Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 630pm 20240621 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 630pm 20240621

near the cal campus, what's attracting thieves and how to keep from being a victim. good evening. i'm juliette goodrich. >> and i'm brian hackney. kpix5's christian heart net hartnet is near the university -- hartnet near the university. >> reporter: police say the victims in these crimes are forgetting the golden rule before leaving their cars unattended. the u.s. berkeley campus has been a vehicle theft hotspot in may. 11 smash and grabs have hit on ordinary campus. drivers say they do what they can to keep their car from being an easy target. >> the only thing we leave in our car is maybe our baseball gear. that's it. we don't leave any bags. we don't leave nick out that looks like someone would -- anything out that looks like someone would want. >> reporter: some are strategic where they mark to minimize risk. >> i -- park to minimize risk. >> i hardly ever park on the street and when i do, there's obviously not very much in here. >> reporter: and yet police say in nearly all the incidents drivers had things stolen left in plain sight. that's a no-no. with the recent thefts, it should be a reminder to clear the car of all belongings. police are stepping up patrols in parking areas. a woman is recovering after being attacked by a neighbor's pitbull. it happened late this afternoon in san francisco. the dog was taken away by animal control. two dogs were initially involved in the attack, but only one actually bit the woman on the arm. the owners say their dog has never bitten anyone. >> they're not life threatening since it's on her arm. we don't know the severity or if there's permanent damage. >> it is not clear yet why the dog turned on the woman. the dog is quarantined for 10 days. starting tomorrow californian must cut back on their water usage. it's part of new state rules to deal with the drought. the reduction varies by water district. in the north bay marin municipal water district customers need to cut back by 20% in. livermore it's 24%, but in south san francisco the mandatory cutback is 8%. those who don't reduce, could face hefty fines. one bay area neighborhood has quite the operation going on to keep their lawns green and their plants and gardens healthy and it's free and legal. we tagged along to see what some pleasanton neighbors are doing to stay green during the drought. when carolyn fredericks heard there was free water, she immediately became a frequent filler. >> this is my third trip. i've met lots of friends down here. >> reporter: the dub lan san ramon water district has -- dublin san ramon water district has become a water district of sorts all filling up on recycled water. it's not for drinking but has been used and treated and is safety for watering lawns and plants. >> once you register and take the 10 minute course they give you this little card and you can come as many times a day as you want. >> reporter: that's what carolyn does and so do her neighbors. >> this is what we do. >> reporter: back at home she and her son tanner empty the 100-gallon tank onto their green lawn and then hand over the tank carrying it across the street to her neighbor's house. >> hi. we're bringing over the tank and the pump. >> reporter: the whole treatment is on board with this new watering concept except for maybe a few and neighbors say there must be something in the water because their gardens have never looked so good. the secret ingredient? >> there's nitrates, potassium and sodium, all the things probably good river water would have, and it's just better than fertilizer because you can do two things at once. >> reporter: for this pleasanton street green has never looked so good for free. this water recycling program is the first of its kind in the country. during the first six months people halled away 2.3 million -- hauled away 2.3 million gallons of water. today is the last day to clear weeds and brush from their homes or face stiff fines. they need a fire break of 100 feet around the homes called a defensible space. the san jose fire department put out signs to warn people today is the deadline. >> every other weekend we're out there making sure that we take care of it. >> if people don't clear the brush, fines start at $5,000. maximum fine is 20,000. the war over sugary soda is taking another turn in san francisco. tomorrow the board of supervisors will review several new tactics to curb consumption of sugary drinks. one measure would require ads posted on city surfaces such as buses and billboards to include a warning of the health impacts. northerly measure would prohibit use of city funds to buy show -- another measure would prohibit use of city funds to buy soda. the world's largest hiv and aids fundraiser broke a record today. aids life cycle raised $16.3 million for this year's major bike ride event, nearly $1 million more than last year. cyclists began pedaling early this morning from san francisco to los angeles to raise money and awareness for hiv and aids services. the money will help support the san francisco aids foundation and the los angeles lgbt center. one person's junk is another's treasure, the big payday for a mystery woman if she comes forward after dropping off a rare apple computer for recycling. >> say good-bye to a piece of history that was once a hangout for the stars. what's next for the grandstands of old hollywood park when it's going to we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number... don't miss the memorial day event, going on now. sleepiq tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. save $300 to $600 on select mattress sets. ends sunday! queen mattresses start at just $699.99. know better sleep with sleep number. the series of explosions the legendary grandstands at the hollywood park racetrack are no more. this was the place in inglewood where stars from hollywood's golden era used to bet on the horses. the land owners want to build a commercial project, possibly an nfl stadium. a woman thought they was recycling an old useless computer. turns out it's worth at least $200,000. cbs5's john ramos on the small fortune waiting to be claimed by the mystery woman who dropped the computer off at a south bay recycling center. >> reporter: you know that final scene in raiders of the lost ark when the ark is lost in a giant warehouse? that same thing happened here in milpitas, well, sort of. >> if you look at the shelf, it's all industrial stuff. >> reporter: this is clean bay area, a company that collects old equipment from businesses and resells it online or passes it along for recycling. about a month ago an elderly woman dropped off some boxes of junk that belonged to her late husband. >> some stuff like this. >> reporter: the boxes sat for weeks on a palette until they fable --pallet for weeks until they finally rummaged inside one and there was something that looked weird. >> it said apple and looked very, very rough. >> reporter: but there it was, the holy grail of computer collectibles, an apple one, the very first computer sold by steve wozniak and steve jobs. only 200 were ever made and while the computer history museum in mountain view has an apple one mother board, even it doesn't have what gichun and his boss were looking at. >> he said $10,000. i said no, it's way more. >> reporter: he was right. a man showed up when the word came out and instantly handed over the asking price of $200,000. >> he just took it and drove away and i said whoa, something it wrong with that picture. why so fast? >> reporter: maybe it's because the last one put up for auction got half a million dollars and a few years ago one sold for 900,000, but gichun said he's satisfied and he has only one more problem, finding that elderly woman. you see, the company usually splits the proceeds of the sale with its clients and they say they now have a $1,000 check a $100,000 check waiting for her. >> just i hope she will see this report and she will come. >> reporter: besides, it might be fun to see what else she has in her garage. in milpitas john ramos, kpix5. >> even though the woman didn't leave her name or ask for a recent he remembers what she looks like and all she has to do is come in and claim her money. the u.s. senate in a rare sunday night session, the deadlock over a major anti- terror problem set to expire at midnight. >> we're looking at an incoming little system to the bay area. it will cool things down, might even rain taking a live look right now at the u.s. senate floor where there is a tense political standoff going on right now over key provisions of anti-terrorist law set to expire in a few hours. it's a rare sunday session. what it will mean if parts of the patriot act are allowed to expire. >> rand paul, the head of the washington spy machine, barack obama. >> reporter: this over the top pac produced ad sets the stage for sunday night's battle. unless the senate acts at midnight key provisions of the patriot act will expire. >> heaven forbid we've got a problem where we could have prevented a terrorist attack or apprehended someone who was engaged in dangerous activity, but we didn't do so simply because of inaction in the senate. >> reporter: provisions that among other things allow the nsa to collect telephone data on millions of americans. supporters say the program is critical to national security. >> to me totally wrong that a filibuster would be used to create this void in our security at a time when we are at risk. >> reporter: opponents call it an invasion of privacy. senator rand paul vows to block any extension unless changes are made to weaken them. >> there is no constitutional justification for the government to collect all of your phone records without your name on it or warrant, without suspicion and not signed by a judge. your privacy is yours. your records are yours and the government needs to leigh us alone. >> reporter: the house has -- leave us alone. >> reporter: the house passed a compromised bill that keeps records in the hands of the phone companies and the government would have to seek a warrant for access. >> late this evening senate republicans said as of now there is no deal on the patriot act and the key provisions likely will expire. secretary of state john kerry is delaying coming back to the country after breaking his leg in a bicycle crash. he will stay overnight in the hospital in switzerland as a precaution. kerry was out for a bike ride early today when he hit a curb and crashed. his right leg was broken. the accident forced kerry to scrap the rest of the four- nation trip that included an international conference on combating isis. we have got a weak little cold front coming down from the pacific northwest. you're looking quiz look -- quizzical about that. oakland 62, san francisco 59, santa rosa as well. this is just producing some drizzle in the north coast around sea ranch and north. the main blow is offshore and tomorrow morning could -- low is offshore and tomorrow morning will thicken things up enough. drizzle looks like a pretty good bet. the low hangs around. another one replaces it later in the week. we get a fetch of subtropical moisture and that might produce a little bit of rain thursday. futurecast shows clouds come in tonight. you can see all green specks around the bay area be suggestions we get lightly scattered sprinkles around the bay. day goes on, sun heats up, clouds vietnam rate a bit, but there's -- evaporate a bit, but there's fairly persistent cloudiness for monday. tomorrow looks overcast for the bay area. inland cools. we'll get drizzle early. more clouds for monday around the bay your and a cooler week baywide till we get to friday and saturday. then we'll warm it up and increase the sunshine. in the mean team tomorrow san francisco 61, concord 69, oakland 64, still pleasant temperatures in the south bay, mostly low 70s, milpitas 69, sunnyvale 62, brentwood 76, danville and san ramon mid- to upper 60s. extended forecast is calling for a cool monday, then tuesday and wednesday more sun, thursday more clouds, but toward next weekend sun comes out for saturday and sunday, numbers warm to near 80 degrees inland. thursday is interesting. there's something happening, isn't there, dennis? the giants go for 22 wins in the month of may. >> and a very familiar face shows up at the coliseum to watch the giants were just one win away from completing a 22 win month for the first time in 61 years, all eyes on at&t where the giants hoped to take three out of four from atlanta. there goes brandon belt seventh of the season all in may. 2-0 giants. crawford has a team leading 34 runs batted in. usually plenty enough for madison bumgarner. he didn't get out of the inning. giants would tie it and then joe panik put another ball in the arcade, a two-run shot. giants lead 5-3. santiago garcia gave up a home run on the 9th but served up a double play ball to brandon crawford who boots it. crawford's second straight game with an error and the game should have been over. instead the bases clear on the triple to give atlanta a 7-5 lead. braves win, four runs in the 9th inning. the giants still finish may 21- 9. how about klay thompson showing the a's some love? the game ending double play keeps the game scoreless. chavez leading eric sogard say yeah, i know you're out there, thanks, didn't need any help. chavez blows it past a-rod. he struck out of six over eight shutout innings, but ace hadn't scored a run for him in 27 innings. that streak is over. steven vogt, event home run of the year. tyler clipped are got garrett jones -- clippard got garrett jones to pop up. they take three of four from the yankees and win a series at home for the first time this year. >> at this point we won a series. i don't care who it's against. any time you beat the yankees it's fun. they're such a great team and so much history. just the new york yankees when they come to town, the coliseum is packed. >> reporter: how cool is it to have a superstar come in and support you guys today? >> it's huge. we get to watch them so much during our season. the only upsetting thing is we don't get to go to a finals game, but i think these guys know we're rooting for them 100%. with eight days off the cavaliers have had plenty of time to come up with a game plan to try to slow down steph curry. that's easier said than done according to lebron james. >> reporter: how do you slow him down? >> same way you slow me down. you can't. >> lebron has been just unstoppable during the cavs run to the finals averaging 28 points, 10 rebounds and eight assists during the playoffs. james gets all the attention. he's more than happy to share the spotlight with his supporting cast. >> don't ask me another question till you ask one of these guys a question, too by the way. >> i'm out. i'm done. >> don't say hey, lebron, i'm from channel -- don't ask. ask these guys. give me a break. >> i could have stayed in the back. >> but you look good. you'll fit. >> i ain't never wore one of these before. >> even when he says nothing, we use thed unso bite. byron -- we use the soundbite. byron nelson, dustin johnson needing more help, second shot not much better. johnson would knock himself out of contention with a triple bogey and finished tied for eight. steven polish takes a four birdie, got a 64 and wins by four strokes for his second career win. nascar dove, one way to beat the traffic. kyle busch's day ended with 24 laps to go after he was in a wreck with bryan scott. i don't think busch was going to make dinner plans with that man. jimmie johnson held off kevin harvick for his fourth ridge wynn of the year and 10th all -- fourth win of the year and 10th all time at dove. tonight on gameday -- dover. tonight on game day we'll take you back to 1975. when i was a kid, i couldn't get enough of the warriors. >> here we go again. now your kids get to listen. >> i saw it in film is what i meant. >> you said warriors in six. >> i think it's warriors in seven and everybody holds their home court advantage. >> that is home on thursday. thanks for watching. captioning funded by cbs and ford >> good morning. >> good morning, chief. >> whitaker: chief calvin williams is trying to reform his police force while working in one of america's most violent cities. you've got a predominantly black city and a majority white police force. does that need to change? >> if you come from the premise that, you know, only an african american can police other african americans, then we're all doomed to failure. >> stahl: it's getting harder and harder for the world to meet the demand for fresh water. so as you'll see tonight, more and more is being pumped from deep underground.

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Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , United States , Brentwood , California , Oakland , Danville , Hollywood , South San Francisco , Dublin , Ireland , Hollywood Park , Sea Ranch , Switzerland , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Americans , America , Californian , American , John Ramos , Byron Nelson , Jimmie Johnson , Garrett Jones , Lebron James , Los Angeles , Klay Thompson , Calvin Williams , Kevin Harvick , Milpitas John Ramos , Dustin Johnson , Gameday Dover , Kyle Busch , Carolyn Fredericks , John Kerry , Brian Hackney , Steve Wozniak , Juliette Goodrich , Barack Obama , Brandon Crawford , Madison Bumgarner , Steven Vogt , Ridge Wynn , Bryan Scott ,

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