Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20161010 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20161010

knock out isis. >> okay donald i know you are into big diversion tonight anything to avoid talking about your campaign and the way it is exploding.>> while clinton was attacked for her use of a private email server. >> i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation. >> trump's attacks on click it started before the debate when he sat down with four women who accused her and bill clinton of misconduct and bowling. >> the candidates will square off one more time with a debate in las vegas next week. jamie yuccas cbs news english. governor jerry brown predicting huge gains for democrats making the prediction at a tim kaine fundraiser in sacramento. >> ic landslide potential. i think this is a time to destroy the republicans. >> we reached out to the governor's office he had no additional comment. early voting begins in california any registered voter can go to the county register office to receive a vote by mail ballot and turn in a completed ballot, the voters offices are closed today because it is the columbus day holiday. a desperate search for life jackets in san francisco after a boat carrying 30 people capsized. jackie ward is live where the boat is still in the bay and the investigation is underway. the coast guard still has a lot of questions that need to be answered because the boat is in the water, they will be back out here using a sonar device to find the wreckage. five adults and three children recovering from injuries including a four-year-old boy who needed cpr saturday. he is still in the hospital but in good condition. the timing of this as scary as it was could not have worked out better because of fleet week the police department fire department and coast guard were already on the bay. it could have been much worse. >> it did work out to our advantage. we had people on the water willing to help out. it could've been worse if there weren't some of people around. >> police will be looking into if the right number of life jackets were available and if the boat owner followed all safety requirements. in addition to finding the wreckage the coast guard has to figure out if it poses a threat to the environment or is a hazard to navigation. from pier 45 jackie ward kpix 5 let's check in with roqui theus on the morning commute. >> things are slowing down, the time 6:03, our hotspot of the morning altima pass now we're moving to a highway for, we have a stalled car adding onto the slow traffic between antioch and the area westbound taking 26 minutes, moving over to the altamont pass traffic coming off 205 just 14 miles per hour very slow conditions all the way through northland road into livermore where it will free up a bit too 05 to the altamont 30 minutes and then altima pass two 680 taking 20 minutes. let's move on to the san mateo bridge a slow commute things are slowing down along the bridge, 882 101 westbound 15 minutes from hayward into foster city that is a look at your traffic. how is the weather? >> we are looking at little foggy this morning that is a sign of color changes coming our way, a live look outside at the golden gate bridge, reduced visibility along the coast as you can see down to just a few feet in some spots, please be mindful as you head into the city or drive off the coast temperatures in the 50s areawide out the door, visibility let's take a look down 2.03 miles in half moon bay expect that off and on throughout the coast, really, this very dense patchy fog you could be driving along with just feet of visibility, be cautious on the roadways, there is a sign of color changes as i mentioned we start to see the marine layer enhancing. we will see temperatures drop, cooling begins more so likely tomorrow and then rain chances on the horizon, northbay rain chances by thursday, rain likely by friday, many changes in the forecast especially considering what we saw this weekend. if you are going to the beach and we will see sunshine for most for the second half of the day, temperatures will be a little cooler today, west facing beaches there is a beach hazard in fx. higher than normal risk of rip current. high temperatures relatively mild today still on the warm side of average, temperatures in the low 60s in pacifica, mid- 60s san francisco, 82 fairfield, anyone livermore, full forecast still ahead. two police officers killed in the line of duty were remembered, hundreds of people turned out for the candlelit vigil in palm springs including family members of the officers. >> he always stayed by my side. he loved me no matter what. >> for somebody to take that person away from us, he is going to be truly missed. >> heartbreaking, they were shot on saturday while responding to a domestic disturbance, this man, john felix was arrested after a 12 hour standoff, he was wearing body armor carrying several high-capacity magazines. in 2009 he was charged with being a member of a criminal gang. oakland police looking for a stolen u-haul. it was a 26 foot u-haul stolen saturday night. it was parked on reinhardt drive , the truck was donated to write to recovery the organization promoting the well- being of veterans, the u-haul had 50 cases of water meant to help 100 people, the license plate shown here. the great pumpkin contest happening this morning in half moon bay some of the pumpkins is so big they are almost the size of cars. sandra osborne live at the event. it looks like there will need forklifts to get pumpkins on the scales. >> forklifts and special harnesses to get the pumpkins on the scales, we have a sneak peek of the pumpkins taking part in this year's contest, some of the pumpkins behind me locally grown from a farm in half moon bay. i want to give you video last year's event so you can see how carefully they have to lift the massive pumpkins, some of the biggest pumpkins estimated to weigh over 1500 pounds with the world record being over 2000 pound. back here live farmer john with us, born and raised to 70 years in half moon bay tell me what this means for you. >> it is a very special time of the year for all of us. it is so special for the urban community and the bay area to come visit and it helps us keep farming. we do sell our pumpkins, that is why we are here. >> looking at the pumpkins, these are gorgeous. we see massive pumpkins behind you, how long does it take to grow these pumpkins to be big enough? >> it really only takes 120 days but some of these were probably gaining 30 pounds a day in july and august. >> i was talking to some farmers and they have to give them connected to water while transporting them. >> that is a little fantasy they think will help them, when they quit growing, they quit growing but everyone has their own tricks. we all sell about 90% of the truth. >> i like the smack talk. thank you so much for joining us this morning and giving us a look at these pockets. these are incredible, the way in is between 7:00 and 11:00 this morning. we are looking at a sneak peek of what to expect later today, we will have a winter by 11:00 am, this whole thing is a kickoff to the pumpkin festival this weekend, if you want to come down this weekend get here a little early. live from half moon bay, sandra osborne kpix 5 10 minutes after 6:00, hurricane matthew blamed for killing at least 19 people in the us. the latest on the recovery efforts from the record- breaking rainfall. struck a crucial vote on the future of the oakland raiders happening today. temperatures cooling today, showers on the way details coming up. a new crash in the bay bridge toll plaza, how it is affecting traffic don't go anywhere. ,, ,,,, all of this with the global warming and the - a lot of it's a hoax. it's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. we can't go back to the years of devastating cuts to public education. exactly why i urge you to vote yes on prop 55. prop 55 prevents $4 billion in new education cuts without raising taxes on anyone. and there's strict accountability in prop 55. with local control over school funding decisions. and mandatory annual audits guaranteeing the money goes directly to our classrooms. not to bureaucracy, not to administration. so vote yes on 55. because it helps our children thrive. welcome back, 6:14 we are looking at fog making its way into the bay certainly a sign of things to come, cooler temperatures with rain on the way, details coming up. hurricane matthew moving east into the atlantic but it left behind a major path of destruction in the us. the coast guard rescue and thousands of people in the carolinas who were trapped in homes and buildings, some families returned home to nothing. >> i don't have nothing left. nothing. have to put all this in the garbage. >> volunteers from the bay area are helping some people the red cross is sending emergency rescue vehicles, some crew/ yesterday the restless today. us military troops sending relief to victims in haiti. helicopters flying in food and medicine to the country. power is still out and a lot of people running out of supplies, the us is sending nine helicopters full of food and water and medicine. struck a football stadium for the oakland raiders will be the focus in carson city. a special session of the nevada state legislature, lawmakers consider a financing plan for a 65,000 seat stadium expansion in las vegas. fans in oakland are not giving up. >> pushing forward to get something done here. >> a lot of people are clinging to hopes, nfl hall of famer ronnie lott part of an investment group trying to build the stadium in oakland. the group is negotiating with the city and county to buy or lease the current coliseum site. in southern california a rock 'n roll fan dream comes true with grades performing in the same festival. it is called desert trip featuring neil young and other legends every artist returns this coming weekend the festival expected to bring in $160 million in revenue. >> my friend was there and it was so much fun. she loved it. a lot of selfies. how is the traffic? traffic is starting to slow down looking at the toll plaza the meter lights have been on since 5:29, now we have a crush before the toll plaza two cars on the shoulder we will keep you posted as to how that will clear up, otherwise traffic is backing up toward the maze taking a slow 18 minutes. let's move to the dublin interchange, altamont pass 680 westbound taking 60 minutes, let's move over to the altamont pass coming off 205 11 miles per hour very slow conditions from 205 to the altamont, that will take 30 minutes into livermore where it slows down a little bit. moving over to antioch pittsburgh slow-moving traffic westbound 4 a stalled car we will tell you when it is clear, hillcrest avenue we will tell you when it is clear, hillcrest avenue, highway 242 westbound taking 26 minutes. if you want to avoid traffic right now headed out the door, no delays to report for mass transit to the area. off to the weather. we are tracking dense fog out there along the coast now making its way into the bay, reduced visibility so be cautious as you head in this morning. temperatures as you make your way in, in the 50s areawide 52 san francisco, 54 concord, 54 santa rosa. futurecast showing coastal clouds and the fog moving inland later on this morning, but then back to the coast they will pull back briefly so sunshine most inland we do have high clouds making their way to the south bay today as well. as we advance into tomorrow, likely going to see the marine layer thickening much deeper tomorrow so cooler temperatures and it looks like it will make its way inland tomorrow so anticipate the morning low clouds and coastal flog -- fog. the deeper the onshore flow of the cooler the temperatures get, high pressure in place giving us warm over the weekend northwest flow cleaned out the clouds pushing to the east, low pressure is dominating the forecast through the extended forecast as a series of disturbances, right now we have want to the north keeping us dry this is futurecast, by friday we anticipate showers making their way to our area starting north of golden gate thursday and more widespread friday. it could be the first good soaker of this season. lingering showers possible saturday to sunday as well, overall friday the best chance of rain. it could fluctuate a bit in terms of the timing. high temperatures today, no rain plenty of sunshine with the exception of the coast pacifica and san francisco you might see clouds lingering, inland we will have sunshine, oakland 70, upper 70s for santa rosa. low 80s for the warmest spots in that, livermore, fairfield east bay temperatures as much as 10 degrees cooler than what we saw this same time yesterday. a look at the extended forecast temperatures cooling into the workweek increasing clouds by wednesday more so thursday wish hours north of the golden gate but friday is the rain day for most of us, scattered showers on saturday into sunday. coming up, the giants trying to avoid elimination later tonight, yesterday one team got its ticket home. and today at the watercooler turn to your neighbor and say the 1st place, raiders. straightahead. what is cool about your school? email us your nominations. we may come out and feature your school on the show. ,, it's not a weekend hobby.ance? you have to live and breathe it for 50 years. it's the sound... and the fury. it's letting it all hang out there, and it's hanging on for dear life. that is what amg driving performance means. and this is where it lives. the 503-horsepower mercedes-amg c63 s coupe. good morning, not since 2000 to have the raiders started 4-zero and had they won yesterday they would be in first place in the afc west. the raiders looking for their first home win of the yard down to the chargers. cooper, 64 yards for the touchdown. cooper had a huge game. it was 24-19 chargers in the third he gambles forth and 2 beautiful pass raiders win bryce harper and the nationals facing the doctors. bottom of the fourth, he hammers the curveball three run shot. the series is even. one game a piece. the blue jays battled the rangers in game three of the a lds. bottom of the 10th russell martin makes contact, josh donaldson scores and that is it. blue jays win they advanced to the american league championship series. later tonight the giants try to extend the series to game four we will see you tonight. the play of the day from the nfl, packers and giants, eli manning scrambling to get off the pass. >> manning buying time, fires to the back of the end zone. touchdown. he barely stayed inbounds for the touchdown but in the end the packers won 23-16. a wild scene on the golden gate bridge, a group of bikers putting on a sideshow. a big mystery why a yacht capsized over the weekend. having 30 people exit the boat. some were injured. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tobacco companies knew that smoking kills. and they lied about it for decades. now they're lying about prop 56. if you don't use tobacco, you don't pay. smokers pay - their fair share of the 3 billion in health care costs all taxpayers are paying now. and there's one more thing: our kids. every state that's significantly raised tobacco taxes has reduced youth smoking. please. vote yes on 56. if we can save even a few lives, it's worth it. live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news police looking into a possible hate crime at a community center, details on the investigation. it is beginning to look a lot like fall in half moon bay, look at some of the injuries -- entries in the pumpkin contest. speaking the fall, a cooldown on the way we are beginning to see the increased marine layer decreasing temperatures and rain on the horizon. more trouble on highway 4 a stalled car turned into a crash. good morning it is 6:30, thanks for joining us, i'm anne makovec, 30 people desperate to find lifejackets after their boat capsizes, several still in the hospital. jackie ward is live in san francisco on the investigation underway and why fleet week was key to the rescue.>> reporter: it was key but it delayed the recovery process that is what the focus is today, the coast guard has to get on the waters and find the wreckage because of fleet week activities this got delayed. the coast guard will use sonar device to try to find it, when they do they will determine why it capsized. in addition to finding the wreckage they have to determine if it poses an environmental threat or is a hazard to navigation. >> the next step is to locate the vessel underwater and the marine unit will use radar devices to scan the water. when it is located it will be necessary to make arrangements to bring it to the surface. >> the timing worked out really well because of fleet week. the police department fire department and the coast guard were already patrolling the bay and responded within minutes. three children and five adults were taken to various hospitals, a four-year-old boy had to get cpr but he is expected to be okay. from pier 45 jackie ward kpix 5 the gloves came off in the second presidential debate. both candidates spending much of the 90 minute townhall on the attack. trump had to answer to a video from 2005 where he used vulgar language while talking about sexual advances toward women. >> what we saw and heard on friday was donald talking about women, what he thinks about women, what he does to women. >> if you look at bill clinton, far worse, mine are words, his were action. >> meanwhile clinton took fire over her email controversy, with trump promising to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the issue if he becomes president. >> in a few minutes melissa kane will join us to break down the spirited debate. a closely watched race in san francisco, two candidates for a state senate seat will debate tonight. >> we want marriage equality. we have a lot of challenges left.>> a couple of excerpts from tv ads in the race, 11 district candidates are both democrats. time for a check on your weather and traffic, julie watts has been keeping an eye on a lot of fog. >> that is the first sign of change we see the marine layer enhanced triggering the onshore flow which cools down temperatures and that is where we will see that today and tomorrow, later this week we will see showers in the forecast, a little bit of something for everyone, a look outside of the golden gate bridge you can see we have reduced visibility. temperatures in the 50s out the door today, in santa rosa 44 degrees. a look at our visibility, it is definitely reduced along the coast and over the golden gate bridge .03 miles for half moon bay, we could get down to just feet, certainly something to keep in mind as we hit the roadways significant reduced visibility, mostly inland those low clouds the morning low clouds, we should see sunshine later today. the cooldown begins today, more so tomorrow as we deepen the marine layer. northbay rain possible by thursday, rain more likely for the rest of us south of the golden gate, by friday and it looks like models indicating a good soaking rain friday for most folks around the bay. details coming up in the full forecast. in the meantime today will be dry likely sunshine inland, if you're going to the beach we have a beach hazard statement in effect for the west facing beaches higher than normal risk of recurrence thinks -- staying to the north. overall temperatures, quite cooler compared to yesterday. more in your full forecast. roqui how are the roadways collection roads are getting worse and worse, let's go to the antioch pittsburgh area, highway 4 giving us trouble westbound highway 4 we had a stalled car earlier but now something has crashed into the car causing a crash involving a big rig. there are crews on the way. one of those cars on the side and the big rig blocking lanes, moving over to the pleasant hill area southbound 680 before monument boulevard a big rig versus an suv causing heavy slowdowns at 12 miles per hour southbound on succeeding moving to the altamont pass coming off 205 12 miles per hour, slow conditions throughout the area. over to you anne. police looking into a possible hate crime at the rainbow community center. it has provided support for the lg bt community for two decades. burglars have broken in four times over the last few weeks, somebody spray-painted homophobic graffiti outside of the building, staff are hoping police find whoever is responsible. >> dealing with the fear you will come in and see somebody who might be threatening or finding stuff all over it gets scary. >> the break-ins happened soon after the rainbow center held a workshop at a nearby high school. chp hopes cell phone video will help them find dozens of bikers who took over the golden gate bridge this weekend to do tricks. traffic shutdown saturday as they did doughnuts and popped wheelies speeding in both directions putting traffic in limbo the chp is also investigating a short -- sideshow on the bay bridge. in 30 minutes the annual pumpkin contest starts in half moon bay. some of the pumpkins are massive this year. we have been looking at them with sandra osborne live from the event getting a sneak peek at the competition. >> reporter: good morning to you, talking about the weight of some pumpkins they have to use a forklift and special harnesses to get them on the scale, you can see one of the entries. there are several of this size. it is amazing to see some of the entries. i have the grower of this pumpkin, gary miller out of napa, thank you for being here to give us a sneak peek. >> it is my pleasure it is fun. >> how long does it take to grow a pumpkin this size? >> about 90 days.>> that doesn't seem that long. i want to point out something that is interesting, look at the front of the pumpkin you can see the stem going inside. gary was explaining why this potentially could give you an edge. >> it keeps it hydrated, it will lose as much weight, if you didn't treat it like that with water on the stems. >> just real quick, out of all the punk and you have grown, the biggest pumpkin was about? >> just under 2000 pounds, 1985 pounds. >> thank you so much for joining us, the scales they will have, it has a 5 ton capacity. if somebody produced a pumpkin like that it would be a huge cash price, if they break the world record, $30,000 in the grand prize. this is going to take place between 7:00 and 11:00 am all of this is a kickoff to get everybody pumped for the festival this weekend saturday and sunday a little tip for you. you want to get here early to find parking. sandra osborne kpix 5 it is 6:39, the second presidential debate every bit as combative as expected. melissa caen will join us to discuss if either candidate made headway. ,, when mexico sends its people... they're bringing crime, they're rapists. are you going to have a massive deportation force? you're going to have a deportation force. we're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. we're going to build a wall. that's not america. we're all californians. i'm tom steyer. it's time to speak out. please, register. and vote. vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. smartphone is shut down. stocks are nosediving for san francisco-based twitter and production of a popular smartphone shutdown. >> the problems continue for samsung, fresh reports that the company has suspended production of its galaxy note 7 phone after new reports that replacements have caught fire. samsung already dealing with a global recall of 2.5 million note 7 phones now it has this to deal with. reportedly at&t and t-mobile have told samsung they will stop caring the phone because of safety concerns and that prompted this shutdown of production although at this point they are only temporarily adjusting their schedule. shares in twitter down by 12% this morning after bloomberg report said salesforce no longer interested in buying the company after other reports said potential suitors are no longer interested in making an office -- offer for twitter. the stock of twitter has fallen by 30% in the past few sessions. this is after the twitter stock had a 30% run up. >> a good start for the overall market, oil prices $15 a barrel and higher. so far the doubt up by 150 points, now stack gaining 51. that you. roqui theus looking at slowdowns for the monday morning commute. let's get it look at traffic. >> typical morning, as you are heading out you will have some slow-moving traffic, let's start with the san mateo bridge from hayward into foster city the commute will be slow. 882 101 westbound 25 minutes. moving to the bay bridge the maze to downtown westbound a slow 20 minutes, over in the distance, there is a crash blocking lanes at that light pole so we will keep you updated when that is cleared but it is definitely slowing down traffic even more at the toll plaza into downtown san francisco, having in the east bay out to highway 4 slow conditions at bay point a crash that has been cleared but of course residual backups moving at 15 and 12 miles per hour between antioch and pittsburgh, down to pleasant hill southbound 680 before monument boulevard, a big rig versus an suv the suv off to the side but the big rig blocking lanes causing traffic at 20 miles per hour, slow conditions. how is the weather? looking at fog, reduced visibility as you head into the city or driving along the coast be cautious, significant increase -- decreasing visibility. 44 santa rosa this morning temperatures will be decreasing, futurecast chose the clouds moving inland you can see it with the traffic cameras we have low clouds making their way into the bay and fog along the coast moving inland before they pull back to the coast this afternoon. i think we will see sunshine for many folks today, high clouds for the south bay today and likely we will stay gray along the coast. this is the beginning, we will enhance the marine layer, futurecast showing the marine layer enhanced a bit cooling things down increasing the onshore flow cooling all of us down even inland locations. high-pressure in place has been keeping us nice and warm the northwest flow around the pressure has been clearing the clouds out with a lot of sunshine all weekend long pushing to the east, low- pressure dominating the forecast showers well to the north, western washington and oregon seeing the rain but watch what happens as we advance into friday. another area of low pressure moving in bringing with it a soaking rain by friday shower chances begin in the north bay thursday, likely north of the golden gate increasing friday and lingering through the weekend scattered in nature for the weekend, high temperatures today, 63 pacifica, 65 san francisco, 70 oakland. mid-70s in san jose, the warmest spots inland warming up to the low 80s places like livermore and fairfield, 79 in concorde. sunrise 7:14, sunset at 6:38, temperatures are decreasing today, more so tomorrow back to the seasonal norm increasing cloud cover wednesday and thursday and increasing shower chances thursday into friday, friday looks to be the rain day but we are sometime out, saturday a chance of showers, sunday showers the forecast is changing. the second presidential debate provided plenty of fireworks. the nominees trading personal attacks for most of the 90 minute town hall event. melissa caen joining us live to break it down. >> it was quite a show, in the meantime republican leaders trying to distance themselves from trump after that tape with his vulgar comments. another sign of the friction last night. >> this time it was with the device -- vice president. mike pence saying he was offended. during the debate trump was asked about syria. the moderator repeated his answer from the vice presidential debate. >> we haven't spoken and i disagree. right now, syria is fighting isis. >> it was the tone that was notable, after that they -- the debate pence tweeted out congrats on the debate. this may get smoothed over but maybe not, we will be watching the issue. >> one notable moment came when trump said he would have clinton thrown in jail if he was president. >> it went over really well, he said he would do that and it got a good audience reaction. clinton also did not seem to be prepared for the allegation, also this is one of those statements we will hear a lot about. >> if i win i am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception, there has never been anything like it. >> when trump made the statement it was noted the president cannot instruct the atty. general. to take action, the prospect of arresting one's opponent was compared to areas such as the congo. >> i like to the town hall format.>> you get to walk around not stuck behind a podium but this format can be tricky, we talked about this before the debate, body language is important in the town hall, trump stood basically the entire time but often when clinton was speaking he put himself a few feet behind her, at one point, said muslims should report suspicious activity and the most tweeted message of the night was i am a muslim and i would like to report a man threatening a woman on stage. so you have to watch the staging. people were saying he was lurking behind clinton.>> all right, interesting insight, one more debate to go. ,,,,,,,, frightening. it's about profits. drug company price-gouging... aarp. to get there. ♪ with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be...and more. mercedes-benz. five things to know, remnants of hurricane matthew moving into the atlantic after drenching the carolinas with record-breaking rainfall the storm blamed for 20 deaths in the us. several people are missing in north carolina. days or weeks before the evacuees can return home. clinton and trump back on the campaign trail today, the candidates stepped up their attacks in a bitter debate at washington university. clinton and trump face-off for a third and final debate on october 19. early voting in california, today is the first day for voters to apply for a vote by mail ballot, all requests must be received by tuesday, november 1, one week before election day. nevada lawmakers to getting a session that could determine if the raiders stay in oakland, the legislator voting on if they should use taxpayer money to build a 65,000 seat football stadium in las vegas. the giants season on the line when they take the field tonight they took the lead in chicago saturday night, madison bumgarner takes the mound tonight. i'm jackie ward on pier 45 where there are a lot of questions to be answered after a boat capsized on saturday tossing 30 people into the water, the coast guard will be out here this morning trying to find the wreckage. to do that they will be using sonar, five adults and three children recovering including a four-year-old boy who needed cpr. the boy is in the hospital but in good condition. all vitals are stable. the timing of this could not have worked out better. the fire department and coast guard were already patrolling debate due to fleet week. >> it did work out to our advantage. having so many people on the water willing to help out. it could have been a lot worse. >> police will look into whether the right number of lifejackets were available and if the boat owner followed safety requirements, in addition to finding the wreckage the coast guard muster -- determine if the wreckage is a hazard to the environment. jackie ward kpix 5 let's take a look at traffic, first with the mass transit we have some delays headed toward san francisco airport and daly city a 10 minute delay currently otherwise looking good throughout the area on mass transit, moving to the peninsula commute a slow-moving traffic on the san mateo bridge 880 882 101 westbound taking 25 minutes. slow traffic in the east bay between antioch and pittsburgh highway 4 thanks to an earlier crash 12 miles per hour. also slow in the pleasant hill area on southbound 680. over to julie. we have reduced visibility, dense patchy fog on the coast a couple of feet of vision. be careful driving into the city. temperature wise in the 50s, 57 san jose, 52 san francisco, 55 livermore and oakland. later today warming up a little above average but certainly cooler than yesterday. low 80s for the warmest spots inland, 60s on the coast, 70s around the bay, mid to upper 70s for the north they. 75 in san jose today, the extended show -- forecast showing increases into the work we. we have clouds increasing wednesday thursday with shower chances thursday north of the golden gate friday for all of us continuing scattered shower possibilities into the weekend. i am excited to see some showers. fleet week wraps up one popular attraction headed out of town. hundreds of thousands of people the sound of the blue angels flying out of oakland international after a busy weekend, hundreds of thousands of people coming to san francisco to watch the airshow, not quite over yet the naval ships are docked on the bay open for tours before the sailors leave port. at half moon bay the biggest pumpkins in the world facing the scale, the 43rd annual pumpkin contest. the winner gets $30,000, last year the winning pumpkin was 1970 pounds. thanks for joining us, cbs this morning coming up next. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is monday, october 10th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump apologizes, then turns the tables on hillary clinton at the second presidential debate. he lashes out on bill clinton's past, and says he would put hillary clinton in jail if he is elected. she says they vulgar video shows who trump really is. >> the threat from hurricane matthew continues. north carolina faces dangerous flooding. we're there tracking the multibillion dollar impact of the deadly storm. samsung reportedly stops production of the galaxy note 7 following a series of fires. three top phone companies refuse to give customers replacement phones. >> but we n

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