Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20170720 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20170720

destruction. 29 homes up in flames. and tonight: thousand now at 11:00, this wildfire burning a path of destruction. tonight dozens of other structures in the line of danger. i'm ken bastida. >> i'm elizabeth cook. right now it's million -- right now it's 48,000 inside. andria borba is downtown mariposa tonight, andrea? >> reporter: liz, this part of mariposa is one that has burned down. that's the concern here tonight that this fire will continue its on word mark and take out thousands of homes and businesses. >> i have never seen it so close to town. >> reporter: along the old highway the fight against the fire is on. crews are setting up camp throughout mariposa. making a stand against flames that come roaring down ridges. in some cases lighting is backfired to stop the burn. further out the bulldozer is busy cutting lines through the dirt. >> someone told me they were dumping fire retardant at the top. so i got a little scared. >> reporter: our cameras captured two massive drops. working the bridge along the old highway. >> we are still a little scared. >> reporter: this is what the fire is advancing on. it should be filled in route to the yosemite. the old town is a ghost town. >> it is really important to get the business. come wintertime our locals are the ones that should board from this. >> reporter: tom and his wife own three businesses here in this town of 3,000 people. he's worried about those. >> we're not sure what's going on. i just filled up my car. going back here to check on the animals and the woman and make sure we'll be okay. >> reporter: now the dc-10 dropping retardant just moments ago, a similar one made a grand total of ten trips across the mountains and dropped over 100,000 gallons of retardant on the hillside to stop them from burning. live tonight andria borba kpix 5. no rain in sight. 94 degrees is the forecast for tomorrow. san francisco is 30,000 acres in size. it's digger than the size of san francisco. light winds from north and south pushing the smoke towards mariposa on another hot and dry day tomorrow. certainly air quality issues around there. go up about 10,000 feet. the atmosphere the smoke is making is upper-level winds going in the opposite direction where air quality carnes are in effect there as well. local forecast is coming up. >> paul, thank you. now to a devastating diagnosis of arizona's senator john mccain. tonight he has brain cancer. joe? >> liz, he said it is very aggressive. this is much worse than anyone knew. president trump sent out a short statement from the white house tonight. senator john mccain has been a fighter. melania and i send our prayers to mccain, cindy, and the entire family. he's in the fight of his life. >> reporter: the diagnosis comes after senator had a blood clot removed from earlier his eye this week. they found a primary brain tumor. this type of brain tumor is fast moving and deadly referred to as the terminator. >> so this is a difficult tumor. it's very aggressive. >> reporter: dr. susan chan is the professor at ucs. >> the average is about 15 to 18 months. that's just an average. >> reporter: mccain's family is considering treatment, radiation, and chemo therapy. senator mccain has been in the public eye for five decades. he was shot down over north vietnam. spent five years at a pow camp, later became arizona senator. in 2008 he ran for president against barack obama. former president was one of the first to send out a statement tonight. "john mccain is an american hero and one of the bravest fighters i have ever known. give it hell, john." sarah palin tweeted john mccain is one tough fighter. he'll face this diagnosis with could remember and strength. his daughter said in a statement, cancer may have affected him in many ways, but it will not make his surrender. >> reporter: in statement they will have further consultations with the mayo clinic team to decide when he'll return to the united states senate. joe vazquez kpix 5. following a midair mishap. spirit airlines flight 576 was bound for baltimore. but the pilot diverted the plane to denver. the problem according to airport officials a possible disturbance on board that plane. they're not releasing any details about that incident, but they say there is no injuries. denver police and the fbi are investigating. all the passengers will fly out to baltimore in the morning. >> in hayward a father pushing his baby in a stroller is gunned down. tonight the killer is on the loose. the shots rang out this afternoon near willow and meekland avenue. kpix 5 kristin ackiers is there. >> it is absolutely horrible and shocking. >> reporter: a burst of gunfire and the squeal of tires, then sheriff deputies started showing up. >> there was a man down on the ground. we see a stroller. >> reporter: the newborn boy was not hurt, but his father died at the scene. a friend named oscar told us the victim went by the nickname of little d. he was trying to turn his life around. >> he was looking for a job and he was happy, you know. >> reporter: authorities have some new leads tonight thanks to witnesses. they used drones and 3d imaging to map the scene. >> we watched a kid get shot on his bicycle about three years ago. >> one time a car came next door and blasted the house. >> reporter: the shooting is something no one could have expected. tonight the victim's family is scared. >> that child as they grow up will some day learn they were there while their father was killed. a marine from pet lieu ma is brain dead tonight after a lightning strike. the lightning bolt struck an aircraft he was working on. it happened in jacksonville, north carolina. the 23-year-old corporal skyler graduated from pet lieu -- petaluma high school. a hearing that will decide whether the former football star will be released. kpix 5 betty yu joins us with the preview. >> reporter: his fate is in the hands of four nevada parole board commissioners. he's approaching a nine-year sentence for kidnapping, robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon. >> reporter: o.j. simpson first gathered at galileo in 1969. he thrilled crowds as a football star before becoming one of america's most famous murder suspects. he was acquitted of killing ex- wife nicole brown simpson and her friend in 1995. to the at 70 years -- and today at 70 years old he'll plea for his freedom. he was convicted in this botched robbery at a las vegas video. this video shows simpson leaving a sports memorabilia dealer's hotel room. simpson said he was just trying to take back memorabilia that belonged to him. >> that one phrase don't let anybody out of the room really got him convicted? >> yeah, i think you're right. they considered that kidnapping when he said don't let anybody out here. the pillow case is pulled out and turned into an armed robbery. that's why he's in jail today. >> reporter: he was last seen at a parole hearing four years ago. >> i just wish i had never gone to that room. i wish i didn't. i wish i would have said keep it and don't worry about it. >> reporter: jeffrey felix was simpson's first guard. >> o.j. had a positive attitude. he knew he was going to get paroled and that is all he thought about. >> trent copeland has followed simpson's legal troubles. >> some people will say listen, nevada did what california couldn't do. that 1994 case involving o.j. simpson cannot be a part of this parole board hearing at all. >> a retired prison guard said simpson hasn't gotten into any trouble in nine years. the parole board won't be able to consider his murder trial in making a case. betty yu kpix 5. glass case was smashed and an employee was pepper sprayed. tonight the bay area jewelry heist. a violent crash and chase. the drivers caught in a demolition derby. this bay area grandma is about to face her fears. tonight she tells us why she is going sky diving for the first time. 811 is a free service to keep our community safe. before you do any project big or small, pg&e will come out and mark your gas and electric lines so you don't hit them when you dig. call 811 before you dig, and make sure that you and your neighbors are safe. [ light music playing ] you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the c300 for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. 811 is available to any business our or homeownerfe. to make sure that you identify where your utilities are if you are gonna do any kind of excavation no matter how small or large before you dig, call 811. keep yourself safe. tonight police are investigating a jewelry store heist in antioch. veronica de la cruz is here with more. veronica? tonight prince vest gaiting a jewel -- tonight, police are investigating a jewelry in antioch. >> the thieves entered the jewelry store at the town center mall just before 11:30 this morning. they used metal tools to break the glass cases and then ran off with the jewelry. the robbers also pepper sprayed an employee. the value of the jewelry has yet to be determined. >> i haven't determined that yet. that's something i need to do while i clean up. veronica de la cruz kpix 5. construction is now underway on a new high-rise in oakland right across the street from an apartment complex that was destroyed by a fire just before it was completed. the city held a ground breaking ceremony today on a new 234- unit apartment building. you can actually see the burned out apartment building just a few hundred feet away. investigators believe it was burned down by an arsonist less than two weeks ago. the city is promising more security at the site of the new high-rise. >> no one wants to be involved with the project, you know, that gets -- that gets torched. >> local investigators are still working with the feds to track down that arsonist. a similar fire broke out earlier this year at an emeryville building. mayor libby schaaf is looking for a new way to protect buildings. a wild high-speed chase ended in a dangerous crash. two people arrested including the driver. tonight reporter tom wait spoke to the man who had his car stolen. >> reporter: a dangerous pursuit. the driver hit the gas blazing down surface streets putting everyone on the road at risk. when there wasn't a lane he found one. watch as he takes out this car's mirror. >> whoa. >> reporter: before this thing came to a stop a number of drivers got smashed. but that collision wasn't the worse of it. after 20 minutes of -- of zigzagging through, the guy finally lost control and collided with a woman. >> oh no, no, no. >> reporter: the woman in the car was taken to the hospital. the suspect driver took off on foot. it didn't take long for police to chase him down and make the arrest. as for the drivers caught up in this mess they had very little time to react. this man was in that gray suv. >> there was a moment of hoping he wasn't going to hit me. >> reporter: the man who owns the car the suspect stole said the suspect snuck up at exactly the right moment. >> he came in and jumped in the car and took off. >> reporter: a good samaritan also jumped in to help this man. he helped chase down and tackle the suspect. in los angeles i'm tom wait kpix 5. a family from new york says they were booted off a jet blue flight for no reason. the mother of three captured the incident on her phone. it happened last month as she, her husband, and three kids flew home from south florida. it all started because her 1- year-old cried and kicked the seat in front of them. >> the plane at that point turned back around to go to the gate and security from jet blue gets onto the flight and tells us to grab our things. >> the family got into a verbal argument with the passenger in front of them. the family denies that and jet blue is investigating. a family is about to face their fears. with why the woman is going sky diving at 71 years old. >> i don't like heights, i don't like to fly. >> reporter: at 71 rebecca byron is doing something she never imagined. her husband tom will be right there with her also sky diving for the first time although he's not as cheerful. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> reporter: out of all the people who will cheer them on there is one person in particular they're doing it for. >> he's not afraid to fly like i am. >> reporter: their grandson alex. >> i hope it shows how much we love him. >> last year doctors diagnosed alex with a rare bone cancer. he was only 11. >> it's been pretty hard. as she watched her grandson suffer from the pain, chemo, and surgery, it brought up the emotions from two decades ago. >> i lost a daughter years ago in a car accident, so i know what it is like to lose a child. >> reporter: rebecca began working as a grief counselor to help other parents. now she wants to do more for children with cancer. >> the idea came to me. the one thing i can do is to raise money for children's cancer research. >> she's pretty cool for a 70- year-old grandparent. >> they will sky dive for kids diagnosed with cancer, but also for alex who is now in remission. >> i just want him to know how much he means to me. >> reporter: in danville marie medina kpix 5. >> the byrons have raised nearly $13,000 for a non-profit that raises money for children with cancer. it's called alex's lemonade stand. >> wow. incredible story. good for her. great cause. >> absolutely. a brave grandma. we're looking at temperatures inland that have been nearly four degrees above average for the month. that's significant when you are talking about three weeks of weather. but hot out in san francisco. we're barely above average. that is a big difference when you're talking about an entire month. 3.5 degree difference relative to being on average. we will be warmer as we approach the weekend. lots of temperatures around 60 degrees. fog beginning to form around the golden gate. 56 in san francisco. santa rosa, san jose 61. concord 63 degrees. we will all wake up tomorrow in the 60s. san jose tonight 58 degrees. napa 54, and a foggy start in oakland with your low at 55 degrees. pleasant setup. the catalyst for our southwest wind flow is this high pressure area centered over southeastern california. that's allowing the southwest wind flow to continue. not too strong. then we have june gloom or summertime gloom where everybody is cloudy and chilly. we won't get that. nor will we see warm weather everywhere. where she -- we will have a moderate amount of rain. cloud covers tomorrow, pushing inland. that'll be a change. but burning back to the coastline by the afternoon. i expect a repeat performance coming up on friday. one change as we head towards the weekend. that ridge gets a bit closer. it'll compress the marine layer and not go far inland. temperatures will climb away from the water. not the 100s, but low to mid- 90s likely for saturday and sunday. morning clouds going farther inland. temperatures will be staying close to mid-july averages, but slightly warmer weather this weekend. oakland your normal is 70, your high 71. sunnyvale 75. union city 74. redwood city 77. comfortable in the 80s, antioch. petaluma 81. kentfield 75, and farther north we'll see a few low 90s. extended forecast pleasant through the weekend, 60s and 70s near the water. 90s inland. then we will cool off bit next week. we found that sweet spot. it took us eight months to get here. but now that we are here, we get to stay here for a while. >> thanks, paul. someone just won the $447 million power ball jackpot. it's snot liz because she's still sitting there. how this guy almost let his fortune slip away. here are tonight's guests on the late show with stephen colbert. we're now learning more well after more than a month of laying low we are now learning more about a history making power ball winner. >> jeff lindsey came forward today. any relation? no. darn it. after buying the winning ticket on june 11 lipped see says the ticket worth $447 million actually sat on his counter for a few day -- lindsey says the ticket worth $447 million actually sat on his counter for a few days. he took the lump sum option worth $280 million, but decided not to do any interviews. >> i hadn't seen him in a while, so i don't know if it is him or not him. >> i would not be quiet. i would be so loud on tv. hey everybody, i won. >> reporter: lindsey's jackpot was the 7th largest in power ball history and the 10th largest in u.s. history. a stanford golfer has begun his request for the british open. and if you've got one of these in your closet, why it might be time to break it out. morning on knbr manager bruce bochy was asked if general manager bobby evan sand value was released by -- sandoval was released by the boston red sox. we were asked if the general manager bobby evans was interested in bringing him back. >> i think bobby has looked into it. i don't know if he's going to go anywhere with it. he has done a lot here. we will never forget that. you know, sometimes it makes sense, especially when you're looking at financially what doesn't cost you a lot. >> now bouche was on to something because a report later surfaced. >> can we call him pablo instead of pablo sandoval? he has denied the reports saying he has offers from other teams and he'll make a decision on friday. at at&t park, buster posey called up to pinch hit in the bottom of the 8th. buster delivers a two-out bases clearing double giving the giants the lead and they win the game taking two out of three from the tribe. check out this role he got to defend on, the game of thrones. sunny gray is subject to a ton of trade speculations. might have made his final start. matt joyce almost pounds one into the sing deck. pound it, pound it, pound it, a's win 7-2 avoiding the sweep against tampa. less than an hour ago the british open teed off in miserable conditions. stanford product and the world's second ranked amateur maverick mcnealy clearly struggled with the win and rain off the first tee. he sliced the iron out of bound and then missed his putt for double bogey. he took a trim bogey 7. marco m -- we have been running this poll today to ask you if simpson should be paroled or should he stay in prison? most of the people believe o.j. should stay in prison. don't do the times. what did they say? don't do the crime if you don't do the time. don't do it. >> we'll let you know what happens. we'll be right back. (man) hmm. what do you think? ♪ (stranger) good mornin'! ♪ (store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ mom. ♪ ♪ where all the walls echo with laughter ♪ ♪ and every room has its own chapter ♪ you've carried on your family's tradition. let us help you prepare for your family's future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. tomorrow morning at 4-30. the late show with stephen colbert is next. our next newscast is tomorrow morning at 4:30. >> don't do the crime if you can't do the time. captioning sponsored by cbs president trump is pushingback against the revelation that he had a second previously undisclosed conversation with vladimir putin. it happened during a dinner with world leaders at the g20 summit in germany last week. we here at the late show wondered a what they talked about so we asked the wait staff. >> at one point trump said to putin, i can't believe all 20 countries in the world are here. >> trump choked on a dinner roll and kept coughing but later insisting there was no hacking whatsoever. >> trump put heinz 57 on his steak but later claimed it was heinz 3 million. >> trump tuck a napkin that his kol ar so he didn't get anything on his shirt, putin just took his shirt off. >> he told trump the male was complimentary but for some reason he still insisted that

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Nevada , Tampa , Florida , Germany , North Carolina , Oakland , Redwood City , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Arizona , Danville , Togo , Los Angeles , Petaluma , America , Betty Yu Kpix , Francisco Santa Rosa , Andria Borba , Andria Borba Kpix , Cruz Kpix , Trent Copeland , Susan Chan , Matt Joyce , Nicole Brown Simpson , Elizabeth Cook , John Sarah Palin , Bobby Evans , Jeffrey Felix , Barack Obama , Jeff Lindsey , Libby Schaaf , Betty Yu , John Mccain ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20170720 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20170720

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destruction. 29 homes up in flames. and tonight: thousand now at 11:00, this wildfire burning a path of destruction. tonight dozens of other structures in the line of danger. i'm ken bastida. >> i'm elizabeth cook. right now it's million -- right now it's 48,000 inside. andria borba is downtown mariposa tonight, andrea? >> reporter: liz, this part of mariposa is one that has burned down. that's the concern here tonight that this fire will continue its on word mark and take out thousands of homes and businesses. >> i have never seen it so close to town. >> reporter: along the old highway the fight against the fire is on. crews are setting up camp throughout mariposa. making a stand against flames that come roaring down ridges. in some cases lighting is backfired to stop the burn. further out the bulldozer is busy cutting lines through the dirt. >> someone told me they were dumping fire retardant at the top. so i got a little scared. >> reporter: our cameras captured two massive drops. working the bridge along the old highway. >> we are still a little scared. >> reporter: this is what the fire is advancing on. it should be filled in route to the yosemite. the old town is a ghost town. >> it is really important to get the business. come wintertime our locals are the ones that should board from this. >> reporter: tom and his wife own three businesses here in this town of 3,000 people. he's worried about those. >> we're not sure what's going on. i just filled up my car. going back here to check on the animals and the woman and make sure we'll be okay. >> reporter: now the dc-10 dropping retardant just moments ago, a similar one made a grand total of ten trips across the mountains and dropped over 100,000 gallons of retardant on the hillside to stop them from burning. live tonight andria borba kpix 5. no rain in sight. 94 degrees is the forecast for tomorrow. san francisco is 30,000 acres in size. it's digger than the size of san francisco. light winds from north and south pushing the smoke towards mariposa on another hot and dry day tomorrow. certainly air quality issues around there. go up about 10,000 feet. the atmosphere the smoke is making is upper-level winds going in the opposite direction where air quality carnes are in effect there as well. local forecast is coming up. >> paul, thank you. now to a devastating diagnosis of arizona's senator john mccain. tonight he has brain cancer. joe? >> liz, he said it is very aggressive. this is much worse than anyone knew. president trump sent out a short statement from the white house tonight. senator john mccain has been a fighter. melania and i send our prayers to mccain, cindy, and the entire family. he's in the fight of his life. >> reporter: the diagnosis comes after senator had a blood clot removed from earlier his eye this week. they found a primary brain tumor. this type of brain tumor is fast moving and deadly referred to as the terminator. >> so this is a difficult tumor. it's very aggressive. >> reporter: dr. susan chan is the professor at ucs. >> the average is about 15 to 18 months. that's just an average. >> reporter: mccain's family is considering treatment, radiation, and chemo therapy. senator mccain has been in the public eye for five decades. he was shot down over north vietnam. spent five years at a pow camp, later became arizona senator. in 2008 he ran for president against barack obama. former president was one of the first to send out a statement tonight. "john mccain is an american hero and one of the bravest fighters i have ever known. give it hell, john." sarah palin tweeted john mccain is one tough fighter. he'll face this diagnosis with could remember and strength. his daughter said in a statement, cancer may have affected him in many ways, but it will not make his surrender. >> reporter: in statement they will have further consultations with the mayo clinic team to decide when he'll return to the united states senate. joe vazquez kpix 5. following a midair mishap. spirit airlines flight 576 was bound for baltimore. but the pilot diverted the plane to denver. the problem according to airport officials a possible disturbance on board that plane. they're not releasing any details about that incident, but they say there is no injuries. denver police and the fbi are investigating. all the passengers will fly out to baltimore in the morning. >> in hayward a father pushing his baby in a stroller is gunned down. tonight the killer is on the loose. the shots rang out this afternoon near willow and meekland avenue. kpix 5 kristin ackiers is there. >> it is absolutely horrible and shocking. >> reporter: a burst of gunfire and the squeal of tires, then sheriff deputies started showing up. >> there was a man down on the ground. we see a stroller. >> reporter: the newborn boy was not hurt, but his father died at the scene. a friend named oscar told us the victim went by the nickname of little d. he was trying to turn his life around. >> he was looking for a job and he was happy, you know. >> reporter: authorities have some new leads tonight thanks to witnesses. they used drones and 3d imaging to map the scene. >> we watched a kid get shot on his bicycle about three years ago. >> one time a car came next door and blasted the house. >> reporter: the shooting is something no one could have expected. tonight the victim's family is scared. >> that child as they grow up will some day learn they were there while their father was killed. a marine from pet lieu ma is brain dead tonight after a lightning strike. the lightning bolt struck an aircraft he was working on. it happened in jacksonville, north carolina. the 23-year-old corporal skyler graduated from pet lieu -- petaluma high school. a hearing that will decide whether the former football star will be released. kpix 5 betty yu joins us with the preview. >> reporter: his fate is in the hands of four nevada parole board commissioners. he's approaching a nine-year sentence for kidnapping, robbery, and assault with a deadly weapon. >> reporter: o.j. simpson first gathered at galileo in 1969. he thrilled crowds as a football star before becoming one of america's most famous murder suspects. he was acquitted of killing ex- wife nicole brown simpson and her friend in 1995. to the at 70 years -- and today at 70 years old he'll plea for his freedom. he was convicted in this botched robbery at a las vegas video. this video shows simpson leaving a sports memorabilia dealer's hotel room. simpson said he was just trying to take back memorabilia that belonged to him. >> that one phrase don't let anybody out of the room really got him convicted? >> yeah, i think you're right. they considered that kidnapping when he said don't let anybody out here. the pillow case is pulled out and turned into an armed robbery. that's why he's in jail today. >> reporter: he was last seen at a parole hearing four years ago. >> i just wish i had never gone to that room. i wish i didn't. i wish i would have said keep it and don't worry about it. >> reporter: jeffrey felix was simpson's first guard. >> o.j. had a positive attitude. he knew he was going to get paroled and that is all he thought about. >> trent copeland has followed simpson's legal troubles. >> some people will say listen, nevada did what california couldn't do. that 1994 case involving o.j. simpson cannot be a part of this parole board hearing at all. >> a retired prison guard said simpson hasn't gotten into any trouble in nine years. the parole board won't be able to consider his murder trial in making a case. betty yu kpix 5. glass case was smashed and an employee was pepper sprayed. tonight the bay area jewelry heist. a violent crash and chase. the drivers caught in a demolition derby. this bay area grandma is about to face her fears. tonight she tells us why she is going sky diving for the first time. 811 is a free service to keep our community safe. before you do any project big or small, pg&e will come out and mark your gas and electric lines so you don't hit them when you dig. call 811 before you dig, and make sure that you and your neighbors are safe. [ light music playing ] you've wished upon it all year, and now it's finally here. the mercedes-benz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedes-benz you've always longed for. but hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. lease the c300 for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. 811 is available to any business our or homeownerfe. to make sure that you identify where your utilities are if you are gonna do any kind of excavation no matter how small or large before you dig, call 811. keep yourself safe. tonight police are investigating a jewelry store heist in antioch. veronica de la cruz is here with more. veronica? tonight prince vest gaiting a jewel -- tonight, police are investigating a jewelry in antioch. >> the thieves entered the jewelry store at the town center mall just before 11:30 this morning. they used metal tools to break the glass cases and then ran off with the jewelry. the robbers also pepper sprayed an employee. the value of the jewelry has yet to be determined. >> i haven't determined that yet. that's something i need to do while i clean up. veronica de la cruz kpix 5. construction is now underway on a new high-rise in oakland right across the street from an apartment complex that was destroyed by a fire just before it was completed. the city held a ground breaking ceremony today on a new 234- unit apartment building. you can actually see the burned out apartment building just a few hundred feet away. investigators believe it was burned down by an arsonist less than two weeks ago. the city is promising more security at the site of the new high-rise. >> no one wants to be involved with the project, you know, that gets -- that gets torched. >> local investigators are still working with the feds to track down that arsonist. a similar fire broke out earlier this year at an emeryville building. mayor libby schaaf is looking for a new way to protect buildings. a wild high-speed chase ended in a dangerous crash. two people arrested including the driver. tonight reporter tom wait spoke to the man who had his car stolen. >> reporter: a dangerous pursuit. the driver hit the gas blazing down surface streets putting everyone on the road at risk. when there wasn't a lane he found one. watch as he takes out this car's mirror. >> whoa. >> reporter: before this thing came to a stop a number of drivers got smashed. but that collision wasn't the worse of it. after 20 minutes of -- of zigzagging through, the guy finally lost control and collided with a woman. >> oh no, no, no. >> reporter: the woman in the car was taken to the hospital. the suspect driver took off on foot. it didn't take long for police to chase him down and make the arrest. as for the drivers caught up in this mess they had very little time to react. this man was in that gray suv. >> there was a moment of hoping he wasn't going to hit me. >> reporter: the man who owns the car the suspect stole said the suspect snuck up at exactly the right moment. >> he came in and jumped in the car and took off. >> reporter: a good samaritan also jumped in to help this man. he helped chase down and tackle the suspect. in los angeles i'm tom wait kpix 5. a family from new york says they were booted off a jet blue flight for no reason. the mother of three captured the incident on her phone. it happened last month as she, her husband, and three kids flew home from south florida. it all started because her 1- year-old cried and kicked the seat in front of them. >> the plane at that point turned back around to go to the gate and security from jet blue gets onto the flight and tells us to grab our things. >> the family got into a verbal argument with the passenger in front of them. the family denies that and jet blue is investigating. a family is about to face their fears. with why the woman is going sky diving at 71 years old. >> i don't like heights, i don't like to fly. >> reporter: at 71 rebecca byron is doing something she never imagined. her husband tom will be right there with her also sky diving for the first time although he's not as cheerful. >> i'm looking forward to it. >> reporter: out of all the people who will cheer them on there is one person in particular they're doing it for. >> he's not afraid to fly like i am. >> reporter: their grandson alex. >> i hope it shows how much we love him. >> last year doctors diagnosed alex with a rare bone cancer. he was only 11. >> it's been pretty hard. as she watched her grandson suffer from the pain, chemo, and surgery, it brought up the emotions from two decades ago. >> i lost a daughter years ago in a car accident, so i know what it is like to lose a child. >> reporter: rebecca began working as a grief counselor to help other parents. now she wants to do more for children with cancer. >> the idea came to me. the one thing i can do is to raise money for children's cancer research. >> she's pretty cool for a 70- year-old grandparent. >> they will sky dive for kids diagnosed with cancer, but also for alex who is now in remission. >> i just want him to know how much he means to me. >> reporter: in danville marie medina kpix 5. >> the byrons have raised nearly $13,000 for a non-profit that raises money for children with cancer. it's called alex's lemonade stand. >> wow. incredible story. good for her. great cause. >> absolutely. a brave grandma. we're looking at temperatures inland that have been nearly four degrees above average for the month. that's significant when you are talking about three weeks of weather. but hot out in san francisco. we're barely above average. that is a big difference when you're talking about an entire month. 3.5 degree difference relative to being on average. we will be warmer as we approach the weekend. lots of temperatures around 60 degrees. fog beginning to form around the golden gate. 56 in san francisco. santa rosa, san jose 61. concord 63 degrees. we will all wake up tomorrow in the 60s. san jose tonight 58 degrees. napa 54, and a foggy start in oakland with your low at 55 degrees. pleasant setup. the catalyst for our southwest wind flow is this high pressure area centered over southeastern california. that's allowing the southwest wind flow to continue. not too strong. then we have june gloom or summertime gloom where everybody is cloudy and chilly. we won't get that. nor will we see warm weather everywhere. where she -- we will have a moderate amount of rain. cloud covers tomorrow, pushing inland. that'll be a change. but burning back to the coastline by the afternoon. i expect a repeat performance coming up on friday. one change as we head towards the weekend. that ridge gets a bit closer. it'll compress the marine layer and not go far inland. temperatures will climb away from the water. not the 100s, but low to mid- 90s likely for saturday and sunday. morning clouds going farther inland. temperatures will be staying close to mid-july averages, but slightly warmer weather this weekend. oakland your normal is 70, your high 71. sunnyvale 75. union city 74. redwood city 77. comfortable in the 80s, antioch. petaluma 81. kentfield 75, and farther north we'll see a few low 90s. extended forecast pleasant through the weekend, 60s and 70s near the water. 90s inland. then we will cool off bit next week. we found that sweet spot. it took us eight months to get here. but now that we are here, we get to stay here for a while. >> thanks, paul. someone just won the $447 million power ball jackpot. it's snot liz because she's still sitting there. how this guy almost let his fortune slip away. here are tonight's guests on the late show with stephen colbert. we're now learning more well after more than a month of laying low we are now learning more about a history making power ball winner. >> jeff lindsey came forward today. any relation? no. darn it. after buying the winning ticket on june 11 lipped see says the ticket worth $447 million actually sat on his counter for a few day -- lindsey says the ticket worth $447 million actually sat on his counter for a few days. he took the lump sum option worth $280 million, but decided not to do any interviews. >> i hadn't seen him in a while, so i don't know if it is him or not him. >> i would not be quiet. i would be so loud on tv. hey everybody, i won. >> reporter: lindsey's jackpot was the 7th largest in power ball history and the 10th largest in u.s. history. a stanford golfer has begun his request for the british open. and if you've got one of these in your closet, why it might be time to break it out. morning on knbr manager bruce bochy was asked if general manager bobby evan sand value was released by -- sandoval was released by the boston red sox. we were asked if the general manager bobby evans was interested in bringing him back. >> i think bobby has looked into it. i don't know if he's going to go anywhere with it. he has done a lot here. we will never forget that. you know, sometimes it makes sense, especially when you're looking at financially what doesn't cost you a lot. >> now bouche was on to something because a report later surfaced. >> can we call him pablo instead of pablo sandoval? he has denied the reports saying he has offers from other teams and he'll make a decision on friday. at at&t park, buster posey called up to pinch hit in the bottom of the 8th. buster delivers a two-out bases clearing double giving the giants the lead and they win the game taking two out of three from the tribe. check out this role he got to defend on, the game of thrones. sunny gray is subject to a ton of trade speculations. might have made his final start. matt joyce almost pounds one into the sing deck. pound it, pound it, pound it, a's win 7-2 avoiding the sweep against tampa. less than an hour ago the british open teed off in miserable conditions. stanford product and the world's second ranked amateur maverick mcnealy clearly struggled with the win and rain off the first tee. he sliced the iron out of bound and then missed his putt for double bogey. he took a trim bogey 7. marco m -- we have been running this poll today to ask you if simpson should be paroled or should he stay in prison? most of the people believe o.j. should stay in prison. don't do the times. what did they say? don't do the crime if you don't do the time. don't do it. >> we'll let you know what happens. we'll be right back. (man) hmm. what do you think? ♪ (stranger) good mornin'! ♪ (store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ mom. ♪ ♪ where all the walls echo with laughter ♪ ♪ and every room has its own chapter ♪ you've carried on your family's tradition. let us help you prepare for your family's future. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. tomorrow morning at 4-30. the late show with stephen colbert is next. our next newscast is tomorrow morning at 4:30. >> don't do the crime if you can't do the time. captioning sponsored by cbs president trump is pushingback against the revelation that he had a second previously undisclosed conversation with vladimir putin. it happened during a dinner with world leaders at the g20 summit in germany last week. we here at the late show wondered a what they talked about so we asked the wait staff. >> at one point trump said to putin, i can't believe all 20 countries in the world are here. >> trump choked on a dinner roll and kept coughing but later insisting there was no hacking whatsoever. >> trump put heinz 57 on his steak but later claimed it was heinz 3 million. >> trump tuck a napkin that his kol ar so he didn't get anything on his shirt, putin just took his shirt off. >> he told trump the male was complimentary but for some reason he still insisted that

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