Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170510 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170510

is a rare move. can you give perspective, how rare are we talking? >> reporter: to give you some perspective, fbi directors are appointed for 10 year terms. comey only served three of those years. the last time something like this happened was in 1993 under president clinton who then fired the fbi chief over ethics concerns. >> kenneth craig, thank you. reaction is boring and as you can imagine from california and bay area lawmakers. allen martin follows that part of our story. >> reporter: senator dianne feinstein says president trump called her to indicate that he would be removing director comey, saying the fbi needed a change. now, as the ranking member of the judiciary committee, she wrote the next fbi director must be strong and independent and will receive a fair hearing in the judiciary committee. senator, harris wrote on twitter i said it before and i will say it again, we must have a special prosecutor to oversee the fbi's russia investigation. this cannot wait. an east bay congressman who sits on the house intelligence committee issued a statement saying, president trump's decision to fire fbi director james comey should send a chill down the spine of every american no matter who they voted for. this is not what an innocent person would do. this is an abuse of power and shows a consciousness of guilt. the fbi reports james comey was scheduled to speak at an fbi meeting in los angeles. our other top story, a guilty verdict in the trial of a man charged with kidnapping and killing sierra lamar. kpix 5 reporter len ramirez was in the courtroom as a verdict was read. len, a lot of emotion from the lamarr family. >> reporter: that's right. it was a jampacked courtroom. in fact, an overflowed crowd into another courtroom as well as many people out here. there was a lot of emotion, sobs, tears, people were very happy and also, for the family of garcia-torres, very upset as well. anotlin garcia-torres showed little emotion but he bowed his head when the jury's verdict was read aloud. guilty for the kidnapping and murder of sierra lamar. guilty on all counts. >> truly, we have been praying for the chapter to have that type of ending, justice. >> reporter: supporters and search team members embraced and high-fived each other. her friends and family wept. victory in the courtroom but the loss goes on. >> nothing will take away the pain and sorrow we experience every day. >> reporter: it took 12 hours of deliberations to reach the verdict. even though sierra's body was never found. she disappeared on her way to school in 2012. garcia-torres was arrested two months later. the case relied on forensic evidence. sierra's dna in his car, her hair on a rope in his trunk and his dna on her jeans found dumped by the side of the road. >> justice is served for us today. justice for sierra. that gives us some form of relief. >> reporter: garcia-torres was also been guilty of three previous kidnapping attempts near morgan hill safeway, which the prosecutor called warm-ups for sierra lamar. most of his family and supporters left the courthouse in silence except for one who spoke to anne makovec on facebook live. >> anything you would like to say? >> it's very sad for both families. a very unfortunate situation. >> reporter: she did not give her name. garcia-torres will be sentenced next weekend could get the death penalty. search teens are hoping he will reveal what he did with sierra's body but say they will keep searching no matter what. >> we are not giving up and i would bring sierra home. bottom-line. >> reporter: sera's search team members say they have gone out looking for her, most weekends when the weather is fair. they say they will go out again this weekend. >> it is interesting, these people will not give up. we see that sentencing is going to be scheduled. where does this case go from here? >> reporter: because this is a k set a new trial, it is called the penalty phase of the trial. there will be testimony, there will be a victim impact statement read by members of her family to the jury and the jury and judge will decide whether or not anotlin garcia- torres look at life in prison without the possibility of parole or the death penalty. >> len ramirez reporting live from san jose. the bay area hillsides are still lost from winter rain but firefighters say they will provide plenty of fuel when fire season starts next week. kpix 5 is live near san jose were steps to stop the flames before they ignite are underway. >> reporter: to give you some but a lot of the weeds on communication hill are 7 to 8 feet tall in some spots. here we are in our second spell of warm weather in the bay area. a lot of vegetation is losing color and turning brown. all indications are turning to a very active fire season. remember all that rain? this fire season is coming back to haunt us again. the rain has caused grasses and weeds to grow taller and thicker than they have been in years. but with the weather warming up, the vegetation is starting to dry out. the once green and yellow mustard flowers are already going brown. >> have you seen the grasses tall ever? >> no. >> reporter: giovanni lives directly across the street from vegetation and says it is great to see the cruise growing down mass -- mowing down grass on communication hills. the crowd comes here to watch fireworks and even set off illegal fireworks themselves. >> all it takes is one cigarette or firework. >> reporter: for the fire department, it was wildfire training day. fire season ended six months ago but with the new season around the corner, these veterans are getting a refresher course. the fire department says the extra rainy weather has created a very large grass crop. >> you will see, the grasses had high in some places if not taller. the danger with those fuels is they are very high and they will cure or dry out very quickly and ultimately spread fire very fast. >> reporter: the fire department says help them out. if you have grass on her property, mow it down. live in san jose, kiet do, kpix 5. we are now getting video of another fistfight on an airplane. >> what is wrong with you? get out! >> two men going at it after a southwest flight in dallas made a stop in burbank sunday. they then rolled onto another seat and fell on top of a flight attendant trying to break them apart. one man was in lancaster and was arrested. the other man suffered a chipped tooth, contusion to his left eye and laceration to his nose. airplane took off again for his final destination, oakland. take a look at this. all-out chaos after spirit airlines canceled nine flights in florida last night. passengers in an uproar after getting caught in the middle of a dispute between the carrier and its clients. veronica de la cruz if you're to show us what happened. >> this is video from inside a fort lauderdale airport when tensions reached a boiling point. all because passengers cannot get to their destination. broward county sheriff's deputies intervened at fort lauderdale hollywood international airport overnight. when passengers, according to police, were so upset, they began to fight each other near the crowd at the spirit airlines checking counter. >> very angry people. everybody had places to be and cannot be there. >> reporter: fresh off of a cruise, debbie is trying to get back home to detroit. >> this is the third spirit flight canceled since thursday. i slept in the airport thursday night and i don't want to sleep in the airport again tonight. >> reporter: spirit says its service in four major airports including fort lauderdale had taken a hit due to contracts with pilots. spirit airlines filed a lawsuit engaging -- saying there pilots had been engaged in a legal work slowdown causing 300 flight cancellations which is disrupting travel of over 20,000 customers. spirit alleges some pilots are taking certain assignments and posting and online forums and websites. in a campaign to threaten and intimidate other pilots. >> you will not settle for the contract that defines us as low tier. >> reporter: the pilots union is pushing back against the company making record profits and says they are not engaged in a work slowdown. in a statement to cbs news, the airline pilots association refer to spirit close request as, quote, unwarranted and counterproductive legal action. spirit airlines said in a legal document they rely on a status quo of asking pilots to work overtime. the low cost carrier claims reputation will continue to suffer, as long as the pilot dispute goes on but acknowledges both parties are, quote, far apart on pay rate. veronica de la cruz, kpix 5. still ahead, an urban mystery solved. >> the body of a little girl found buried below a bay area home more than a century ago. now we know who she was, and we are hearing from one of her relatives. plus , zapping their brains to boost performance on the field? giants players using high-tech headgear. an unexpected guest at the door. this bear made a clear, and wanted in. ,,,, buried under a san francisco home last summer... and today.. we talked to the relative of the girl.. kpix 5 reporter emily turner is live in san francisco's rossi park.. t new at 5:00, we now know the identity of a little girl whose body was found buried under a san francisco home last summer and today we talked to the relative of that little girl. kpix 5's emily turner is live in rossi park to connect san francisco's past with its present. >> reporter: that's exactly what this does. this is the neighborhood where she was found. more than 100 years ago. this was a cemetery. but, the people who were buried there removed, except for one little girl who was found more than 100 years later. and now we know who she is. it is a mystery that spanned 120 years and took 11 months to solve. but now we know who the little girl is whose casket was found buried under the garage of a home under renovation. she is 3-year-old edith rose cook. a great, great aunt pete cook. >> i was jumping for joy because it would give me more information to find my family. >> reporter: her coffin was found in may of last year. it was believed she was left behind when the cemetery where she was buried was relocated and no one knew. when she was discovered a century later, garden of innocence who buries unnamed children took on her case. >> she is in a beautiful white handsewn down, hand-embroidered lace, and she is beautiful. somebody took a lot of care and love in putting her there and she deserves to be reunited with her family with her name. >> reporter: they got together a team including a biomolecular engineer to try to find her name and any living family. a genealogist took the names and the old cemetery and traced down living relatives, getting a dna sample to compare. >> from that 10% sample we were able to compare this with a candidate relative that would be identified but the rest of the team at -- by the rest of the team. turns out the two are close relatives. they are about 12.5% identical. >> reporter: pete cook was a match, giving edith back her name and all sorts of information he never knew about his family tree. is a missing puzzle piece that brings us family full-circle. >> human dignity, everybody deserves, to have the process complete, give her a name and let her go home, we have performed team miranda and the whole team is so excited. coming up in june, this little girl will have a memorial service with her name, edith, and her very own headstone with that name on it. reporting live in san francisco, emily turner, kpix 5. an 18 wheeler collided with an amtrak train this morning in richmond. the access was closed, everything is now back to normal. police say it looks like the driver of the truck tried to beat the train. another entry in the bay area's bizarre housing market, an 11 foot tree houses for sale. it is accessible by a 137 mountain trail and set deep in a redwood grove with its own stream running alongside. it was built in 1913, but it is completely upgraded with modern fixtures. there are two bedrooms, one bath, the price, $679,000. you might want to think twice before letting your toddler use your smart phone. you research shows the amount of time that a child bends on tablets is directly linked to delays in speech development. the study comes out of the american academy of pediatrics. they focused on kids under 2 years old. the research suggests the more time a child spends staring at a screen, the more likely they are to begin talking later. new 5:00, the giants using cutting-edge technology to get an edge on the field. they are some special headphones, that send occurrence to their brains. kpix 5's john ramose spoke with the makers of those headphones to find out how they work. >> reporter: professional athletes often look for any and to improve performance and a san francisco tech startup has created a device that is getting pretty interesting results. halo neuroscience is showing a set of headphones that offers the possibility of a better workout. the halo sport headphones has a set that send a faint electrical charge into the mortar -- motor cortex, the area of the brain that controls muscle traction. >> it improves better, faster and you get more benefits. >> reporter: the electrical charge is supposed to improve brain plasticity, it's ability to learn and sentences giants seems to think there is something to it. they have been testing the technology with the aaa river cast and are making it available to the big leaders as well. >> are you intrigued so far? >> reporter: ucsf neuroscientist doctor ted santos says the idea of estimating the brain with an electrical current has been around for centuries but recent studies are showing promise. while muscle reaction may be improved by only a few milliseconds, that may be enough for some athletes. >> if you are trying to hit a baseball flying at you, every millisecond makes a difference. >> reporter: but there is one downside for the less athletic among us. it only claims to improve workouts, not take their place. >> if you use it sitting on the couch, you just get better at sitting on your couch. >> reporter: in san francisco, john ramose, kpix 5. >> save the code -- jokes about the giants' current situation. the a's are accepting some giant fair weather fans. tomorrow, the a's will give fans new after the cast in exchange for old giants hats. that happens of the coliseum starting just before they play the l.a. angels at 12:35. new over mud stained jeans. there is a new weird fashion item up for sale. torn up shoes. neiman marcus is selling these distressed shoes for nearly $1500. the hightops of holes and lots of tears in the fabric. the website calls and fashion that redefine luxury. >> this redefines wow. the pictures look kind of cute, but this bear frightened the daylights out of an elderly connecticut woman. she called a neighbor for help saying the bear ripped through her screen door and was pounding on the slider. i think he wanted a piece of chocolate cake. and, a third and second door before finally giving up. once help arrived, the bear finally ran off. hey, grandma, what are you cooking? we've got weather cooking around here and it's the opposite of warmer. is going to get very chilly and soon. it looks beautiful in san francisco, we are fog free. that will change as well. find out which days we will not even hit 70 anywhere in the bay area. coming up at 6:00, an outpouring of support for a cal rugby player paralyze well playing in a national -- while playing in a national championship match. how his family, friends and teammates are rallying behind him. cbs evening news is up next. for now, it is the heat up's last stand. kind of toasty away from the water, 90 degrees in concord for the high. curly 85 at buchanan field, 80 in san jose. much cooler near the water. this is the transition day where the coastal locations cool down significantly first but inland stays warm. santa rosa, between at 74 and oakland, 67. what am i talking about? close to in the, 75 miles separate post ray is from alamo but today, 75 degrees, alamo, 89, point reyes, only 54. here comes the fog, along the coast, san mateo county to pacifica, 48 degrees. what is the change tomorrow? onshore flow is returning and will push in the day and 80s and 90s will be replaced by 60s and 70s. temperatures below average for the next seven days. this ridge of high pressure which is still giving us pleasant weather with warm weather in the bay area. that is going to move out, replaced by this big broad area of low pressure diving down from the gulf of alaska. it will stay to the north and it will feed in the onshore flow. watch cloud cover increase as temperatures decrease. this is futurecast tomorrow morning, widespread coastal fog, by tomorrow, the cloud cover begins to push inland,, evening time, thursday morning we all wake up to some cloud cover and a few showers possible. for north sonoma county, lake county, we could see a few showers thursday but most of the bay area remains drive. the legacy will be the cooler weather. warm weather gone after today, likely gone for a while. morning cloud cover and fog near the water tomorrow morning, by thursday morning the rest of the bay area will be cloudy or foggy in the morning. here's the change, concord, 90 today, 68 tomorrow, 22 degrees drop. napa, 67, fremont, 68, a couple of us at 70 degrees but we are markedly cooler tomorrow. not hitting 70 for a while. low 60s through the bay for eke highs away from the water and 50s at the beach. afternoon sunshine yes, but it is going to be chilly and stay chilly. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, here's the cbs evening news late today president trump fired fbi director james comey. we have a team of correspondents covering this from the white house and the capitol and we'll look at how this could impact the investigation into russi the election. cbs evening news is up next. >> scott kelly -- scott pelley is here the preview. >> late today, president trump in a rare move fired fbi director james comey. we have a team of correspondents covering from the white house to the capital. and we will look at how this might impact the investigation into russia's meddling in the u.s. election. that story just ahead on the cbs evening news. and a new project for former president bill clinton. he is teaming up with best- selling novelist james patterson. they are going to cowrite a thriller called, "the president is missing. those quote publishers say the intrigue and behind the scenes global drama will unveil details on the a president would know. >> how is that for selling a book? it's due out june 2018. >> thank you for watching tonight at 5:00. as 6:00, a young woman forced to marry at age 15. that's coming up. captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: breaking news: president trump fires the director of the f.b.i., james comey. also tonight, workers are ordered to take cover after a tunnel containing nuclear waste collapses. turbulence on the ground. an explosion of anger after inirit airlines cancels nine flights. >> we're starting to get g ssengers who are saying, "look, i'm mad as heck. e m not going to take it anymore." >> pelley: and address your stress with the spin that's in. >> holding them and spinning them is oddly satisfying, and it's really fun. this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley.

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Fremont , California , United States , Redwood Grove , Lake County , Oakland , Alaska , Florida , Russia , San Francisco , Connecticut , Fort Lauderdale , Burbank , Sonoma County , Dallas , Texas , San Mateo County , Broward County , Morgan Hill , Russian , American , Allen Martin , Emily Turner , Ted Santos , Scott Kelly Pelley , Dianne Feinstein , Anthony Weiner , Los Angeles , James Comey , Kenneth Craig , Scott Pelley , Pete Cook , James Patterson , Lauderdale Hollywood , Hillary Clinton , Len Ramirez ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170510 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170510

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is a rare move. can you give perspective, how rare are we talking? >> reporter: to give you some perspective, fbi directors are appointed for 10 year terms. comey only served three of those years. the last time something like this happened was in 1993 under president clinton who then fired the fbi chief over ethics concerns. >> kenneth craig, thank you. reaction is boring and as you can imagine from california and bay area lawmakers. allen martin follows that part of our story. >> reporter: senator dianne feinstein says president trump called her to indicate that he would be removing director comey, saying the fbi needed a change. now, as the ranking member of the judiciary committee, she wrote the next fbi director must be strong and independent and will receive a fair hearing in the judiciary committee. senator, harris wrote on twitter i said it before and i will say it again, we must have a special prosecutor to oversee the fbi's russia investigation. this cannot wait. an east bay congressman who sits on the house intelligence committee issued a statement saying, president trump's decision to fire fbi director james comey should send a chill down the spine of every american no matter who they voted for. this is not what an innocent person would do. this is an abuse of power and shows a consciousness of guilt. the fbi reports james comey was scheduled to speak at an fbi meeting in los angeles. our other top story, a guilty verdict in the trial of a man charged with kidnapping and killing sierra lamar. kpix 5 reporter len ramirez was in the courtroom as a verdict was read. len, a lot of emotion from the lamarr family. >> reporter: that's right. it was a jampacked courtroom. in fact, an overflowed crowd into another courtroom as well as many people out here. there was a lot of emotion, sobs, tears, people were very happy and also, for the family of garcia-torres, very upset as well. anotlin garcia-torres showed little emotion but he bowed his head when the jury's verdict was read aloud. guilty for the kidnapping and murder of sierra lamar. guilty on all counts. >> truly, we have been praying for the chapter to have that type of ending, justice. >> reporter: supporters and search team members embraced and high-fived each other. her friends and family wept. victory in the courtroom but the loss goes on. >> nothing will take away the pain and sorrow we experience every day. >> reporter: it took 12 hours of deliberations to reach the verdict. even though sierra's body was never found. she disappeared on her way to school in 2012. garcia-torres was arrested two months later. the case relied on forensic evidence. sierra's dna in his car, her hair on a rope in his trunk and his dna on her jeans found dumped by the side of the road. >> justice is served for us today. justice for sierra. that gives us some form of relief. >> reporter: garcia-torres was also been guilty of three previous kidnapping attempts near morgan hill safeway, which the prosecutor called warm-ups for sierra lamar. most of his family and supporters left the courthouse in silence except for one who spoke to anne makovec on facebook live. >> anything you would like to say? >> it's very sad for both families. a very unfortunate situation. >> reporter: she did not give her name. garcia-torres will be sentenced next weekend could get the death penalty. search teens are hoping he will reveal what he did with sierra's body but say they will keep searching no matter what. >> we are not giving up and i would bring sierra home. bottom-line. >> reporter: sera's search team members say they have gone out looking for her, most weekends when the weather is fair. they say they will go out again this weekend. >> it is interesting, these people will not give up. we see that sentencing is going to be scheduled. where does this case go from here? >> reporter: because this is a k set a new trial, it is called the penalty phase of the trial. there will be testimony, there will be a victim impact statement read by members of her family to the jury and the jury and judge will decide whether or not anotlin garcia- torres look at life in prison without the possibility of parole or the death penalty. >> len ramirez reporting live from san jose. the bay area hillsides are still lost from winter rain but firefighters say they will provide plenty of fuel when fire season starts next week. kpix 5 is live near san jose were steps to stop the flames before they ignite are underway. >> reporter: to give you some but a lot of the weeds on communication hill are 7 to 8 feet tall in some spots. here we are in our second spell of warm weather in the bay area. a lot of vegetation is losing color and turning brown. all indications are turning to a very active fire season. remember all that rain? this fire season is coming back to haunt us again. the rain has caused grasses and weeds to grow taller and thicker than they have been in years. but with the weather warming up, the vegetation is starting to dry out. the once green and yellow mustard flowers are already going brown. >> have you seen the grasses tall ever? >> no. >> reporter: giovanni lives directly across the street from vegetation and says it is great to see the cruise growing down mass -- mowing down grass on communication hills. the crowd comes here to watch fireworks and even set off illegal fireworks themselves. >> all it takes is one cigarette or firework. >> reporter: for the fire department, it was wildfire training day. fire season ended six months ago but with the new season around the corner, these veterans are getting a refresher course. the fire department says the extra rainy weather has created a very large grass crop. >> you will see, the grasses had high in some places if not taller. the danger with those fuels is they are very high and they will cure or dry out very quickly and ultimately spread fire very fast. >> reporter: the fire department says help them out. if you have grass on her property, mow it down. live in san jose, kiet do, kpix 5. we are now getting video of another fistfight on an airplane. >> what is wrong with you? get out! >> two men going at it after a southwest flight in dallas made a stop in burbank sunday. they then rolled onto another seat and fell on top of a flight attendant trying to break them apart. one man was in lancaster and was arrested. the other man suffered a chipped tooth, contusion to his left eye and laceration to his nose. airplane took off again for his final destination, oakland. take a look at this. all-out chaos after spirit airlines canceled nine flights in florida last night. passengers in an uproar after getting caught in the middle of a dispute between the carrier and its clients. veronica de la cruz if you're to show us what happened. >> this is video from inside a fort lauderdale airport when tensions reached a boiling point. all because passengers cannot get to their destination. broward county sheriff's deputies intervened at fort lauderdale hollywood international airport overnight. when passengers, according to police, were so upset, they began to fight each other near the crowd at the spirit airlines checking counter. >> very angry people. everybody had places to be and cannot be there. >> reporter: fresh off of a cruise, debbie is trying to get back home to detroit. >> this is the third spirit flight canceled since thursday. i slept in the airport thursday night and i don't want to sleep in the airport again tonight. >> reporter: spirit says its service in four major airports including fort lauderdale had taken a hit due to contracts with pilots. spirit airlines filed a lawsuit engaging -- saying there pilots had been engaged in a legal work slowdown causing 300 flight cancellations which is disrupting travel of over 20,000 customers. spirit alleges some pilots are taking certain assignments and posting and online forums and websites. in a campaign to threaten and intimidate other pilots. >> you will not settle for the contract that defines us as low tier. >> reporter: the pilots union is pushing back against the company making record profits and says they are not engaged in a work slowdown. in a statement to cbs news, the airline pilots association refer to spirit close request as, quote, unwarranted and counterproductive legal action. spirit airlines said in a legal document they rely on a status quo of asking pilots to work overtime. the low cost carrier claims reputation will continue to suffer, as long as the pilot dispute goes on but acknowledges both parties are, quote, far apart on pay rate. veronica de la cruz, kpix 5. still ahead, an urban mystery solved. >> the body of a little girl found buried below a bay area home more than a century ago. now we know who she was, and we are hearing from one of her relatives. plus , zapping their brains to boost performance on the field? giants players using high-tech headgear. an unexpected guest at the door. this bear made a clear, and wanted in. ,,,, buried under a san francisco home last summer... and today.. we talked to the relative of the girl.. kpix 5 reporter emily turner is live in san francisco's rossi park.. t new at 5:00, we now know the identity of a little girl whose body was found buried under a san francisco home last summer and today we talked to the relative of that little girl. kpix 5's emily turner is live in rossi park to connect san francisco's past with its present. >> reporter: that's exactly what this does. this is the neighborhood where she was found. more than 100 years ago. this was a cemetery. but, the people who were buried there removed, except for one little girl who was found more than 100 years later. and now we know who she is. it is a mystery that spanned 120 years and took 11 months to solve. but now we know who the little girl is whose casket was found buried under the garage of a home under renovation. she is 3-year-old edith rose cook. a great, great aunt pete cook. >> i was jumping for joy because it would give me more information to find my family. >> reporter: her coffin was found in may of last year. it was believed she was left behind when the cemetery where she was buried was relocated and no one knew. when she was discovered a century later, garden of innocence who buries unnamed children took on her case. >> she is in a beautiful white handsewn down, hand-embroidered lace, and she is beautiful. somebody took a lot of care and love in putting her there and she deserves to be reunited with her family with her name. >> reporter: they got together a team including a biomolecular engineer to try to find her name and any living family. a genealogist took the names and the old cemetery and traced down living relatives, getting a dna sample to compare. >> from that 10% sample we were able to compare this with a candidate relative that would be identified but the rest of the team at -- by the rest of the team. turns out the two are close relatives. they are about 12.5% identical. >> reporter: pete cook was a match, giving edith back her name and all sorts of information he never knew about his family tree. is a missing puzzle piece that brings us family full-circle. >> human dignity, everybody deserves, to have the process complete, give her a name and let her go home, we have performed team miranda and the whole team is so excited. coming up in june, this little girl will have a memorial service with her name, edith, and her very own headstone with that name on it. reporting live in san francisco, emily turner, kpix 5. an 18 wheeler collided with an amtrak train this morning in richmond. the access was closed, everything is now back to normal. police say it looks like the driver of the truck tried to beat the train. another entry in the bay area's bizarre housing market, an 11 foot tree houses for sale. it is accessible by a 137 mountain trail and set deep in a redwood grove with its own stream running alongside. it was built in 1913, but it is completely upgraded with modern fixtures. there are two bedrooms, one bath, the price, $679,000. you might want to think twice before letting your toddler use your smart phone. you research shows the amount of time that a child bends on tablets is directly linked to delays in speech development. the study comes out of the american academy of pediatrics. they focused on kids under 2 years old. the research suggests the more time a child spends staring at a screen, the more likely they are to begin talking later. new 5:00, the giants using cutting-edge technology to get an edge on the field. they are some special headphones, that send occurrence to their brains. kpix 5's john ramose spoke with the makers of those headphones to find out how they work. >> reporter: professional athletes often look for any and to improve performance and a san francisco tech startup has created a device that is getting pretty interesting results. halo neuroscience is showing a set of headphones that offers the possibility of a better workout. the halo sport headphones has a set that send a faint electrical charge into the mortar -- motor cortex, the area of the brain that controls muscle traction. >> it improves better, faster and you get more benefits. >> reporter: the electrical charge is supposed to improve brain plasticity, it's ability to learn and sentences giants seems to think there is something to it. they have been testing the technology with the aaa river cast and are making it available to the big leaders as well. >> are you intrigued so far? >> reporter: ucsf neuroscientist doctor ted santos says the idea of estimating the brain with an electrical current has been around for centuries but recent studies are showing promise. while muscle reaction may be improved by only a few milliseconds, that may be enough for some athletes. >> if you are trying to hit a baseball flying at you, every millisecond makes a difference. >> reporter: but there is one downside for the less athletic among us. it only claims to improve workouts, not take their place. >> if you use it sitting on the couch, you just get better at sitting on your couch. >> reporter: in san francisco, john ramose, kpix 5. >> save the code -- jokes about the giants' current situation. the a's are accepting some giant fair weather fans. tomorrow, the a's will give fans new after the cast in exchange for old giants hats. that happens of the coliseum starting just before they play the l.a. angels at 12:35. new over mud stained jeans. there is a new weird fashion item up for sale. torn up shoes. neiman marcus is selling these distressed shoes for nearly $1500. the hightops of holes and lots of tears in the fabric. the website calls and fashion that redefine luxury. >> this redefines wow. the pictures look kind of cute, but this bear frightened the daylights out of an elderly connecticut woman. she called a neighbor for help saying the bear ripped through her screen door and was pounding on the slider. i think he wanted a piece of chocolate cake. and, a third and second door before finally giving up. once help arrived, the bear finally ran off. hey, grandma, what are you cooking? we've got weather cooking around here and it's the opposite of warmer. is going to get very chilly and soon. it looks beautiful in san francisco, we are fog free. that will change as well. find out which days we will not even hit 70 anywhere in the bay area. coming up at 6:00, an outpouring of support for a cal rugby player paralyze well playing in a national -- while playing in a national championship match. how his family, friends and teammates are rallying behind him. cbs evening news is up next. for now, it is the heat up's last stand. kind of toasty away from the water, 90 degrees in concord for the high. curly 85 at buchanan field, 80 in san jose. much cooler near the water. this is the transition day where the coastal locations cool down significantly first but inland stays warm. santa rosa, between at 74 and oakland, 67. what am i talking about? close to in the, 75 miles separate post ray is from alamo but today, 75 degrees, alamo, 89, point reyes, only 54. here comes the fog, along the coast, san mateo county to pacifica, 48 degrees. what is the change tomorrow? onshore flow is returning and will push in the day and 80s and 90s will be replaced by 60s and 70s. temperatures below average for the next seven days. this ridge of high pressure which is still giving us pleasant weather with warm weather in the bay area. that is going to move out, replaced by this big broad area of low pressure diving down from the gulf of alaska. it will stay to the north and it will feed in the onshore flow. watch cloud cover increase as temperatures decrease. this is futurecast tomorrow morning, widespread coastal fog, by tomorrow, the cloud cover begins to push inland,, evening time, thursday morning we all wake up to some cloud cover and a few showers possible. for north sonoma county, lake county, we could see a few showers thursday but most of the bay area remains drive. the legacy will be the cooler weather. warm weather gone after today, likely gone for a while. morning cloud cover and fog near the water tomorrow morning, by thursday morning the rest of the bay area will be cloudy or foggy in the morning. here's the change, concord, 90 today, 68 tomorrow, 22 degrees drop. napa, 67, fremont, 68, a couple of us at 70 degrees but we are markedly cooler tomorrow. not hitting 70 for a while. low 60s through the bay for eke highs away from the water and 50s at the beach. afternoon sunshine yes, but it is going to be chilly and stay chilly. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, here's the cbs evening news late today president trump fired fbi director james comey. we have a team of correspondents covering this from the white house and the capitol and we'll look at how this could impact the investigation into russi the election. cbs evening news is up next. >> scott kelly -- scott pelley is here the preview. >> late today, president trump in a rare move fired fbi director james comey. we have a team of correspondents covering from the white house to the capital. and we will look at how this might impact the investigation into russia's meddling in the u.s. election. that story just ahead on the cbs evening news. and a new project for former president bill clinton. he is teaming up with best- selling novelist james patterson. they are going to cowrite a thriller called, "the president is missing. those quote publishers say the intrigue and behind the scenes global drama will unveil details on the a president would know. >> how is that for selling a book? it's due out june 2018. >> thank you for watching tonight at 5:00. as 6:00, a young woman forced to marry at age 15. that's coming up. captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: breaking news: president trump fires the director of the f.b.i., james comey. also tonight, workers are ordered to take cover after a tunnel containing nuclear waste collapses. turbulence on the ground. an explosion of anger after inirit airlines cancels nine flights. >> we're starting to get g ssengers who are saying, "look, i'm mad as heck. e m not going to take it anymore." >> pelley: and address your stress with the spin that's in. >> holding them and spinning them is oddly satisfying, and it's really fun. this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley.

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