Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20220808 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5pm 20220808

goodrich. >> i'm brian hackney. today is outside lands final day at golden gate park, crowds jamming crowds jamming multiple stages one last time enjoying pretty sunny weather. >> but beyond the music and dris there's a growing trend to include cannabis in music festis like this one, more on how thaty is affecting this event. >> reporter: here at outside ls you have the chance not only to buy cannabis but smoke it in the the park, part of the grasslands the grasslands experience returning the fourth time for this event showcasing the increasing demand for marijuana at major events. >> i just like the vibe of it. >> reporter: ellen grew up in e bay area but made it to her firt outside lands this year. she said grasslands was a favorite f hers this weekend making it a point to visit each day. >> we're being a little more acg of it and it's not as stigmatizd as in the past. >> reporter: small businesses n san francisco who have worked to worked to get cannabis in front of more people for decades say outside lands was a critical supporter to help people lose the stigma. >> we get to show them that recl environment you can also still relax, feel goods, be at ease. >> reporter: the teen behind gs saysthe team behind grasslands say it's a natural fit. >> festivals are intense. you're intense. you're on your feet three days bouncing back and forth. it's nice to be able toe folks a respite. >> reporter: they say outsidelands has become a succe. >> we have to bring an event toe folks are including folks who may not have interacted with cas before. >> we need to keep turning stats and led that tide keep going. >> reporter: while naturalizatn remains a critical step for the industry, businesses are eager for any chance to educate the public about their product. >> i hope more events do this. s a safer, more calming experienc. >> reporter: customers will beg out more places to enjoy cannabs together. > >> a march through san francisco francisco calling for more to be be done to protect the asian coy from violence, this after an attack of a 71-year-old woman inside her apartment complex which was just five days after another assault of an elderly asian man. the community says after years of protesting they have had enough. >> we've been doing rallies fors yelling stop asian hate and hearing from our elected leaders elected leaders they'll do everything they can to protect asians and stop asian hate over and over and over again. we've had enough rhetoric. we want results. >> the rally wrapped up with a d to police chief bill scott to make changes in the next ten days. the police will be holding holding a news conference announcing a recent arrest any moment. we'll have the latest o5 news at 6:00. > >> today vice president kamala s cast the deciding vote to advane a massing spending bill in the senate. democrats hope to have the inflation reduction act ready for president biden to sign by the end of the week. dea alfarone has the latest. >> reporter: congressional dems are a step closer to handing the the white house a much needed political victory. today the senate approved a massive spending bill that addresses some of president biden's domestic priorities including healthcare costs and climate change. >> this bill will kickstart thea of affordable clean energy in america. it's a game changer. is a turning point and it's been ag time in coming. >> reporter: with republicans y opposed to the inflation reduction act it was left to vice president kamala harris to cast a tiebreaking vote. >> the ayes are 50. the nays are are 50. the senate equally divid with the vice president votes in in the affirmative and the bills amended has passed. >> reporter: the gop has framee bill as a package of tax hikes and unnecessary spending that could hurt the economy. >> we shouldn't be raising taxer but especially on a recession and why would we raise the tax on gas now when it's $2 above what it was when joe biden took office? >> reporter: democrats say thel will ease inflation and reduce the federal deficit as well. its the irs with $80 billion in new funding to go after high income tax evaders. it imposes a 15% minimum tax on large corporations. >> very few pieces of legislatin will ever make the kind of impact that this climate bill wl have. >> reporter: the bill still mut be approved by the house which could come as recall as friday when its members return from a summer recess. debora alfarone, cbs news, new york. > >> turning now to the monkeypoxh emergency and the rush to get vaccine, former fda commissionet gottlieb appeared on cbs' "facee nation" this morning. >> we learned thursday they'll e a dosing approach. how does that that work? what does that mean? >> so this decision could come s early as this week and the emery use authorization that they could issue flows from the publc health emergency that they declared. so this would be the first practical effect of that public health emergency. what they would do is cut the dose by by a fifth. so they'd only give one-fifth of the dose and instead of injecting it subcue below the skin, they'll delivers intradermally and allow them to stretch out the doses they have by fivefold. >> the department of health annd it will get more than 10,000 doses of the monkeypox vaccine available for distribution begig tuesday. > >> president biden has been offy cleared to come out of isolatio. the president tested negatives r a second consecutive day this morning. he did not leave the white house after testing positive on july 21st. his isolation was longer than expecd after testing positive for a rebound case of the virus. > >> well, flu is for the birds, n fact, quite literally. a strain of bird flu has been found in sonoma county. it's already been been found in sacramento. this is video from the zoo there whih locked down birds in july. the wild care nature center in san rafael temporarily closed their museum and courtyard to protect their birds from the avian flu.e center says many of the animals have been moved offsite to prevent the spread of the viruss are not at risk from this strain this strain of avian flu. > >> a benefit carwash was held it creek today, but it was missing one key ingredient, the water. s john ramos reports on the growing popularity of getting cs clean without wasting h2o. >> reporter: they say necessits the mother of invention and this and this drought is giving way to a new way of doi and in a time of drought are looking for new normals. >> i needed to know what they we doing because i saw them wiping down another car and i thought okay. how are they doing this? >> reporter: they say a normalh averages 35 gallons of water, but here no hoses, no buckets, just a spray bottle and some cloths. it's called no h2o, a waterless carwashing system that that brian uses in his mobile detailing business. he says the chemicals in no h2o emulsify the the surface while creating a faint positive charge. then wiping with a microfiber cloth produces a slightly negative charge which loosens and removes removes the dirt. >> i'd say we could even get a r cleaner with our products than you can with a regular wash bece we're using the types of things that actually break down dirt. >> reporter: it's hard to tellf it's the chemicals or the elbow grease, but his daughters who work in the family business swer it's easier and eliminates the extra steps of all that rinsing and drying. >> all you have to do is wipe dn one and wipe down two. it's thay honestly. >> reporter: and the results me a believer of anderson. >> it looks great. it's never bn that clean. >> reporter: are you surpriseda little bit? >> yeah, a little bit, yeah, but looks great. i love it. >> reporter: a way to wash cart eliminates the water, it's someg most people never considered before, but now people are considering lots of new things as the shortage of water becomes becomes ever more serious. >> if you're not aware, it's had to know where you've been and everyone cares about it and thee looking for easy solutions to help do something about the drought. >> reporter: in walnut creek, n ramos, kpix5. >> this afternoon's carwash wasa benefit fundraiser for the falln heroes fund. a local support grp for the families of first respos killed in the line of duty. > >> coming up, gaining the advan, the latest on the battle against against the mckinney fire. > >> plus the fight between fire,s and the native fish in the klamath river. > >> there's still smoke coming of some of those fires up north. il show you why we aren't getting any here and see if that can last a while. it's pretty cool out there today. how much longer longer can we stay below average average like this? that's in tht alert forecast coming up. now you can save big on supersonic wifi from xfinity. can it handle all of my devices? oh, all that. and it comes with a 2-year rate guarantee. what?! ok! no annual contract. no equipment fees. oh, and a free streaming box. oh, i like streaming. it's all just $50 a month when you add xfinity mobile with unlimited data. will you add a motorcycle? no... did you say yes? the new xfinity supersonic bundle. it's kind of a big deal. >> welcome back. evacuations still in place for the six rivers complex fires burning in humboldt county. these are pictures of the fire from the national weather service. there are eight lightning fires, more than 1,000 acres that's burned. >> containment is growing in thy fire, california's largest firef 2022. close to 90 homes have been destroyed. more than 60,000 60,000 acres have burned and its now 40% contained. more than 3,000 firefighters are working this fire. one crew from oregon, oregon, it's a family affair. >> this is like a whole family . so they're my cousins and my das the crew boss and my brothers ae the square bosses and then my brother-in-law, too. so it's lie all brothers, cousins. >> darren, shows us this kind og quite a bit. the flames on the left were from the smaller yeti fire, home to local native american tribes, and there are reports of numbers of dead fish in the klamath river. they say the fish were killed by massive flooding and debris flows from the mckinney fire. >> right now we're just seeing d fish floating down the river out the river out of that area in the community of happy camp and so it's really been a challenge for us to get in there and really understand exactly what , but we do have remote water quality devices in the river. so the river. so we know earlier this week two nights in a row the levels of oxygen in the river went to zero. >> since both fires are still ae and some areas remain closed, tucker and his team are not able able to survey all the damage done to wildlife from the firest he does say that the tribes are currently working with fire offs to get access to some of those remote areas. >> boy, that tells quite a pict. you can see all the flames you , but when you see dead fish, the air quality, you can see the making all right in front of you. > >> we'll use some of that satele imagery you just had up to show which fire is actually still putting a lot of smoke into the sky. it's really only one of them now. let's go to that visual. it might be a little dark on here. this is the live updating high resolution satellite of northern california northern california today. thers a lot of clouds off the coast, but right here is a plume of smoke coming off of the six rivs complex. that's the one. the mckinney fire is not putting that much smoke into the air today. that's a good sign the fire is lying down a bit, containment a whole other story, story, but in terms of activity today that's the culprit. the smoke is getting pulled this wa. see the spin in the clouds? thes an area of low pressure off our coast which in terms of air quality, smoke and temperatures is doing us a huge favor down here, not much marine layer, kind of pulled in off the coasts look at the smoke plume remembeg there's that big area of low pressure sitting out here spinning. as long as that thing sits right there, it's like a big pinwheel in the atmosphere and it will force the smoke to get caught up in it and go the other way. that's one that thins doing us is keeping smoke out of of here. it's also keeping temps below average for this time of . that low will come back in a mi. it's good news if you like low o mid-80s for daytime highs, conc, talking to you. 24 there is making its way up towards the mount tamm. 80 in rowe, 5:00 santa rosa, pretty much coming off the warmest time of day. it really shows up in the water va. not only does it pull the smoke, but it's protecting us from the building ridge of high pressure over here that would really want want to start warming us up. if we look at the pressure fields in the atmosphere, midsection of of the country is dealing with significant heat because they're they're caught underneath that big dome of high pressure. as long as this is hereby, it nudgs it away, kind of acts like a little barrier. it will do that the next day or two, but by wednesday it's gone too far norh and now that ridge of high pressure will start sneaking inl see the difference there in the forecast. the numbers start going up. we're not going to a heatwave, but it's going to be noticeably warmer by wednesday and thursday. morning lows tomorrow on the cool side, upper upper 50s, the marine layer back back tomorrow, just not as widespread and won't last as long. tomorrow will be more sunshine than anything else just just like today, although plan on the low clouds, the stratus to, fill in much of the bay. noh bay valleys might escape it. soh bay might escape it tomorrow. yu might wake up to clear skies. in to clear skies. in general another day where the marine layer moves in and gets out of here in a hurry. seven-day forecast shows you that subtle warm-up, low 80s for san jose. s it. mid- to upper 70s tomorrow and tuesday to low 80s. we see a a similar warm-up happening with warm-up happening with the micr. that's average for this time of. this is all we've got to work wh in the forecast unfortunately. i forecast unfortunately. i wouldn't have it any other way.s great. > >> charlie, over to you. >> coming up next in sports gren jackets were handed out to the a's hall of famers. how about the current athletics? were they they able to salvage a game in their home coliseum or was it sn francisco who took the overall wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. through project up, comcast is committing $1 billion dollars so millions more students can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> the a's were hot. the giants were not, but you can throw that that away. in baseball you're as as dangerous as your starting pitcher that day. giants had carlos rodon on the hill yesterday, a win. logan webb on the mound today. second inning we go, webb dealing, sit down, got him looking with the inside corner strike. webb allowed just just two runs in seven innings third inning mike yazstremski 0-2 pitch launching it to right center and scoreless no more, ninth of the season for yaz. fih inning austin slater, liner to left. tony kemp is there but ned a step ladder to get it, misjudged it, rolled to the wall. brandon crawford scores, , 2-0 giants. now two on, estrada going deep on another 0-2 pitcht two-run blast is his tenth of the year. san francisco is up three. top eight, look who it is, mike yazstremski again, goes goes down low and sends it to dead center, his first multihomer game since last july, last july, 6-2 giants. here comes oakland, seth brown a linr to right. that's out of here, two-run shot, deficit 6-4. a groundout to short is how it ens and giants win, 6-4. they win the season series 3-1 over their their cross-bay rivals. before the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game reggie jackson escortig the game escorting carol fossi on the field. green jackets. > >> former a frankie montas mades yankee debut in st. louis, wasnt good. there's nolan arenado in the top of two, that's out of here, a three-run homer making it 6-4. montas allowed six runs in three innings and ended up wh a no decision. st. louis won the the game 12-9. > >> game week for the 49ers, the team has tomorrow off. then it's it's three straight practices as as they get ready for friday's preseason opener against the green bay packers. kyle shanahan shanahan and the coaching staff wearing d.c. shirts. 8-7 is dwit clark day in santa clara. trey lance could have used clark with clark with the first string offense today. partner the 49ers 49ers defense got the better ofe at practice. > >> golf now, ashleybuhei triple bogeyed and lost the outright lead. it goes to a playoff and on the fourth hole she totally redeems herself out of the bunker, stopped a few feet from the hole. so the south african only needed a tap-in. here it is, yes. not only is it her first major win, it's her first tour win in over 200 tournaments. > >> pga final round of wyndham cp and final round in the cbs booth booth for nick faldo. lands on the fringe and it has eyes, dragging towards the cup, last second rolls left. that's brutal. back on 9, tom kim rolls rolls in the birdie putt to cam off a front 9 27. kim won by fie shots and at 20 years old he's the first player born in the 2000s to win on the pga tour. > >> wnba star sue bird close to , a soldout crowd in seattle today today for her last home game. oe young fan gave her flowers. bird her flowers. bird has played her her 21st season, all with the storm. she left the floor to chants of thank you, sue. i'm like thank god it's not a one more year chant. i don't really have that mamba out moment, but i just want to stay i love you.k you so much and i'll see you ine playoffs. >> she was taken first in the 2002 wnba draft and just to timp it, the warriors that year took mike dunleavy and yao ming went number one. so it was a long time ago. >> charlie, thank you. > >> still ahead, there is a new t installation in san francisco, where you can see it before it s away. now you can save big on supersonic wifi from xfinity. can it handle all of my devices? oh, all that. and it comes with a 2-year rate guarantee. what?! ok! no annual contract. no equipment fees. oh, and a free streaming box. oh, i like streaming. it's all just $50 a month when you add xfinity mobile with unlimited data. will you add a motorcycle? no... did you say yes? the new xfinity supersonic bundle. it's kind of a big deal. >> a world renowned artist famos for using the beach as his canvas is bringing his talents to san francisco. >> temporary artist -- what doet mean? -- jim denovin's work has been featured in publications fm "national geographic" to the "nw york times" and now is working on something special at ocean beach. >> i've been drawing in the sane for 28 years. people have probably seen me drawing in the sand with a rake or with a stick. it's all spontaneous. ths no plan before i come down heres is new. this is different to actually do physical sculptures on the beach, but it's the samed of thing. it washes away with the tide. >> he's so talented and casual.t took about 60 shovels to finish and spans at least 300 feet. so temporary because it all washes away. > >> that's it for us. we'll see you back here at 6:00 for a whole hour of news. >> but you must admit it was cog for a few seconds. >> half a second. see you at 6:00. >> news update always tonight, vote-o-rama drama. >> and the bill as amended is passed. [ cheers and applause ] >> senate democrats finally approve president biden's long-stalled economic agenda after a marathon debate weekend. >> this is a major win for the american people. >> and staunch republican opposition. >> this bill has nothing to do with what real people in the real world are worried about every single day. overseas, china's war games off taiwan spark new worry. in ukraine, four ships carrying needed grain safely set sail to feed the world's hungry. >> i'm charlie d'agata in odesa, ukraine. as more cargo ships leave these ports, we're showing a fraction of the 20 million tons of grain still waiting to be shipped out.

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