Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20170302 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20170302

checking out the biggest thing to happen to chinatown in decades. >> reporter: ware among the lucky ones ordering some of the first food to come out of china live. we have actually ordered some dishes here. we have the dumplings, we have the shrimp i have to tell you that the food here is just the beginning of the draw of what's being billed as a culinary and cultural destination. it's the talk of the town a project three years in the making and all eyes are on china live. >> tourists will come because it's fascinating place to visit but locals are very important. >> reporter: the founder and checkive chef george chen promises it will be like nothing ever seen. many hope to will revitalize the tourist destination criticized for losing its culture in the sea of tourist shops. >> it's a way to bridge the past, the present and future. >> reporter: the fusion between old and new, san francisco and chinatown, clear around every corner. from the grab and go tea cafe with the tearoom in back to the painting that greets you when you walk in. >> it says bridge, alcatraz, drinking wine. >> reporter: the scene itself authentic chinese. >> people say chinese don't have ovens ? this is the oven. >> reporter: the cauldron dates back 1,000 years. he think it's the only in the u.s. one of eight food stations intended to be a demonstration that chinese cooking is entertainment and cuisine. the food is farm to table. >> first chinese menu i know of that changes daily. hyperseasonal. [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: in china live's retail space, they sell many of the ingredients they use along with pantry and kitchen items. >> here you have literally tables. >> reporter: just upstairs still under construction a hidden bar and planned exclusive high-end restaurant with only eight tables. >> a hostess will walk you down this alley. >> reporter: a private back alley entrance. despite the opulence upstairs, he stresses china live has something for everyone. be. >> i expect some of the chinatown little old ladies coming in here i want that dish because i can't get it anywhere else. >> reporter: in addition to the award winning restaurant, take a look at the uniform behind me. this is designed by a costume see signer. you see the patch -- designer. you see the patch on the side there. the lighting adviser was also the lighting adviser on super bowl halftime shows. upstairs opens in may. back to you. >> jules, you said the place upstairs is rather high-end. so i want to know what kind of prices are we looking at? for example, how much is the meal that you're having right now? >> reporter: you know, this is actually pretty reasonable. the dumplings here are $9 h the shrimp is the most expensive dish on the table $22. everything else is in the $8, $12 area. down here it's reasonable at least for the quality and for, you know, what appears to be very high-end establishment. upstairs though, i can't tell you the prices. i don't know that they not prices yet but i can tell you it's going to be a lot more than twelve bucks. >> the drink is nonalcoholic, right? >> reporter: of course. [ laughter ] without question, veronica. >> thank you. we have an estimate on winter storm flood damage across california. right now it's looking like at least $50 billion. "sky drone 5" giving us an exclusive look. one hard hit area, these amazing images of the pfeiffer canyon bridge. the damaged bridge used to connect two ends of highway 1 near big sur. we sent our devin fehely with "sky drone 5" to get a look at an engineering nightmare. >> reporter: the big sur coast ... a place of unparalleled beauty. mountains meet the sea. >> you might think big sur is really out of the way. but the world, the whole world, comes here. >> reporter: but it's also a community that's been cut in two. >> having highway 1 not open all the way through is a huge impact. >> reporter: recent rains damaged the pfeiffer canyon bridge. shattered cement bookends and jagged crack that runs across the width of the bridge. but in "sky drone 5" the aerial need helps you understand why caltrans engineers now says the bridge cannot be saved. >> safety is the number one concern so until we are absolutely certain that we can look people in the eye and say, yes, it's safe to drive on this then we have to keep it closed. >> reporter: a mudslide weakened a column that supports the bridge, which will have to be demolished and rebuilt. how long that will take and how much it will cost are topics as slippery as the mud under the failing bridge. in the meantime, big sur residents are trying to get back to business in community divided for the foreseeable future by a canyon and the crumbling bridge that spans it. >> there's some beautiful restaurants and shops to the south of us. >> reporter: in big sur, devin fehely, kpix 5. >> in the meantime, a group of monks stranded in big sur started a "go fund me" page to help recoup lost funds for their retreat space. so far they have raised $126,000. breaking news now. chopper 5 is live over an apartment fire that broke out in south san francisco earlier. the complex near the intersection of pine and olive avenues. kpix 5's elizabeth cook in the newsroom tracking the latest details for us. liz. >> reporter: calls to south san francisco fire came just before 5:00 this evening. as you can see, in these live pictures from chopper 5, right now, firefighters are there mopping up the mess. you can see heavy damage on the second and third floors. crews from at least two fire stations responded to this fire. you can see the burn marks around several of the windows. when firefighters first arrived, they could see flames actually shooting out of some of the windows. we don't know yet which unit the fire actually started in or what may have caused it. and at this point it's also unclear if anyone was injured. we'll stay on top of this situation here in the newsroom. elizabeth cook, kpix 5. new at 6:00 a possible break in the murder of a college student killed playing pokemon go in san francisco. calvin riley was shot to death at aquatic park last august. he was in the area playing "pokemon go" when i was killed. but there were no witnesses. police have had little to go on. now park police have released a picture of a vehicle of interest. they say a car like this a 2013 or 20134 white four-door hyundai was observed leaving the scene, a 2013 or 2014. if you have information, call u.s. park police. a new pr push from oakland's new police chief laying out her priorities to reporters. kpix 5's political insider phil matier was there. >> reporter: it's an unusual move for an oakland police chief to try get to ahead of the scandals and crises that they often face but that's what the new chief did today. let's take a look. >> first and foremost, toy want to be clear that we have -- i do want to be clear that we have a single mission, to make oakland safe. is going to jail always the answer? no. >> reporter: unlike oakland's two previous chiefs who rarely spoke unless there is an arrest or crisis, kirkpatrick with a master's degree in counseling and law degree is betting that public relations is going to be key to her success. >> we are more open and should be. >> reporter: but this is also the age of trump where policing is become even more political. >> my administration has answered the pleas of the american people for immigration enforcement and border security. >> reporter: and on that point, kirkpatrick was clear where her loyalties lie. >> i'm not a federal agent. i did not work for the federal government. i work for this city. >> reporter: then of course there are oakland's often violent demonstrations. explosions ] >> it is a city known indeed for protest. what i will do as a chief, though, is that other people's rights to be secure in their properties and to be secure in their safety during protests will also be a guiding principle. >> reporter: kirkpatrick lives in downtown oakland where she sees another emerging problem firsthand. >> i did see a lot of homelessness and i'm concerned for them. >> reporter: don't look for police sweeps. >> that is not where i'm coming from. i'm coming from how do we help? >> reporter: it's another example of a liberal police philosophy that will sell well at city hall. but what about out on the streets? >> i like to see less of people, um, being, um, beaten, mistreated, mishandled. >> crime, crime, basic, you know, general crime. >> you have to keep the community straight, man, you know, everybody got to be straight with everything, police officers and everything. >> reporter: and that's just what the chief intends to do is try to keep it as straight as possible with the public because if you get a jump with the public and in with them, and communicate with them before something bad happens, chances are your' going to recover more quickly. >> goes a long way. >> that's right. >> thank you. ♪[ music ] a squeaky problem strands hundreds of passengers. the tiny stowaway that kept a bay area bound flight from taking off for hours. >> people putting money behind their faith. a look at what's called biblically responsible investing. >> and now that the damaged oroville spillway is shut off thousands of fish are stranded. we are there for the massive rescue river operation. >> not a single cloud in the sky over san francisco this afternoon. will that continue tomorrow? who gets close to 70 and when rain returns to the bay area all next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oroville dam's main spillway. the army corps of engineers is helping new at 6:00 geologists are getting a better look at the damage at the oroville dam's main spillway. the army corps of engineers is helping out with inspections now that the flow of water has stopped. but there is a downside to the water cutoff. it has left thousands of fish stranded. kpix 5's for ford shows us the rescue effort down street. don ford reports. >> reporter: the nearly dry spillway closed now for two days has dried up the feather river allowing crews to remove millions of cubic yards of debris and engineers to finally see the tremendous damage. the sudden drop in water level, it also is causing unexpected problems downstream. >> when they shut off the spillway gate, it left probably tens of thousands if not more fish stranded in little pools outside of the river channel and they could the get back. >> reporter: fish and wildlife workers from around the state are using aerial photos and more than a dozen boats to locate these hidden pools searching for endangered salmon, steelhead and other fish, all while the river continues to drastically drop. it is muddy, dangerous, and the fish are not cooperating. >> the fish don't want to be caught. most of these are wild fish that were spawned in the river. and they know the gig. they want to get away from something that's trying to get them. >> reporter: this special electrical stun rod gives them a small jolt. then the workers take the baby salmon back to the main river. >> yesterday we saved 800 fish. >> reporter: this draining river is also revealing for the first time major new sand banks that weren't there before. sections of forest destroyed by the deluge and trees still floating downstream. >> the power of mother nature right here so -- >> it's over a billion-dollar industry in salmon fishing so it's critical that we try to save as many fish as we can. >> reporter: the department of fish and wildlife says this fish rescue operation will continue for the rest of the week. or until it starts raining. in yuba city, don ford, kpix 5. a napa winery owner and billionaire is spreading his wealth in san jose. he is donating $5 million to help flood victims recover from the disaster. today, hong delivered a check to san jose city leaders. they also took him on a tour of the flood damaged areas. the $5 million will go into a relief fund set up by the silicon valley community foundation. the money will then be distributed to nonprofits helping with that recovery. a wet winter isn't all bad news. turns out it's doing wonders for the california snowpack. as of today the snowpack is at 185% of average, nearly double what we're used to. kpix 5's emily turner live at "sierra at tahoe" with the closer look at the numbers and the snow. emily. >> reporter: it is one of the top winters for snowfall which means it's likely one of the top winters for skiers. no records officially have been set yet on either side. but that doesn't mean they won't. >> we had a water content of 43.4, a depth of snow of 112.7. >> reporter: not only is that enough to cripple california's drought if not stop it, it's also enough snow to keep skiers on the slopes for what could be tahoe's longest season and possibly its snowiest if this weather continues. >> we have been getting so many storms this year, kind of like refills every week. the storms aren't coming in inches. they are coming in feet. >> reporter: and that's almost double the overall annual average with months of winter yet to go. that much snow will keep squaw valley open until the 4th of july before eventually melting into 43.4 cubic inches of water. >> they are up in the top 2 to 3, 3 to 4 biggest snow accumulations for march. now, whether or not we continue when we get another series of storms, so that we understand up with, you know, record setting on april 1, we'll just have to see. >> reporter: it's good news all around as long as it stays cold and frozen. if so all this snow means a lot of green for resorts. they have seen huge crowds and with days like this lined up well into the spring or summer, there will likely be plenty more. >> just a relief, great times, we're busy. there's -- every trail is open including all of huckleberry canyon which is 320 acres of backcountry that we have so if people talked about 10 and 11 year like this, they are going to be talking about 16, 17, too,. >> reporter: so keep in mind, too, we still have the remainder of march which in tahoe they call miracle march because of all the snow that it historically drops and if that's the case and it continues to snow throughout the season in the way it has thus far, i know exactly what my assignment is going to be on the 4th of july. reporting live at "sierra at tahoe," emily turner, kpix 5. [ laughter ] >> always gets the good assignments. >> she won't need the hat and coat. >> she said that smiling, too. the 4th of july -- >> that's almost a lock you will have enough snow to ski. can you keep the employees around to work through the 4th? they have so much snow it's going to take a long time to melt. it's almost like you're putting water in the bank. it is a bank because it will slowly melt. our dry time of year we don't get any precipitation but we have stored precipitation in the mountains and that's going to melt and fill our reservoirs even when it stops raining. highs today around the bay area with a backdrop of a gorgeous sunset officially 6:03 sunset in san francisco today. napa you hit 65. you will hit 68 tomorrow. san jose you hit 64. you will hit 67 tomorrow. half moon bay 60, fremont and san francisco in the low 60s. radar is clear. we'll stay that way until saturday when showers return. let's fly into the south bay. watch the temperatures climb with barely any clouds in the sky. we'll make the mid- to upper 60s tomorrow. should be a gorgeous afternoon in and around downtown san jose. your weather headlines will be clear and chilly tonight. a reminder that we're still in winter. spring doesn't begin until the 20th of march this year. so nights are long and chilly despite the fact we hit the 60s during the day. we'll drop to the 30s again at night. frosty in the tri-valley, 35 for you, fairfield 33. san rafael 36. and san francisco 45 degrees. that said, gorgeous tomorrow. sunshine, warmest day of the week. if you are working all day try to spend 10 minutes and just walk slowly to go get your coffee. just enjoy some time outside. oakland 64. vallejo 65. 68 in napa. san jose 67. mountain view 65. changes for the weekend, we do have some scattered showers coming. it will not be an all-day or all weekend washout. but the two wettest days of the next seven will be those two weekend days with cooler highs in the upper 50s to low 60s. drying out by the beginning of next week. so only two chances of rain. you want to connection on social media weather 24 hours a day, paul deanno kpix 5. back to you. >> thank you. daredevils leap from one of the tallest hotels in san francisco. the parachute stunt that played out right in front of police. >> warriors fans might have been thinking about leaping on a building too after last night. their star player was injured. what doctors say about his future next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, jack: most other combos come with a wimpy, kid-sized burger. jack: at my place, you get the double jack combo with one jack: of the biggest burgers on my menu. double the beef, double jack: the cheese, plus hot and salty fries and a refreshing drink for jack: just $4.99. yup, i took the combo and made it a bigger jack: deal. like how ben franklin made flying kites a bigger deal. jack: or how astronauts made a sunday drive a bigger deal. jack: or how egyptians made triangles a bigger deal. sfx: back-up warning beep jack: so, if you want to go big, you know where to go. jack: nice ride. jack: my $4.99 double jack combo. jack: only at jack in the box. their star core of players..that luck ran out last night in washington.. forward kevin durant the warriors have been to two straight nba chirps thanks in part to avoiding injuries to their star corps of players. last night in washington, kevin durant will miss at least 4 weeks with a grade 2mcl sprain. grade 3 is the most severe. the team originally feared that he had suffered a broken tibia. a san francisco doctor explained the recovery could take longer than one month. >> this is one of those injuries in which you tend to start exercising relatively soon. you don't want to weight bear but you can to motion exercises relatively quickly but it's going to be quite a while once this thing heals completely it still has to increase strengths and endures. so i don't think he will be ready to play until after it's healed. >> with durant out golden state is expected to sign that man! matt barnes. remember him? member of the "we believe" warriors from 2007. barns was released by the kings last week. the 36-year-old posted on instagram a picture of himself, steven jackson and baron davis and said that next to the birth of his children, this is the happiest day of his life. now, while barnes is on the way in, it appears colin kaepernick is on the way out. kaepernick has reportedly informed the 49ers that he will opt out of his contract and become a free agent leaving the quarterback cover bare for new head coach kyle shanahan. >> we don't have anybody under roster so i put them in the category of everybody else free agents and possibilities going into the draft so these are the guys we are comparing who you guys see on the free agent market with a draft and trade possibility and guys on the roster last year is really the group we're picking from. >> steve young online one. the nhl trade deadline is over. the sharks added forward hanson from the canucks for the stretch run. san jose leads the pacific division by 5 points. high school hoops. city semifinals at kezar. balboa wouldn't have a chance to cheer about get the top seed. bears in control. pratt ahead to harris for the layup. later in the first, harris hits the three to beat the buzzer. mission beats balboa, 101 to 66! they are 29-1. they will play lowell or washington in the finals as they gun for their third straight title. it was two thumbs up for paul trevor and san francisco state at a sold-out swamp last night. the gators erupted for 56 points in the second half to blow out cal state l.a. 93-67. and advance to the semi finals of their conference tournament. they will play rival sonoma state on friday in san marcos. >> thank you. coming up in our next half- hour a record rally on wall street after the president's speech to congress. and a spiritual guide to the stock market. how people are targeting their investments based on biblical values. >> cars mangled in a rolling gun battle and old couple hurt in the chaos. the break that's taken a dangerous criminal off the street. >> and mousetrapped. live at sfo as passengers arrive home with quite the travel tale. the dow closing today at another all-time high... our ken bastid our top story at 6:30, financial markets have hit stratospheric territory. the dow closing today at another all-time high. our ken bastida on what some investors are calling the trump bump. ken. >> reporter: it's crazy. this is a place the dow jones has never been before, guys. gaining 1,000 points in just 24 days, and today, another record close. the dow up more than 300 points. the nasdaq s&pes are setting all-time highs. some analysts credit last night's speech by president trump. >> investors cheered president trump's plan to ask congress for $1.000000000000 for infrastructure spending. the market has rallied big time since the election many record highs being set. manically on the president's promises of from your spending, corporate tax cuts and deregulation. eventually investors will need to see the details pan out for this rally to continue. >> president trump getting high marks for his speech last night as you can see. a poll shows 82% of people who watched it called mr. trump presidential. 88% of democrats gave him high marks. overall, 61% said the president's tone was positive, republicans and independents giving him high marks there. democrats were less generous with their assessment. the president may have drawn praise but he still has a lot of work to do on capitol hill. president trump sat down for a strategy session with republican lawmakers that he is counting on to push his agenda. >> it begins as of now and we think we are going to have tremendous success. >> reporter: in his first major speech to congress, he ditched his sometimes divisive rhetoric to pitch a positive vision for the future. >> i am asking all members of congress to join me in dreaming big and bold and daring things for our country. >> reporter: the white house was expected to roll out a revised executive order on president trump's travel ban today. but he will wait at least another day. the trump administration is considering lifting iraq from the list of 7 majority muslim countries where people are banned from travel to the u.s. although new nations could be added. >> obamacare is collapsing. >> reporter: mr. trump is challenging both sides of the aisle to replace president obama's signature healthcare law. >> i think the key to getting this done is focus on areas of consensus that bring us together. i believe we are going to get it done. failure is not an option. >> reporter: democrats who want to keep it expressed concern the president's words don't match his actions. >> he is favoring the very powerful special interests making their lives easier and putting more burden on the backs of the middle class and people trying to get to the middle class. >> reporter: and democrats say they are interested in working with the president on a one trillion dollar infrastructure bill saying that's the way to go. >> thank you. some investors look to see what happens next in washington, a bay area investment first has a "higher calling." john ramos on how they are linking money to morals. >> reporter: in the small town of hollister, across the street from an advertisement of the wages of sin, is a startup company with an unusual goal. >> we see ourselves as the chik- fil-a of investments, right? >> reporter: robert is an investment capitalist but also a devout christian who just yesterday launched inspire investing, two stock funds concentrating on companies that follow biblical teachings. >> overall, the socially responsible investing impact investing community has a very strong liberal tilt and very much focuses on more liberal issues. but there's been nothing there for those conservatives investors. >> reporter: the fundies qualifies investment in any company that involves abortion, gambling, alcohol, pornography, human rights violations and one that should rile the bay area, the so-called lgbt lifestyle. >> we exclude companies that again that choose to take a hard-line activist stance on any issue that is outside of moral fabric. >> reporter: but jesus said judge not lest ye be judged so a computer program does the judging for them. a web app uses artificial intelligence to search online sources for news and information about companies and even produces a realtime display of their adherence to christian values. only stocks with a higher moral purity get the funds money. >> it's absolutely -- our constituents our shareholders bought into the mission. >> reporter: in two days he already generated $17 million from around the country. he is not sure how big this could ultimately get. but he is not afraid to dream big. god willing. >> our kind of internal mission is to have the tallest building in hollister, california. [ laughter ] >> reporter: in hollister, john ramos, kpix 5. >> the man who runs it says his sons do not eliminate companies that are tolerant for gay employees only those who pursue an activist agenda. after more than three months san leandro police nabbed a second suspect in a shootout that sent two old people to the hospital. the gun battle led to a head-on crash and you see how the crash destroyed the cars. the elderly victims had to be removed from the car. police arrested marcus jones yesterday. harris was arrested after the shootout in november. yesterday, police found a number of guns and ammo in jones' apartment along with more than $250,000 in cash. the victims of that crash are still recovering. >> the elderly husband and wife who were transported to area trauma centers were fighting life-threatening injuries. they are now at home recovering. but still, fighting very, very serious injuries. >> recovery for that couple is expected to be long term. two men face murder charges in the stabbing of a san jose man who was working security at a bar. police now say they arrested two men as they tried to get away following last weekend's stabbing at a downtown nightclub. 35-year-old frank novarro was killed. he was president of the eastridge little league and coach at overfelt high school. police say the suspects were among a group of men who got into a fight with that var row and his coworkers. a federal judge in oakland agreed to bail for noor salman whose husband was the shooter in the pulse nightclub massacre. salman faces charges for alleged involvement in the attack last june that killed 49 people. today the judge ruled salman is not a flight risk and said there is no evidence that she holds extremist views. coming up, he had a tail but not ticket. a roaming rodent grounds a flight to the bay area. >> a truck takes to the air dukes of hazzard style. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, transatlantic flight was delayed because of an extra passenger.. with extra legs. a mouse... was spotted onboard weary travelers just arrived at sfo after their trans-atlantic flight was delayed all because of an extra passenger with extra legs. >> a mouse spotted on board just before the plane was set to take off. that plane headed from heathrow in london to sfo last night. but that mouse threw a wrench in the itinerary. passengers are just getting off the plane. len ramirez reports. >> reporter: we're talking about a huge airplane, a 777 aircraft, hundreds of passengers, it was a full flight. we are talking about this big airplane a lot of passengers and a tiny little mouse that really brought everything to a screeching halt even before it took off. forget "snakes on a plane." what happened on today's london-to-san francisco flight was more like this! >> well ... >> reporter: british airways spotted a mouse that had squeaked through security lines and boarded the 777 at heathrow. with passengers already strapped in, the airline explained rules that the flight must be grounded with a mouse aboard, stunned passengers were delayed four hours while the airline traffic down a they plane. twitter went crazy with passengers conjuring up the travel look such as a hawaiian shirt and trackies, maybe an i mask or a rainbow pride flag for his would-be arrival in is. the lighthearted feeling continued with british airways saying in its statement, quote, we know everyone wants to fly with us to san francisco. but on this occasion, there was one very small customer we had to send back to the gate. everyone with two legs is now on their way to california and we are sorry for the delay." now, that flight landed about an hour ago and passengers are still clearing customs and coming out here am some of them with smiles on their faces as soon as they see our cameras. here's what some had to say. >> at 10:40 we were supposed to leave and then they announced a mouse is discovered on the plane and we will all get off. >> i'm sure the mouse didn't have a passport. i'm sure that was a problem. >> i'd rather not fly a plane that then gets wired by a mouse. >> reporter: the passenger said that no one ever really saw the mouse other than maybe the original people that saw it and spotted it running down the floor way but it was a very expensive little rodent. in fact, it cost british airways about $300,000 about 250,000 pounds to buy everybody lunch, to bring in the other aircraft, to get it going again. and for some passengers who may have missed flights, they will have to be put in a hotel overnight and things like that because of that four-hour delay. so it was a small rodent but a big problem. reporting live at sfo, len ramirez, kpix 5. [ laughter ] >> thank you. hey, speaking of rat touhy, bart riders know something about riding with furry passengers. this guy joined the was rate on the escalator. he wanted to go up while his personal stairmaster there went down p. >> oh, my goodness. from the top of a high-rise into the hands of police, the daring stunt that did not end well for a group of base jumpers. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dukes of hazard movie - this was the end to a wild police oh, [ censored ] ! >> no. this is not the scene out of a dukes of hazzard movie. it was the end to a wild police chase. you can see that truck just barreling toward a police blockade at over 100 miles per hour [chuckling]. that's when it veered off the road and took flight! the truck cleared a fence, landed directly on a car, with someone inside. remarkably, everyone was okay. talk about death-defying stunts. how about a leap from one of san francisco's tallest hotels? a trio of base jumpers did it last night and landed in hot water. kpix 5's juliette goodrich on what happened next. >> reporter: timing is everything. these base jumpers thought they would land and be on their merry way. turns out the sfpd was waiting and they went straight to jail. "sky drone 5" giving you a good look and good sense just how tall this building is. it's one of the largest and tallest hotels in the city. police say the base jumpers leaped off the roof of the 493- foot hilton hotel near union square around 11 p.m. last night. >> what happened? >> just a guy on a night. >> reporter: a night that landed him in jail along with another base jumper. >> want to tell me what happened? >> reporter: sf pd watched the base jumpers land with the parachutes on their backs. >> there are some officers on patrol in the area, when they observed several people descending from the sky with parachutes and they ended up landing near their patrol car. >> reporter: their gear was immediately confiscated and the suspects who are 25 and 26 years old, were arrested on the spot and charged with trespass and felony conspiracy. as for the third suspect, they are still trying to get more information. the hotel certainly had security cameras and it's likely the base jumpers had gopros on them that will give police a lot of good information. in san francisco, juliette goodrich, kpix 5. and the jumpers' mugshots just into the newsroom. they are identified as joshua glovak and brendon weinstein. i don't know. the view from the building top better than the cell, i would say. >> next time look for police cars. or better yet just don't do it. 55 gorgeous degrees in oakland. sunset tonight was spectacular. san francisco 55. santa rosa 58. san jose 56. busy radar this winter but this week it's getting a break. 52 inches of rainfall since july 1, shattering the record for the wettest water year. previously it was 1997-1998 the el nino winter 44 inches then so we are 20% wetter in santa rosa than the previous wettest water year ever. just blowing that record away. more than 4 feet of rain officially in santa rosa, sonoma county airport. tonight in santa rosa clear, chilly, no rain. 33 degrees four. vallejo 36. oakland 42. mountain view and fremont in the low 40s. another chilly one, we'll likely stay just above freezing but we are chilly. talking about a ridge of high pressure getting closer and stronger. it's tomorrow. it will be the closest and strongest which means we will be at our warmest with that ridge getting closer before it moves out allowing the rain chance to move in for the weekend. futurecast not much going on tomorrow except probably smiles people enjoying a beautiful thursday. friday we start the day off sunny. we'll end the day mainly cloudy. this is cloud cover. the gray. we will begin to see a few light to moderate showers impact the far north bay lake county mendocino county by 9 a.m. saturday. late saturday and sunday the best opportunity for scattered showers the rest of the bay area but rain over the weekend. washout no. scattered showers yes. next week very active storm track, several inches of rainfall likely to our north. we're talking pacific northwest, far northern california getting in on it but for us likely staying away from the bay area. highs tomorrow running about 2 or 3 degrees above average. san jose 67, 3 degrees above normal. san mateo 64. hayward 64. walnut creek 65 with sunshine. dublin 66. pittsburg 66. san francisco 63 for a high. novato 67. napa 68. lakeport 66 degrees. believe it or not, you're still under a flood warning at clear lake until friday. the lake levels are still above average. your weekend forecast is not as sunny and dry clear. scattered showers saturday and sunday. monday and tuesday and wednesday drying out and warming up to the 60s. coming up, she is a pioneer in the anti-smoking movement. how tonight's jefferson award winner is helping millions of californians breathe easier. >> coming up at 10 p.m. on nightbeat. we are talking about president trump's speech. we are asking you did it move the needle with you? did it change the way you view him? send me a tweet at #veronicadlcruz. we'll have your comments tonight at 10:00 over on our sister decision kbcw 44/cable 12. ,,,,,, it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. the anti-smoking movement for that's the plan for san francisco's busy van ness avenue... work has been underway for months but today w from a congested corridor to a grand boulevard, that's the plan for san francisco's busy van ness avenue. work has been under way for months. but today was the official groundbreaking. that project will cost nearly $200 million. won't be complete until the year 2019. but this is what it's going to look like, a dedicated bus rapid transit lane there down the middle of van ness, passengers will board from platforms in the center median. this week's jefferson award winner is a pioneer who has worked in the anti-smoking movement for more than two decades. serena chen says people call her all the time to ask for help to change a law. as sharon chin reports, she harnessed her skills as a former broadcast journalist and social worker to help them get it done. >> reporter: barbara hamrick hated breathing secondhand smoke from her neighbors at bonnie brae terrace in belmont. >> headaches from the smoke. >> reporter: today, smoking is not allowed inside her government subsidized complex. >> it's wonderful. you feel free. >> reporter: the retirement complex was ground zero for the nation's first smoke-free housing law thanks in part to serena chen. >> my job was to give them hope. >> reporter: as policy director at the american lung association, serena lobbied alongside a group of anti- smoking residents. they claimed victory when belmont passed its landmark no smoking law for apartments and condos in 2007. >> to hear the sound of glass breaking because it was a glass ceiling against going into people's homes. she kept us going. it was a long haul. >> reporter: becky's father began the anti-smoking petition drive. she said serena provided emotional support to keep fighting. >> her emphasis is not on herself but on all the people out there that are doing the work in their communities. she really is that kind of humble servant. >> reporter: thanks to serena's work in bell month and the bay area, two million californians and more than 30 cities now have smoke-free housing laws. in all, serena has advocated for more than 50 city and county smoke-free ordinances from business districts to bus stops, from parks to public schools and public housing. >> in a very good sense, i saw my role always as an enabler. i enable communities to get their voices heard. >> reporter: so for helping citizens and their governments enact tobacco control laws, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to serena chen. sharon chin, kpix 5. >> serena helped lobby for some laws that have been adopted statewide and nationwide. for example, state of hawaii bans smoking in all public housing in 2011 and a new federal rule requires all public housing to be smoke- free. now somebody inspiring like her? nominate them for a jefferson award online at well done. well, thanks for watching us at kpix 5 news at 6:00. join us for nightbeat at 10:00 on kbcw. >> tonight at 11:00 the test that claims to reveal how well you are aging. you want to see that at 11:00 on kpix 5. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how's everybody? how are you all? appreciate it. thank you all, folks. thank you very much. yeah, i do. i appreciate it. thank you all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man, steve harvey. [cheering and applause] folks, we got another good one for you today. returning for their fourth day, with a total of 40,705 bucks, from atlanta, georgia, it's the champs. it's the black family. and from powder springs, georgia, it's the helton family. everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash, and somebody--somebody might just drive out of here in a brand-new car. let's go meet the helton family. hey, jennifer. jennifer: hello. how are you doing? steve: how are you doing? jennifer: i'm doing great. excited to be here. steve: you're from powder springs? where is that? jennifer: it's north of atlanta. steve: yeah. what--what they famous for out there? jennifer: oh...the helton family on the "feud." steve: oh, y'all it? jennifer: we're it. woman: whoo! whoo! steve: i say, "what they famous for?" the rest of the girls went, "we ain't famous for nothin'." [laughter] "we it. we the biggest thing to ever come out of powder springs." ok, let's do it. introduce everybody, jennifer. jennifer: well, this is my wonderful husband, jon. he's awesome. love him. [applause] and he helped me raise 3 beautiful daughters. that's brittani, our oldest; casey in the middle; and our sweet baby ashley on the end. steve: oh. well, congratulations, man. congratulations for being here.

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