Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 530pm 20130915 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 530pm 20130915

connecticut. more than 1,000 people and their pets have been air lifted to safety. this is historic flooding for colorado. adrianna diaz shows us the progress rescue crews are making reaching people in communities that are cut off by the flooding. >> reporter: a national guard helicopter landed with dozens of rescued children. parents cheered. as they were reunited with their 5th graders. the students were in the mountains when the flood waters blocked all roads in and out of their camp near jamestown. >> i was a little bit scared at times. the water was pouring down. and we -- it was really fun also. >> reporter: and an emotional reunion took place as crews reached areas once cut off. >> so glad to be here. >> reporter: the national guard says it has rescued hundreds of people using helicopters and convoys of truck. heavy rain flooded an area about the size of connecticut. some survivors like steven smith are returning to their homes to salvage what is left. >> this was a bedroom. >> yes, this is our guest room. so yes, i don't think anyone wants to stay here now. it is sur veal. >> reporter: smith and his roommates were at the boulder home when flood waters rushed through their house thursday night. >> still not hitting bottom. >> reporter: now their second floor living room is filled with half a foot of mud. a stream still flows down what was his desk where he was standing when the waters approached. >> so i saw, you know, a wall of water about this big, with branches and sticks kind of come can at me. >> reporter: steven and his roommates are trying to keep their spirits up. as they figure out their next step. adrianna diaz, cbs news, boulder, colorado. >> many rivers are 8 feet above flood stage. boulder has seen 15-inches of rain since wednesday. four san francisco hen are in custody a-- are in custody accused of a home invasion robbery in east san jose. two women were threatened with handguns. and there were two infants in the home at the time. they were unharmed. the robbery prompted lockdowns at nearby schools. the santa clara county sheriff's office says the four san francisco men were arrested later that day. without incident. a possible fifth suspect remains at large. governor brown is considering more than a dozen bills aimed at tightening restrictions on gun ownership in california. one of them threatens the future of a bay area gun show that has been going on for almost three decades. anne makovec got reaction today from the cow palace. >> reporter: five weekends a year, the cow palace in daly city turns into a gun and ammo marketplace. >> it bridges things together in one -- it brings things together in one vice president which is easy to supervise from a law enforcement point of view. >> the cross roads of the west shows have been going on mere for 28 years. >> it has been going on for decades. >> and so has more crime and violence and going on for decades. >> and the fran supervisor malia cohens wants to see it end. but the cow palace is a state run facility, the county is straddled and san francisco and san mateo has no say in it. >> what do we do with a quality event? i would rather have a disney on ice than a gun show. >> and the gun show owner calls the cries against the gun show poor public policy. >> it is denying access to a state owned building. to people who are taxpayers. who really own the building. >> people like danny vamco. >> if you want to target shoot and go to competitions and shooting a lot of ammo you almost have to go to a gun show to get affordable ammo. >> the bill on the governor's desk could allow local politicians to deny access to events they don't like. >> the last thing i'm liking to do is have something that is going on that is trapping negativity and violence and crime and that's what the gun shows attract. >> there is no evidence that anything illegal has gone on here. >> with high crime neighborhoods on all sides of the cow palace, local politicians want the powers to cut the availability of guns. >> it is historic. it has taken a long time to move this forward. >> reporter: similar bills have passed through the legislature in the past. most recently in 2009. but governor schwarzenegger vetoed that one. this one under governor brown, it might become law. >> he will make the right decision and the right decision is give local control. >> target shooting, it really hurt me. >> reporter: the governor has until october 13 to decide. in daly city, anne makovec, kpix5. another bill would ban hunting with lead bullets that's because fragments from the bullets can be harmful to the environment. the bill was approved by the state legislature this week and is also on governor brown's desk. reporting every move on the streets, 40 cameras are being prepped to comb many officers while they're on patrol. and the video cameras clipped to the front of the officer's uniform, the cameras will be used to document police officer's contact with people. the recordings will be downloaded in the police department and saved for at least 2 1/2 years. well, after marathon negotiation, the u.s. and russia have agreed on securing and destroying syria's chemical weapons stockpiles. marly hall tells us, a military strike is still on the table. >> the united states and russia are committed to the elimination of syrian chemical weapons. >> reporter: after 2 1/2 days of talks in geneva, secretary of state john kerry and russian foreign minister sergei lavarov announced a diplomatic deal. under the agreement, the syrian president bashar al-assad will submit a list of chemical weapons in one week. allow international inspection bis november and destroy all weapons material and equipment by the first half of 2014. >> the world will now expect the assad regime to live up to its public commitments. >> reporter: if syria fails to comply, the united nations security council could step in and authorize sanctions. president obama remains prepared to act if diplomacy fails. in a statement, he said we have a duty to preserve a world free from the fear of chemical weapons for our children. today marks an important step toward achieving this goal. rebels trying to unseat the syrian regime say they reject the u.s./russian agreement. >> we think that the russians and that the regime are playing games to waste time and to win time for the criminal masters. >> reporter: fighting in syria continues. and inspectors who will work to enforce the diplomatic deal will have to do so in a war zone. marly hall, for cbs news, the united nations. some republican lawmakers are also already speaking out against the diplomatic proposal. they say it will allow syrian president bashar al-assad time to delay and to cease when more die in the country's war. democrats praise praised deal as a way to end syria's use of deadly chemical weapons. two years since a deadly cruise ship disaster. now a major salvage operation about to get under way. why engineers have only one chance to get it right. >> a dramatic scene captured on camera, on the san francisco bay. the problem that caused a boat in the america's cup race to nearly capsize. >> rain back in the bay area forecast. good evening, everybody. i will pinpoint the day that you may need the umbrella. but first, a look at the white caps on the bay waters. as the news continues right here on kpix5. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. "emirates team new zealand"t ne it was a shortened day for the america's cup yacht races on the san francisco bay. the team new zealand boat nearly capsized today. the tilt was caused when the sail did not pop to the correct side. apparently because of a lack of pressure in the hydraulic system. it allowed the defending champion oracle team usa to win. today's second scheduled race was postponed because of excessive winds. new zealand still leads the series and needs to win just three more races to claim this year's america's cup. suzuki is recalling nearly 200,000 vehicles because of a defective air bag sensor. the models involved include the grand tara suv model years 2006 through 2011. and the sx4 cars 2007 to 2011. the automaker says the sensor problem is on the passenger side. it measures the passenger's weight. it is important because the air bags are not supposed to deploy when a child is sitting in that seat. dealers will make the repairs for free. well, it may seem hard to believe, but that cruise ship that ran aground, tipped over off the coast of italy is still sitting there. the costa concordia has been laying on its side like this for nearly two years. on monday, crews begin a monumental salvage effort that has never been done before. and engineers say they have to do it right because there is no plan b. charlie d'agata explains. >> reporter: an american company is at the helm and it will take a salvage team of 500 people from 24 nations to right the wreck of the costa concordia. and a bit of help from moderate for the seas to stay quiet. the liner has been laying on its side off the italian coast after it ran aground 20 months ago. the way to upright it in nautical terms is parbuckling but it is unprecedented in terms of scale and cost. after building a platform beneath the hull, cranes slowly pull her back upright at a rate of 3 yards an hour and air in massive containers will lep to refloat and stabilize the shift. >> we start it up and 8-10 hours, we can put it down on the platforms. >> if all goes to plan, and she doesn't break apart in the process, she can be towed away and broken up for scrap. the cruise ship had more than 4,000 passengers on board when it ran into a reef that sliced a 230-foot gash into the side of its hull. two americans were among 30 people killed. two more passengers are still missing. their bodies may be on board somewhere. the operation to salvage the ship, 2 1/2 times the size of the titanic, is already the most expensive in maritime history. $800million, with insurance estimates topping $1.1 billion. and nobody wants to think of the cost, financial or otherwise, if monday's operation fails. crews have reinforced part of the hull. it is being described as like applying a neck brace before moving an accident victim. once upright, they will have to repair the hull before towing it off. that won't happen until spring at the earliest. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. it was a pretty cool day across the bay area today. the last full weekend of summer. we will pinpoint the areas that will warm and the coolest locations, as the news continues. excuse me, sir i'm gonnhave to ask you to popower down youlittle . think your friends will understand., it's actually my geico app.see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? fr the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside aistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that wh pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say tha geico. just click away with our free mobile app. ok, did she seriously just say tha these are the hands a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. racing in the bay area toda this is the america's cup yachts were not the only boats racing in the bay area. this is the 18th annual san francisco international dragon boat race off treasure island. the accompanying festival has food and activities for the kids. the event continues tomorrow. from 8:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon. of course, the winds postponed the second race today for america's cup. you were talking about the white caps on the bay. >> lots of white caps out there. but the wind did not keep people away from the bay. i was down there for the chocolate festival. yum. >> so fun, right? >> yes and i have a big event later on tonight. the chocolate festival as well. we are having a fundraiser for project open hand. >> good. >> feeding people in the bay area. and looking at the numbers. you can see the flags on top of knob hill. and skies have cleared across the city of san francisco but it took a little while today. 78 in santa rosa. and in the mid-60s currently in oakland and upper 60s in mountain view. where the winds have been out of the west at 28 miles an hour. currently, wind swept blue skies. and we will see the breezy conditions throughout the evening hours. out of the west 10-20 miles an hour. waking up tomorrow in the clouds with areas of fog and drizzle. and pretty much a carbon copy again tomorrow. from what we experienced today, we are going to see again tomorrow. and then the extended forecast calls for a slight warmup. we can see the seven-day outlook coming up. but first things first, a kick start with tonight's bottoming out into the 50s, and into the low 60s. i like this. watch the future cast. you can see that we're shrouded in a deck of low clouds and fog. it is a pretty extensive deck of clouds. it is the marine layer it is 2400 feet deep and moves inland. a good 60 miles, in the overnight hours and here is the sun-up tomorrow morning. we have the clouds all the way through the tri valley and taking a while to retrieve but earlier burnoffs tomorrow and that will result in slightly warmer conditions in our inland areas. i love this. look at the area of low pressure right behind me here. that is textbook perfect and that is what is enhancing our marine layer and it continues to take a nose dive to the south and as it does so, eventually it will migrate out of the bay area, and so each day, we will see easier burnoff. until then, below-average temperature force the most part. with those scattered thunderstorms in throughout the high sierra. and tomorrow, we will look at the numbers like this. partial coastal clearing in the 60s at the beaches. robust sea breeze. out of the west 10-20 miles an hour. and count on 70s along the peninsula. we jump up to 84 degrees in morgan hill and gilroy. then we swing around to the eastern portion of our district. we head well inland in the mid- 80s, away from the bay. the closer you get to the bay water, temperatures in the 60s and 70s. across the golden gate bridge, 80 degrees in san rafael. and all the way into the mid- 80s in ukia. and here is your extended forecast. warmer today. by midweek. and then we introduce a chance of rain. notice on the golden gate bridge, on friday and saturday. but no rainout for tomorrow. it is going to be spectacular. football weather. raiders. and 72 degrees at kickoff. check that out. raiders! >> raiders! >> silver and black. ready for the post game show tomorrow. after a raiders victory. >> i want to do the weather on the raiders game. >> you're roberta gonzalez, you just walk right in there. the local unit. and just do your thing. >> yes. >> the mobile unit. >> that's right. hey, ahead, the a's, they crossed another one off of the checklist. and incoming! the stanford cardinals football team invading army. ,,,,,,,,,,,, [ maragno ] if the car was invented today, it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you'd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million gas-free miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isn't "why electric?" it's "why gas?" [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ but, it is in fact " the bef 's... baseball up top. apologies for august meant can the charles dickens -- augments the charles dickens novel a tale of two cities but it is in fact the best of times for the oakland a's. they've done it again. they have the starter early. and they have to start early against this guy. brandon plos to the right corner. it will create a play at the plate for josh donaldson and he just gets under the throw. look at the replay. a super-man like dive, for the first and only run of the game. and the a's bats went into deep freeze after that. the culprit, seven innings, 10 strike-outs there. and then we go to the 6th inning. josh donaldson, it looked like a routine single up the middle but somebody said something. perhaps it was jarvis. we don't know. but the a's took offense. especially coco crisp. he had to be restrained. bartolo colon for the a's unleashed the pain. got an e.r.a. of just over one since coming off the d. l. search strike- outs. 95 miles an hour. 9th inning. time for the bellfour. grant bellfour, strike three call on david murphy. and that is it. the a's win it 1-0. they're 5 1/2 games up in the west. the magic number to clinch the division is now 10. yes. giants and dodgers at the top of the hour. the college football, cal a little busy with the ohio state buck ice. the story coming up on the late show. and you had to get up pretty early in the morning to see stanford render army defenseless. packed house at west point. all shapes and sizes. ex stanford great john el way took notice. the first half. kevin hogan. the elway impression. gets some help from a tip drill there. michael wreckhauls it in. stanford up by one. second quarter, hogan, homerun ball here. todd montgomery, 46-yard play. and it is 20-13 at half. third quarter. oh, a little bugga-boo. army can't handle the ball on the grown. stanford gets the ball back. and turns into points. and hogan off a play fake. tyler gaffeny is wide open. stanford victorious, 34-20 over army. who improved to 2-0. for the season. johnny manziel, the walk of fame, number six texas a&m aggies blew a 14-0 lead against alabama. johnny manziel, 454 yards passing but two critical interceptions. this one, vinny sinceri part of 45 unanswered points bit crimson tide. he takes it to the house to make it 35-14. but check out danny football. out of the ends zone. we rattle the aggies back. and slings it perfectly into the hands of mike evans. tipped. and he is gone. 95-yard touchdown. it brings a&m within a touchdown. and bamma however never other than that. calm, cool collected and get it done. mccarron, fowler. offensive explosion today. alabama wins a final of 49-42. jim morerow jr. and the ucla bruins down 18 at one point to nebraska. and they come all the way back. and brett hutly, to shaquille evans. 28-yard touchdown. the bruins, they take nebraska out, 41-21. over to golf, tiger woods and sergio garcia. walking together. round three of the bmw. tige ner the hunt. birdie on 18. -- tiger in the hunt. birdie on 18. in 5th place, four strokes behind the leader, jim furyk. and here is hunter mahan, this boys and girls is how you perfect the hole in one! shot a 6 a 65 for the afternoon. he is going well. a little segue to this promo. tomorrow is the home opener for raiders. they host jacksonville. they're favored to win. at about a 1:30 kickoff time. followed by the fifth quarter. where i will be getting reaction right by the raiders locker room. i for one cannot wait for this game. >> a good start. >> okay. thank you very much, vern. crime is way up in one bay area city. not used to seeing it. berkeley is seeing a dramatic spike in robberies and burglaries. now, we talked to one woman who witnessed her car being stolen. the solution the police intend to present to the city council. that story and more at 6:30. see you back in a half hour. for now we have more on kpix .com. good night. ,,,,,, >> glor: tonight, all sides of the syria deal. >> we're finished. >> glor: the u.s. and russia agree on a plane to eliminate syria's chemical weapons but it will work. margaret brennen is in geneva, elizabeth palmer in damascus of course, and holly williams in istanbul. we have stories of narrow escapes after record flooding. the race to clear a massive molasses spill in hawaii is threatening marine life and baffling cleanup crews. and fighting spirit-- terrell brown talks to a man from the front line of new jersey's board walk fire. >> the radio goes off, and we don't hesitate. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" >> glor: good evening, everyone. je

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 530pm 20130915 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 530pm 20130915

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connecticut. more than 1,000 people and their pets have been air lifted to safety. this is historic flooding for colorado. adrianna diaz shows us the progress rescue crews are making reaching people in communities that are cut off by the flooding. >> reporter: a national guard helicopter landed with dozens of rescued children. parents cheered. as they were reunited with their 5th graders. the students were in the mountains when the flood waters blocked all roads in and out of their camp near jamestown. >> i was a little bit scared at times. the water was pouring down. and we -- it was really fun also. >> reporter: and an emotional reunion took place as crews reached areas once cut off. >> so glad to be here. >> reporter: the national guard says it has rescued hundreds of people using helicopters and convoys of truck. heavy rain flooded an area about the size of connecticut. some survivors like steven smith are returning to their homes to salvage what is left. >> this was a bedroom. >> yes, this is our guest room. so yes, i don't think anyone wants to stay here now. it is sur veal. >> reporter: smith and his roommates were at the boulder home when flood waters rushed through their house thursday night. >> still not hitting bottom. >> reporter: now their second floor living room is filled with half a foot of mud. a stream still flows down what was his desk where he was standing when the waters approached. >> so i saw, you know, a wall of water about this big, with branches and sticks kind of come can at me. >> reporter: steven and his roommates are trying to keep their spirits up. as they figure out their next step. adrianna diaz, cbs news, boulder, colorado. >> many rivers are 8 feet above flood stage. boulder has seen 15-inches of rain since wednesday. four san francisco hen are in custody a-- are in custody accused of a home invasion robbery in east san jose. two women were threatened with handguns. and there were two infants in the home at the time. they were unharmed. the robbery prompted lockdowns at nearby schools. the santa clara county sheriff's office says the four san francisco men were arrested later that day. without incident. a possible fifth suspect remains at large. governor brown is considering more than a dozen bills aimed at tightening restrictions on gun ownership in california. one of them threatens the future of a bay area gun show that has been going on for almost three decades. anne makovec got reaction today from the cow palace. >> reporter: five weekends a year, the cow palace in daly city turns into a gun and ammo marketplace. >> it bridges things together in one -- it brings things together in one vice president which is easy to supervise from a law enforcement point of view. >> the cross roads of the west shows have been going on mere for 28 years. >> it has been going on for decades. >> and so has more crime and violence and going on for decades. >> and the fran supervisor malia cohens wants to see it end. but the cow palace is a state run facility, the county is straddled and san francisco and san mateo has no say in it. >> what do we do with a quality event? i would rather have a disney on ice than a gun show. >> and the gun show owner calls the cries against the gun show poor public policy. >> it is denying access to a state owned building. to people who are taxpayers. who really own the building. >> people like danny vamco. >> if you want to target shoot and go to competitions and shooting a lot of ammo you almost have to go to a gun show to get affordable ammo. >> the bill on the governor's desk could allow local politicians to deny access to events they don't like. >> the last thing i'm liking to do is have something that is going on that is trapping negativity and violence and crime and that's what the gun shows attract. >> there is no evidence that anything illegal has gone on here. >> with high crime neighborhoods on all sides of the cow palace, local politicians want the powers to cut the availability of guns. >> it is historic. it has taken a long time to move this forward. >> reporter: similar bills have passed through the legislature in the past. most recently in 2009. but governor schwarzenegger vetoed that one. this one under governor brown, it might become law. >> he will make the right decision and the right decision is give local control. >> target shooting, it really hurt me. >> reporter: the governor has until october 13 to decide. in daly city, anne makovec, kpix5. another bill would ban hunting with lead bullets that's because fragments from the bullets can be harmful to the environment. the bill was approved by the state legislature this week and is also on governor brown's desk. reporting every move on the streets, 40 cameras are being prepped to comb many officers while they're on patrol. and the video cameras clipped to the front of the officer's uniform, the cameras will be used to document police officer's contact with people. the recordings will be downloaded in the police department and saved for at least 2 1/2 years. well, after marathon negotiation, the u.s. and russia have agreed on securing and destroying syria's chemical weapons stockpiles. marly hall tells us, a military strike is still on the table. >> the united states and russia are committed to the elimination of syrian chemical weapons. >> reporter: after 2 1/2 days of talks in geneva, secretary of state john kerry and russian foreign minister sergei lavarov announced a diplomatic deal. under the agreement, the syrian president bashar al-assad will submit a list of chemical weapons in one week. allow international inspection bis november and destroy all weapons material and equipment by the first half of 2014. >> the world will now expect the assad regime to live up to its public commitments. >> reporter: if syria fails to comply, the united nations security council could step in and authorize sanctions. president obama remains prepared to act if diplomacy fails. in a statement, he said we have a duty to preserve a world free from the fear of chemical weapons for our children. today marks an important step toward achieving this goal. rebels trying to unseat the syrian regime say they reject the u.s./russian agreement. >> we think that the russians and that the regime are playing games to waste time and to win time for the criminal masters. >> reporter: fighting in syria continues. and inspectors who will work to enforce the diplomatic deal will have to do so in a war zone. marly hall, for cbs news, the united nations. some republican lawmakers are also already speaking out against the diplomatic proposal. they say it will allow syrian president bashar al-assad time to delay and to cease when more die in the country's war. democrats praise praised deal as a way to end syria's use of deadly chemical weapons. two years since a deadly cruise ship disaster. now a major salvage operation about to get under way. why engineers have only one chance to get it right. >> a dramatic scene captured on camera, on the san francisco bay. the problem that caused a boat in the america's cup race to nearly capsize. >> rain back in the bay area forecast. good evening, everybody. i will pinpoint the day that you may need the umbrella. but first, a look at the white caps on the bay waters. as the news continues right here on kpix5. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. "emirates team new zealand"t ne it was a shortened day for the america's cup yacht races on the san francisco bay. the team new zealand boat nearly capsized today. the tilt was caused when the sail did not pop to the correct side. apparently because of a lack of pressure in the hydraulic system. it allowed the defending champion oracle team usa to win. today's second scheduled race was postponed because of excessive winds. new zealand still leads the series and needs to win just three more races to claim this year's america's cup. suzuki is recalling nearly 200,000 vehicles because of a defective air bag sensor. the models involved include the grand tara suv model years 2006 through 2011. and the sx4 cars 2007 to 2011. the automaker says the sensor problem is on the passenger side. it measures the passenger's weight. it is important because the air bags are not supposed to deploy when a child is sitting in that seat. dealers will make the repairs for free. well, it may seem hard to believe, but that cruise ship that ran aground, tipped over off the coast of italy is still sitting there. the costa concordia has been laying on its side like this for nearly two years. on monday, crews begin a monumental salvage effort that has never been done before. and engineers say they have to do it right because there is no plan b. charlie d'agata explains. >> reporter: an american company is at the helm and it will take a salvage team of 500 people from 24 nations to right the wreck of the costa concordia. and a bit of help from moderate for the seas to stay quiet. the liner has been laying on its side off the italian coast after it ran aground 20 months ago. the way to upright it in nautical terms is parbuckling but it is unprecedented in terms of scale and cost. after building a platform beneath the hull, cranes slowly pull her back upright at a rate of 3 yards an hour and air in massive containers will lep to refloat and stabilize the shift. >> we start it up and 8-10 hours, we can put it down on the platforms. >> if all goes to plan, and she doesn't break apart in the process, she can be towed away and broken up for scrap. the cruise ship had more than 4,000 passengers on board when it ran into a reef that sliced a 230-foot gash into the side of its hull. two americans were among 30 people killed. two more passengers are still missing. their bodies may be on board somewhere. the operation to salvage the ship, 2 1/2 times the size of the titanic, is already the most expensive in maritime history. $800million, with insurance estimates topping $1.1 billion. and nobody wants to think of the cost, financial or otherwise, if monday's operation fails. crews have reinforced part of the hull. it is being described as like applying a neck brace before moving an accident victim. once upright, they will have to repair the hull before towing it off. that won't happen until spring at the earliest. charlie d'agata, cbs news, london. it was a pretty cool day across the bay area today. the last full weekend of summer. we will pinpoint the areas that will warm and the coolest locations, as the news continues. excuse me, sir i'm gonnhave to ask you to popower down youlittle . think your friends will understand., it's actually my geico app.see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? fr the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside aistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that wh pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say tha geico. just click away with our free mobile app. ok, did she seriously just say tha these are the hands a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. racing in the bay area toda this is the america's cup yachts were not the only boats racing in the bay area. this is the 18th annual san francisco international dragon boat race off treasure island. the accompanying festival has food and activities for the kids. the event continues tomorrow. from 8:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the afternoon. of course, the winds postponed the second race today for america's cup. you were talking about the white caps on the bay. >> lots of white caps out there. but the wind did not keep people away from the bay. i was down there for the chocolate festival. yum. >> so fun, right? >> yes and i have a big event later on tonight. the chocolate festival as well. we are having a fundraiser for project open hand. >> good. >> feeding people in the bay area. and looking at the numbers. you can see the flags on top of knob hill. and skies have cleared across the city of san francisco but it took a little while today. 78 in santa rosa. and in the mid-60s currently in oakland and upper 60s in mountain view. where the winds have been out of the west at 28 miles an hour. currently, wind swept blue skies. and we will see the breezy conditions throughout the evening hours. out of the west 10-20 miles an hour. waking up tomorrow in the clouds with areas of fog and drizzle. and pretty much a carbon copy again tomorrow. from what we experienced today, we are going to see again tomorrow. and then the extended forecast calls for a slight warmup. we can see the seven-day outlook coming up. but first things first, a kick start with tonight's bottoming out into the 50s, and into the low 60s. i like this. watch the future cast. you can see that we're shrouded in a deck of low clouds and fog. it is a pretty extensive deck of clouds. it is the marine layer it is 2400 feet deep and moves inland. a good 60 miles, in the overnight hours and here is the sun-up tomorrow morning. we have the clouds all the way through the tri valley and taking a while to retrieve but earlier burnoffs tomorrow and that will result in slightly warmer conditions in our inland areas. i love this. look at the area of low pressure right behind me here. that is textbook perfect and that is what is enhancing our marine layer and it continues to take a nose dive to the south and as it does so, eventually it will migrate out of the bay area, and so each day, we will see easier burnoff. until then, below-average temperature force the most part. with those scattered thunderstorms in throughout the high sierra. and tomorrow, we will look at the numbers like this. partial coastal clearing in the 60s at the beaches. robust sea breeze. out of the west 10-20 miles an hour. and count on 70s along the peninsula. we jump up to 84 degrees in morgan hill and gilroy. then we swing around to the eastern portion of our district. we head well inland in the mid- 80s, away from the bay. the closer you get to the bay water, temperatures in the 60s and 70s. across the golden gate bridge, 80 degrees in san rafael. and all the way into the mid- 80s in ukia. and here is your extended forecast. warmer today. by midweek. and then we introduce a chance of rain. notice on the golden gate bridge, on friday and saturday. but no rainout for tomorrow. it is going to be spectacular. football weather. raiders. and 72 degrees at kickoff. check that out. raiders! >> raiders! >> silver and black. ready for the post game show tomorrow. after a raiders victory. >> i want to do the weather on the raiders game. >> you're roberta gonzalez, you just walk right in there. the local unit. and just do your thing. >> yes. >> the mobile unit. >> that's right. hey, ahead, the a's, they crossed another one off of the checklist. and incoming! the stanford cardinals football team invading army. ,,,,,,,,,,,, [ maragno ] if the car was invented today, it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you'd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million gas-free miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isn't "why electric?" it's "why gas?" [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ but, it is in fact " the bef 's... baseball up top. apologies for august meant can the charles dickens -- augments the charles dickens novel a tale of two cities but it is in fact the best of times for the oakland a's. they've done it again. they have the starter early. and they have to start early against this guy. brandon plos to the right corner. it will create a play at the plate for josh donaldson and he just gets under the throw. look at the replay. a super-man like dive, for the first and only run of the game. and the a's bats went into deep freeze after that. the culprit, seven innings, 10 strike-outs there. and then we go to the 6th inning. josh donaldson, it looked like a routine single up the middle but somebody said something. perhaps it was jarvis. we don't know. but the a's took offense. especially coco crisp. he had to be restrained. bartolo colon for the a's unleashed the pain. got an e.r.a. of just over one since coming off the d. l. search strike- outs. 95 miles an hour. 9th inning. time for the bellfour. grant bellfour, strike three call on david murphy. and that is it. the a's win it 1-0. they're 5 1/2 games up in the west. the magic number to clinch the division is now 10. yes. giants and dodgers at the top of the hour. the college football, cal a little busy with the ohio state buck ice. the story coming up on the late show. and you had to get up pretty early in the morning to see stanford render army defenseless. packed house at west point. all shapes and sizes. ex stanford great john el way took notice. the first half. kevin hogan. the elway impression. gets some help from a tip drill there. michael wreckhauls it in. stanford up by one. second quarter, hogan, homerun ball here. todd montgomery, 46-yard play. and it is 20-13 at half. third quarter. oh, a little bugga-boo. army can't handle the ball on the grown. stanford gets the ball back. and turns into points. and hogan off a play fake. tyler gaffeny is wide open. stanford victorious, 34-20 over army. who improved to 2-0. for the season. johnny manziel, the walk of fame, number six texas a&m aggies blew a 14-0 lead against alabama. johnny manziel, 454 yards passing but two critical interceptions. this one, vinny sinceri part of 45 unanswered points bit crimson tide. he takes it to the house to make it 35-14. but check out danny football. out of the ends zone. we rattle the aggies back. and slings it perfectly into the hands of mike evans. tipped. and he is gone. 95-yard touchdown. it brings a&m within a touchdown. and bamma however never other than that. calm, cool collected and get it done. mccarron, fowler. offensive explosion today. alabama wins a final of 49-42. jim morerow jr. and the ucla bruins down 18 at one point to nebraska. and they come all the way back. and brett hutly, to shaquille evans. 28-yard touchdown. the bruins, they take nebraska out, 41-21. over to golf, tiger woods and sergio garcia. walking together. round three of the bmw. tige ner the hunt. birdie on 18. -- tiger in the hunt. birdie on 18. in 5th place, four strokes behind the leader, jim furyk. and here is hunter mahan, this boys and girls is how you perfect the hole in one! shot a 6 a 65 for the afternoon. he is going well. a little segue to this promo. tomorrow is the home opener for raiders. they host jacksonville. they're favored to win. at about a 1:30 kickoff time. followed by the fifth quarter. where i will be getting reaction right by the raiders locker room. i for one cannot wait for this game. >> a good start. >> okay. thank you very much, vern. crime is way up in one bay area city. not used to seeing it. berkeley is seeing a dramatic spike in robberies and burglaries. now, we talked to one woman who witnessed her car being stolen. the solution the police intend to present to the city council. that story and more at 6:30. see you back in a half hour. for now we have more on kpix .com. good night. ,,,,,, >> glor: tonight, all sides of the syria deal. >> we're finished. >> glor: the u.s. and russia agree on a plane to eliminate syria's chemical weapons but it will work. margaret brennen is in geneva, elizabeth palmer in damascus of course, and holly williams in istanbul. we have stories of narrow escapes after record flooding. the race to clear a massive molasses spill in hawaii is threatening marine life and baffling cleanup crews. and fighting spirit-- terrell brown talks to a man from the front line of new jersey's board walk fire. >> the radio goes off, and we don't hesitate. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" >> glor: good evening, everyone. je

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