Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131213 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131213

that she perhaps wasn't viable. you have to make that decision. if you see somebody who appears gravely injured and they are not on the burning plane, you have to go past them to get people who are in greater danger. >> reporter: the tragedy has put a spotlight on airplane disaster training and it turns out only the fire rescue crews stationed at the airport get the specialized course not the commanders who lead them. it's not required by the faa. >> we are open to the dialogue and certainly, uhm, all training is good training. in fact, that day, though, you know, i felt that everything went as well as could be expected. >> reporter: so there are no immediate plans by the fire department to change any of the procedures but they did say they are looking to enhance training for all of the fire rescue crews that are stationed out here at the airport. live at san francisco international airport, linda yee, kpix 5. >> the ntsb is expected to release the full results of its crash investigation by next summer. well, it's no secret california is an attractive place to live. there's why we're all here. today new figures confirm that. over the last year, california's population jumped the most it has in nearly a decade. who said the golden state's dead? the state added 332,000 people. alameda, santa clara counties saw the largest increases. the boom mostly driven by new births. state population now stands at 38.2 million. bart management and its unions are back at the bargaining table right now trying to find a solution to another contract dispute. they have been in talks for almost 8 hours now still no word on any progress. as cate caugiran reports, they are at odds over a family leave provision and both sides seem to be digging in. >> reporter: the unions and bart management back at it again, but for something union leaders are calling unprecedented. management claims one provision in the tentative agreement that allows employees up to six weeks of paid family leave shouldn't have been in there in the first place. the transit agency is calling the provision a mistake. and the unions are calling bart out. >> when you make a mistake you acknowledge the consequences of your actions. if i sign an agreement my word is my bond and we have to live with that, okay? they signed an agreement. they have attorneys that reviewed it. that was not a mistake. they presented it to us. >> reporter: the unions already ratified the tentative agreement with that mistake. last month bart directors also approved that same agreement but without the family leave provision, which brings us back here, bart headquarters, where once again management and the unions will face off. >> we need to know what they're saying at the table today. they made the invitation for us to meet. we want a resolution to the contract. our members deserve a resolution to the contract. so we're going to see what they have to say. >> quite frankly, bart cannot afford to pay employees six weeks for family medical leave. so we're hoping that we can resolve this dispute. >> reporter: bart says the talks are scheduled to go on over the next couple of days and the riders we spoke to today say they hope it doesn't go any longer than that. in oakland, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> the unions say they are not considering a third strike as an option at this point. four people are under arrest for a convenience store killing in milpitas. this happened at 7-eleven, it was the only homicide in the city this year. investigators say a combination of surveillance, police work and help from the public led them to the suspect. >> for us in a small community like milpitas, we are safe and have very few homicides, this really hit the core of this community. it resonated in a very negative way. >> three suspects are from menlo park. the other is from las vegas. police couldn't provide too many details because they say the investigation is still ongoing. bay area headlines a fiery crash on i-580 in livermore leaves one man dead and another behind bars on dui charges. the chp says 53-year-old garcia rear-ended a jeep at 50 miles per hour this morning. the jeep slammed into two other cars and then burst into flames. the driver of that jeep was killed. the crash snarled traffic for hours in both directions. the scene wasn't completely cleared until 2 p.m. in addition to dui charges, the suspect in custody also faces felony manslaughter charges. another deadly crash this one involving an elderly pedestrian in san rafael. witnesses say a work van hit and killed a victim who was crossing the road near the marin civic center this morning. the driver of the van stopped to help out. the name of the victim has not been released. in pinole firefighters put out a flame on a big rig on i- 80. that big rig and two cars crashed early this morning in the eastbound lanes near sunol valley road exit. all lanes were closed for about 2.5 hours. no one was injured. and police in belmont are looking for the crooks who stole copper wiring from streetlights. police were investigating an open grate with some exposed wiring yesterday on walston avenue near highway 101. they found 600 feet of copper wire missing. that wire worth about $600. the fbi is ramping up its search for a bay area man suspected of bombing two buildings back in 2003. they had numerous tips about where daniel andreas san diego might be but haven't caught him. they are offering $250,000 for information that leads to his arrest. the fbi says san diego bombed the chiron corporation building in emeryville in 2003. no one was hurt at the biotech company. and investigators say he was also behind a bombing that same day at shaklee corporation in pleasanton. the fbi suspects the bomb was timed so that it would hurt firs responders. no one injured in that blast. a search is suspended for a missing silicon valley executive and his family. 51-year-old dale smith was flying a small private plane over the mountains in central idaho last week when the plane disappeared. five people were on board. crews halted their search officially today after the weather got worse. smith reported engine trouble just before that plane vanished. new figures show "covered california" the state's health exchange is appealing more to older californians. more than 109,000 people signed up for a health plan between october and november. most of them between 45 and 64 years old. only 21% of enrollees were ages 18 to 34. overall enrollment is higher than the preliminary federal figure, but still about half the originally projected number. they use it for everything. i love sriracha. >> but now shipments are on hold. when the hot sauce could disappear completely from store shelves. >> and why some homeless people seeking warmth from the freeze are being left out in the cold. >> and it absolutely was cold. temperatures over the past eight days 11 degrees below average in the south bay more than 8 degrees below average in santa rosa and oakland, 8 degrees below normal. that is significant. it's also over. find out when we'll be 15 degrees above normal coming up. >> and why a bay area band that just received a huge honor is doing a bit of soul searching. rougher neighborhoods. in t latest incident... the c-e- a st well, some growing pains as tech companies move into san francisco's rougher neighborhoods. in the latest incident, the ceo of a startup compared poor people to trash. ryan takeo on the tech industry's pr problem and the effort to repair that image. >> growing up in florida, i'd always been an entrepreneur. >> reporter: tech executive greg got man is the latest example of san francisco's culture clash. he went on a facebook rant about the homeless this week. he complained how market street was overrun by, quote, crazy homeless drug dealers and trash. >> i think it's a shame. >> reporter: gotman said there is nothing positive gained by having them close to us. his opinions triggered a backlash. >> well, i mean, bashing market and bashing the homeless isn't going to help them. >> reporter: it's clear tech workers have a pr problem. tensions have been simmering between market street's down and outers and its up and comers. >> i can pay my rent! can you pay your rent? >> reporter: techies are blamed for driving up rents in the city. this staged yelling match shows what some think is reality. it shows a snob entitled google employee, an actor. >> i'm sorry, it's time for you to leave. >> reporter: fair or not, tech companies headquartered on market are all being lumped together. tiffany thinks the latest online rant shows some of the industry's lack of maturity. >> i think a lot of these companies are young. and i think for most companies, they don't feed their social responsibility or corporate giving number they're much older. >> reporter: the customer software company moved to the tenderloin two years ago. their comfy office space is nothing like the high crime low income streets two floors down. to repair that image some workers are giving back. >> we depend upon the entire community. >> reporter: erica runs compass family services. the organization relies on companies like zen desk to help homeless families especially during the holidays. >> rather than isolate yourself from that environments, if you engage in it, you find an uptick in employees who want to stay. >> reporter: in san francisco, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> angel hack's ceo has apologized. he said he trivialized the struggles of the homeless. facebook stock is at a 7- week high following word it will be added to the s&p 500 stock index. shares of the menlo park company have surged after the initial slump following last year's ipo. stock closed today at nearly $52 a share. that's up 5% from yesterday and up 86% this year. to call it hot would be an understatement. there is a shortage of what some people call rooster sauce. and as allen martin shows us, it has a lot of people in a panic. >> reporter: could be a shortage. it is called sriracha sauce. you have probably seen the red bottle on the restaurant tables. tonight it is in hot demand. a crisis being called sriracha apocalypse! when the lunch bell rings and the food hits the tables at turtle tower restaurant, it's a safe bet the customers will hit the sauce. >> customers ask for the sriracha all the time. >> reporter: how loyal are people? one time here they tried to swap out sriracha with another sauce. the result? not so good. >> we had a lot of complaints from customers, where's the sriracha? we like it. >> reporter: now a real threat to the sacred sauce supply. the state department of public health is enforcing stricter guidelines at the southern california plant that makes the sauce. that means a complete halt in shipments until at least mid- january. the sauce's distributor says that is nothing short of a disaster. >> we already have letters from the customers saying we are their only supplier for this. we don't give to them, how they going to survive? >> luckily, we just bought a big [ indiscernible ] thing came out so we try to buy some more and prices went up ridiculously. >> reporter: no short of humor on the internet with one person even trying to sell a packet for $10,000. you think you'll make it through a shortage? >> i sure hope so because if we don't i'm going to have a lot of angry customers and friends that comes in and eat and no sriracha, i might have to call the police. >> lucky for kevin his restaurant about a block from the police department. the distributor thinks the stock will be gone in a couple of week, so if the sauce is going to vanish, well, it would happen at the end of the month, maybe early january. if it happens at all. just depends on demand. >> so what do we know about the health department crackdown on where the sauce was made? >> reporter: it started with the odor complaints from the neighbors at the plant in southern california. the plant said okay we are done crushing pepper for the year but it was the health department that looked at supposed microbes in the sauce, how anything lives in the sauce for more than 30 seconds i don't know, but it ordered the sauce be held for a month. that's a ph control measure. that's the one month delay for the distributor but if you are really hard up, trader joe's sells a version of it. not quite as spicy but no preservatives. >> when it comes back, it will be big. a new trend. >> allen, thank you. those looking to get out of the bitter cold in turlock, the salvation army can't offer them a shelter right now as andria menniti tells us it's not because they don't want to help. it comes down to volunteers. >> reporter: during the day, the shelter is used for senior activities at night for the homeless. it hasn't opened yet because there aren't enough volunteers. the turlock salvation army warming center was scheduled to open weeks ago. >> we were hoping we could top when the cold weather started. but then things kind of fell apart on us. >> reporter: the long-time volunteer who usually spends the night with dozens of homeless people has an illness. now the salvation army is scrambling to find volunteers to run the safe haven. >> this is the season of compassion. and they need help. >> we care shelter across town opened before the recent cold spell. >> reporter: it's been a full house every night. >> it's hard. at 8:30, 9:00, having to tell them i'm sorry i don't have a bed here's a blanketed. >> reporter: in the past those turned away head to the salvation army warming center. because it remains closed, organizers fear the worst. >> last year, the week before we opened we had one of our regular guys he passed, froze to death. can you imagine freezing to death? >> reporter: advocates say the need for help is clear when temperatures dip during the day, turlock gospel mission fills up. >> we recently had up to 100 people here during the cold snap. >> reporter: the hope is people will open their hearts to bring the homeless inside. >> they are wrapping themselves in blankets and in plastic some in tents. so they just -- just so they can stay warm. >> reporter: the salvation army hopes volunteers will work in shifts so the shelter can open. in turlock, andrea menniti, kpix 5. >> they just need 3 people to operate the shelter. >> remember to give back especially during the christmas season and year round of course. this is the time of need of the past several days. this was cold stuff that lasted eight days but i'm glad to report it's done. freezers are finished. it will be chilly in the morning, chilly overnight but temperatures will be on the way up for the first time in a long time. we are talking about warm weather, yes, the word warm. here's a live look outside. san francisco a very popular place on the thursday evening. look at all those folks waiting to get across the bay bridge and into the city. we have some high cloud cover working its way from the north. that combined with just a warmer atmosphere will keep us a little warmer overnight tonight. nobody under a freeze warning in the bay area tonight. a live look outside at sfo, mostly clear. these are your highs from today. redwood city you hit 60. sonoma you tied redwood city. livermore you also hit 60. getting warmer. san francisco 58. concord 57. san rafael 56. oakland airport below normal for each of the past five days, sunday only 48 degrees. we have been hanging around 53 or 54 the past several days. you will be close to 70 degrees in oakland by the beginning of next week. let's talk about tonight first. it will still be cold. i know a lot of you walk your kids to school. it's been bitter cold the past several nights. it will be a little milder tonight above freezing but you will still need a jacket. livermore 35. san jose 36. you wake up to 43 in oakland. san rafael tonight 36 degrees sunrise at 7:17. but now it's all about the big ridge of high pressure. it was farther off to the west before giving us that due north win that kept us nice and chilly. now the wind will turn northwest grabbing more of that ocean influence that's going to warm us up. so as high pressure builds in and gets stronger and moves closer to us, afternoon also get milder a few more degrees tomorrow a few more saturday and sunday. you keep adding those two or three degrees up we are talking about a big change temperatures well above normal 10 to 15 degrees above normal by next monday and tuesday. these are your highs tomorrow, pretty close to 60 for everybody. oakland 61, four degrees above average. san jose one degree below normal. redwood city 59 tomorrow, vallejo 60. napa 60. and fairfield 59 degrees. but oh, it gets warmer. saturday sunshine 60s. mid-60s sunday. look at monday! 67. then yeah, boom go the 70s coming up on tuesday. low 70s likely away from the water. and not a drop of rain still. get used to this drought talk. it's been talked about in the legislature. we have had a very dry calendar year. it's time now that we start really needing some rainfall. i don't see a drop. >> not a drop at least through christmas. >> we are going to get a tan before we need the umbrella again. >> thank you. still ahead, how a dilapidated bay area neighborhood is in the midst of a transformation. >> i'm glad that we can be a part of it. >> why a bay area band going on the trip of a lifetime wants your shoes. ,,,,,,,,,, wouldn't it be nice if there was a wireless company that put you on their gift list? well say hello to aio! at aio wireless you can get an android smartphone free with activation. free android phone?!?! yes please. plus, aio has a reliable nationwide network and no annual contracts. it's like the presents just keep coming! a wireless company that puts me at the top of their list? i'm in! stop by your neighborhood aio store or visit on board. the head of the f-c-c says s the fcc may be ready to allow travelers to make cell phone calls in flight but not everyone is on board with this. ahead of the fcc says it has to do with technology not with usage. with technology, vastly improved, it sees no need for the 22-year-old ban. the department of transportation has its own restrictions on cell phone use in the air and is worried about the passengers becoming disruptive. politicians tend to agree. senator dianne feinstein introduced a bill today that would block cell phone calls saying this bill recognizes the use of cell phones to make calls can be disruptive and irritating to other passengers. as the new year approaches, the world is about to open up for east bay high school student. kpix 5's john ramos has the story of some small town kids heading out for a most excellent adventure. >> 3, 2, 1! whoo!! >> reporter: each new year after big ben strikes 12 london is treated to a parade that features so many american high school kids, that even the bbc jokes about it. >> reporter: a three-hour parades had a few wondering if they had woken up in london. >> reporter: now the brits are about to get a taste of the bay area. east bay style. the pittsburg high school marching band calls itself a show band mostly because they like to show off. >> they play music they like. they do dances while they are playing which they like to do whether it's hip shakes and jumping up and down. >> reporter: the band got a surprise invitation to perform at the london parade and the kids and the booster club have spent the last 12 months trying to raise the money to go. >> rummage sales, the car washes, pasta feeds, crab feeds. >> reporter: you got the idea. they have even worked a deal to raise $3,000 if they can collect 7500 pairs of used shoes for shipment to third world countries. and this saturday former members of tower of power will jam with band members at a local benefit concert. for small town kids who aren't used to dreaming big, it's the kind of challenge and opportunity that can literally change lives. >> it will show kids how big things can be and how serious things need to be taken. >> to get them on a plane forth first time, you know -- for the first time, out of the state for the first time and especially for this trip to go out of the country, i think there's so many memories that they will take with them for a lifetime. it's amazing actually. >> yeah. >> i'm glad that we can be part of it. >> reporter: so come december 27th, the world will get a little bigger for some kids from pittsburg as they stage a little british invasion of their own. in pittsburg, john ramos, kpix 5. >> if you would like to purchase tickets to the benefit concert or donate your old shoes, contact the high school. coming up in our next half hour, why bay area students are facing the consequences of terrifying crime during a bingo game. >> it's sad to see it like that. >> how this distressed bay area neighborhood is being reborn. >> why airfares are about to go way up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, facing the consequences of a terrifying heist during a b area bingo game. i know crime is part of life. it's just unfortunate that something like this happens to a bunch of great kids. >> now at 6:30 students facing the consequences of a terrifying heist during a bay area bingo game. fundraising bingo game at one bay area high school was interrupted by a brazen robber who pulled out a gun and it happened on oak grove high school's campus last night in san jose. kpix 5's len ramirez with how the suspect got away with thousands of dollars right in the middle of a bingo event. >> reporter: the oak grove high school orchestra was rehearsing today but their fundraising efforts hit a low note last night when their $5,000 weekly bingo game was hit by a well planned armed robbery. >> whoever it was waited for the end of the event when there was the greatest amount of money available. >> reporter: it happened about 9:30 when the game was about to wrap up. >> a guy ran in with a mask and a gun and took money from our bingo program while the games were going on. everybody got scared. but there were no -- everybody was fine. >> reporter: the suspect, who was armed with a handgun, escaped on foot. >> 5, 27 -- >> reporter: bingo played in countless churches and school gyms like oak grove's is a popular and usually dependable fundraising method. police and school officials are not disclosing the exact amount stolen but students told us word around campus is that it was around $1,000. >> they probably got about 8% of our annual budget. you know, bingo pays for music. it pays for entry fees for festivals. it pays for uniforms. bringing in outside instructors to make sure that we get as good as we can possibly be. >> reporter: but you don't have to be in the band to have felt robbed. students we talked to say the incident has taken away their sense of security on campus. >> it's kind of crazy what can happen if a guy is just coming or campus. what else can you do, just coming to steal money, he can harm the students. >> it feels like we have to have the guard up more now because of it. >> reporter: school officials say it will be months before they know the full financial impact of last night's robbery on the music program. the next scheduled bingo game is january 8. it's unknown whether or not there will be extra security on hand. meantime, police continue their investigation but so far, no suspects have been arrested. in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> the band director tells len the robbery happened so fast that many of the players never even realized it was happening. north korean state media says the uncle of leader kim jong-un has been executed calling him worse than a dog. the announcementcome just days after the man was removed from his military post because of allegations of corruption, drug use and gambling. he is seen here with his nephew and was once considered north korea's second most powerful man. state media says he was executed for trying to overthrow the government. analysts say this is the latest move in kim's consolidation of power. crisis averted at least for now. tonight the house voted on a budget deal to head off future goverment shutdowns but both parties say it's not perfect. it cuts the deficit by $23 billion and eases the across- the-board spending cuts known as sequestration. some republicans say that it doesn't cut enough spending. and democrats reluctantly voted yes even though the bill does not extend unemployment benefits. >> yeah. we're unhappy. we're very unhappy about it but not enough to say, therefore, we are going to make matters worse by not having an agreement. >> i came here to cut the size of government. that's exactly what this bill does. and why conservatives wouldn't vote for this or criticize the bill is -- is -- beyond any recognition i could come up with. >> final passage in the senate could come next week. president obama is expected to sign it. a renaissance of sorts under way in one of oakland's shopping districts. the broked way corridor in -- the broadway corridor in oakland is creating jobs and businesses. our da lin on the broadway boom. >> reporter: a walk down the broadway corridor, you will notice some new faces in town. in case you missed the coming soon or hiring signs, the construction noise will remind you broadway is slowly transforming. >> i love the raw energy that oakland has. >> reporter: ulysses romero is unwith of the new faces. -- is one of the new faces. the cal graduate is opening tierra mia coffee across from sears next months. >> there's a lot of room for new businesses to come in and if you sort of join the movement and be part of it i think that makes it more exciting. >> reporter: there's been a renaissance in uptown and downtown in recent years and things have really picked up in the last six months. >> 20 beers on tap. >> reporter: tim martinez is opening a beer garden behind paramount theater. >> boarded up storefronts on broadway and on telegraph here all being snapped up really fast. >> uptown, downtown, we have had 61 new restaurants, as of last year, we think we're now up to 80. >> reporter: while growth is evident there's still a lot of room for it. it's not hard to find empty storefronts and failed businesses along broadway. some people tell me it has a long way to go. >> it's sad to see it like that. i have been here for so long. i know it's going to come back. >> reporter: many say the perception of crime makes them avoid oakland whether it's to shop or set up shop. those who have joined the movement say it's exciting. >> this is a little jewel to be discovered, a great -- timing is great. investment is great. and for professionals it's really great. >> reporter: in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> the oakland business development corporation held a ceremony this afternoon to celebrate the revitalization. it credits partners like citibank for speeding up the loan process for small businesses in the city. still ahead, prepare to pay more for airfare. coming up in tonight's consumerwatch, why the cost of flying is headed higher. >> and the bay area boy who helped light the state capital christmas tree tonight. you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. with starbucks at $6.99, serve coffee everyone savors. top it off with coffee-mate... just $2.79 for all kinds of flavors. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. sofa... merrier than eveyou know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. a scare on the international space station has put scien work on hold.. and a spacewalk in limbo. a faulty valve is causing problems with the a scare on the international space station has put science work on hold and a spacewalk in limbo. a faulty valve is causing problems with the cooling system. nasa's now trying to diagnose what's wrong and come up with a fix. the valve was replaced in three years and there are several options being considered. the easiest, a software repair. the most difficult, a spacewalk. well, cell phone users should soon find it easier to switch carriers and keep their phones. on our consumerwatch, julie watts with a major and unexpected agreement from the nation's wireless carriers. people have been asking for this for a long time. >> yeah. this is actually prompted by an online petition that gathered 114,000 signatures. >> reporter: the deal will make it easier for consumers to unlock their mobile phones at the end of the contract and switch to a new carrier. the agreement between the sec and the wireless industry will ensure that carriers notify customers if and when their eligible to unlock their phones. it also will standardize the process of unlocking the phones and require carriers to process requests within two business days. now, top providers have long allowed customers to unlock their devices but the process varies by company. and it can be a hassle. it looks like airfares are going up thanks to new congressional budget deals. the deal more than doubles the current $5 airport security fee to $11.20 per ticket. the hike is intended to offset the cost to operate the transportation security administration. airlines which have been critical of the fee hike say it means taxes can now make up more than a quarter of the airline ticket. and higher fees will go into effect next july. from the people who brought you same-day delivery, amazon will now bring groceries to your door. it tested amazon fresh for five years in seattle before expanding first to l.a. and now to san francisco. but amazon will only deliver to specific densely populated zip codes in this city. and to get free grocery delivery you have to sign up for the $300 a year amazon prime which also gets you video streaming, book rentals and overnight shipping and further ingrains you into the amazon ecosystem. so to speak. now, because there's not much of a profit margin on groceries, analysts believe amazon is banking on customers also buying things like electronics and household products which amazon can make a profit on. >> never have to go to a store again, just go online. >> although $300 a year? you have to weigh is it worth it? i think for some people it is. >> sure if you don't want to deal with parking especially going to the city. up next the bay area boy with the honor tonight of lighting the state capital christmas tree. >> welcome back to the 60s. those of you in fremont and alamo and menlo park, it's been a long week and a half, hasn't it? 61 in menlo park. antioch 58. fremont 63 today. forget about the 60s. let's talk about 70s! find out which one day we may hit that mark coming up. i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, the giants mystery in left field is solved by morse code. >> i have never seen that before. >> will the seahawks quarterback sign a baseball contract? >> i'm sure i'll go down there for spring. >> all together now. [ chanting ] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, christmas tree. an eight year ia- ceja f governor jerry brown and first lady ann brown had a special guest helper in lighting the capital christmas the this year. an 8-year-old boy from vallejo. he helped throw the switch lighting the 55-foot-tall tree. he was born with congenital heart disease. he was selected to represent the 260,000 people served by the department of developmental services. angel is a student at vallejo's beverly hills elementary school. >> a beautiful job. well, paul, we have been talking about the cold and how it's warming up. that's one headline but another one are these "spare the air" "days. >> you can see the bad air quality out there because you have this ridge of high pressure that traps the pollution down at the bottom of the atmosphere. that's where we live. it's been a problem for five days. as we go to our weather maps, tomorrow will be day number 6. now, that's significant. 6 days in a row with a "spare the air" day. since we have been doing "spare the air" days that hasn't happened in the bay area. it's the wintertime "spare the air." once again tomorrow, the worst air quality will be in the santa clara valley but moderate at best elsewhere. six straight and right now the forecast is for day 7, day 8 and day 9 on saturday, sunday and monday. air quality has been bad and will continue to be bad for the next couple of days. beautiful view from the rooftop. concord 46. santa rosa 49. upper 40s in livermore and san jose. here's a familiar sight, kpix 5 hi-def doppler with absolutely nothing on it. it is now a foregone conclusion that 2013 will be the driest calendar year ever in the bay area. we're 15 inches below normal in san francisco. and 21 inches below average when it comes to rainfall in santa rosa. this is the culprit. when you get a ridge of high pressure sitting off to the west what that ridge does it takes any storm heading in our general direction and shoots it up to the north. by the time it has a chance to come back down, it's usually overwhelming or idaho or utah or nevada. just not here in the bay area. case in point, there will be rainfall that will make it into far northern california toward crest on the city but it's not going to make it here because that ridge of high pressure will break it down before it makes it all the way down here. so another storm moving through without a drop of rain for us. what it will give us a little bit of cloud cover overnight keeping us milder and speaking of mild, it's all about this big ridge of high pressure keeping us dry for friday, saturday and sunday and as that ridge gets stronger, and as that ridge gets closer to you it's going to be giving us milder weather. we'll add 2 or 3 degrees every day over the weekend top of next week and we are starting at 60. you do 2 degrees for five days that becomes 70. that's where we'll be for the top of next week. right around 70 degrees. the night also still be chilly. we'll be clear most nights. and that will mean temperatures in the 30s away from the water but the afternoons will get progressively warmer and temperatures will approach 70 degrees coming up next week. let's talk about your friday. we have 61 for you in san jose. 59 for sunnyvale. fremont sunny day bad air quality but nice to get outside high of 58 degrees. pacifica 57. concord 59. san ramon and pleasanton 59. it will be 58 in san francisco berkeley upper 50s around 60 for you in san rafael petaluma sonoma great destinations there. and cloverdale your high tomorrow on your friday 61 degrees with sunshine. and that's going to be the coolest day for the next week. we'll add a couple more on saturday and more on sunday. that will be the mid-60s by the end of the weekend. monday mid- to upper 60s. look at the high on tuesday. 70 degrees way the from water. then next wednesday annex thursday we are talking about highs in the 60s with mainly sunny skies. now, let's talk about "food for bay area families." we have a very large physically large check but it's also large in the amount of money. hans reiser is here from gilead and you have a check for $100,000! hans, please tell us about your company's commitment to making sure people have food to eat this holiday season. >> thank you, paul. it's a bay area company which seeks to strengthen our community. the food bank is a terrific organization and gilead has supported the food bank proudly since 2004. >> and tell us your company is a large company but you do this every year. you have been doing this for several years. >> yes, since 2004. we are biopharmaceutical company focused on diseases with major medical needs but many of us live here in addition to working here. and we feel strongly about strengthening the community. >> we thank you for this donation. paul ash is here from the food bank of marin in san francisco. paul, the economy is getting better. unemployment is down. you're here with ethan. want to mention ethan. there's still a need for something as basic as food. we're not talking about -- this is food we're talking about and there's a tremendous need. >> it is very basic. folks right now are scurrying around trying to fill all their basic needs in a very expensive economy. we know how much rent s we know how hard it is when you're working multiple part-time jobs or near minimum wage jobs and this will go a long way. >> what does that translate to when it comes to meals1, $00,000. >> it's about $600,000 worth of food. that's really hard for people to imagine. but it's dozens of truckloads of fresh produce, for example, that we'll bring in from the central valley, apples, oranges, broccoli, i saw today. onions, pears, so it's all those kinds of things that people really want for good nutrition. >> paul, hans, ethan, thank you so much. if you want to donate and take part in this -- [ applause ] > -- $100,000 from gilead. we'll be right back. and give the giants a crumbn the front page...enter gm b well, apparently billy beane decided to take the day off and give the giants a little coming up on the front page. enter general manager brian sabean. he saids he has been searching for a left fielder and hopes he found one today. the giants had a five home runs out of the left field last year. mike morse had a career-high 31 with washington back in 2011. morse signed a one-year $5 million deal. the question is, which morse are they getting? he has been sending mixed signals lately. he hit over .303, drove in 100 last year with seattle in baltimore 8 games bad numbers. the -- 88 bad numbers. safety goldson is having an old friend for dinner in tampa. the former 49er signed a $22 million contract with the bucs in the off season. last week, he was suspended for an illegal hit. instead of sending it home, he visited jim harbaugh and the rest of his old teammates in santa clara. >> i never seen that before a player stop by. it was cool. it was natural. >> no high alert? [ laughter ] >> all the game stuff? >> no. you could, uhm, pretty sure it would be a natural reaction but it didn't play out that way. how about this? seahawks quarterback russell wilson played baseball before he became a football star. he was drafted by the rockies in 2010. today the rangers purchased his rights in the rule 5 baseball draft. the fee, $12,000. >> i'm sure i'll go down there for spring training and just talk to some of their players and hang out. it's going to be a cool experience. >> not going to try to go bow jackson? >> asked me if i'm going to try to go bo jackson. i thought about it. i'm not going to lie. >> when is the last time you picked up a baseball or a bat? >> the last time i probably picked up a bat when i won the home run derby here. remember game 5 of the '97 nba times? michael jordan scored 38 in a win against the jazz with the flu. today his sneakers from that game were sold at auction by a former jazz ball boy for $104,000. >> wow. >> that broke the previous shoe sales record by $73,000. mcclymonds high school gym is littered with state title banners for basketball. vern glenn explains they are trying to clear room in their trophy case for the football team. >> we're going to be, 1, 2, 3. >> reporter: mcclymonds head coach michael peters directs his last practice before it's go time. >> come on, let's go, line up. >> reporter: there's a sense of your general for for the warriors who returned to the nor cal finals for the second straight year. >> we are happy to be there but this year, it's like we practice hard and get down there and win so we can be state champion. >> reporter: friday at central catholic in modesto in the way again. they beat mccloudy monday's in the 2012 final and beat them again in a nonconference game this year. but this one tomorrow is more than just a, well, third time's the charm. it's about mac pride. positive identity for this small west oakland school once known as the school of champions in basketball. but in recent years it has seen attendance plummet and graduation rates fall with it. peters, a mac alum, says victory would go a long way to reverse the decline. >> this right here would take us over the top. i think we get back up to, you know, 800 kids coming back to the school. this win is big for the school. >> reporter: so the win could kind of create a demand, hey, i want to be a part of that? >> right. >> go! >> reporter: a team of 30 players with an operating budget of $450. barely enough to cover the cost of practice and game uniforms. but they are united and take a 10-2 record into friday night in stockton a family. >> one, two, three! >> reporter: in oakland, vern glenn, kpix 5. >> i don't know what store they are shopping at about 450 bucks is not going to cover uniforms. helmets, shoulder pads. >> right. >> so that's a school -- and obviously like a lot of public schools, they could use a little bit of help. >> absolutely. >> but if they can win without that even better. >> highlights the team. >> absolutely. >> great talent. well, coming up on kpix 5 news tomorrow morning -- >> remember finney? he was abused so badly his jaw grew shut. he is looking for a new home. tomorrow on kpix 5 starting at 4:30 a.m. all right. for news throughout the evening the latest always on our next newscast will be at 10:00 on the wc, cw 44/cable 12 and you can see us right back here tonight at 11:00. >> "spare the air" day. >> right. six consecutive tomorrow but we're warming up through the weekend 70 by tuesday. >> all right. see you at 11:00. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: getting it. finally getting it. here we go. thanank you very much, folks. thank you very much. welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and, boy, we got another good one for you today, folks. returning for the fourth day, with a total of $21,680 bucks, from beresford, south dakota, it's the strom family! [cheering and applause] and from bowie, maryland, it's the antrum family! [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and the possibility they're driving out of here in a head-turning ford fusion. [cheering and applause] i got some money to give away.

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Ethan , South Dakota , United States , Fremont , California , Nevada , Cloverdale , Santa Clara Valley , Oakland , Redwood City , West Oakland , Florida , San Diego , Stockton , Washington , District Of Columbia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Turlock , Menlo Park , Central Valley , Idaho , Milpitas , Pacifica , Colorado , Modesto , Maryland , North Korea , Baltimore , Californians , North Korean , British , American , John Ramos , Jim Harbaugh , Ming Juan , Billy Beane , Bo Jackson , Steve Harvey , Dianne Feinstein , Michael Peters , Francisco Berkeley , Santa Clara , Ann Brown , Rafael Petaluma Sonoma , Vern Glenn , Jerry Brown , Allen Martin , Russell Wilson , Tierra Mia , Dale Smith , Tim Martinez , Las Vegas , Kim Jong , Linda Yee , Ryan Takeo , Hans Reiser , Mike Morse , Ulysses Romero , Len Ramirez ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131213 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131213

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that she perhaps wasn't viable. you have to make that decision. if you see somebody who appears gravely injured and they are not on the burning plane, you have to go past them to get people who are in greater danger. >> reporter: the tragedy has put a spotlight on airplane disaster training and it turns out only the fire rescue crews stationed at the airport get the specialized course not the commanders who lead them. it's not required by the faa. >> we are open to the dialogue and certainly, uhm, all training is good training. in fact, that day, though, you know, i felt that everything went as well as could be expected. >> reporter: so there are no immediate plans by the fire department to change any of the procedures but they did say they are looking to enhance training for all of the fire rescue crews that are stationed out here at the airport. live at san francisco international airport, linda yee, kpix 5. >> the ntsb is expected to release the full results of its crash investigation by next summer. well, it's no secret california is an attractive place to live. there's why we're all here. today new figures confirm that. over the last year, california's population jumped the most it has in nearly a decade. who said the golden state's dead? the state added 332,000 people. alameda, santa clara counties saw the largest increases. the boom mostly driven by new births. state population now stands at 38.2 million. bart management and its unions are back at the bargaining table right now trying to find a solution to another contract dispute. they have been in talks for almost 8 hours now still no word on any progress. as cate caugiran reports, they are at odds over a family leave provision and both sides seem to be digging in. >> reporter: the unions and bart management back at it again, but for something union leaders are calling unprecedented. management claims one provision in the tentative agreement that allows employees up to six weeks of paid family leave shouldn't have been in there in the first place. the transit agency is calling the provision a mistake. and the unions are calling bart out. >> when you make a mistake you acknowledge the consequences of your actions. if i sign an agreement my word is my bond and we have to live with that, okay? they signed an agreement. they have attorneys that reviewed it. that was not a mistake. they presented it to us. >> reporter: the unions already ratified the tentative agreement with that mistake. last month bart directors also approved that same agreement but without the family leave provision, which brings us back here, bart headquarters, where once again management and the unions will face off. >> we need to know what they're saying at the table today. they made the invitation for us to meet. we want a resolution to the contract. our members deserve a resolution to the contract. so we're going to see what they have to say. >> quite frankly, bart cannot afford to pay employees six weeks for family medical leave. so we're hoping that we can resolve this dispute. >> reporter: bart says the talks are scheduled to go on over the next couple of days and the riders we spoke to today say they hope it doesn't go any longer than that. in oakland, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> the unions say they are not considering a third strike as an option at this point. four people are under arrest for a convenience store killing in milpitas. this happened at 7-eleven, it was the only homicide in the city this year. investigators say a combination of surveillance, police work and help from the public led them to the suspect. >> for us in a small community like milpitas, we are safe and have very few homicides, this really hit the core of this community. it resonated in a very negative way. >> three suspects are from menlo park. the other is from las vegas. police couldn't provide too many details because they say the investigation is still ongoing. bay area headlines a fiery crash on i-580 in livermore leaves one man dead and another behind bars on dui charges. the chp says 53-year-old garcia rear-ended a jeep at 50 miles per hour this morning. the jeep slammed into two other cars and then burst into flames. the driver of that jeep was killed. the crash snarled traffic for hours in both directions. the scene wasn't completely cleared until 2 p.m. in addition to dui charges, the suspect in custody also faces felony manslaughter charges. another deadly crash this one involving an elderly pedestrian in san rafael. witnesses say a work van hit and killed a victim who was crossing the road near the marin civic center this morning. the driver of the van stopped to help out. the name of the victim has not been released. in pinole firefighters put out a flame on a big rig on i- 80. that big rig and two cars crashed early this morning in the eastbound lanes near sunol valley road exit. all lanes were closed for about 2.5 hours. no one was injured. and police in belmont are looking for the crooks who stole copper wiring from streetlights. police were investigating an open grate with some exposed wiring yesterday on walston avenue near highway 101. they found 600 feet of copper wire missing. that wire worth about $600. the fbi is ramping up its search for a bay area man suspected of bombing two buildings back in 2003. they had numerous tips about where daniel andreas san diego might be but haven't caught him. they are offering $250,000 for information that leads to his arrest. the fbi says san diego bombed the chiron corporation building in emeryville in 2003. no one was hurt at the biotech company. and investigators say he was also behind a bombing that same day at shaklee corporation in pleasanton. the fbi suspects the bomb was timed so that it would hurt firs responders. no one injured in that blast. a search is suspended for a missing silicon valley executive and his family. 51-year-old dale smith was flying a small private plane over the mountains in central idaho last week when the plane disappeared. five people were on board. crews halted their search officially today after the weather got worse. smith reported engine trouble just before that plane vanished. new figures show "covered california" the state's health exchange is appealing more to older californians. more than 109,000 people signed up for a health plan between october and november. most of them between 45 and 64 years old. only 21% of enrollees were ages 18 to 34. overall enrollment is higher than the preliminary federal figure, but still about half the originally projected number. they use it for everything. i love sriracha. >> but now shipments are on hold. when the hot sauce could disappear completely from store shelves. >> and why some homeless people seeking warmth from the freeze are being left out in the cold. >> and it absolutely was cold. temperatures over the past eight days 11 degrees below average in the south bay more than 8 degrees below average in santa rosa and oakland, 8 degrees below normal. that is significant. it's also over. find out when we'll be 15 degrees above normal coming up. >> and why a bay area band that just received a huge honor is doing a bit of soul searching. rougher neighborhoods. in t latest incident... the c-e- a st well, some growing pains as tech companies move into san francisco's rougher neighborhoods. in the latest incident, the ceo of a startup compared poor people to trash. ryan takeo on the tech industry's pr problem and the effort to repair that image. >> growing up in florida, i'd always been an entrepreneur. >> reporter: tech executive greg got man is the latest example of san francisco's culture clash. he went on a facebook rant about the homeless this week. he complained how market street was overrun by, quote, crazy homeless drug dealers and trash. >> i think it's a shame. >> reporter: gotman said there is nothing positive gained by having them close to us. his opinions triggered a backlash. >> well, i mean, bashing market and bashing the homeless isn't going to help them. >> reporter: it's clear tech workers have a pr problem. tensions have been simmering between market street's down and outers and its up and comers. >> i can pay my rent! can you pay your rent? >> reporter: techies are blamed for driving up rents in the city. this staged yelling match shows what some think is reality. it shows a snob entitled google employee, an actor. >> i'm sorry, it's time for you to leave. >> reporter: fair or not, tech companies headquartered on market are all being lumped together. tiffany thinks the latest online rant shows some of the industry's lack of maturity. >> i think a lot of these companies are young. and i think for most companies, they don't feed their social responsibility or corporate giving number they're much older. >> reporter: the customer software company moved to the tenderloin two years ago. their comfy office space is nothing like the high crime low income streets two floors down. to repair that image some workers are giving back. >> we depend upon the entire community. >> reporter: erica runs compass family services. the organization relies on companies like zen desk to help homeless families especially during the holidays. >> rather than isolate yourself from that environments, if you engage in it, you find an uptick in employees who want to stay. >> reporter: in san francisco, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> angel hack's ceo has apologized. he said he trivialized the struggles of the homeless. facebook stock is at a 7- week high following word it will be added to the s&p 500 stock index. shares of the menlo park company have surged after the initial slump following last year's ipo. stock closed today at nearly $52 a share. that's up 5% from yesterday and up 86% this year. to call it hot would be an understatement. there is a shortage of what some people call rooster sauce. and as allen martin shows us, it has a lot of people in a panic. >> reporter: could be a shortage. it is called sriracha sauce. you have probably seen the red bottle on the restaurant tables. tonight it is in hot demand. a crisis being called sriracha apocalypse! when the lunch bell rings and the food hits the tables at turtle tower restaurant, it's a safe bet the customers will hit the sauce. >> customers ask for the sriracha all the time. >> reporter: how loyal are people? one time here they tried to swap out sriracha with another sauce. the result? not so good. >> we had a lot of complaints from customers, where's the sriracha? we like it. >> reporter: now a real threat to the sacred sauce supply. the state department of public health is enforcing stricter guidelines at the southern california plant that makes the sauce. that means a complete halt in shipments until at least mid- january. the sauce's distributor says that is nothing short of a disaster. >> we already have letters from the customers saying we are their only supplier for this. we don't give to them, how they going to survive? >> luckily, we just bought a big [ indiscernible ] thing came out so we try to buy some more and prices went up ridiculously. >> reporter: no short of humor on the internet with one person even trying to sell a packet for $10,000. you think you'll make it through a shortage? >> i sure hope so because if we don't i'm going to have a lot of angry customers and friends that comes in and eat and no sriracha, i might have to call the police. >> lucky for kevin his restaurant about a block from the police department. the distributor thinks the stock will be gone in a couple of week, so if the sauce is going to vanish, well, it would happen at the end of the month, maybe early january. if it happens at all. just depends on demand. >> so what do we know about the health department crackdown on where the sauce was made? >> reporter: it started with the odor complaints from the neighbors at the plant in southern california. the plant said okay we are done crushing pepper for the year but it was the health department that looked at supposed microbes in the sauce, how anything lives in the sauce for more than 30 seconds i don't know, but it ordered the sauce be held for a month. that's a ph control measure. that's the one month delay for the distributor but if you are really hard up, trader joe's sells a version of it. not quite as spicy but no preservatives. >> when it comes back, it will be big. a new trend. >> allen, thank you. those looking to get out of the bitter cold in turlock, the salvation army can't offer them a shelter right now as andria menniti tells us it's not because they don't want to help. it comes down to volunteers. >> reporter: during the day, the shelter is used for senior activities at night for the homeless. it hasn't opened yet because there aren't enough volunteers. the turlock salvation army warming center was scheduled to open weeks ago. >> we were hoping we could top when the cold weather started. but then things kind of fell apart on us. >> reporter: the long-time volunteer who usually spends the night with dozens of homeless people has an illness. now the salvation army is scrambling to find volunteers to run the safe haven. >> this is the season of compassion. and they need help. >> we care shelter across town opened before the recent cold spell. >> reporter: it's been a full house every night. >> it's hard. at 8:30, 9:00, having to tell them i'm sorry i don't have a bed here's a blanketed. >> reporter: in the past those turned away head to the salvation army warming center. because it remains closed, organizers fear the worst. >> last year, the week before we opened we had one of our regular guys he passed, froze to death. can you imagine freezing to death? >> reporter: advocates say the need for help is clear when temperatures dip during the day, turlock gospel mission fills up. >> we recently had up to 100 people here during the cold snap. >> reporter: the hope is people will open their hearts to bring the homeless inside. >> they are wrapping themselves in blankets and in plastic some in tents. so they just -- just so they can stay warm. >> reporter: the salvation army hopes volunteers will work in shifts so the shelter can open. in turlock, andrea menniti, kpix 5. >> they just need 3 people to operate the shelter. >> remember to give back especially during the christmas season and year round of course. this is the time of need of the past several days. this was cold stuff that lasted eight days but i'm glad to report it's done. freezers are finished. it will be chilly in the morning, chilly overnight but temperatures will be on the way up for the first time in a long time. we are talking about warm weather, yes, the word warm. here's a live look outside. san francisco a very popular place on the thursday evening. look at all those folks waiting to get across the bay bridge and into the city. we have some high cloud cover working its way from the north. that combined with just a warmer atmosphere will keep us a little warmer overnight tonight. nobody under a freeze warning in the bay area tonight. a live look outside at sfo, mostly clear. these are your highs from today. redwood city you hit 60. sonoma you tied redwood city. livermore you also hit 60. getting warmer. san francisco 58. concord 57. san rafael 56. oakland airport below normal for each of the past five days, sunday only 48 degrees. we have been hanging around 53 or 54 the past several days. you will be close to 70 degrees in oakland by the beginning of next week. let's talk about tonight first. it will still be cold. i know a lot of you walk your kids to school. it's been bitter cold the past several nights. it will be a little milder tonight above freezing but you will still need a jacket. livermore 35. san jose 36. you wake up to 43 in oakland. san rafael tonight 36 degrees sunrise at 7:17. but now it's all about the big ridge of high pressure. it was farther off to the west before giving us that due north win that kept us nice and chilly. now the wind will turn northwest grabbing more of that ocean influence that's going to warm us up. so as high pressure builds in and gets stronger and moves closer to us, afternoon also get milder a few more degrees tomorrow a few more saturday and sunday. you keep adding those two or three degrees up we are talking about a big change temperatures well above normal 10 to 15 degrees above normal by next monday and tuesday. these are your highs tomorrow, pretty close to 60 for everybody. oakland 61, four degrees above average. san jose one degree below normal. redwood city 59 tomorrow, vallejo 60. napa 60. and fairfield 59 degrees. but oh, it gets warmer. saturday sunshine 60s. mid-60s sunday. look at monday! 67. then yeah, boom go the 70s coming up on tuesday. low 70s likely away from the water. and not a drop of rain still. get used to this drought talk. it's been talked about in the legislature. we have had a very dry calendar year. it's time now that we start really needing some rainfall. i don't see a drop. >> not a drop at least through christmas. >> we are going to get a tan before we need the umbrella again. >> thank you. still ahead, how a dilapidated bay area neighborhood is in the midst of a transformation. >> i'm glad that we can be a part of it. >> why a bay area band going on the trip of a lifetime wants your shoes. ,,,,,,,,,, wouldn't it be nice if there was a wireless company that put you on their gift list? well say hello to aio! at aio wireless you can get an android smartphone free with activation. free android phone?!?! yes please. plus, aio has a reliable nationwide network and no annual contracts. it's like the presents just keep coming! a wireless company that puts me at the top of their list? i'm in! stop by your neighborhood aio store or visit on board. the head of the f-c-c says s the fcc may be ready to allow travelers to make cell phone calls in flight but not everyone is on board with this. ahead of the fcc says it has to do with technology not with usage. with technology, vastly improved, it sees no need for the 22-year-old ban. the department of transportation has its own restrictions on cell phone use in the air and is worried about the passengers becoming disruptive. politicians tend to agree. senator dianne feinstein introduced a bill today that would block cell phone calls saying this bill recognizes the use of cell phones to make calls can be disruptive and irritating to other passengers. as the new year approaches, the world is about to open up for east bay high school student. kpix 5's john ramos has the story of some small town kids heading out for a most excellent adventure. >> 3, 2, 1! whoo!! >> reporter: each new year after big ben strikes 12 london is treated to a parade that features so many american high school kids, that even the bbc jokes about it. >> reporter: a three-hour parades had a few wondering if they had woken up in london. >> reporter: now the brits are about to get a taste of the bay area. east bay style. the pittsburg high school marching band calls itself a show band mostly because they like to show off. >> they play music they like. they do dances while they are playing which they like to do whether it's hip shakes and jumping up and down. >> reporter: the band got a surprise invitation to perform at the london parade and the kids and the booster club have spent the last 12 months trying to raise the money to go. >> rummage sales, the car washes, pasta feeds, crab feeds. >> reporter: you got the idea. they have even worked a deal to raise $3,000 if they can collect 7500 pairs of used shoes for shipment to third world countries. and this saturday former members of tower of power will jam with band members at a local benefit concert. for small town kids who aren't used to dreaming big, it's the kind of challenge and opportunity that can literally change lives. >> it will show kids how big things can be and how serious things need to be taken. >> to get them on a plane forth first time, you know -- for the first time, out of the state for the first time and especially for this trip to go out of the country, i think there's so many memories that they will take with them for a lifetime. it's amazing actually. >> yeah. >> i'm glad that we can be part of it. >> reporter: so come december 27th, the world will get a little bigger for some kids from pittsburg as they stage a little british invasion of their own. in pittsburg, john ramos, kpix 5. >> if you would like to purchase tickets to the benefit concert or donate your old shoes, contact the high school. coming up in our next half hour, why bay area students are facing the consequences of terrifying crime during a bingo game. >> it's sad to see it like that. >> how this distressed bay area neighborhood is being reborn. >> why airfares are about to go way up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, facing the consequences of a terrifying heist during a b area bingo game. i know crime is part of life. it's just unfortunate that something like this happens to a bunch of great kids. >> now at 6:30 students facing the consequences of a terrifying heist during a bay area bingo game. fundraising bingo game at one bay area high school was interrupted by a brazen robber who pulled out a gun and it happened on oak grove high school's campus last night in san jose. kpix 5's len ramirez with how the suspect got away with thousands of dollars right in the middle of a bingo event. >> reporter: the oak grove high school orchestra was rehearsing today but their fundraising efforts hit a low note last night when their $5,000 weekly bingo game was hit by a well planned armed robbery. >> whoever it was waited for the end of the event when there was the greatest amount of money available. >> reporter: it happened about 9:30 when the game was about to wrap up. >> a guy ran in with a mask and a gun and took money from our bingo program while the games were going on. everybody got scared. but there were no -- everybody was fine. >> reporter: the suspect, who was armed with a handgun, escaped on foot. >> 5, 27 -- >> reporter: bingo played in countless churches and school gyms like oak grove's is a popular and usually dependable fundraising method. police and school officials are not disclosing the exact amount stolen but students told us word around campus is that it was around $1,000. >> they probably got about 8% of our annual budget. you know, bingo pays for music. it pays for entry fees for festivals. it pays for uniforms. bringing in outside instructors to make sure that we get as good as we can possibly be. >> reporter: but you don't have to be in the band to have felt robbed. students we talked to say the incident has taken away their sense of security on campus. >> it's kind of crazy what can happen if a guy is just coming or campus. what else can you do, just coming to steal money, he can harm the students. >> it feels like we have to have the guard up more now because of it. >> reporter: school officials say it will be months before they know the full financial impact of last night's robbery on the music program. the next scheduled bingo game is january 8. it's unknown whether or not there will be extra security on hand. meantime, police continue their investigation but so far, no suspects have been arrested. in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> the band director tells len the robbery happened so fast that many of the players never even realized it was happening. north korean state media says the uncle of leader kim jong-un has been executed calling him worse than a dog. the announcementcome just days after the man was removed from his military post because of allegations of corruption, drug use and gambling. he is seen here with his nephew and was once considered north korea's second most powerful man. state media says he was executed for trying to overthrow the government. analysts say this is the latest move in kim's consolidation of power. crisis averted at least for now. tonight the house voted on a budget deal to head off future goverment shutdowns but both parties say it's not perfect. it cuts the deficit by $23 billion and eases the across- the-board spending cuts known as sequestration. some republicans say that it doesn't cut enough spending. and democrats reluctantly voted yes even though the bill does not extend unemployment benefits. >> yeah. we're unhappy. we're very unhappy about it but not enough to say, therefore, we are going to make matters worse by not having an agreement. >> i came here to cut the size of government. that's exactly what this bill does. and why conservatives wouldn't vote for this or criticize the bill is -- is -- beyond any recognition i could come up with. >> final passage in the senate could come next week. president obama is expected to sign it. a renaissance of sorts under way in one of oakland's shopping districts. the broked way corridor in -- the broadway corridor in oakland is creating jobs and businesses. our da lin on the broadway boom. >> reporter: a walk down the broadway corridor, you will notice some new faces in town. in case you missed the coming soon or hiring signs, the construction noise will remind you broadway is slowly transforming. >> i love the raw energy that oakland has. >> reporter: ulysses romero is unwith of the new faces. -- is one of the new faces. the cal graduate is opening tierra mia coffee across from sears next months. >> there's a lot of room for new businesses to come in and if you sort of join the movement and be part of it i think that makes it more exciting. >> reporter: there's been a renaissance in uptown and downtown in recent years and things have really picked up in the last six months. >> 20 beers on tap. >> reporter: tim martinez is opening a beer garden behind paramount theater. >> boarded up storefronts on broadway and on telegraph here all being snapped up really fast. >> uptown, downtown, we have had 61 new restaurants, as of last year, we think we're now up to 80. >> reporter: while growth is evident there's still a lot of room for it. it's not hard to find empty storefronts and failed businesses along broadway. some people tell me it has a long way to go. >> it's sad to see it like that. i have been here for so long. i know it's going to come back. >> reporter: many say the perception of crime makes them avoid oakland whether it's to shop or set up shop. those who have joined the movement say it's exciting. >> this is a little jewel to be discovered, a great -- timing is great. investment is great. and for professionals it's really great. >> reporter: in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> the oakland business development corporation held a ceremony this afternoon to celebrate the revitalization. it credits partners like citibank for speeding up the loan process for small businesses in the city. still ahead, prepare to pay more for airfare. coming up in tonight's consumerwatch, why the cost of flying is headed higher. >> and the bay area boy who helped light the state capital christmas tree tonight. you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. with starbucks at $6.99, serve coffee everyone savors. top it off with coffee-mate... just $2.79 for all kinds of flavors. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. sofa... merrier than eveyou know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. from the shelf, and to your home. starting at $99. a scare on the international space station has put scien work on hold.. and a spacewalk in limbo. a faulty valve is causing problems with the a scare on the international space station has put science work on hold and a spacewalk in limbo. a faulty valve is causing problems with the cooling system. nasa's now trying to diagnose what's wrong and come up with a fix. the valve was replaced in three years and there are several options being considered. the easiest, a software repair. the most difficult, a spacewalk. well, cell phone users should soon find it easier to switch carriers and keep their phones. on our consumerwatch, julie watts with a major and unexpected agreement from the nation's wireless carriers. people have been asking for this for a long time. >> yeah. this is actually prompted by an online petition that gathered 114,000 signatures. >> reporter: the deal will make it easier for consumers to unlock their mobile phones at the end of the contract and switch to a new carrier. the agreement between the sec and the wireless industry will ensure that carriers notify customers if and when their eligible to unlock their phones. it also will standardize the process of unlocking the phones and require carriers to process requests within two business days. now, top providers have long allowed customers to unlock their devices but the process varies by company. and it can be a hassle. it looks like airfares are going up thanks to new congressional budget deals. the deal more than doubles the current $5 airport security fee to $11.20 per ticket. the hike is intended to offset the cost to operate the transportation security administration. airlines which have been critical of the fee hike say it means taxes can now make up more than a quarter of the airline ticket. and higher fees will go into effect next july. from the people who brought you same-day delivery, amazon will now bring groceries to your door. it tested amazon fresh for five years in seattle before expanding first to l.a. and now to san francisco. but amazon will only deliver to specific densely populated zip codes in this city. and to get free grocery delivery you have to sign up for the $300 a year amazon prime which also gets you video streaming, book rentals and overnight shipping and further ingrains you into the amazon ecosystem. so to speak. now, because there's not much of a profit margin on groceries, analysts believe amazon is banking on customers also buying things like electronics and household products which amazon can make a profit on. >> never have to go to a store again, just go online. >> although $300 a year? you have to weigh is it worth it? i think for some people it is. >> sure if you don't want to deal with parking especially going to the city. up next the bay area boy with the honor tonight of lighting the state capital christmas tree. >> welcome back to the 60s. those of you in fremont and alamo and menlo park, it's been a long week and a half, hasn't it? 61 in menlo park. antioch 58. fremont 63 today. forget about the 60s. let's talk about 70s! find out which one day we may hit that mark coming up. i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, the giants mystery in left field is solved by morse code. >> i have never seen that before. >> will the seahawks quarterback sign a baseball contract? >> i'm sure i'll go down there for spring. >> all together now. [ chanting ] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, christmas tree. an eight year ia- ceja f governor jerry brown and first lady ann brown had a special guest helper in lighting the capital christmas the this year. an 8-year-old boy from vallejo. he helped throw the switch lighting the 55-foot-tall tree. he was born with congenital heart disease. he was selected to represent the 260,000 people served by the department of developmental services. angel is a student at vallejo's beverly hills elementary school. >> a beautiful job. well, paul, we have been talking about the cold and how it's warming up. that's one headline but another one are these "spare the air" "days. >> you can see the bad air quality out there because you have this ridge of high pressure that traps the pollution down at the bottom of the atmosphere. that's where we live. it's been a problem for five days. as we go to our weather maps, tomorrow will be day number 6. now, that's significant. 6 days in a row with a "spare the air" day. since we have been doing "spare the air" days that hasn't happened in the bay area. it's the wintertime "spare the air." once again tomorrow, the worst air quality will be in the santa clara valley but moderate at best elsewhere. six straight and right now the forecast is for day 7, day 8 and day 9 on saturday, sunday and monday. air quality has been bad and will continue to be bad for the next couple of days. beautiful view from the rooftop. concord 46. santa rosa 49. upper 40s in livermore and san jose. here's a familiar sight, kpix 5 hi-def doppler with absolutely nothing on it. it is now a foregone conclusion that 2013 will be the driest calendar year ever in the bay area. we're 15 inches below normal in san francisco. and 21 inches below average when it comes to rainfall in santa rosa. this is the culprit. when you get a ridge of high pressure sitting off to the west what that ridge does it takes any storm heading in our general direction and shoots it up to the north. by the time it has a chance to come back down, it's usually overwhelming or idaho or utah or nevada. just not here in the bay area. case in point, there will be rainfall that will make it into far northern california toward crest on the city but it's not going to make it here because that ridge of high pressure will break it down before it makes it all the way down here. so another storm moving through without a drop of rain for us. what it will give us a little bit of cloud cover overnight keeping us milder and speaking of mild, it's all about this big ridge of high pressure keeping us dry for friday, saturday and sunday and as that ridge gets stronger, and as that ridge gets closer to you it's going to be giving us milder weather. we'll add 2 or 3 degrees every day over the weekend top of next week and we are starting at 60. you do 2 degrees for five days that becomes 70. that's where we'll be for the top of next week. right around 70 degrees. the night also still be chilly. we'll be clear most nights. and that will mean temperatures in the 30s away from the water but the afternoons will get progressively warmer and temperatures will approach 70 degrees coming up next week. let's talk about your friday. we have 61 for you in san jose. 59 for sunnyvale. fremont sunny day bad air quality but nice to get outside high of 58 degrees. pacifica 57. concord 59. san ramon and pleasanton 59. it will be 58 in san francisco berkeley upper 50s around 60 for you in san rafael petaluma sonoma great destinations there. and cloverdale your high tomorrow on your friday 61 degrees with sunshine. and that's going to be the coolest day for the next week. we'll add a couple more on saturday and more on sunday. that will be the mid-60s by the end of the weekend. monday mid- to upper 60s. look at the high on tuesday. 70 degrees way the from water. then next wednesday annex thursday we are talking about highs in the 60s with mainly sunny skies. now, let's talk about "food for bay area families." we have a very large physically large check but it's also large in the amount of money. hans reiser is here from gilead and you have a check for $100,000! hans, please tell us about your company's commitment to making sure people have food to eat this holiday season. >> thank you, paul. it's a bay area company which seeks to strengthen our community. the food bank is a terrific organization and gilead has supported the food bank proudly since 2004. >> and tell us your company is a large company but you do this every year. you have been doing this for several years. >> yes, since 2004. we are biopharmaceutical company focused on diseases with major medical needs but many of us live here in addition to working here. and we feel strongly about strengthening the community. >> we thank you for this donation. paul ash is here from the food bank of marin in san francisco. paul, the economy is getting better. unemployment is down. you're here with ethan. want to mention ethan. there's still a need for something as basic as food. we're not talking about -- this is food we're talking about and there's a tremendous need. >> it is very basic. folks right now are scurrying around trying to fill all their basic needs in a very expensive economy. we know how much rent s we know how hard it is when you're working multiple part-time jobs or near minimum wage jobs and this will go a long way. >> what does that translate to when it comes to meals1, $00,000. >> it's about $600,000 worth of food. that's really hard for people to imagine. but it's dozens of truckloads of fresh produce, for example, that we'll bring in from the central valley, apples, oranges, broccoli, i saw today. onions, pears, so it's all those kinds of things that people really want for good nutrition. >> paul, hans, ethan, thank you so much. if you want to donate and take part in this -- [ applause ] > -- $100,000 from gilead. we'll be right back. and give the giants a crumbn the front page...enter gm b well, apparently billy beane decided to take the day off and give the giants a little coming up on the front page. enter general manager brian sabean. he saids he has been searching for a left fielder and hopes he found one today. the giants had a five home runs out of the left field last year. mike morse had a career-high 31 with washington back in 2011. morse signed a one-year $5 million deal. the question is, which morse are they getting? he has been sending mixed signals lately. he hit over .303, drove in 100 last year with seattle in baltimore 8 games bad numbers. the -- 88 bad numbers. safety goldson is having an old friend for dinner in tampa. the former 49er signed a $22 million contract with the bucs in the off season. last week, he was suspended for an illegal hit. instead of sending it home, he visited jim harbaugh and the rest of his old teammates in santa clara. >> i never seen that before a player stop by. it was cool. it was natural. >> no high alert? [ laughter ] >> all the game stuff? >> no. you could, uhm, pretty sure it would be a natural reaction but it didn't play out that way. how about this? seahawks quarterback russell wilson played baseball before he became a football star. he was drafted by the rockies in 2010. today the rangers purchased his rights in the rule 5 baseball draft. the fee, $12,000. >> i'm sure i'll go down there for spring training and just talk to some of their players and hang out. it's going to be a cool experience. >> not going to try to go bow jackson? >> asked me if i'm going to try to go bo jackson. i thought about it. i'm not going to lie. >> when is the last time you picked up a baseball or a bat? >> the last time i probably picked up a bat when i won the home run derby here. remember game 5 of the '97 nba times? michael jordan scored 38 in a win against the jazz with the flu. today his sneakers from that game were sold at auction by a former jazz ball boy for $104,000. >> wow. >> that broke the previous shoe sales record by $73,000. mcclymonds high school gym is littered with state title banners for basketball. vern glenn explains they are trying to clear room in their trophy case for the football team. >> we're going to be, 1, 2, 3. >> reporter: mcclymonds head coach michael peters directs his last practice before it's go time. >> come on, let's go, line up. >> reporter: there's a sense of your general for for the warriors who returned to the nor cal finals for the second straight year. >> we are happy to be there but this year, it's like we practice hard and get down there and win so we can be state champion. >> reporter: friday at central catholic in modesto in the way again. they beat mccloudy monday's in the 2012 final and beat them again in a nonconference game this year. but this one tomorrow is more than just a, well, third time's the charm. it's about mac pride. positive identity for this small west oakland school once known as the school of champions in basketball. but in recent years it has seen attendance plummet and graduation rates fall with it. peters, a mac alum, says victory would go a long way to reverse the decline. >> this right here would take us over the top. i think we get back up to, you know, 800 kids coming back to the school. this win is big for the school. >> reporter: so the win could kind of create a demand, hey, i want to be a part of that? >> right. >> go! >> reporter: a team of 30 players with an operating budget of $450. barely enough to cover the cost of practice and game uniforms. but they are united and take a 10-2 record into friday night in stockton a family. >> one, two, three! >> reporter: in oakland, vern glenn, kpix 5. >> i don't know what store they are shopping at about 450 bucks is not going to cover uniforms. helmets, shoulder pads. >> right. >> so that's a school -- and obviously like a lot of public schools, they could use a little bit of help. >> absolutely. >> but if they can win without that even better. >> highlights the team. >> absolutely. >> great talent. well, coming up on kpix 5 news tomorrow morning -- >> remember finney? he was abused so badly his jaw grew shut. he is looking for a new home. tomorrow on kpix 5 starting at 4:30 a.m. all right. for news throughout the evening the latest always on our next newscast will be at 10:00 on the wc, cw 44/cable 12 and you can see us right back here tonight at 11:00. >> "spare the air" day. >> right. six consecutive tomorrow but we're warming up through the weekend 70 by tuesday. >> all right. see you at 11:00. captions by: caption colorado ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: getting it. finally getting it. here we go. thanank you very much, folks. thank you very much. welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and, boy, we got another good one for you today, folks. returning for the fourth day, with a total of $21,680 bucks, from beresford, south dakota, it's the strom family! [cheering and applause] and from bowie, maryland, it's the antrum family! [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and the possibility they're driving out of here in a head-turning ford fusion. [cheering and applause] i got some money to give away.

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Ethan , South Dakota , United States , Fremont , California , Nevada , Cloverdale , Santa Clara Valley , Oakland , Redwood City , West Oakland , Florida , San Diego , Stockton , Washington , District Of Columbia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , Turlock , Menlo Park , Central Valley , Idaho , Milpitas , Pacifica , Colorado , Modesto , Maryland , North Korea , Baltimore , Californians , North Korean , British , American , John Ramos , Jim Harbaugh , Ming Juan , Billy Beane , Bo Jackson , Steve Harvey , Dianne Feinstein , Michael Peters , Francisco Berkeley , Santa Clara , Ann Brown , Rafael Petaluma Sonoma , Vern Glenn , Jerry Brown , Allen Martin , Russell Wilson , Tierra Mia , Dale Smith , Tim Martinez , Las Vegas , Kim Jong , Linda Yee , Ryan Takeo , Hans Reiser , Mike Morse , Ulysses Romero , Len Ramirez ,

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