Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20171116 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20171116

they are hoping it won't be major this time, but every storm eyes will be to the sky to see what happens. we'll be here live monitoring it. joe vazquez, kpix5. rain in north bay, but here's a live look at downtown walnut creek. it is still dry. the clouds are moving in, likely not a good night for outside dining. chief meteorologist paul deanno has been tracking that rain as it moves in. >> it is its way south and the heaviest rain over napa and american canyon, glen ellen, st. helena receiving heavy rainfall now moving out toward fairfield and vacaville. looking to the south a few heavier showers around richmond and belvedere, a few light showers around san francisco and hayward and alameda. futurecast moving forward, the heaviest rainfall still stays north of the golden gate through midevening crossing the golden gate around midnight tonight. that's when this front get energized. when the heavy rainfall hits you in san mateo county, contra costa county, santa clara valley 3 or 4 a.m. it's the burn zones. why? all the vegetation has burned away leading to a higher risk and lower threshold for debris flows or flash flooding or mudsliding. we'll watch this all winter long. this is the first of what will be likely many flash flood watches in the area. once the rain begins plan on several hours of a soaking rainfall, this being the most significant storm since the first week of march. we'll talk more about what to expect for the weekend and beyond coming up. >> thanks, paul. firefighters just put out a house fire in fremont, chopper 5 above the scene on millard avenue. check out all the debris on there front lawn and what's left of the home. the house was packed with stuff making it a very difficult firefighter, no word on any injuries here. we now know the tehama county gunman killed his wife before driving around town on a shooting spree. he killed four more people and wounded more than a dozen others. authorities found his wife's body under the floor of their home on bobcat lane. it's where the rampage started. his next score to settle? an ongoing feud with his neighbors. kpix5's juliette goodrich is live in tehama county with more on the gunman's violent past. juliette? >> reporter: yes, allen, the discovery of the wife's body brought the death toll to six. that's including the gunman. now the gunman was out on bail on previous charges and he was ordered to surrender all of his firearms. >> madman on the loose. >> reporter: it's no secret tehama county law enforcement has had previous run-ins with kevin janson neal even going as far to say he is not law enforcement friendly. >> we have had history with him on at least two occasions. officers put the house under surveillance. >> reporter: out on $160,000 bail he was due back in court january, 2018 on assault charges. court documents show neal was prohibited from having guns as part of a restraining order, but that didn't stop him. >> these firearms are manufactured illegally we believe by him at his home. so they were obtained in an illegal manner, not through a legal process. they're not registered. >> reporter: and it wasn't unusual for neighbors to hear neal fire off rounds of ammunition from his home here on bobcat lane, but authorities say monday, the day before the deadly rampage, neal shot and killed his wife. authorities found her hidden body after serving a search warrant at the home yesterday. >> he had literally cut a hole in his floor. we're confident that he murdered her, shot her, at some point probably late monday and literally just put her body in the floor and covered it up. >> and all of a sudden bullets were just bop pop, pop, pop. >> reporter: chuck burl lives across the street from the school and saw neal try to drive through the school ground fence. >> but when i came out the door, his truck was tangled up in that gate on the right and he started trying to back up and he started tipping his truck over because it was caught on the gate. so then he just drove on through it. >> reporter: tehama county's superintendent said its schools practice lockdown drills frequently, a sign of the times. >> the reason that i'm standing here today and i'm able to speak to you without breaking down and crying is because of the heroic efforts of our school staff. love and kindness and selflessness paired with the ability to professionally do what they did defeated evil yesterday. >> reporter: and keep in mind this happened when children were being dropped off at school, so a lot of them were still outside. so a custodian, even a school secretary being credited for getting all these kids inside to safety before the gunman started firing. authorities say he was almost frustrated he couldn't get inside the school and within about six minutes when he couldn't get in, that's when he took off. that's the latest here from tehama county. i'm juliette goodrich, kpix5. thanks so much. now tonight the community is coming together holding a prayer vigil for the victims. we'll have a live report in our next half hour. new at 6:00 one city has given the green light for cell phone towers. kpix5's susie steimle has learned one piedmont man said there is no way he's going to live next to one. he's going to move. >> reporter: that's right. that man said he doesn't want to live here anymore because they're planning to put a cell tower across the street from him and he's worried that will impact his health. a number of his neighbors feel the same way. we're standing at the site of the cell phone tower that's being debated in front of city council on monday. you can see by all these signs a lot of neighbors are opposing it, but step leaders say especially when -- city leaders say especially when it comes to health concerns, there's very little they can do in building these things. >> i wrote that i was very annoyed to the city council. >> reporter: this letter is one of hundreds protesting the installation of verizon's cell towers in this community. when he learned his letter did not sway the council's decision, he decided to move. towers like this are very dangerous. >> reporter: as he lived here for 20 five years but said he couldn't in -- 25 years but said he couldn't in good conscience live by the tower himself or in a community that puts them near schools and he's not alone. people protested at city council meetings last month. nine cell tower installations were proposed. three have been approved, five rejected. the fate of the final tower is in the council's hands on monday. >> we can't just department it because people don't like it. >> reporter: the piedmont city administratorred the city's hands -- administrator said the city's hands are tied. the fcc maintains cell towers are not a risk to health. paul says the city can only legally deny on smaller issues that had within city code such as -- >> if placement of one of these cell towers or cell sites was going to require removal or massive pruning of a tree, we said no. >> i would have liked to have had the city deny all the cell towers in town and bring this up in court, if need be. >> reporter: regardless of what happens on monday, city leaders say it's unlikely that this fight will be over and verizon can apply for more applications at any point in time, as can every other major cell phone carrier. of course, the expectation is that they will. we're live in piedmont, susie steimle, kpix5. new at 6:00 san francisco's mayor breaking his silence over the fight over pot. kpix5's phil matier got mayor lee to go on the record. phil? >> reporter: that's right. now one of the fights was whether places like this, the apothecarium, one of 46 outlets to sell recreational marijuana and . -- marijuana. >> figure it out in the next couple weeks maybe something will happen. >> sure. pigs can fly. >> reporter: those contrasting comments underscore the deep divide how and where recreational pot should be sold in san francisco and for shehee the pot deadlock is also the latest sign of the city's inability to get things done. >> i'm not sure what it's coming down to. i just know we're not doing our job because we're not going to be ready january 1st. >> reporter: one key sticking point is how close the pot stores should be to schools. >> i do think we have to have a buffer zone. we introduced a 1,000 feet buffer zones. >> reporter: supervisor kim agrees. >> i don't see what's unreasonable about saying adult cannabis shops can't be in the same blocks as our child care and schools. >> reporter: sheehee said 600 feet is enough. >> it won't kill the industry but the participation will be limited. >> reporter: another issue is how much say should neighborhoods have on about whether pot clubs get to move in next-door? >> i think neighborhoods should have a say just like on other outlets, bakeries and salons they want. >> reporter: there's also comments from the asian community. >> they have great concerns around public safety. we need to address those. >> reporter: how much of this is about money? >> well, i think we're certainly seeing a lot of industry lobbyists come out to make sure that owners are able to make as much money as they can on whatever corner they can. >> right now there's cannabis everywhere. we're not getting any of the money. >> reporter: as it stands, if the board doesn't get its act together, the proponents are talking about going back to the ballot again and asking voters in san francisco where and who should be selling the adult pot as well as the medical pot. in the castro district, phil matier, kpix5, back to you. >> thanks, phil. a violent psychopath's run from the law comes to an end, the fugitive from hawaii nearly making it out of california, the quick thinking cab driver who foiled his get-away. >> criminals armed with hammers storm a bay area jewelry store, but their planned stash and grab was no match for the glass. >> a bay area city get a smarter 911, how families can get help faster in an emergency. from former country road to rolling nightmare, where the 580 commute now starts before dawn. we learned one solution to gridlock is converting freeways into tollways. >> the reason people use the road so much is because the road is free. >> just as water has become a precious resource, so will this. expect original reporting from kpix5 news. expect more. oooooooo... awwwwww... yummmm... denny's new holiday pancakes are delicious. you guys can have some if you want. order now at denny' really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. a county sheriffs deputies swooping in and arresting a fugitive from hawaii... who had walked away from a there. an intense manhunt is over this evening. san joaquin is the sheriff's deputies swooped in and got randall saito who escaped from a mental hospital. he was deemed a violent psychopath after a 1979 murder. he admitted to shooting a woman in the face with a pellet gun and fatally stabbing her in a shopping mall parking lot. kpix5's len ramirez is live with the latest. >> reporter: randall saito is in custody here in the san joaquin county jail after his arrest just outside of town this morning. a witness describes the arrest scene as being very well executed. a gas station manager says hawaii escapee randall saito was bocked in by san joaquin county sheriff's deputies and easily taken into custody, his long run from the law ending in the back seat of the taxicab he hired as a get-away car. >> they all swarmed in from both sides of the driveway, from the back. it was a real quiet arrest. >> reporter: saito, who has a brother in stockton, had been spotted in the area tuesday. a yellow cab drive became suspicious that he was -- driver became suspicious that he was the escapee when he asked to be picked up at a motel and taken to a wal-mart. the big break came when he booked another fare this morning all the way to reno. >> we had a very alert taxi driver that gave us a tip that he believed he had the escapeee in his vehicle. >> reporter: the taxi manager told kpix5 when the driver pulled in for gas on waterloo road near moye 99, deputies in the back sprung the tram. >> he said when he got surrounded by the police, the only thing the guy in the back said was, " they got me ." >> reporter: he was confined after a 1979 honolulu murder that he pled not guilty by reason of insanity. another camera picked up his ride to the airport and he landed even before the hospital reported him missing. >> this is an escape that should never have happened. i am deeply concerned that such a dangerous person was able to escape from the hawaii state hospital and remain undetected for such a long period of time. >> reporter: saito nearly made it out of california, but his luck ran out thanks to the alert cab driver. >> got like goosebumps. that hit home just that close. we were at home in linden, this guy right at pump 6 just sitting there chilling in the back of the taxi. it was really surreal. >> reporter: authorities in hawaii and here on the mainland will be trying to figure out if saito had any help in escaping or continuing his escape here in california. he had apparently a cell phone, a backpack and some cash that enabled him to get away from hawaii and start his run here in california. he will be extradited back to hawaii, no timeline on when that may happen. reporting live in san joaquin county, len ramirez, kpix5. a 24-year-old man and woman killed after gunfire erupts inside a richmond home around 7:30 last night on view drive. four people were shot in what police believe is a targeted attack. their names have not been released. police say the investigation is still ongoing and have not released a description of a shooter or a motive. new video of a group of would be thieves trying to smash and grab valuable jewelry. watch as seven men bust into the diamond ring company in pleasanton's stone ridge shopping center. police pepper sprayed employees to keep them back. armed with hammers, you can see them repeatedly pound into the shatter-proof glass, but the glass did not break. the men took off empty handed. san jose police believe the four men arrested for a shooting and robbery at east ridge mall in san jose may be responsible for other robberies. police say christopher french and jaylene fleming with devin morris and another man robbed and shot a man in april. one was hiding inside a store. the others took off. investigators caught them a few months later. now police say the men were involved in other robberies in the area in march and april and urge other victims to come forward. flood barriers are up in the mission district in san francisco, crews out on 17th and folsom setting them up. the low lying neighborhood has been prone to flooding. crews are also cleaning storm drains and sewer lines in other parts of the city. it's just starting to come our way, isn't it, paul? >> it's good to get prepared because when the more significant storms arrive, we'll be ready, so perhaps a silver lining with an event like this getting everybody prepared for what could be another wet winter. take a look at weather radar. most active right now would be along richmond and hercules. along the i-80 corridor we do have steady rainfall, steady rain around mill valley, san rafael up toward novato, very heavy rainfall fairfield, american canyon, napa, north and east to vacaville seeing heavier showers. now south of the golden gate, not much. you had clear skies a good part of the afternoon in the santa clara valley. your rain will likely arrive after midnight tonight. this is coming from north to the south. last time the city of san francisco had 1 inch or more of rainfall in a single day, have to go back 256 of those days, march 4th. so it's been a very long time since we've had a soaking raffle in the city. we will -- rainfall in the city. we will get 1 today. highs today san jose 72, santa rosa 54, concord in the mid- 60s. we have a storm system we've watched the past couple days. it itself without the tropical moisture would give us rain but not that big of deal. the moisture without the storm would likely give us some rainfall, not that big of deal. combine the two which will happen tonight, the storm lifting mechanism crafting ample moisture. when both of them come together over california and the bay area, we have the potential for heavier rain. heavy rain overnight in the north bay now slowly working its way south. with the cloud cover overnight lows are milder, redwood city 55, san jose 57 and san francisco 57 degrees. heavy rain overnight tapering off to showers. by sunrise tomorrow the heaviest of the rain is finished and your afternoon highs will be in the low to mid- 60s, 62 in oakland. napa and vallejo 60. then friday, saturday and sunday landry. heavy rain overnight tote, a good -- look dry. heavy rain tonight, too, and the flash flood watch continues for the north bay burn areas into tomorrow morning. >> we'll watch for that. it's a bay area tradition, crab season kicks off today after a string of tough years, the high hopes for a great catch. >> what did the a's catch today? a new player, in fact, two, but it cost them an up and coming slugger. who is going, who is coming next. >> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by living spaces. the san francisco deltas, a league soccer te raiders have one foot out the door for las vegas and now another bay area team is packing up and leaving town. the san francisco deltas, the minor league soccer team, folding just four days after winning the championship in their inaugural season. delta poured in 1 million bucks to renovate the stadium but struggled with attendance. baseball news, the a's traded ryan healey to the mariners in exchange for two prospects, a pitcher in triple- a emilio begon and a 17-year- old shortstop. healey hit 25 home runs last season but became expendable with the emergence of mateshipman at third base. -- matt chapman at third base. the three ucla basketball players arrested for shoplifting in china last week have been suspended from the team indefinitely. president trump helped expedite their returns to the united states and wondered if he would get any public recognition. got his do you think the three ucla basketball players will thank president trump? they were headed for 10 years in jail. tomorrow night in boston >> president trump and the united states government, thank you for taking the time to intervene on our behalf. >> thank you to the united states government and president trump for your efforts to bring us home. >> i would also like to thank president trump and the united states government for the help that they provided as well. >> president trump got his wish. the warriors hit the road with a seven game win streak, but tomorrow in boston they'll face an even hotter team. >> we're going streaking! reak - they've o >> a 13 game win streak after starting the season 0-2. they've outscored their opponents by 88 points in the 3rd quarter over the last seven games. steve kerr credits his ability to get through to his team at halftime. >> my familiarity with the millennial generation has really paid off, paid dividends. so i let them tweet at halftime, you know. we sometimes all just sit in the locker room and stare at our phones, but there's like a mental telepathy. it is a bonding experience. a lot of older guys would frown upon that or have a rule about phones. i embrace the millennial culture. rookie jordan bell has made an early name for him with some impressive dunks in the season, but shot blocking is what he's known for on social media. bell joined me on gameday to discuss the popular things that jordan can block. what's your reaction when you started seeing this? >> at first i thought it was pretty cool like some kind of oregon fan, but then i see the social media repeating it. >> it's a wedding bouquet. >> locally here's the one i really like. next half-hour: racing against t the catch for dwight clark. >> pretty dynamic player, plays about nine minutes a game. anywhere else he'd be playing about 15 minutes a game. >> well, he's with a great team. make it rain. >> i love that. >> thank you, dennis. coming up in our next half hour crews racing against the clock as the rain moves into sonoma county, the erosion fears in the fire zone, a live report on what's being done to protect the burned out lots. >> a community comes together after the deadly shooting ram page in tehama county -- rampage in tehama county, a vigil for the victims just getting underway. we'll have a live update. >> president trump touts his american comeback, but it's his thirsty drink of water that's got everyone talking tonight. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine. you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! 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but luckily the emergency operations center in santa rosa has been preparing for this for days, but the question is will it be enough? above ground and below there is an all out effort to hold the ground in place in places burned by the fire and it's a race against the clock as rains move into sonoma county. >> with the forecast we knew we had a lot of work to get accomplished in a short period of time. >> reporter: four hand crews are out clearing storm drains making sure water won't run off the road s into burnt lots and crews are threading cameras through storm drains to look for weaknesses or blockages, but there's also concern about sliding hillsides in debris removal sites which is why all the county is going to leave the slabs in place through winter. >> it's completely exposed. there's no brush, nothing to hold that soil. so it's all going to come down eventually. >> reporter: erosion control here is so far down the list on the corps of engineers homeowners are worried about what's going to happen. on this lot already where the foundation once was is a giant puddle. some homeowners have been seeding their lawn to make sure it stays in place and if it doesn't, this system of barriers and sandbags is set up to catch most of the debris before it heads down the drain. >> we're preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. that being said, we know we have a risk in the hillside. we know we have a compromised infrastructure and storm drain systems and the damage from the fire itself. >> reporter: the emergency operation center has been activated since this weekend which means plenty of people will be cooping their eyes -- keeping their eyes on not only fountain grove, but on all the areas that have been burned and they are asking the community if you see any potential threat, go ahead and call 911. in santa rosa, emily turner, kpix5. plan on more days like today. any time heavy to moderate rainfall is coming to the bay area, we will likely see a flash flood watch issued for the burn zones because the soil is going to be exposed with no vegetation likely all winter long. napa, american canyon, vacaville and fairfield is where the heaviest rain is right now. notice it's not raining. it's windy but not raining currently in santa rosa, 101 south to petaluma and notice rate -- novato getting a brief break. we will likely see wind gusts 20 to 30 miles per hour through the evening as that front moves through the bay area. coming up, how much rain to expect, when it moves out and an updated weekend forecast with a change for sunday. >> thanks, paul. happening right now, a prayer vigil getting underway in tehama county, neighbors remembering the five people killed in a shooting ram page. kpix5's juliette goodrich -- rampage. kpix5's juliette goodrich is live. it's a tight knit community. >> reporter: it's a small town of about 1,500. in the neighboring town of corning they're holding a prayer vigil between 6:30 and 9:30 tonight for victims, family members and commune members just to be together -- community members just to be together. there were five people killed in this deadly shooting. one of them was the gunman's wife. now school district officials are crediting some of the lockdown procedures that they had practiced in the past for these school students. they're also calling the custodian and even the school secretary heroes for getting those kids into classrooms when this gunman started opening fire. >> at that time the head custodian who was shepherding students into the classroom poked his head around the building, saw the gentleman and drew his attention. it's my understanding several shots were fired towards the custodian, at which time the custodian owned that he seemed he had a problem with his gun jamming. the custodian's actions in diverting the attention from the shooter at that time gave us the much needed seconds to complete the process. >> reporter: it was almost like the shooter had been frustrated he couldn't get inside of the classroom and after about six minutes' time, that's when he left that area and started heading into town. now that gunman authorities say, kevin janson neal, is no stranger to law enforcement. in fact, he was out on bail, $160,000 bail on charges for assault with a deadly weapon and he was expected to show up in court january next year. again, this vigil is happening now in corning from 6:30 to 9:30. we'll bring you more on this vigil and the community getting together tonight at 11:00 on kpix5. for now i'm juliette goodrich in tehama county, kpix5. president trump is calling his trip through asia a success. in the past week and a half he visited with five countries to meet with foreign leaders. he said the trip was defined by three core goals. >> first to unite the world against the nuclear menace posed by the north korean regime, second, to strengthen america's aligns and economic partnerships in a free and open indo pacific and third to finally after many years insist on fair and reciprocal trade. my fellow citizens, america is back and the future has never looked brighter. alle >> the president did not answer questions about alabama republican senate candidate roy moore who is facing allegations of sexual misconduct. president trump found himself a bit parched during his speech today and stepped away from the mic to drink some fiji water lighting up social media. marco rubio stopped during his response to drink some water as well in president obama's state of the union. rubio tweeted some fun that the president needs to work his form. it's a huge challenge for emergency dispatchers. you call 911 and they can't figure out where you are, the smart system that could save lives. >> smart housing solution to the housing crisis, thousands of people come together to weigh in on one of the bay area's biggest issues. area met today... to discuss one of the most challenging problems facing the thousands of people in communities across the bay area met today to discuss one of the most challenging problems facing the region, the lack of affordable housing. the round table discussions were organized by the silicon valley community foundation. the goal was to get ideas, not just from the politicians and policymakers, but from people who live in the area. the community foundation believes the housing crisis is the result of public policy failures ra simple supply and demand. >> it is -- rather than simple supply and demand. >> it is amazing there's so much energy around this topic that so many people would spend a good part of their day focused on this single topic and we're happy to sort of go from here with their voices to concrete solutions. san francisco has come up with a plan to keep cyclists safe on one of the city's busiest streets. the city will start recording video of valencia street between market and mission. the goal of the study is to see how often vehicles, particularly lyft and uber drivers, stop in bike lanes. according to the sf examiner, cyclists describe the street as a battlefield because of all the nightlife and shopping. the study could also change loading rules for businesses. coming up parents say it's time for a change, the grassroots fight to strip a slave owner's name from a bay area school. really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. kpix 5s don ford on a new system ...that helps dispatchers know who's calling. help could arrive sooner for people who dial 911 in concord, a new system that let's dispatchers know who is calling. >> reporter: just this morning two sisters reported a robert of -- robbery of a neighbor. it took 30 minutes for police to arrive. >> i guess it was because we had a cell phone. >> the ad vet of cell phone -- at vent of cell phones -- the advent of cell phones have made our jobs much harder. >> reporter: there is no information about who is calling. that could be a big problem if the caller is panicking or a young child and can't communicate well. this week concord police launched a new service called smart 911. >> it's something we've been waiting for a long time. >> reporter: smart 911 allows residents to assign to their mobile phone number whatever details they would like about themselves and their families including addresses, medical disabilities, children, elderly parents, even pets. then whenever that cell number calls 911, that information pops up on the dispatcher's screen. >> instead of having to give us that information in an emergency, which a lot of people are flustered and have difficulty even sharing simple information, that information will automatically populate into our dispatch center. >> reporter: you can even include photographs which can be passed on to patrol officers quickly in cases like a missing child or elderly person. >> and this type of situation is going to help us again track these people down so much faster than we've ever been able to before as long as they're signed up to use it. >> reporter: and that's the challenge. the system only works for people who sign up for it. so concord is encouraging all its residents to do so quickly so police won't have to solve a who done it every time someone calls them for help. the name of a perkily elementary school is on the chop -- berkeley elementary school is on the chopping block tonight. la conte who was known for spreading racist ideas in his lectures after the civil war, the superintendent offered to dename the school along with support from parents and staff. now the school board needs to vote on that. it was the official start to crab season in the bay area today. commercial fishermen wasted no time getting their pots into the water. the first boats came into fisherman's wharf loaded with fresh crab. this fisherman brought in about 7,500 pounds. the last three years have been rough for the local crab industry with an excess of domoic acid in the water, then a price dispute and strike, but now things are looking up. >> the crabs are plump. they're hard. they're heavy, good. be in markets by this friday. >> restaurants and crab stands along fisherman's wharf are also ready and the fresh local crabs could be in markets by this friday. on the storm watch now more snow and rain is expected to fall in the sierra. some areas will see several feet of snow. the weather is also making for some dangerous driving conditions. >> higher elevations will get some snow up there, aren't they, paul? >> above 7,500 feet anywhere from 2 to 4 feet of snow and we're looking for lot of rain tonight. it's beginning to work its way south hugging the i-80 corridor from fairfield toward sacramento. interesting that you see the rain heavy to the north and east of san francisco, heavy to the south and west of san francisco, but over the city itself just a few light drips, marin county as well. you're beginning to see the rain pick back up around santa rosa, winder, guerneville, bodega bay, glen ellen, st. helene. that will end shortly. we have a warm southerly breeze right now, so the evening will stay sticky outside, san jose 66, concord 65, livermore 65, san francisco 62 degrees. on the winter storm warning in the sierra at 6,000 feet, less snow, but the snow level will drop tonight, 8 to 15 inches total there including our on his, 2 to 4 feet possible -- our highways, 2 to 4 feet possible. napa tonight 51 degrees, fremont 55, san francisco 57, sunrise 6:51. we have a storm to our north, tropical moisture to our south. they will converge over the bay area. that's why we're talking about significant rainfall. not every storm is the same. it depends on how much moisture is available in the atmosphere to lift and turn into rainfall, in this case a pretty significant amount. overnight tonight we'll see the heavy rainfall leave the north bay, cross the golden gate. it will be pouring in san francisco around midnight. that will work its way south pouring in milpitas, hayward, san jose at 4 or 5 a.m. then the steady rain is gone leaving scattered showers throughout the day tomorrow. most of the heavy lifting mother nature is going to do while you're sleeping overnight will clear things out thursday night. friday looks like a pleasant way to wrap up the workweek and school week. rainfall totals, santa cruz mountain will get soggy tonight and tomorrow, 2 to 4 inches of rain there, 1 or 2 inches in the east bay, up to an inch in the south bay. san francisco, san mateo county, 1 or 2 inches, likely more than 3 inches total of rainfall in the north bay mountains which is the critical spot, fires last month. now we have no vegetation and the potential for mudslides any time all winter long we have heavy rainfall and we will tonight. the start of the rain is a little later. so the exit will be delayed a bit. soaking raffle in the south bay could persist -- rainfall in the south bay could persist through the morning commute, scattered showers tomorrow, highs cool, low 60s, 63 in sunnyvale, san mateo63. benicia 60 degrees. we'll see scattered showers throughout the day in san rafael after a wet night, your high 60, sonoma 61, cloverdale 57 degrees. then we catch a break for three days. sunday looks dry all day, rain returning on monday. that is your kpix5 forecast. >> paul, thank you. coming up on nightbeat at 10:00 the soft are side of elon musk, the tesla ceo opens up about his personal life and what of it like to get dumped tonight on nightbeat. join is on our sister station, kbcw, 44 cable 12. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. parts of the treatment is losing their hair. in fact, a nurse manager tells us it' for women with cancer one of the most traumatic parts of the treatment is losing their hair. >> in fact, a nurse manager tells us it's a reason why some patients consider refusing chemotherapy. sharon chin introduces us to a san francisco man who comes alongside to help. >> yeah. this week's jefferson award winner is stefan wakefield who has helped cancer survivors look good and feel better for 25 years. >> cut them up and you've got a wrap. >> reporter: singer felicia harris learns how to deal with head coverings. there's ideas for head wraps and wigs and makeup for sensitive skin and eyebrows lost. >> he does it in a comedic fashion, which is really fun. >> reporter: she get emotional for stefan's gift runs deeper. >> you're not alone. you are able to have people who are really caring and loving. it's kind of hard a little bit, you know, receiving the love. sorry. >> i love helping people. you want to pat with your ring finger. >> reporter: stefan has run two peninsula salons of his own for years, but about twice a month he leads free beauty and skin care workshops for cancer survivors mostly at hospitals like kaiser permanente in redwood city. the two hour session for women called look good feel better, a 28-year-old program of the american cancer society. >> and if she can walk out of that class with a smile on her face and a spring in her step, i've done my job. >> stefan has volunteered for this workshop in 25 years in honor of family members he lost to cancer. stefan's parents and grandparents died from cancer, so he understands the patients struggle. >> they leave the class with a smile on their faces, with a new hope. >> reporter: april morton of the american cancer society says stefan is the workshop's longest serving bay area volunteer. >> stefan is just very compassionate. >> it just makes my heart feel good. now you are finished my lady friend. >> all right. >> reporter: so for transforming the look and lifting the spirits of cancer survivors for years, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to stefan wakefield. >> after they meet him at a workshop women will sometimes go to his salon before chemo to get their hair cut short or shaved off and he'll do that for free. other time women will stop by his salon after they've stopped chemo and their hair comes back and they come back to say thank you. >> what an angel. he's terrific. >> you can nominate your local hero for jefferson award online, at 11:00 how germs found in and on surfers could lead to medical break-throughs. >> have a good night! >> good night. it's time for the sleep number semi-annual sale on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort your sleep number setting. and snoring? does your bed do that? it's the final days of our semi-annual sale, where our c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides is now only $1499. save $300. ends sunday. visit for a store near you. ♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] [applause and cheers] steve: hello. how are y'all doing? [applause and cheers] i appreciate it, thanks. thank y'all, folks. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man, steve harvey. [applause and cheers] and we got another good one today, folks. returning for their second day with a total of $20,000 from decatur, georgia. it's the champs, it's the clay family. and from shoreview, minnesota, it's the wood family! everybody is here trying to win themselves a lot of cash. and somebody might drive out of here in a brand new car. [applause and cheers] let's play "feud." give me amy. give me patrick. [music] top seven answers on the board. here we go. we ask 100 married women... when you first met your husband, what did he have that he no longer does? amy: hair? steve: hair! steve: pass or play? amy: we're gonna play, steve. steve: they're gonna play. [cheering] steve: all right, amy, introduce everybody. amy: all right, this is my sister ellie, my sister nicki, my sister danielle, and my sister christine. steve: welcome to the show. all right, let's go. we asked 100 women, when you first met your husband, what did he have that he no longer does? ellie: some nice abs. steve: some nice abs.

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