Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160803 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160803

in tonight's national night out event, sfpd hopes the face-to- face interaction between police, fire, and community members will help mend some fences. >> how would you describe people in the bay view's relationship with the people right now. >> where can we go from here? what can we do to help solve this problem? at the end of the day, we work for the community, we help the community. >> reporter: national night out happens every year, but never in a imate so highly charged. on both the local and national levels there have been protests, shootings, and officers targeted. tonight's event has never been more important. >> it's almost like a huge divide. the issue is, we need to be able to speak, and sit down, and have an open conversation. >> reporter: whether that conversation will be welcomed has yet to be seen. >> that's the most important thing to me. if everybody is trying to get along, we're fine. >> reporter: right now, there's not a whole lot of trust. >> none. not a whole lot of trust. trust in each other. >> reporter: and tonight, they're expecting about 200 people to show up. they've got burgers on the grill. i assume they're even playing a movie at 8:00, and in fact, the public defender is here, they're expecting the chief to stop by. this community outreach, they say is the grassroots key to making a change, not only in the bay view, but throughout the bay view area. >> emily, thank you. now to the east bay, oakland mayor libby schaaf is taking a part in national night out events as well. jewel richards is there for us. >> reporter: what a night it is tonight. they're cooking up hot dogs for the community here. along 8th street, adeline. the mayor libby schaaf just arrived. this is called the acorn neighborhood. really, the point of tonight is for community members to reach out, talk to the police, talk with each other, have face-to- face interactions, and really get to know each other, not just tonight, but throughout the year. mayor libby schaaf has been in oakland, all of her life. she's really seen this event grow. oakland has really spearheaded this national night out. they're the first in the country to start this 30 years ago. i just asked the mayor what it means for the city now with police tension escalating. >> i know a lot of police officers will be out, they'll be interacting with neighbors. how will that help with some of the sensitive activity going on? >> there is really heightened sensitive activity. while it's a time honored tradition in oakland, it's going to be particularly important tonight for the community and police to come together and have a conversation. >> we just need to respect the deep roots that are here. i think a lot of times, we're viewed as broken and disenfranchised, and the fact is we're really not. i think we need to show more of that, and more of that needs to be seen by the community at large. >> reporter: back out live in oakland, west oakland, where we're cooking it up tonight. how many do you think you've been making tonight? how many hot dogs? >> excuse me? >> how many hot dogs so far? >> over 700. >> reporter: that sounds like a big crowd tonight, again, national night out. mayor libby schaaf has been making the rounds in oakland. in san francisco, supervisors are expected to approve a $90,000 settlement in a lawsuit over a jail fight club. three inmates sued, claiming that last year, sheriffs deputies forced them to fight each other gladiator style. took their food, and made them gamble to get it back. earlier this year, three deputies were charged in the case. they're out on bail, waiting for upcoming court appearances. meantime, a raging wildfire was sparked by an illegal campfire. the fire had been left unattended by campers and quickly grew out of control. it is only 18% contained tonight. it broke out near big sur, and has quickly spread to the north. you can see the giant burn mark, the scar that the fire has left behind, as well as the massive plume of smoke there. there is good news, lynn ramirez is there, as some evacuees returned home. >> reporter: it has been a very long time for some of these people who have been evacuated. burning, destroying, and disrupting lives. today, some of them got to go back home. for joey d. maria, the final trip home was a bit tricky. he had to squeeze between two fire engines parked to protect his house. >> the first time i get to see my house to see if it's still in tact, and if anything is missing or not. i believe it's going to be okay. >> reporter: he's one of dozens of remote, carmel valley residents allowed to go back home today. >> it's been a little scary at times, but hopefully, with all the personnel, we'll all be safe. >> reporter: she was delivering food to her neighbors who did not evacuate. >> they're afraid to come down, they're afraid the road blocks won't let them back home. >> reporter: 12 days after the fire started, investigators pinpointed the cause, it was an illegal campfire left unattended next to a trail. >> it could be negligence opposed to an intentional arson, but there's still criminal liability. >> reporter: it could lead to serious charges. the fire burned 43,000 acres, destroyed 57 homes, and led to the death of a bulldozer driver, not to mention the financial emotional, and health impacts to countless others. >> this is really hectic. i'm tired of breathing the smoke. i'm tired of hearing helicopters, and the planes, and really, i just want to go home and enjoy life again. >> reporter: with this fire just 18% contained at this point, cal fire says there is still a lot of work left to do for the 5,000 or so firefighters assigned to this fire. full containment is not expected until the end of august. reporting live in salinas, kpix 5. pg and e crews are working to repair power lines. they have identified at least 70 poles in the burn zone that need to be replaced. crews are checking each of them out, one by one. a group of firefighters are back in the bay area tonight, after they helped battle the wildfire. they had been in monterey county for two weeks. the team discovered an ancient grove of rare redwood trees. >> we laid hose lines into this grove from a long distance, and we wet down those trees as much as we could for several hours, in order to ensure those trees could survive another thousand years. >> reporter: the strike team could be called back at any time. the fire is expected to burn through the month of august. a huge break for pg and e, and it's criminal trial over pipeline safety. prosecutors slashed the potential fines that could be imposed from $562 million to just $6 million. 8 people died, and more than three dozen homes were destroyed in the explosion in 2010. they're facing 11 violations of felony law pertaining to inspections and record keeping. a developing story in the central valley, where a charter bus crash has claimed five lives. a view from the air shows this horrific damage. the crash happened on highway 99 between at water and livingston about 15 miles northwest of merced. it happened at 3:30 a.m. there were 33 people onboard, and most of them suffered some type of injury. the route originated in mexico and stopped in livingston and was supposed to end in pasco, washington. traffic has been a nightmare for more than 15 hours now, drew. >> reporter: they're actually about to open up a second lane of traffic here on highway 99. it's been at one lane for the last several hours, and it was a chaotic, and devastating morning and throughout the day, after that charter bus went off the road, hit that sign pole, killing five people. i spoke with a california highway patrol worker who said it was the worst wreck he's seen in his 19 year career. >> reporter: a collision with a highway sign pole. >> it was every time of injury on this. >> reporter: rescue workers frantically pulled people to safety. police saying some with severed limbs, and head injuries. onboard, about 30 people, including minors. most of them mexican nationals, asleep on the overnight ride. 16 were airlifted from the scene. four were able to walk away. >> we're going to look at every factor. the driver, where he's coming from, how long he's been driving, log books, driver status. >> reporter: behind the wheel, 57-year-old mario vasquez. he had been driving since 7:00 p.m. from los angeles. his route originated in mexico. dozens of democratics, including federal agencies are assisting in the investigation. some passenger cargo swept by drug sniffing dogs. >> we only have one shot as making sure the evidence is successfully, you know, captured. >> reporter: 11 hours later, tow trucks pulled the bus off the pole. >> that bus was scheduled to make a stop in livingston just a few miles away from this location, and police have not told us why, or how it went off the road. it will likely be several months before we get that final report. allen? >> thanks so much. the bus is operated by a company called alloto buses coronado u.s.a. it shows more than 50 violations. inspectors found 3 violations involving the brake warning system, aisle seating and other violations. in february of 2015, a company driver ticketed tore driving with a suspended commercial license. >> we're not talking about one or two isolated things that have been remedied, and practices improved. you have a long history of multiple violations. >> in nearly a third of those failed inspections, the feds ordered vehicles out of service. despite his track record, the government gives the bus company a satisfactory rating. paving the way for pot, as california voters get ready to vote on recriational marijuana, one bay area city is planning ahead. the new rules for a changing industry. and californias deal with the tough decision on whether to stand with donald trump. >> and the planned strike that could throw a wrench into the local justice system tomorrow. how it could affect hundreds of court cases. >> the onshore flow is stronger, and more widespread morning cloud cover, but a beautiful afternoon, with anything from the 50s, to the 90s, in the bay area today. clear skies looking over san francisco bay. there's a cool down coming. some of you will lose up to 10 degrees. we'll talk about when coming up. ,,,,,,,, (music plays from one way or another )♪♪ ♪ i'm gonna find y♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna win ya ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see ya ♪ (inhales cigarette) now, it's over the newest wildfire ern california. want to get you another update now on our breaking story. live pictures from chopper 5. look at all the smoke. this is the newest wildfire burning in northern california. cal fire is calling it the cold fire. this is all happening near lake berryessa, and it's burning from monticello dam road to pleasant valley road. we're also hearing about road closures around highway 128 and pleasant valley road. people now are being told to leave resorts around the lake. this is a fire that broke out this afternoon. it is already at 200 acres. we are gathering more information on it. we're going to bring you another update as soon as possible. new at 6:00, they are marijuana businesses that operate in the shadows. now a bay area city is trying to make it safe for them to operate out in the open. how these businesses are going to be getting a few breaks. jessica? >> reporter: here in santa rosa, right now, the city council is meeting whether to discuss to expand city permits to certain marijuana related businesses. we're talking about lab testing, distribution, and transportation of medical marijuana. if they do approve this ordinance, they could tay teak out of the shadow and under city code. in santa rosa, there is ordinances to grow medical marijuana, and licenses to dispense medical marijuana, but all the operations in between, from lab testing to oil production, to transporting the product remain unregulated. the city is now considering creating new codes around medical marijuana that could officially allow those operations. but only in non-residential areas. this all comes ahead of the possibly legalization of recreational marijuana. >> you know there's a ballot language that might make recreational legal in california. we want to make sure we do somework ahead of time, to understand what that might do. where we want to start placing these. >> reporter: here at the sonoma patient group, they're one of two dispensaries in santa rosa. they believe it is good news for their industry. >> we believe it will make the industry stronger in santa rosa, if the city council passes the permit categories. and makes santa rosa, and sonoma county a hub for growth in our industry. >> reporter: city officials say even with the potential ordinance in place, they could still tweak some of the rules to fit the growing, and changing marijuana very. >> the -- industry. >> the goal is to move this industry out of residential neighborhoods, and out of places where they shouldn't be, and in the right location, with the rules and the need to get fire inspections and occupancies. >> reporter: the santa rosa city council is expected to vote on the matter tonight. if they do approve the ordinance, it will go into effect immediately. in santa rosa, jessica flores, kpix 5. pleading not guilty to 22 sexual assault charges. five women came forward saying noah winchester bullied them into having sex with him while he was on duty. they said he pulled them over, and said if they didn't have sex with him, he would arrest them on made up charges. winchester is expected in court on monday. hundreds of court employees in santa clara county are threatening to go out on strike tomorrow. the move could bring the court system to a stand still. four clerks offices will be closed tomorrow, including downtown san jose, morgan hill, palo alto, and sunnyvale. however, a drop box will be set up outside those locations. mid-level managers will step in to handle essential court hearings. court clerks are asking for higher salaries. >> we have people that have to decide if they're going to buy food, or pay bills. people who had to have their lights turned off, because they can't afford to pay for the rent. not seeing any increases in salary, it just makes it really tough. >> reporter: port administrators are warning that lines for obtaining court records will be extra long. other bay area headlines, san francisco leaders rejected a so-called tech tax. under the proposal, tech companies that generate more than $1 million in revenue a year, would pay a 1.5% payroll tax. the money used would have been used to fund affordable housing and homeless shelters. opponents argued it would prevent growth in the tech industry. a new zealand man was hit and killed by a motorcyclist. a woman was also hit. she was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. police have not released the cause of the accident, or if the driver was cited. in los gatos, city council members go over the results of a beached traffic report tonight. they closed down the on ramp to highway 17 for several weekends this summer. the idea was to eliminate backups. many were following short cuts made popular by various traffic apps. take your eyes off the apps, and watch paul, because he's got the forecast. >> it's looking good. it's changing a bit, but after last week, with 104, 105, this may be a welcome change. a cool down in your backyard is going to get even cooler over the next couple of days. a wide temperature spread. san francisco at the bottom, 64. brentwood, you hit 94. daly city under that fog, only 58 degrees. san rafael, only 74. you need something unhealthy in any of these five zones for a spare the air day, tomorrow will not be one of those days. san francisco's never hit 100 degrees in the month of august. san jose, 105, livermore 112. thanks to a stronger onshore flow, we will be nowhere close to those readings over the next several days. parts of the country experiencing their hottest year ever. the pay area specifically is not one of those places. we are the exception to the rule. cloud cover returning tonight. the overnight lows drop to the upper 40s, to low 50s for you in the north bay. napa, you wake up to 53 degrees. fremont, 58. san jose, 57, and redwood city, 57 degrees. did you like today? you're going to love tomorrow, a near weather repeat. not sure what you're going to be doing throughout the day, but the weather will be a repeat. napa 83, certainly cooler near the water. pacifica, san francisco, low to mid-60s. the changes coming later in the week. temperatures drop as a result. the transportation i was happens thursday. we go from the low 90s inland, to the low to mid-80s. mid-60s, that's it with more widespread cloud cover near the bay all the way through the weekend. the coast has highs only in the upper 50s. we're going to tilt things back to the chilly side near san francisco bay, beginning thursday. but all in all, it's what we should expect. it's august, and it's happened. >> summer in san francisco. >> all chilly of it. >> thanks. take your pokemon and go. one man sues to get plays off his lawn. but it's not a nuisance for everyone. how bay area businesses are hoping to cash in on the craze. >> bullets fly in a terrifying supermarket robbery all caught on camera. how workers and customers barely escaped. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, action lawsuit. a new jersey man is suing niantic the san francisco based company that invented the pokemon game is facing a class action lawsuit. a man is suing for placing a character in his yard, causing players to knock on the door. it's been nearly a month since the game was released, and while it is generating a lot of foot traffic at the pokey stops, it's unclear if that is translating into increased sales. rocket fish, a popular candy store in campbell was dubbed a pokeman gym. however sales last month were flat. >> if they made you a pokemon gym, they could take it away. would you pay for it then? >> it's hard to say. if it's not doing anything for sales, then i don't know that it's worth payinger for it. >> pellgrim is not giving up. she's planning to offer lures to try to draw the customers in. yahoo is investigating a serious breach. 200million user accounts may be compromised. a hacker known as piece is selling information for 3 bit coins of virtual currency. yahoo says some of the accounts may be older accounts no longer in use. instagram's new stories feature allows viewers to post photos that can disappear. snapchat stories identifies almost the same way. coming up in our next half hour, president obama calling on republicans to withdraw support for donald trump. we look at the california candidates in a tough spot. how they're dealing with the pressure to fall in line with the party. >> and a star trek actor killed in a freak roll away accident. how his family is hoping his death can safe another life. the fire is sending massive plumes of smoke over parts of the north bay. breaking news at 6:30, chopper 5 live over the wildfire burning near lake berryessa. that fire is sending a massive plume of smoke over parts of the north bay. certainly visible from 80 and i- 5. what they're calling the cold fire broke out late this afternoon near monticello dam. on the east side of the lake. lake berryessa in yolo county. authorities have evacuated the canyon creek resort at the reservoir. so far, that fire is now up to 300 acres, but it is rapidly spreading. it was just 200 acres. it's rugged, remote at the rain. in the past two minutes, we have seen a cal fire plane flying over that fire, trying to get an idea of just how best to fight it. firefighters arriving on the ground now. no word yet on what started this fire. this one's going to keep fire crews busy, we think for quite a while. maybe days. we'll continue to watch it and bring you updates throughout the evening. other top stories at this hour. the national night out is underway around the bay area and the country. the event created to bring police and the community together. organizers hoping it will help bring police and the public to find some common ground. campaign 2016, donald trump says he is not supporting two republicans in the upcoming primaries in their states. trump says he is not ready yet to endorse house speaker paul ryan, or arizona senator john mccain. he said i like paul, but these are horrible times for our country. we need strong leadership. we need very, very strong leadership, and i'm just not quite there yet. earlier today, president obama called trump unfit, and woefully unprepared to serve in the white house. the president also referenced statements from leading republicans condemning a number of trump's comments. >> the question, i think that they have to ask themselves is, if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him? what does this say about your party that this is your standard bearer? >> the trump campaign fired back, saying the obama presidency has made the world unsafe and that hillary clinton's judgment proves she is unfit to serve in any government position. at least one republican congressman is coming forward to throw his support behind hillary clinton. representative richard hanna of new york wrote, for me, it's not enough to simply denounce his comments, he is unfit to serve our party, and cannot lead this country. not a single one of california's republicans endorsed trump at the start of the campaign, but now most of falling in line, but not all of them. drew walker ran it past our political analyst. >> reporter: if you want to know how california's congressional republicans feel about donald trump, don't ask who they are, ask where they are. >> if you only know one thing about a district, it should be a scorecard for how far that district leans to the left or to the right. >> you look at a district with a plus 15 or 16 republican, means they're very, very republican. >> reporter: we made a list of california's republicans. starting with the safest district. >> mccarthy, he's in a 16 district. >> donald trump. >> reporter: heading down our list, you find that the safer the district, the more vocal the support for mr. trump. >> worbacher would be a certified yes endorsement. >> correct. >> reporter: we had 11 official trump endorsements. right down to darrell ica. >> i'm onboard with donald trump, because the american people picked him. >> reporter: the intrigue starts with these bottom 3. >> steve knight, he is in an almost zero district. the fact he is saying no endorsement for anyone speaks volumes. >> so if it's a game show, he's passing. >> i'm going to pass them to jackie. >> reporter: there's one republican district that leans slightly democrat. back in october, congressman david valadeo said he would vote for whoever his party nominated. >> absolutely, i'm going to stick with the winner of my party. >> reporter: but just last week, he announced he would not be voting for either candidate. >> definitely not voting for hillary, but not voting for trump. >> that brings us to jeff denham, the one mystery spot on our scorecard. it's not just us. he said nothing. >> look, he's in a district that's just a plus 2, a plus 1 republican. he needs every single republican vote to keep his seat. he's got to be really concerned right now, with who is showing up to the polls and whether him taking a stand is going to help or hurt him. >> for now, jeff denham, the only question mark from the california delegate for congress. >> a big question mark for now. >> this brings us to our night beat question. tonight, we're asking you, if you personally feel you can't get behind trump or clinton in this presidential election, would you vote for a third party candidate? yes or no? and if so, who? tweet me your thoughts now. also, send me a tweet. we're going to have your comments tonight, as well as a poll result. that's nightbeat on 44 cable 12. donald trump kicked a woman and her crying baby out of his event today. he initially said that he didn't mind the disruption. >> don't worry about that baby, i love babies so. i love babies. i hear that baby crying, i like it. what a baby. what a beautiful baby. don't worry. don't worry. the mom's running around like don't worry about it, you know? actually, i was only kidding. you can get the baby out of here. that's all right. don't worry. i think she like believed me that i love having a baby crying while i'm speaking. >> another baby started crying a short time later, but eventually calmed down. the ceo of the democratic national committee is stepping down after the email hack controversy. amy dacie is the highest ranking leader to leave over the hacking. leaked emails appeared to show the committee favoring clinton over bernie sanders during the primary. former chairwoman, debbie wasserman schultz resigned during the party's convention last week. when you go to the polls in november, the california legislature wants you to be able to snap a selfie. the law is loosely enforced, but critics say it violates the principal of secret ballots. supporters say it allows people to share their enthusiasm for candidates, using social media. doctors say deet should be the new perfume in the fight against the zika virus. the tote a.m. number -- total number of cases to 15. pregnant travelers are being told to avoid an area north of downtown miami, and nurses are passing out prevention kits to pregnant women living in the city. they include insect repellent, and condoms, because the virus can be sexually transmitted. it's been drilled into you since you were young. the fiery debate over flossing. >> armed gunmen open fire in a supermarket. how the cashier got away just in time. ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ ♪keep on the sunny side ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ a ho a terrifying robbery in texas caught on camera. three armed robbers burst into a houston supermarket, firing as workers scatter. two people scramble into a store room and lock the door. the gunman fires several rounds trying to get through, but failed. another armed man runs to the back of the store, puts a gun to the head of a customer. the customer hands over his wallet and is spared. seconds later, all three are gone. the parents of star trek actor anton yelchin have fired a wrongful death lawsuit against fiat chrysler. they blame the automaker for their son's death. >> reporter: anton yelchin's parents couldn't fight back tears. >> unbelievable grief. they decided to come here to prevent other family for the same tragedy. >> reporter: the couple's only son was killed after being pinned. >> they failed to take action to prevent the tragedy. they put profits before safety. >> reporter: the lawsuit accuses fiat chrysler for being responsible for anton yelchin's death. the original notice in may told of a significant problem, but didn't offer a way to fix it. the late actor did receive a second notice. >> dear anton yelchin, your car is defective, it can roll away. they mailed that letter to him seven days after he died. >> reporter: we reached out to chrysler, they said in part, they extend their condolences to the yelchin family for their loss. >> the yelchin's suing for unspecified punitive damages. they say it's not about the money, it's about setting the example. we will trade our california sunshine for some california fog. find out when that transition day is coming. also, a weather update on the new cold fire burning near lake berryessa. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $1,000 on selected mattress and adjustable base sets. only at a sleep number store. that might not be true. the associated press compiled the data from 25 studies. from the numbers... there's nothing that shows for decades, debtivitys have been urging people to floss. the associated press compiled the results from studies. >> toothbrush bristles don't get it out. how are you going to get it out? dental floss. >> patients who floss regularly do not have as much problems with gun disease and decay. they're teeth are healthier. >> only about 30% of people actually floss every day. most people only do it when they're about to go to the dentist. the newest wildfire burning out of control in northern california. these are live pictures from chopper 5. crews right now scrambling to fight this fire burning in yolo county. minutes ago, we learned this one already covers 300 acres east of lake berryessa. it is all happening off highway 28. west of winters. a lot of what happens here is going to depend on weather conditions. paul, i know you've been tracking the wind in that area. >> reporter: winds, thankfully, there's good news, bad news. wind is a good thing. it's not that windy outside. it's going to spread because things are super dry. the wind is not going to aid in that spread. it's only running 5 to 10 miles per hour. the forecast for tomorrow is for the wind to only be 5 to 10 miles per hour. it's august, it hasn't rained in more than 2 months. it's going to spread. it's just not going to spread that much quicker, because the winds will stay 5 to 10 miles per hour tomorrow. it's 86. and likely will hit 92, 93, 94 degrees in the area of lake berryessa tomorrow. the wind will not be an issue for the next couple of days. thursday afternoon, the wind will pick up, but that's going to usher in more of that marine air. san francisco, 61. san jose mid-70s. 76 for you. concord and livermore, our warm spots today in the upper 80s. tonight, out toward fairfield and that fire, looking at low temperatures tonight in the mid- 50s for you. lots of low cloud cover spilling over to san rafael and oakland as well. why the lighter onshore flow? we have one low pressure area, which is moving out. so less of an influence for it. numerous showers for western washington. as it leaves, the wind today wasn't that strong. the wind tomorrow will not be that strong. that will change once we hit thursday. future cast overnight tonight, yes, the fog and low cloud cover spills back over san francisco through the golden gate, emeryville, el cerrito, you start off foggy. temperatures held down, any version of an onshore flow will keep you kind of chilly. inland, another day in the 80s and 90s. here's what happens thursday. the winds increase, if the fire is still burning, it will be cooler outside, but the winds will increase because a new low pressure area will sit over northern california, closer to us. that fires up the onshore flow to the point, that many of you inland will lose 10 degrees of heating from tomorrow to thursday. we'll go from the low 90s, to the low 80s. a near weather repeat tomorrow. warm inland, cool near the water. changes coming up. cooler changes by later in the week. very close to average for your wednesday. san jose, 83 is average. 83 is our forecast for you. palo alto 84. half moon bay, only 61. antioch, 92. as i mentioned, low -9d 0s -- 90s in that fire zone. alameda only 69 degrees. the hot stuff, lake port, 97 degrees tomorrow. thirst, cooler, cloudier as well. the highs not even hitting 85 degrees. cooler changes coming thursday. dennis with an update on sports next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, bullpen..that is going to change after bruce bochy demoted peavy to relief duty to make room in the rotation for matt moor jake peavy has started 378 games and pitched just one time out of the bullpen. that is going to change after bruce bochy demoted him to the bullpen to make room for matt moore. there's moore, he will make his giants debut on thursday. the giants fell behind 8-0 in philadelphia, but momentum changed in the 5th, after buster posey drew a walk. brandon crawford follows with a base hit. then a three run shot. 12th of the year. 6th inning, the phillies up 7- 6. angel pagan, there's a blast. the giants came back to take the lead, but this game is tied right now, 8-8, in the 8th inning. not a good guy for madison bumgarner. matt duffy may be headed to the rays, but his cat staying put. duffy told mlb radio, it's too hot for skeeter in tampa. he's a big boy. oh, my god. that thing's like a grizzly bear. he will keep living the good life with my parents. football, colin kaepernick and blaine gabbert continue to split reps with the first team. much has been named about the team's new uptempo offense, but chip kelly said his team won't have the freedom to call audibles. >> i think sometimes that's a bit of a misconception of what we do. that's okay, i'm not in the conception business though. we're just trying it to play football. chiefs head coach, andy reid showed us his moves last season, but could he have a stunt double this season? chris willhelm joined the real andy reid in practice, and even tried to pull a fast one on the media. >> glad to see everybody here today. really no injuries to report. teams looking pretty great out there, so with that being said, time is yours. >> come on, beautiful. >> there's nothing fake about brandon ray nor could anybody imitate him. at least not on two wheels. >> walking into the pits, and like, hey, come here. i went over there, and they're like, you know that your hair cut is old school right? >> reporter: people aren't just talking about brandon ray's mullet anymore. he has the hardware to prove it. >> that picture, is just probably about a quarter of the trophy that i have. >> reporter: ray is hoping to add a loretta lynn trophy to the collection. an event in tennessee, where allamateur riders around the u.s. want to be a part of. brandon wants some day to be a pro. it takes hard work, on and off the track. >> every morning i run three miles. i at least do 100 push ups and sit ups. >> reporter: his father john bought him his first bike when he was 3. he rode it so much, he left a dirt circle on the family's front lawn. >> he kept going, poppy, do you see me? >> reporter: john was a rider himself once upon a time. he suffered a leg injury that left him with diabetes. extra responsibility at home as a result. >> he comes to my room. a half hour early before school. he wakes me up, and goes poppy, i woke up and he goes, i put a load in the drier. i put another load in the washer machine. poppy, i love you. he ran off to school, thank god, because i didn't want my kid to see my cry like that. >> reporter: that's why father and son are a true team. while brandon helps out at home, john does what he can to fund his son's passion. >> we're going to talk about selling the house, and buying something a little smaller. finish this out. at least know that i gave it the best shot i could. i tried to talk him into playing baseball, but he put his hand up, and said, let me make things easy on you. i play baseball for fun. i'm a racer. >> sacrifice. good for him. >> have a great night. see you at 11:00. she slimed me. announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how y'all? how y'all doing? how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank you. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day. from lexington, tennessee, it's the ellis family! [cheering and applause] and from omaha, nebraska, it's the camenzind family! [cheering and applause] i tried. everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, state of the art ford edge. [cheering and applause] let's get it on. give me jessie. give me natalie. [theme music playing] steve: top 8 answers on the board, ladies. here we go. to impress eve, name something adam might have put behind his fig leaf. natalie: an apple. steve: an apple. jessie. jessie: love note. steve: a love note. [buzzer] steve: pass or play? all: play. play. natalie: we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play. [cheering and applause] ryan, to impress eve, name something adam might have put behind his fig leaf. ryan: vegetables. [cheering and applause] steve: vegetables. [cheering and applause]

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160803 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160803

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in tonight's national night out event, sfpd hopes the face-to- face interaction between police, fire, and community members will help mend some fences. >> how would you describe people in the bay view's relationship with the people right now. >> where can we go from here? what can we do to help solve this problem? at the end of the day, we work for the community, we help the community. >> reporter: national night out happens every year, but never in a imate so highly charged. on both the local and national levels there have been protests, shootings, and officers targeted. tonight's event has never been more important. >> it's almost like a huge divide. the issue is, we need to be able to speak, and sit down, and have an open conversation. >> reporter: whether that conversation will be welcomed has yet to be seen. >> that's the most important thing to me. if everybody is trying to get along, we're fine. >> reporter: right now, there's not a whole lot of trust. >> none. not a whole lot of trust. trust in each other. >> reporter: and tonight, they're expecting about 200 people to show up. they've got burgers on the grill. i assume they're even playing a movie at 8:00, and in fact, the public defender is here, they're expecting the chief to stop by. this community outreach, they say is the grassroots key to making a change, not only in the bay view, but throughout the bay view area. >> emily, thank you. now to the east bay, oakland mayor libby schaaf is taking a part in national night out events as well. jewel richards is there for us. >> reporter: what a night it is tonight. they're cooking up hot dogs for the community here. along 8th street, adeline. the mayor libby schaaf just arrived. this is called the acorn neighborhood. really, the point of tonight is for community members to reach out, talk to the police, talk with each other, have face-to- face interactions, and really get to know each other, not just tonight, but throughout the year. mayor libby schaaf has been in oakland, all of her life. she's really seen this event grow. oakland has really spearheaded this national night out. they're the first in the country to start this 30 years ago. i just asked the mayor what it means for the city now with police tension escalating. >> i know a lot of police officers will be out, they'll be interacting with neighbors. how will that help with some of the sensitive activity going on? >> there is really heightened sensitive activity. while it's a time honored tradition in oakland, it's going to be particularly important tonight for the community and police to come together and have a conversation. >> we just need to respect the deep roots that are here. i think a lot of times, we're viewed as broken and disenfranchised, and the fact is we're really not. i think we need to show more of that, and more of that needs to be seen by the community at large. >> reporter: back out live in oakland, west oakland, where we're cooking it up tonight. how many do you think you've been making tonight? how many hot dogs? >> excuse me? >> how many hot dogs so far? >> over 700. >> reporter: that sounds like a big crowd tonight, again, national night out. mayor libby schaaf has been making the rounds in oakland. in san francisco, supervisors are expected to approve a $90,000 settlement in a lawsuit over a jail fight club. three inmates sued, claiming that last year, sheriffs deputies forced them to fight each other gladiator style. took their food, and made them gamble to get it back. earlier this year, three deputies were charged in the case. they're out on bail, waiting for upcoming court appearances. meantime, a raging wildfire was sparked by an illegal campfire. the fire had been left unattended by campers and quickly grew out of control. it is only 18% contained tonight. it broke out near big sur, and has quickly spread to the north. you can see the giant burn mark, the scar that the fire has left behind, as well as the massive plume of smoke there. there is good news, lynn ramirez is there, as some evacuees returned home. >> reporter: it has been a very long time for some of these people who have been evacuated. burning, destroying, and disrupting lives. today, some of them got to go back home. for joey d. maria, the final trip home was a bit tricky. he had to squeeze between two fire engines parked to protect his house. >> the first time i get to see my house to see if it's still in tact, and if anything is missing or not. i believe it's going to be okay. >> reporter: he's one of dozens of remote, carmel valley residents allowed to go back home today. >> it's been a little scary at times, but hopefully, with all the personnel, we'll all be safe. >> reporter: she was delivering food to her neighbors who did not evacuate. >> they're afraid to come down, they're afraid the road blocks won't let them back home. >> reporter: 12 days after the fire started, investigators pinpointed the cause, it was an illegal campfire left unattended next to a trail. >> it could be negligence opposed to an intentional arson, but there's still criminal liability. >> reporter: it could lead to serious charges. the fire burned 43,000 acres, destroyed 57 homes, and led to the death of a bulldozer driver, not to mention the financial emotional, and health impacts to countless others. >> this is really hectic. i'm tired of breathing the smoke. i'm tired of hearing helicopters, and the planes, and really, i just want to go home and enjoy life again. >> reporter: with this fire just 18% contained at this point, cal fire says there is still a lot of work left to do for the 5,000 or so firefighters assigned to this fire. full containment is not expected until the end of august. reporting live in salinas, kpix 5. pg and e crews are working to repair power lines. they have identified at least 70 poles in the burn zone that need to be replaced. crews are checking each of them out, one by one. a group of firefighters are back in the bay area tonight, after they helped battle the wildfire. they had been in monterey county for two weeks. the team discovered an ancient grove of rare redwood trees. >> we laid hose lines into this grove from a long distance, and we wet down those trees as much as we could for several hours, in order to ensure those trees could survive another thousand years. >> reporter: the strike team could be called back at any time. the fire is expected to burn through the month of august. a huge break for pg and e, and it's criminal trial over pipeline safety. prosecutors slashed the potential fines that could be imposed from $562 million to just $6 million. 8 people died, and more than three dozen homes were destroyed in the explosion in 2010. they're facing 11 violations of felony law pertaining to inspections and record keeping. a developing story in the central valley, where a charter bus crash has claimed five lives. a view from the air shows this horrific damage. the crash happened on highway 99 between at water and livingston about 15 miles northwest of merced. it happened at 3:30 a.m. there were 33 people onboard, and most of them suffered some type of injury. the route originated in mexico and stopped in livingston and was supposed to end in pasco, washington. traffic has been a nightmare for more than 15 hours now, drew. >> reporter: they're actually about to open up a second lane of traffic here on highway 99. it's been at one lane for the last several hours, and it was a chaotic, and devastating morning and throughout the day, after that charter bus went off the road, hit that sign pole, killing five people. i spoke with a california highway patrol worker who said it was the worst wreck he's seen in his 19 year career. >> reporter: a collision with a highway sign pole. >> it was every time of injury on this. >> reporter: rescue workers frantically pulled people to safety. police saying some with severed limbs, and head injuries. onboard, about 30 people, including minors. most of them mexican nationals, asleep on the overnight ride. 16 were airlifted from the scene. four were able to walk away. >> we're going to look at every factor. the driver, where he's coming from, how long he's been driving, log books, driver status. >> reporter: behind the wheel, 57-year-old mario vasquez. he had been driving since 7:00 p.m. from los angeles. his route originated in mexico. dozens of democratics, including federal agencies are assisting in the investigation. some passenger cargo swept by drug sniffing dogs. >> we only have one shot as making sure the evidence is successfully, you know, captured. >> reporter: 11 hours later, tow trucks pulled the bus off the pole. >> that bus was scheduled to make a stop in livingston just a few miles away from this location, and police have not told us why, or how it went off the road. it will likely be several months before we get that final report. allen? >> thanks so much. the bus is operated by a company called alloto buses coronado u.s.a. it shows more than 50 violations. inspectors found 3 violations involving the brake warning system, aisle seating and other violations. in february of 2015, a company driver ticketed tore driving with a suspended commercial license. >> we're not talking about one or two isolated things that have been remedied, and practices improved. you have a long history of multiple violations. >> in nearly a third of those failed inspections, the feds ordered vehicles out of service. despite his track record, the government gives the bus company a satisfactory rating. paving the way for pot, as california voters get ready to vote on recriational marijuana, one bay area city is planning ahead. the new rules for a changing industry. and californias deal with the tough decision on whether to stand with donald trump. >> and the planned strike that could throw a wrench into the local justice system tomorrow. how it could affect hundreds of court cases. >> the onshore flow is stronger, and more widespread morning cloud cover, but a beautiful afternoon, with anything from the 50s, to the 90s, in the bay area today. clear skies looking over san francisco bay. there's a cool down coming. some of you will lose up to 10 degrees. we'll talk about when coming up. ,,,,,,,, (music plays from one way or another )♪♪ ♪ i'm gonna find y♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna win ya ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see ya ♪ (inhales cigarette) now, it's over the newest wildfire ern california. want to get you another update now on our breaking story. live pictures from chopper 5. look at all the smoke. this is the newest wildfire burning in northern california. cal fire is calling it the cold fire. this is all happening near lake berryessa, and it's burning from monticello dam road to pleasant valley road. we're also hearing about road closures around highway 128 and pleasant valley road. people now are being told to leave resorts around the lake. this is a fire that broke out this afternoon. it is already at 200 acres. we are gathering more information on it. we're going to bring you another update as soon as possible. new at 6:00, they are marijuana businesses that operate in the shadows. now a bay area city is trying to make it safe for them to operate out in the open. how these businesses are going to be getting a few breaks. jessica? >> reporter: here in santa rosa, right now, the city council is meeting whether to discuss to expand city permits to certain marijuana related businesses. we're talking about lab testing, distribution, and transportation of medical marijuana. if they do approve this ordinance, they could tay teak out of the shadow and under city code. in santa rosa, there is ordinances to grow medical marijuana, and licenses to dispense medical marijuana, but all the operations in between, from lab testing to oil production, to transporting the product remain unregulated. the city is now considering creating new codes around medical marijuana that could officially allow those operations. but only in non-residential areas. this all comes ahead of the possibly legalization of recreational marijuana. >> you know there's a ballot language that might make recreational legal in california. we want to make sure we do somework ahead of time, to understand what that might do. where we want to start placing these. >> reporter: here at the sonoma patient group, they're one of two dispensaries in santa rosa. they believe it is good news for their industry. >> we believe it will make the industry stronger in santa rosa, if the city council passes the permit categories. and makes santa rosa, and sonoma county a hub for growth in our industry. >> reporter: city officials say even with the potential ordinance in place, they could still tweak some of the rules to fit the growing, and changing marijuana very. >> the -- industry. >> the goal is to move this industry out of residential neighborhoods, and out of places where they shouldn't be, and in the right location, with the rules and the need to get fire inspections and occupancies. >> reporter: the santa rosa city council is expected to vote on the matter tonight. if they do approve the ordinance, it will go into effect immediately. in santa rosa, jessica flores, kpix 5. pleading not guilty to 22 sexual assault charges. five women came forward saying noah winchester bullied them into having sex with him while he was on duty. they said he pulled them over, and said if they didn't have sex with him, he would arrest them on made up charges. winchester is expected in court on monday. hundreds of court employees in santa clara county are threatening to go out on strike tomorrow. the move could bring the court system to a stand still. four clerks offices will be closed tomorrow, including downtown san jose, morgan hill, palo alto, and sunnyvale. however, a drop box will be set up outside those locations. mid-level managers will step in to handle essential court hearings. court clerks are asking for higher salaries. >> we have people that have to decide if they're going to buy food, or pay bills. people who had to have their lights turned off, because they can't afford to pay for the rent. not seeing any increases in salary, it just makes it really tough. >> reporter: port administrators are warning that lines for obtaining court records will be extra long. other bay area headlines, san francisco leaders rejected a so-called tech tax. under the proposal, tech companies that generate more than $1 million in revenue a year, would pay a 1.5% payroll tax. the money used would have been used to fund affordable housing and homeless shelters. opponents argued it would prevent growth in the tech industry. a new zealand man was hit and killed by a motorcyclist. a woman was also hit. she was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. police have not released the cause of the accident, or if the driver was cited. in los gatos, city council members go over the results of a beached traffic report tonight. they closed down the on ramp to highway 17 for several weekends this summer. the idea was to eliminate backups. many were following short cuts made popular by various traffic apps. take your eyes off the apps, and watch paul, because he's got the forecast. >> it's looking good. it's changing a bit, but after last week, with 104, 105, this may be a welcome change. a cool down in your backyard is going to get even cooler over the next couple of days. a wide temperature spread. san francisco at the bottom, 64. brentwood, you hit 94. daly city under that fog, only 58 degrees. san rafael, only 74. you need something unhealthy in any of these five zones for a spare the air day, tomorrow will not be one of those days. san francisco's never hit 100 degrees in the month of august. san jose, 105, livermore 112. thanks to a stronger onshore flow, we will be nowhere close to those readings over the next several days. parts of the country experiencing their hottest year ever. the pay area specifically is not one of those places. we are the exception to the rule. cloud cover returning tonight. the overnight lows drop to the upper 40s, to low 50s for you in the north bay. napa, you wake up to 53 degrees. fremont, 58. san jose, 57, and redwood city, 57 degrees. did you like today? you're going to love tomorrow, a near weather repeat. not sure what you're going to be doing throughout the day, but the weather will be a repeat. napa 83, certainly cooler near the water. pacifica, san francisco, low to mid-60s. the changes coming later in the week. temperatures drop as a result. the transportation i was happens thursday. we go from the low 90s inland, to the low to mid-80s. mid-60s, that's it with more widespread cloud cover near the bay all the way through the weekend. the coast has highs only in the upper 50s. we're going to tilt things back to the chilly side near san francisco bay, beginning thursday. but all in all, it's what we should expect. it's august, and it's happened. >> summer in san francisco. >> all chilly of it. >> thanks. take your pokemon and go. one man sues to get plays off his lawn. but it's not a nuisance for everyone. how bay area businesses are hoping to cash in on the craze. >> bullets fly in a terrifying supermarket robbery all caught on camera. how workers and customers barely escaped. ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, action lawsuit. a new jersey man is suing niantic the san francisco based company that invented the pokemon game is facing a class action lawsuit. a man is suing for placing a character in his yard, causing players to knock on the door. it's been nearly a month since the game was released, and while it is generating a lot of foot traffic at the pokey stops, it's unclear if that is translating into increased sales. rocket fish, a popular candy store in campbell was dubbed a pokeman gym. however sales last month were flat. >> if they made you a pokemon gym, they could take it away. would you pay for it then? >> it's hard to say. if it's not doing anything for sales, then i don't know that it's worth payinger for it. >> pellgrim is not giving up. she's planning to offer lures to try to draw the customers in. yahoo is investigating a serious breach. 200million user accounts may be compromised. a hacker known as piece is selling information for 3 bit coins of virtual currency. yahoo says some of the accounts may be older accounts no longer in use. instagram's new stories feature allows viewers to post photos that can disappear. snapchat stories identifies almost the same way. coming up in our next half hour, president obama calling on republicans to withdraw support for donald trump. we look at the california candidates in a tough spot. how they're dealing with the pressure to fall in line with the party. >> and a star trek actor killed in a freak roll away accident. how his family is hoping his death can safe another life. the fire is sending massive plumes of smoke over parts of the north bay. breaking news at 6:30, chopper 5 live over the wildfire burning near lake berryessa. that fire is sending a massive plume of smoke over parts of the north bay. certainly visible from 80 and i- 5. what they're calling the cold fire broke out late this afternoon near monticello dam. on the east side of the lake. lake berryessa in yolo county. authorities have evacuated the canyon creek resort at the reservoir. so far, that fire is now up to 300 acres, but it is rapidly spreading. it was just 200 acres. it's rugged, remote at the rain. in the past two minutes, we have seen a cal fire plane flying over that fire, trying to get an idea of just how best to fight it. firefighters arriving on the ground now. no word yet on what started this fire. this one's going to keep fire crews busy, we think for quite a while. maybe days. we'll continue to watch it and bring you updates throughout the evening. other top stories at this hour. the national night out is underway around the bay area and the country. the event created to bring police and the community together. organizers hoping it will help bring police and the public to find some common ground. campaign 2016, donald trump says he is not supporting two republicans in the upcoming primaries in their states. trump says he is not ready yet to endorse house speaker paul ryan, or arizona senator john mccain. he said i like paul, but these are horrible times for our country. we need strong leadership. we need very, very strong leadership, and i'm just not quite there yet. earlier today, president obama called trump unfit, and woefully unprepared to serve in the white house. the president also referenced statements from leading republicans condemning a number of trump's comments. >> the question, i think that they have to ask themselves is, if you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him? what does this say about your party that this is your standard bearer? >> the trump campaign fired back, saying the obama presidency has made the world unsafe and that hillary clinton's judgment proves she is unfit to serve in any government position. at least one republican congressman is coming forward to throw his support behind hillary clinton. representative richard hanna of new york wrote, for me, it's not enough to simply denounce his comments, he is unfit to serve our party, and cannot lead this country. not a single one of california's republicans endorsed trump at the start of the campaign, but now most of falling in line, but not all of them. drew walker ran it past our political analyst. >> reporter: if you want to know how california's congressional republicans feel about donald trump, don't ask who they are, ask where they are. >> if you only know one thing about a district, it should be a scorecard for how far that district leans to the left or to the right. >> you look at a district with a plus 15 or 16 republican, means they're very, very republican. >> reporter: we made a list of california's republicans. starting with the safest district. >> mccarthy, he's in a 16 district. >> donald trump. >> reporter: heading down our list, you find that the safer the district, the more vocal the support for mr. trump. >> worbacher would be a certified yes endorsement. >> correct. >> reporter: we had 11 official trump endorsements. right down to darrell ica. >> i'm onboard with donald trump, because the american people picked him. >> reporter: the intrigue starts with these bottom 3. >> steve knight, he is in an almost zero district. the fact he is saying no endorsement for anyone speaks volumes. >> so if it's a game show, he's passing. >> i'm going to pass them to jackie. >> reporter: there's one republican district that leans slightly democrat. back in october, congressman david valadeo said he would vote for whoever his party nominated. >> absolutely, i'm going to stick with the winner of my party. >> reporter: but just last week, he announced he would not be voting for either candidate. >> definitely not voting for hillary, but not voting for trump. >> that brings us to jeff denham, the one mystery spot on our scorecard. it's not just us. he said nothing. >> look, he's in a district that's just a plus 2, a plus 1 republican. he needs every single republican vote to keep his seat. he's got to be really concerned right now, with who is showing up to the polls and whether him taking a stand is going to help or hurt him. >> for now, jeff denham, the only question mark from the california delegate for congress. >> a big question mark for now. >> this brings us to our night beat question. tonight, we're asking you, if you personally feel you can't get behind trump or clinton in this presidential election, would you vote for a third party candidate? yes or no? and if so, who? tweet me your thoughts now. also, send me a tweet. we're going to have your comments tonight, as well as a poll result. that's nightbeat on 44 cable 12. donald trump kicked a woman and her crying baby out of his event today. he initially said that he didn't mind the disruption. >> don't worry about that baby, i love babies so. i love babies. i hear that baby crying, i like it. what a baby. what a beautiful baby. don't worry. don't worry. the mom's running around like don't worry about it, you know? actually, i was only kidding. you can get the baby out of here. that's all right. don't worry. i think she like believed me that i love having a baby crying while i'm speaking. >> another baby started crying a short time later, but eventually calmed down. the ceo of the democratic national committee is stepping down after the email hack controversy. amy dacie is the highest ranking leader to leave over the hacking. leaked emails appeared to show the committee favoring clinton over bernie sanders during the primary. former chairwoman, debbie wasserman schultz resigned during the party's convention last week. when you go to the polls in november, the california legislature wants you to be able to snap a selfie. the law is loosely enforced, but critics say it violates the principal of secret ballots. supporters say it allows people to share their enthusiasm for candidates, using social media. doctors say deet should be the new perfume in the fight against the zika virus. the tote a.m. number -- total number of cases to 15. pregnant travelers are being told to avoid an area north of downtown miami, and nurses are passing out prevention kits to pregnant women living in the city. they include insect repellent, and condoms, because the virus can be sexually transmitted. it's been drilled into you since you were young. the fiery debate over flossing. >> armed gunmen open fire in a supermarket. how the cashier got away just in time. ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ ♪keep on the sunny side ♪always on the sunny side ♪keep on the sunny side of life♪ a ho a terrifying robbery in texas caught on camera. three armed robbers burst into a houston supermarket, firing as workers scatter. two people scramble into a store room and lock the door. the gunman fires several rounds trying to get through, but failed. another armed man runs to the back of the store, puts a gun to the head of a customer. the customer hands over his wallet and is spared. seconds later, all three are gone. the parents of star trek actor anton yelchin have fired a wrongful death lawsuit against fiat chrysler. they blame the automaker for their son's death. >> reporter: anton yelchin's parents couldn't fight back tears. >> unbelievable grief. they decided to come here to prevent other family for the same tragedy. >> reporter: the couple's only son was killed after being pinned. >> they failed to take action to prevent the tragedy. they put profits before safety. >> reporter: the lawsuit accuses fiat chrysler for being responsible for anton yelchin's death. the original notice in may told of a significant problem, but didn't offer a way to fix it. the late actor did receive a second notice. >> dear anton yelchin, your car is defective, it can roll away. they mailed that letter to him seven days after he died. >> reporter: we reached out to chrysler, they said in part, they extend their condolences to the yelchin family for their loss. >> the yelchin's suing for unspecified punitive damages. they say it's not about the money, it's about setting the example. we will trade our california sunshine for some california fog. find out when that transition day is coming. also, a weather update on the new cold fire burning near lake berryessa. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. save $1,000 on selected mattress and adjustable base sets. only at a sleep number store. that might not be true. the associated press compiled the data from 25 studies. from the numbers... there's nothing that shows for decades, debtivitys have been urging people to floss. the associated press compiled the results from studies. >> toothbrush bristles don't get it out. how are you going to get it out? dental floss. >> patients who floss regularly do not have as much problems with gun disease and decay. they're teeth are healthier. >> only about 30% of people actually floss every day. most people only do it when they're about to go to the dentist. the newest wildfire burning out of control in northern california. these are live pictures from chopper 5. crews right now scrambling to fight this fire burning in yolo county. minutes ago, we learned this one already covers 300 acres east of lake berryessa. it is all happening off highway 28. west of winters. a lot of what happens here is going to depend on weather conditions. paul, i know you've been tracking the wind in that area. >> reporter: winds, thankfully, there's good news, bad news. wind is a good thing. it's not that windy outside. it's going to spread because things are super dry. the wind is not going to aid in that spread. it's only running 5 to 10 miles per hour. the forecast for tomorrow is for the wind to only be 5 to 10 miles per hour. it's august, it hasn't rained in more than 2 months. it's going to spread. it's just not going to spread that much quicker, because the winds will stay 5 to 10 miles per hour tomorrow. it's 86. and likely will hit 92, 93, 94 degrees in the area of lake berryessa tomorrow. the wind will not be an issue for the next couple of days. thursday afternoon, the wind will pick up, but that's going to usher in more of that marine air. san francisco, 61. san jose mid-70s. 76 for you. concord and livermore, our warm spots today in the upper 80s. tonight, out toward fairfield and that fire, looking at low temperatures tonight in the mid- 50s for you. lots of low cloud cover spilling over to san rafael and oakland as well. why the lighter onshore flow? we have one low pressure area, which is moving out. so less of an influence for it. numerous showers for western washington. as it leaves, the wind today wasn't that strong. the wind tomorrow will not be that strong. that will change once we hit thursday. future cast overnight tonight, yes, the fog and low cloud cover spills back over san francisco through the golden gate, emeryville, el cerrito, you start off foggy. temperatures held down, any version of an onshore flow will keep you kind of chilly. inland, another day in the 80s and 90s. here's what happens thursday. the winds increase, if the fire is still burning, it will be cooler outside, but the winds will increase because a new low pressure area will sit over northern california, closer to us. that fires up the onshore flow to the point, that many of you inland will lose 10 degrees of heating from tomorrow to thursday. we'll go from the low 90s, to the low 80s. a near weather repeat tomorrow. warm inland, cool near the water. changes coming up. cooler changes by later in the week. very close to average for your wednesday. san jose, 83 is average. 83 is our forecast for you. palo alto 84. half moon bay, only 61. antioch, 92. as i mentioned, low -9d 0s -- 90s in that fire zone. alameda only 69 degrees. the hot stuff, lake port, 97 degrees tomorrow. thirst, cooler, cloudier as well. the highs not even hitting 85 degrees. cooler changes coming thursday. dennis with an update on sports next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, bullpen..that is going to change after bruce bochy demoted peavy to relief duty to make room in the rotation for matt moor jake peavy has started 378 games and pitched just one time out of the bullpen. that is going to change after bruce bochy demoted him to the bullpen to make room for matt moore. there's moore, he will make his giants debut on thursday. the giants fell behind 8-0 in philadelphia, but momentum changed in the 5th, after buster posey drew a walk. brandon crawford follows with a base hit. then a three run shot. 12th of the year. 6th inning, the phillies up 7- 6. angel pagan, there's a blast. the giants came back to take the lead, but this game is tied right now, 8-8, in the 8th inning. not a good guy for madison bumgarner. matt duffy may be headed to the rays, but his cat staying put. duffy told mlb radio, it's too hot for skeeter in tampa. he's a big boy. oh, my god. that thing's like a grizzly bear. he will keep living the good life with my parents. football, colin kaepernick and blaine gabbert continue to split reps with the first team. much has been named about the team's new uptempo offense, but chip kelly said his team won't have the freedom to call audibles. >> i think sometimes that's a bit of a misconception of what we do. that's okay, i'm not in the conception business though. we're just trying it to play football. chiefs head coach, andy reid showed us his moves last season, but could he have a stunt double this season? chris willhelm joined the real andy reid in practice, and even tried to pull a fast one on the media. >> glad to see everybody here today. really no injuries to report. teams looking pretty great out there, so with that being said, time is yours. >> come on, beautiful. >> there's nothing fake about brandon ray nor could anybody imitate him. at least not on two wheels. >> walking into the pits, and like, hey, come here. i went over there, and they're like, you know that your hair cut is old school right? >> reporter: people aren't just talking about brandon ray's mullet anymore. he has the hardware to prove it. >> that picture, is just probably about a quarter of the trophy that i have. >> reporter: ray is hoping to add a loretta lynn trophy to the collection. an event in tennessee, where allamateur riders around the u.s. want to be a part of. brandon wants some day to be a pro. it takes hard work, on and off the track. >> every morning i run three miles. i at least do 100 push ups and sit ups. >> reporter: his father john bought him his first bike when he was 3. he rode it so much, he left a dirt circle on the family's front lawn. >> he kept going, poppy, do you see me? >> reporter: john was a rider himself once upon a time. he suffered a leg injury that left him with diabetes. extra responsibility at home as a result. >> he comes to my room. a half hour early before school. he wakes me up, and goes poppy, i woke up and he goes, i put a load in the drier. i put another load in the washer machine. poppy, i love you. he ran off to school, thank god, because i didn't want my kid to see my cry like that. >> reporter: that's why father and son are a true team. while brandon helps out at home, john does what he can to fund his son's passion. >> we're going to talk about selling the house, and buying something a little smaller. finish this out. at least know that i gave it the best shot i could. i tried to talk him into playing baseball, but he put his hand up, and said, let me make things easy on you. i play baseball for fun. i'm a racer. >> sacrifice. good for him. >> have a great night. see you at 11:00. she slimed me. announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how y'all? how y'all doing? how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank you. thank y'all. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day. from lexington, tennessee, it's the ellis family! [cheering and applause] and from omaha, nebraska, it's the camenzind family! [cheering and applause] i tried. everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, state of the art ford edge. [cheering and applause] let's get it on. give me jessie. give me natalie. [theme music playing] steve: top 8 answers on the board, ladies. here we go. to impress eve, name something adam might have put behind his fig leaf. natalie: an apple. steve: an apple. jessie. jessie: love note. steve: a love note. [buzzer] steve: pass or play? all: play. play. natalie: we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play. [cheering and applause] ryan, to impress eve, name something adam might have put behind his fig leaf. ryan: vegetables. [cheering and applause] steve: vegetables. [cheering and applause]

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