Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140614 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140614

out search for a 9-year-old 's now been mis where is ida? one minute she was playing and the next she was gone. tonight an all-out search for a 9-year-old girl who has now been missing for almost 12 hours. i'm allen martin. >> i'm veronica de la cruz. andrea is live for us. >> reporter: veronica, they have 140 searchers on the ground here looking for the 9- year-old as they will keep searching throughout the night. i'm told if they don't find her by dawn there are fresh rescuers to go and hit the ground running at daybreak. >> ida? >> reporter: throughout san mateo state park, you can hear more than 100 searchers shouting. trying to find the 9-year-old. >> we won't stop. this is a search we'll continue 24/7 until we get to a point that we hopefully find her. >> reporter: she's from new mexico, but her mom seen here is originally from the county. they reported her missing from camp site 35 just after 12:00 this afternoon. >> their daughter was running around the camp site, playing with other children who were camping here at campgrounds today. at one point they realized she was no longer within their site. >> reporter: search and rescue dogs are tracking her scent in a four square-mile area. it is dark wooded forest. the biggest concern right now is the creek. that's where the swift water rescue teams are looking for ida. >> they are walking and swimming the creek. at this point all the way out towards the ocean. >> reporter: tonight's full moon could help rescue efforts. it may also help keep her calm with extra lights flooding the very dark forest. now we are told she was last seen wearing a pink terry cloth dress, quite chilly out here at the park. we are told temperatures will dip into the 50s and possibly in the 40s overnight. but deplies are confident that she will be cold, but okay, and she will be able to survive those conditions. veronica? >> andrea, thank you. and service is back to normal after this. now, how that big rig ended up on the tracks of richmond isn't exactly clear. there were 141 people on the train. they are all okay apart from being stuck on the train for a couple hours. the truck driver we're told is fine too. well tonight we're hearing about a professional dog walker who instead of walking the dogs went shopping at nordstrom leaving those dogs in the parking lot in a van. joe vazquez spoke to a woman who saw the whole thing and took pictures. joe? >> reporter: allen it happened this afternoon at stonestown mall. let me show you the pictures of these photos, taken by a lady named olga a makeup artist originally from russia. she was at the mall and heard a lot of noise. dogs barking for what she says was more than an hour perhaps an hour and a half. she says that eight dogs were tied up inside a car. actually a van belonging to a dog walking service. >> it is horrible that, you know, she's a dog walker, being paid for that. and instead of taking them to the park, she went shopping. i mean finish your job and then go shopping. this is a living thing. and she tied them up on short leashes, so they could not lay down ever. when they opened the door, they gave them water and of course they were thirsty. it was just horrible. it broke my heart because i cannot see that happening all over the place. >> reporter: olga says she was furious as the other passer- byes. when the woman who apparently belonged to the van whose van it was, she came out of the mall with a bunch of bags, she had been shopping, and she said that she did not think that she was upset. olga says she watched as they wrote that dog walking person a ticket. reporting live, joe vazquez, kpix 5. earlier this week they left it in the car for hours. >> by now most people in solano county should be able to get online and watch tv again. after service was down for much of the day that the people affected were comcast and verizon. about 2:00 this afternoon, the work crew accidentally cut the fiberoptic data line while drilling at the fairfield street corner. they took so long because workers had to take on the glass fibers by hand. >> i need to be able to get on the computer and compare it to what i need to do. >> the outage lasted four hours before service was restored around 6:30. the majority of comcast customers were back just before 9:00 tonight. tonight the state has declared an epidemic of whooping cough. more than 800 cases reported in california in just the past two weeks. the total for the year is more than 3,400. there are a number of cases in the north bay. they went to find out why. >> reporter: when it comes to immunizing children against whooping cough, you can see a lot of doctors and parents are not on the same side. >> this is the best we have to offer. it may not be perfect, but it's the best to offer to protect the young families. >> reporter: the california department of public health says that there have been more than 3,400 cases of whooping cough. but more parents are choosing to opt out of vaccinating themselves and the children against a disease. so we ask why that is. >> i think they have the largest group, highly educated and highly skeptical parents. >> there's too many unknowns for me open b what goes into the vaccines. even when you ask the doctor what's in the vaccine they have a hard time telling you. >> reporter: they have two healthy boys, recommending that they would get the vaccine while being pregnant. >> you're putting a poison in your body while creating something inside of you. who knows what that's doing to me. and you never saw whooping cough to die from it, i understand. but that they are better than the disease. >> kpix 5. now whooping cough peaks every three to five years or so. the last time it peaked in california was in 2010. tonight the feds say the guy arrested for making bombs in his san francisco apartment had one almost ready to go. the grand jury invited ryan chamberlain this afternoon charged with possession of a disruptive device as well as a firearm with a serial number removed. they nabbed chamberlain earlier this month after a nationwide man hunt. tonight oil prices are the highest they have been all year because of what's going on in iraq. extremist sunnies are taking over more cities in the northeastern part of the country. now shiite clerics are calling on people to fight back and hundreds of people are dead. president obama is weighing his options, but made it clear iraq leadership needs to step up. >> this should be a wake up call. the united states is not simply going to involve itself in a military action in the absence of a political plan by the iraqis, giving us some assurance that they are prepared to work together. >> they do not believe the city of baghdad is at risk to falling to the sunni extremist. bergdahl is back home tonight. he has been asking for peanut butter, arriving at the army hospital in san antonio overnight. bergdahl will receive around- the-clock medical and mental care. it's a process that could take months. and also be questioned as to why he left his post in afghanistan five years ago. if he broke the rules, the army could send him to jail. a foremen bart police officer cried on a witness stand today. shown here in past court appearances, testified in san francisco federal court about how he shot and killed oscar grant at the bart station in 2009. he meant to use his taser rather than his gun. a jury convicted him of involuntary manslaughter in 2010, and this trial is because that he is being sued in civil court for violating oscar grant's civil rights. we heard from the former dodger's owner today who testified about the night that the giant was bent up. dave lopez told thaws he did not know much. >> the one time they didn't take any questions outside court today, only on the witness stand. he is representing the brianstowe family. when were you aware that they were not there at the time of the assault? the court, it was some time after. it wasn't the next day or month, perhaps years. question, were you aware within one year? mccourt, no. >> my thought and my prayers continues to go out to mr. stowe and his family. >> mccourt at this testimony, just a statement, no questions. >> it didn't seem like he answered a lot of questions that we're asking. >> david stowe reacting to mccourt's testimony. brian stowe was not in the courtroom today. alleging that mccourt did not provide enough security for the safety of fans and their opening day 2011 when stowe was beaten. he said that the budget for security in '09 was $2.1 million and also said that his ex-wife jamie was paid $2 million in salary for being a vp that year. question, so her salary almost matched that of the entire security budget? answer correct. he was also asked if he was aware that the lights in the parking lot had not been upgraded in more than 30 years. answer, i was not aware. during the cross-examination, the court was asked under your watches as the dodger's owner, did you ever trade the security measures? the answer, absolutely not. >> the two men admitting to attacking brian stowe are to blame. they are partying down in los angeles. fans are celebrating the l.a. kings second stanley cup in thee years. and that is where the fifth and deciding game was played. so far the fans seem to be behaving themselves. and so congratulations to the kings. as for sharks, we'll get them next year. well how is your netflix, has it been slow? >> you're not alone. tonight the feds are investigating what's going on. a mansion goes up in flames. tonight, see why there was no choice, but to burn it down on purpose. and tonight the bay area is on the short list to host the olympics. do you think that you have what it takes to beat the competition? that's next. ithe part of us that a littwants to play,on. wants to be mischievous, wants to run free, all you have to do is let it out. find your inner minion only at the despicable me minion mayhem ride at universal studios hollywood. whitney, texas. the mansion had been teetering on a cliffsi and was incredible video here. this dream home was set on fire in purpose. the mansion had been teetering on the cliff side, on the verge of collapsing into the lake. but the clean up would have cost the owners $200,000. instead they torched it. instead it cost them about $50,000. in one san rafael neighborhood today, the flames consuming reports that the 50 other homes had to be evacuated. peaking more than 100 firefighters from across florin. >> it shifted moving east. they would have to there in a decks on homes were damaged. tonight the feds want to get to the bottom of buffering, at least when it comes to netflix. betty, it is really annoying when you're trying to watch a movie or show. >> reporter: this has frustrated a ton of people saying they cannot watch their interactive view. and who is to blame. >> a twitter user recently captured this netflix error message blaming verizon for the slowdown. calling it inaccurate and misleading. it's an example of how ugly things have gotten between the two companies. >> basically that's them stepping in to verify who is lying. >> so many subscribers have complained, that today they are investigating. they said earlier this year that it reluck hasn'tly takes them for faster speeds that have not improved. the glitches and constant buffering aren't just the problem, but netflix is creating so much traffic on their network they should pay for upgrades to deliver high- quality videos. >> or it could be that the service providers are making it hard for netflix to deliver its content to us. if that's the case, then we are paying for two different services, getting access to them and not getting proper service for neither. >> and netflix says that they welcome the sec investigation as customers enjoy the speed and quality of internet access and that they needed to pay for it. and again that the government is getting involved because they say that they have received so many complaints from customers. veronica? >> all right, thank you. netflix video accounts for a third of online traffic in the evening. well priceline is buying open table. san francisco-based open table lets you make those restaurant reservations online. priceline will pay $2.6 billion. open table could be a great match for priceline to put the booking of hotel and dining together. and the city of san francisco is rallying some power players to ensure they get a good shot at hosting the 2024 olympics. not the first time the bay area has made a bid. san francisco finished second to new york city for the united states 2012 summer games bid. this time around, it is two big selling points. >> do we have an arena coming and a bunch of existing facilities here. >> the three other finalists for the u.s. olympic bids are los angeles, boston, and washington, d.c. another competitive bid, san francisco is stepping up its campaign to convince star wars creator george lucas to build a museum here, featuring his music and art. they will show that at city hall. well you know the moon is absolutely gorgeous tonight. stunning. we were it looks full, but actually you're the -- it is friday the 13th, which will not happen until 2049. >> are you superstitious at all? >> no. a full moon on friday the 13th. >> i was born on the 13th. >> i can't be. >> yeah, i'm not allowed. >> it happens only 30 to 40 years that we get a friday the 13th full moon. the giants that way with the clear skies. that's the key. >> we need it. >> even in pacifica and half moon bay, no fog until early tomorrow morning. on the 14th. we will take you to berkeley as we have had a gorgeous day. not a single cloud as we look at where the golden gate bridge is with a great sunset. only 24 miles separating half moon bay in cupertino. half moon bay, even right on the ocean, 62 degrees. so it is 21 degrees over 24 miles. our temperature spread today, tomorrow morning, the weekend time. san jose at 56. vallejo 55. 55 in oakland. redwood city at san mateo, they are going on this weekend wrapping up on sunday. tomorrow gorgeous sunshine, 80. father's day is looking nice. more of the morning cloud cover, so comfortable with a high 0677 degrees. so what happened today? we went from fog all along the coast for four to five straight days. then this morning, no fog throughout the day, no fog tonight. no fog. the wind all it did, it went from the westerly flow to the northwest flow and such a settle change around here with the high pressure building in and the wind will change with more of the northwest scours and the fog and it will be set for next weekend as we have a tiny offshore flow to prevent that heat wave. and it is not as strong as they will give us the cloud cover all day long with a happy median. nay will return on monday, but you will be heading back to work. let it be cloudy then. mainly clear overnight with some morning fog down the peninsula, but tomorrow will be warmer and then we're going to be staying nice for all you dads out there for father's day. very comfortable. right around 70 and morgan hill, pal alto at 83. a nice day tomorrow with the sunshine at 84. some 90s towards bay point and brentwood. 69 degrees in salsilito. then you think it's a couple ofdays. bond, for now we have a cloud- free sky, nearly full moon looking amazing. >> yes, on a friday night. >> it's a great moon. >> a lot of amateur photographers taking pictures of that moon all over facebook and twitter. all right coming up, the latest on the search for the 9- year-old girl who van. vanished. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, county where they are looki for a 9-year-old girl. let's go back to andrea live at the state park in marin county where they are looking for that 9-year-old girl. andrea? >> reporter: well, al, the 140 searchers are looking for the 9-year-old. she wandered away from the campground. the good news in this case, they do not believe that this is a case of foul play, but simply believe she's lost in the very thick forest and of course very chilly and it is very dark out tonight. with 140 searchers on the ground looking for her right now. of course they are going to be out here all night long and that they will have fresh searchers out here in the morning looking to dry to locate this little girl. live in the county, kpix 5. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, l, we will break it to you, the pittsburgh steeler, the legendary coach, known for four super bowl titles in the 1970s, passing away tonight at the age of 82. you want the ball to keep on rolling or should i say puck, and giving you the tan lee cup champs tonight. and the 35-pound cup waiting. the l.a. kings down 2-1 in the third and of course they came back. they score as we go to overtime with the rangers, both teams trading chances. almost finding the net. oppose today over 100 faceoffs. and it -- it came down to a little more than five minutes in double overtime. nce in the jr sharks abo that, 2nd stanle it's the championship wedding goal p-2 kings. once they programs this -- once they have programs like that over the last few years. >> i think that i blacked after afterwards. i tossed my gear. but like i said, i'm so happy for these guys. he picked una hockey stick in their driveway when they were younger scoring the goal. but it is not about me at the goal, but it is about this hockey club. >> he was just amazing. >> the picture says it all as the goalie was remarkable to to watch as it was not enough tonight. >> number two, derek stevens. >> he had a 2464 against the a -- a 2-4 against the yankees tonight. blowing out a knockout blow to sunny gray as they ran off and still scored. they put up seven on the board and the a's, not so much. only a couple hits. he has confessed for strike three. the final of 7-0. and what is good for tim lincecum tonight? we'll show you this as he could not hold down that 4-2 lane. ninth inning, finding the hole. it is a blown save for sergio. the game is tied up at 2. z you know what happened next? dropped one in front as they blow that save and takes the loss. a rough one in the ballpark. they win with a final of 7-4. well golf, pinehurst. ryan moore, you've never heard of him making a noise at fence. the shout of the day, four over for the tournament. martin kaymer playing with a huge lead. second straight round of 55- tournament records at 10 under par leading the field by six with the shots. i mean a lot of golf left says the director as he's right. world cup day two mexico scoring against them in the 60th minute. he's taking in the dutch. bouncing into it there, five unanswered goals as they win it over spain. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, sweet and juicy prima peaches are just $.99 a pound. tender rancher's reserve ribeye steak is only $6.99 a pound. and 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" " well dave letterman is up next with hugh jackman. >> should be a good show. make it a great weekend. happy father's day to all the dads. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, the bard of avon, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause )

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New York , United States , Solano County , California , Brentwood , Oakland , Texas , Afghanistan , Boston , Massachusetts , New Mexico , San Antonio , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Mexico , Bay Point , Marin County , Berkeley , Iraq , Baghdad , Netherlands , Pinehurst , Pacifica , Hollywood , Morgan Hill , Spain , Dutch , Iraqis , Dave Lopez , Ryan Chamberlain , Dave Letterman , Brian Stowe , Los Angeles , Paul Shaffer , Allen Martin , George Lucas , David Letterman , Ryan Moore , Martin Kaymer , Joe Vazquez , Tim Lincecum , Hugh Jackman , David Stowe , Derek Stevens ,

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