Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20160614 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20160614

>> it does. >> the standoff landed several hours with a gun battle between the shooter and s.w.a.t. team. they had punched halls through a wall and stormed the club. pam bondy visited the scene. >> i have never seen anything like this. >> there is strong indications that mateen was inspired by foreign terrorist organizations. investigators searched mateen's car. >> we are going through the killer's life and his electronics to understand as much as we can about his path and whether there was anyone else involved in directing him and assisting him. >> mateen spoke with the 911 operator three times early yesterday morning after being in a bathroom with hostages. >> my gut is that would be us. >> gladys went to the club latin night and left 30 minutes before the massacre. >> here is my picture. that is me and my husband. that would be my last time. and we left. we left around 1:30. and we are learning more about the shooter, omar mateen and there is information coming out from witnesses that he went to the nightclub dozens of times. he frequented the nightclub in the past and we have new information that he was actually on a gay dating app which is interesting information given the background d the stories he has heard about the gay population. he does not live in this area. he lives 120 miles away in a town of fort pierce florida. and that is where don champion is standing by live in his neighborhood. he has been doing digging around and has new information for us. dawn. >> yes, that's right. good afternoon. much of the afternoon at the mosque that mateen attended behind me. many people maintained that they were just as shocked and disturbed by everyone else by the fact that the man they prayed to so long carried out a massacre. we learned new information about mateen's encounters with the f.b.i. over several years. >> at the islamic center of fort pierce, people that prayed with mateen is horrified. >> i can't believe it is the same that he comes here. >> the board member last saw mateen last friday night. he says there was no indication that 29-year-old was about to carry out a deadly attack. >> another member of the congregation told me off camera that mateen kept to himself and no one saw warning signs. >> mateen told people he wanted a career in law enforcement and worked as a security guard and at his port st. lucie's home, mateen's father was saddened. >> as far as him being a terrorist not aware. >> on the radar. he traveled to saudi arabia in 2012 to attend the hodge. f.b.i. says he was interviewed twice and once in 2013 after co- workers said he made inflammatory remarks about terrorist ties and in 2014 after contact with a terrorist where he was eventually cleared. >> there will be scrutiny as to whether the f.b.i. dug deeply enough. >> law enforcement is looking into whether mateen had any help and are following up over 100 leads. >> now, one complicating factor as authorities tried piecing together mateen's motivations. over the course of several years, he seemed to voice support for several often conflicting islam organizations. it is important to note that white house officials as well as federal investigators say that there is no clear evidence that mateen's attack was directed by isis. juliet. >> reporter: don, thank you. let's go to down orlando and that is where a vigil is taking place right now. hundreds of people gathering in the performance center there. you can see the stage and just a few minutes ago, they listed the names of those killed in this shooting and they had a moment of silence and they will be doing it this evening and lighting candles and giving people a chance to mourn and pray for those that are still in the hospital. and coming up later in the newscast. we will hear more from some of the victims that were inside the nightclub and also there is a bay area connection and coming up, ken and liz. i will tell you more about video that was just released from one of the party goers, the patrons in there just before that shooting. we will send it back to you now. >> juliet, i bet the shock of this is apparent in the city. what has struck you most about the people you have spoken with. >> reporter: you know we cover a lot of events and shootings and that sort of thing. what struck me most is that people aren't mad, they are sad. and so there's a lot of sentiment and people coming together and a lot of healing. i have not heard in all honesty, one negative word or any kind of communication about the shooter, per se. it is more about the community coming together where friends come together and a lively time and happy time and the friends coming together today are gathering and comforting each other. >> let's check in with you later in the newscast. the mass shooting is raising concerns about security at the upcoming pride celebration in san francisco. one of the biggest annual events. >> organizers promise that the show will go on and they are making changes. >> mark kelly is in the castro district. >> reporter: liz, people i talked to in the castro want to see a police presence, stronger than ever at this year's pride parade and with less than two weeks to go until the big parade day, san francisco police are already starting to prepare. >> the massacre in orlando will certainly change the tone of this year's pride parade in san francisco. it has magnified the threat level for the 46th annual parade. >> anytime you have something like this happen, you worry about a copycat. >> we spotted officers patrolling the castro and tony chaplain emphasizes that although there is no specific threat they are not taking chances. >> i would rather err on the side of caution like super bowl 50. >> like somebody 50 local officials will work together and, in fact, they started last weekend. still police say they need the public's help. if you see something, say something. >> often times, somebody knows something in advance and if they will reach out to us and let us know, they least, we can investigate it and stop it until it happens and minimize the damage. >> coming up at six, a former agent and our security analyst explains the high concern for a lone wolf attack. >> there are two local vigils planned for tonight at 6:00 in san jose. people will be gathering at city hall plaza and at 6:30 in walnut creek. vigil in front of 1220 on pine street. president obama and the two people running to be president spoke about the massacre today and when it comes to what the u.s. should do to stop attacks like this, hillary clinton and donald trump could not be more different. kpix anchor allen martin is here with that part of the story. >> let's start with president obama. he is cautioning against politics before policy in response to the orlando massacre and he spoke about the need to address both. terrorism and gun violence. >> we have to counter extremism but we also have to make sure that it is not easy for somebody who decides that they want to harm people in this country to be able to obtain weapons. >> senate democrats are calling on colleagues to immediately pass legislation that would prevent people on terror watch lists from buying firearms or explosives. republicans blocked the bill in december. today donald trump doubled down on his call to band foreign born moslems to enter the u.s. >> the bottom line is that only reason the killer was in america in the first place was because we allowed his family to come here. >> while hillary clinton says the only way to stop lone wolf attacks is through cooperation with americans. >> we should be intensifying contacts in the community and not scapegoating or isolating them. >> hillary clinton wants to stop the lone wolf attacks and she support the bill to prevent terror suspects from buying gun as and lives could have been saved if more people in the nightclub had guns. >> we will check back with julia goodrich for more from the victims. updated remarks are always on oakland's chief is weighing in on the sex scandal rocking his department. we have the exclusive interview with the young woman who claims that some officer she slept with tipped her off about undercover stings. here is how the chief is responding. >> i am concerned. >> reporter: police chief ben fell is referring to the teenager prostitutes say some officers had sex with her and they gave her undercover operation. the 18-year-old that goes by salastquaz showed me text messages from cops and a nickname of superman stay off of east 14 through 42nd, a u c operation meaning undercover prostitution sting. in another text from a different officer, celeste the officer will it be hot in oakland meaning will there be operations in oakland. he said yes, i told you last night or tried to but you were drunk. >> at the time i was happy, wow, these men in uniform, you know. giving me project. >> celeste says the sex began when she was 16. she would be passed around officers from facebook and instagram. >> it goes against the core values of what a police officer is. and these allegations concern us as a profession and me personally because i am working to build bridges with our community. >> to take advantage of a young minor who she should be trying to help is disgusting and sickening. >> she says she slept with 14 oakland officers. the police have investigations with five officers and two have resigned. coming up at six. kpix reporter phil matier's exclusive interview with the acting police chief and what he has to say about stepping in the middle of a sex scandal and the challenges he is facing. live in orlando. we will hear from more victims and newly released video from one of the patrons inside before the shooting. i will have more coming up. >> the warriors are looking to lock down the 2nd nba championship in a row. where draymond green will be watching after being banned from oracle arena. kpix weather brought to you by mancini sleep world. >> tonight we are putting faces to the names of the people killed in the massacre. >> hearing stories of heroism amid the horror. >> reporter: there are bay area connections in the hospital. we learned about star shelton. used to date one of the bouncers at pulse. she was among the victims after waiting all day at the hospital. shelton will go to orlando to honor her former partner and doesn't want to be remembered as just a name on a list. >> i want people to know she is a vibrant individual that brought joy to everyone and wanted to help people and i know that on this tragic night, i know at her last moments she was helping people because she is a fighter. >> reporter: and there are other starters and i will introduce you to other victims, some that have heard from the loved ones and others waiting and another that took a video before the shooting. >> family members gathered in orlando for the heart-wrenching news about their loved ones. luis vasquez lost his nephew. >> he will be in our hearts. we remember the person he was. >> reporter: cecil flores lost his daughter. 34 edward sotomayor believed to text this before he died. angel torres learned their friend brenda mccool died. rodney sumpter, jr. was bleeding from three gunshot wounds. he helped him to reach police. >> the police officer turned to me and said okay this is the deal, you are going to lay down in the back of the cop car and he is going to lay on top of you and i want you to bear hug him and try to keep the pressure on him as you can. >> josh held him all the way to the hospital. where he was rushed into surgery. several of the injured are set to be in grave condition and fighting for their lives. >> reporter: and there are surgeons works around the clock in the trauma center. just a couple of blocks away from the nightclub. they had security guards but not any type of metal detectors or pat-downs. patrons said it was not necessary until now. heart breaking and thank you for the report. scott pelley in orlando with much more on the massacre coming up on the cbs evening news at 5:30. and a big night for dove nation. warriors could win the second straight nba championship this evening. >> but the warriors will have to do it without one of their stars. draymond green. >> reporter mike sugerman is at oracle arena with the fall out from green's suspension. mike. >> reporter: well, kenny as an hour ago draymond green was not allowed in the building that has been his office building for the last couple of years. he's been suspended so we spent most of the day playing the game. where is draymond green? enough for the nba to suspend green for this game. >> it is a little harsh. >> reporter: and everybody has an opinion. >> no, i think the nba are clicking the straws and want to make it game 7. >> there is no dispute that draymond green can't be in arena for the game. he would have to pay $140,000 fine if he is found before or during the game. >> could he have snuck in early and tried to hide under one of the seats. >> i looked around and i didn't see. >> i checked with spotlights. >> draymond green, courtesy telephone. >> i don't know where he is. >> you don't? >> no. >> i think he snuck in here. locked. >> heavy speculation that draymond will be here at the coliseum in one of those suites watching the game on tv and maybe checking out the a's as well. the a's have confirmed that and even offered to let him throw out the first pitch. >> he said he would rather be incognito and that's hard. but the fact is that is his wishes. >> and welcome to the basketball arena. and with luck, he will be part of a championship celebration. so draymond green makes 18 million-dollars a year. i did math and 52 weeks, and five days a week at $62,000 a day. so he could go into that game and get fined two days salary but he decided he is going to the a's game and there is a tunnel which i didn't know underneath the coliseum that goes to the arena and he will go there if the warriors win. in oakland mike sugerman. kpix 5. pretty strong breeze in oakland. chilly and coming up, how chilly do we get in the seven- day forecast because man that onshore flow will get stronger and stronger. a live look at san jose. i will have your 7 day coming up. well brisk around the bay, temperatures being held down by a strong flow. golden gate no fog but it is breezy. only 61 in san francisco. 71 in livermore. san jose 72, the warm spot is santa rosa 72 and concord 75. the winds 22 miles per hour in pleasanton and redwood industry 71 and fairfield is whipping, a sustained wind at 30 miles per hour. chilly in the north bay. upper 40s and concord no kids at the bus stop, school is out. 53 and san jose 54 and san francisco 54. we had a moderate to strong onshore today and tomorrow will be stronger. more of that ocean influence. breezes will be stronger tomorrow, temperatures will be held down once again and brisk and a little bit of june gloom and windy in the afternoon and temperatures get nowhere close to 70s near the bay. you know what gets close wednesday and thursday, rainfall. a couple of showers are possible for the north bay and a big strong area of low pressure sitting off of the northwest coastline that will feed in a strong flow. temperatures hit the bottom on wednesday as the onshore flow hits its maximum. things will change and the low will move out and under the influence of a huge ridge of high pressure. what it means for us, warmer weather. phoenix, arizona because of the ridge pushing its all time prosecutor high. the all-time record for the city is 122 degrees and the forecast is 120 for phoenix. coming up. on sunday and monday. a dry heat and that is hot. breezy and low cloud cover and drizzle because of the onshore flow. chilly and windy and after we get through wednesday we will see warming. most of the bay below average. livermore 70 and oakland 68 and napa 79 degrees. we bottom out wednesday. cloudy and north bay showers possible. and then the sunshine returns and the warmest weather for the next several days will be over the weekend. we will be in the 80s on sunday inland and 70s near the bay. it is your forecast and we will be right back. i'm veronica cruz. new at 6 tonight. an exclusive sit-down with oakland's new interim police chief. phil matier asks about taking on a department tangled in a sex scandal. >> how widespread do you feel it is at this point? >> what he says about shocking new claims that officers protected a teen prostitute for sex. it is the homeless solution that no one seems to want on their doorstep. the show-down over san jose's claim to house dozens of homeless in one place. plus julia has new accounts from survivors that escaped a night of terror. we are working more on those stories. and that's it for kpix at 5:00. the cbs evening news with scott pelley is next. allen and veronica. we will see you back here and the latest updates on >> i that the shooter was inspired by various extremist information that was disseminated over the internet. >> pelley: and the marine corps veteran hailed as a hero. >> i wish i could have saved more, to be honest. there are a lot of people that are dead.

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Florida , United States , Saudi Arabia , Arizona , Phoenix , Islamic Center , Orlando , Fort Pierce , San Francisco , California , Americans , America , Angel Torres , Cecil Flores , Allen Martin , Oakland Mike , Luis Vasquez , Brenda Mccool , Veronica Cruz , Edward Sotomayor , Hall Plaza , Omar Mateen , Scott Pelley , Pam Bondy , Julia Goodrich , Rodney Sumpter Jr , Hillary Clinton ,

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