Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170421 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170421

the french president saying all signs point to terrorism. it happened on the iconic champs-elysees and area normally packed with tourists from around the world. tonight, it's closed to traffic. kpix 5's veronica de la cruz has new details in this investigation. veronica. >> reporter: yeah, ken and liz. isis is already claiming responsibility for today's attack. let's take a live look at the area right now. the normally busy avenue empty of residents and tourists. instead, it's been teeming with security. >> stay back, please! please, stay back! >> reporter: witnesses say earlier today a car pulled up next to a police van. one man got out and sprayed the bus with bullets. french police say three officers were wounded at least one died. a witness says the gunman sprayed the police inside their vehicle with an automatic weapon. [ non-english language ] >> i left the store and i was walking the sidewalk and there was a police truck and the man arrived in gray audi 880 stopped next to the police truck got out with a kalashnikov. i looked around the street and there was no one there. he had gotten close to the truck and shot at the police actually. >> reporter: authorities say the gunman had previously been flagged as extremist. officers are also investigating reports of shots fired near the scene about an hour after the first incident. at the white house, president trump offered his condolences and condemned it as an act of terrorism during a joint press conference with italy's prime minister. >> it's a terrible thing and i'd say very, very, very terrible that's going on in the world today but it looks like another terrorist attack. and what can you say? just never ends. >> reporter: french president hollande says he believes it was terrorism and authorities have opened an investigation into terrorism. we have just learned the chief suspect in the shooting is a 39- year-old man from the suburbs of paris. there is no word yet on a motive but the first round of battling in france's presidential election is three days away. at least one candidate is now calling for the voting to be postponed. paris was also the scene of a terrorist attack that killed 130 people in november of 2015. the gunmen staged mass shootings and suicide bombings at four locations including the bataclan theater where 89 people were killed. a major reversal from uc- berkeley officials. they now say right wing pundit coulter is welcome to come and speak just not next thursday. they say they found an undisclosed venue they feel can be secured for a speech on may 2. but they have, quote, grave concerns about campus safety. if coulter follows through on her promise to stick to her original booking. >> our police department has made it clear that they have very specific intelligence regarding threats that could pose a grave danger to the speaker, attendees and those who may wish to lawfully protest this event. >> chancellor nicholas dirks says he is still waiting to hear back from the coulter camp on whether they will accept the change of plans. but she doesn't appear to feel welcome. she just tweeted: >> so are violent protestors winning this battle? or does the first amendment have its limits? coming up tonight at 6:00, kpix 5 political reporter melissa caen speaks with one college professor who says not all speech should be free. a tennessee teenager allegedly kidnapped by her teacher over a month ago has been found safe in northern california. officers arrested the teacher 50-year-old tad cummins last night. he is accused of kidnapping his 15-year-old student elizabeth thomas. they disappeared from tennessee on march 13. police found them 2500 miles away. cbs reporter chris martinez shows us how investigators tracked them down. >> reporter: a cross-country manhunt for 50-year-old tad cummins has ended in northern california siskiyou county near the oregon border. authorities confirm 15-year-old elizabeth thomas has been found safe after a telephone tip. >> the caller indicated they had taken up residence in a cabin in a remote area in cecilville, california, within the last week and a half. >> reporter: thomas was a former student. the pair disappeared from columbia, tennessee, a month after cummins was reportedly suspended for having inappropriate contact with the teenaged girl triggering a nationwide amber alert. cummins was armed with two handguns, wanted for kidnapping and sexual misconduct with a minor. >> he stole my daughter from me. he didn't just steal from me. stole from the community. >> reporter: days after their disappearance, cummins' wife begged him to return. >> this is not who you are. we can help you get through this. >> reporter: the siskiyou county sheriff's office says they found the fugitive's nissan rogue thursday morning. chris martinez, cbs news. >> the teacher's wife filed for divorce earlier this month. they had been married for more than 30 years. a haze over hippie hill today as thousands of marijuana enthusiasts gathered at golden gate park for the annual "420" festivities. kpix 5's emily turner is there now. emily. >> reporter: you know, it seems to be a lot more controlled than last year. it certainly is more organized. in fact, the event and the party if you will is still going on, although they just cut the music a few minutes ago. [ sound of helicopter ] ♪[ music ] [ screaming ] ♪[ music ] >> happy "420"! >> reporter: it was supposed to be the most organized space for "420". but for this group of guys it was the most disappointing. why are you on the other side of the fence? >> because i got my id taken away from me a few weeks ago and they told me that i needed an id or i can't get in. >> reporter: this year's guards, fences and rules made for major changes to the event. no one under 18 was allowed. no glass, no selling drugs. >> reporter: clearly, though, not all the rules were followed. it did make for a more tame event inside the gate but plenty of clouds refused to cooperate. >> turning people away from the celebration. >> plenty of people refused to cooperate. >> where are they going? >> across the street. they are going right across the street where it's not fenced off and they are going to do the same thing. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: there were plenty of people who enjoyed the new addition like a city permitted stage with a live deejay, food trucks and vendors. and honestly, no matter what the changes are, some things on "420" will always be the same. >> i mean, it is what it is. we are just trying to have a good time out here, "420", you know, enjoying the beautiful sunlight and that's about it. >> reporter: there were plenty of people enjoying the sunlight the park and having a good time today. in fact, the last we talked to the city about 3 p.m., they told us there were probably about 6,000 people here but at that time, there were still folks lined up to get in because there was only one -- well, two gates that you can get in so they were backed up. i think that's a pretty conservative estimate judging what i saw at the crack of 4:20. >> was there trouble this year, any arrests? >> reporter: when we spoke to the city at the same time, so at 3:00 they said no arrests, no trouble. they also were not particularly obvious with police presence here. they kind of stood back. you know, initially they said there's no selling of drugs, there's no alcohol. that was not enforced. but you know, with this many people doing that what are you going to do? >> thank you, emily turner. hippie hill wasn't the only party in town. here's a live look at the crowd over at dolores park. smaller but enthusiastic. we found one out of towner who got here by chance. >> it's a beautiful day. i don't know, i'm not from here. we just came upon it. "420". we're here. >> others told us they specifically chose dolores park because hippie hill seemed too enclosed this year. one new cbs news poll shows the number of pro pot americans has hit a new high. 61% say marijuana should be legal. that's a 5 point increase over last year. talk show host bill o'reilly will reportedly get a huge payout after getting the boot from fox news. o'reilly was let go by the network yesterday amid allegations of sexual harassment and verbal abuse. that's according to cnn. he signed a new $25 million a year contract just before he was fired. cnn reports the clause in that contract says that o'reilly can receive up to one year's salary if he leaves. three suicide notes have now been found in the prison cell of former new england patriots player aaron hernandez. authorities also say hernandez had a bible verse john 3:16 written on his forehead when he hanged himself in his prison cell yesterday. meantime a battle is under way over his brain. his lawyer says medical examiners are holding it illegally! after they released hernandez's body to a funeral home yesterday. medical examiners aren't commenting on the situation. hernandez's family wants to donate his brain for concussion research. president trump welcomed another world leader to the white house. the prime minister of italy here to discuss trade, terrorism and europe's migrant crisis. he was asked about the growing tensions with north korea. >> we are building our military rapidly. a lot of things have happened over the last short period of time. i have been here for approximately 91 days, we're doing a lot of work. we're in very good position. we're going to see what happens. >> today both china and russia were part of a unanimous u.n. security council resolution condemning north korea's recent attempt to launch a ballistic missile. it demands the communist country conduct no further nuclear tests or face more sanctions. still ahead, an unintended towing on a california freeway. >> coming up a big rig drags this car for miles! the truck driver says he had no idea. >> plus, while you're listening to music, a new lawsuit claims your headphones are spying on you. >> and cash may no longer be king. why more people are charging even the smallest purchases. and some businesses are going credit-only. a driver frantically waves for help... after his car got hooked onto a big rig. hard football. here's the video dragged a-- hard to believe here's the video dragged along the freeway for mile a driver waving for help after his car got hooked on the back of a big rig. this happened in southern california on i-15 in the cajon pass. reporter crystal cruz shows us what it took to finally get the truck driver's attention! >> you're dragging the car! >> reporter: disbelief on the 15 freeway going up the cajon pass. >> look at that! >> reporter: brian shot this video of a truck dragging a car he said for four miles. >> oh, my god! the driver screaming for help saying the truck driver won't stop! other drivers honked to get the driver's attention, one appears to get in front of the truck to stop him. >> why were you driving so far? >> so far? >> the guy's on your -- >> i didn't know it! what do you mean you didn't know it, dude! he's on your truck! >> reporter: the driver of the car is okay. >> that was crystal cruz reporting. chp says it wasn't considered a criminal incident. just an accident. a close call for a police officer from texas who almost got hit by a car by inches. take a look. [ crash ] [ screeching ] >> it happened in abilene last month. but the video was just released today. the officer has someone pulled over when the speeding car hit her cruiser. that sent the driver's car spinning out of control. before the crash, the video shows the driver has plenty of space in the other lanes to make room. no one was hurt. an off-duty police officer involved in an airport security lapse at l.a.x. the feds say she managed to board an international flight with a handgun in her carry on! authorities in an airport in taiwan took a picture. ruger pistol. the officer from santa monica reportedly realized she had the gun during her flight and then told officials in taiwan about it. officer noel grant was planning to continue on to thailand for a vacation but she has been barred from leaving the country since last thursday. not clear if she has been charged with any crime. the tsa says that grant went through the regular screening procedures at l.a.x. and somehow that gun got through. you're listening to music. a new lawsuit claims bose headphones are listening in on you. spying on you! wireless headphones from the bose corporation come with a free bose connect app to enable people to personalize their settings. but the suit claims the company uses the app to track choices of music, podcasts and lectures and then sells that information. the lawsuit says bose is violating customer privacy. so far bose has not responded. tesla recalling thousands of its vehicles because the parking brakes have been getting stuck. some sort of electronic issue they say. it's keeping the brake from releasing. the recall affects about 53,000 model x model s cars. tesla is notifying drivers and they say the fix takes about 45 minutes. for years now cash was king and credit cards were primarily used for big ticket items. but that's all changing. >> from cashless business to minimum transaction fees, consumerwatch reporter julie watts looks at the bottom line. >> reporter: it's only coffee and a donut but megan won't pay with cash. >> i use my card. >> reporter: people are choosing credit over cash for small transactions. whether they swipe, tap or pay by phone a survey says 17% of cardholders use plastic for purchases under $5. up from 11% last year. and bank rate found near 10% of consumers don't carry any cash at all. it's one of the reasons a growing number of restaurants are going cashless and say accepting plastic only speeds up service and creates a safer environment for employees. >> credit cards are a safeway to go. >> reporter: and another person says paying with credit is safer for consumers, too. if you have a problem with a product or service, you have the option to dispute the charge on a credit card and if your card is hacked or stolen you're protected from fraudulent charges. >> whereas with a debit card, if a bad guy gets a hold of it, that can be real money coming out of a real account. >> reporter: it's one of many reasons more people say they are choosing credit over cash. >> it helps me keep track of what i'm buying because i can see in my statement. >> the point to travel adds up. >> reporter: still, some prefer paper to plastic. >> i'm old. cash, i'm used to using cash. >> reporter: the cash contingent points out many retailers require a minimum purchase when using a credit card and studies show people spend twice as much when playing with plastic. still, like it or not, experts sacred card use will continue to rise and so will the number of companies no longer accepting cash. now, we often get questions about the legality of cashless businesses and those minimum credit card purchase requirements. so the 2010 dod 2010 dodd- frank law allows a minimum purchase up to $10 for credit card and federal law allows companies to clues to go cashless if they want unless it's prohibited by state law. so only one state prohibits that. >> sometimes you see places cash only. >> right. >> right. and well, we are seeing more and more cash only businesses. but what would be interesting there is they said but you have to buy at least $10 worth. that would be an interesting business strategy. >> we haven't got any complaints about that. >> a lot of coffee an donuts. >> thank you. a lot of folks would spend cash or credit to get some sunshine a few months ago. but now, it is here. it is a gorgeous evening outside. how long is the dry weather sticking around? which one day will feature highs in the 80s? that's next. >> coming up all new at 6:00 tonight, a bay area man films a violent encounter with deputies in his own bedroom. he says that he was tased and beaten for refusing to stand up. the video that cost a deputy his job. >> but first, the markets closed up today. here's a look at the closing numbers from wall street. ,, feels good. it will be dry the next week. we had plenty this winter. it is in the upper 60s now in most locations including oakland and livermore. san jose 68. santa rosa 68. san francisco currently of 2. dry in all of northern california including the bay area. wonderful night for baseball. the a's on a little bit of a roll. hoping to take another series from the next team in town, which is the seattle mariners. first pitch tonight 7:05. should be clear with temperatures in the low 60s but quickly dropping into the 50s by inning 2 or inni 3. lows tonight: such a simple change. haven't seen it for a while. no low pressure heading toward us. it will be blocked by this ridge of high pressure. a lot of real estate betwe the center of it and the bay area. that will play into our forecast coming up next week. but for the next, oh, let's say 24 to 36 hours just enjoy tomorrow morning. a chilly start. but a sunny afternoon with highs in the 80s away from the water including even places like redwood city hitting 80. saturday a change. as that ridge begins to retreat moving farther away from us that next storm will give us cloud cover but no rain saturday morning. and by saturday afternoon highs will be in the low 70s, which is below average for some of you away from the water. sunshine comes back on sunday but that ocean influence will continue. it's going to be a dry weather pattern but not the warmest we have seen. oakland tomorrow futurecast beautiful day watch the temperatures in the 60s by 10:00 in the morning. you will hit 70 tomorrow oakland. and you're going to stay quite comfortable for the next several days and we will be mainly dry. so the warmest and sunniest day will be tomorrow with those 80s inland. then the ridge begins to move away and the onshore flow will give us some cooler weather, a little cloudier, too, only one day with a chance of rain and it's still that scattered showers chance next tuesday. otherwise we're drying out. t pelley is here w >> we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "hi ken and liz. up next... [take vonumber:550a] attack in paris. a gunman opens fire at the champs-elysees. [take vonumber:550b] a new cbs new poll on marijuana shows voter approval hits an all time high. [take vonumber:550c] bill o'reilly s ouster earns him multi-million doll name:550d] "cbs evening news" is next. scott pelley has a preview. >> up next attack in paris! a gunman opens fire on the champs-elysees. a new cbs news poll on marijuana shows voter approval hits an all-time "high." bill o'reilly's ouster gets him an million-dollar payout and the race to save the fastest animal on the planet. all that coming up in just a few seconds on the "cbs evening news." >> and check this out. company arrow mobile is making it easy to go from the road to the sky. it's here, paul. flying cars. new flying car the wings fold back, whoa, when you want to hit the streets. or you can leave them down and fly around on the street -- no. the price around $1.5 million plus you need a pilot's license in the sky. models start selling this year. >> i like the red button that says launch! >> i'd like to see the car flying. >> that will be next. >> like the jetsons. thanks for watching at 5:00. at 6:00, uc-berkeley flip-flops on free speech. ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: attack in paris. police officers are shot on the crowded champs-elysees. also tonight, could bill o'reilly's firing mark a tipping point in the handling of workplace harassment? >> we are not going to see employees stand for it anymore. employers are going to have to get it together. >> pelley: our cbs news poll shows sky-high support for legal pot, but some fear a crackdown by the federal government. >> reporter: do you think you or other states will go to court and fight this? >> well, we'll certainly explore every option. >> pelley: and the race is on to save the fastest animals on land. >> reporter: so you are cupid for cheetahs. >> yes, i

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Abilene , Texas , United States , Cajon Pass , California , Paris , France General , France , Siskiyou , Oregon , Oakland , San Leandro , Redwood City , China , Santa Monica , Siskiyou County , Russia , Taiwan , San Francisco , Berkeley , Thailand , Tennessee , North Korea , Italy , Americans , French , Aaron Hernandez , Emily Turner , Nicholas Dirks , Scott Pelley , Chris Martinez , Elizabeth Thomas , Melissa Caen , Len Ramirez ,

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