Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160705 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160705

>> we hope, we are saying it is not too foggy, hopefully clear. >> if i miss it, i miss it, i have seen them lautsz before. >> i-- lots before. >> i would be upset, 1 time of year i am supposed to see the sky all lit up. if i don't see it, i will be mad. >> reporter: fog or no fog, the consensus is people will stay and watch. pier 39 is featuring right now an 80s cover band and the big show will start at 9:30. the show itself will last about 23 minutes and the company putting it on, pyrospectacular says there is an app to download because there is music synced to the fireworks show. >> lets look at the golden gate bridge. meteorologist brian has the fog forecast. the fireworks will go off at different altitudes? what is your take on that? >> that is good. glad for them. good plan. if there is fog, there is not much you can do about fog. there certainly won't be complete blankets of fog but low clouds, it is looking, don't kill the emergency, it looks like there will be low clouds near the shoreline which they deal with all the time. if you get a complete layer of fog there is not much you can do. that is not in the forecast. low clouds are along had shorelong. if you are inland, san francisco is not the only fireworks show, inland looks okay, along embarcadero, 57, fog and low clouds. inland looks okay, low to mid 60s with mostly clear skies. we will have a look ahead, changes by next weekend, finally. we will tell you about that and update you on the forecast in a few minutes. >> it will be chilly. grab a jacket. >> you bet. dozens of other shows are also happening around the bay area like brian just said. the san francisco symphony fireworks show starts at 8:00 tonight shoreline amphitheater, the show at alameda 9:30, and san jose, rotary fireworks show at 9:30 p.m. that will happen at discovery meadow. for a complete list of bay area sites head to our website. stars, stripes, pigs, and protests, could be the last year for the bay area 4th of july tradition if animal rights activists get their way. the pig scramble is one of the most popular events that junior rodeo. hundreds of ciss chasing after-- kids chasing after piglets is nothing short of cruel, they say. >> reporter: animal rights protesters say pigs are being mistreated and kids are being taught mixed messages about animals. a warning once again, this video could be disturbing. it is called the pig scramble, kids under the age of 10 race to be the first one to snatch up a pig by its hind legs. parents say it is a harmless game. but these protesters call it something else. >> very distasteful. we don't think it is right what they are doing to the pigs. >> i think there are other forms of entertainment for children. >> but parent tarry higgs said his family loves this event that they have been putting on for decades, his 9-year-old daughter won first place in the pig scramble a few years back. >> as long as well supervised and manages and pigs don't truly get hurt, i don't think it is cruelty. >> not even if they are squealing? >> pigs squeal. >> how much do you love animals? >> i love them a lot. they are really fun to be with. >> protesters say the event is sending a scrambled message to kids about how to treat animals. >> it is teaching them that it is okay to use animals for entertainment. to treat them like toys. and these are live, very intelligent beings. >> a rodeo organizer says they have listened to what protesters say but don't believe the scramble hurtathize kids or the-- hurts the kids or the pigs. >> children can differentiate and be like you don't do this to your family dog but it is okay once a year to do this to a pig you have never met. >> competed in many scrambles and it did not teach me to be cruel to animals. >> the rodeo organizers and protesters agreed to meet in a couple weeks to see if they can find common ground on the pig scramble. >> reporter: in woodside, mark kelly. >> the fight got tense at pier 39 in san francisco this afternoon. >> there is no excuse. >> activists tried to block people from walking on to the pier but security moved in. we have reached out to san francisco police and they told us no one was arrested. a couple grass fires are slowing traffic on interstate 80 in west sacramento as people head back to the bay area from the sierra, crews are dropping water by air and on the ground, no structures have been damaged. in the middle of the 4th of july festivities on the peninsula, dozens of gun control advocates stage said a sit-in. >> in the middle of a celebration of freedom and independence, a call for greater control of guns in america. >> we are declaring our independence from the gun lobbies of this country. >> about 50 gun control supporters sat in at the fox theater in downtown redwood city, led by congresswomanen jackie spear who said she will no longer do moments of silence for mass shooting victims, instead reading a monthly log of victims names in congress. >> the time has come for banning assault weapons once again in this country. >> when it comes to credibility, the gun debate, it is hard to find someone more uniquely qualified than congresswomanen spear, she was shot 5 times in jonestown. >> i know what it is like to live with it, what it does to your body and emotionally and we don't want to see more of this going on unnecessarily. >> joining spear and others former gang member said he has been on both sides of a gun barrel. >> we have to stand up against gun violence. >> the sit-in was ignored by most attending the 4th of july festival and a few who did look on were on the other side of the debate. >> don't touch my guns is what i say. we all have the right to bear arms. >> ricky smith said he would support some controls like no fly, no buy. >> yes, i believe that is right. you know, felons, ex-offenders, there is a reason for that. if you are a good standing citizen, you know, you should have the right to do what you want. >> the sit-in lasted over an hour. the debate, though, goes on. in redwood city, len ramirez. >> the republican house will vote next week on a gun control measure. speaker ryan said the bill would keep guns away from suspected terrorists and lets the government block a purchase if prosecutors can prove in court that the buyer is involved in terror activity. the democrats want votes on more bills, including one to expand background checks for everyone. a dynasty in the making, kevin durant says goodbye to the thunder to join the golden state warriors. durant announced on twitter this morning and posted this picture with a caption "my next chapter." durant described his voice to leave okc as one of his most challenging decisions ever. as kpx5's mike sugarman reports the move makes the warriors a power fm team to beat. -- powerful team to beat. >> the fan base is opinionated. >> trade harrison von. >> how old are you? >> 4. >> there is little opinion other than the warriors are now, by far, the class of basketball. >> durant. >> one in a generation. >> dynasty, boston dynasty, philadelphia, you can go down the archives. >> 4-time nba champ made the announcement on twitter. sports writer bill simmons writes fans of the other 29 teams that aren't golden state, lets have a scared group hug. his mom chimes in, i love you, son, i am proud, congrats. there is less than a mother's love in others calling steven a. smith, don't give a damn what anybody says, weak move. that is the feeling on the street of golden state territory . >> curry at point, perfect. klay thompson, just really good championship chemistry team right there. >> chemistry doesn't come cheap. 2 years at $54 million each, $26 million a year. all teams would have paid but it means less here. >> signing here in california is a little different because there is that big 10% state tax. >> kcbs radio sporter kevin ratch said with all the money the players make, sometimes things like taxes can sway their opinion. >> some athletes like to stay in like dallas, for instance, there is no state tax. so that has been kind of a bug a boo for the proathletes. >> not today, not this time for kevin durant who wants to win an elusive championship on a team seen here on a photo shop tweet full of all stars. durant will pay $17 million more in taxes just because he is playing for golden state rather than, say, oklahoma city. curry for president? both make much more than mr. obama. mike sugarman. >> tough loss, several 4th of july barbecues in oklahoma look like this. one fan sprayed lighter fluid all over his jersey and then set it on fire. >> there was a fire storm on twitter, daymon ps green said welcome to the family, lets do what we are setting out to do, #blackoutthenoise. >> mike said 2 years, $54 million, unclear whether he can afford more than a 1 bed room in san francisco. chris said it just became the most terrifying line up ever. >> the warrior husband to say goodbye to andrew boguet, trading to the mavericks to make room for durant's contract. boguet signed $11 million deal with the mavs. the warriors are expected to reannounce the rights to zealy and barns. we will have more details on durant and how it impacts the warriors later in sports. a bay area woman trapped in a sideway s suv, the only way out, through the front windshield, the dramatic effort to free her. a close encounter with the king of our solar system, make or break moment for a mission years in the making. the 4th of july parade, that is so popular. some people snagged their seat a year in advance. ,,,, ,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. away... it happened at norris cany a towering geyser of water in san ramon after a driver sheered off a fire hydrant and sped away at north canyon road in san ramon valley boulevard. police are asking anyone who saw the crash to call them. a dramatic rescue in vallejo, firefighters saved a woman trapped in her car, caught on camera. kpix 5's elizabeth cook walks us through the story. >> a tense scene as crews raced to free the woman, it happened on 12th and salono street around 8:30 this morning. the crash had flipped the car on to its side, trapping the woman inside. firefighters had to cut open the windshield to free the woman, after that they were able to slowly pull her out of the car. 3 people were taken to the hospital, including the woman. there is no word, yet, on the extent of their injuries. police are still investigating the cause of the crash. today was the last day to weigh in on a plan to change some of the tech bus traffic in san francisco, those buses shuttle more than 8,000 workers a day to silicon valley. critics complain they block access to seniors and disabled. sfmta is looking to create fewer transit hubs a as compromise, the study presentd to the board of supervisors in october. a san jose jogger saved a house from burning to the ground. the deck was on fire, but no one was home when the jogger passed the house. the jogger acted fast and was able to put the fire out before firefighters arrived. no one was hurt. recognize this guy? police say he stole nearly a grand in cash from a woman's purse. camera caught the man and his family walking into burlington coat factory on chestnut saturday. the man took a woman's purse from her shopping cart. in danville a mad crash for prime real estate for the 4th of july parade. with an estimated 40,000 people attending this morning, the downtown area was packed. many people set out chairs, the day before, and at peace brass rail, a arrest raunt along the route, not an empty seat-- restaurant along the rote, not an empty seat, reserved a year in advance. >> the way the town is wired, they are looking to plug into and connect to on a personal level. >> the parade is tradition, dating back to 1958. in san jose, people were out early for the annual road, white, and blue parade. floats, cyclists through the rose garden neighborhood ending at alameda and the annual picnic. >> i like coming to the parade, a great tradition. just a great opportunity. >> about 2,000 people participate in the rose, whied, and blue pu-- white, and blue parade with 30,000 watching. fires are gaining upper hand in kern county, they call it the deer fire and it is consecutive% contained-- 60% contained tonight. firefighters are reinforcing containment lines and mopping up hot spots, getting help from national guard helicopters, fire broke out friday threatening bear valley springs but the fire has not grown and evacuations are lifted. in the sierra foothills firefighters are making progress on the trailhead fire, 25% containment as it burns along the middle fork of the american river. that charred more than 5,000 acres since it started last tuesday, mandatory evacuations are in effect for several communities. no buildings have burned but 2600 are threatened. nasa's juno is about to make a close encounter with the biggest planet in the solar system. 5 years after it launched, a lot is weighing on the entry into jupiter's orbit. adriana with the story. >> anticipation is building here at jpl, the culmination of years of hard work for scientists and engineers and now is the moment of truth when we see if juno makes its way to jupiter's orbit. a mission years in the making, the goal, to learn more about jupiter, the king of our solar system. a planet so massive it is bigger than all of the other planets combined. >> we are basically looking at a whole new world that we have never been able to see before. >> the juno mission launched 2011 and tonight it will hopefully make the final push to insert itself into jupiter's orbit. once in orbit, juno will be able to see into jupiter's vast atmosphere to see what is inside, what it is made of, and how it formed. >> the first time we have ever fired at jupiter, a make or break for us. we are flying through faster than any object has ever gone. >> the mission is tricky, to say the least, and comes down to the moment of truth between 8:18 and 8:53 when they slow juno slightly to get caught up in jupiter's gravitational pull to start orbiting the planet. >> what we are targeting is a space tens of kilometers wide, we will hit it within 1.2 seconds after a journey of 1.7 billion miles, that is how good the navigation team is. >> before the final push, it first has to overcome severe conditions, radiation belts and a ring of debris surrounding the planet. scientists are hoping juno, built like a tank, can stand up to the challenge. >> that was adriana. >> that is exciting stuff. >> it is. >> we will find out in a 30-minute window beginning 8:18 p.m., whether or not. >> whether it was successful. >> good stuff. we have fog and low clouds moving into the shoreline tonight. over the peninsula, that includes us as we roll this slightly ahead, you can see how the forecast is by 10:00 tonight. the low clouds scream across the northern end of the peninsula, here and over to east bay shoreline, if you are close to the shore, already we have low overcast in san francisco and close to embarcadero. inland didn't look bad at all, chilly inland tonight and the forecast as the night goes on, low clouds to fill in the rest of the bay, later in the day tomorrow, nothing but sun until tomorrow night. so, to emphasize the fact, fog and low clouds at the shore tonight, hopefully just low clouds over the peninsula so we can get off with a fairly good fireworks show. inland looks like it will be a cinch, that is the good news. believe it or not, ordinarily you would see something here, except fog. alth 0 at-- 80 at concord, right now. san jose, 75 right now, santa rosa, 56. at the shore there is the rip current hazard. be aware if you are by the water. showing a strong sea breeze continuing, shifting to the north, though t will push the stratus south over the next few days. and still keep things fairly cool along the shoreline. so we will get drizzle again tomorrow morning by the coast, temperatures remain about the same, down inland by as much as 5 degrees, flattening tomorrow. forecast highs look like this in san francisco, 61 degrees, san jose, 77, 66 vallejo tomorrow and santa rosa warm. san jose, 77. cloudy shoreline, and we will be clear inland around showtime tonight. extended forecast calling for numbers inland, remember a week ago, they were 104-105, this week 80s. 60s around it bay and cooler at the shoreline. in terms of the fireworks... >> that is all? >> that is official. >> fingers crossed. >> i like that. works for me. thanks, buddy. teenager made national headlines with the viral video, gun firing drone, now he is headed to court in a showdown that could affect drone hobbyists across the country. major security holds in some of the most popular apps, how a tool as simple as an alarm clock could be opening the door to hackers. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, showdown over recreational drones. connecticut teenager is taking on the faa this week in a court showdown over recreational drones. 19-year-old austin and his father are refusing to comply with a subpoena over 2 viral videos. one of them shows a drone equipped with a handgun firing several rounds. another shows a drone with a flame thrower lighting up a turkey on a spit. they argue it is subject to jurisdiction, but subpoena violates freedom of search and seizure, it could set a precedent over how much authority faa has over drones. warning about popular apps that gives hackers access to personal information. 80% of free apps have been breached. you might not realize when you download an app you give permission for it to access other parts of your phone, like an alarm clock app that can track phone calls. or weather and flash light apps that exploit legitimate banking apps to capture information on checks. one woman lost $5,000. >> my heart sank. i sat there looking and rolling through and i physically, was sick. because i didn't know what they were. >> experts say you should delete all the apps that you don't use. >> coming up, we continue to follow the breaking news, san jose police shoot a man, standing by for a live report. on this independence day, a reminder of the high price of our freedom. the bay area tribute to fallen soldiers and the special keepsake for their loved ones. mystery around an american college student's death in rome. what was seen by the river sparking a murdner vestigation. -- murder investigation. ,, give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. don't miss the lowest prices of the season sale, with the c2 queen mattress now only $699.99 plus 36-month financing. only at a sleep number store. bay... a san jose police officer opens fire -- shootg and ki we are following breaking news out of the south bay, san jose police officer opens fire shooting and killing a man. happened just off feller avenue near story road in the east foothills of san jose. kpix 5's betty is live. >> reporter: as you can see behind me, there is a very active shooting and death investigation going on now, police have blocked off part of the road at story and feller, you can see several cop cars here on scene. police tell us that this all began around 5:00 when they received a call to do a welfare check at a home in this area. when they arrived, sources tell us they found a man with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. at that point, he may have only grazed himself with a bullet. we don't know what exactly caused an officer to open fire, but there was some type of confrontation and we just learned in the last few minutes that man has been pronounced dead and family membervise been notified. we do know that there were no officers injured in this shooting, but still, many details to learn and we will bring them as soon as we get them. live in east san jose, betty yu kpix 5. in pleasanten, tens of thousands turned out for the alameda county fair, the carnival, rides, and music kept people entertained for the 4th of july holiday but there was a different celebration going on at the fairgrounds. kpix 5 reporter don ford was there as friends and family honored fallen soldiers. ♪ ♪ >> a lot of tears, a lot of emotions, it touches a lot of lives. >> the gold star tribute wall, a traveling memorial to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice during the gulf war. the iraq war. and the afghanistan war. >> my son, we lost him in iraq in 2004 on memorial day. >> tom's star is here, along with more than 7,000 stars. >> it brings a reminder to those, what the cost of freedom is. very, very deep debt with a lot of pain. >> dianne's son, lance corporal travis layfield was killed in iraq. she found her son's star. it was an emotional moment. >> he was just 19 years old. >> special presentation, doves were released by several goldstar families in memory of their fallen family members. this is the only memorial of its kind moving across the country also honoring those who fight terrorism. and that battle continues. the memorial tribute wall's next stop is washington dc where it will be on display at the pentagon. at the alameda county fair, don ford, kpix 5. >> the tribute wall is supported by a non-profit called america's fallen foundation. some firefighters in san jose say the city's rules on illegal fireworks are hard to enforce in certain neighborhoods. they say that some celebrations are just too big, rowdy, and hostile for police to safely hand out tickets or seize the feeshgs. the $500 fine for first offenders that the city adopted this year was supposed to discourage violations but there is now disagreement on whether that potential penalty can really be affective. >> we have had a lot less dramatic fireworks, we had, obviously still have some, but i think people are getting the message. >> from the firefighter's safety perspective, any time we get asked to do something where it is not safe for us to be there, we boent go in. we will-- won't go in, we will wait for police. >> the maximum fine is $1,000 for a third offense. a final tally of how many tickets were handed out won't be known until after the 4th of july. firefighters say illegal fireworks were to blame for this fire in brentwood. it started 10:00 p.m. near hansen lane and homecoming way. it spread to the yard of town and country roofing before they put it out. firefighters say they expect to see more fires tonight. several suicide bombings in saudi arabia today, one deadly. an attacker blew himself outside a mosque where the profit, muhammad is buried in the holy city of medina, 4 security officers were killed. people gathered for evening prayers. hours earlier there were suicide bombings in 2 other saudi cities including one near the u.s. consulate. the remains of a uc berkeley student killed in a terrorist attack in bangladesh have been sent back to india. 19-year-old sophomore tarishi jain, an indian national in bangladesh completing or internship over the summer. tomorrow there is a vigil that will be held in her honor at noon at uc berkeley. the search for a missing wisconsin turned to a murder investigation. investigators found the body of 19-year-old beau solomon, he vanished when studying abroad. 2 people claimed to have seen a man throw a person into the river the night solomon disappeared. the university of wisconsin madison said they are deeply saddened of the body of solomon was found in the river. coming up, you may never see her on the field but when it comes to playing defense, this woman is one of had most valuable player on the 49ers roster. how america's birthday is also a big milestone for the first daughter. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, are putting women in the lead it is no secret the nfl is predominantly run by men but more proteams are putting women in the leadership line up. >> one of the most storied franchises in the nfl, the 49ers. >> on the field the 49ers have 11 players on defense, off the field this woman, 34-year-old hannah gordon is the one protecting the red and gold. she is the team's general council. >> i don't find it intimidating as exciting. >> anything that touches the team or the stadium has to go through her. and it is not an 8-hour a day punch the clock job. >> you spend 9:00 to 5:00 in meetings and then you do work. >> her passion for sports started at ucla, she was a sports write frr the daily bruin and carried on with jobs at cal and the raiders. >> i thought i wanted sports media. >> she found a mentor with raiders general manager, amy trafk, trafk was one of the most powerful women in the nfl. >> she never wanted to focus on her gender, she wanted to be the best at what she does, which is what i wanted to be too. >> hannah went on to graduate from stanford law in 2008 and work for the nfl. her first big case, the nfl lockout. >> it is not a good place to be in collective bargaining, but it is also a sort of once in a 30-year type of experience you can get as a lawyer working on something sort of that complex and interesting. >> she earned the nickname, queen of the lockout. >> it gave me exposure to ralot of different clubs, it-- a lot of different clubs, it gave me a ton of experience in a short period of time and probably on some level led to them giving me a call one day to ask if i would like to interview here. >> people will look at your resume, the story and be like my gosh, she went from graduating from stanford law, then queen of the lock out, and now general council like that. but you had your own share of set back's. >> i was a associate when when they laid off 20% of the associates, i was one of them. usually we want to talk about successes but we learn a lot from failure and learn to be resilient. >> hannah's mother is pat kerningham, former president of oklahoma city council. >> she asked me at 10:00 p.m., do you want to get up at 2:00 a.m. and drive over to this street where the neighbors have been complaining that the garbage trucks come too late so we can see what it sounds like? i was like i have no interest in doing that. she wanted to experience for herself what her constituents were going through. she always needed to sort of fact check and know for herself and she wanted to be able to empathize with people. >> hannah is a leader in a league that doesn't exactly have a great track record with women. >> anything to say about the charges? >> in your line of work, dealing with the issues that you are dealing with and some involve player behavior, do you ever, because you are a woman, and a lot of the issues sometimes involve domestic abuse, do you ever kind of go, man, really? again? >> to me, i think it is a huge privilege to have a seat at the table to even talk about those issues and it is really an opportunity for all of us because these are the things that we face in our team, the same things we face all of our communities are facing, all our families are facing. >> even though hannah is often the only woman in many meetings, she never once felt like she was there because of her gender. >> i want to be, not the best female lawyer in the nfl, but the best lawyer. >> the 49ers are being proactive and trying to bring more women like hannah into their organization. they recently started the denise debarlo new york fellowship which gives young women to start careers in sportwise the 49ers and they pledge to interview women and people of color for every full-time position in their business office. >> they won't be the only team. >> no. absolutely not. >> thanks. >> good to meet her. first daughter malia obama shares her birthday with the nation, this year it is a significant one for her. she turns 18. she came into the national spotlight in 2008 when her dad, then senator barack obama was alected president. after graduate-- elected president. after graduating high school malia decided she would take a gap year before attending harvard. news of durant's move trending since announced. we want to know your thoughts. are you excited? what do you think it will mean to the chemistry on the team? you can tweet me now. we will have some of your best respawns and viewer-- responses and viewer pole results. join us bay area nightbeat 10:00 on our sister station, 44, cable, 12. coming up in sports, durant is now warriors, what is next for the doves? and the thunder say goodbye to their all star. not to be disappointed. >> 4th of july baseball to talk about. it is all coming up in sports. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at the sa ive won the annual hot dog eating contet nathan's famous in coney is. joey "jaws" chestnut is on top and setting records. >> he won the annual hot dog heating contest in coney-- eating contest in coney island. 70 hot dogs in 10 minutes beating out last year's champion, matt stony. chestnut won the contest 8 years in a row before losing to stony last year. 2013, chestnut set the world record eating 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes, he surpassed the record with 73 and a half dogs last month in his qualifying contest. hard core. >> makes your stomach turn, doesn't it? >> hard core. brian hackney, your record? >> a lot of people like the weather man to get stuffed as well after they hear the forecast. lot of fog and low clouds, especially near where they are launching the fireworks show tonight in san francisco. the futurecast shows, boy, the low clouds power through the golden gate and over the top of the peninsula but the coverage of low clouds is not as extensive of last night with fog and low clouds. not as bad as last night. a step in the right direction. if they have a high enough ceiling with overcast, they get the show off okay and hat is what it is looking like right now, just a high ceiling, not much in the way of fog yet. clouds come in, clouds go away tomorrow. we get a mously sunny day except at the shoreline, the fireworks forecast is calling for shoreline, iffy, inland, okay, temperatures chilly, bay wide by 9:30-10:00, readings ranging mid 50s to low 60s. here is how it looks, bleak behind coy tower, but warm in concord, 80. 80 for liver more, chill 58 in san francisco. par for the course for july in the city. unusually cold temperatures continue readings 10 degrees above average inland and 5 degrees below average near the shoreline with perfect coredore set up for a sea breeze to continue tomorrow and through much of the upcoming week. as long as we keep that sea breeze activated, it will be mild inland and that is what the forecast is showing, clouds along the shoreline. temperatures unusually cool and it will cool off even more by the weekend with numbers inland, only manage mid to upper 70s but no real big changes one way or the other. tonight mid 50s overnight lows. if you are headed out of the bay tomorrow, warm great valley. 84 sacramento, 98 fresno and 96 in redding. back in the bay area tomorrow, 6 degrees below average for san francisco tomorrow, concord is behind average as well. still a pleasant day. temperatures mid to upper 70s as some head back to work tuesday morning. numbers top mid 70s south bay and plenty of sunshine in the east bay. doesn't look too bad. readings near 80. little warmer by brentwood. north bay tomorrow, numbers low to mid 70s for the most part but warmer santa rosa, low 60s. numbers near 80 inland, until we cool on the weekend and around it bay we have the usual fog and low clouds. we go with stratus quo, all the way through the weekend, usual low clouds in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. that much predictable, but if you want the unpredictable, that is coming up in sports and i see more after the break. ,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. basketball world weighed inn nt should play as soon as the warriors won, the basketball world weighed in on where durant should play, many including charles barkley thought he should stay where he was. >> he would be a fool to leave. >> why? >> there is no other team in the nba he could go to that he has more talent than he has right now. >> that may not be true as durant announced that he will sign with the warriors and team up with steph curry, klay thompson, green, and andre, a lot of talent there. his deal is reportedly for 2 years and $54 million. during his 9 seasons with seattle and okc, durant was a 7-time all star and won mvp in 2014. ane statement on the player's tribute durant wrote "moving out of my comfort zone to a new city and community offers the greatest potential for my personal growth, with this in mind i have decided to join the golden state warriors." despite his departure from oklahoma city, the thunder home their fans remember the good times off and on the court. >> we need to recognize what took place here the last 8 years and recognize it and celebrate it. they should feel thankful, grateful, they should not-- i can't tell them not to be disappointed but one thing i would also say is the city should be incredibly proud. >> durant wasn't the only addition made by golden state. they have signed puchulia to a deal, none can be the starting center because bogat is gone, the warriors greed to trade him. also heading to dallas, barns a restricted free agent, barns will sign a 4-year, $90 million deal. with the subtraction of bogat and barns, the warriors made back up center azeala unrestricted but golden state will bring back, back-up point guard shaun livingston. giants welcome a struggling rockies team that just got swept by the dodgers in the ravine. durant fever already hitting at&t park, colorado leading 1-0 in the bottom of the 2nd. when buster posy plasts his 10th home run of the year and this solo shot tieathize game at 1. -- types the game at 1. next inning angel in front of the pitch but puts enough for a 2 run home run for a 3-1 lead. plenty for jake, who allowed 1 run in 6 and 3rd innings and gets help from defense as well. mack williamson with a great diving catch. reynolds loving it, giant wins 3-1 and won 4 of their last 5 games. this little guy at the a's/twins game took 6 innings to break through against ricky. singles in danny in the 7th tying the game at 1. cocoa comes up with the 2-out single scoring vote and hustling billy butler giving a's 2-run lead. they snap a 4-game losing streak. this guy at wimdleden has probably-- wimbledon has probably been hopeing for a more exciting match with sarina williams, williams winning the point in the second set with impressive drop shot and wins taking the second set 6-0 and moves on to the quarter finals. >> i think the fan might have had english bitters. >> a little tired. celebrating the 4th of july over at wimbledon. >> join us in celebration. >> relaxing. why not? >> all right. thanks. join us for night beat at 10:00. >> foggy fireworks. >> hope you enjoy the fireworks. it your budget. [ coughs ] sorry, tickle in my throat! water would be nice, but that would go right through me. announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! steve: thank you. thank you. hey, it's getting hot. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] let's go. how are y'all? how's everybody? i appreciate y'all, now. thank y'all very much. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man, steve harvey. oh, we got a good one for you today, folks. we got a family here returning for their fifth and final day with a total of $41,825, from gary, indiana, home of the jacksons, and now famous for the docks family. [cheering and applause] and we got a rematch, folks. fault of ours only, from naperville, illinois, it's the barriball family. [cheering and applause] all of this for a chance to win a lot of cash. and remember, today, if the docks family wins today's game, they driving out of here in a brand-new state-of-the-art ford edge, a brand-new car. give me dave. give me michael. let's go. top 7 answers on the board. name something a woman would get that might suddenly make men interested in her. dave. dave: a boob job. steve: a boob job. >> we're going to play! steve: they're going to play. dave: steve, we're going to play. steve: all right, let's go. [cheering and applause] >> good answer, dave! steve: ms. sheila, name something a woman would get that might suddenly make men interested.

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