feels like a hall of fame type environment to me. So if the hall of fame is anything more than this and i get to be part of it, its been amazing. Frank gore is still leaving San Francisco. But he is not going to philadelphia. Gore had a change of heart and has agreed to a threeyear deal with the colts that reportedly includes 8. 5 million in guaranteed money. There is some good news for 49er fans. Wide receiver torrey smith has agreed to a fiveyear deal with San Francisco. And that includes 22 million in guaranteed money. The 26yearold caught 11 touchdowns last season with baltimore. The raiders have reportedly agreed to a deal with former seahawks linebacker Malcolm Smith who is best known as the mvp of super bowl xlviii. Oakland has also agreed to a twoyear deal with a runningback danville native roy has lou who caught 42 passes for 477 yards last season in washington. The seahawks got a upgrade trading a pick. Former patriots cornerback Darrelle Revis is headed back to the jets for 39 million guaranteed. College hoops. Usf win needed one more win to make the ncaa tournament for the First Time Since the clinton administration. It was quite a turnaround on the hilltop for jennifer. First half dons on a 100 run the senior ties winston led with 24 points and 10 rebounds but byu heated up from the outside. Morrison knocks down one of cougars 11 threes. Byu beats usf, 7665, to punch their ticket to the big dance. Good night, that is a huge fish that is a huge fish. And that is bob reimer showing off the 125pound marlin that he caught in cabo san lucas. He says it took him about 45 minutes to pull that baby in. I believe it. Yeah. Right . How do you know . Huh . [ laughter ] whoa. I went fishing once or twice. Never caught anything like that. Come on, really . What have you caught . I never caught one of those. Thats why i was asking. Ill show you a bigger sailfish that i caught. [ laughter ] veronica, this is the size of my fish. Okay . Email us your pictures to kpix. Com and well get your story. Strange looking fish. I did not know that you went fishing for those big babies in cabo. Dennis showed you the this is the name your price tool. It gives you options based on your budget its a piece of cake. I was told there would be cake. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. Announcer its time to play family feud give it up for steve harvey [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve come on. Come on hey, folks welcome to the show. Good, good. How are yall . I appreciate it, man. Well, welcome to family feud, everybody. Im your man steve harvey. Weve got a good one for you today, folks. Returning for their second day from the bronx no, brooklyn, new york its the limite family. [applause and cheering] and from powder springs, georgia, its the rodgers family. [applause and cheering] everybody is here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brandnew, fuelefficient ford fusion hybrid. [applause and cheering] lets go give me tina, give me kendrick. [clapping] all right, guys, here we go. Weve got the top 7 answers on the board. We asked 100 men if you were a hospital patient what would you rather have a female nurse do for you than a male nurse . Kendrick. Sponge bath. [laughter] [applause] steve sponge bath. [applause and cheering] pass or play . Were playing, steve steve theyre going to play. [applause and cheering] hey, kendrick. Hey, steve. How are you doing . Steve good, good, good. What do you do for a living . I am a School Teacher and, at night, i am a lead vocalist in a band a cover band. [applause and cheering] thats right, thats right. Steve lead vocalist in a cover band. Whats the name of the band . The flames show and band in starkville, mississippi. [applause and cheering]

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