Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20160226 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20160226

with the alameda county jail seeking to have the jail notify i.c.e. pride to mr. pedraza's re-- prior to mr. pedraza's release so the agency can take him into custody. he will be arraigned at 2 p.m. kiet do, kpix 5. some major changes to immigration policy sparked in part by a high-profile bay area murder case. attorney general loretta lynch announced yesterday that in sanctuary cities like san francisco, i.c.e. will now detain illegal immigrants with pending cases. an illegal immigrant is accused of killing kate steinle on pier last summer. he was deported five times of and let go by the sheriff's department. the new sheriff said last month she wanted to see the city's sanctuary policy revised. >> i still have not decided what that would be. and my changes have to do with limited notification. very limited. and i'm not sure how that's going to work out yet. >> attorney lynch's testimony also included stopping the flow of federal granted money that would normally support community policing efforts in sanctuary cities. new details this morning about a double homicide in the north bay. police just arrested charles welch. he is accused of shooting two men to death killed on february 7 in marin city. welch was arrested on a domestic abuse allegation but police believe he was involved in the murders. police say that shooting happened shortly after a fight broke out on cole drive. the two victims were related by marriage. welch does have a history of domestic violence. police say witnesses linked him to the murder. a court hearing today for the woman accused of going on an anti-muslim tirade at a bay area park. >> the people you tortured are going to be in heaven. you are very deceived by satan! >> the muslim man on the receiving end of that rant said denise slater also threw coffee at him. slater a corrections department employee pleaded not guilty earlier last month to misdemeanor charges. attention all surfers and swimmers. watch out! big waves are pounding the california coastline. a surf advisory is in effect through saturday afternoon. four people swept into the ocean at redondo beach this week, one of them died. so as roberta always says, never turn your back on an angry ocean. right? >> it's true. when we saw the surf increasing in hawaii and they had the eddie contest we knew it was coming this way. we have had a high surf advisory three times in the past 10 days including today and tomorrow. i checked the buoy off pacific feet swells up to 14 feet. we have some strong rip currents certainly possible all associated with that right there. area of low pressure producing light rain off the coast. if we see anything at all today, it's only about a trace generally less than .05" rain. temperatures mild out the door 40s and 50s. later today around the mountain view area and the santa clara valley. 67 in concord. 67 also in the oakland area. i'm going to provide the complete weekend forecast that's coming up at 18 minutes after the hours. but first here's gianna. north 101 at montague expressway accident on the right shoulder. chp and emergency crews on scene, there are injuries record. slight delays approaching the scene. theron no delays along 101, guadalupe parkway or 85 right now. later on though downtown san jose will be busy. the sharks are at the tank taking on buffalo so expect some busy conditions interest but your drive times for now look good. 11 minutes for 101, 280/680 to highway 237. so far we are seeing the usual stuff as you head out of westbound 580 out of tracy. eases up at the top of the altamont pass. no delays towards the dublin interchange. making the connector to 680 no problem traffic light both directions of 680. that earlier roadwork near alcosta and rudgear road have now been cleared. and bay bridge so far, so good "friday light" out of oakland into san francisco. we check marin county commute coming up. the deadline for some homeless people to leave a "tent city" in san francisco passed just a few minutes ago. police said they would remove anybody still in the area after 5:00 this morning. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward is live on division street. jackie, still have some holdouts out there. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely, anne. i'm standing near the division street homeless encampment that mayor lee has been focusing on recently. people are still here. they are waiting for whatever action the city plans on taking to remove them and all their belongings. mayor lee gave a warning earlier this week that the people who live here, be out by friday morning or the city will clean up without your help. that deadline is up but homeless advocates say there's nowhere for them to go. the coalition of homelessness is calling this inhumane and people here say they have been through similar clean-up efforts before. >> i understand his decision and i understand that yeah, we make a mess and we make trash. but, uhm, it's not illegal to be homeless, is it? or is it? >> even if pier 80 wasn't full like the city says it is, a lot of people here say they wouldn't go. they say it's not a good situation. one man even said it was like an internment camp. we are waiting for things to happen within the next two hours. if not in the next two minutes. we'll bring you an update the next half-hour. jackie ward, kpix 5. a heated debate last night between the gop candidates for president in texas. marco rubio and ted cruz taking turns attacking the front- runner in the middle, donald trump. many on social media say this was the most aggressive they have seen rubio. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> that's the only part of the play just the lines? >> you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> now he is repeating himself. >> no, i'm not repeating. >> it was quite a night. also on the stage, dr. ben carson and the governor of ohio, john kasich. both vow to stay in the race for the long run despite having an uphill battle to match trump for delegates. san jose's convention center will be bursting with democrats over the weekend. the california democrat state convention that will kick off today. retiring senator barbara boxer is a key speaker there. plenty of traffic is expected with 3,000 attendees all aheading to that convention. after a brief one day stay, the largest container ship in the u.s. will leave the port of oakland this morning. the benjamin franklin is more than 1300 feet long. it's huge. this is its second visit to oakland. the ship's next stop is seattle. time now 5:07. her name is juliette and she spends her days making people's dreams come true. >> aw. >> by posing as a unicorn in photo shoots but juliette had different plans this week. she led chp on an hour's long pursuit. the magical story coming up next. >> good morning, everybody, from the oakland a's. i want you to look at something. sprinklers are on. they are getting this field ready for the first full-squad workout for the green and gold. >> wow. sprinklers are on. we don't know what that's all about here in the bay area with our drought that will continue. we're in search of rain. we'll track an incoming system together. >> and it's friday on the freeways. "friday light" looking good. we're in the green. i'll have details on your drive times coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, how to put your foot lin your mouth.: man, wish my yard looked like yours. hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the... sorry. now get 20% off sta-greenĀ® fertilizer, at lowe's. good morning. time check 5:11 on this friday. yes, we made it! this is the scene looking out towards levi's stadium in the santa clara valley where currently the air temperatures in the upper 40s. we do have partly cloudy skies. a shooting in kansas, three people killed, 14 injured, shot by a man who opened fire inside a lawnmower products plant. police say 38-year-old cedric ford went on a shooting rampage. a victim describes what he saw. >> people were running and saying, somebody was shooting. next thing you know, i turn and he started running. >> the local wichita affiliate reports he had an extensive criminal record. five of the shooting victims in the hospital were in critical condition. late last night, the u.s. did a test run of an unarmed nuclear missile taking off from vandenberg. it soared over the pacific into a test range 2500 miles southwest of hawaii. now, this test comes amid growing concern about north korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons capable of reaching u.s. soil. >> a group of scientists says the recent natural gas leaks in l.a. county is the largest known release of methane in u.s. history. the incident at southern california gas company facility lasted about 4 months. methane is a potent greenhouse grass linked to climate change. in baseball, the calendar may say february but it's indeed springtime down in arizona. >> vern glenn reports on the a's returning to their winning ways. >> reporter: it's a good morning from mesa, arizona where the 2016 edition of the oakland a's will hold their first full-squad workout later on. after making the play-offs for three straight seasons, the a's lost 94 games in 2015. the worst season since 1997. but without side expectations lowered, the team is just fine sneaking up on the division this season. >> a lot of people don't want to come play us. we forever feel like we're out of a game or there's not a -- we never feel like we're out of a game and there's not a game we can't win. we just move forward. >> we are setting our expectations too low. 80, 95, maybe that's unrealistic or too low. we are going to play hard every day and hopefully end up with more wins than anybody else in our division and hopefully make it to the post-season and make a run to the world series. >> according to vegas, the as' odds to win the world series, 10:1. 100:1! >> vern glenn. >> let's check traffic this morning. it's "friday light" on the roads a lot of good introduce to deliver especially out of marin county this morning. here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. look at that very quiet. things are easy as you head from 580 southbound 101. >> traffic is free-flowing in both directions near candlestick. conditions in the south bay, we had an earlier accident northbound 101 around month due. that cleared out quickly. you can see a lot of green on the screen. nice screens northbound 101, 64 miles per hour in some spots, 65 in others. later on though near downtown san jose sharks at the tank. . san mateo bridge, things are very quiet here, as well. out of hayward into foster city, it will only take you 13 minutes to work your way across the span. no delay at the nimitz. stop-and-go out of tracy typical for the morning drive. better at the top of the altamont pass towards 680. let's check the forecast. gianna, what time is it? >> is it weather watcher time? >> yes, it is! >> all right! >> this is my time and my opportunity to check in with my bffs otherwise known as my weather watcher and it looks like everybody is reporting numbers in the 40s and 50s. let's check that right there. 45 degrees so says dave and his pal yeager and let's see what he has to say. tgif. thanks for the report. over here 51 degrees. that would be steve in los altos. steve says he sees some thin stratus over the moon this morning. and that's the case. we have some partly cloudy conditions. these clouds are all running in advance of an area of low pressure well to the north of the bay area. can't see it right there due to -- it's dark outside. we have numbers in the 40s and 50s. any kind of precipitation we see today will be generally less than .05" of rain so no need for an umbrella but carry it if you want. we have rain returning on sunday evening. this is our futurecast. and we could see that next week it starts to get stormier. we have several areas of low pressure way out over the pacific so we are hoping it breaks through the dry air mass and breaks down that ridge of high pressure. but that will be to the tail end of next week. meanwhile, precipitation is north of the bay area. the evening commute some light rain showers over the inverness area. less than .05" of rain. barely a trace in san jose. low 70s sacramento, merced, davis. 77 fresno. 50 in the greater lake tahoe area. speaking of tahoe, this is your snow report. frank's favorite run of the day is -- >> olympic lady. >> olympic lady! i'm just saying take the express all the way to the top of the mountain. and enjoy mount lincoln at sugar bowl. chance of snow showers by sunday. we have that light rain possible this afternoon. otherwise our temperatures pretty much coming down out of the 70s. 71 degrees in gilroy and in antioch. low 70s also for the outside number on saturday. we're going to have more sun on saturday than sunday. increasing cloud cover leading to that potential of rain showers on sunday. otherwise we begin to cloud up on thursday and that's when we lead into the stormier weather pattern hopefully by next week. i'm still hoping. >> it's been a while. >> a miracle march. >> we're going to need it. >> we have been blessed with presentful rainfall so far this season not as much as we would hope for but we have had plentiful rainfall. we never thought it would bring us out of the drought but everything helps. >> thank you. it is a big weekend for the hollywood elite. final preps are under way for this weekend's academy awards showdown in l.a. the red carpet has already been rolled out at the dolby theater and this year, everybody is going home a winner sort of. this year's oscars swag bag will reportedly be worth a record $200,000. i never quite understand this because aren't these people already rich? they are. according to the daily beast they will get a 10-day first class trip to israel worth $55,000, a year of unlimited audi car rentals, and three private training sessions with a celebrity wellness expert. and a lot more. >> the rich get richer and maybe a statue, too. full house fans the wait is over. the reboot of the show set in san francisco is now finally streaming on netflix. it's officially launched at midnight. 13 episodes season of fuller house stars the original cast members minus the twins who are grown up and doing other things apparently. >> i'm going to have to check it out. >> cool. one california pony makes her living looking like a unicorn but this week she got fed up with the fancy life and ran away. >> i was afraid and then, uhm, we had to catch her in the dark. >> that was 5-year-old tatum. the owner of the pony named juliette. she ran away wednesday and people saw her roaming on madero rancho. they are surprised to see a mystical creature on a manmade road. the chp spent hours trying to round her up. >> the call came out that the unicorn was in custody. and i think as tense as the situation was, that that was the comedic relief that was needed at the time and i laughed and i cried. and i thanked god. >> and young tatum obviously relieved to see her favorite pet again but she said juliette would be getting a time-out for being a bad pony. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, what colin kaepernick's agent said that caught 49ers off guard yesterday and a setback for the giants pitching staff. who is out and for how long. straight ahead. ,,,,,,,, ( melodic, calm music ) hi, this is jennifer. i will be out of the office until monday and won't be checking voicemail during this time. i'll reply just as soon as i get back to work. sail with princess cruises, the number one cruise line in alaska. sail to alaska from san francisco. 10-day fares from just $1099. call your travel consultant or visit good. the warriors were in orlando taking on the magic. but the real wand waving is being done by the guy that names number 30. the introduction was the hardest he had to run all night. with this three coming up he set an nba record for the 128 straight games with a three- pointer but the magic had a potion of their own. 3rd quarter the steal and san jose native aaron gordon. elevation sensation! just like that, this game is tied. but let's get back to captain fantastic. end of the 3rd quarter, this is from midcourt and, of course, warriors win 130-114. curry 51, 10 three-pointers his third 50 point game of the season. first warriors to do that since rick barry over 40 years ago. matt cain was back in san francisco yesterday to have surgery to remove a cyst in his elbow. it's the same elbow that he had surgery on to remove bone chips in august of 2014. cain is expected to resume pitching in 10 days. colin kaepernick's agents have requested a trade from the 49ers. the news came just hours after coach chip kelly met with the media saying that kaepernick wanted to be a 49er. and then one day after gm trent baalke said he expected kaepernick to be on the team. what do you read into this? it's hard to believe that kaepernick, who will now be on that opening day roster, come september. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. play of the day, golden state at orlando. we saw it once but steph curry's shot worth another look. he only gets 3.......but w'l bonus that up with play of e day accolades. stef had 51. it's 5: new v the guy is untouchable. we'll give him a bonus because it is the play of the day. on a friday. steph with 51. it is 5:25. new video of a couple of crooks on a crime spree. now police hope you can help track them down. >> reporter: and i'm kiet do. we're live in hayward where a murder suspect is being arraigned in court today. it turns out this guy is in the country illegally. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, being investigated as a hate crime. we'll talk to them. a local family afraid to go out after a shocking incident being investigated as a hate crime. we'll talk to the family. >> reporter: mayor lee's deadline is up. homeless people still at the division street encampment. the clean-up starts this morning. >> from the kpix 5 weather center, good morning, everyone. it's fired up. it's live. it's live hi-def doppler radar live in search of rain. >> more cars at the bay bridge plus the new accident along 101. details coming up. >> good morning. it's friday, february 26. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm anne makovec. an arraignment for the man accused of killing stacey aguilar. kiet do with why this case is putting immigration policy in the spotlight. >> reporter: federal agents are very interested in this case. they don't want this man back on the streets released there accidentally. they have confirmed that the accused killer is in the country illegally. his name is esmid pedraza. he will be arraigned on murder charges this afternoon. he was arrested two days ago in connection with the disappearance and murder of stacey aguilar 23 years old and from san jose. aguilar was last seen the night of february 13 leaving a very rowdy party in hayward with her boyfriend. shortly after, her family reported her missing. then her body was found riddled with bullets five days later in a remote area of fremont. u.s. immigration and customs enforcemen says: >> reporter: pedraza will be arraigned at 2 p.m. here at the hayward hall of justice. live in hayward, kiet do, kpix 5. major changes in immigration policy sparked by a high-profile bay area murder case. attorney general loretta lynch announced yesterday that in sanctuary cities like san francisco, i.c.e. will now detain undocumented immigrants with pending criminal cases. one of those is accused of killing kate steinle on pier 14 last summer. that suspect was deported five times and let go by the sheriff's department. attorney lynch's testimony also included stopping the flow of federal grant money that would normally support community policing efforts in sanctuary cities. a suspected hate crime under investigation in el cerrito this morning. greg gregory's family lived in the same neighborhood for about 50 years. someone tried to set their car on fire. just after the fire was spotted, gregory and his wife found a sign in the yard scrawled with the "n" word. they say they have got a lot of questions but have no intentions of moving. >> i was wondering why somebody had to kill my family. >> you have to stay put and do what you can to protect your home and your family. >> that couple has a newborn baby. they are grateful the fire wasn't worse. police are looking for leads in the case. new video of two suspects breaking into fremont businesses and leaving shattered glass behind. the owner of mission pizza caught them on camera stealing a change machine from his restaurant. in just 45 seconds. the men used the same getaway car when they robbed a chevron station 15 minutes later. the same night they broke into a nail spa but no money in the register. >> i feel that the area is not safe as before. >> so scary. >> police hope the footage will help catch the thieves. the getaway car is a 1990s lexus sedan. today is the day that san francisco police are take down the "tent city" on division street. today's the deadline for everyone to clear out. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward joins us live near "tent city" in the city and jackie, have they begun evacuations there? >> reporter: not where i am now so i'm by the division street homeless encampment but as you can see, people are still here this morning. the only thing we have seen as far as activity goes is one police unit drove through. didn't stop or anything like that. people are waiting for whatever happens. mayor lee did give a warning earlier this week to people who live here. be out by friday morning or the city will remove you. that deadline is up this morning. but the homeless advocates say there's nowhere for these people to go. the coalition of homelessness is calling these sweeps inhumane but that's how the homeless describe pier 80 leaving them with no option. >> it's a madhouse down there. i won't say internment camp. it doesn't look like anything i want to be part of, you know. >> reporter: even if it wasn't full like the city says it is a lot of people say they went go to pier 80 that he it's not a good situation and they have a really good "community" here the division street "tent city." we'll keep you updated. from soma, jackie ward, kpix 5. thank you for that. it's friday. and we have a whisper of rain i guess in our forecast. >> that is so well said. >> thank you. >> well, thank you! [ laughter ] >> glad to be here. >> i think i'll use that numerous times today on kcbs radio. you have to find -- >> he is a weather nerd. >> he loves his weather. >> so that's just perfectly well said. a whisper of rain in the forecast today. good morning, everybody. this is our live hi-def doppler radar. we'll get to that momentarily but i almost forgot. this incoming area of low pressure, strong rip currents a possibility. it hasn't been very often i have been able to use this so i was anxious. this is our hi-def doppler radar pointed in that direction light rain off the northwest coast now but that's about it. any kind rain you see today will be very anemic. less than .05" of rain is forecast today. 40s and 50s. it's a really mild start out the door. 55 degrees in san francisco going up to highs today under 70 everywhere for the first time this week. it will be 70 in mountain view. i tell you what we're going to do. we'll track this incoming system together and show you when you can expect those raindrops but first right now let's send it over to gianna. >> thanks, roberta. we are going to head to the peninsula right now. we have reports of an accident south 101 at ralston. apparently a vehicle may have hid a pole over to the right shoulder. possible injuries. we are not seeing delays on the main line of the roads but again you will see some activity off to the right side. checking our drive times now northbound that's the commute direction. so far fairly quiet 19 minutes, 92 to the 80 split to take 101 this morning. let's take a look as you head toward the bay bridge. westbound 580 at 24 nice in both directions. in fact, eastshore freeway approach to the bay bridge not seeing any delays there either fairly quiet. metering lights were turned on but not too bad. we are backed up just beyond the 880 overpass. it's overall "friday light" through oakland into san francisco. looking at the nimitz freeway both directions off to a good start no delays northbound. southbound okay from this point down into hayward. anne. >> uc-berkeley police are investigating after several female students report being drugged at frat houses. police say they received a report that two young women may have been drugged at the chi phi fraternity last friday and two female students may also have been drugged at the pi gamma delta or fiji frat. police are trying to find this man a possible suspect in at least three sexual assaults in berkeley over the past couple of weeks. the first reported case was february 11 near people's park. the victims are all college aged asian women. in santa clara, police are looking for a home intruder who is also accused of sexual assault. they just released a sketch here of that suspect. police say he broke into at least two apartments near lick mill boulevard and hope drive. in one case, a tenant says the man sexually assaulted her inside. the most recent break-in was last saturday. a heated debate last night between the gop candidates for president in texas t marco rubio and ted cruz took turns attacking the front-runner donald trump. many on social media said this was the most aggressive they have seen rubio. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> that's the only part of the plan? just the lines? >> no, no. nice part -- you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> now he is repeating himself. >> i'm not. >> now also on the stage dr. ben carson and governor john kasich. both vow to stay in the race for the long run despite having an uphill battle to match trump for delegates. the strategy of the night seems to be zero in on trump. our kpix 5 political analyst melissa caen says rubio did that. >> reporter: trump did not seem to be ready for what rubio brought tonight. a lot of people are asking, why wait until the tenth debate? yes, this is the tenth one we have had. why wait until now to show up? and really bring it to donald trump? that's a question that rubio's campaign will have to answer. >> on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders making a last-minute pitch to minority voters ahead of saturday's primary in south carolina. on to business now, a san francisco-based retailer is facing falling profits. jill wagner of on just how much gap is struggling. jill. >> reporter: good morning, the dow to start with jumped 212 points yesterday. nasdaq was up 39. looking at the big board now, futures are pointing to a higher open. finance leaders from around the world are converging in china to agree to a stimulus program to stop a global slowdown. even oprah may not be enough to boost business at weight watchers. subscribers fell 5% in the last quarter. gap shares also dropped in after-hours trading. the san francisco-based clothing chain said profits fell 33% in the last quarter. the new ceo says gap is going to refocus on denim. >> the car sharing service zipcars making changes in response to customer complaints. drivers will no longer have to return cars to the same location where they picked them up. they can also make one way trips and extend reservations indefinitely. kind of a game changer i think. >> oh, that's really cool. gives you so many more options. >> they're all over san francisco. okay, jill. talking about cars, automakers have been replacing factory workers with machines for years to save money but we hear one automaker is about to buck that trend. tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah. mercedes-benz is replacing machines with humans. it turns out robots can't keep up with all the custom options that mercedes offers. for example, in its s class sedans, there are four types of tire caps even a choice for cup holders. mercedes says the varieties is too much for the machines. frank and michelle? >> oh, anne. >> close enough. >> jill wagner of >> sorry! i knew you didn't sound like michelle. sorry about that, anne. >> michelle is sleeping in today on a friday, smart girl. >> thank you. >> 5:41. a local clothing store raided by fish & wildlife officials. what they removed and why the owner says they had no right to do so. >> and taking a leave look at 880 in oakland. traffic moving pretty smoothly this morning. butit's only 20 to 6:00. gianna will have the traffic coming up after the break. behold the power of protein in birds eye protok. blends. they're delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains.. ...and veggies! mmm good. my work here is dooooone! bird's eye protein blends. good morning. it's 5:43 on this friday. looking at the skyline of san francisco, we have increasing cloud cover and raindrops in the forecast and we're talking weekend weather. that's all coming up in just four minutes. a san francisco store owner is crying foul after her business was raided by the california department of fish & wildlife. cicily ann hanson owns this vintage store on haight street. she says agents took $20,000 worth of goods from her business. they say hanson had illegal animal parts and clothing in her store. >> no warning, nothing, they showed up and took over. they are treating me like a criminal and there was no malicious intent here. >> anson says a lot of those items they took weren't for sale. they were part of her own collection. three people are injured after a frightening car crash in san francisco on fulton near 46th avenue yesterday afternoon. police say a car hit a person on a sidewalk and then sideswiped the wall of a home before finally hitting a pole. maria and her baby were inside the home. >> she was on the couch right there the one that was pushed out by the collision. and i was sitting here at the laptop and we hud a huge boom. >> the fire department -- heard a huge boom. >> the fire department says the pedestrian had a broken leg and the driver's passenger had minor injuries. apple is escalating its security standoff with the feds. the company has asked a judge to lift the court order forcing it to hack into the san bernardino shooter's phone. apple says that if their engineers write the code terrorists would view it as a major prize and they say first amendment rights are at stake. the fbi director admits this is a tough case. >> i'm a huge fan of privacy. i love encryption. it's a great thing. but our need for public safety and our need for privacy are crashing into each other and we have to sort that out. >> google and facebook are expected to file legal papers supporting apple's stance with the feds. several bay area politicians also siding with apple, congressman mike honda, congresswoman lofgren and nancy pelosi support apple's view on security and backing the fbi is senator dianne feinstein a member of the intelligence committee. >> that has a lot of people talking. a couple of accidents not causing too many problems. it gets busy anyway north 101 through san jose. fills in around 280/680 around this time. we have an accident not too far from there so we are adding to maybe a little slower ride north 101 at oakland. but it's over to the right shoulder. that shouldn't cause too many problems. drive times are going up. 13 minutes 280/680 to 237. south 101 at ralston a rick on the shoulder. vehicle hit a pole off to the side. possible injuries. you can see the main lines of 101 though not causing any slow- and-go conditions there so northbound 101 and south 101 clear through the peninsula. drive times on 101, 92 to the 280 split, easy drive. no delays now out of half moon bay heading into san mateo on the eastbound side of 92. delays are at the bay bridge of course. metering lights are on 20 minutes now carquinez bridge to the maze. traffic backed up to west grand at least by this point. our approaches to the bay bridge doing okay. west 580 no delays yet. once you cross the span at fremont, traffic good exiting into san francisco. extra volume but still moving at the limit. no troubles on the nimitz freeway. northbound nice near the coliseum. southbound looks good so far. some slight delays a little slower speeds southbound 880 just past 238 to hayward. but overall traffic is light. and cutting across the san mateo bridge, so far things are moving okay from hayward into foster city. our weather seems to be okay today but we might have some rain, roberta. >> we will have some rain, gianna. but in the form of some very light rain. and just a few raindrops. in fact, i heard you had weekend plans. >> i do. >> baking! i'm expecting some really good stuff on monday! [ laughter ] >> now you have to! good morning. increasing clouds over the bay right now. boy, look at the waters very calm. temperatures in the 40s and 50s. this is our live hi-def doppler radar. we have it fired up in search of any kind of precipitation in the microclimates. not seeing anything but right there a little light green on the screen indicating that is the leading edge of the frontal boundary that promises to bring us at least a few raindrops. here's what you need to know. areas of patchy fog as you step out. a mild start to your day. increasing clouds throughout the day as well as. dry on friday, chance of rain again on sunday evening. this area of low pressure is causing the jet stream to sag further to the south as we're knocking down that ridge of high pressure. we are looking into the future and forecasting the possibility of rain returning by thursday, friday of next week but until then, futurecast you can play along at home take a look at the clock that's 7:00 in the evening hours. here you have inverness with some light rain showers. but notice as that front sags to the south, it just disintegrates and falls apart at the seams. saturday clear skies. here comes your sunday. and, in fact, it's the same repeat performance. area of low pressure, and it falls apart. low to mid 70s throughout the central valley today. 50 springtime skiing and boarding at its best in the high sierra. today 60s few low 70s. yesterday it was 78 degrees in gilroy. so a cooler day today a bit of a breeze late day onshore west 10 to 20. here's your extended forecast. chance of rain end of next week. a high surf advisory today swells up to 14 feet. the eddie pro surf competition returned to hawaii for the first time in more than five years. the world's best surfers facing waves up to 50 feet. top prize winner was also the youngest contestant 23-year-old john-john florence from hawaii was the competition's top performer. tournament is held to commemorate hawaiian lifeguard eddie who died during a rescue mission in 1978. >> that competition is so cool because people can actually stand on the shore to watch it. >> unlike mavericks where you can't. but still crazy. it is 5:50 on a friday. you better get it while it's cheap! gas prices could soon be going up as much as 30 cents a gallon. we'll tell you why when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, water wasters contains more familiar names. look at your tv screen. we have a high surf advisory in place today through saturday. this is important to know. we don't want you to have your back at an angry ocean. some of these waves lapping onshore up to 14 feet and we have your complete forecast in just a matter of minutes. we have an accident south bay in the middle of one of our hot spots now north 101 south of oakland. 13th road. we have a two-car crash over to the right shoulder. give yourself some extra time. 5:54 on this friday. east bay m.u.d.'s latest list of water wasters contains more familiar names including the founder of "24 hour fitness," more than 5700 gallons a day he was using. also steven burd former executive for safeway and developer kent bearing. this was the big cycle ending -- billing cycle ending in december or january. a sonoma county school had a lead level scare. there were excessive levels of lead in drinking fountains. kids were given bottled water but new test results released yesterday so that lead levels are low. still, the principal says as a precaution, the drinking fountains will stay dry until the school's plumbing is fixed this summer. better enjoy the low gas prices. we could see a spike in a matter of days because refineries are about to switch from a winter blend to a summer blend which costs more. one expert said gas prices will likely spike ten to 15 cents by the end of the month and possibly up to 30 cents. >> if we saw the spike again that would be very disappointing. californians have been paying a lot more for gasoline than the rest of the country. >> right now the average price of gas in california is $2 dollars 29 a gallon. facebook's ceos mark zuckerberg is not liking some of the writings on the walls at the headquarters. somebody scratched out the phrase "black lives matter" and replaced it with "all lives matter." zuckerberg sent out an internal memo to workers that was obtained by gizmodo and it read in part i now consider this malicious. that email said that crossing out a phrase is equivalent to silencing speech. it is 5:56. a gunman kills three and injuries 14 others in a workplace rampage in kansas. what police have learned about the shooter. >> reporter: mayor ed lee is demanding that homeless people get out. the deadline he set a few days ago is up this morning. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i'm anne makovec, in for michelle griego homeless peopl good morning, it's friday, february 26. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm anne makovec in for michelle griego. the clock is ticking. >> i guess so. it's going to be an interesting morning. homeless people living in "tent city" under san francisco central freeway will soon have to find a new home. city ordered them all to vacate today. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward live near that tenth city where they are preparing to move them out. any action yet? >> reporter: we changed locations from where we were last half-hour. so if you recall just a little while ago we were the san bruno avenue. a lot of people are vocal but tents are lining up and down 13th street. people are sort of waiting to see what will happen this morning. to see what action the city takes to remove them and their stuff. mayor lee gave a warning a few days ago to the homes people in the area to be out by friday morning or the city will clean up the area without your help. that deadline is up. but homeless advocates say there's nowhere for these people to

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20160226 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20160226

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with the alameda county jail seeking to have the jail notify i.c.e. pride to mr. pedraza's re-- prior to mr. pedraza's release so the agency can take him into custody. he will be arraigned at 2 p.m. kiet do, kpix 5. some major changes to immigration policy sparked in part by a high-profile bay area murder case. attorney general loretta lynch announced yesterday that in sanctuary cities like san francisco, i.c.e. will now detain illegal immigrants with pending cases. an illegal immigrant is accused of killing kate steinle on pier last summer. he was deported five times of and let go by the sheriff's department. the new sheriff said last month she wanted to see the city's sanctuary policy revised. >> i still have not decided what that would be. and my changes have to do with limited notification. very limited. and i'm not sure how that's going to work out yet. >> attorney lynch's testimony also included stopping the flow of federal granted money that would normally support community policing efforts in sanctuary cities. new details this morning about a double homicide in the north bay. police just arrested charles welch. he is accused of shooting two men to death killed on february 7 in marin city. welch was arrested on a domestic abuse allegation but police believe he was involved in the murders. police say that shooting happened shortly after a fight broke out on cole drive. the two victims were related by marriage. welch does have a history of domestic violence. police say witnesses linked him to the murder. a court hearing today for the woman accused of going on an anti-muslim tirade at a bay area park. >> the people you tortured are going to be in heaven. you are very deceived by satan! >> the muslim man on the receiving end of that rant said denise slater also threw coffee at him. slater a corrections department employee pleaded not guilty earlier last month to misdemeanor charges. attention all surfers and swimmers. watch out! big waves are pounding the california coastline. a surf advisory is in effect through saturday afternoon. four people swept into the ocean at redondo beach this week, one of them died. so as roberta always says, never turn your back on an angry ocean. right? >> it's true. when we saw the surf increasing in hawaii and they had the eddie contest we knew it was coming this way. we have had a high surf advisory three times in the past 10 days including today and tomorrow. i checked the buoy off pacific feet swells up to 14 feet. we have some strong rip currents certainly possible all associated with that right there. area of low pressure producing light rain off the coast. if we see anything at all today, it's only about a trace generally less than .05" rain. temperatures mild out the door 40s and 50s. later today around the mountain view area and the santa clara valley. 67 in concord. 67 also in the oakland area. i'm going to provide the complete weekend forecast that's coming up at 18 minutes after the hours. but first here's gianna. north 101 at montague expressway accident on the right shoulder. chp and emergency crews on scene, there are injuries record. slight delays approaching the scene. theron no delays along 101, guadalupe parkway or 85 right now. later on though downtown san jose will be busy. the sharks are at the tank taking on buffalo so expect some busy conditions interest but your drive times for now look good. 11 minutes for 101, 280/680 to highway 237. so far we are seeing the usual stuff as you head out of westbound 580 out of tracy. eases up at the top of the altamont pass. no delays towards the dublin interchange. making the connector to 680 no problem traffic light both directions of 680. that earlier roadwork near alcosta and rudgear road have now been cleared. and bay bridge so far, so good "friday light" out of oakland into san francisco. we check marin county commute coming up. the deadline for some homeless people to leave a "tent city" in san francisco passed just a few minutes ago. police said they would remove anybody still in the area after 5:00 this morning. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward is live on division street. jackie, still have some holdouts out there. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely, anne. i'm standing near the division street homeless encampment that mayor lee has been focusing on recently. people are still here. they are waiting for whatever action the city plans on taking to remove them and all their belongings. mayor lee gave a warning earlier this week that the people who live here, be out by friday morning or the city will clean up without your help. that deadline is up but homeless advocates say there's nowhere for them to go. the coalition of homelessness is calling this inhumane and people here say they have been through similar clean-up efforts before. >> i understand his decision and i understand that yeah, we make a mess and we make trash. but, uhm, it's not illegal to be homeless, is it? or is it? >> even if pier 80 wasn't full like the city says it is, a lot of people here say they wouldn't go. they say it's not a good situation. one man even said it was like an internment camp. we are waiting for things to happen within the next two hours. if not in the next two minutes. we'll bring you an update the next half-hour. jackie ward, kpix 5. a heated debate last night between the gop candidates for president in texas. marco rubio and ted cruz taking turns attacking the front- runner in the middle, donald trump. many on social media say this was the most aggressive they have seen rubio. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> that's the only part of the play just the lines? >> you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> now he is repeating himself. >> no, i'm not repeating. >> it was quite a night. also on the stage, dr. ben carson and the governor of ohio, john kasich. both vow to stay in the race for the long run despite having an uphill battle to match trump for delegates. san jose's convention center will be bursting with democrats over the weekend. the california democrat state convention that will kick off today. retiring senator barbara boxer is a key speaker there. plenty of traffic is expected with 3,000 attendees all aheading to that convention. after a brief one day stay, the largest container ship in the u.s. will leave the port of oakland this morning. the benjamin franklin is more than 1300 feet long. it's huge. this is its second visit to oakland. the ship's next stop is seattle. time now 5:07. her name is juliette and she spends her days making people's dreams come true. >> aw. >> by posing as a unicorn in photo shoots but juliette had different plans this week. she led chp on an hour's long pursuit. the magical story coming up next. >> good morning, everybody, from the oakland a's. i want you to look at something. sprinklers are on. they are getting this field ready for the first full-squad workout for the green and gold. >> wow. sprinklers are on. we don't know what that's all about here in the bay area with our drought that will continue. we're in search of rain. we'll track an incoming system together. >> and it's friday on the freeways. "friday light" looking good. we're in the green. i'll have details on your drive times coming up. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, how to put your foot lin your mouth.: man, wish my yard looked like yours. hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the... sorry. now get 20% off sta-greenĀ® fertilizer, at lowe's. good morning. time check 5:11 on this friday. yes, we made it! this is the scene looking out towards levi's stadium in the santa clara valley where currently the air temperatures in the upper 40s. we do have partly cloudy skies. a shooting in kansas, three people killed, 14 injured, shot by a man who opened fire inside a lawnmower products plant. police say 38-year-old cedric ford went on a shooting rampage. a victim describes what he saw. >> people were running and saying, somebody was shooting. next thing you know, i turn and he started running. >> the local wichita affiliate reports he had an extensive criminal record. five of the shooting victims in the hospital were in critical condition. late last night, the u.s. did a test run of an unarmed nuclear missile taking off from vandenberg. it soared over the pacific into a test range 2500 miles southwest of hawaii. now, this test comes amid growing concern about north korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons capable of reaching u.s. soil. >> a group of scientists says the recent natural gas leaks in l.a. county is the largest known release of methane in u.s. history. the incident at southern california gas company facility lasted about 4 months. methane is a potent greenhouse grass linked to climate change. in baseball, the calendar may say february but it's indeed springtime down in arizona. >> vern glenn reports on the a's returning to their winning ways. >> reporter: it's a good morning from mesa, arizona where the 2016 edition of the oakland a's will hold their first full-squad workout later on. after making the play-offs for three straight seasons, the a's lost 94 games in 2015. the worst season since 1997. but without side expectations lowered, the team is just fine sneaking up on the division this season. >> a lot of people don't want to come play us. we forever feel like we're out of a game or there's not a -- we never feel like we're out of a game and there's not a game we can't win. we just move forward. >> we are setting our expectations too low. 80, 95, maybe that's unrealistic or too low. we are going to play hard every day and hopefully end up with more wins than anybody else in our division and hopefully make it to the post-season and make a run to the world series. >> according to vegas, the as' odds to win the world series, 10:1. 100:1! >> vern glenn. >> let's check traffic this morning. it's "friday light" on the roads a lot of good introduce to deliver especially out of marin county this morning. here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. look at that very quiet. things are easy as you head from 580 southbound 101. >> traffic is free-flowing in both directions near candlestick. conditions in the south bay, we had an earlier accident northbound 101 around month due. that cleared out quickly. you can see a lot of green on the screen. nice screens northbound 101, 64 miles per hour in some spots, 65 in others. later on though near downtown san jose sharks at the tank. . san mateo bridge, things are very quiet here, as well. out of hayward into foster city, it will only take you 13 minutes to work your way across the span. no delay at the nimitz. stop-and-go out of tracy typical for the morning drive. better at the top of the altamont pass towards 680. let's check the forecast. gianna, what time is it? >> is it weather watcher time? >> yes, it is! >> all right! >> this is my time and my opportunity to check in with my bffs otherwise known as my weather watcher and it looks like everybody is reporting numbers in the 40s and 50s. let's check that right there. 45 degrees so says dave and his pal yeager and let's see what he has to say. tgif. thanks for the report. over here 51 degrees. that would be steve in los altos. steve says he sees some thin stratus over the moon this morning. and that's the case. we have some partly cloudy conditions. these clouds are all running in advance of an area of low pressure well to the north of the bay area. can't see it right there due to -- it's dark outside. we have numbers in the 40s and 50s. any kind of precipitation we see today will be generally less than .05" of rain so no need for an umbrella but carry it if you want. we have rain returning on sunday evening. this is our futurecast. and we could see that next week it starts to get stormier. we have several areas of low pressure way out over the pacific so we are hoping it breaks through the dry air mass and breaks down that ridge of high pressure. but that will be to the tail end of next week. meanwhile, precipitation is north of the bay area. the evening commute some light rain showers over the inverness area. less than .05" of rain. barely a trace in san jose. low 70s sacramento, merced, davis. 77 fresno. 50 in the greater lake tahoe area. speaking of tahoe, this is your snow report. frank's favorite run of the day is -- >> olympic lady. >> olympic lady! i'm just saying take the express all the way to the top of the mountain. and enjoy mount lincoln at sugar bowl. chance of snow showers by sunday. we have that light rain possible this afternoon. otherwise our temperatures pretty much coming down out of the 70s. 71 degrees in gilroy and in antioch. low 70s also for the outside number on saturday. we're going to have more sun on saturday than sunday. increasing cloud cover leading to that potential of rain showers on sunday. otherwise we begin to cloud up on thursday and that's when we lead into the stormier weather pattern hopefully by next week. i'm still hoping. >> it's been a while. >> a miracle march. >> we're going to need it. >> we have been blessed with presentful rainfall so far this season not as much as we would hope for but we have had plentiful rainfall. we never thought it would bring us out of the drought but everything helps. >> thank you. it is a big weekend for the hollywood elite. final preps are under way for this weekend's academy awards showdown in l.a. the red carpet has already been rolled out at the dolby theater and this year, everybody is going home a winner sort of. this year's oscars swag bag will reportedly be worth a record $200,000. i never quite understand this because aren't these people already rich? they are. according to the daily beast they will get a 10-day first class trip to israel worth $55,000, a year of unlimited audi car rentals, and three private training sessions with a celebrity wellness expert. and a lot more. >> the rich get richer and maybe a statue, too. full house fans the wait is over. the reboot of the show set in san francisco is now finally streaming on netflix. it's officially launched at midnight. 13 episodes season of fuller house stars the original cast members minus the twins who are grown up and doing other things apparently. >> i'm going to have to check it out. >> cool. one california pony makes her living looking like a unicorn but this week she got fed up with the fancy life and ran away. >> i was afraid and then, uhm, we had to catch her in the dark. >> that was 5-year-old tatum. the owner of the pony named juliette. she ran away wednesday and people saw her roaming on madero rancho. they are surprised to see a mystical creature on a manmade road. the chp spent hours trying to round her up. >> the call came out that the unicorn was in custody. and i think as tense as the situation was, that that was the comedic relief that was needed at the time and i laughed and i cried. and i thanked god. >> and young tatum obviously relieved to see her favorite pet again but she said juliette would be getting a time-out for being a bad pony. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, what colin kaepernick's agent said that caught 49ers off guard yesterday and a setback for the giants pitching staff. who is out and for how long. straight ahead. ,,,,,,,, ( melodic, calm music ) hi, this is jennifer. i will be out of the office until monday and won't be checking voicemail during this time. i'll reply just as soon as i get back to work. sail with princess cruises, the number one cruise line in alaska. sail to alaska from san francisco. 10-day fares from just $1099. call your travel consultant or visit good. the warriors were in orlando taking on the magic. but the real wand waving is being done by the guy that names number 30. the introduction was the hardest he had to run all night. with this three coming up he set an nba record for the 128 straight games with a three- pointer but the magic had a potion of their own. 3rd quarter the steal and san jose native aaron gordon. elevation sensation! just like that, this game is tied. but let's get back to captain fantastic. end of the 3rd quarter, this is from midcourt and, of course, warriors win 130-114. curry 51, 10 three-pointers his third 50 point game of the season. first warriors to do that since rick barry over 40 years ago. matt cain was back in san francisco yesterday to have surgery to remove a cyst in his elbow. it's the same elbow that he had surgery on to remove bone chips in august of 2014. cain is expected to resume pitching in 10 days. colin kaepernick's agents have requested a trade from the 49ers. the news came just hours after coach chip kelly met with the media saying that kaepernick wanted to be a 49er. and then one day after gm trent baalke said he expected kaepernick to be on the team. what do you read into this? it's hard to believe that kaepernick, who will now be on that opening day roster, come september. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. play of the day, golden state at orlando. we saw it once but steph curry's shot worth another look. he only gets 3.......but w'l bonus that up with play of e day accolades. stef had 51. it's 5: new v the guy is untouchable. we'll give him a bonus because it is the play of the day. on a friday. steph with 51. it is 5:25. new video of a couple of crooks on a crime spree. now police hope you can help track them down. >> reporter: and i'm kiet do. we're live in hayward where a murder suspect is being arraigned in court today. it turns out this guy is in the country illegally. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, being investigated as a hate crime. we'll talk to them. a local family afraid to go out after a shocking incident being investigated as a hate crime. we'll talk to the family. >> reporter: mayor lee's deadline is up. homeless people still at the division street encampment. the clean-up starts this morning. >> from the kpix 5 weather center, good morning, everyone. it's fired up. it's live. it's live hi-def doppler radar live in search of rain. >> more cars at the bay bridge plus the new accident along 101. details coming up. >> good morning. it's friday, february 26. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm anne makovec. an arraignment for the man accused of killing stacey aguilar. kiet do with why this case is putting immigration policy in the spotlight. >> reporter: federal agents are very interested in this case. they don't want this man back on the streets released there accidentally. they have confirmed that the accused killer is in the country illegally. his name is esmid pedraza. he will be arraigned on murder charges this afternoon. he was arrested two days ago in connection with the disappearance and murder of stacey aguilar 23 years old and from san jose. aguilar was last seen the night of february 13 leaving a very rowdy party in hayward with her boyfriend. shortly after, her family reported her missing. then her body was found riddled with bullets five days later in a remote area of fremont. u.s. immigration and customs enforcemen says: >> reporter: pedraza will be arraigned at 2 p.m. here at the hayward hall of justice. live in hayward, kiet do, kpix 5. major changes in immigration policy sparked by a high-profile bay area murder case. attorney general loretta lynch announced yesterday that in sanctuary cities like san francisco, i.c.e. will now detain undocumented immigrants with pending criminal cases. one of those is accused of killing kate steinle on pier 14 last summer. that suspect was deported five times and let go by the sheriff's department. attorney lynch's testimony also included stopping the flow of federal grant money that would normally support community policing efforts in sanctuary cities. a suspected hate crime under investigation in el cerrito this morning. greg gregory's family lived in the same neighborhood for about 50 years. someone tried to set their car on fire. just after the fire was spotted, gregory and his wife found a sign in the yard scrawled with the "n" word. they say they have got a lot of questions but have no intentions of moving. >> i was wondering why somebody had to kill my family. >> you have to stay put and do what you can to protect your home and your family. >> that couple has a newborn baby. they are grateful the fire wasn't worse. police are looking for leads in the case. new video of two suspects breaking into fremont businesses and leaving shattered glass behind. the owner of mission pizza caught them on camera stealing a change machine from his restaurant. in just 45 seconds. the men used the same getaway car when they robbed a chevron station 15 minutes later. the same night they broke into a nail spa but no money in the register. >> i feel that the area is not safe as before. >> so scary. >> police hope the footage will help catch the thieves. the getaway car is a 1990s lexus sedan. today is the day that san francisco police are take down the "tent city" on division street. today's the deadline for everyone to clear out. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward joins us live near "tent city" in the city and jackie, have they begun evacuations there? >> reporter: not where i am now so i'm by the division street homeless encampment but as you can see, people are still here this morning. the only thing we have seen as far as activity goes is one police unit drove through. didn't stop or anything like that. people are waiting for whatever happens. mayor lee did give a warning earlier this week to people who live here. be out by friday morning or the city will remove you. that deadline is up this morning. but the homeless advocates say there's nowhere for these people to go. the coalition of homelessness is calling these sweeps inhumane but that's how the homeless describe pier 80 leaving them with no option. >> it's a madhouse down there. i won't say internment camp. it doesn't look like anything i want to be part of, you know. >> reporter: even if it wasn't full like the city says it is a lot of people say they went go to pier 80 that he it's not a good situation and they have a really good "community" here the division street "tent city." we'll keep you updated. from soma, jackie ward, kpix 5. thank you for that. it's friday. and we have a whisper of rain i guess in our forecast. >> that is so well said. >> thank you. >> well, thank you! [ laughter ] >> glad to be here. >> i think i'll use that numerous times today on kcbs radio. you have to find -- >> he is a weather nerd. >> he loves his weather. >> so that's just perfectly well said. a whisper of rain in the forecast today. good morning, everybody. this is our live hi-def doppler radar. we'll get to that momentarily but i almost forgot. this incoming area of low pressure, strong rip currents a possibility. it hasn't been very often i have been able to use this so i was anxious. this is our hi-def doppler radar pointed in that direction light rain off the northwest coast now but that's about it. any kind rain you see today will be very anemic. less than .05" of rain is forecast today. 40s and 50s. it's a really mild start out the door. 55 degrees in san francisco going up to highs today under 70 everywhere for the first time this week. it will be 70 in mountain view. i tell you what we're going to do. we'll track this incoming system together and show you when you can expect those raindrops but first right now let's send it over to gianna. >> thanks, roberta. we are going to head to the peninsula right now. we have reports of an accident south 101 at ralston. apparently a vehicle may have hid a pole over to the right shoulder. possible injuries. we are not seeing delays on the main line of the roads but again you will see some activity off to the right side. checking our drive times now northbound that's the commute direction. so far fairly quiet 19 minutes, 92 to the 80 split to take 101 this morning. let's take a look as you head toward the bay bridge. westbound 580 at 24 nice in both directions. in fact, eastshore freeway approach to the bay bridge not seeing any delays there either fairly quiet. metering lights were turned on but not too bad. we are backed up just beyond the 880 overpass. it's overall "friday light" through oakland into san francisco. looking at the nimitz freeway both directions off to a good start no delays northbound. southbound okay from this point down into hayward. anne. >> uc-berkeley police are investigating after several female students report being drugged at frat houses. police say they received a report that two young women may have been drugged at the chi phi fraternity last friday and two female students may also have been drugged at the pi gamma delta or fiji frat. police are trying to find this man a possible suspect in at least three sexual assaults in berkeley over the past couple of weeks. the first reported case was february 11 near people's park. the victims are all college aged asian women. in santa clara, police are looking for a home intruder who is also accused of sexual assault. they just released a sketch here of that suspect. police say he broke into at least two apartments near lick mill boulevard and hope drive. in one case, a tenant says the man sexually assaulted her inside. the most recent break-in was last saturday. a heated debate last night between the gop candidates for president in texas t marco rubio and ted cruz took turns attacking the front-runner donald trump. many on social media said this was the most aggressive they have seen rubio. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> that's the only part of the plan? just the lines? >> no, no. nice part -- you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> now he is repeating himself. >> i'm not. >> now also on the stage dr. ben carson and governor john kasich. both vow to stay in the race for the long run despite having an uphill battle to match trump for delegates. the strategy of the night seems to be zero in on trump. our kpix 5 political analyst melissa caen says rubio did that. >> reporter: trump did not seem to be ready for what rubio brought tonight. a lot of people are asking, why wait until the tenth debate? yes, this is the tenth one we have had. why wait until now to show up? and really bring it to donald trump? that's a question that rubio's campaign will have to answer. >> on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders making a last-minute pitch to minority voters ahead of saturday's primary in south carolina. on to business now, a san francisco-based retailer is facing falling profits. jill wagner of on just how much gap is struggling. jill. >> reporter: good morning, the dow to start with jumped 212 points yesterday. nasdaq was up 39. looking at the big board now, futures are pointing to a higher open. finance leaders from around the world are converging in china to agree to a stimulus program to stop a global slowdown. even oprah may not be enough to boost business at weight watchers. subscribers fell 5% in the last quarter. gap shares also dropped in after-hours trading. the san francisco-based clothing chain said profits fell 33% in the last quarter. the new ceo says gap is going to refocus on denim. >> the car sharing service zipcars making changes in response to customer complaints. drivers will no longer have to return cars to the same location where they picked them up. they can also make one way trips and extend reservations indefinitely. kind of a game changer i think. >> oh, that's really cool. gives you so many more options. >> they're all over san francisco. okay, jill. talking about cars, automakers have been replacing factory workers with machines for years to save money but we hear one automaker is about to buck that trend. tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah. mercedes-benz is replacing machines with humans. it turns out robots can't keep up with all the custom options that mercedes offers. for example, in its s class sedans, there are four types of tire caps even a choice for cup holders. mercedes says the varieties is too much for the machines. frank and michelle? >> oh, anne. >> close enough. >> jill wagner of >> sorry! i knew you didn't sound like michelle. sorry about that, anne. >> michelle is sleeping in today on a friday, smart girl. >> thank you. >> 5:41. a local clothing store raided by fish & wildlife officials. what they removed and why the owner says they had no right to do so. >> and taking a leave look at 880 in oakland. traffic moving pretty smoothly this morning. butit's only 20 to 6:00. gianna will have the traffic coming up after the break. behold the power of protein in birds eye protok. blends. they're delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains.. ...and veggies! mmm good. my work here is dooooone! bird's eye protein blends. good morning. it's 5:43 on this friday. looking at the skyline of san francisco, we have increasing cloud cover and raindrops in the forecast and we're talking weekend weather. that's all coming up in just four minutes. a san francisco store owner is crying foul after her business was raided by the california department of fish & wildlife. cicily ann hanson owns this vintage store on haight street. she says agents took $20,000 worth of goods from her business. they say hanson had illegal animal parts and clothing in her store. >> no warning, nothing, they showed up and took over. they are treating me like a criminal and there was no malicious intent here. >> anson says a lot of those items they took weren't for sale. they were part of her own collection. three people are injured after a frightening car crash in san francisco on fulton near 46th avenue yesterday afternoon. police say a car hit a person on a sidewalk and then sideswiped the wall of a home before finally hitting a pole. maria and her baby were inside the home. >> she was on the couch right there the one that was pushed out by the collision. and i was sitting here at the laptop and we hud a huge boom. >> the fire department -- heard a huge boom. >> the fire department says the pedestrian had a broken leg and the driver's passenger had minor injuries. apple is escalating its security standoff with the feds. the company has asked a judge to lift the court order forcing it to hack into the san bernardino shooter's phone. apple says that if their engineers write the code terrorists would view it as a major prize and they say first amendment rights are at stake. the fbi director admits this is a tough case. >> i'm a huge fan of privacy. i love encryption. it's a great thing. but our need for public safety and our need for privacy are crashing into each other and we have to sort that out. >> google and facebook are expected to file legal papers supporting apple's stance with the feds. several bay area politicians also siding with apple, congressman mike honda, congresswoman lofgren and nancy pelosi support apple's view on security and backing the fbi is senator dianne feinstein a member of the intelligence committee. >> that has a lot of people talking. a couple of accidents not causing too many problems. it gets busy anyway north 101 through san jose. fills in around 280/680 around this time. we have an accident not too far from there so we are adding to maybe a little slower ride north 101 at oakland. but it's over to the right shoulder. that shouldn't cause too many problems. drive times are going up. 13 minutes 280/680 to 237. south 101 at ralston a rick on the shoulder. vehicle hit a pole off to the side. possible injuries. you can see the main lines of 101 though not causing any slow- and-go conditions there so northbound 101 and south 101 clear through the peninsula. drive times on 101, 92 to the 280 split, easy drive. no delays now out of half moon bay heading into san mateo on the eastbound side of 92. delays are at the bay bridge of course. metering lights are on 20 minutes now carquinez bridge to the maze. traffic backed up to west grand at least by this point. our approaches to the bay bridge doing okay. west 580 no delays yet. once you cross the span at fremont, traffic good exiting into san francisco. extra volume but still moving at the limit. no troubles on the nimitz freeway. northbound nice near the coliseum. southbound looks good so far. some slight delays a little slower speeds southbound 880 just past 238 to hayward. but overall traffic is light. and cutting across the san mateo bridge, so far things are moving okay from hayward into foster city. our weather seems to be okay today but we might have some rain, roberta. >> we will have some rain, gianna. but in the form of some very light rain. and just a few raindrops. in fact, i heard you had weekend plans. >> i do. >> baking! i'm expecting some really good stuff on monday! [ laughter ] >> now you have to! good morning. increasing clouds over the bay right now. boy, look at the waters very calm. temperatures in the 40s and 50s. this is our live hi-def doppler radar. we have it fired up in search of any kind of precipitation in the microclimates. not seeing anything but right there a little light green on the screen indicating that is the leading edge of the frontal boundary that promises to bring us at least a few raindrops. here's what you need to know. areas of patchy fog as you step out. a mild start to your day. increasing clouds throughout the day as well as. dry on friday, chance of rain again on sunday evening. this area of low pressure is causing the jet stream to sag further to the south as we're knocking down that ridge of high pressure. we are looking into the future and forecasting the possibility of rain returning by thursday, friday of next week but until then, futurecast you can play along at home take a look at the clock that's 7:00 in the evening hours. here you have inverness with some light rain showers. but notice as that front sags to the south, it just disintegrates and falls apart at the seams. saturday clear skies. here comes your sunday. and, in fact, it's the same repeat performance. area of low pressure, and it falls apart. low to mid 70s throughout the central valley today. 50 springtime skiing and boarding at its best in the high sierra. today 60s few low 70s. yesterday it was 78 degrees in gilroy. so a cooler day today a bit of a breeze late day onshore west 10 to 20. here's your extended forecast. chance of rain end of next week. a high surf advisory today swells up to 14 feet. the eddie pro surf competition returned to hawaii for the first time in more than five years. the world's best surfers facing waves up to 50 feet. top prize winner was also the youngest contestant 23-year-old john-john florence from hawaii was the competition's top performer. tournament is held to commemorate hawaiian lifeguard eddie who died during a rescue mission in 1978. >> that competition is so cool because people can actually stand on the shore to watch it. >> unlike mavericks where you can't. but still crazy. it is 5:50 on a friday. you better get it while it's cheap! gas prices could soon be going up as much as 30 cents a gallon. we'll tell you why when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, water wasters contains more familiar names. look at your tv screen. we have a high surf advisory in place today through saturday. this is important to know. we don't want you to have your back at an angry ocean. some of these waves lapping onshore up to 14 feet and we have your complete forecast in just a matter of minutes. we have an accident south bay in the middle of one of our hot spots now north 101 south of oakland. 13th road. we have a two-car crash over to the right shoulder. give yourself some extra time. 5:54 on this friday. east bay m.u.d.'s latest list of water wasters contains more familiar names including the founder of "24 hour fitness," more than 5700 gallons a day he was using. also steven burd former executive for safeway and developer kent bearing. this was the big cycle ending -- billing cycle ending in december or january. a sonoma county school had a lead level scare. there were excessive levels of lead in drinking fountains. kids were given bottled water but new test results released yesterday so that lead levels are low. still, the principal says as a precaution, the drinking fountains will stay dry until the school's plumbing is fixed this summer. better enjoy the low gas prices. we could see a spike in a matter of days because refineries are about to switch from a winter blend to a summer blend which costs more. one expert said gas prices will likely spike ten to 15 cents by the end of the month and possibly up to 30 cents. >> if we saw the spike again that would be very disappointing. californians have been paying a lot more for gasoline than the rest of the country. >> right now the average price of gas in california is $2 dollars 29 a gallon. facebook's ceos mark zuckerberg is not liking some of the writings on the walls at the headquarters. somebody scratched out the phrase "black lives matter" and replaced it with "all lives matter." zuckerberg sent out an internal memo to workers that was obtained by gizmodo and it read in part i now consider this malicious. that email said that crossing out a phrase is equivalent to silencing speech. it is 5:56. a gunman kills three and injuries 14 others in a workplace rampage in kansas. what police have learned about the shooter. >> reporter: mayor ed lee is demanding that homeless people get out. the deadline he set a few days ago is up this morning. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i'm anne makovec, in for michelle griego homeless peopl good morning, it's friday, february 26. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm anne makovec in for michelle griego. the clock is ticking. >> i guess so. it's going to be an interesting morning. homeless people living in "tent city" under san francisco central freeway will soon have to find a new home. city ordered them all to vacate today. kpix 5 reporter jackie ward live near that tenth city where they are preparing to move them out. any action yet? >> reporter: we changed locations from where we were last half-hour. so if you recall just a little while ago we were the san bruno avenue. a lot of people are vocal but tents are lining up and down 13th street. people are sort of waiting to see what will happen this morning. to see what action the city takes to remove them and their stuff. mayor lee gave a warning a few days ago to the homes people in the area to be out by friday morning or the city will clean up the area without your help. that deadline is up. but homeless advocates say there's nowhere for these people to

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