Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20160722 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20160722

was accused of sexual assault but it was his word against the victim's and the charges were dropped. san mateo police didn't know about that when they hired him. the california state law they couldn't look in his personnel records. in san mateo, mike sugerman, kpix 5. ♪[ music ] in about 2.5 hours, donald trump will make his big speech at the republican national convention. other speakers this week have been standing at a silver podium. when trump speaks the podium will be gold. let's take a live look now at the convention. maricopa county arizona sheriff joe arpaio is speaking now. tonight's theme make america one again. evangelist jerry falwell junior just spoke and other headlinesser are silicon valley billionaire peter thiel and donald trump who will be closing out the convention after an introduction from his daughter ivanka. we have team coverage tonight beginning with cbs reporter craig boswell and craig there are still lots of folks talking about ted cruz tonight after last night's diss of donald trump. >> reporter: right. the ted cruz d iss put it on the display and it was especially evident just given that the stated goal for this thing is from the beginning the convention was unity. so donald trump wants and these delegates want donald trump to pull this convention together, they want him to reach out to entire country and put an exclamation point on the convention. he rehearsed for the biggest political speech of his life. >> a lot of press huh? >> reporter: his daughter will introduce him tonight. trump is expected to talk about keeping america safe and his campaign strategy. party leaders and delegates agree, trump's biggest job is to unite the republican party. >> donald trump can pull everybody together who is questioning him tonight by the tone of his speech and how he is going to say it. >> reporter: delegates want to hear details about trump's vision for the country. >> people are serious about how he is going to step up and do all the things that he has promised he is going to do. >> reporter: while it's trump's big night, the hall is buzzing about ted cruz's refusal to endorse trump during his speech last night. the texas senator was booed off the stage. the texas delegation is divided over cruz's performance. [ yelling and simultaneous speakers ] >> we find -- he he could sell us down the river. >> i will never vote for senator ted cruz again. >> reporter: cruz held his ground. >> i'm not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father. >> reporter: trump's family is expected to be here tonight to cheer him on including his wife melania. on that note, the one thing that delegates tend to agree on here is the positive reception of the trump children after all of their speeches. i'm craig boswell, kpix 5. and another moment from last night that people are still buzzing about, an awkward air tiff between trump and mike pence. look at this. of the two meet up for a handshake on stage and trump appears to go in for the kiss on the forehead but gets shut down so he brushes it off with a point at pence another thumbs up and handshake and in a political first, trump is the first candidate to buy a full day of ads on the social network. he reportedly paid in the high six figures for a trending hashtag. there have been at least 2 trump themed hashtags today. one is get your trump gear. another is trump is with you. the gop nominee is no stranger to twitter. he has nearly 10 million followers. and just last week, tweeted his announcement of pence as running mate. kpix 5's political analyst melissa caen joining us from cleveland. melissa, some of the pundits saying the convention is a failure, the melania speech, ted cruz. what's your take on all of that? >> reporter: i think the people in here would totally disagree. they are ready to party tonight. there are a couple of factors at work here. number one, some of the delegates who are very, very much antitrump is left. a spoke with a delegate from the district of columbia which didn't vote for trump and he said that a number of the people who were upset are gone. so the people who are here are very excited to be here. second factor is, these people have been working on campaigns for months with a candidate that some people didn't feel had a chance so tonight is their big vindication. they are ready to party and they are not going to let anything get them down. >> so convention-goers shaking off last night. they are dressing up for the grand finale. paint the picture. >> reporter: that's right. it's very festive in here. people are wearing their sparkliest best outfits, their most patriotic outfits. and really ready to go to those after parties that are going to take place after the balloons drop and trump gives his speech. >> now it's a party. melissa caen thank you very much. we are going to talk to you at 6 crock and go over the significance of -- at 6:00 and go over the significance of silicon valley billionaire peter thiel's speech tonight and much more on the republican national convention coming up at the bottom of the hour on the "cbs evening news with scott pelley" in cleveland. ♪[ music ] a community center on the peninsula is in ruins after a devastating fire and it may be no accident. the millbrae community center on lincoln circle is destroyed and with it, many community events. kpix 5 reporter -- kpix 5 reporter devin fehely is there. >> reporter: all that's left is a burnt-out shell. the inside which is hard to see is gutted. and the fire department is busy trying to figure out how this happened and perhaps more importantly, who is responsible. [ pause ] [ no narration ] >> reporter: the fire painted the night sky orange and red. the flames and smoke so thick, firefighters battling the blaze were reduced to [ indiscernible ] and when daybreak revealed the extent of the damage, all that was left of millbrae's rec center was heartbreak. >> we are going to have a bigger and better community center soon maybe. but at the same time seeing this, you know, i'm just reflecting with some people and you over there how we shared so many memories here. >> reporter: the fire described by investigators as suspicious started in the middle of the night just before 4 a.m. on the back side of the building. >> we think it started from the exterior to the interior which, you know, it's hard to start that naturally so, um, that's why we're focusing that on being suspicious. >> reporter: joan offered a bird's-eye view flames sobriety and hot that firefighters were forced to battle it defensively dousing it with water from the outside but even once it was out, the question likely to come up again is, why would someone burn a building that served a community for generations? >> i don't know why they would set a fire at a rec center to begin with. i mean, they have a bunch of kids and it's a community facility. >> reporter: the damage is up to $2 million. and because of that price tag, they also called in the atf to help them with the investigation. in the millbrae, devin fehely, kpix 5. southwest airlines is struggling to recover from yesterday's huge computer system failure that just about brought the service to a standstill. consumerwatch reporter julie watts at oakland airport which is a southwest hub. >> reporter: the systems are back up and running. so far there are more than 1100 cancellations and thousands more delays. the line behind me here in oakland has died down. most of the folks here dealing with delays not so much cancellations any more. but even if the backlogged is cleared it looks like the folks at southwest have their work cut out from them. >> they canceled our flight when we got there. >> i got a phone call at 2:30 saying our flight was canceled. >> reporter: at the southwest hub in oakland, southwest travelers have been frustrated and stranded. >> there was no hotel available so i stayed at the terminal. >> reporter: today the airline is is working overtime to get these people where they're going and to repair what's become a pr nightmare. >> you have questions for you please don't hesitate to reach out on social media. >> reporter: the southwest social media team featured an apology on twitter has been busy responding to an endless stream of angry tweets, replies that begin with, our apologies, or we understand your frustration. >> i believe sorry doesn't help. it's only a word. >> reporter: the airline blames a quote technology failure in the network and says it's investigating why redundant systems didn't kick in. but route airline outages are not unheard of. american and united have had similar problems. southwest has had multiple problems recently and the travel editor says this is definitely a bad time of year. >> what's really bad about this is that this has happened in the middle of the peak of the peak summer travel season. >> reporter: southwest is in the process of upgrading its technology though it's not clear if old technology or new upgrades are to blame. as required by the department of transportation, the airline is now allowing customers to rebook at no extra charge or get a refund but mcginnis explains if southwest can't get you on another flight and you have to book with someone else, your responsible in the difference in the last-minute fare. >> a last-minute ticket costs more and you know, that is unfortunately what a lot of people are faced with today. >> reporter: now as for additional compensation for delays, plane tickets, hotels, lost wages, they quote fully intend to offer a token of appreciation to affected customers. but they say details will be forthcoming over the next few days, no telling if it will be cash or a voucher although it's not required under the passenger bill of rights. julie watts, kpix 5. >> wise to do something. threats against bay area cops. >> coming up, the new threat made against san francisco police and how the department is reacting. >> 42 years since evel knievel tried to jump over a canyon and almost died doing it. how bay area rocket scientists are recreating the daredevil's famous stunt. >> and the big change coming to mcdonald's french fries all over the bay area. are trying to track down a threat to kill members of the force. a for the second time in a few days san francisco police are trying to track down a threat to kill members of the force. a man called the ingleside station last night said he would pay $15,000 to anyone who kills an officer. police think he made a similar call to the dispatch center early this morning. >> we take everyone very seriously that we receive. and we always are looking out for officer safety. so anyone that does make a threat towards us should know that it is a criminal offense. it is a felony. and it's not something that we take lightly. >> on monday, police arrested a 60-year-old man for making threats on social media against acting chief toney chaplin. as for the new threats, police are still trying to pinpoint where those calls came from. a horrible parking job on the peninsula threw a wrench in the morning commute for the riders. a southbound train hid a car that was abandoned on the tracks in burlingame. there were 170 passengers on the train. none were injured. just last week, another abandoned car was hit by a southbound caltrain in the same area just north of the broadway crossing. 35 passengers were on board that train. none of them was injured. take a look at this. car crashed into a fire hydrant in san francisco sending that huge spray of water into the air. it happened along south van ness avenue near 18th street this morning. water poured under the car into the intersection. no word yet whether the driver had any injuries. the nba is pulling next year's all star game from charlotte. lawmakers overturned a charlotte ordinance that would have allowed transgender people to use public rest courtrooms consistent with their identity. the nba hasn't chosen a new city yet. faulty airbags prompted general motors to issue a recall. 308,000 chevy impalas in the u.s. and canada are affected. the recall covers models from 2009, 2010. gm says there is a problem with the front passenger airbag detection center. two crashes with injuries have been reported. dealers are going to fix the problem but there's no schedule on when those repairs will be made. roger ailes is out as chief executive at fox news. resigned today amid sexual harassment allegations. his 20 year career building the network came down when former anchor gretchen carlson filed a lawsuit earlier this month. she says he forced her out of her position after she rejected his advances. since the lawsuit was filed, at least 6 other women have come forward with similar stories. fox news founder rupert murdoch will step in as acting ceo. mcdonald's now says it's going to offer garlic fries at all bay area locations. the company tested the special fries at four south bay spots. they were big hits prompting a larger rollout that actually started today. should be in all the restaurants by next wednesday. and yes, the garlic that mcdonald's is using is grown in gilroy. better. two bay area rocket scientists and a stuntman about to attempt what seems like the impossible. >> that's right. they want to recreate the famous stunt that nearly killed evel knievel. kpix 5's joe vazquez has details. >> reporter: september 1974 as the world watched, famous stuntman the late evel knievel launched a spectacular jump over the snake river canyon in idaho inside a rocket cycle. but he failed badly! his parachute deployed too early. >> there's been a mistake! he looks like he is going into the canyon. >> reporter: you survived with minor injuries. now 42 years later with the boost from some silicon valley rocket science, a new attempt. >> it's like touching superman's cape. >> reporter: eddie braun has spent 30 years in hollywood doing stunts for movies. he is retiring after this one. >> this is my thank you and good night. it's my graceful homage to the gentleman that inspired me to become a professional stuntman, evil can kneel. -- mr. evel knievel. >> reporter: the son of the original rocket designer is in idaho now. that's where he is preparing a new steam based rocket cycle based on his dad's old blueprint and some new tech advances. >> if i don't make it i won't be here for the sequel. if i don't make it and i live, i will do it again. i have actually three rockets we've built much like a stuntman, i'm prepared for take 2 and take 3. if i'm alive, i'm getting across that canyon. joe vazquez, kpix 5. happening now, a "black lives matter" protest in oakland shut down police headquarters. demonstrators have chained themselves to the door effectively blocking people from accessing the lobby. kpix 5's christin ayers is on the ground at oakland police headquarters. >> reporter: oakland police are guard, the entrance to the oakland police department. earlier today protestors had blockaded the public entrance and were stopping people from being able to enter the building to conduct business. now those protestors have moved on. you can see they are here at the corner of broadway and 7th right outside the oakland police department. they have formed a large group of people with "black lives matter" signs. they are chanting, there are speeches going on. the goal tonight, they tell me, is to bring attention to the police officers association. the unions that support the police departments all over the country as part of the national day of action. they say their goal is also to bring attention nationally to instances of police brutality. it's expected in a few moments here these protestors will actually head downtown. they will, um, be conducting a rally there at city hall. reporting in oakland, christin ayers, kpix 5. let's get you some live pictures now. this is chopper 5 live over oakland. we just heard moments ago about this rally downtown. they have marched to frank ogawa plaza where they are staging that rally. about 500 protestors have been marching through the streets and this is where they are now. frank ogawa plaza in downtown oakland. should anything come of this we'll bring it to you. seven straight days of temperatures running near or below average. it ends soon. we'll talk about a warmup and how long it will last. next. ail. how he u to track down >> coming up all new at 6:00 tonight a stolen boat speeds away but a bay area teenager hot on its trail. how he used his drone to track down thieves. ,,,, ster talking about it all week long. the change is here. low pressure out, higher temperatures in. temperatures going up especially away from the water. they are beginning to climb a little bit away from the water now. 84 in concord. that's beautiful! tomorrow less cloud cover and fog. earlier sunshine for most of us. san jose overnight 55 degrees. vallejo 54. napa 51. pacifica 51 degrees. big weekend for lots of stuff for you and your family to do outside. the blues arts and barbecue festival. all three of those things are good. redwood city saturday not sunday so get there on saturday. sunshine 84 degrees. a beautiful day. a little toasty for the opening weekend of the sonoma county fair. sunshine and warm. 93 in santa rosa this weekend. we are getting warmer and here's the reason why. the low pressure area which has been to our north for the past several days which has been feeding in that onshore flow, the ocean sitting at 56 degrees, the air above it about 57 to 58. that's cold air conditioned air which has been shoved into the bay area. that tap is going to dry up a little bit. a little bit of fog, cloud cover and drizzle tomorrow but not as widespread and not as much and will burn off even at the coast tomorrow afternoon everyone getting beautiful friday afternoon sunshine. the next change will be that ridge getting closer and getting stronger. parking itself right over southern california. it's going to get hot but only hot inland. there will be enough of an onshore flow. we'll see temperatures really rising but only away from the water. so a little bit of fog overnight tonight but less than the past several nights. we get sunnier and warmer tomorrow. we'll approach 100 inland starting saturday and sunday. 90s concord, livermore 91 tomorrow. fairfield 92, 72 oakland, 62 pacifica, 85 san rafael, 83 redwood city. once we get to the mid up toker 90s inland, we'll stay in the mid- to upper 90s for at least six days from saturday all the way through next thursday. but look at the temperatures near the bay. much nicer. 71 degrees. and still the 60s at the beach. more news in two minutes. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for a spot in the rose parade. and it's all for a good cause. the lucy pet foundation is taking the portable wave machine they are gunning for a spot in the rose parade. >> lucy pet foundation is taking the wave machine to communities to have surf contests. they will be at the park tomorrow with dog surfing auditions. they hope the event raises awareness for spaying and neutering dogs and cats. also reduce the number of pets that are euthanized. and for active dogs the contest is a controlled adventure. [ laughter ] >> not like being out in the ocean and having all -- this is pretty controlled. but they do have to like water. and they take to it very fast. >> auditions will be held in chicago, houston, orlando and new york. winners are going to ride a float in the rose parade. >> it's good they have their vests on. >> did you see him? >> he was good. >> yes. >> the winner right there. >> awesome. >> that's it for kpix 5 news at 5:00. the "cbs evening news with scott pelley" live from cleveland is next. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ♪ ♪ >> pelley: claiming the prize. >> i love cleveland. i love ohio. it's great to be here. >> pelley: donald trump is about to accept the republican nomination and deliver the most important speech of his life. also tonight, the power behind the candidate, daughter and confidante ivanka trump. >> reporter: how often do you talk to him? >> often. i'm very close with him. >> pelley: the most frequently mentioned presidential candidate at the republican convention is a democrat. >> hillary rodham clinton. >> pelley: now she's fighting back. and roger ailes is out as head of the fox news. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. reporting tonight from

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New York , United States , Canada , Oakland , California , Texas , Redwood City , Cleveland , Ohio , Stockton , San Francisco , Idaho , Pacifica , Sonoma County , Sacramento , Hollywood , Houston , Chicago , Illinois , America , American , Hillary Rodham Clinton , Roger Ailes , Jerry Falwell , Joe Vazquez , Christin Ayers , Frank Ogawa Plaza , Eddie Braun , Scott Pelley , Toney Chaplin , Craig Boswell , Peter Thiel , Gretchen Carlson , Joe Arpaio , Rupert Murdoch , Ted Cruz , Melissa Caen ,

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