Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20160204 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20160204

super bowl city... in front of a police presence, unlike anything we've seen in year. in san francisco. tonight hundreds of protesters take to the streets blocks from some wool city. and it police presence unlike anything we have seen in years in san francisco. we are broadcasting from a restaurant overlooking super bowl city. >> this is our exclusive home for the rest of the week leading up to super bowl 50. good evening. andrea was on the embarcadero tonight when police in tactical gear surrounded super bowl city. andrea? >> at one point the number of all - - officers here outside of super bowl city outnumbered the number of protesters on the sidewalk. in the shadow of freshly constructed super bowl city, a slice of protest culture in san francisco. >> they are homeless but they have no problem with taxpayers subsidizing big corporations. >> reporter: this time was over the nfl taking the land the homeless sleep on. and police brutality. hundreds of protesters marched around the city and did not put down their symbolic tents for fear of competition. it was a veritable of a bit soup of law enforcement. the crush of badges, weapons and motorcycle officers was visible through every moment of the spectacle. >> you know you are a target. >> reporter: the massively beefed up presence is probably going to be the new normal for events. >> over the last couple of super bowl scott the big difference is that we did not have a shooting and an attack in paris and isis committing to the cause as much as they are now. >> minutes ago i spoke with an officer who offered the an expedition as to why we saw so many officers out here and he said it was shift change and the people were getting off work simply stayed on to make sure this protest went smoothly. he said all in all, this is the most peaceful protests he has covered in his life and there were no acts of civil disobedience. this temporary homeless shelter was supposed to open today but it is still motto - - finished. and we have learned that it will open tomorrow or the next day. shelter can hold up to 150 people. the plan to keep it running through the end of march. more security across the bay area including these bomb sniffing dogs, expect to see them at airports and train stations. they are trained to detect 19,000 types of explosives as well as firearms, shell casings and ammunition. we are also learning about an unusual security measure in place in santa clara. mark? >> reporter: this is a security operation that is so big that even involves the coast guard and a creek that runs next to the stadium. this extreme seven tip of san francisco bay is so peaceful that it looks like it would factor - - hardly look sick it would factor into security. the creek runs right next to levi stadium. the coast guard will be setting up the maritime exclusion zone. that will be to make sure nobody can get in or out of the creek channel. jake johnson is home and security secretary. >> increased maritime security and helicopter trolls by the pope - - coast guard, along with on-site intelligence support. >> they bring water from the mountains all the way down here to the mouth of the bay and even after our recent rain, there rain, there is not a lot of water in the creek. in the creek itself is not particularly wide. nevertheless, the coast guard will be on alert. >> we know of no specific credible threat directed at these events. >> the signs of super bowl security around the stadium go beyond just the creek. national guard teams are already monitoring the premature. and officials are quick to point out that for all of the security, there's plenty of security that you don't see. pyrotechnics crews set off some fireworks at levi stadium's. a practice run for the big game on sunday. our chopper flew over super bowl city and all the stage is set up here at justin herman plaza. >> we are just three days from kick-off between the broncos and the panthers. crews will start lowering the first 500 forfeit span, you're looking at the animated demo of the process that is set to take place over the next two days. a breakthrough in a cold case, sheriffs officials say that two sets of bones found 37 years ago have been identified. one of those girls is francine trimble. the other is carie graham. both disappeared in 1978 from their homes in forestville. tourists later found the remains and this hearing in a concrete wall. extensive testing confirmed the link. a vice principal is behind bars tonight. was a gonzales is accused of molesting a student. he is 35 years old and the student is 17 years old. faculty got wind of an inappropriate relationship and notified police. at a university tonight there's a growing number of students possibly exposed to meningitis. this is after two of the students tested positive for the disease period brought up the cruise tells us that this is no order - - ordinary string . > > we do not know if there will be additional cases or not. >> reporter: it often causes flulike symptoms and it is highly contagious and could lead - - could be deadly. >> we are deeply concerned about the welfare of students, faculty and staff >> this strain is different from the ones prevented by the typical - - vaccine. >> this is very new and it is a dynamic situation. >> we are focusing intensely for the next several days on ensuring the health and welfare of our students by encouraging them strongly to get vaccinated. >> there are relatively new vaccines that do protect against this strain of meningitis and the health apartment is working the unit - - with the university to set up vaccination clinics tomorrow and friday. and it's the next - - the next big contest one week away and things are heating up in new hampshire. >> she is just not progressive. i do not know any progressive who has a super pack and takes $15 million from wall street. >> clinton and sanders going after each other at a democratic town hall tonight. >> he has set himself up to be the innkeeper on who is progressive because i knew the definition that was flying around the - - that joe and barack would not be progressive. >> reporter: clinton is led to the one in the latest poll. and on the republican side, and unexpected stop for donald trump, his private plane had the first plane had to make an emergency landing in nashville. the plane landed safely but trump was late to his rally in little rock. coming up, a cabbie is hijacked and forced to drive hundreds of miles into the bay area with three escaped inmates. he explains how one of the fugitives actually saved his life. api or nightmare before the super bowl. >> and damage control for bay area boy scouts. joe montana opens up about the life-changing concussion that he says was like a lightning bolt going through his head. more on that coming up next. stay with us, we will be right back. here every night...leading o super bowl ever. welcome back to our exclusive super bowl city studio located here in san francisco. we will be here every night leading up to the biggest super bowl ever, super bowl 50. >> a a taxi driver was held hostage by three escaped inmates and he is talking about the kidnapping tonight. they forced him to drive to the bay area. mark kelly is on the fugitives who actually saved his life. >> i am happy. >> reporter: he is grinning from ear to hear. he survived a trio of jail escapees hijacking his taxi. >> i thought there were going to kill me. >> reporter: for seven days they drove from los angeles county to san jose. they would stay in cheap motels and the jailbird would laugh as they watched their own manhunt play on the news. >> they would turn on the tv and show me on the tv. >> reporter: at one point a fugitive put a gun in his side. but the second inmate saved his life. the made the long drive back to southern california where he eventually turned himself into authorities. >> i made my way back to southern california and he told me it is not easy. >> this capi was left with quite a story to tell. >> the suspects told longmont they spent seven months planning the e scape. >> they were also wired $3000 while they were on the run. a 63-year-old woman is in critical condition. the suspect eat and robbed her and that was just before noon in the parking lot of the salon center. police released the much talked - - mug shot half hour ago. they say william david king is responsible to - - for a similar attack yesterday. >> if you can't be safe with security, where are you safe? >> the suspect faces tempted murder and robbery charges. apr mess for the 40 niners, a parent of girl scouts had been plans until levi stadium broke a promise. >> we just got this news, really it was five minutes ago. >> reporter: when we spoke to the ceo tonight it had just happened. gmac >> sweeter than a thin mint, a massive overnight sleepover for 1200 girl scouts at levi stadium will go on after a big about-face by the 49ers 40 niners. >> i was sad but i am really happy now that they are having it again. >> they plan to sell 600 boxes of cookies apiece. >> you get to run through the tunnel and out onto the football field, how cool is that? >> reporter: on monday they canceled the sleepover, something the contract allowed, in favor of a big and the grid of concert. the girls were devastated. >> we were feeling really bad and it made me sad. >> reporter: tonight all changed when they got wind of the scheduling conflict and - - in top management. the - - they said we are thrilled to welcome them and now the 40 niners will pay $70,000 for the event and they are throwing in a $10,000 donation for good measure. >> it will go to hope help a lot of our programs. >> the new date is one week later than the original date that was canceled. a beer maker is getting ready for super bowl 50. they are buzzing tonight and bud light is the official beer of the nfl. tonight we caught up with the brewmaster. >> we got all of our teams and drivers all working overtime to make sure every package is ready to go for super bowl suit on sunday. >> they are making sure that the stadium is stocked and ready. the famous clydesdales are also here in the bay area ready for the big game. a singer and songwriter hit the stage insuperable city. and betty is taking us behind the scenes of the free show. [ music ] >> matthew nation sent - - matthew nathanson rocked out in his home city. >> it is incredible to have an event like this in our city. to just be able to do this like we are throwing a big party and i get to take people's coats at the door. [ music ] >> come on get high is one of his hits. >> i am definitely not a big football fan because i'm sure the sport is illiterate. sports were not my thing, it was my brothers thing and i was a musician. >> reporter: he often writes and sings about san francisco and his music video for mission bell has shot through the city. >> it brings the community together. even though they are not local, they are still a local community working together. so the party does not stop here. >> on saturday they will close out this system - - the series. >> all this week, tune in for our countdown to gold specials every night at 7:00. >> paul and dennis will be along for the ride as well. >> we had rain and people wearing gloves and there have been scarves and heavy jackets and all of that can go away soon. it will be a significant weather change coming up toward the end of the weekend into the weekend and temperatures may hit record highs. this evening we are dry. four hours ago we had plenty of showers. everybody got a taste of scattered showers and everything has significantly calm down after 10:00 this evening. temperatures tonight will be on the chilly side again, 40s for livermore, san jose 43. san francisco is dropping down to 40 degrees and the high surf advisory into tomorrow morning with swells not quite as high, we have hundreds of thousands of visitors which may be heading to the beach. and it is rough for most people and the high surf advisory will be extended into the weekend. and there is super bowl city. don't worry about your heavy coat or the umbrella, we hit 60 degrees in san francisco tomorrow afternoon. a week front passed by tonight with a slight chance of a shower overnight tonight for the morning hours. it is strong and big and it will give us some of the warmest weather that we have seen since before giving. sprinkle or two overnight tonight. sun and clouds on thursday. and this is going to take off like a rock. a out in the south bay, the teams are practicing. and your high tomorrow is 69 degrees. mid- 60s on friday, saturday in the mid-sixties, and it only gets warmer at 73 on sunday and 75 is a record high possible for the beginning of next week. this is the second week of february. super bowl 50 will likely have a kick-off temperature in the lower 70s. the warmest weather by far, not even close to where we have been over the last two months. >> we will need short sleeves appear. yes, it will be a big difference. a gunman burst into a convenience store and we will show you how the clerk fought him off with coffee. >> and the latest with stephen colbert and mark mj. >> and we hope - - with mark and jay. >> and we will have more from super bowl city when we get back. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, roof of this house. it happ in los angeles.. fire crews here is something you don't see everyday, a runaway car ends up on the roof of a house. fire crews say the driver suffered a medical emergency and lost control and hit a pair of parked cars before falling onto the roof period and i'm . and i'm doing transported the driver to the hospital. the woman was home at the time and she is okay. coffee can do much more than just give you a little buzz. >> a worker learned it can also thwart criminals. the video shows a man coming to the door to the convenience store pointed a gun and the clerk had just poured a cup of piping hot coffee and launched to that the goodman. the robber ran off. it works. >> a little hot coffee goes a long way. >> it does indeed. >> did you catch the show with joe? he and his wife weighed in on head injuries. and stuff curry might be looking for a presidential pardon after what he did to the wizards in dc. more on that coming up next. stay with us, we will be right back. ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, the president will be talki about.. wizards star john wall scor1 points, but was completely overshadowed by steph curryt was raining threes in the nations capitol.. he made 1 his firs the warriors go to the white house tomorrow and it's no-brainer what the president will be talking about. john walsh scored 41 points which was overcharged by stuff curry. he made 13 out of 14 shots and scored 36 in the first half. 11 shots from downtown and one on time. in the nba record is school - - shared. we are showing you all 11 shots and he used with 51 points, three fewer than his career- high. the warriors win 1 34-121. there eight straight and 45 and four on the season. how hot can one man the? green put the fire out with a cup of water. it is time to kick-off with cam newton. he's got questions about records. >> breakfast today was all right. we had salmon croquet and it got my belt is not smelling so good. >> he was talking about his bodily functions and peyton manning has legitimate health concerns. >> the doctor sometimes will mention to you how you are probably heading for a hip replacement at a certain time in your life. i said doctor i did not ask you about a hip replacement. i didn't need to know that at age 87, thank you for sharing, i look forward to that day. he gave himself two years. and i had an opportunity to walk with joe through super bowl city tonight and we talked about the glory days and we reflected on his injury history. i asked him about the concussion and the growing problem with brain damage and the nfl covering it up. >> i am afraid to watch it because i don't want to be swayed one way or the other thinking it could be true when it might not be. >> that may be the reason you retired. you thought about it when you have that major concussion and you took five months your decision. >> it was like a lightning bolts. >> the doctor who discovered it will be in town tomorrow night holding a discussion on the topic. have a good night. ,,,,,,,,,, my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. imagine if the things you bought every day... ...earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag. two united club passes. priority boarding. and 30,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. tomorrow morning at 4-30. the late show is next. our next newscast is tomorrow morning at 4:30. we will see you then. have a good night. thank you for joining us. captioning by cbs ♪ ♪ ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: welcome to "the late show." >> stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen. ( cheers and

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Montana , United States , New Hampshire , Embarcadero , California , San Francisco Bay , Los Angeles County , Forestville , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , San Francisco , Stephen Colbert , Justin Herman Plaza , Peyton Manning , William David King , Los Angeles , Matthew Nathanson , Santa Clara , Jake Johnson , Francine Trimble , John Walsh , Jamir Dixon ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20160204 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20160204

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super bowl city... in front of a police presence, unlike anything we've seen in year. in san francisco. tonight hundreds of protesters take to the streets blocks from some wool city. and it police presence unlike anything we have seen in years in san francisco. we are broadcasting from a restaurant overlooking super bowl city. >> this is our exclusive home for the rest of the week leading up to super bowl 50. good evening. andrea was on the embarcadero tonight when police in tactical gear surrounded super bowl city. andrea? >> at one point the number of all - - officers here outside of super bowl city outnumbered the number of protesters on the sidewalk. in the shadow of freshly constructed super bowl city, a slice of protest culture in san francisco. >> they are homeless but they have no problem with taxpayers subsidizing big corporations. >> reporter: this time was over the nfl taking the land the homeless sleep on. and police brutality. hundreds of protesters marched around the city and did not put down their symbolic tents for fear of competition. it was a veritable of a bit soup of law enforcement. the crush of badges, weapons and motorcycle officers was visible through every moment of the spectacle. >> you know you are a target. >> reporter: the massively beefed up presence is probably going to be the new normal for events. >> over the last couple of super bowl scott the big difference is that we did not have a shooting and an attack in paris and isis committing to the cause as much as they are now. >> minutes ago i spoke with an officer who offered the an expedition as to why we saw so many officers out here and he said it was shift change and the people were getting off work simply stayed on to make sure this protest went smoothly. he said all in all, this is the most peaceful protests he has covered in his life and there were no acts of civil disobedience. this temporary homeless shelter was supposed to open today but it is still motto - - finished. and we have learned that it will open tomorrow or the next day. shelter can hold up to 150 people. the plan to keep it running through the end of march. more security across the bay area including these bomb sniffing dogs, expect to see them at airports and train stations. they are trained to detect 19,000 types of explosives as well as firearms, shell casings and ammunition. we are also learning about an unusual security measure in place in santa clara. mark? >> reporter: this is a security operation that is so big that even involves the coast guard and a creek that runs next to the stadium. this extreme seven tip of san francisco bay is so peaceful that it looks like it would factor - - hardly look sick it would factor into security. the creek runs right next to levi stadium. the coast guard will be setting up the maritime exclusion zone. that will be to make sure nobody can get in or out of the creek channel. jake johnson is home and security secretary. >> increased maritime security and helicopter trolls by the pope - - coast guard, along with on-site intelligence support. >> they bring water from the mountains all the way down here to the mouth of the bay and even after our recent rain, there rain, there is not a lot of water in the creek. in the creek itself is not particularly wide. nevertheless, the coast guard will be on alert. >> we know of no specific credible threat directed at these events. >> the signs of super bowl security around the stadium go beyond just the creek. national guard teams are already monitoring the premature. and officials are quick to point out that for all of the security, there's plenty of security that you don't see. pyrotechnics crews set off some fireworks at levi stadium's. a practice run for the big game on sunday. our chopper flew over super bowl city and all the stage is set up here at justin herman plaza. >> we are just three days from kick-off between the broncos and the panthers. crews will start lowering the first 500 forfeit span, you're looking at the animated demo of the process that is set to take place over the next two days. a breakthrough in a cold case, sheriffs officials say that two sets of bones found 37 years ago have been identified. one of those girls is francine trimble. the other is carie graham. both disappeared in 1978 from their homes in forestville. tourists later found the remains and this hearing in a concrete wall. extensive testing confirmed the link. a vice principal is behind bars tonight. was a gonzales is accused of molesting a student. he is 35 years old and the student is 17 years old. faculty got wind of an inappropriate relationship and notified police. at a university tonight there's a growing number of students possibly exposed to meningitis. this is after two of the students tested positive for the disease period brought up the cruise tells us that this is no order - - ordinary string . > > we do not know if there will be additional cases or not. >> reporter: it often causes flulike symptoms and it is highly contagious and could lead - - could be deadly. >> we are deeply concerned about the welfare of students, faculty and staff >> this strain is different from the ones prevented by the typical - - vaccine. >> this is very new and it is a dynamic situation. >> we are focusing intensely for the next several days on ensuring the health and welfare of our students by encouraging them strongly to get vaccinated. >> there are relatively new vaccines that do protect against this strain of meningitis and the health apartment is working the unit - - with the university to set up vaccination clinics tomorrow and friday. and it's the next - - the next big contest one week away and things are heating up in new hampshire. >> she is just not progressive. i do not know any progressive who has a super pack and takes $15 million from wall street. >> clinton and sanders going after each other at a democratic town hall tonight. >> he has set himself up to be the innkeeper on who is progressive because i knew the definition that was flying around the - - that joe and barack would not be progressive. >> reporter: clinton is led to the one in the latest poll. and on the republican side, and unexpected stop for donald trump, his private plane had the first plane had to make an emergency landing in nashville. the plane landed safely but trump was late to his rally in little rock. coming up, a cabbie is hijacked and forced to drive hundreds of miles into the bay area with three escaped inmates. he explains how one of the fugitives actually saved his life. api or nightmare before the super bowl. >> and damage control for bay area boy scouts. joe montana opens up about the life-changing concussion that he says was like a lightning bolt going through his head. more on that coming up next. stay with us, we will be right back. here every night...leading o super bowl ever. welcome back to our exclusive super bowl city studio located here in san francisco. we will be here every night leading up to the biggest super bowl ever, super bowl 50. >> a a taxi driver was held hostage by three escaped inmates and he is talking about the kidnapping tonight. they forced him to drive to the bay area. mark kelly is on the fugitives who actually saved his life. >> i am happy. >> reporter: he is grinning from ear to hear. he survived a trio of jail escapees hijacking his taxi. >> i thought there were going to kill me. >> reporter: for seven days they drove from los angeles county to san jose. they would stay in cheap motels and the jailbird would laugh as they watched their own manhunt play on the news. >> they would turn on the tv and show me on the tv. >> reporter: at one point a fugitive put a gun in his side. but the second inmate saved his life. the made the long drive back to southern california where he eventually turned himself into authorities. >> i made my way back to southern california and he told me it is not easy. >> this capi was left with quite a story to tell. >> the suspects told longmont they spent seven months planning the e scape. >> they were also wired $3000 while they were on the run. a 63-year-old woman is in critical condition. the suspect eat and robbed her and that was just before noon in the parking lot of the salon center. police released the much talked - - mug shot half hour ago. they say william david king is responsible to - - for a similar attack yesterday. >> if you can't be safe with security, where are you safe? >> the suspect faces tempted murder and robbery charges. apr mess for the 40 niners, a parent of girl scouts had been plans until levi stadium broke a promise. >> we just got this news, really it was five minutes ago. >> reporter: when we spoke to the ceo tonight it had just happened. gmac >> sweeter than a thin mint, a massive overnight sleepover for 1200 girl scouts at levi stadium will go on after a big about-face by the 49ers 40 niners. >> i was sad but i am really happy now that they are having it again. >> they plan to sell 600 boxes of cookies apiece. >> you get to run through the tunnel and out onto the football field, how cool is that? >> reporter: on monday they canceled the sleepover, something the contract allowed, in favor of a big and the grid of concert. the girls were devastated. >> we were feeling really bad and it made me sad. >> reporter: tonight all changed when they got wind of the scheduling conflict and - - in top management. the - - they said we are thrilled to welcome them and now the 40 niners will pay $70,000 for the event and they are throwing in a $10,000 donation for good measure. >> it will go to hope help a lot of our programs. >> the new date is one week later than the original date that was canceled. a beer maker is getting ready for super bowl 50. they are buzzing tonight and bud light is the official beer of the nfl. tonight we caught up with the brewmaster. >> we got all of our teams and drivers all working overtime to make sure every package is ready to go for super bowl suit on sunday. >> they are making sure that the stadium is stocked and ready. the famous clydesdales are also here in the bay area ready for the big game. a singer and songwriter hit the stage insuperable city. and betty is taking us behind the scenes of the free show. [ music ] >> matthew nation sent - - matthew nathanson rocked out in his home city. >> it is incredible to have an event like this in our city. to just be able to do this like we are throwing a big party and i get to take people's coats at the door. [ music ] >> come on get high is one of his hits. >> i am definitely not a big football fan because i'm sure the sport is illiterate. sports were not my thing, it was my brothers thing and i was a musician. >> reporter: he often writes and sings about san francisco and his music video for mission bell has shot through the city. >> it brings the community together. even though they are not local, they are still a local community working together. so the party does not stop here. >> on saturday they will close out this system - - the series. >> all this week, tune in for our countdown to gold specials every night at 7:00. >> paul and dennis will be along for the ride as well. >> we had rain and people wearing gloves and there have been scarves and heavy jackets and all of that can go away soon. it will be a significant weather change coming up toward the end of the weekend into the weekend and temperatures may hit record highs. this evening we are dry. four hours ago we had plenty of showers. everybody got a taste of scattered showers and everything has significantly calm down after 10:00 this evening. temperatures tonight will be on the chilly side again, 40s for livermore, san jose 43. san francisco is dropping down to 40 degrees and the high surf advisory into tomorrow morning with swells not quite as high, we have hundreds of thousands of visitors which may be heading to the beach. and it is rough for most people and the high surf advisory will be extended into the weekend. and there is super bowl city. don't worry about your heavy coat or the umbrella, we hit 60 degrees in san francisco tomorrow afternoon. a week front passed by tonight with a slight chance of a shower overnight tonight for the morning hours. it is strong and big and it will give us some of the warmest weather that we have seen since before giving. sprinkle or two overnight tonight. sun and clouds on thursday. and this is going to take off like a rock. a out in the south bay, the teams are practicing. and your high tomorrow is 69 degrees. mid- 60s on friday, saturday in the mid-sixties, and it only gets warmer at 73 on sunday and 75 is a record high possible for the beginning of next week. this is the second week of february. super bowl 50 will likely have a kick-off temperature in the lower 70s. the warmest weather by far, not even close to where we have been over the last two months. >> we will need short sleeves appear. yes, it will be a big difference. a gunman burst into a convenience store and we will show you how the clerk fought him off with coffee. >> and the latest with stephen colbert and mark mj. >> and we hope - - with mark and jay. >> and we will have more from super bowl city when we get back. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, roof of this house. it happ in los angeles.. fire crews here is something you don't see everyday, a runaway car ends up on the roof of a house. fire crews say the driver suffered a medical emergency and lost control and hit a pair of parked cars before falling onto the roof period and i'm . and i'm doing transported the driver to the hospital. the woman was home at the time and she is okay. coffee can do much more than just give you a little buzz. >> a worker learned it can also thwart criminals. the video shows a man coming to the door to the convenience store pointed a gun and the clerk had just poured a cup of piping hot coffee and launched to that the goodman. the robber ran off. it works. >> a little hot coffee goes a long way. >> it does indeed. >> did you catch the show with joe? he and his wife weighed in on head injuries. and stuff curry might be looking for a presidential pardon after what he did to the wizards in dc. more on that coming up next. stay with us, we will be right back. ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, the president will be talki about.. wizards star john wall scor1 points, but was completely overshadowed by steph curryt was raining threes in the nations capitol.. he made 1 his firs the warriors go to the white house tomorrow and it's no-brainer what the president will be talking about. john walsh scored 41 points which was overcharged by stuff curry. he made 13 out of 14 shots and scored 36 in the first half. 11 shots from downtown and one on time. in the nba record is school - - shared. we are showing you all 11 shots and he used with 51 points, three fewer than his career- high. the warriors win 1 34-121. there eight straight and 45 and four on the season. how hot can one man the? green put the fire out with a cup of water. it is time to kick-off with cam newton. he's got questions about records. >> breakfast today was all right. we had salmon croquet and it got my belt is not smelling so good. >> he was talking about his bodily functions and peyton manning has legitimate health concerns. >> the doctor sometimes will mention to you how you are probably heading for a hip replacement at a certain time in your life. i said doctor i did not ask you about a hip replacement. i didn't need to know that at age 87, thank you for sharing, i look forward to that day. he gave himself two years. and i had an opportunity to walk with joe through super bowl city tonight and we talked about the glory days and we reflected on his injury history. i asked him about the concussion and the growing problem with brain damage and the nfl covering it up. >> i am afraid to watch it because i don't want to be swayed one way or the other thinking it could be true when it might not be. >> that may be the reason you retired. you thought about it when you have that major concussion and you took five months your decision. >> it was like a lightning bolts. >> the doctor who discovered it will be in town tomorrow night holding a discussion on the topic. have a good night. ,,,,,,,,,, my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. imagine if the things you bought every day... ...earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag. two united club passes. priority boarding. and 30,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. tomorrow morning at 4-30. the late show is next. our next newscast is tomorrow morning at 4:30. we will see you then. have a good night. thank you for joining us. captioning by cbs ♪ ♪ ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: welcome to "the late show." >> stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen. ( cheers and

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Montana , United States , New Hampshire , Embarcadero , California , San Francisco Bay , Los Angeles County , Forestville , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , San Francisco , Stephen Colbert , Justin Herman Plaza , Peyton Manning , William David King , Los Angeles , Matthew Nathanson , Santa Clara , Jake Johnson , Francine Trimble , John Walsh , Jamir Dixon ,

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