Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141102 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141102

the water is an icy 55 degrees. three men and one woman died. phillip was air lifted from an ocean side rock, but no one was wearing a life jacket. >> life jackets are the most likely way to increase your chances of survival. people don't wear them too often. >> reporter: as the sole survivor phillip recovers in a santa rosa hospital, the sonoma county sheriff's office continues the investigation. in bodega bay, mark kelly, kpix5. >> two of the men who died were from bodega bay. the third was from ripen. some people cannot get to their homes tonight after a hash oil lab blew up in walnut creek. debris is all over the place. there is not much left of the apartment block where the butane tanks exploded. our christian hartman is at the scene tonight where some residents are being let in. >> reporter: some of the apartments on this side of the complex were cleared late last night for people to return to. most of them still visibly upset and not wanting to talk on camera. some say their apartment is still very trashed from the force of the blast. today, all the damage from the blast side is still attracts a lot of attention from the local community. the aftermath of the exploding hash oil lab is still attracting awe struck neighbors, drive by looky loos and picture takers 24 hours after the boom. >> it is pretty scary. >> red and yellow tagged buildings leave several homeless tonight. and a community shaken. >> it was a huge shock for everyone and we were impacted deeply. people are helping each other. and they are going to get over this. >> she was traumatized. >> reporter: donald's daughter was in the apartment and saw the the burning men in agony afterwards. she is allowed to go back this, but doesn't want to. today's quiet reminder of yesterday's chaos is still hitting home. >> reporter: it is still not known when people on this side of the complex will be let back in if at all. the building is red tagged, the other is yellow tagged. red cross of the bay area is putting some of those people up in hotels. christian hartnett, kpix5. >> the to men burned are still in the hospital and they are facing serious charges tonight. police say 23-year-old zachary bradley was in a restricted area behind the stage last night when he fell more than 20 feet. it was at the halloween spook fest show. police are investigating the circumstances surrounding his death. new tonight, san francisco police are investigating a deadly hit and run accident in the bay view. it happened about 90 minutes ago at third and cargo. a man on a skateboard was killed. police caught up to the driver and are interviewing that person now. and police are still searching for the hit and run driver who willed three trick or treaters in southern california. the victims were all 13-year- old girls. two were twin cities. the driver was going 50 miles an hour. twice the speed limit. more than a dozen investigators have been sent to the mojave desert to investigate the crash of the space crash. it broke apart in flight. one driver was killed and the other was hurt after parachuting to safety. >> it's a massive set back. horrendous for the families of the test pilot. we have to pick ourselves up. >> reporter: this was the second private aircraft to blow up this week. a rocket bound for the international space station exploded moments after lift off tuesday. 200 pounds of marijuana were taken off the street in a single raid. they found 550 plants in this warehouse. they suspect the operation was being run bay san jose gang. they are now working with san jose police to track down the growers. bruce bochy got a call from air force one. it was president obama congratulating the giants manager on their victory and gave a shout-out to madison bumgarner and he looks forward to seeing the team at the white house. hundreds of thousands line the streets of san francisco for yesterday's victory parade to congratulate the team themselves, but if you thought giants fever ended there, think again. a long line formed at macy's in union square today all to see a hot shot rookie. you know him. giants second baseman joe panik was signing autographs and taking pictures with fans. he made his major league debut in june. just like some fans, he says the big world series win is still sinking in. >> you dream about it as a kid. about winning the world series and being a part of something like this, but to actually be able to do it a couple of months into your career, it is pretty surreal to think about. >> reporter: panik says he is headed back to his home state of new york for the off season. meanwhile, sales of world series championship merchandise still going strong. the dugout store on gary street was packed today with fans buying gear. between yesterday's giants victory parade and halloween, bart nearly sed a ridership record. nearly 511,000 people road bart yesterday. that is 25% more than average for friday. it is the third highest total in itself history. more people hopped on board for the two other giants parades in 2012 and 2010. it was a very happy halloween for a bay area megamillions player. they bought a ticket worth more than $600,000 at the maitland mark in alameda. it matched every number. except for the meganumber. that combo would have been worth $284 million. tuesday's jackpot is expected to be at least 321 million. still ahead, she has won just about everything she has set out to do. and tonight, the bay area's kristi yamagucci is championing a new cause. our jermaine veronica de la cruz takes to the ice with more. >> her. >> plus, a bay area transplant who is now living on lava. >> and we hope to have little more rain. we will have the forecast ahead after a break. ,,,,,,,,,, small hawaiian town has slod tonight.. but officials say it's still ve >> the 2,000-degree river of lava is closing in on a small hawaiian town tonight. it slowed down, but officials say it is still very active. the flow stalled about 500 feet from the main road in pahoa on the big island. we sent our betty yu and there she is to the big island for a firsthand look at the slow motion disaster. i guess you met a woman from the bay area who is literally living on lava. it is good to see you again, we apologize for the satellite delay. high betty. >> reporter: hi brian. it is good to hear you. today, i met a woman who is showing there is life after lava wiped out an entire town. i'm in pahoa. you can see the village behind me threatened by the lava flow. they are proving today they are resilient and i got a glimpse of what the town could look like if the lava keeps pushing forward. miles of rolling black fields of lava could be a glimpse into pahoa's future. it used to be home to hundreds of people 30 years ago before lava practically smothered this entire town. >> pretty freaky, but it is pretty. i like walking on it. >> reporter: today, it is home to sebine jamison. a san jose native. >> i have been through three major earthquakes in santa cruz and one of them took my house off the foundation. that inspired me to move to hawaii. >> reporter: she has lived in this $76,000 home nor a year next to a handful of others who don't mind the rustic lifestyle. they collect rain warter and use solar and rain power. people here share the innovative spirit of the bay area. >> people are more apt to have creative lifestyles where they can charge ahead and do new things. just be really different. >> reporter: these tiny homes only started popping up in the last few years. kalapana was once covered in lava. it backed up and caused a black crust to swell and the lava spilled out of tubes underground. >> we see the lava stall. >> reporter: geologist janet says in 1990, it took more than half a year for the lava to wipe out kalapana. in pahoa, lava from the same volcano has been flowing four month. >> it is giving us no indication that it is going to stop any time soon. >> reporter: and geologists point out the biggest difference between these two towns is that pahoa is much bigger. there is more infrastructure, homes, and businesses so they have more to lose. tonight, this town is still playing that agonizing waiting game. brian? >> thanks betty yu, appreciate it tonight. betty is staying about 30 minutes away from the lava flow on the big island. keep it here on kpix5 for the latest on the lava threat. betty will have more tomorrow night. well, she is an olympic figure skating champion and winner of the hit show dancing with the stars. now she is championing a new thing. the dreams of bay area children. our veronica de la cruz caught up with her on the ice. >> reporter: when you don't skate everyday, it is easy to lose your edge. but kristi still has it though she won olympic gold more than 20 years ago. >> my last performance was in washington dc six years ago. >> reporter: this sunday, kristi returns to the ice for the first time in six years. after winning the olympics, she toured with ice shows, started a nonprofit focusing on early literacy and she started a family. >> priorities in my life had changed and being a mom was my number one priority. so being there for my kids and being a mom was what i wanted to do. >> reporter: she has done what every skater has dreamed of. she won dancing with the stars and she is not thinking of stopping any time soon. when asked about dancing with the stars she had this to say. >> it is crazy. i dove right into it. i said it is all or nothing. dancing with the stars is over top. everything, the costumes, the hair, the makeup. everything, the spray tan. so i was all in. i was never so dark in my life. i never had so many tons of makeup on my face. but it was a blast, you know. you have to do it. >> reporter: and what she is doing now is producing a star studded ice show. one for a good cause. >> all the skaters are coming in to skate for childhood literacy. it will be a good show. it's an amazing lineup along with brian boitano who is my coproducer with this. we have the olympic gold med all-starrists of ice skating. >> reporter: one of the most important is your daughter. [ laughter ] >> well, in my life, the most important is my daughter. >> reporter: her eight-year-old daughter emma is following in her footsteps. she will perform alongside her in the show. the two will skate together in a duet in a performance inspired by children. >> when we go to the schools and talk to the kids, i will read my book, read a book to them. just to see them get engaged in the story. and, that opens up i think a whole new door. and that is what we want to inspire is the interest. so you know, telling them, books contain dreams, and these dreams are possible. and they can help make your dreams possible by taking part in reading so that is kind of what we strive to do. >> reporter: veronica de la cruz, kpix5. >> always dream provides books and technology to underserved kids in 15 bay area schools. the gold moment benefit show is tomorrow at 4:00 at the sap center in san jose. for ticket information, go to how about this? a big congratulations tonight to kpix5's don knapp on his induction into the national academy of television arts and scientists gold circle. now this honors journalists who have been actively engaged in the business 50 years for more. that is don at the ceremony. he got started in the business in 1963 in ohio and we are very fortunate to work with him now. >> yes we are. great for don knapp. don came to the bay area in 1969. he has worked for just about every television station in town and done it with distinction, one of the great things about working here is working with don knapp. so don, good for you. let's head outside tonight to show you at lake tahoe, we picked up a little bit of snow. they got about eight inches at the sierra crest and in lake tahoe itself, two to three inches at lake level. so we picked up a little bit. at the top of the sierra, unfortunately, we are not going to add much to it in the next few days. still, it is nice to see a little bit of a dusting up there in the sierra even as the high-def shows it drying up. east of five, southeast of red bluff. we don't have much on the way. 52 degrees in concord. san francisco, 57. and 54 degrees in santa rosa. so the showers such as they are in tonight as the low gets kicked off to the northeast and is replaced by building high pressure. we will be sunny and dry tomorrow. and then we will look for a warming week ahead. future cast hardly even looks like we are looping this. there are a few low clouds on the way, but it's a severely clear day tomorrow until after sunset. a few high clouds sneak in to far northern sonoma county. but aside from that, tomorrow looks like a brilliant day with great visibilities because the system came through, rinsed out the atmosphere. just like cleaning your windshield. cleared things out. we should have good visibility. so sunny and warmer tomorrow. and dry and warm next week. by the way, don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight as we gain an hour of sleep. the morning crew always loves this time of year. san francisco tomorrow, 65 degrees. concord, cooler than normal. same for san jose. oakland is actually warmer than normal by a degree. we are in the ballpark of where we should be temperature wise. for tomorrow, we will almost all be within a few degrees of 68 degrees unless you are right at the shoreline. at the coast, mid 60s for the most part. but sunnyvale, cupertino. look at the east bay, a very isothermal day. 68 in dublin, livermore, vallejo. up in the north bay, plenty of sunshine, a beautiful day with temperatures a little cooler at the shore, but again, mid to upper 60s inland. and in the far north bay around clear lake, a little chillier. extended forecast, we clear out the showers and we dry it out. sunday looks like plenty of sun. and as we head into the latter half of the week, the numbers are going to be in the mid 70s for the most part. even as we look ahead next weekend, doesn't look like anything is on the way. temperatures remaining in the 70s inland and around the bay. in the shoreline, the low 70s . so high and dry as far as the eye can see. >> we are going to talk about basketball again. >> yeah! >> it is hard to make the transition from the world series right into the nba, but you know, the warriors are worth talking about. who knows what they will do this season. they officially signed klay thompson to his megacontract extension and the ink was barely dried before golden state made a great move. ,,,,,,,,,,,, thompson to his four-year contract extension. and klay >> before tonight's home opener, the warriors sign klay thompson to his four year contract extension. he didn't waste any time showing golden state made a good decision here. warriors opening against the winless lakers. you don't say that very often. la ahead 26-24. steph curry puts golden state up one. he had 31 in the games. second quarter now, iguodala. behind the gap. iguodala. 58-47 warriors. golden state up 5. thompson, one of the five threes, 88-80. golden state. two minutes left. here is thompson, another from downtown. he had a career high of 39. he finished with 49 points. career high. golden state wins 127-104 to start the year now 2-0. sharks overlooked a little bit too during the giants world series run. new york leading 1-0 in the first period. san jose on the power play. tomas hertl went in front of the net. third period, 1-1 sharks moving around. logan couture tipping in the go- ahead goal. san jose wins 3-1. so san jose now has won three of four. we final he get to talk about the warriors and the sharks. cal. could they snap their losing streak and get closer to reaching a bowl game? that's next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, was in serious danger tonigt the high flying oregon >> stanford's defense has not allowed more than 30 points in their last 31 games. that streak was in danger against the oregon ducks. the cardinals, the only pack 12 team, oregon quarterback marcus mariota had not beaten. possession 73. he goes untouched for a 22-yard run to make it 14-3 ducks. oregon scored a touchdown in the first three drives. minute left in the half. cardinals get it in. patrick scope to cut the lead at the half. the opening drive of the second half, stanford driving again. but he overthrows this and it is picked off and that is an opportunity missed by the cardinals and they needed it. later in the third, thomas tinier scores the second touchdown of the game. a two possession game at 31-16. oregon cruises 45-16 at that point to improve to 8-1. stanford falls to 5-4. pleasanton native sean manion plays host to cal. on the odes, scores in 14. cal has 10-7 lead. now later in the quarter, now tied at 10-10. cal wins 45-31. they are five and four, they need just one more game. one more win to become bowl eligible. san jose state quarterback joe gray playing host to 7-1 colorado state. second quarter, spartans tyler irving got the block. he is gone. 89 yards to give san jose state a 14-7 lead. he works for 149. now, to the fourth quarter we go. san jose state now trailing 31- 24. the ball is inside the ten. gray, a bad decision. underhand, intercepted by aaron davis. and the rams are going to turn that pick into points. he takes it in from seven outs, colorado state up 38-24. they win 38-31. san jose state falls to 3-5. they are 2-2 in the mountain west. acc, ol miss against auburn. cameron artist payne, make it 35-31 auburn. rebels in jeopardy of losing again. treadwell goes into the end zone. this looks like a touchdown right? but the review showed he did not get in. he also fumbled the ball and suffered a terrible leg injury. he wins 35-31 improving their record to 7-1. and finally, arkansas looking for the huge upset at number 1 mississippi state. early fourth quarter, tied with 10-10. mississippi state, zach rolls out, he has a wide open threat. that is 69 yards. bulldogs up 17-10. 20 seconds remaining. arkansas drives inside the bulldog 20. but brandon allen intercepted by will allen. number one msu survives 17-10. they remain unbeaten at 8-0. we almost had the number one team go down. and this is getting fun now. we actually have a college football playoff. so everybody is jockeying for that number four spot. >> makes it more interesting. great to see you on a saturday. >> great to be here saturday. can we do this everyday? >> i would love that. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hall in san francisco. the y was filled >> a very colorful day of the day celebration in san francisco. the lobby was filled with artwork and musicians ands actors in elaborate costumes. day of the dead is a day for family members to remember the loved ones they lost. halloween, now thanksgiving. >> we are on our way. >> thanks for watching. see you back here tomorrow night. >> goodnight. captions by:caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: [email protected] ,, ,, - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ,, this is where i sit. right on. good location. what else? that's the sink. if you put your thumb over the hole, you can squirt water all the way over to the other side of the room. cool. i'm not allowed to use the sink anymore. got it. so, what's the deal with your teacher? miss tuttle? she's very strict. that could work. did you see this drawing our son made? it's a cry for his parents to get back together. alan, it's davy crockett at the alamo. i know. breaks your heart, doesn't it? i see you got your brother here. he wasn't thrilled about it, but he can't say no to jake. and i kind of implied that miss tuttle was a bit of a freak. excuse me? hey, you wanted me to get him here. he's here. the rest is up to you.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Arkansas , Pahoa , Hawaii , Oakland , California , Stanford , Oregon , Dublin , Ireland , Bay View , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , San Francisco , Colorado , Sonoma County , Ohio , Hawaiian , Brian Hackney , Don Knapp , Brandon Allen , Christian Hartnett , Tyler Irving , Zachary Bradley , Klay Thompson , Madison Bumgarner , Betty Yu , Bruce Bochy , Sean Manion , Aaron Davis ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141102 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141102

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the water is an icy 55 degrees. three men and one woman died. phillip was air lifted from an ocean side rock, but no one was wearing a life jacket. >> life jackets are the most likely way to increase your chances of survival. people don't wear them too often. >> reporter: as the sole survivor phillip recovers in a santa rosa hospital, the sonoma county sheriff's office continues the investigation. in bodega bay, mark kelly, kpix5. >> two of the men who died were from bodega bay. the third was from ripen. some people cannot get to their homes tonight after a hash oil lab blew up in walnut creek. debris is all over the place. there is not much left of the apartment block where the butane tanks exploded. our christian hartman is at the scene tonight where some residents are being let in. >> reporter: some of the apartments on this side of the complex were cleared late last night for people to return to. most of them still visibly upset and not wanting to talk on camera. some say their apartment is still very trashed from the force of the blast. today, all the damage from the blast side is still attracts a lot of attention from the local community. the aftermath of the exploding hash oil lab is still attracting awe struck neighbors, drive by looky loos and picture takers 24 hours after the boom. >> it is pretty scary. >> red and yellow tagged buildings leave several homeless tonight. and a community shaken. >> it was a huge shock for everyone and we were impacted deeply. people are helping each other. and they are going to get over this. >> she was traumatized. >> reporter: donald's daughter was in the apartment and saw the the burning men in agony afterwards. she is allowed to go back this, but doesn't want to. today's quiet reminder of yesterday's chaos is still hitting home. >> reporter: it is still not known when people on this side of the complex will be let back in if at all. the building is red tagged, the other is yellow tagged. red cross of the bay area is putting some of those people up in hotels. christian hartnett, kpix5. >> the to men burned are still in the hospital and they are facing serious charges tonight. police say 23-year-old zachary bradley was in a restricted area behind the stage last night when he fell more than 20 feet. it was at the halloween spook fest show. police are investigating the circumstances surrounding his death. new tonight, san francisco police are investigating a deadly hit and run accident in the bay view. it happened about 90 minutes ago at third and cargo. a man on a skateboard was killed. police caught up to the driver and are interviewing that person now. and police are still searching for the hit and run driver who willed three trick or treaters in southern california. the victims were all 13-year- old girls. two were twin cities. the driver was going 50 miles an hour. twice the speed limit. more than a dozen investigators have been sent to the mojave desert to investigate the crash of the space crash. it broke apart in flight. one driver was killed and the other was hurt after parachuting to safety. >> it's a massive set back. horrendous for the families of the test pilot. we have to pick ourselves up. >> reporter: this was the second private aircraft to blow up this week. a rocket bound for the international space station exploded moments after lift off tuesday. 200 pounds of marijuana were taken off the street in a single raid. they found 550 plants in this warehouse. they suspect the operation was being run bay san jose gang. they are now working with san jose police to track down the growers. bruce bochy got a call from air force one. it was president obama congratulating the giants manager on their victory and gave a shout-out to madison bumgarner and he looks forward to seeing the team at the white house. hundreds of thousands line the streets of san francisco for yesterday's victory parade to congratulate the team themselves, but if you thought giants fever ended there, think again. a long line formed at macy's in union square today all to see a hot shot rookie. you know him. giants second baseman joe panik was signing autographs and taking pictures with fans. he made his major league debut in june. just like some fans, he says the big world series win is still sinking in. >> you dream about it as a kid. about winning the world series and being a part of something like this, but to actually be able to do it a couple of months into your career, it is pretty surreal to think about. >> reporter: panik says he is headed back to his home state of new york for the off season. meanwhile, sales of world series championship merchandise still going strong. the dugout store on gary street was packed today with fans buying gear. between yesterday's giants victory parade and halloween, bart nearly sed a ridership record. nearly 511,000 people road bart yesterday. that is 25% more than average for friday. it is the third highest total in itself history. more people hopped on board for the two other giants parades in 2012 and 2010. it was a very happy halloween for a bay area megamillions player. they bought a ticket worth more than $600,000 at the maitland mark in alameda. it matched every number. except for the meganumber. that combo would have been worth $284 million. tuesday's jackpot is expected to be at least 321 million. still ahead, she has won just about everything she has set out to do. and tonight, the bay area's kristi yamagucci is championing a new cause. our jermaine veronica de la cruz takes to the ice with more. >> her. >> plus, a bay area transplant who is now living on lava. >> and we hope to have little more rain. we will have the forecast ahead after a break. ,,,,,,,,,, small hawaiian town has slod tonight.. but officials say it's still ve >> the 2,000-degree river of lava is closing in on a small hawaiian town tonight. it slowed down, but officials say it is still very active. the flow stalled about 500 feet from the main road in pahoa on the big island. we sent our betty yu and there she is to the big island for a firsthand look at the slow motion disaster. i guess you met a woman from the bay area who is literally living on lava. it is good to see you again, we apologize for the satellite delay. high betty. >> reporter: hi brian. it is good to hear you. today, i met a woman who is showing there is life after lava wiped out an entire town. i'm in pahoa. you can see the village behind me threatened by the lava flow. they are proving today they are resilient and i got a glimpse of what the town could look like if the lava keeps pushing forward. miles of rolling black fields of lava could be a glimpse into pahoa's future. it used to be home to hundreds of people 30 years ago before lava practically smothered this entire town. >> pretty freaky, but it is pretty. i like walking on it. >> reporter: today, it is home to sebine jamison. a san jose native. >> i have been through three major earthquakes in santa cruz and one of them took my house off the foundation. that inspired me to move to hawaii. >> reporter: she has lived in this $76,000 home nor a year next to a handful of others who don't mind the rustic lifestyle. they collect rain warter and use solar and rain power. people here share the innovative spirit of the bay area. >> people are more apt to have creative lifestyles where they can charge ahead and do new things. just be really different. >> reporter: these tiny homes only started popping up in the last few years. kalapana was once covered in lava. it backed up and caused a black crust to swell and the lava spilled out of tubes underground. >> we see the lava stall. >> reporter: geologist janet says in 1990, it took more than half a year for the lava to wipe out kalapana. in pahoa, lava from the same volcano has been flowing four month. >> it is giving us no indication that it is going to stop any time soon. >> reporter: and geologists point out the biggest difference between these two towns is that pahoa is much bigger. there is more infrastructure, homes, and businesses so they have more to lose. tonight, this town is still playing that agonizing waiting game. brian? >> thanks betty yu, appreciate it tonight. betty is staying about 30 minutes away from the lava flow on the big island. keep it here on kpix5 for the latest on the lava threat. betty will have more tomorrow night. well, she is an olympic figure skating champion and winner of the hit show dancing with the stars. now she is championing a new thing. the dreams of bay area children. our veronica de la cruz caught up with her on the ice. >> reporter: when you don't skate everyday, it is easy to lose your edge. but kristi still has it though she won olympic gold more than 20 years ago. >> my last performance was in washington dc six years ago. >> reporter: this sunday, kristi returns to the ice for the first time in six years. after winning the olympics, she toured with ice shows, started a nonprofit focusing on early literacy and she started a family. >> priorities in my life had changed and being a mom was my number one priority. so being there for my kids and being a mom was what i wanted to do. >> reporter: she has done what every skater has dreamed of. she won dancing with the stars and she is not thinking of stopping any time soon. when asked about dancing with the stars she had this to say. >> it is crazy. i dove right into it. i said it is all or nothing. dancing with the stars is over top. everything, the costumes, the hair, the makeup. everything, the spray tan. so i was all in. i was never so dark in my life. i never had so many tons of makeup on my face. but it was a blast, you know. you have to do it. >> reporter: and what she is doing now is producing a star studded ice show. one for a good cause. >> all the skaters are coming in to skate for childhood literacy. it will be a good show. it's an amazing lineup along with brian boitano who is my coproducer with this. we have the olympic gold med all-starrists of ice skating. >> reporter: one of the most important is your daughter. [ laughter ] >> well, in my life, the most important is my daughter. >> reporter: her eight-year-old daughter emma is following in her footsteps. she will perform alongside her in the show. the two will skate together in a duet in a performance inspired by children. >> when we go to the schools and talk to the kids, i will read my book, read a book to them. just to see them get engaged in the story. and, that opens up i think a whole new door. and that is what we want to inspire is the interest. so you know, telling them, books contain dreams, and these dreams are possible. and they can help make your dreams possible by taking part in reading so that is kind of what we strive to do. >> reporter: veronica de la cruz, kpix5. >> always dream provides books and technology to underserved kids in 15 bay area schools. the gold moment benefit show is tomorrow at 4:00 at the sap center in san jose. for ticket information, go to how about this? a big congratulations tonight to kpix5's don knapp on his induction into the national academy of television arts and scientists gold circle. now this honors journalists who have been actively engaged in the business 50 years for more. that is don at the ceremony. he got started in the business in 1963 in ohio and we are very fortunate to work with him now. >> yes we are. great for don knapp. don came to the bay area in 1969. he has worked for just about every television station in town and done it with distinction, one of the great things about working here is working with don knapp. so don, good for you. let's head outside tonight to show you at lake tahoe, we picked up a little bit of snow. they got about eight inches at the sierra crest and in lake tahoe itself, two to three inches at lake level. so we picked up a little bit. at the top of the sierra, unfortunately, we are not going to add much to it in the next few days. still, it is nice to see a little bit of a dusting up there in the sierra even as the high-def shows it drying up. east of five, southeast of red bluff. we don't have much on the way. 52 degrees in concord. san francisco, 57. and 54 degrees in santa rosa. so the showers such as they are in tonight as the low gets kicked off to the northeast and is replaced by building high pressure. we will be sunny and dry tomorrow. and then we will look for a warming week ahead. future cast hardly even looks like we are looping this. there are a few low clouds on the way, but it's a severely clear day tomorrow until after sunset. a few high clouds sneak in to far northern sonoma county. but aside from that, tomorrow looks like a brilliant day with great visibilities because the system came through, rinsed out the atmosphere. just like cleaning your windshield. cleared things out. we should have good visibility. so sunny and warmer tomorrow. and dry and warm next week. by the way, don't forget to set your clocks back an hour tonight as we gain an hour of sleep. the morning crew always loves this time of year. san francisco tomorrow, 65 degrees. concord, cooler than normal. same for san jose. oakland is actually warmer than normal by a degree. we are in the ballpark of where we should be temperature wise. for tomorrow, we will almost all be within a few degrees of 68 degrees unless you are right at the shoreline. at the coast, mid 60s for the most part. but sunnyvale, cupertino. look at the east bay, a very isothermal day. 68 in dublin, livermore, vallejo. up in the north bay, plenty of sunshine, a beautiful day with temperatures a little cooler at the shore, but again, mid to upper 60s inland. and in the far north bay around clear lake, a little chillier. extended forecast, we clear out the showers and we dry it out. sunday looks like plenty of sun. and as we head into the latter half of the week, the numbers are going to be in the mid 70s for the most part. even as we look ahead next weekend, doesn't look like anything is on the way. temperatures remaining in the 70s inland and around the bay. in the shoreline, the low 70s . so high and dry as far as the eye can see. >> we are going to talk about basketball again. >> yeah! >> it is hard to make the transition from the world series right into the nba, but you know, the warriors are worth talking about. who knows what they will do this season. they officially signed klay thompson to his megacontract extension and the ink was barely dried before golden state made a great move. ,,,,,,,,,,,, thompson to his four-year contract extension. and klay >> before tonight's home opener, the warriors sign klay thompson to his four year contract extension. he didn't waste any time showing golden state made a good decision here. warriors opening against the winless lakers. you don't say that very often. la ahead 26-24. steph curry puts golden state up one. he had 31 in the games. second quarter now, iguodala. behind the gap. iguodala. 58-47 warriors. golden state up 5. thompson, one of the five threes, 88-80. golden state. two minutes left. here is thompson, another from downtown. he had a career high of 39. he finished with 49 points. career high. golden state wins 127-104 to start the year now 2-0. sharks overlooked a little bit too during the giants world series run. new york leading 1-0 in the first period. san jose on the power play. tomas hertl went in front of the net. third period, 1-1 sharks moving around. logan couture tipping in the go- ahead goal. san jose wins 3-1. so san jose now has won three of four. we final he get to talk about the warriors and the sharks. cal. could they snap their losing streak and get closer to reaching a bowl game? that's next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, was in serious danger tonigt the high flying oregon >> stanford's defense has not allowed more than 30 points in their last 31 games. that streak was in danger against the oregon ducks. the cardinals, the only pack 12 team, oregon quarterback marcus mariota had not beaten. possession 73. he goes untouched for a 22-yard run to make it 14-3 ducks. oregon scored a touchdown in the first three drives. minute left in the half. cardinals get it in. patrick scope to cut the lead at the half. the opening drive of the second half, stanford driving again. but he overthrows this and it is picked off and that is an opportunity missed by the cardinals and they needed it. later in the third, thomas tinier scores the second touchdown of the game. a two possession game at 31-16. oregon cruises 45-16 at that point to improve to 8-1. stanford falls to 5-4. pleasanton native sean manion plays host to cal. on the odes, scores in 14. cal has 10-7 lead. now later in the quarter, now tied at 10-10. cal wins 45-31. they are five and four, they need just one more game. one more win to become bowl eligible. san jose state quarterback joe gray playing host to 7-1 colorado state. second quarter, spartans tyler irving got the block. he is gone. 89 yards to give san jose state a 14-7 lead. he works for 149. now, to the fourth quarter we go. san jose state now trailing 31- 24. the ball is inside the ten. gray, a bad decision. underhand, intercepted by aaron davis. and the rams are going to turn that pick into points. he takes it in from seven outs, colorado state up 38-24. they win 38-31. san jose state falls to 3-5. they are 2-2 in the mountain west. acc, ol miss against auburn. cameron artist payne, make it 35-31 auburn. rebels in jeopardy of losing again. treadwell goes into the end zone. this looks like a touchdown right? but the review showed he did not get in. he also fumbled the ball and suffered a terrible leg injury. he wins 35-31 improving their record to 7-1. and finally, arkansas looking for the huge upset at number 1 mississippi state. early fourth quarter, tied with 10-10. mississippi state, zach rolls out, he has a wide open threat. that is 69 yards. bulldogs up 17-10. 20 seconds remaining. arkansas drives inside the bulldog 20. but brandon allen intercepted by will allen. number one msu survives 17-10. they remain unbeaten at 8-0. we almost had the number one team go down. and this is getting fun now. we actually have a college football playoff. so everybody is jockeying for that number four spot. >> makes it more interesting. great to see you on a saturday. >> great to be here saturday. can we do this everyday? >> i would love that. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hall in san francisco. the y was filled >> a very colorful day of the day celebration in san francisco. the lobby was filled with artwork and musicians ands actors in elaborate costumes. day of the dead is a day for family members to remember the loved ones they lost. halloween, now thanksgiving. >> we are on our way. >> thanks for watching. see you back here tomorrow night. >> goodnight. captions by:caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ,, ,, - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it. ,, this is where i sit. right on. good location. what else? that's the sink. if you put your thumb over the hole, you can squirt water all the way over to the other side of the room. cool. i'm not allowed to use the sink anymore. got it. so, what's the deal with your teacher? miss tuttle? she's very strict. that could work. did you see this drawing our son made? it's a cry for his parents to get back together. alan, it's davy crockett at the alamo. i know. breaks your heart, doesn't it? i see you got your brother here. he wasn't thrilled about it, but he can't say no to jake. and i kind of implied that miss tuttle was a bit of a freak. excuse me? hey, you wanted me to get him here. he's here. the rest is up to you.

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