Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20170426 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20170426

concerned, the whole community is concerned. >> reporter: university officials canceled a speech by conservative pundit, ann coulter but she said she will show up anyway. dillan, a lawyer for the student group. >> they don't do anything, they won't lift a finger, they won't protect you or arrest anyone. unless you are about to be killed, they won't do anything. >> reporter: chief greenwood said the media is to blame for only showing the most violent parts. >> false that we are not doing anything. >> reporter: there is a long history of public demonstration in berkeley. chief greenwood said it is different. >> a scenario, two sides are showing up to square off and at least that many people, in addition, are coming to watch. sixenchs away, or a foot away. -- six inches of way, or a foot away >> a lot of people are watching technically not breaking the law, upon using force we will be held to the highest accountable >> can you keep miss coulter safe if she comes? >> i am confident we are focused on safety, not only for miss coulter but everybody involved. >> reporter: can you make sure it is a safe event? >> i am confident-- our goal is to make it a safe event for everyone. that is it. >> reporter: we asked the chief what he thinks will happen on thursday and he said the men and women of our police department and the university of california police department and many others will be all in. we asked many others, does that mean police are coming from other jurisdictions to help? he got coy and wouldn't confirm but that something we could see, police from alameda, san francisco, surrounding areas pitching in to help. >> if there are police from outside agencies, any idea how many people from outside berkeley will show up to attend this thursday? >> reporter: there seems to be quite a number, social media has been lighting up with people making plans to come here. people are arranging for car pools and making plans for what is shaping up to be the next big chapt er in the first amendment legancy at berkeley. allen, back to you. >> anticipate it all, thank you. students at csu are taking action against a white spremsis who got-- supremsis who got violent at a protest, the video has gone viral of a woman getting punched at a patriot day protest earlier this month at civic center park. the man suspected of throwing the punch is cal state student nathan demeego. the ensdant sparked a petition calling on csu to suspend him. the group behind the petition says they don't feel safe with demeego on campus. >> being of different ethnicity, it is kind of scary because you wonder what could he be talking about with people are not ethnicity of people who are caucasian? what could they be planning? is something walking with me to class? >> a spokesperson for the cool said the university provides a safe and secure learning and working environment. new at 6:00, the university of california stashed away tens of millions of dollars in created a secret budget. all this was happening as the university planned to hike tuition. reporter kelly ryan has more on the stunning revelation in a state audit. >> reporter: assembly member king and mccarty spoke out saying they had called for a state audit of the uc office of the president, they said they were concerned over increasingly bloated budget. >> one of the reasons we request the audit is as we ask questions of uc, we found them not willing to come forward. we found a significant lack of transparency, we found numbers that didn't add up. >> reporter: according to the auditor, part of the 175 million secret reserve pot was $3 million collected from campuses thad could have been spent on students. >> simple math, if we were able to use this money for california student enrollment, which mr. mccarty and i been fighting for over the last four years, it would result in over 35 thousand students able to enroll. >> reporter: students hadn't heard the news, when they learned, money were frustrated. they say they pay high fees for college education. >> pretty shocked. did not know that. >> seems like an alarming figure. doesn't surprise me with how college is, college is driven by money now a days and turning into a business as opposed to an education system. >> everyone has the right to know what that fund is for, and the reason they set up the fund. >> we give uc a blank check every year, $3.5 billion. there has been unaccounted for increases, some type of increase not focused on serving california students. >> lieutenant governor gavin nusem, a uc regent, reacted by calling for a roll back in tuition hikes, he said "it is outrages and ungist to force tuition hikes on students why the uc hides secret funds. i for the tuition decision to come back before the board of regents for reconsideration." a judge is blocking stockton former may from working with children, sylva was back in court asking to change bail conditions. he wanted to have his ankle monitor removed so he could work as a life guard at the stockton kids club. he said the organization could really use his help. sylva previously ran the non-profit when it was known as the stockton boys and girls club. he is charged with embezzle and laundering public funds. >> would like to see the bail conditions change, something we are never going to stop with. i imagine the next time we are in court we will raise it again. we don't agree with them and our obligation is fairness and due process for mr. sylva, continuing to fight those. we don't believe in those bail conditions being necessary under any circumstance. >> sylva was arrested at sfo back in march. he is scheduled to be back in court on monday mape 8. new at 6:00, sonoma county is warning about an alarming spike in heroin overdoses. kpix 5's emily turner is live in santa rosa where the recent deaths just happened. >> reporter: scary trend, not just because several people have died in the last ten days but because three died in public places, you can imagine how horrifying that would be for the folks around it. law enforcement officials want to get to the bottom of it and want to stop it. heroin isn't a new problem in santa rosa, but the number of overdose deaths is. 5 people died of overdose in 10 days and the sheriff's office is trying to figure out why the speak. >> there is something in a batch of heroin going around now, concerning to us and it is not county wide. it is localized in santa rosa, so we don't know what is going on but clearly there is a small group of people that have gotten this heroin that is not-- it is not good. >> reporter: three men, two women. three of them transient, two with homes. 27 years old to 66. the demographics of each victim are different but authorities busy trying to run down what they all have in common. >> the coroner office is investigating, trying to put the link together. also santa rosa police department is investigating a majority of the death as it occurred in their jurisdiction. yeah, we are trying to run the lead and figure where it is coming from. >> reporter: toxicology will check for fentanyl or any drug that can be mixed. and a meaningful warning from the sheriff's office. >> we are are concerned and want to let the public know if you are using heroin and you are local, you are running a high risk of death or great injury. >> reporter: i called the local hospital and aced if they are seeing a-- asked if they are seeing a similar trend, a spike in heroin related visit. they said they are not, which suggests the folks who died died shortly after injecting, which they say is more alarming. emily turner, kpix 5. a bay area judge deal as blow to trump's immigration policy, federal court in san francisco halting an order that would trip federal funding from sanctuary cities, kpix 5's jackie ward reportathize judge said the order was-- reports the judge said the order was unconstitutional. >> reporter: yet again, an executive order is now blocked nationwide. and this will stay in place as the lawsuit works its way through court. >> this is why we have courts. to halt the overreach of a president and attorney general who either understand the constitution or choose to ignore it. >> reporter: today a san francisco federal court handed president trump another legal set back. >> the president is selling fear. he is trying to paint all immigrants as criminals. and nothing could be further from the truth. >> reporter: san francisco and santa clara counties sued over the executive order that threatened to withphold federal funding because of sanctuary status. san francisco mayor lee said that threat makes planning a budget difficult. >> we had a federal agency telling us they were not going to fund $1.5 billion of programs in a $9 billion budget. >> reporter: the federal government had argued san francisco and santa clara counties interpreted the executive order too broady, and said it would affect less than $1 million for santa clara and possibly no money for san francisco. but the federal judge looked beyond just the executive order. and ruled "if there was doubt about the scope of the order, the president and attorney general have erased it with pub lm comments, the president called it a weapon to use against jurisdictions that disagree with his preferred policies of immigration enforcement." this executive order led to other lawsuits across the country, one in seattle, two in cities in massachusetts, and another one here in the bay area in the city of richmond. the lawsuit filed by the counties of san francisco and santa clara were the first to be heard in front of a judge. from san francisco city hall, jackie ward, kpix 5. president trump also appears to be backing off his border wall fight. for now. the last minute move to overt a government shut down and how he is vowing to keep his campaign promise alive. the race to finish crucial repairs, details on what caused the oroville dam to fail and what it will take to fix it. a new book says there a spike in ufo sighting, san francisco with the most encounters. i am just trying to find some sunshine. the good news is it will be plentiful. there will be sunshine for everyone, and much warmer weather if you have been patient, you have been waiting. this is the 7-day forecast you want to see. i will have it next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, strike. bu new at 6:00, right now public employees in sunnyvale are voteing to go on strike but the city is urging the workers to return to the bargaining table. kpix 5's len ramirez has details on the labor dispute. >> reporter: here in sunnyvale, 450 workers excluding police and fire are voting on whether to authorize the union to call a strike, the voting be going on through early evening hours, it is expected to pass easily. workers have been without a contract for 2 years and it has been 5 years since workers received a pay raise. >> i am voting yes because i have been struggling. i am a single mom and had to take on additional jobs to make ends meet and my rent has been $750 in 5 years. >> reporter: union seeking 5% increase including retro active pay. the city's latest officer is 10% over the same period. the city doesn't dispute ability to pay more but says it is looking out for the long term financial help. the union could call a strike at any time in the coming days. in sunnyvale, len ramirez, kpix 5. petaluma police are on the look out for the person who vandalized a bunch of property over the weekend. they believe this is the suspect who sprayed graffiti on a dozen buildings and cars and street signs east washington street. some of the words painted were furry and cruel. police are asking for help in identifying the suspect. 55-year-old woman died after she crashed on eastbound 780 in vunesia, highway patrol says the accident happened 11:00 this morning east of glen cove road and you can see the read nissan landing after hitting a dirt embankment and flipping. all lanes were closed for a brief time but since reopened. state lawmakererize demanding answers on the repair work at the oroville dam. kpix 5's anne makovec on the race to fix it before the next big storm. >> reporter: right now there is concern not only about the oroville dam but the other 1400 dams in the state, many decades old, and have gone under the radar for years. today's hearing focused on what happened at the oroville dam in february when the earth under a spillway broke apart and the water had to be moved to an emergency spillway, also weakened by erosion. some 200,000 people down stream were evacuated over fears that a wall of water could overwhelm communities along the river. this morning the head of the state department of water resources said the water level that day were only 1/3 of what is considered a major flood event. there are concerns about what could happen in the future. >> we have moved into a different climate in california, and, yet, all the facilities that exist in most of california's infrastructure were designed under the former assumptions of the previous climate. and, yes, are moving into the new. >> reporter: this hearing a day after the state released reports from independent experts warning there are cracks in the main spillway and the remaneing concrete should be-- remaining concrete should be replaced, not resurfaced. the state water department is making plans and the dam will remain safe with the make shift solutions in place now, including diverting water and reinforcing the spillways. he said there is no concerns even when this year's heavy snow pack begins to melt. but this is a work in progress, the committee holding today's hearings says it is the first of many but the state warnatize will not release any information that it says could compromise security. in the newsroom, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> experts expect the two oroville spillways can be fixed in part by november but a good portion of the work may have to be done after the next rainy season. road into yosemite will be open next week for the first time in 2 months, big oak flat road connects highway 120 with yosemite valley. rain invigorated an under ground spring and left the soil saturated triggering land slides in february. now the road is set to reopen monday morning, however they will close it at night so crews can finish the repairs. we are going to get a break in the rain finally. >> yes. the rainy season is wrapping up. we are seeing this road is reopening, this is getting back. >> yeah. normal. >> i know, able to exhale. the good thing, you live in seattle, there is no guarantee the summer will be dry. if you get a wet winter in new york, there is no guarantee the summer will be dry. we get as close to a guarantee as possible in weather here with dry summers. almost, folks, hang on one more day. highs today made it to 70 in clayton, vacaville, you as well. memo park at 67 for a high. campbell, 67. alameda, cooler, 63. half moon bay, that time of year we get the temperature spread, 59 your high. kpix 5 high def doppler, top left of the screen, little rainfall up there. the majority of any rainfall from tomorrow's front will stay in the north bay or well to our north. we have had plenty of rainfall relative to average in april. if anything, april has been a little bit wetter than that crazy february we had. february was 201% of normal. april, so far, has been 202% of normal. we will not atdz more to that. thank good-- add more to that. thank goodness. this guy, look how big this ridge of high pressure is. it is not here yet but on its way here. it took the storm on monday and kept most of the rain to the north. it will keep the next storm tomorrow, most of the rain to the north. that said, we get cloud cover, not going to be terribly warm but once that front moves through, we will dry out, 70s, 80s, sunshine, right through the weekend. tomorrow, the final day with widespread highs in the 60s. oakland, 64, fremont, 65, napa, 68. red wood city, 65 tomorrow. slight chance of north bay shower, that is it. sunshine thursday, yes. friday, saturday, sunday, getting warmer. mid 80s in some inland spots, low to mid 70s near the bay. mid to upper 60s at the beach. i see no reason to suggest that this pattern, the drier partern will go away any time soon the next 1-2 weeks, we are thankfully drying out. back to you. >> we are loving it. thank you, paul. they conquer hurdles every day, and today hundreds of local students got a chance to feel like champions. the inspiring story at the special olympics. forz live in at&t, the giants and dodgers, big deal. what will it be like for 21-year-old kid to face kershaw? that story straight ahead from at&t. ,,,,,,,, hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. go becuase of that dirt bike acci youngster ty welcome back, everybody, giants, and dodgers, bumgarner was supposed to start but was injured in the dirt bike accident. we will find out tomorrow what the official diagnosis is of the giants ace. block will pitch tonight for san francisco, opposed by clayton kershaw, who will be pitching against the young giants 3rd baseman, christian arroyo, he went 0 for 4 last night in his big league debut but made outstanding plays in had field and unprecedented 92nd uninterrupted answer in his post game interview. his mom, kim, wasn't able to get here in time for his debut last night but is here now. she thought christian was joking when he first told her the good news. she didn't believe you? >> no, she is always joking, took her a good 2 minutes to realize what was going on and by the time she found out, she started bawling her eyes out. >> like a dream come true, really, that is all a parent wants for their kids is for them to fulfill their dreams and he wanted to make the big leagues by the time he was 21 and he did it. next month he will be 22. so you did it. >> reporter: i remember the day that will clark showed up as he was selected by the giants. he wore number 22. and he is a popular guy here. how did you get 22? >> i showed up at spring training and they had given it to me. it has been a number i have worn my whole life. i talked to him about it and he told me, he said wear it proudly. >> reporter: i just ran into will clark, i said, will, that was cool of you to give number 22 to the 21-year-old kid. and the scary thing is i remember when the giants signed will clark way back in 1985 or something like that. i thought allen martin was getting old. anyway, otter racing news, big, earnhardt is out. he has decided to call it quits at the end of the 2017 season, the 42-year-old has 26 monster energy wins and 2 decades of winning. he said he wanted to leave the sport in good health, he won daytona twice, his father,dale, passed away, but jordan quits, stuart quits, and little junior, not good news for nascar. warriors will have time off, they may not play their next round until a week from today. that is because they swept portland last night the warriors roasted the blazers for the 4-game series sweep. kevin durant made his return, golden state scored 45 in the first half. so nasty, interim head coach mike brown nearly got caught up in the moment. >> kind of funny because andre was like right in front of me and he turned around and he was so like hyped and i think he was looking for somebody to give him five. i wanted to so bad just jump up and give him five and start dancing or something because i got excited too. i was like, you are a coach, play it cool. so i just sat there. >> reporter: kershaw 1.61, life time earner average against the giants, tough game tonight. back to you. >> have fun, dennis. >> thanks, dennis. >> i am getting old. coming up in our next half hour, first daughter, ivanka trump's icy reception on hur first trip abroad. she tried to defend her father at a women summit. california taking the wheel with self-driving cars, how some of the biggest players are racing to get the technology on the market. how this stiletto is making a giant statement outside a bay area city hall. ,,,, a live look at the nation's capitol.. with a friday deadline to avoid a government shutdown.. top story 6:30, president trump backing down on money for a border wall. a libe lack at-- live look at the capitol. a friday deadline to stop government shut down, the president said he will leave the funding out of a spending bill. >> reporter: president trump is vowing that the wall will still be built along the mexican border. but he is no longer insisting on immediate funding for construction. with just days left for congress to pass a funding bill and avoid a government shut down, the white house sending mixed messages on what could be a major sticking point, funding for president trump's long-promised border wall. >> there will be a wall built. >> delayed for now? >> no, no, no. no one said delayed. no, no-- no, no, two budget processes. >> reporter: last night there were signathize president may be willing to back off the idea for funding on this particular bill, which skeptical lawmakers on both sides agree would be smart. >> it would remove the prospect of a needless fight over a poison pill proposal that members of both parties don't support. >> i am for a wall where it makes sense, but 2200 wall doesn't make a lot of sense. there is not a big appetite for that. >> reporter: the president said he is not reversing course. >> in case anybody has questions, the wall is going to get built. >> reporter: some white house sources are signaling the president wants some type of funding for the wall this week. but won't shut the government down over it. >> we feel confident the government won't shut down. >> reporter: the budget battle could be winding down, president trump is aiming to deliver on another key campaign promise, slashing the corporate tax rate from 35 to 15%. he is expected to unveil details on that plan tomorrow. some republicans say that could be dead on arrival if it adds to had national debt. >> a big subject, lot of moving parts weeshgs are discussing the way-- parts, we are discussing the way fordward. >> reporter: the president signed a executive order promoting agriculture, the white house launched a new peb page with president trump's accomplishments in the first hundred days, the administration was pushing congress to revive the gop plan to repeal and replace obamacare but a vote is not likely in the next few days. >> thanks. president trump's former national security advisor, michael flynn, may have broken the law over his acceptance of money from russia. >> it appears as if he did take the money it was inappropriate. and there are repercussions for the violation of law. >> leaders of the house committee investigating possible ties between trump's team and russia say flynn accepted tens of thousands of dollars from russian organizations after a trip there in 2015. flynn's attorney said the general extensively briefed defense intelligence agency about the trip. flynn was forced to resign as national security advisory in february. ivanka trump is making her first international outing in germany as a white house advisor but got an icy reception when defefrnding her father's record-- defending her father's record with women. >> he has been a tremendous champion of supporting family and enabling them-- [booing] >> from the audience-- >> the crowd hissed and booed as ivanka spoke about president trump, she was speaking about the economic pow of women, she quickly dismissed the crowd' reaction. >> i certainly heard the criticism from the media and that has been perpitch waited but-- perpetuated but i know from personal experience. >> ivaunga was invited-- ivanka was invited by chancellor merkel, some believe it was a way for the chancellor to build a better relationship with the president. california is opening the door for testing on the streets of truly driverless cars without a back-up driver. this afternoon the dmv was hearing from the biggest carmakers in silicon valley the race to get driverless cars. >> reporter: hands free on the highway? consumervise mixed feeling-- consumers have mixed feelings. until now the golden state only given green light for testing atonmous cars with someone inside, now the state rolling out testing without. in first of its kind meeting of the self-driven minds, the department of motor vehicles hearing from major players paving the way for testing of truly driverless cars to begin this year, car makererize racing to be number one-- makers are racing to be number one. paul is with general motors, dm partnered with the software firm to accelerate testing of driverless ride share. >> we don't intend to sell them, not initially, to individual consumers, but instead provide rides. >> everyone has a slightly different business model. >> reporter: david represents the biggest names in silicon valley from google to uber to ford, which just announced plans to make self-driving cars available for sale in 5 years. >> it is here, we are trying to make sure it truly performs as designed and always safe. >> reporter: the industry is fueled by the idea that driverless carerize life saving-- cars are life saving. critics aren't buying it, that involves watch dog group that introduced the lemon law. >> when you talk with the tech industry, they will sometimes admit that the cars can't see to go conditions like rain, fog, snow. >> reporter: her group says it may take the dmv to court but the agency says it is set on seeing robots hit the road in the name of public safety. >> the whole idea to the self-driving car, autonomous vehicle is to make roads safer. san jose is looking to become a testing ground for self-driving cars, the summer the city will ask the autonomous industry for suggestions on how the city can make it easier to test the technology on their streets. one bold idea, a dedicated lane for self-driving cars to san jose international airplane. the dedicated lane is an idea that may or may not ever happen but these are just a few years away and the mayor says the technology can only florish with the help of local government. >> we will understand more in this conversation with the industry and with regulators to see how we can best help this technology launch safely in our city. >> the city will send out requests for proposals to companies in june. coming up, a new book claims ufo sightings have tripled in california, and california has the most. the bay area hot spot for reports of extra terrestrial encounters. laet ladies, get in-- ladies, get in formation, beyonce celebrates album with scholarship for young women. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in their own shoes... as soon as they enter the building... a shoe inside san jose city hall is stopping passersby in their shoes as soon as they enter the building, that is the goal of the silicon valley ywca, the 8-foot tall stiletto is meant to get as many men as possible to walk in heels for the international walk to end violence against women this summer. in san jose last year, reported rape cases went up more than 20% compared to the year before the co-owner of the self defense academy in santa clara said many victims know their attack ers. >> there are those, also, who unfortunately know someone, maybe bad relationship or unhealthy relationship and they are not going to leave. >> you never want to be in the situation, but if you, you want to be prepared. >> the international walk to end violence against women is at the end of june. it will raise money for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors. april is national sexual assault awareness month. a year ago beyaunsy released-- beyonce released her album, lemonade, and she wants to give back. the singer announced the normation scholars program named after her formation world tour, it will offer four scholarships to young women studying creative arts, music, literature, or african american studies. one recipient will be chosen from the burkery college of music, parson school of design, howard university, and spellman college. coming up, dirty laundry, the retailer blasted for charging $400 for some fake mud-covered jeans. mud around the bay area the past couple months has been very wet for a long time. turning the corner, one more front to deal with. who gets rain as soon as tomorrow, coming up. ,, yes, the toyota mirai runs on hydrogen. yes, the fuel is complimentary for up to three years. yes, it has an epa-estimated range of 312 miles. yes, you will probably have to answer lots of silly questions from strangers. yes, this is a mind-blowing marvel of technology. and, yes, you can buy it today- because the future doesn't start next week, next month or next year... the future starts now. in the hydrogen-fueled toyota mirai. and that includes hundreds in the bay area. kp s a a book on reported sightings of ufos finds california has the most in the united states. and that includes hundreds in the bay area. kpix 5's devon feely asks the co-author what is behind the numbers. >> are we alone? >> reporter: the book analyzed more than 120,000 reports of ufos and found californians believe they have come in contact with them more than anyone in the country. >> we learn ufos are seen everywhere in the united states, even the least-- the counties with the least sightings had at least one in the 15 years. >> reporter: we spoke with thauther, cheryl costa from her home in new york. using data from the mutual ufo network and ufo reporting center she said californians reported seeing nearly 16,000ufos between 2001 and 2015. >> we think a great deal of it has to do with california's weather. >> reporter: california's mild weather allows people to be outdoors much of the year and, thus, in position to spot possible ufos, santa clara county tops the list in northern california, 569 reported sightings. alameda was second with 518, san francisco trailed with 327 chlth there is still no hard proof but for those who believe we may not be alone in the universe, they say the book may be an important first step in converting science fiction into established fact. >> most people were very sincere and were not jerking us around. some people, the only proof they will accept is ufo cracked in the mall parking lot. a first of its kind artificial womb could help care for premature babies. children's hospital of philadelphia has tested this water womb on tiny lambs. premature infants are hooked to sentilators and machines in-- ventilator s and machines inside incubators, this is designed to be gentler that closely mimics mom and may give babies a better chance of survival thchlt lambs grew normally in the bags. human testing still 3-5 years away but the team is in talkwise the food and drug administration. the stanford marching band suspended last year for rowdy behavior is get agnew leader. rustle gavin takes over may 8, currently a music professor at baylor university, he will teach band members and combifb lectures-- give lectures. administrators sited problems such as hazing, sexual harassment, and alcohol abuse. the group is on provisional status and performed at a few campuses this spring. anger boiled over from wells fargo shareholders, several reportedly screamed out of turn demanding accountability for phony account scandal. one man urged board members to explain in his words whether you were complicit or incompetent. in the end, the entire board was reelected. some members got as little as 53% of the vote. a rare occurrence in the corporate world. well you could call this felthy fashion, nordstrom-- filthy fashion, nordstrom selling heavily distressed jeans with a caked-on muddy coating, going for $425 online. nordstrom says the jeans embody rug udamerican work wear-- rugged american work ware. mike roe, host of dirty jobs blasted the retailer saying they are a costume for healthy people who see work as ironic, not iconic. help me lay bricks in my back yard, bring a $50 pair of jeans-- deal? >> deal. >> you can get work done in your backyard. honey-do list getting longer and longer. 62 degrees in livermore, getting dry soon, sunny soon, warm soon. san jose, kind of clear. 65 degrees, little sunnier than yesterday. san francisco, 59. concord, 66 degrees. there a few showers offshore, don't be surprised if before midnight coastal mendocino and hum blt may receive a few-- humboldt may receive a few hundredths inch. mainly cloudy toon, first pitch about-- tonight, first pitch about 25 minute s aiowa. 57 degrees first pitch temperature. clouds, mild, livermore, 5 sun, 50 for napa and low 50s for san rufell, vallejo, and mid 50s san jose and mountain view. two things of note on this sat lete review. the first is yet another storm moving into the pacific northwest, they cannot stop the rain up there. it has been their wettest wet season beating last year's record. they had four feet of rainfall in seattle. but we have not seen rainfall from this front. nor will we see see widespread tomorrow because of the building ridge of high pressure changing everything come thursday. tomorrow, mostly cloudy skies, few peaks of blew in the afternoon. futurecast predicting only low to mid 60s throughout much of the bay area is it will be rather cloudy. watch a few drops of rainfall. even marin county and salono county tomorrow morning we could get very light rain showers or drizzle. cloudy throughout the afternoon. then the ridge gets closer, what does that do? gets rid of the clouds. by friday the ridge gets stronger, what does that do? warms up the atmosphere. cloudy and cool to sunny and then sunny and warm. that transition happens this week. once we get sunny we will keep that sunshine for a while. one final shower chance, that is the norlth bay shower chance tomorrow-- north bay shower chance tomorrow. rainy season for all intents and purposes, done. took a while but it is done. what is next? sunnier, warmer, drier, something that typically happens in march and april, happening late april and early may this year. highs tomorrow below average one more day. 5 degrees below average for sunnyvale, hayward, 65. danival, 67. antioch, 68. san francisco tomorrow, mostly cloudy, chance of sprinkle and drizzle tomorrow morning, 63 degrees. petaluma, couple showers, 67. lake port, 50% chance you will get light rain that far north and high of 63. hello, sunshine on thursday. hello, warmer on friday. and return to the 80s without the parachute pants saturday and sunday. inland highs will be in the 80s. mid 70s near the bay. if you are headd to the beach, good for you. half moon bay and pacifica mid to upper 60s, the transition, guys, is finally here, warmer, and drier. back to you. >> i like that, without the parachute pants. >> how did he know? channeling their inner olympian, meet inspiring local students beating the odds and showing bravery at the special olympics. coming up night beat at 10:00, in light of the recent bad press around the airline industry, we are talking which airlines are your least favorite. there is a new list we want you to weigh in, let me know yours, tweet me@veronica de la cruz. 44 cable 12. ,, just about everyone on the field at acalanes high school.. had winning smiles.. kpix 5's john ramos.. shows us special day for athletes in lafayette. >> about everyone on the field at oclawns high school had winning smiles. john ram esshows us why. -- ramose shows us why. >> reporter: if anything was misr missing this morning-- missing this morn ing, it was self doubt. >> they believe they can accomplish anything. >> reporter: everyone wants to pin, but there is courage-- win, but there is courage in being out here, defying the hurdles life puts in your way, collin finished his was and decided to keep on run-- race and decided to keep running. >> i always like when i do things and run, juching, and throwing. -- jumping, and throwing. >> reporter: several hundred students competed in familiar events including javelin, shot putting with a tennis ball, and the standing broad jump. and while dordy did his best to leave the other behind in his 50-yard dash-- how fast do you think you were going? >> lightning speed. >> reporter: no one had to fix alone. developmental disabilities often leave parents isolated from the rest of the world, so events like this give them a chance to celebrate their childrens' lives in an atmosphere that feels so delightfully normal. >> you don't get these opportunities every day, when you have the opportunity, it is really great to see not only your own child but others that have different disabilities and just support them. >> reporter: speaking of support, as mike ran along side his son, luke, it was hard to tell who was more proud of the effort. >> reporter: how did your race go, luke? >> good. >> reporter: it was good? did you have fun? >> fun. >> good. >> as competitors proudly receive their ribbons, a a chance to pose with their reef-life hoor-- real-life heroes, they became heroes for being brave in the attempt. in lafayette, john ramose, kpix 5. >> they do such a great job, special olympics is a charity of choice for law enforcement agencies and they raise enough money to make it absolutely free for all of the families taking part. pretty good stuff. >> great. >> >> nightbeat tonight at 10:00 on 44, able 12. you can see us back here tonight at 11:00. >> enjoy your night. ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how y'all? appreciate y'all. thank you. appreciate you, folks. thank you very much. well...welcome to "family feud," everybody! i'm your man, steve harvey. [cheering and applause] folks, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day from alpharetta, georgia, right up the road, it's the champs. it's the mcfadden family. [cheering and applause] and from philadelphia--philly, p.a., it's the abraham family. [cheerin plause] everybody's here tryin' to win theyself a lot of cash, and somebody--somebody might just drive out of here in a brand-new car. [cheering and applause] let's play "feud"! give me evan, give me lijo. gentlemen, top 6 answers on the board. here we go. when ronald mcdonald took a job as an exotic dancer, he showed off his what? evan: clown face. steve: clown face. lijo: his shoes. steve: shoes. pass or play? lijo: we're gonna play, steve. steve: they're gonna play. lijo: here we go. woman: yes! right! steve: josline, what do you do, darlin'? josline: i am a toddler teacher. steve: oh, really? josline: yes. steve: ok, well, that's good. josline: yeah. i love it. i mean, they keep me on my feet. they tire me out. so then ,when i go home at night and i'm putting on "family feud" to watch, i snuggle up with steve harvey.

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