Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20160727

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Democrat says she is fed up. Im leaving the party. I mean, how can you belong to a party that knowingly decided who was going to be their nominee before even one vote was cast . Reporter bill clinton will try to unify the party making the case that his wife is a change maker who deserves the job he held for eight years. The convention will also give the stage to the group mothers of the movement, black mothers who lost their children to police and gun violence. Sabrina fultons teenaged son Trayvon Martin was shot to death by a Neighborhood Watch coordinator in a gated community in florida. She met with clinton several times since then. So we stand with her because she stood with us. Reporter women and families are two issues the dnc is showcasing as it tries to sell clinton as the best choice to lead the country. Just a few minutes ago, the interim chair of the dnc donna brazil just spoke before the crowd here. She promised changes and promised to unite this party. We are told that Hillary Clinton will be watching the speeches tonight from her home in chappaqua, new york. Liz. Don, you mentioned earlier about former president clintons speech tonight. Can you tell us anything else about what he plans to say . Reporter yeah. Certainly he has a big challenge before him tonight. The former president is known for his speeches before the dnc. In cttonight will mark his tenth time addressing a dnc convention. But aides say that his speech will be very personal and that it will detail Hillary Clintons service for the public over decades. So it will be a very interesting speech and people will be listening closely. Don champion, thank you. Bernie sanders got some boos at a breakfast this morning trying to rally the california delegation. Take a listen. What we must do or forever look back in regret is defeat donald trump and elect Hillary Clinton. Boo no boo sanders told supporters that trump is the worst candidate for president in modern history of this country and their job is to defeat trump. Kpix 5 political analyst melissa caen joining us now from philadelphia and melissa, we just heard Bernie Sanders own supporters booing him at the breakfast. Clearly not happy about clinton as the nominee. Reporter thats right. California has been one of the more vocal delegations here at the convention. Looks like thats why sanders chose californians breakfast to attend in the first place to try to make an appeal for them. Clearly did not work. [ chuckling ] in fact, it is difficult when emotions are running so high to keep things together as a delegation. But today, we talked to one woman whose job is that. Peggy moore is the california delegation whip. That means she whips those delegates to make sure they dont interrupt the proceedings. Heres what she had to say. Its its one person at a time. Its actually one of the to celebrate this moment. Its a very important time. And i think the more folks we have doing that it will be okay. Do i have anybody i need to talk to or offer them some love, i have no problem with that. Reporter whatever she is doing may be working. While sanders supporters were vocal early on, by the end, when the final vote for Hillary Clinton was brought in and tallied, they had quieted down. A number of them have left. Tell us about the two friends you talked to they are split when it comes to the candidates. Reporter you know, all we hear about is the divisiveness, the rancor between the clinton supporters and the sanders supporters. I found two friends who knew each other outside of politics, one a sanders supporter, one a clinton supporters. And i asked them, what is their experience like in the convention . [ indiscernible ] [ inaudible ] [ overlapping speakers ] badmouthing [ indiscernible ] energized. I did check back later and the two friends were not sitting together during the proceedings. [ chuckling ] probably not the only ones. Melissa caen thank you. Well talk to you again at 6 00 and hear more reaction on this historic night. Well have much mortgage on the Democratic National convention of course coming up at the bottom of the hour on the cbs evening news with scott pelley in philadelphia. Two raging wildfires are burning out of control in california and one is affecting bay area air quality. In Southern California firefighters are making progress in containing a deadly wildfire in santa clarita. It burned more than 37,000 acres since last friday and about 25 contained. The mandatory evacuations were lifted yesterday and today firefighters were heading out of the neighborhoods and into the hills. The blaze destroyed 18 homes and killed one person. A man was found dead in his car after he had refused to evacuate. Meanwhile, more evacuations are under way in Monterey County. The wildfire has increased almost 20,000 acres. It is just 10 contained. We got word today four firefighters had minor injuries battling the flames. It started friday at Garrapata State Park near big sur. Its already destroyed 20 homes and is threatening 1600 more. Kpix 5s devin fehely shows us the smoke from that fire is now drifting over the south bay. Devin. Reporter theres right. Theres a gentle breeze here overlooking downtown san jose. Thats a good thing because its helping to disperse that thick dirty brown smoke thats traveling from the fire in monterey. The wildfire which grew by several thousand more acres overnight has sent a cloud of smoke and ash traveling north thats now blanketing much of the bay area. And Health Officials are warning the smoke could affect children, elderly and anyone with respiratory problems. People in the sensitive groups stay indoors as much as possible. If they do need to go outside to limit the time outside. And we certainly advise against any kind of strenuous exertion. The winds in the bay area are very complex. Reporter San Jose State University meteorology professor Craig Clement says we are getting the smoke even though the fire itself is traveling away from the bay area. Even though the wind may be one direction moving the fire away from towards the south, the plume itself can be injected into higher layer in the atmosphere and then it just transports from the south to the north which is what happened yesterday and today. Reporter clement said the air quality is marginally better today than yesterday because the wind has started to disperse the smoke. But until its gone, Health Officials say youre better safe than sorry. Anyone who is outside, you know, doing any kind of activity, if they start to feel unwell, if they feel a scratchy throat or burn in their lungs or short of breath, they should go inside. Reporter now, today is the 11th spare the air day here in the bay area. Now, meteorologists say are predicting that by the middle of the week and later certainly later in the week that the wind is expected to shift directions which should largely alleviate any lingering effects of all of this smoke. In san jose, devin fehely, kpix 5. Some parts of the bay area that smoky air coming from the fire is mixing with extreme heat. Kpix 5 chief meteorologist paul deanno with more on the smoke, the heat and the spare the air day. Its worth noting that we would have had a spare the air day today regardless of this smoke. The hot weather and the High Pressure dome over top of the bay area would have been enough, this is just making a bad situation a little worse. The surface winds are pushing the smoke at the lowest levels of the atmosphere away from the bay area but go up 5,000 feet, 15,000 feet, and thats where the smoke is being carried from Monterey County into the south bay and the east bay of those are the two spots getting the smoke and haze right now. Thats why tomorrow will likely be the third consecutive spare the air day with unhealthy air quality in the east bay and south bay. If you are watching us from the beach, forget the heat. Youre in the 60s. But 30 miles away from you, 105 today in pittsburg. 106 in danville. The hottest weather since september. Well talk about how long that lasts coming up. Happening now a new push for Police Reform in oakland. A vote to establish a commission to oversee the Embattled Police department. Kpix 5 reporter Jessica Flores on what the commission would involve. Jessica. Reporter thats right, liz. The city council right now meeting on the matter and basically, the Citizen Commission could potentially discipline officers so supporters of the idea say if this were in place in the past, past misconduct cases would have turned out differently. From the Oakland Police body camera its hard to tell what happened but you can hear the man in custody clearly. I cant breathe i cant breathe ah i cant breathe reporter that man died in police custody. His family got a settlement. The officers stayed on duty. No matter what officers do, they seem to never suffer the consequences for those actions. Reporter the woman with the coalition for Police Accountability says the case is just one of many. She believes it should have turned out differently. She says the proposed Citizens Police station commission, if it were in place to make the final say in Oakland Police misconduct cases, more officers would face discipline. Currently a citizens review board makes recommendations to the city administrator, who then determines whether the officer acted appropriately and what punishment if any they will face. The perception is that the administrator has a conflict of interest. First of all, its a political position because that person reports directly to the mayor. Reporter in the measure before the city council, the proposedded Citizens Police commission would have the authority to impose discipline in Police Misconduct cases. The Oakland Police Officers Association is not objecting to the measure because the union says officers can still fight any Citizens Commission ruling in arbitration. If the City Council Approves the measure tonight, then it goes on to the november ballot. And voters have the final say. In oakland, im Jessica Flores, kpix 5. New at 5 00 a brazen crook on the run. The fbi is calling the dreaded bandit. Coming up, the crimes this man wearing white makeup is accused of committing all over the bay area. Plus, something many of us use every day. Putting us at risk. New way hackers are trying to steal your personal information. And the Makeawish Foundation fulfills a Northern California boys unusual wish. His big day as the garbage man. ,, called dreaded bandit. Take a look. This is vi new at 5 00 the fbi on the trail of the socalled dreaded bandit. This is video of the suspected robber wearing makeup. He often wears wigs sometimes with dredlocks. The man has committed four robberies since april hitting one bank in San Francisco twice. The fbi is offering a 10,000 reward. The man is in his early 30s about 6 feet tall with a slim build. The fbi has set up a 24hour tip hotline. Its on our website, cbssf. Com. The french president and the pope are both condemn an isisinspired terror attack that left a Catholic Priest dead. Two men armed with knives stormed a church in northern france this morning during mass. They slit the throat of the 85 yearold priest and held five people hostage for more than an hour. The attackers were later shot to death by police. Pope francis condemned the attack calling it absurd violence. And that attack comes less than two weeks after the bastille day attack in the city of nice. 84 people were killed when a man driving a truck mowed down crowds during a celebration. France has been under a state of emergency since the paris terror attack back in november. Apple stock is up as the Company Reported higher than expectedder. It jumped 6 even though revenue is down nearly 14 from last year. Iphone sales are down. App sales and apple music up 19 in sales. New at 5 00 a Santa Cruz Company has a warning for wireless keyboard users. A security flaw in millions of devices allows hackers to read what youre typing. Kpix 5 reporter kiet do got a demonstration. Reporter we are now deep into the age of the socalled internet of things. And one local company says its time to wake up. Attacks are coming. We can be sure of it. We cant be sure from where. Reporter Cyber Security company Bastille Networks based in santa cruz has discovered a massive security flaw in low end wireless keyboards. Using an off the shelt usb radio antenna and a laptop with publicly available software, they are intercepting and recording the signal from this wireless keyboard from as far as 250 feet away in a process called key sniffing. Addresses, Social Security numbers, date of birth, anything and everything you type. You dont need a Computer Science degree to figure it out. You can do it if you order it online and down loud our software from the internet, just a couple of lines to type into your console here and that will get you up and running sniffing for vulnerable devices in your space. Reporter affected brands include hp, toshiba, kensington, insignia, radioshack, anchor, General Electric and eagle tech. That represents millions of people in the world, millions. Millions out in the world. The manufacturers make these things and dont check that they have the vulnerabilities. Reporter he notified the manufacturers three months ago. To date only two companies responded and offered a fix. Some people engage it seriously and try to make their product more secure. Others just say, well, its no big deal. Reporter if your manufacturer is not offering a fix, bastille says the only option is a wired or bluetooth keyboard. The company has a list of all the keyboard makers and fixes. We posted a link at cbssf. Com. Google maps now easier to read. Make things less cluttered, so the company did away with everything on the map you dont need like road outlines. Google maps will also include areas of interest like restaurants and bars. The tech giant is also testing a wifionly mode which will useless data. A juvenile female humpback whale washed ashore in San Mateo County and researchers think she had been hit by a boat. Yesterday they found massive fractures to the skull of the 32foot mammal which is listed as an endangered species. This is at Bean Hollow State Beach in pescadero. Scientists also found a cut on the right front fin indicating the whale had somehow got entangled up. New at 5 00 the most unusual makeawish dream came through today for a little boy in sacramento. Forget disneyland. This guy wanted to get behind the wheel of a garbage truck. Reporter macy jenkins went along for his big ride. Reporter its the moment we have all been waiting for. Whoo [ applause ] need a big garbage truck for you. Reporter a wish come true for 6yearold ethan bean. Ready to go for a ride of your life . Yeah. All right. Reporter a daylong journey picking up trash around the city. I like to pick up garbage. I practice at home. Reporter in fact, his parents aaron and pen say its been his passion through all of his medical struggles even with diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis at 8 weeks old. Hi hi definitely is going to give him a vote of confidence and he will remember this for a long time. Reporter along his trash route, ethan met dozens of new friends. I work for the city of sacramento and we wellly want you to be a garbage man for us. Would that the cool . Reporter making stops at the sacramento bee, fire station number 2, and finally the state capital. Youre a sacramento hero, all right . Reporter and after traveling around town and learning all about the business, ethan is pretty comfortable with his new job for the day. Who are you . A garbage man yeah [ applause and cheers ] all right. Half of you were reaching for hot chocolate today because it was only about 62 or 63 degrees outside. The other half of the bay area behind those hills, how about 105, 106 . Got that iced maciat tow. Talk about how long we stay hot inland in triple digits coming up. Coming up all new at 6 00 tonight anyone who bought a new car knows it can take a while to get the plates in the mail. Now a new change to how you drive off the lot in california. Why critics worry it could lead to unfair fines. But first, stops closed mixed today amid earnings reports. ,,,,,,,,,, this is what i love about living in the bay area. If you dont like one temperature, you can travel 30 minutes either way. In the car. Go somewhere else. Get upon bart. Always change it. Go from one end of the bart line at the airport 65 degrees the other end out by pittsburg where it ends about 100. Thats a 40degree about 12, 13 stops. It is crazy that you can pick your temperature. Anything today between 61 and 106 degrees was available to you in the bay area today. Want to show you what a ridge of High Pressure will do to the marine layer. Look at the fog deck. If you like right in the center of the Television Screen or your smartphone, you can see the spires of the Golden Gate Bridge about 746 feet high. The marine layer has been squeezed down, the fog, only about 300 feet off the ground. But its still there and its still keeping you chilly at the water. That said, San Francisco 75 in the financial district. But livermore 104 right now. Concord 102. San jose 91. Santa rosa 95. Not the hottest in livermore this year but since september 8, 2015, the last time we were hotter than 104. Head to at t park if you can score some tickets to cool off, first pitch 7 va, partly cloudy, not that much of a cooling breeze and 64 degrees. 50s in vallejo and oakland but 61 in san jose. 61 in livermore. Warm night for concord, as well. 60 degrees. So whats happening is simple. There are two very strong ridges of High Pressure that will stay relatively close to the bay area for a while. So away from the water, youre going to stay hot. But at the coast, youre not going to be hot because youre still going to have light onshore flows so thats still enough to keep this around. Look at the fog out there. But right along the coastline tomorrow morning, not redwood city, but half moon bay. Not the financial district of San Francisco. But yes, crissy field and ocean beach. And perhaps emeryville, as well. And the fog and low cloud cover will stay right along the coastline throughout the day. Whereas on the other side of the bay area it will be another day up to 104 degrees. This will all end by the weekend. Futurecast says saturday an area of low pressure dropping down from British Columbia enhancing the onshore flow and here comes some cooling air. Mother natures air conditioning saying goodbye to the 100s. Thats not until saturday. Three more hot days to go. Foggy at the coast tonight. Hot inland again tomorrow. Everybody cooling down by the weekend. So livermore back to the triple digits tomorrow. Fairfield 100. San jose, hazy. 89 degrees. Redwood city 89. But San Francisco only 68. And napa tomorrow 87 degrees. Triple digits in our hottest spots through friday. Cooling begins over the weekend. But if you are watching us from the coast, you never got warm. You dont have to worry about a cooldown because youre already right around 60s dr. Thats your forecast. Were back in 2 minutes. ,,,,,,,,, after four more people got sick with ecoli. It covers several varieties of gold medal and signature kitchens flour. Check your cabinets. General mills is expanding a flour recall after four more people got sick with e. Coli. It covers several variety of gold medal and signature kitchens flour produced through february 10. The cdc says flour from a General Mills plant in missouri is the likely source of the e. Coli outbreak thats already sickened 46 people. You may notice something a little different at starbucks in the near future. The chain has just released new guidelines for its employees dress code. They can have colored hair and more colors and styles of clothing. But they will still get your order right. Thats right. Every time. Thats it for kpix 5 news at 5 00. The cbs evening news with scott pelley is next. Captions by caption colorado comments captioncolorado. Com captioning sponsored by cbs pelley the democrats make history. I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the united states. Pelley for the first time they nominate a woman for president of the united states. Also tonight, as bill clinton gets ready to sing her praises, donald trump sounds a sour note. You know her name crooked Hillary Clinton. [dinging] pelley well look at new technology to prevent accidental deaths in the summer heat. When i opened the back door to the vehicle, you know, thats the moment that my life and my familys life changed forever. Pelley and a sisterhood

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