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Live, from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. Tonight, thousands of people run into the streets after a huge earthquake hits chili. Andria borba has more. Reporter this is video. The shaking lasted 19 seconds. As we know, thats a long time to ride one out. The shaking started slowly and quickly intensified. At this hour, there are five people confirmed dead. Fires and destroyed highways. The biggest concern is tsunamis. There is a warning in place. People near the ocean jamming the roads to make for higher grounds. It has also caused a tsunami, but we are optimistic that the tsunami will not be anywhere near as big as that huge earthquake caused in 2011. Reporter thats what Marian Valenzuela feared. She remembers the 2010 quake and the tsunami that devastated the southern end of the country. They didnt, you know, something happened so that people couldnt be advised about what is going on. So a lot of people die in that. And they lost everything. Reporter watching the only chilean station she can get in the east bay, she is glad people are heeding the warning to get to higher ground. They are warning the people so they can get safe at least. We are an earthquake country. Reporter now, we are not just talking about the typical earthquake destruction. We are hearing that 300 female inmates escaped from a chilean prison. Thank you andria borba. That quake was even felt in bolivia 300 miles from the epicenter. People in la paz grabbed their things and ran into the streets there. The last quake in chile was an 8. 8 in 2011. Big news in the sierra. A missing snow boarder from the bay area has been found. Abraham finklestein disappeared yesterday near castle rock. He built a shelter to survive last nights weather. Crews spent saul day in the back country to find him. In the end, he found his own way out of trouble and doctors are check him out tonight. He is doing okay. He has some issues. He has to be assessed for treatments and things like that, but i think they will be minor and he will recover just fine. Finklesteins dad was heading back to the car when they got separated. He said his son wanted to get in one more run before calling it a day. That was the second incredible rescue in the sierra. There was another. He disappeared sunday. He slept on a cliff and stayed warm by curling none the bushes. He stumbled across the search crews who were looking for him. How are you doing . Yeah. Yeah. We found you. Im grateful. Thank you very much. Roberts friends say hes doing pretty well. Doesnt appear to have frostbite or hypothermia. And tonight, fire crews dont know why a house on castillo street exploded. Juliette goodrich is there. Reporter liz, one Family Member jumped out of that second story window. The 84yearold grandmother Jane Thompson did not survive. The cleanup still continues after six relatives total were taken to the hospital after this deadly explosion. A neighbors home video shows the thick black smoke rages out of the second story window. Inside, six adults an one elderly woman who didnt make it out alive. Thats the unit that blew upright there. Reporter Christian Rizzo said it was his 84yearold aunt who died and it was his uncle who jumped from the second floor to escape. He broke the window and he dangled off the window and just let himself fall to the concrete. Reporter his two aunts, uncles, and cousins have all lived in this unit since 1964. They did everything they could to help rescue them, but. Nobody could go to the top floor. Reporter the man who jumped out of the window was unable to walk. He was just laying down on the floor trying to survive. He was just kind of screaming. So we dragged him to the car. He was an older man. Reporter 65 firefighters from San Francisco and daly city rushed to the scene. There was smoke in the rear of the building. Reporter christian says his aunt who died was unlikely to be able to move quick enough to escape the flames. She really couldnt move. She wasnt fast enough. And you know. Reporter and tonight, two of the six people taken to the hospital are still in Critical Condition and firefighters are still trying to figure out how this explosion happened. In San Francisco, juliette goodrich, kpix5. Right now, there are still a few showers out there, but nothing like what we saw earlier. The weather, pretty crazy. Pouring rain, howling wind, even some hail. Look at this video we got from napa. Look at the hail coming down. Not what anybody expects to see april 1, paul. True. To have highs in the 40s and the 50s , a snow level of 3,000 feet with thunderstorms . Thats not what the bay area typically gets, but we had it today. Things are calming down, but kpix5 highdef doppler is tracking things for you in san jose, santa cruz picking up showers. San pablo bay. Lafayette, walnut creek and concord have wet. Look at these rainfall totals. Oakland had more rainfall today than they typically average for the average month of april. More than an inch of rainfall. Santa rosa. You have more than an inch. Danville, more than an inch. Nearly an inch in San Francisco. Half after inch in pittsburgh and palo alto. So where do we go from here . Scattered showers will continue tonight. But the thunderstorm threat we had is finally decreasing but any showers in the mountains, guess what . It will be snow all the way down to 3,000 feet. Another rarity. Roberta gonzales was chasing that snow. She found something entirely different. Thunderstorms. Reporter we are on top of mount diablo where we experienced five lightning strikes in ten minutes. Im talking cloud to ground lightning that lit up the sky. I turned to my photo journalist john ramos if we felt the hair on his neck rise. We hunkered in the truck. Reporting in the east bay, problem rob, kpix5. Well, the stanford men got bounced in the sweet 16. Tonight the lady cardinals showed the guys how its done in the ncaa tournament. Vern glenn is on the court. Reporter well they are cutting down the nets here. Tradition nor an ncaa regional championship. North carolina made stanford work for it in a come from behind 7465 win. It hit me. This is unbelievable. Unbelievable. I have been working so hard. It may not always be pretty, but we are very pretty. Theres no words to describe it. This is what i worked for my whole life. It is so much sweeter this year it being my last year. Reporter next stop . Nashville. The final four site against long time nemesis connecticut coming up on sunday. Well have more reaction coming up in sports. At stanford, vern glenn, kpix5. Very tall women on that team. Very tall women. First, there was the big recall, tonight, we learned Something Else is making beef harder for all of us to buy. That dangerous defect. 13 people died. Tonight, we know the problem would have cost just 57 cents to fix. Plus, why one bay area guy has his stomach to thank for 425 million. Nor the German Airline, lufthan, are set to str breaking news, we just learned pilots and workers for the German Airline lustanza are set to strike tomorrow. Half a million passengers are affected. The effects of the drought are now being felt at the Kitchen Table and beef may not be whats for dinner as betty yu just found out. Reporter we are at lb steak in san jose where the best stuff is on display. These customer favorites are getting pricier. They may have to change their appetite. So these are very expensive. Reporter lb steak is trading the premium cuts for the more expensive ones. It is buying fewer wholesale steaks because the price has hit a record high. It was cut to its lowest since the 1950. Prime is a small percentage of the amount of beef allotted in the country. It is very difficult for us to find prime throughout the country. Reporter some cuts of beef have gone up as much as 20 . Some of the costs have been passed onto customers. For example, the porter house is now 62, but you get a few more ounces. These restaurants are also trying to offset the high cost of beef by providing more affordable items. We figure if we bury the menu a little more, people could have a steak dish, share it. Have Something Else. Reporter you will find more seafood and lamb dishes on the menu as well. The prices are going up a little bit. Reporter shoppers are noticing changes at the grocery store. Denatos gets its beef from ranchers. They have been warned of a possible jump in price. If it increases, we pass it on. We have to stay in business. Reporter Industry Experts say they expect these kinds of shy prices to continue into the summer barbecue season. And the rest of the year. In san jose, betty yu, kpix5. The executive chef at lb steak says this is the highest he has seen beef prices. Pg e has been charged with criminal negligence because of the san bruno explosion. They face a fine of half a Million Dollars for each charge. Prosecutors allege pg e knowingly relied on false and incomplete data when assessing the safety of the pipeline. They said san bruno was a tragic accident. We have taken accountability and we are deeply sorry. The president is doing a victory lap tonight. He hit his goal. More than 7 Million People have enrolled in obama care. Armageddon has not arrived. Instead, this law is helping millions of americans. And in the coming years, it will help millions more. Here in california, more than 1 Million People have signed up for healthcare. More than 150,000 in the past week alone. The big question in washington today, why did General Motors wait ten years to fix a dangerous defect . Tonight we learned that each fix would have cost just 57 cents. Sitting here today, i cannot tell you why it took so long for a safety defect to be announced for this program, but i can tell you we will find out. Reporter documents showed that gm knew about a faulty ignition switch as early as 2001, but didnt recall any until this year. The switch has a small spring inside which failed to provide enough force causing car engines to turn off when they went over a bump. Barra apologized to families of those killed but they say it is not enough. We are left behind when a loved one got inside what was supposed to be a safe car. Reporter barra admitted that the car didnt meet the companys specifications. What you just answered is gobbledygoop. It is your own companys specification. If the car doesnt meet it, why would you not refuse it and only accept the part that meets the specification . The Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into gm. Tonight, we know who the mystery power ball winner is. Turns out, he has a Subway Sandwich to thank. Here he is. Today, b raymond buckston came forward to hit his big prize. He hit the jackpot a monthand ahalf ago. 425million bucks. He took the lump sum pay out, 242 million before taxes. He was eating lunch here in the subway. He already had a power ball ticket, but figured why not . So he bought another one. He retired and says he plans to use the money to travel and to start a charity for pediatric health. And he can afford the expensive steaks that they were talking about earlier. He can buy one or two porter houses. I think so. He can buy the whole house. Absolutely. What active weather the past couple of days. This is rare for us. We were talking about it earlier today. Roberta and i. This might be the most active stretch of weather in the last five years. We never get line after line of thunderstorms in a 36 hour period. Im happy to report things are winding down. The doppler is showing scatters showers that will be around until sunrise. Thunderstorms . I dont see anymore. The threat has really diminished and the area of low pressure is pulling out. Some showers down in morgan hill and gilroy still going on. Santa cruz had some thunderstorms. A heavy shower headed toward you. Watsonville. And this is what we typically get for the entire month of april. Not one of our wetter months. Livermore, an inch of rain. Some of you eclipsed your april average rainfall today. How about all the snow in the mountains . 74 inches of snow in boreal. Heavenly had 27 new inches of snow. The snow pack, the big measurement is april 1, thats today. And the official tally, 32 of normal. The smallest snow pack since 1988. Maybe some april snow will help. We certainly got things started off with a bang. A lot of thunder and lightning over the past couple of days because of this really strong area of low pressure. Here is what typically happens. We get a low front dragging down from the low. Then it takes off and misses us. This time, the low headed right toward us and basically, it is sitting right over the bay area right now. Hail and thunderstorms today. Now as that low moves out, it will take the unstable air with us. It is with us the next couple of hours. The threat is diminishing. Its gone by tomorrow. Its over Salt Lake City by tomorrow evening. We are replacing it with higher pressure, more stable air. Sun shire, calmer air moving in now that the slow on its way out. So what to expect . The thunderstorm threat, we are running out of time before the clock strikes midnight so it is pretty much done. Heavy rain, hail possible still. Then we trend drier and warmer. It will be brisk tomorrow. San jose, 73, napa, 61 degrees. Only 59 tomorrow in San Francisco. But look at the extended forecast. A little miler thursday. A slight chance of a few showers. Not thunderstorms friday. Then look at the weekend, we are close to 80. Then in the 80s next week. Mid to upper 70s. 70 at the coast going from nothing in january, then we get all this rain in march and at the beginning of april. Guess what we are going to do now . Go back to the 80s. A little late to the party, but we will take the rain. Thanks, paul. Well getting into one Ivy League School is hard enough. Meet the kid who got into all of them coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,, right . But what if they got into harvard, too. And princeton. And ague school . If your child got into yale, you would want them to go right . What if they got into harvard and princeton and every other Ivy League School . Reporter as you begin to open the envelopes, did it begin to occur to you im going for a full flush here . I wasnt thinking full flush. I was looking through the list and thinking theres no way. Someone has to say no. It doesnt happen. Reporter what did you do when you got the last envelope and heard you got accepted into all of them . I just took it in for a second and realized the little dream of getting one of them became all eight. Reporter the eight Ivy League Schools on average accept less than 20 students on average. This senior was a standout for a range of Extracurricular Activities from second chair viola to starring in school musicals. He says his biggest challenge now is choosing which school to attend. How are you going to do that . How are you going to decide . Im going to visit them all again and see which one i want to have to my name. A son of immigrants from ghana, kwasi enin says his parents inspired him. I think my mother is hoarding the letters now. Yes. Yes. Yes. An frame them all on the wall right . Kwasi enin says he is leaning toward yale and wants to be a cardiologist. But that a choice . I had a choice between San Francisco state and chico state. Its tough tiger shocks the golf world again. And steph curry. He had another chance to win it at the buzzer. The finish is next. ,,,,,, fleas are fast. In less than a second, they can jump 150 times their height. And one flea can get in 400 bites a day. Yeah. Fleas are fast. Fight back fast with frontline tritak for dogs. The triple attack of frontline tritak for dogs means fleas have less time to bite. It starts killing fleas and ticks in just 5 minutes, and keeps killing fleas, flea eggs, larvae and ticks for a full 30 days. Ask your vet about frontline tritak for dogs. Nothings faster. Women who found themselves the hole against north carolina. It was a nail biter for the stanford women who found themselves in a hole against north carolina. Jim harbaugh got more shirts than we thought in a rotation. Aleshia gray stops and pops. Carolina red. Then ruths path. That was stanfords first lead of the night. Finish it off with the old give and go. Stanford outscores the star heels over the final 20 minutes to advance to the final four. 7465. So dennis, one last memorable win to cap a perfect season on this floor. Two words stanford can say over and over again now. Final four. Reporter boy, how about the effort of this team tonight . Great effort. They never lost their composure. Kara made the coaching job and the gals played a great game. We were a little nervous. But janai is our rock. It was rough. They are always saying relax, play basketball and let the game come to you. Thats what we did. Im so proud of everybody for their resilience tonight. We were not going to lose the game. Reporter so this year, they have to get it done in music city, nashville. This sunday, a semifinal date against long time nemesis, connecticut. At stanford, vern glenn, kpix5. Mark jacksons 49th birthday in dallas and what a present he got in overtime. Green to oneal. On the other side, oneal swats the monta ellis shot. The warriors had a chance to win and here is how it ended. Curry to win. Good good its good curry sends the war owes to san antonio happy. They are twoandahalf up on ninth place in the west. The replay system put the test in phoenix tonight after bruce bochi. Replay confirmed it was an out. But bochi was not allowed to challenge it because he failed on his first challenge. That was 43 at that point. Giants lose 54. Mike brown discovering each others lunches. The sharks an oilers tied. Burns slap shot goes to Patrick Marleau who back handed it in. Sharks win 54. They are a point behind the ducks for first place in the division. There will be no masters moment this year for tiger woods. The 38yearold golfer underwent back surgery for a pinched nerves and he will miss masters for the First Time Since his professional career. He remains stuck on 14. The Recovery Time for this type of operation is fourandahalf months. If you do the math, hes going to miss the open, too. I tell you what, as many times as he has winced in pain, not surprise. Well be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, tomorrow morning at 430. David letterman is next with christian chenowith. Tomorrow morning, 4 30. Our next newscast. band playing late show theme from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, its the late show with david letterman. Tonight. Plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. Im alan kalter. And now, the good cholesterol david letterman

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