Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160513 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20160513

>> this video should be shown at every law enforcement academy. it is a classic example of how not to handle a stop. >> reporter: but retired judge ladoris cordell was outraged what she saw recorded from a san leandro police body camera. >> it scares me now they can do stuff to you and you have no say so. >> reporter: douglas is the man who stars in the video. the van he lives in in a 7- eleven parking lot an open beer can outside the passenger door. officers seem in the video to believe there's probable cause it's his. >> i started getting upset because he kept on trying to make that beer can mine. >> reporter: he says it's not. officers eventually address him for driving under the influence. >> stop resisting! >> i'm not resisting! >> reporter: but not before they dragged him out of the car, give him a chokehold and he goes unconscious for 30- second. he also had a concussion and possibly a pinched nerve. he was also arrested for resisting arrest. afterwards, it turns out he had guns in the back of the van one loaded. he says he uses it for protection because he is homeless. do you think you were belligerent? >> no. >> reporter: he was very hostile and the officers behaved in a very professional manner according to one person. the video may leave that open to interpretation and the d.a. has dropped all charges. >> what legally went awry was the officers who decided that they in my view did not like mr. babbitt's attitude. he cooperated but he wasn't happy about it. >> reporter: the officers' attorney denies that and says nothing the officers did was wrong. but babbitt is glad they wore body cameras. >> i could be in a whole different situation right now if it wasn't for that. i could probably be in jail for the stuff they make up and they don't take my word for. >> reporter: babbitt is currently suing the san leandro police department and that case is just begun. in the east bay, mike sugerman, kpix 5. oakland police lead the back when it comes to body cameras on bay area streets with 500 assigned to its officers. san jose and san francisco are expected to have hundreds of cameras by the summer. marin county just approved a contract for sheriff's department body cameras. now to a story we broke on kpix 5 news at 5:00. more exclusive details on the sex scandal rocking the oakland police department. he will investigators say officers had sex with a minor. da lin is in oakland. the woman is telling her side of the story on social media. >> reporter: yeah, liz. she has been outspoken on her facebook page admitting to having sex with at least one police officer while she was under age. that of course would be a crime. statutory rape. sources say the internal affairs investigation centers around this girl, celeste who is 18 or 19. sources say investigators believe celeste had sex with potentially dozens of police officers beginning when she was 16. as recently as last month she posted a picture of oakland police officers dropping her off at home. show wrote took me back to richmond in style. on her facebook page she says she is involved in the sex scandal. but she never snitched on anyone. she says she had, quote, harmless friendships within the department. in another post, she says the only officer she messed with while under age is sally gaughn. brendan o'brien committed suicide after his wife killed herself. investigators say officer o'brien left a suicide note that led to an initial internal affairs investigation, a subsequent investigation ordered by a federal judge led to many oakland police officers admitting they had lied during the first internal affairs investigation about their relationship with celeste. sources say one officer also knitted to knowing she was under age when he had sex with her, admitted that. the spokesman for the oakland police department will only say there's an investigation under way involving three officers without getting into any specificking. but she says it's another black eye for the department. >> we are entrusted with the community to protect and serve them, to uphold the laws. so we take allegations of this nature very seriously. >> reporter: celeste's mother works with those police officers. she is a dispatcher at opd. aside from the internal affairs investigation, there's a criminal investigation. now, the police department department would not release the officer names. live at opd, i'm da lin, kpix 5. san mateo police department also dealing with a sex scandal. since last october, investigators have been working with the d.a.'s office on allegations of criminal conduct by an officer. few other details are being released but we're told the officer has since resigned. the police chief released a statement saying, quote, these allegations which involve sexual misconduct are so repugnant to all that we stand for in law enforcement. breaking news in san francisco. police on the scene of an accident involving a bicyclist. this hang on market street near 4th. chopper 5 showing video of the bike there in the roadway. that red car stopped right in the middle. no word on the conditio of the cyclist but it comes on "bike to work" day as more righters are competing for space on roads around the bay area. the feds are posting reward money hoping to shake loose a lead on one of the bay area's most wanted fugitives. they are looking for 26-year- old ricardo colindres wanted for first trying to kidnap then shooting his ex-girlfriend this is head. she was eight months pregnant. she and her baby are okay but since last month's shooting at pacifica, colindres hasn't been seen since. there's a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest of colindres. police are looking for his silver 2003 toyota corolla. he hangs out in brisbane. the death of prince is drawing national attention to the dangers of opiod addiction. investigators are looking into whether the singer died from a drug overdose last month. doctors are struggling with what they call an opiod overdose epidemic. kpix 5 reporter len ramirez on what one county in the bay area is doing to tackle the problem. >> july 7, 2014, we received a phone call. >> reporter: amy cooper was on a camping with her family when the police called from her eldest son's cell phone. the 26-year-old entrepreneur was dead from a prescription drug overdose. >> i left my job and now i'm spending my entire focus and my advocacy role to get out and talk about this epidemic. >> the street addict is not the new opiate addict. it's the youth under 30. >> reporter: santa clara county health officials say more young people now die of overdoses than from car accidents and to prove the point, they decorated an overdose conference with pictures of the victims, teenagers and 20-somethings, people from good families who got hooked on pain medication they got from a doctor or family member. >> what happened is when those prescription opiates are no longer available, youth are turning to street heroin which is actually cheaper than buying the pills on the street. >> reporter: prince's history with painkillers focused new attention on the drugs and the doctors who prescribed them. >> these medications are for after surgery or accidents or for cancer pain and all of a sudden we ended up using them for all pain. >> reporter: doctors created the problem and now can help fix it. this doctor heads up an initiative that reduced its doctors prescriptions of opiates by 37% in a year. patients also need to be retrained to safely dispose of their uneased medicine which can gotten by -- their unused medicine which can be gotten by teens and thieves. in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> doctors say while the u.s. makes up less than 5% of the world's population, it uses 80% of the world's opiates. it's a legal victory for business owners and for everyone in california. governor jerry brown has signed a law giving businesses more time to comply with the americans with disabilities act. under the law, businesses with less than 50 employees have 120 days to correct issues involving violations of the ada. small business owners applaud the change saying, it helps them avoid frivolous lawsuits while making sure everyone is welcome. >> they make it sound like we want to hurt the handicapped part of our population but we don't. we want to make everybody accessible. everybody's money is green. >> also under the law larger businesses have 15 days to fix any violations under the ada. kpix 5's devin fehely first reported on the push to stop costly lawsuits against businesses. back in march, he spoke to a lawyer who filed many ada suits. >> supporters of the bill say they are all for accessibility. they contend the lawsuits are really about money. california law allows a $4,000 penalty for each violation. he says that more than half of the ada compliance claims in california are filed by a handful of attorneys. of among them, tanya moore. >> i'm very determined to help anybody that has a legitimate claim. >> devin also spoke to disability rights activists who argue that a grace period would only discourage compliance. well, a big celebration about to get under way at the revamped san francisco museum of modern art. kpix 5's betty yu is there. you look stunning. the event is sold out. i'm not surprised at either of those. >> reporter: thank you so much allen and liz. without a doubt, this is the biggest and most glamorous modern ball yet and right now, all of the party guests we are expecting some 3,000 tonight are making their way through those doors. that's the main entrance and then they are coming right behind me to pose for photos. we're talking about big players tonight in the tech, fashion and art world and we know for example that yahoo ceo marissa mayer will be here. the founder of instagram, the ceo of airbnb will also be coming through. i also just spoke with former mayor willie brown who says he has never seen so many well- dressed people in one spot tonight. and he's very, very proud of this gift to the city. i'll show you really quick over here that is the stage where we'll have live performances tonight starting at 9 p.m. for the after party. earlier we got a sneak peek of two of the dinner settings tonight. the first one is a seated gala dinner where people can bid during a live auction on a lot of artwork and one of those pieces is by artist mark bradford. then downstairs, we went to a more club-like supper-like kind of dinner. this one has a live deejay and a "sexy vibe." then at 10:00 the building will turn into a party. after three years of multi- million dollar renovation, this new sf moma will open to the public on saturday. last month, we got a preview of some of the artwork and we're talking about three times the gallery space that it once had so this is not a cookie cutter museum. it is the largest now in the u.s. 10 floors, hundreds of exhibits. earlier i spoke to the modern ball chair. take a listen. >> i feel like it's a major contribution. i feel so excited and proud to be part of such a momentous event. but also, part of what this -- what we're giving to the community, culturally, so we -- this is the largest contemporary collection in the world. >> reporter: so we're talking about 19 full exhibits nearly 2,000 individual artworks. but tonight, it's all about the glamour and the celebrity and the grand re-opening of this museum and, of course, all of this is to fundraise to raise money. all the proceeds will go to the exhibit and also to all the educational programs at the sf moma that they support. >> thank you. she gets to go to all the fun parties. >> they will raise a lot of money. thank you, betty. an alarming new look at the vanishing middle class. how the income gap is changing life in the bay area. >> and the serious consequences as more people live pay check to pay check. >> a sky driving plane crashes in a northern california vineyard. >> tesla gone rogue? a driver's claim his model s crashed into a trailer on its own. the fight over who is at fault. >> mobile weather is live tonight in san jose. it's a beautiful day outside, but the action is going to be inside. game 7 sharks predators, we'll talk about that and have your forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,,,, phone rings "hello?" "yeah!" ♪ "a new friends coming here to sesame street."♪ if you're looking for freinds... "hi!!!" "hi everybody" "cookie" all-new it's sesame street live make a new friend! "hello everybodeeeeee!" no matter where you're from or where you've been... ♪"bakkaaaa ♪"count" ♪"me" ♪"in" sesame street live make a new friend playing the only bay area performances city national civic escaped injury when their skydiving plane landed upsi down in a vineyard. it happened at 2 ear the lodi new at 6:00 17 people escaped injury when their skydiving plane landed upside- down in a vineyard in san joaquin county. the cessna experienced engine trouble right after the single- engine plane took off. it clipped a vineyard fence or car as the pilot was returning to the airport. the pilot was the only one slightly injured with a bloody nose. many have been feeling the middle class is shrinking in the bay area and the rich are getting richer. the pew research center study highlights the problem in the san francisco area. from 20022014 top income inearns went up 14 and the lower income went down. th on people as they lose ground and fall e middle class. john ramos looks at the impact on people as they lose ground and fall out of that middle class. >> reporter: the bay area is often seen as a shining beacon in the recovery from the recession but the employment growth in the area may be hiding a fact. >> a lot of the jobs that are created are low paying or high paying. and less and less in the middle. >> reporter: a report from the pew research group shows an alarming decrease in the middle class since the turn of the new century. figures show that in the bay area, the growth of upper income jobs corresponds almost exactly with the loss of middle income jobs. dr. john gruenstein at saint mary's college in moraga says there are real consequences when a society loses its middle class. >> a lack of social cohesion, people get, um, very isolated from each other. >> reporter: he says that's being reflected in this year's presidential campaign as both the right and the left search for someone to blame for the growing income inequality. >> people come in. they are very frustrated. they're very depressed. >> reporter: the monument crisis center in concord is setting up for an event tomorrow where people, many of whom used to be middle class, will be connected with services to help with basic survival. the program's director says she is seeing clients who are teachers, county workers, ordinary people who used to be self-sufficient. >> the ability to make a good living and take care of your children and provide for basic needs is really escaping most families. >> reporter: the good morning between rich and poor is growing. -- the gap between rich and poor is growing as business turns to automation and globalization. the last time america was in this situation it took the world war to put the economy back in balance. everyone hopes that won't happen again. in concord, john ramos, kpix 5. >> the pew research grop found that nationally, since the year 2000, the share of adults in middle income households fell in nine out of 10 metropolitan areas. bart directors voted today to approve a new contract with union workers. the deal ensures there will be no strike for the next five years. it gives workers a 10% raise over four years. bart union approved the new contract this week. not clear whether san francisco voters will be weighing in on a soda tax. supervisor malia cohen delivered 18,000 signatures to the election office today a day after the deadline of the her plan would have taxed sugary drinks one-cent an ounce. you are looking at yet another sinkhole in san francisco. the second one in a week at polk and post streets this time. they expect to get it fixed by the end of the day. the blame is an old out of service pipeline that caused some sand and dirt to shift. meantime, crews are still fixing another very large sinkhole about a mile away on mission street in the financial district. work should be done by tomorrow. paul deanno is live in san jose and it's win or go home for the sharks tonight in game 7 tonight, paul. >> reporter: i'll tell you what, things have really shifted indoors because i'm standing out here in the middle of nowhere. we are outside the s.a.p. center where an hour ago there were a lot of people here enjoying a pregame party. they went to the game. inside is game 7 sharks versus predators. yes, one team's season will be over tonight, predators. one team's season will continue into the westerns conference finals. we would love to be one of the final four teams in hockey and hopefully in a few hours we will. live in san jose on a beautiful thursday evening, the weather cooperating but all the action has shifted indoors. go, sharks! beat the predators. look at these highs today. really comfortable. livermore, concord, napa, mid- to upper 70s as a plane flies overhead heading to mineta. fremont 70. san francisco cooler next to the water. it keeps you cooler, 59 degrees. san jose tomorrow, another day in the low 70s with sunshine. saturday morning cloud cover, sunny in the afternoon, not even 70 on saturday. bay to breakers sunday. big race, we'll have low clouds and temperatures in the 50s sunday morning. low pressure is moving closer. that's the weather change for the next several days. as low pressure inches closer, we will see an increase in the onshore flow. that ocean is chilly year round so if we get a stronger flow from it, it's going to be cooler and it will be cooler for the next three days starting tomorrow. usually you see this in two dimensions. this is a third dimension to show you the clouds tomorrow with the skies. we will have clearing tomorrow afternoon. it will take longer. it will be cooler. 63 in san francisco. tomorrow. 71 san jose. livermore 72. and oakland 66. if you are hanging out near the bay or the coast you're basically going to stay chilly. coop-cool saturday with the afternoon in the 60s inland, mid-60s at the bay. yourer 50s at the coast. warming up monday. tuesday and wednesday the warmest days next week. we'll see a return to the 80s 80s. >> we have 2,000 friends an hour ago and now nothing. we don't have a ticket so we're outside. we'll be back in 25 minutes. >> party gone. >> yes. seriously. >> nothing. >> not your fault. >> we have to wonder how thieves pulled this one off. a world war i era cannon swiped from a local veterans home. the unusual call police got today. >> did a tesla crash itself into a trailer? the finger-pointing over a unique feature in the model sch -- model s. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cannon that was swiped from veterans memorial hall in richmond, has been found. police say theives manages a stolen world war i era cannon swiped from the veterans memorial hall in richard is found richmond is found. nobody noticed when it was stolen sunday. a man in martinez said he had the cannon. turns out he bought it without knowing it was stolen. investigators trying to track down who sold it to him. there's disagreement when a tesla model s car drove itself into the back of a truck. the owner says he was showing off the car's features to a curious passerby. he went into a restaurant and found his car wedged under the back of the truck. tesla looked up the car logs and concluded the self parking feature was initiated and blamed the owner for failing to cancel it. >> they are just assuming that i sat there and watched it happen and i was okay with that. >> the owner denies he activated the self parking speech. he wants tesla to take a harder look at the problem to make sure it doesn't happen to someone else. today a new bike lane opened near the site where a cyclist was nearly killed. today's ribbon-cutting timed to happen in the bay area's "bike to work" day. that new lane set off from car traffic on fulton street. cal berkeley scientist new mother was hit there in february with major injuries. since then, her husband has joined cycling advocates and pushed for the new lane. >> very nice day for the people of berkeley and a great way to get away from the traffic here in berkeley because of the traffic. >> no charges were filed in february's accident. police say the drive was high on marijuana, though. in san jose, mayor sam liccardo was one of the bay area's elected leaders taking part in "bike to work" day. also, taking part oakland mayor libby schaaf and eight san francisco supervisors. our own kpix 5 graphic designer ashley shared photos of her ride to work. nice way to start the day and great view of the golden gate bridge. coming up in the next half- hour a disturbing fight between a teacher and student caught on camera. the violent confrontation that ended in one of them getting arrested. >> four city leaders are joining the call to fire san francisco's police chief. but will that change the mayor's mind? what he told us today. >> and it was meeting everyone -- it's meeting everyone is talking about. what came out of the meeting with donald trump and paul mccartney? and paul ryan? will be hearing more about allegations of sexual miscot among oakland police office. r sources say severa our top story this thursdays. no doubt you'll be hearing about allegations of sexual misconduct among oakland police officers. our sources say several officers had sex with the woman starting when she was a minor. the woman is now talking about those "relationships" on social media and an internal affairs investigation is under way. san leandro police caught on body camera video restraining a man outside's 7- eleven in oakland last year. all because of an open beer can left next to his car. now, the d.a. has dropped the charges brought against douglas babbitt and babbitt has filed a lawsuit. a legal analyst says the cops were in the wrong and the video should be shown as an example of how not to conduct a police stop. growing calls tonight for san francisco's police chief to step down. but despite all the heat, mayor lee is still standing by chief suhr. ken bastida joins us in the newsroom. the movement is picking up momentum. >> reporter: they have been very vocal. that's right. a group of hunger strikers known as the "frisco five" out of the hospital now and ramping up their efforts to get chief suhr out and they are getting some support from some san francisco supervisors. . >> something has to be done. i mean, i told someone i figured a gave suhr a month and that was before i saw all the supervisors making all their comments. i guess i'm going for a month to maybe two weeks now [ chuckling ] before he's out. >> reporter: outside the mission police station this morning, protestors threatened that mayor ed lee's job is on the line next but for now the mayor still backs chief suhr. >> i'm not entrenched in any way with this position. but if -- and if i saw that the chief was presenting obstacle, there might be a different course of action. but so far he welcomed it and is open and transparent about it but is helping me make sure that the entire police department understands why we're doing this reforms and why we are making the investments that we are. >> reporter: here's the latest tally of supervisors against chief suhr. jane kim, david campos, john avalos and eric mar. kim says there should be a national search for a new police chief. scott weiner, mark farrell are siding with the mayor on this one. yesterday, farrell said that chief suhr has to be the one to lead the reforms within the police department. and firing him would be giving into what he calls mob rule. we're still waiting word from the other supervisors where they stand on the matter. supervisor aaron peskin has said no comment. in the newsroom, i'm ken bastida. back to you guys. >> thank you. a student was arrested for attacking a teacher. it happened yesterday in mount diablo high school in concord. cell phone shows a teacher who already has cuts on his face trying to subdue a 16-year-old boy. from the video it looks like the teacher does not punch back. but instead, he gets the boy down on the ground. concord police say the boy was suspended from school and will probably be expelled after a disciplinary process. police say the boy punched the teacher in the eye after the man told the boy he was in a place where he was not supposed to be. authorities trying to put all the pieces of a complicated puzzle together after a murder and chase in the south bay yesterday. they say that the suspected killer 43-year-old andre redmon is behind bars and not talking. the murder mystery started at a home on madrone drive near los gatos. it is still very much an active crime scene there. investigators are removing bags of evidence and have searched every search dogs at the ready. investigators say redmon sped away from the scene of that murder in a silver prius. he later crashed while trying to escape deputies on highway 17 in campbell. redmon then ran away, got caught and was pepper sprayed. his passenger died at the hospital. >> it's tragic i think for all of us. i can speak for the whole neighborhood when i say that we're heartbroken that this has happened to that family and here in our midst. >> deputies say this case is especially difficult given all the moving crime scenes and the unknown number of potential suspects and victims. a prominent bay area child psychologist convicted of molesting young boys has died in prison. dr. william ayres died of natural causes at the california medical facility in vacaville. he was 84 years old. back in 2013, ayres pled no contest to 8 counts of lewd acts with a child under 14. he had been a respected community leader in san mateo. he received a lifetime achievement award from the board of supervisors in 2002. now to campaign 2016. donald trump giving the thumbs up about his visit to dc today to meet with rnc leaders. the gop nominee said, things are working out really well. reporter diane gallagher on the private meeting that has politicians mum. >> reporter: with fans there in the form of protests and flashes rivalling a red carpet arrival, donald trump descended upon d.c. the presumptive republican nominee in town to pitch himself to members of his own party, specifically the speaker of the house after paul ryan had this to say a week ago about endorsing trump. >> i'm just not ready to do that at this point. i'm not there right now. >> reporter: party chairman reince priebus who has been talking with trump daily arranged and sat in on the meeting but after spending 45 minutes together, it appears the art of the deal author couldn't quite close the deal with the speaker of the house at least not yet. >> i was very encouraged with this meeting. but this is a process. it takes a little time. you don't put it together in 45 minutes. >> reporter: and while they wouldn't go into detail about the discussion -- >> it was a private meeting in my office and i'm not going to talk about the specifics other than to say things were discussed that were specific. >> it's no secret that donald trump and i have had our differences. we talked about those differences today. >> reporter: all three men seemed to agree that it was a step in the direction of unity. ryan and trump even released a joint statement saying as much. >> i think the headline is positive for a step toward unifying the party. it was a great meeting and that's the only way it can be described. >> reporter: trump also met with house and senate republicans including majority leader mitch mcconnell thursday. additional meetings between trump and party members are expected leading into july's gop convention. in washington, diane gallagher. when steph's on the court all eyes are on miss moves. but did you see his feet? his new kicks. >> and more close encounters with whales in the bay. chopper 5 catching the humpbacks in action. we'll have more of that. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, apple has now fallen behind google's parent company... alphabet. shares of apple have fallene than year. the a shake-up in the reaping. shares of anle have fallen more than 14% this year. apple is now valued at $495 billion. they came in second to google alphabet, their parent company, $500 billion. one man plans to transfer his shares in the business to his employees. >> reporter: it seems like a normal workday at vantage l.e.d. answering phones, working the manufacturing line, some 60 employees just doing what they do. but floor manager matt perez soon learned it was anything but ordinary. >> caught me by surprise. i was just utterly speechless. when he said that was going to happen -- >> reporter: what happened was vantage l.e.d.'s ceo chris moss made an announcement. one that would change everyone's lives. he was giving the company to the employees. >> we basically aligned the company so they are all focused with one purpose, versus being distracted with all the stuff of the daily life right now. >> reporter: the news was difficult to digest for this long-time employee. she didn't understand the concept. a ceo who was only asking for hard work, giving away his fortune so employees could live a more comfortable life. >> excited. floored. very emotional. >> reporter: it's a concept ma lives by. treat your people right and they will want to do a good job. the self made millionaire believes one person can only have so much. so he is giving the company to the people who built it. within the next five years, all company shares will belong to employees. >> they put a lot of their heart, their passion into the organization and it's great that they get the rewards of it. >> the owner also plans to help all of his employees pay off their mortgages. so far, he has paid off 10. coming up tonight at 11, on kpix 5, sleep like a baby. this woman says she has the answer to make any infant sleep like a dream. call her the baby whisperer. business is booming in the bay area. we discovered why so many new parents are calling in the pros. >> i certainly did. i asked for help with my 8- month-old. i'll talk about my experience on facebook live tonight at 9:15 and answer your questions. and you can watch the whole story right here on kpix 5 at 11:00. i'm dennis o'donnell in san jose. we know the warriors are moving on to the western conference finals. are the sharks going to join them in the stanley cup semifinals? a live report from s.a.p. coming up. when josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. row... he steph curry is known for his fancy footwork and footwear after he was named mvp for the second year in a row. he dropped these limited edition mvp shoes. the problem is, they are so popular, they sold out before they even hit store shelves. here are those shoes in action. he wore the limited editions during last night's game against portland and, of course, during his famous pregame ritual. there he is. >> nice contract with "under armour," right? more whale sightings in san francisco bay. chopper 5 spotted them near the golden gate bridge this afternoon. marine biologists say over the past two weeks, there's been an unprecedented number of hunchback whale sightings in the bay area. apparently they are hunting their favorite food. you may leave it off your -- they love anchovies. paul deanno is live in san jose where the sharks hope to advance to the western conference finals. >> reporter: game seven. we are here. dennis o'donnell has sports coming up. we have the whales in the bay and in the south bay we have the sharks. we are in shark territory right across the street from the s.a.p. center. had a party outside at 5:00. but the party wrapped up because the game started at 6:00. dennis will have the score for you coming up. i'm here to tell you it's really comfortable but getting breezy here in the south bay. the onshore flow is just beginning to push its way east and also south. case in point san jose now down to the upper 60s. sand rose 66. santa rosa 66. livermore 75. concord 74. oakland 64. clouds in the distance. tonight we all start in the low 50s for your friday morning. yes, tomorrow is friday, thank god. san francisco 54. san rafael 52. san jose 54. concord 53. why the change? our ridge of high pressure is sliding to the south. it's moving away from us as of tomorrow. there's a low pressure area to our west which will be inching closer. the wind profile between those two will promote a stronger onshore flow and this time of year of in there's not rain in the forecast -- if there's not rain in the forecast, is wind coming from the ocean? yes. how strong is it? in this case stronger tomorrow. it's been weak the past couple of days so it's been warm inland. tomorrow with a stronger fan from the ocean, it will be markedly cooler away from the water. cloud cover tonight pushing inland lasting longer into friday morning and drizzle at the coast and in the city and tomorrow won't be as warm especially away from the water. inland 10 degrees cooler. for the weekend, temperatures getting cooler dropping below average and we'll see a pretty cloudy day on saturday with minimal afternoon sunshine. so high temperatures tomorrow at the beach no change. upper 50s. you have been there all week. we'll do it again tomorrow half moon bay 59. union city 68. campbell you hut the 80s yesterday. tomorrow just 72. antioch hit 90 yesterday. tomorrow 72. danville 67. benicia 68 with widespread morning cloud cover. mill valley from the 70s to the 60s for you same story alameda same story sonoma. and saint helena even up valley in napa, we are looking at highs dropping from the 80s to the 70s. coolest day will be saturday. as we look at the extended forecast, highs only hitting 70 for a few minutes inland. most of the day in the 60s. mid-60s near the bay upper 50s along the coast. we'll stay cooler than average but still pleasant. you can still get out. it's not going to rain sunday. monday milder. and the warmest weather is next tuesday and next wednesday with highs returning to the 70s near the bay and the 80s inland. it is a fantastic thursday evening. live here in san jose, behind the camera over there is dennis o'donnell talking to -- [ signal breakup ] they are going to have sports coming up with game 7 with the sharks right now. a live update coming up next. ,,,,,, (music plays from one way or another )♪♪ ♪ i'm gonna find y♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna win ya ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see ya ♪ (inhales cigarette) we are waiting to hook up with dennis. >> you're going to give us your best sports. >> i'm told as to stall. we can give you the score, sharks up 2-0 over the predators of nashville in the first period. >> they're winning. that's good. >> this is the win or go home so they need that. the warriors headed back to the western conference finals but there was more relief than excitement in eliminating the blazers last night. >> i mean, it might be the closest five-game series of all of time. we only have one game where -- >> reporter: the blazers may have won just a single game but they certainly earned the warriors's respect. portland kept the pressure on the champs all series with double-digit leads in four of the five games. >> happy to be done with this series. um, that was a tough series. that's the team who continued to fight. >> we should be produced of the way we pushed them. you know? because they could have easily been a seven-game series. you got to take your hat off to them and give them credit. you know, they did what championship teams do. you know, when it was time to win games. >> on the break for the blazers. curry behind the back, three plays up, oh!! >> reporter: curry once again difference maker down the stretch going 14 of the 29 points in the 4th quarter. as the team waits for the thunder or spurs in the next round, they know they can't keep counting on the mvp to bail 'em out. >> we are going to have to be better. i think there's teams that, you know, might be actually playing better than us right now that's in the play-offs and, you know, we have to take it as a challenge amongst ourselves just not rely on our talent and steph and his greatness. >> reporter: golden state will have at least four days off now giving them plenty of time to cool off from a series in which they received 7 technical fouls. >> this has something that you guys have to improve ongoing into the next series? >> no. [ laughter ] >> that is the island green at sawgrass one of golf's signature holes of course. opening round of the player championship, that man! andy sullivan one of two players in the field to put the ball in the water on the par 3, 17. double bogey. jordan spieth a double bogey on the ninth finished even par. jason day out of the bunker nearly holes out on 18 for what would have been the course record. settles for a share of the lead 63, taking a two-stroke lead and jerry jones one of the nfl's most powerful owners which means he could have a big say on where the raiders call home. you remember the team was interested in san antonio? >> san antonio not an option. >> well, san antonio is a great football area. they have -- we have exactly the same percentage of fans in san antonio that we have in downtown dallas. 97%. >> you don't want to lose those people? >> we're not going to lose them. >> translation? you don't mess with texas. san antonio cowboys territory, but jones is open to the raiders moving to vegas. >> i think las vegas is one of the real crown jewels of the communities in the united states. they are unique. it has a flair for entertainment. ♪[ music ] >> viva las vegas ♪ >> so it doesn't have disfavor with me in my opinion relative to being an nfl city. >> there you did. >> it will be interesting. >> vegas, baby. >> allen, you can do anything. politics, sports. >> i don't get to go to the games. i just talk about the ones -- dennis gets to go. >> we had technical problems. we had paul for weather but didn't have dennis for sports. >> what happened were whales at 5:00. this was incredible! i don't know if you got a chance to see t this was so beautiful. apparently, these guys have been spotted in the bay earlier today and then again this evening. they are coming into the bay because there's a surplus of anchovies and different type of fish that they love to east so we are getting a view of them. >> enjoy the sights and for news throughout the evening, the latest news and weather, always on >> captions by: caption colorado [email protected] save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: ho ho! [cheering and applause] how y'all? how's everybody? i appreciate y'all. thank you very much. yeah, i do. thank y'all, folks. i appreciate it. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey and, boy, we got another good one for you today. returning for their second day, all-male team from jacksonville, florida, it's the groover family. [cheering and applause] christopher: whoo! steve: and from charleston, south carolina, it's the eggerud family! [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win theirself a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, state-of-the-art ford edge. let's go. give me derrick. give me joe. ["family feud" theme playing] heh heh. fellas, you're gonna be in a lot of trouble with this one right here. top 6 answers on the board. we asked 100 women-- name a part of your body that looks better lying down than standing up. joe? joe: your stomach. steve: your stomach. joe: whoo! >> play, play! joe: we'll play. steve: let's go. >> whoo-hoo-hoo! good job! good job! >> good job. steve: lyndsey, talked-- ok, i'm gonna say this one time. we asked 100 women, ok? 100 women. name a part of your body that looks better lying down than standing up. lyndsey: your booty. >> good answer! steve: your booty. audience: ohh! steve:

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