Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20140830 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20140830

a fire crew forgot to close the garage door. jones went to make sure everything was okay. as he walked out, a white officer responding to a possible burglary in progress yelled, don't move! put your hands up! >> his hands is on his gun. he was crouched, he was low. and he was basically in a shooting stance. >> reporter: jones complied. he noticed his 9-year-old was starting to crime. the officer saw the two kids first and had already told them to raise their hands. >> my name is keith jones. i'm an oakland firefighter. i work here. those are my kids. could you, please, allow them to put their hands down? and let them know that it's okay? and which he looked at me, told me, keep your hands up. and don't move. >> reporter: jones says this lasted for a few minutes. >> i'm pretty much thinking he is going to shoot me. >> i was thinking he was going to shoot my dad the whole time. >> i was getting ready about to cry. but my hands started to get tired but i kept them up. >> reporter: finally, the lone officer allowed jones to reach into his pocket and show his firefighter identification. jones says the incident traumatized his kids and changed their perception on police officers. >> images in my head about how my dad got shot and so i keep on trying to forget it but -- so because it scares me a lot. >> i think they view black males as a threat. >> reporter: don cameron isn't involved in the case, does not work for opd but trains police officers. he says the new officer was following protocol. >> i don't think it had anything to do with race at all. i think the officer just, hey, i have a burglary in progress, there's people right here. there's a guy walking out of the location. i don't know who he is. >> reporter: the police trainer says the officer should have at least apologized though to the firefighter and two children. now, this incident has gone so serious, the fire chief apparently called the police chief about this. in fact, jones filed a complaint against that police officer. opd is confirming the incident but wouldn't comment on it. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> oakland police do say the entire incident was caught on the police officer's wearable body camera they put right about here. internal affairs is now reviewing this complaint. aldon smith off the field troubles caught up with him today. the nfl suspended the 49ers linebacker for nine games. in a means he will miss more than half the season -- that means he will miss more than half the season. the team knew he would be suspended, not sure how long. since last season he has been busted for dui, illegal gun possession and more recently making a false bomb threat at l.a.x. more on what appears to be a get tough punishment coming up in sports. more buildings in napa were red-tagged today during another round of inspections and the city is warning everyone do not enter them. a man went into his red-tagged home yesterday and wanted to get some of his things. he had to be rescued after he suddenly got trapped. >> while this man was inside that home, it shifted and collapsed further. he ended up being trapped inside not underneath debris but the building shifted in a way he couldn't get out. the fire department had to be called, put up a ladder bring him out a window. >> crews did get him out okay but now the buildings on both sides of the home are red- tagged because the one in fact middle is so unstable. >> some building owners in napa are being called out for not having their buildings retrofitted. it's work that was required years ago. as kpix 5's ryan takeo shows us, there is a domino effect. >> reporter: here's one of the problem buildings. 810 brown. they are five years past the city retrofit deadline and city leaders say the business is ignoring warnings. now it's costing nearby businesses during what's supposed to be a busy three days ahead. >> this is a big important weekend for us. >> reporter: instead of seeing tourists flow in for labor day weekend, lewis's velo pizzeria is red-tagged but not because of his building. his is retrofitted. inspectors say it's because of the one next door. >> that's really frustrating. >> and behind us over here is an example of an owner who ignored the ordinance and did nothing to retrofit his building. >> reporter: this law office wasn't retrofitted even though the city's deadline for that was in 2009. >> because earthquakes simply did not represent historically a serious threat to napa. >> reporter: brian silver owns the historic building. he has been vocal for years about the city's retrofit rules. he says the work is expensive and points outbuildings where retrofits didn't work. >> look at that building. it was retrofitted. retrofitting doesn't make that much difference if the earthquake is big enough. >> whatever the reason, the fact of the matter is we had an earthquake where it was an issue. >> reporter: this napa city councilman says the city even pushed back deadlines during the recession for owners like silver who worried about the cost. >> i think mr. silver has been challenging the work. >> reporter: he goes so far as to say silver is the most difficult property owner town. >> i don't know why he should say that. i don't understand that because, uhm, they have never had any problem with me. >> he was shocked by it! uhm, the city perhaps is feeling a little jumpy. now they may be feeling a little nervous about it and looking for a scapegoat. >> reporter: there's plenty of finger-pointing going around. but all the businesses next door care about is opening the doors and getting back to normal. >> done things the right way and it's very discouraging when somebody else doesn't and you're the ones penalized for it. >> reporter: silver now says he is planning upgrades to the building but he didn't have a specific timeline. ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> the usgs wants to get more seismographs in urban areas for better measurements of ground movement. right now napa has one seismograph. it is one that recorded sunday's quake. it's installed at downtown joe's brewery and restaurant. it's a new type of seismograph that communicates to the usgs through the internet. >> you know, i just like science and, uhm, we were going through earthquake retrofit here so i was studying about earthquakes, found the net quakes program, applied for it, i didn't remember i applied for it. so when they called me years later to install the device i was surprised >> since sunday's quake, the usgs says it wants to install more of the devices in the napa area. crews are hammering away tonight on 280. the freeway is closed northbound from the 101 interchange in san francisco all the way to king street. the construction is going to make that freeway safer. as anne makovec shows us, in the meantime, it's causing some headaches for drivers. >> it's insane. >> reporter: traffic backups started yesterday afternoon and ramped up again for this morning's commute. >> i tried back streets didn't work. i tried 101, it was stop and go. >> reporter: this is the third and final in a series of closures planned during holiday weekends this year as caltrans works to replace broken hinges along cesar chavez and 24th street. they allow for movement during an earthquake. >> so we identified locations that were worn out and needed repair. and we made temporary safety repairs but now we're here to do a permanent fix. >> reporter: the on-ramps affected alemany boulevard, the highway 101 connector to northbound i-280, 18th street and indiana street making it difficult to get into downtown san francisco from the south. kpix 5 traffic reporter elizabeth wenger followed the jams all morning. >> right now northbound 101 is the worst approach. it's backed up solidly all the way to south san francisco right around oyster point straight into your downtown san francisco exits. >> reporter: for some drivers, knowing it's for their safety makes it easier to swallow. >> i don't mind that. i can deal with the congested traffic. >> reporter: and for others, it's motivation to forge a new path. >> i'm moving to san francisco after this. >> reporter: no more traffic for you. >> yeah, yeah, got to go, got to move. >> reporter: the highlight of the construction project this afternoon, that crane has been bringing in planks of wood putting that over steel rods already in place. and later on this weekend, they will be pouring concrete over the whole thing it. the project is expected to be wrapped up at the latest by tuesday at 5 a.m. in san francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. >> well, we have the maps and the times of the re-opening online plus realtime traffic at it's going to cost you more to ride muni. fares will be going up on labor day. to ride the trains it's going to cost $2.25. monthly passes will bump up from $66 to $68. and lifeline passes will go up a buck to $34 a month. the fare is for seniors, the disabled and children, those won't change. these are the first fare increases since 2009. caltrain says it's seeing a jump in riders. the number of people taking the train has more than doubled over the past decade. caltrain now serves 53,000 people every day. and it sees no signs of slowing down. it expects that number to rise to 69,000 by 2020. this is the busiest caltrain has been in its 150-year history. bay area headlines, a man was hit and killed by a car crossing a busy street in campbell. it happened about 1:30 on west hamilton avenue and winchester boulevard. witnesses say the 70-year-old man was jaywalking. the driver did stop and is cooperating with police. a new development in the case of an east bay high school teacher who tweeted violent thoughts about students. newark police are investigating. police say an officer plans to meet with krista hodges and her lawyer. police are looking into whether the teacher had any intention of doing anything criminal. an unusual hairstyle could lead to tips in the case of a missing elderly woman. the san ramon woman has distinctive pink hair. she walked away from her family's home wednesday afternoon. the family plans a huge search tomorrow near north canyon road. watch out if you park in a well known san francisco garage. sfpd says there is a rash of vehicle burglaries at the stockton sutter garage near union square. 80 break-ins have been reported in the past year. that's a third of all car break- ins in the northeast part of the city. police are stepping up patrols at that garage. well, the u.s. customs and border protection made a creepy discovery inside a package at sfo. giant millipedes! oh, take a look at this! they were in a package labeled toy car model that came from germany. the millipedes were a foot long each. they were inside a large styrofoam box along with chunks of soil. customs agents say it's not illegal to import exotic animals but this particular package lacked the proper permits. >> seriously? somebody wanted those? >> was it 20-foot-long millipedes or two foot-long milpitas? >> a food long each but still, ew! to each his own. rich history on bay area waters. coming up, how the once thriving shrimp fish industry has a new effort to keep it alive. >> the hurricane was far from a california but it's still leaving a mess along this beach. >> reporter: mobile weather tonight live from friday night football! jv game now, varsity game soon. two of the best teams in all of northern. we're live from san ramon with your forecast coming up. stick around. ,,,, female announcer: through monday, get three years interest-free financing and save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. apple is they've put so we are still trying to figure out what exactly apple is up to in cupertino. they have put up this white building on the campus of de anza college. the company also sent out an invitation to an event at the neighboring flint center. speculation is running rampant that the company is going to unveil something big on september 9. 30 years ago steve jobs unveiled the mac at the flint center. >> what a day. new at 6:00, what do the genentech campus, coyote point and point malate have in common? they were once part of the thriving chinese shrimp fishing industry. sharon chin reports. >> reporter: rear'ing sailing in a replica of the china -- we're sailing into a replica of the chinese junk. we are catching part of the bay time's maritime heritage. >> the history of chinese shrimp fishing is forgotten. >> reporter: so she is exploring though forgotten stories. >> it was recorded in 1882 that approximately one million pounds of dried thisevic was exported to china so it was a significant trade. >> she is directing the profit through her nonprofit chinese whispers. she and a production crew are recording their voyages as they sail along some of the old 26 shrimp fishing villages from suisun to redwood city. they are going to use the audio and video at the national maritime museum in san francisco next fall. the team chases chinese shrimping from its start in the 1850s to 1911 when new restrictions on shrimp exports and regulations on the size of fishing nets shut down the thriving industry. >> we can't recreate history. but we can try to retrace and reimagine and most importantly retell the story. >> reporter: and what better transportation than this replica of a chinese shrimp boat that state and national parks constructed a decade ago along san francisco bay? experiencing the wind and tide, it doesn't get more real than this. >> really celebrates sort of the skill and the know-how of the fishermen. really brings their experience into mind. >> reporter: the vessel is named the grace quan after the mother of frank quan, 89-year- old frank himself a former shrimp fisherman remembers the heyday when his grandfather ran a store at the china camp village home to hundreds of chinese fishermen in marin county. >> processing 5,000 pounds a day. >> reporter: now china camp village's last remaining resident, frank sails with the research crew. >> so then we get a lot of younger chinese coming in and enjoining the history. >> reporter: keeping it alive. on san pablo bay, sharon chin, kpix 5. >> next month learn more about the bay area chinese shrimp fishing industry at 3 day long programs. they are in three places. for that schedule and details go to very cool. hurricane marie pounded up mounds of marine plants on a california beach. rangers spent the day yesterday pushing kelp and seaweed back into the ocean near santa barbara. the beach was still recovering from a storm in march that carved a nearly 10-foot drop into the shoreline. we're turning to our weather. paul deanno in san ramon. it's early for the lights to come on. >> reporter: the light right now is that star that's really close to the sun, but when it goes down soon we are getting ready for varsity football here. we're live at cal high, beautiful san ramon taking on the pittsburgh pirates. the grizzlies, the home team tonight. this is the jv game which is a barnburner. the pirates are driving with two minutes to go. if they score a touchdown they can tie or win it. here's the pass. oh!! off the hands of number 3. i'll leave the rest to sports to mr. vern glenn. i'll tell you about some weather on a beautiful friday evening. it was warm even with the cloud cover. morgan hill 90. concord 86. napa 86 degrees today. san jose 83. fremont you hit 80 despite the clouds and san francisco almost made it to 70. we're talking san ramon for the football game tonight. here's your san ramon microclimate forecast for the weekend. beautiful sunshine back tomorrow. sunday sunshine 82. a lot going on 24 weekend. the labor day holiday weekend millbrae art and wine festival saturday and sunday mainly sunny mild upper 70s and nostalgia days, tomorrow only sunshine 80 degrees. here's a look at what's going on in outer space looking down toward the bay area. northern california. we are on the periphery of what was once hurricane marie. it gave us cloud cover tonight and will tomorrow morning. the ridge of high pressure holds and the weekend will be dry and as a matter of fact the sunshine will return as soon as tomorrow afternoon. tomorrow,ic canning off the holiday weekend -- kicking off the holiday weekend, 88 in livermore. 70s in san francisco. mountain view 79. your extended forecast, 90s inland upper 80s low 90s through labor day. low to mid-70s near the bay with some morning cloud cover, mid-60s partly sunny at the coast. if anything it will be cooler as we go back to work and the kids go back to school next week down to the 80s inland and 60s near the bay. we have a live football game going on right now. the varsity game kicks off at 7:00. pittsburg and cal high ranked number 12 and 13 respectively in all of northern california. we also have an excellent marching band here from pittsburg high school. guys, are you ready for tonight's game? >> whoo! >> reporter: i think we have some school spirit out here in san ramon. it's a great night for football! friday night football kicking off tonight on a beautiful friday evening. back to you in the studio. >> okay. >> paul needs to get them to do the wave. you have heard of a wishing well, right? coming up, now a tree has some people in the east bay wishing big. >> plus, how someone just trying to help caused this gusher. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oakland. a fire hydrant shooting water 40 feet into air could be seen drivers got a show with their commute in oakland. the fire hydrant shot water 40 feet into the air could be seen from 880. it was a aaa tow truck that sheared off the top of the hydrant sending water spewing high into the air. firefighters were called in to shut it down. new at 6:00, some say you should keep your wishes to yourself. or they will come true! people in one east bay neighborhood though hoping for the opposite. kpix 5's john ramos shows us they are displaying their wishes for all to see. >> reporter: on a quiet stretch of delaware street in berkeley is a tree bearing a special kind of fruit. it is the stuff dreams are made of. >> i wish i had a skateboard and some kids riding it. >> reporter: this is the wish tree. actually it's a number of potted bamboo plants upon which people are asked to write a single wish for all the world to see. 16-year-old jody got the idea for it at a creative writing camp this summer. >> so i decided that would be really awesome to like see how many people walk by my house and how many people will put up wishes. so i decided to do it with the bamboo. >> reporter: the wishes range from finding purpose in life to finding a zero calorie gelato. and while some people took the opportunity to have a little fun, most were serious and thoughtful in their approach. while one wishes for the demise of the gop, another just wants to get his book published. ava and sam duncan think the genius of the project is in its simplicity. >> its like, you know, if the whole world could see my message this is what it would be in one sentence. >> reporter: but putting your heart's desire into a single sentence is bound to stir emotion and many reflect the loneliness that some feel. how can you read this without getting a lump in your throat? >> people would like to connect with the world. to connect with each other. they like to put stuff out there and i'm sure they walk away feeling a little better about what they wrote on the wish tree. >> reporter: because the only thing more important than having your wishes come true is to have them be heard. in berkeley, john ramos, kpix 5. >> jody says she would like to see the wish tree get even bigger but, of course, that would require more bamboo plants. [ laughter ] >> well, now have a chance to show off your musical talents with mother nature as part of the audience. ♪[ music ] >> this is so cool. for the first time the santa clara parks and recreation department has put four pianos in county parks. pianists of all ages and skills can play as long as you want. three will be available in september. the one at the alviso marina will be there until the october 12th. >> i need the player piano that plays for you. that's my style. >> chopsticks? >> maybe. coming up in our next half- hour, coast guard officers busted. >> what they are accused of doing on land that has them in hot water. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, accu riving drunk. welcome ba now at 6:30, officers who are supposed to keep you safe on the water accused of driving drunk. welcome back. i'm allen martin. >> i'm veronica de la cruz. kpix 5's linda yee is on yerba buena island tonight. the officer is still on the job, linda? >> reporter: yes, they are, veronica. two chief petty officers who work at this coast guard station have high level security positions. even more disturbing, those positions include navigation safety! chief petty officer michael padgett posted this on facebook before getting arrested. he was reporting for duty when he was stopped a mile from the coast guard gate at yerba buena island. in his report, the officer said he smelled a strong odor of alcohol and "i noticed his eyes were red and watery and his speech was slurred." padgett measured .186 on a breath test more than two times the legal limit. we caught up with him at his marin county home. >> i got all that -- that's all in litigation and everything. >> reporter: you're denying it happened? >> no. >> reporter: a coast guard statement says he has been temporarily removed from his job coordinating law enforcement and search-and- rescue operations. in a separate incident chief petty officer warren was arrested for dui in brentwood. he measured the .14 on a breast at the time. he remains on his job managing a team responsible for navigation safety of commercial vessels in the san francisco bay region. the coast guard is continuing its internal investigation tonight. in the meantime, both men could face discharge. reporting live at yerba buena island, linda yee, kpix 5. we have an update to a story rebrought you at the top of the hour. a napa pizzeria red-tagged because a neighboring business was unstable. the owner was about to lose out on labor day weekend crowds. kpix 5's ryan takeo tells us, the city just delivered some good news. >> reporter: here at velo pizzeria they have had a red tag since yesterday. it's actually the building behind this building that is the problem. it wasn't retrofitted but here at velo they have had a pop-up pizza stand just pop up within the last hour or so at 6:30. they are starting so they have already started to serve thanks to a donation from redwood. we're here with dan one of the owners. why is this so important for you to get this pop-up pizza stand going? >> i think for many reasons. first of all, you know, we wanted to let people know that napa is alive and downtown. we have only been open for two weeks, right? and, you know, we wanted to show both our staff and the community that we're here, that, you know, while there's been some challenges, that we're here for the long haul. it's also great to see some of -- that they have allowed us to do this. >> reporter: thank you for letting us know about this. so velo pizzeria is open! albeit temporary location right here. they hope to get inside this building soon. in napa, ryan takeo, kpix 5. the other good news from napa tonight, the city says it's on schedule to have all the water lines fixed by this evening. >> hm. bowing to pressure, san jose police will give up a military-style truck it got for free. the 15-ton armored truck similar to this one was military surplus given to the department for free. many police agencies have them. but san jose police have now sided with critics. they say the armored vehicles are symbols of barriers between police and the public. some san jose police officers disagree. >> this is a very, very large heavy suv type vehicle that is designed to keep account occupants safe from bombs and gunfire. >> the city of davis will also give up its armored truck. antioch, south san francisco and redwood city are three bay area cities that plan to keep their trucks. well, with surveillance flights already under way, there's been speculation the u.s. would soon launch air strikes against isis strongholds in syria. but president obama says there are no plans for military action. cbs reporter tara mergener tells us his choice of words though is drawing criticism. >> reporter: president obama says the u.s. isn't prepared to carry out air strikes on isis targets in syria. >> we don't have a strategy yet. >> reporter: that drew swift criticism interest republicans. >> that may come as a surprise to some. [ laughter ] >> but it is not a surprise to our allies and to our add remember sierras around the world. >> reporter: the white house is walking back the comments saying the president was simply saying the pentagon is still working on plans for any military action. >> the syria component here is a relatively new one and we just aren't there yet as an interagency team. >> reporter: president obama says if he decides on military action in syria, he will consult with congress. he is also talking to regional allies and dispatching secretary of state john kerry to the middle east. >> every element of his national security strategy is thought through. it includes a lot of important diplomatic work both with the iraqi government but also with governments in the region. >> reporter: friday, isis prompted britain to raise its terror threat level to severe, indicating a terrorist attack is highly likely even though there is no specific threat. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. >> now, the department of homeland security announced it has no plans to raise the threat level in the united states at this time. you carry them everywhere and that's definitely a problem. so question: how do you keep your germy cell phone clean? >> well, we have answers in tonight's consumerwatch. we are going to put gadget cleaners to the test. ,, bulldog: if you're like me, you've been working like a dog all year. but don't camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale ends monday! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters advantage of labor day shop studies show your smartphon likely dirtier than your to seat... i think here's something that might scare you. studies show that your smartphone is likely dirtier than your toilet seat. >> that scares me. disgusting! >> ugh! >> put that thing down! products claim to clean your gadgets. are they worth the money? on the consumerwatch, julie watts puts them to the test. >> reporter: these college students know that smartphones are dirty just never expected theirs would be quite so germy. >> i use it for everything and i had i have it in my bed with me and i eat with it next to me. >> reporter: this professor says they are rightfully concerned as phones have become a breeding ground for germs. >> mobile equipment we have made germs more mobile. >> reporter: he performed the infamous study that found cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria that toilet seats. for now, with the help of these students, he is testing products that claim to clean them -- cell phones, not toilet seats. first, phone clean wipes. the cost, about 20 bucks a box. the results? >> they reduce the number of bacteria to undetectable level. >> reporter: next, green well disinfectant spray. it killed about 95.5 in the test. 8 bucks a canister. but electronics experts warn when using sprays and wipes you run the risk of ruining your phone by getting moisture in the jacks or speakers. one alternative? a uv light. this one costs 10 bucks but only killed 73% of the germs. this more expensive clean wave sanitizing wand killed 100%, about 40 bucks. >> i was surprised they all seemed to work fairly well in reducing the germs on the phones. >> reporter: and after discovering just how germ eve their phones are, these students will be putting the products to use. now, they also tested a simple microfiber cloth and found it actually got rid of 100% of the germs but the catch, you have to wash it after each use. there are phones with antimicrobial and waterproof covers in development. remember, if you have a story idea or question, go to and email us. >> i like the uv light but are you going to do that? >> i have one and i don't. >> the only gadgets i have like that are in a pile somewhere. >> you have small children and -- >> that's the thing. this phone is in my daughter's mouth constantly which is really why the story was so concerning for me. >> no doubt. >> i have a waterproof case. i wonder if can just wash my phone. [ laughter ] >> would you put those phones on the opposite side? >> thank you. [ laughter ] still ahead, wedding plans shaken up by napa quake. >> but how one bride is shuffling things around so she can still say i do in wine country. >> reporter: it is a perfect night for friday night football. mobile weather tonight live in san ramon. your forecast for the holiday weekend and beyond and a peek in on this football game, that's coming up next. >> coming up in sports, the 49ers take a blow to the defense. tony stewart breaks his silence. and imagine a bunch of misfits beating up the likes of the san jose giants, the modesto nuts. hollywood did a movie on this team. don't move. welcome home! woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. female announcer: througet 36 months interest-free financing, plus big savings of up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. plus, free same day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome home! give him the tour. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. finally made it to maui this morning. after a nearly 24-hour delay, people booked on a hawaiian airlines flight finally made it to maui this morning. they took off from mineta san jose just after 8 a.m. yesterday. right after that, the pilot told passengers they had to turn back because something hit one of the engines. they didn't turn back; they landed in oakland! they spent the night there and finally left for hawaii early this morning. among the passengers, 15 people headed to a san francisco woman's wedding in maui. this was the last tweet from her saying, all worked out now, they arrived in maui. thanks for checking in. the show must go on or the wedding at least. speaking of. no change of plans for a couple planning a dream wedding this weekend in napa. juliette goodrich shows us planners had to make some minor adjustments. >> reporter: churchill manor one of the downtown napa's historic wedding sites withstood the test of time for better or for worse. >> it works. >> reporter: joanna and her husband own churchill manor and say last sunday's earthquake may have rattled nerves, knocked down their fireplace and broke the fountain, but -- >> we are doing the ceremony. >> reporter: the wedding must go on. especially for tomorrow's bride, kelly mahon, who just flew in from arizona today. are you a nervous bride? are you a little shaken? no? >> flow. we have been dating -- no. we have been engaged for 8.5 years. >> reporter: the earthquake didn't end her reception tonight and weddin tomorrow. it's still on. >> they have been relocated completely. they working out of a smaller room. >> reporter: nothing could stop last sunday's wedding either just hours after the quake. >> her wedding cake was destroyed. they found the food truck. they were happy to have the business. >> reporter: and with a lot of touchups this week, sweeping and removing debris, in a matter of hours, churchill manor was back in business weddings back on. remember that fireplace? here it is covered up with some plywood and drapery. and when guests check in and wonder if this place is all right, everything looks fine just a little bit of drapery is covered up some of the happenings from last weekend. so hopefully only rattling this weekend will be the bride's nerves, a piece of cake compared to all that rattled last sunday. >> i just figured we would roll with the punches and see what happens. >> reporter: in napa, juliette goodrich, kpix 5. >> good attitude. roll with the punches. >> and you make it work. >> the marriage will survive if you roll with the punches. speaking of surviving, that churchill manor survived the 1906 quake, loma prieta in '89 and now the south napa quake. it's going to be around a while. checking outside now with mobile weather. paul deanno report from san ramon with "friday night lights." is it game on, paul? >> reporter: we are game on in a matter of minutes. 7:00 kickoff. we have two really good football teams. they are ranged 1 -- ranked number 12 and 13 in northern california. the grizzlies of cal high the home team. we are in beautiful san ramon this evening. the pirates of pittsburg have the white jerseys on. an interesting football history. they beat de la salle in 1991. that's of note because de la salle did not lose another football game until 2004. pittsburg was the team that basically if you will started the vehicle before de la salle won 151 consecutive games over 13 years. they are playing cal high and the grizzlies, both teams excellent on the football field. current temperatures, we have cloud cover keeping temperatures down making it more comfortable to get outside this evening. san francisco 63. san jose 72. 70 oakland. tonight cloud cover, humidity, milder. 60 for most of us. concord 60. 61 san jose. san francisco 59. in the skies above us, we have that extra cloud cover. it moved in this morning. it was filtered slush or cloudy for a time. that's the fringe of hurricane marie. no longer a tropical system. we'll just get clouds, no rain from this because high pressure is blocking any moisture from moving in. we'll have the clouds tomorrow but we will not have any rainfall. your holiday weekend will be rain-free. tonight partly cloudy, sunshine tomorrow afternoon so a sunny pleasant holiday weekend. high temperatures staying very near late august and yes early september. averages september starts monday crazy. santa clara 80 tomorrow. beautiful day union city 78 with afternoon sunshine. los gatos 88. pittsburg 91. 87 pleasant hill. 85 vallejo. napa 85. berkeley 74 with some limited morning cloud cover. santa rosa 85. lakeport 91. beautiful windsor with a high to start off your holiday weekend 93 degreesful we'll stay warm away from the water through the weekend upper 80s low 90s there. much more comfortable fear the bay. low to mid-70s with minimal morning cloud cover. afternoon sunshine. if you want the clouds you want it chilly go to the coast. mid-60s through the weekend tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday we stay dry with temperatures trailing off. that band right there is the pittsburg high school band. they traveled all the way to london for the new year's parade there. that was the band that we featured about eight months ago. they will be playing in a matter of minutes. football starts at 7:00. speaking of football, vern has sports coming up next. pass rusher would miss times season with a suspension...t of us guessed wrong.... nfl's hammer came done on you aldon smith. we knew he would miss time this season with the suspension. most of us guessed wrong on the length. smith was suspended nine games by the league commissioner roger goodell for violating the personal conduct and substance abuse policy. smith was sentenced to 11 days in a work release program in july for a dui arrest. and also was charged with three misdemeanor gun charges and was detained at l.a.x. in april for making a fake bomb threat. but no charges were filed. smith, who has 42 sacks in his first three seasons, is eligible to return november 16 against the giants. nascar owner driver tony stewart spoke today for the first time since the august 9th incident that killed kevin ward. student will drive sunday in atlanta. he read a statement, didn't answer questions, ars the investigation is ongoing. >> this is one of the toughest tragedies i have ever had to deal with both professionally and personally and this is something that will definitely affect my life forever. this is a sadness and a pain that i hope no one ever has to experience in their life. that being said, i know that the pain and the mourning that kevin ward's family and friends are experiencing is something that i can't possibly imagine. there is a baseball documentary out called the battered bastards of baseball. the independent single a ball bar was raised high by the portland mavericks of the 1970s. and i found appear ex-maverick in marin county. he says take the delta house characters from the movie animal house and have them dominate on the diamond. >> reporter: they were a league of their own. the portland mavericks. from 1973 to 1977, a team of castoffs, characters, who shockingly became successful winners at a time when an independent ballclub with no major league affiliation was unheard of. >> nobody would touch us except the mavericks made it possible for a second chance. >> reporter: that's steven katz a second baseman on the team. >> there were a lot of good players. they were discarded. they were discarded one way or another by college teams, by pro teams. >> reporter: the owner of the team was ex-minor leaguer and television actor bing russell who also filled in as interim manager. >> they couldn't stand him. they couldn't stand him! >> reporter: his son, right there. actor kurt russell. >> he had been a double-a player and he blew out a shoulder and that ended his career. he was a good player! and he was a terrific hitter. >> reporter: for five seasons they were always a huge draw. the 1977 team's attendance was over 125,000 for 33 home games. >> during the games, the gays would leave the dugout when they weren't close to at bat or if they were on the bench like me and would occasionally go up in the stands and hang out with the people. he would sign autographs for the kids and baseballs. they loved us. >> he created the most successful team in the history of the minor league baseball. >> reporter: they were so successful the pacific coast league paid russell $200,000 to shut down the team so they could have a club in portland for the 1978 season. you know what happened? >> wow. >> that pacific coast league team came in and attendance went down. hey, give credit where credit is due. our director wayne phillip poe found that story. >> the bad news bears of adult baseball. >> they were. and they were good. and they were dominant. >> good stuff. all right. we're always on but we're back here at 10:00 and 11:00. at t a free quote announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all doing? how's everybody? thank you very much, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today, folks. returning for their second day with a total of $20,000 from right here--up the street, marietta, georgia-- it's the brittain family. [cheering and applause] and from indianapolis, indiana, it's the cosby family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and the possibility at driving away in a brand-new, fuel-efficient ford fusion. here we go! give me miss irma! give me miss ruthy! ["family feud" theme playing] all right, here we go. top 7 answers on the board. when a wife is mad at her husband, name something of his she might give the dog to chew on. ruthy? >> his pants. steve: his pants. miss irma? >> cell phone. steve: cell phone. [cheering] >> we're gonna play, steve. steve: they're gonna play. yes, ma'am. meg, how you doing today? >> doing great! steve: well, when a wife is mad at her husband, name something of his she might give the dog to chew on. >> wallet. steve: wallet. >> good answer. steve: jay, how you doing, buddy? >> doing fantastic. steve: good, good. let's go. when a wife is mad at her

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20140830 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20140830

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a fire crew forgot to close the garage door. jones went to make sure everything was okay. as he walked out, a white officer responding to a possible burglary in progress yelled, don't move! put your hands up! >> his hands is on his gun. he was crouched, he was low. and he was basically in a shooting stance. >> reporter: jones complied. he noticed his 9-year-old was starting to crime. the officer saw the two kids first and had already told them to raise their hands. >> my name is keith jones. i'm an oakland firefighter. i work here. those are my kids. could you, please, allow them to put their hands down? and let them know that it's okay? and which he looked at me, told me, keep your hands up. and don't move. >> reporter: jones says this lasted for a few minutes. >> i'm pretty much thinking he is going to shoot me. >> i was thinking he was going to shoot my dad the whole time. >> i was getting ready about to cry. but my hands started to get tired but i kept them up. >> reporter: finally, the lone officer allowed jones to reach into his pocket and show his firefighter identification. jones says the incident traumatized his kids and changed their perception on police officers. >> images in my head about how my dad got shot and so i keep on trying to forget it but -- so because it scares me a lot. >> i think they view black males as a threat. >> reporter: don cameron isn't involved in the case, does not work for opd but trains police officers. he says the new officer was following protocol. >> i don't think it had anything to do with race at all. i think the officer just, hey, i have a burglary in progress, there's people right here. there's a guy walking out of the location. i don't know who he is. >> reporter: the police trainer says the officer should have at least apologized though to the firefighter and two children. now, this incident has gone so serious, the fire chief apparently called the police chief about this. in fact, jones filed a complaint against that police officer. opd is confirming the incident but wouldn't comment on it. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> oakland police do say the entire incident was caught on the police officer's wearable body camera they put right about here. internal affairs is now reviewing this complaint. aldon smith off the field troubles caught up with him today. the nfl suspended the 49ers linebacker for nine games. in a means he will miss more than half the season -- that means he will miss more than half the season. the team knew he would be suspended, not sure how long. since last season he has been busted for dui, illegal gun possession and more recently making a false bomb threat at l.a.x. more on what appears to be a get tough punishment coming up in sports. more buildings in napa were red-tagged today during another round of inspections and the city is warning everyone do not enter them. a man went into his red-tagged home yesterday and wanted to get some of his things. he had to be rescued after he suddenly got trapped. >> while this man was inside that home, it shifted and collapsed further. he ended up being trapped inside not underneath debris but the building shifted in a way he couldn't get out. the fire department had to be called, put up a ladder bring him out a window. >> crews did get him out okay but now the buildings on both sides of the home are red- tagged because the one in fact middle is so unstable. >> some building owners in napa are being called out for not having their buildings retrofitted. it's work that was required years ago. as kpix 5's ryan takeo shows us, there is a domino effect. >> reporter: here's one of the problem buildings. 810 brown. they are five years past the city retrofit deadline and city leaders say the business is ignoring warnings. now it's costing nearby businesses during what's supposed to be a busy three days ahead. >> this is a big important weekend for us. >> reporter: instead of seeing tourists flow in for labor day weekend, lewis's velo pizzeria is red-tagged but not because of his building. his is retrofitted. inspectors say it's because of the one next door. >> that's really frustrating. >> and behind us over here is an example of an owner who ignored the ordinance and did nothing to retrofit his building. >> reporter: this law office wasn't retrofitted even though the city's deadline for that was in 2009. >> because earthquakes simply did not represent historically a serious threat to napa. >> reporter: brian silver owns the historic building. he has been vocal for years about the city's retrofit rules. he says the work is expensive and points outbuildings where retrofits didn't work. >> look at that building. it was retrofitted. retrofitting doesn't make that much difference if the earthquake is big enough. >> whatever the reason, the fact of the matter is we had an earthquake where it was an issue. >> reporter: this napa city councilman says the city even pushed back deadlines during the recession for owners like silver who worried about the cost. >> i think mr. silver has been challenging the work. >> reporter: he goes so far as to say silver is the most difficult property owner town. >> i don't know why he should say that. i don't understand that because, uhm, they have never had any problem with me. >> he was shocked by it! uhm, the city perhaps is feeling a little jumpy. now they may be feeling a little nervous about it and looking for a scapegoat. >> reporter: there's plenty of finger-pointing going around. but all the businesses next door care about is opening the doors and getting back to normal. >> done things the right way and it's very discouraging when somebody else doesn't and you're the ones penalized for it. >> reporter: silver now says he is planning upgrades to the building but he didn't have a specific timeline. ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> the usgs wants to get more seismographs in urban areas for better measurements of ground movement. right now napa has one seismograph. it is one that recorded sunday's quake. it's installed at downtown joe's brewery and restaurant. it's a new type of seismograph that communicates to the usgs through the internet. >> you know, i just like science and, uhm, we were going through earthquake retrofit here so i was studying about earthquakes, found the net quakes program, applied for it, i didn't remember i applied for it. so when they called me years later to install the device i was surprised >> since sunday's quake, the usgs says it wants to install more of the devices in the napa area. crews are hammering away tonight on 280. the freeway is closed northbound from the 101 interchange in san francisco all the way to king street. the construction is going to make that freeway safer. as anne makovec shows us, in the meantime, it's causing some headaches for drivers. >> it's insane. >> reporter: traffic backups started yesterday afternoon and ramped up again for this morning's commute. >> i tried back streets didn't work. i tried 101, it was stop and go. >> reporter: this is the third and final in a series of closures planned during holiday weekends this year as caltrans works to replace broken hinges along cesar chavez and 24th street. they allow for movement during an earthquake. >> so we identified locations that were worn out and needed repair. and we made temporary safety repairs but now we're here to do a permanent fix. >> reporter: the on-ramps affected alemany boulevard, the highway 101 connector to northbound i-280, 18th street and indiana street making it difficult to get into downtown san francisco from the south. kpix 5 traffic reporter elizabeth wenger followed the jams all morning. >> right now northbound 101 is the worst approach. it's backed up solidly all the way to south san francisco right around oyster point straight into your downtown san francisco exits. >> reporter: for some drivers, knowing it's for their safety makes it easier to swallow. >> i don't mind that. i can deal with the congested traffic. >> reporter: and for others, it's motivation to forge a new path. >> i'm moving to san francisco after this. >> reporter: no more traffic for you. >> yeah, yeah, got to go, got to move. >> reporter: the highlight of the construction project this afternoon, that crane has been bringing in planks of wood putting that over steel rods already in place. and later on this weekend, they will be pouring concrete over the whole thing it. the project is expected to be wrapped up at the latest by tuesday at 5 a.m. in san francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. >> well, we have the maps and the times of the re-opening online plus realtime traffic at it's going to cost you more to ride muni. fares will be going up on labor day. to ride the trains it's going to cost $2.25. monthly passes will bump up from $66 to $68. and lifeline passes will go up a buck to $34 a month. the fare is for seniors, the disabled and children, those won't change. these are the first fare increases since 2009. caltrain says it's seeing a jump in riders. the number of people taking the train has more than doubled over the past decade. caltrain now serves 53,000 people every day. and it sees no signs of slowing down. it expects that number to rise to 69,000 by 2020. this is the busiest caltrain has been in its 150-year history. bay area headlines, a man was hit and killed by a car crossing a busy street in campbell. it happened about 1:30 on west hamilton avenue and winchester boulevard. witnesses say the 70-year-old man was jaywalking. the driver did stop and is cooperating with police. a new development in the case of an east bay high school teacher who tweeted violent thoughts about students. newark police are investigating. police say an officer plans to meet with krista hodges and her lawyer. police are looking into whether the teacher had any intention of doing anything criminal. an unusual hairstyle could lead to tips in the case of a missing elderly woman. the san ramon woman has distinctive pink hair. she walked away from her family's home wednesday afternoon. the family plans a huge search tomorrow near north canyon road. watch out if you park in a well known san francisco garage. sfpd says there is a rash of vehicle burglaries at the stockton sutter garage near union square. 80 break-ins have been reported in the past year. that's a third of all car break- ins in the northeast part of the city. police are stepping up patrols at that garage. well, the u.s. customs and border protection made a creepy discovery inside a package at sfo. giant millipedes! oh, take a look at this! they were in a package labeled toy car model that came from germany. the millipedes were a foot long each. they were inside a large styrofoam box along with chunks of soil. customs agents say it's not illegal to import exotic animals but this particular package lacked the proper permits. >> seriously? somebody wanted those? >> was it 20-foot-long millipedes or two foot-long milpitas? >> a food long each but still, ew! to each his own. rich history on bay area waters. coming up, how the once thriving shrimp fish industry has a new effort to keep it alive. >> the hurricane was far from a california but it's still leaving a mess along this beach. >> reporter: mobile weather tonight live from friday night football! jv game now, varsity game soon. two of the best teams in all of northern. we're live from san ramon with your forecast coming up. stick around. ,,,, female announcer: through monday, get three years interest-free financing and save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. apple is they've put so we are still trying to figure out what exactly apple is up to in cupertino. they have put up this white building on the campus of de anza college. the company also sent out an invitation to an event at the neighboring flint center. speculation is running rampant that the company is going to unveil something big on september 9. 30 years ago steve jobs unveiled the mac at the flint center. >> what a day. new at 6:00, what do the genentech campus, coyote point and point malate have in common? they were once part of the thriving chinese shrimp fishing industry. sharon chin reports. >> reporter: rear'ing sailing in a replica of the china -- we're sailing into a replica of the chinese junk. we are catching part of the bay time's maritime heritage. >> the history of chinese shrimp fishing is forgotten. >> reporter: so she is exploring though forgotten stories. >> it was recorded in 1882 that approximately one million pounds of dried thisevic was exported to china so it was a significant trade. >> she is directing the profit through her nonprofit chinese whispers. she and a production crew are recording their voyages as they sail along some of the old 26 shrimp fishing villages from suisun to redwood city. they are going to use the audio and video at the national maritime museum in san francisco next fall. the team chases chinese shrimping from its start in the 1850s to 1911 when new restrictions on shrimp exports and regulations on the size of fishing nets shut down the thriving industry. >> we can't recreate history. but we can try to retrace and reimagine and most importantly retell the story. >> reporter: and what better transportation than this replica of a chinese shrimp boat that state and national parks constructed a decade ago along san francisco bay? experiencing the wind and tide, it doesn't get more real than this. >> really celebrates sort of the skill and the know-how of the fishermen. really brings their experience into mind. >> reporter: the vessel is named the grace quan after the mother of frank quan, 89-year- old frank himself a former shrimp fisherman remembers the heyday when his grandfather ran a store at the china camp village home to hundreds of chinese fishermen in marin county. >> processing 5,000 pounds a day. >> reporter: now china camp village's last remaining resident, frank sails with the research crew. >> so then we get a lot of younger chinese coming in and enjoining the history. >> reporter: keeping it alive. on san pablo bay, sharon chin, kpix 5. >> next month learn more about the bay area chinese shrimp fishing industry at 3 day long programs. they are in three places. for that schedule and details go to very cool. hurricane marie pounded up mounds of marine plants on a california beach. rangers spent the day yesterday pushing kelp and seaweed back into the ocean near santa barbara. the beach was still recovering from a storm in march that carved a nearly 10-foot drop into the shoreline. we're turning to our weather. paul deanno in san ramon. it's early for the lights to come on. >> reporter: the light right now is that star that's really close to the sun, but when it goes down soon we are getting ready for varsity football here. we're live at cal high, beautiful san ramon taking on the pittsburgh pirates. the grizzlies, the home team tonight. this is the jv game which is a barnburner. the pirates are driving with two minutes to go. if they score a touchdown they can tie or win it. here's the pass. oh!! off the hands of number 3. i'll leave the rest to sports to mr. vern glenn. i'll tell you about some weather on a beautiful friday evening. it was warm even with the cloud cover. morgan hill 90. concord 86. napa 86 degrees today. san jose 83. fremont you hit 80 despite the clouds and san francisco almost made it to 70. we're talking san ramon for the football game tonight. here's your san ramon microclimate forecast for the weekend. beautiful sunshine back tomorrow. sunday sunshine 82. a lot going on 24 weekend. the labor day holiday weekend millbrae art and wine festival saturday and sunday mainly sunny mild upper 70s and nostalgia days, tomorrow only sunshine 80 degrees. here's a look at what's going on in outer space looking down toward the bay area. northern california. we are on the periphery of what was once hurricane marie. it gave us cloud cover tonight and will tomorrow morning. the ridge of high pressure holds and the weekend will be dry and as a matter of fact the sunshine will return as soon as tomorrow afternoon. tomorrow,ic canning off the holiday weekend -- kicking off the holiday weekend, 88 in livermore. 70s in san francisco. mountain view 79. your extended forecast, 90s inland upper 80s low 90s through labor day. low to mid-70s near the bay with some morning cloud cover, mid-60s partly sunny at the coast. if anything it will be cooler as we go back to work and the kids go back to school next week down to the 80s inland and 60s near the bay. we have a live football game going on right now. the varsity game kicks off at 7:00. pittsburg and cal high ranked number 12 and 13 respectively in all of northern california. we also have an excellent marching band here from pittsburg high school. guys, are you ready for tonight's game? >> whoo! >> reporter: i think we have some school spirit out here in san ramon. it's a great night for football! friday night football kicking off tonight on a beautiful friday evening. back to you in the studio. >> okay. >> paul needs to get them to do the wave. you have heard of a wishing well, right? coming up, now a tree has some people in the east bay wishing big. >> plus, how someone just trying to help caused this gusher. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oakland. a fire hydrant shooting water 40 feet into air could be seen drivers got a show with their commute in oakland. the fire hydrant shot water 40 feet into the air could be seen from 880. it was a aaa tow truck that sheared off the top of the hydrant sending water spewing high into the air. firefighters were called in to shut it down. new at 6:00, some say you should keep your wishes to yourself. or they will come true! people in one east bay neighborhood though hoping for the opposite. kpix 5's john ramos shows us they are displaying their wishes for all to see. >> reporter: on a quiet stretch of delaware street in berkeley is a tree bearing a special kind of fruit. it is the stuff dreams are made of. >> i wish i had a skateboard and some kids riding it. >> reporter: this is the wish tree. actually it's a number of potted bamboo plants upon which people are asked to write a single wish for all the world to see. 16-year-old jody got the idea for it at a creative writing camp this summer. >> so i decided that would be really awesome to like see how many people walk by my house and how many people will put up wishes. so i decided to do it with the bamboo. >> reporter: the wishes range from finding purpose in life to finding a zero calorie gelato. and while some people took the opportunity to have a little fun, most were serious and thoughtful in their approach. while one wishes for the demise of the gop, another just wants to get his book published. ava and sam duncan think the genius of the project is in its simplicity. >> its like, you know, if the whole world could see my message this is what it would be in one sentence. >> reporter: but putting your heart's desire into a single sentence is bound to stir emotion and many reflect the loneliness that some feel. how can you read this without getting a lump in your throat? >> people would like to connect with the world. to connect with each other. they like to put stuff out there and i'm sure they walk away feeling a little better about what they wrote on the wish tree. >> reporter: because the only thing more important than having your wishes come true is to have them be heard. in berkeley, john ramos, kpix 5. >> jody says she would like to see the wish tree get even bigger but, of course, that would require more bamboo plants. [ laughter ] >> well, now have a chance to show off your musical talents with mother nature as part of the audience. ♪[ music ] >> this is so cool. for the first time the santa clara parks and recreation department has put four pianos in county parks. pianists of all ages and skills can play as long as you want. three will be available in september. the one at the alviso marina will be there until the october 12th. >> i need the player piano that plays for you. that's my style. >> chopsticks? >> maybe. coming up in our next half- hour, coast guard officers busted. >> what they are accused of doing on land that has them in hot water. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, accu riving drunk. welcome ba now at 6:30, officers who are supposed to keep you safe on the water accused of driving drunk. welcome back. i'm allen martin. >> i'm veronica de la cruz. kpix 5's linda yee is on yerba buena island tonight. the officer is still on the job, linda? >> reporter: yes, they are, veronica. two chief petty officers who work at this coast guard station have high level security positions. even more disturbing, those positions include navigation safety! chief petty officer michael padgett posted this on facebook before getting arrested. he was reporting for duty when he was stopped a mile from the coast guard gate at yerba buena island. in his report, the officer said he smelled a strong odor of alcohol and "i noticed his eyes were red and watery and his speech was slurred." padgett measured .186 on a breath test more than two times the legal limit. we caught up with him at his marin county home. >> i got all that -- that's all in litigation and everything. >> reporter: you're denying it happened? >> no. >> reporter: a coast guard statement says he has been temporarily removed from his job coordinating law enforcement and search-and- rescue operations. in a separate incident chief petty officer warren was arrested for dui in brentwood. he measured the .14 on a breast at the time. he remains on his job managing a team responsible for navigation safety of commercial vessels in the san francisco bay region. the coast guard is continuing its internal investigation tonight. in the meantime, both men could face discharge. reporting live at yerba buena island, linda yee, kpix 5. we have an update to a story rebrought you at the top of the hour. a napa pizzeria red-tagged because a neighboring business was unstable. the owner was about to lose out on labor day weekend crowds. kpix 5's ryan takeo tells us, the city just delivered some good news. >> reporter: here at velo pizzeria they have had a red tag since yesterday. it's actually the building behind this building that is the problem. it wasn't retrofitted but here at velo they have had a pop-up pizza stand just pop up within the last hour or so at 6:30. they are starting so they have already started to serve thanks to a donation from redwood. we're here with dan one of the owners. why is this so important for you to get this pop-up pizza stand going? >> i think for many reasons. first of all, you know, we wanted to let people know that napa is alive and downtown. we have only been open for two weeks, right? and, you know, we wanted to show both our staff and the community that we're here, that, you know, while there's been some challenges, that we're here for the long haul. it's also great to see some of -- that they have allowed us to do this. >> reporter: thank you for letting us know about this. so velo pizzeria is open! albeit temporary location right here. they hope to get inside this building soon. in napa, ryan takeo, kpix 5. the other good news from napa tonight, the city says it's on schedule to have all the water lines fixed by this evening. >> hm. bowing to pressure, san jose police will give up a military-style truck it got for free. the 15-ton armored truck similar to this one was military surplus given to the department for free. many police agencies have them. but san jose police have now sided with critics. they say the armored vehicles are symbols of barriers between police and the public. some san jose police officers disagree. >> this is a very, very large heavy suv type vehicle that is designed to keep account occupants safe from bombs and gunfire. >> the city of davis will also give up its armored truck. antioch, south san francisco and redwood city are three bay area cities that plan to keep their trucks. well, with surveillance flights already under way, there's been speculation the u.s. would soon launch air strikes against isis strongholds in syria. but president obama says there are no plans for military action. cbs reporter tara mergener tells us his choice of words though is drawing criticism. >> reporter: president obama says the u.s. isn't prepared to carry out air strikes on isis targets in syria. >> we don't have a strategy yet. >> reporter: that drew swift criticism interest republicans. >> that may come as a surprise to some. [ laughter ] >> but it is not a surprise to our allies and to our add remember sierras around the world. >> reporter: the white house is walking back the comments saying the president was simply saying the pentagon is still working on plans for any military action. >> the syria component here is a relatively new one and we just aren't there yet as an interagency team. >> reporter: president obama says if he decides on military action in syria, he will consult with congress. he is also talking to regional allies and dispatching secretary of state john kerry to the middle east. >> every element of his national security strategy is thought through. it includes a lot of important diplomatic work both with the iraqi government but also with governments in the region. >> reporter: friday, isis prompted britain to raise its terror threat level to severe, indicating a terrorist attack is highly likely even though there is no specific threat. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. >> now, the department of homeland security announced it has no plans to raise the threat level in the united states at this time. you carry them everywhere and that's definitely a problem. so question: how do you keep your germy cell phone clean? >> well, we have answers in tonight's consumerwatch. we are going to put gadget cleaners to the test. ,, bulldog: if you're like me, you've been working like a dog all year. but don't camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself. mattress discounters labor day sale ends monday! rest those tired bones on a queen size serta mattress and box spring set. right now, they're just $397. get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. not to labor the point, but this sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters advantage of labor day shop studies show your smartphon likely dirtier than your to seat... i think here's something that might scare you. studies show that your smartphone is likely dirtier than your toilet seat. >> that scares me. disgusting! >> ugh! >> put that thing down! products claim to clean your gadgets. are they worth the money? on the consumerwatch, julie watts puts them to the test. >> reporter: these college students know that smartphones are dirty just never expected theirs would be quite so germy. >> i use it for everything and i had i have it in my bed with me and i eat with it next to me. >> reporter: this professor says they are rightfully concerned as phones have become a breeding ground for germs. >> mobile equipment we have made germs more mobile. >> reporter: he performed the infamous study that found cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria that toilet seats. for now, with the help of these students, he is testing products that claim to clean them -- cell phones, not toilet seats. first, phone clean wipes. the cost, about 20 bucks a box. the results? >> they reduce the number of bacteria to undetectable level. >> reporter: next, green well disinfectant spray. it killed about 95.5 in the test. 8 bucks a canister. but electronics experts warn when using sprays and wipes you run the risk of ruining your phone by getting moisture in the jacks or speakers. one alternative? a uv light. this one costs 10 bucks but only killed 73% of the germs. this more expensive clean wave sanitizing wand killed 100%, about 40 bucks. >> i was surprised they all seemed to work fairly well in reducing the germs on the phones. >> reporter: and after discovering just how germ eve their phones are, these students will be putting the products to use. now, they also tested a simple microfiber cloth and found it actually got rid of 100% of the germs but the catch, you have to wash it after each use. there are phones with antimicrobial and waterproof covers in development. remember, if you have a story idea or question, go to and email us. >> i like the uv light but are you going to do that? >> i have one and i don't. >> the only gadgets i have like that are in a pile somewhere. >> you have small children and -- >> that's the thing. this phone is in my daughter's mouth constantly which is really why the story was so concerning for me. >> no doubt. >> i have a waterproof case. i wonder if can just wash my phone. [ laughter ] >> would you put those phones on the opposite side? >> thank you. [ laughter ] still ahead, wedding plans shaken up by napa quake. >> but how one bride is shuffling things around so she can still say i do in wine country. >> reporter: it is a perfect night for friday night football. mobile weather tonight live in san ramon. your forecast for the holiday weekend and beyond and a peek in on this football game, that's coming up next. >> coming up in sports, the 49ers take a blow to the defense. tony stewart breaks his silence. and imagine a bunch of misfits beating up the likes of the san jose giants, the modesto nuts. hollywood did a movie on this team. don't move. welcome home! woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. female announcer: througet 36 months interest-free financing, plus big savings of up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. plus, free same day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome home! give him the tour. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. ranked highest in customer satisfaction. ikea kitchens. finally made it to maui this morning. after a nearly 24-hour delay, people booked on a hawaiian airlines flight finally made it to maui this morning. they took off from mineta san jose just after 8 a.m. yesterday. right after that, the pilot told passengers they had to turn back because something hit one of the engines. they didn't turn back; they landed in oakland! they spent the night there and finally left for hawaii early this morning. among the passengers, 15 people headed to a san francisco woman's wedding in maui. this was the last tweet from her saying, all worked out now, they arrived in maui. thanks for checking in. the show must go on or the wedding at least. speaking of. no change of plans for a couple planning a dream wedding this weekend in napa. juliette goodrich shows us planners had to make some minor adjustments. >> reporter: churchill manor one of the downtown napa's historic wedding sites withstood the test of time for better or for worse. >> it works. >> reporter: joanna and her husband own churchill manor and say last sunday's earthquake may have rattled nerves, knocked down their fireplace and broke the fountain, but -- >> we are doing the ceremony. >> reporter: the wedding must go on. especially for tomorrow's bride, kelly mahon, who just flew in from arizona today. are you a nervous bride? are you a little shaken? no? >> flow. we have been dating -- no. we have been engaged for 8.5 years. >> reporter: the earthquake didn't end her reception tonight and weddin tomorrow. it's still on. >> they have been relocated completely. they working out of a smaller room. >> reporter: nothing could stop last sunday's wedding either just hours after the quake. >> her wedding cake was destroyed. they found the food truck. they were happy to have the business. >> reporter: and with a lot of touchups this week, sweeping and removing debris, in a matter of hours, churchill manor was back in business weddings back on. remember that fireplace? here it is covered up with some plywood and drapery. and when guests check in and wonder if this place is all right, everything looks fine just a little bit of drapery is covered up some of the happenings from last weekend. so hopefully only rattling this weekend will be the bride's nerves, a piece of cake compared to all that rattled last sunday. >> i just figured we would roll with the punches and see what happens. >> reporter: in napa, juliette goodrich, kpix 5. >> good attitude. roll with the punches. >> and you make it work. >> the marriage will survive if you roll with the punches. speaking of surviving, that churchill manor survived the 1906 quake, loma prieta in '89 and now the south napa quake. it's going to be around a while. checking outside now with mobile weather. paul deanno report from san ramon with "friday night lights." is it game on, paul? >> reporter: we are game on in a matter of minutes. 7:00 kickoff. we have two really good football teams. they are ranged 1 -- ranked number 12 and 13 in northern california. the grizzlies of cal high the home team. we are in beautiful san ramon this evening. the pirates of pittsburg have the white jerseys on. an interesting football history. they beat de la salle in 1991. that's of note because de la salle did not lose another football game until 2004. pittsburg was the team that basically if you will started the vehicle before de la salle won 151 consecutive games over 13 years. they are playing cal high and the grizzlies, both teams excellent on the football field. current temperatures, we have cloud cover keeping temperatures down making it more comfortable to get outside this evening. san francisco 63. san jose 72. 70 oakland. tonight cloud cover, humidity, milder. 60 for most of us. concord 60. 61 san jose. san francisco 59. in the skies above us, we have that extra cloud cover. it moved in this morning. it was filtered slush or cloudy for a time. that's the fringe of hurricane marie. no longer a tropical system. we'll just get clouds, no rain from this because high pressure is blocking any moisture from moving in. we'll have the clouds tomorrow but we will not have any rainfall. your holiday weekend will be rain-free. tonight partly cloudy, sunshine tomorrow afternoon so a sunny pleasant holiday weekend. high temperatures staying very near late august and yes early september. averages september starts monday crazy. santa clara 80 tomorrow. beautiful day union city 78 with afternoon sunshine. los gatos 88. pittsburg 91. 87 pleasant hill. 85 vallejo. napa 85. berkeley 74 with some limited morning cloud cover. santa rosa 85. lakeport 91. beautiful windsor with a high to start off your holiday weekend 93 degreesful we'll stay warm away from the water through the weekend upper 80s low 90s there. much more comfortable fear the bay. low to mid-70s with minimal morning cloud cover. afternoon sunshine. if you want the clouds you want it chilly go to the coast. mid-60s through the weekend tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday we stay dry with temperatures trailing off. that band right there is the pittsburg high school band. they traveled all the way to london for the new year's parade there. that was the band that we featured about eight months ago. they will be playing in a matter of minutes. football starts at 7:00. speaking of football, vern has sports coming up next. pass rusher would miss times season with a suspension...t of us guessed wrong.... nfl's hammer came done on you aldon smith. we knew he would miss time this season with the suspension. most of us guessed wrong on the length. smith was suspended nine games by the league commissioner roger goodell for violating the personal conduct and substance abuse policy. smith was sentenced to 11 days in a work release program in july for a dui arrest. and also was charged with three misdemeanor gun charges and was detained at l.a.x. in april for making a fake bomb threat. but no charges were filed. smith, who has 42 sacks in his first three seasons, is eligible to return november 16 against the giants. nascar owner driver tony stewart spoke today for the first time since the august 9th incident that killed kevin ward. student will drive sunday in atlanta. he read a statement, didn't answer questions, ars the investigation is ongoing. >> this is one of the toughest tragedies i have ever had to deal with both professionally and personally and this is something that will definitely affect my life forever. this is a sadness and a pain that i hope no one ever has to experience in their life. that being said, i know that the pain and the mourning that kevin ward's family and friends are experiencing is something that i can't possibly imagine. there is a baseball documentary out called the battered bastards of baseball. the independent single a ball bar was raised high by the portland mavericks of the 1970s. and i found appear ex-maverick in marin county. he says take the delta house characters from the movie animal house and have them dominate on the diamond. >> reporter: they were a league of their own. the portland mavericks. from 1973 to 1977, a team of castoffs, characters, who shockingly became successful winners at a time when an independent ballclub with no major league affiliation was unheard of. >> nobody would touch us except the mavericks made it possible for a second chance. >> reporter: that's steven katz a second baseman on the team. >> there were a lot of good players. they were discarded. they were discarded one way or another by college teams, by pro teams. >> reporter: the owner of the team was ex-minor leaguer and television actor bing russell who also filled in as interim manager. >> they couldn't stand him. they couldn't stand him! >> reporter: his son, right there. actor kurt russell. >> he had been a double-a player and he blew out a shoulder and that ended his career. he was a good player! and he was a terrific hitter. >> reporter: for five seasons they were always a huge draw. the 1977 team's attendance was over 125,000 for 33 home games. >> during the games, the gays would leave the dugout when they weren't close to at bat or if they were on the bench like me and would occasionally go up in the stands and hang out with the people. he would sign autographs for the kids and baseballs. they loved us. >> he created the most successful team in the history of the minor league baseball. >> reporter: they were so successful the pacific coast league paid russell $200,000 to shut down the team so they could have a club in portland for the 1978 season. you know what happened? >> wow. >> that pacific coast league team came in and attendance went down. hey, give credit where credit is due. our director wayne phillip poe found that story. >> the bad news bears of adult baseball. >> they were. and they were good. and they were dominant. >> good stuff. all right. we're always on but we're back here at 10:00 and 11:00. at t a free quote announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] [cheering and applause] steve: how y'all doing? how's everybody? thank you very much, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today, folks. returning for their second day with a total of $20,000 from right here--up the street, marietta, georgia-- it's the brittain family. [cheering and applause] and from indianapolis, indiana, it's the cosby family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and the possibility at driving away in a brand-new, fuel-efficient ford fusion. here we go! give me miss irma! give me miss ruthy! ["family feud" theme playing] all right, here we go. top 7 answers on the board. when a wife is mad at her husband, name something of his she might give the dog to chew on. ruthy? >> his pants. steve: his pants. miss irma? >> cell phone. steve: cell phone. [cheering] >> we're gonna play, steve. steve: they're gonna play. yes, ma'am. meg, how you doing today? >> doing great! steve: well, when a wife is mad at her husband, name something of his she might give the dog to chew on. >> wallet. steve: wallet. >> good answer. steve: jay, how you doing, buddy? >> doing fantastic. steve: good, good. let's go. when a wife is mad at her

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