Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140321 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20140321

they burn intensely. >> announcer: was fought from had air and the ground. the dern not the non--- the concern not the power plant or empty oil tankers but the pg&e lines and 250 nearby homes. >> there was a issue, they told us to stay inside. hopefully it doesn't catch fire. >> the rush to put out the flames to prevent them from getting worse and destroying local air quality for days. >> the fire can burn to the subservice and if that starts burning it is difficult to put that fire out. >> with flames raging on water and a drought looming, firefighters know they are in for a long haul. >> we are surprised at the aggressive fire behavior in march. we are concerned about the fire behavior we will get this summer. >> concerned about june, july, august, september, october when things aren't as green as they are right now. >> investigators don't know what caused the fire. breaking news in san francisco. dozens of police with guns drawn swarming whole foods on ocean avenue two hours ago. they are looking for a man who was involved in a shooting they believe about a block away. he shot another man in the ankle, tossed the gun and ran into the store. we heard from police a minute ago they believe the suspect got away. we learned a man who shot and killed a sheriff's deputy is a suspect in another killing. ricardo anthony chaney went on a crime spree yesterday. it started in oregon and ended in a shoot out with deputies. the suspect was wanted for killing a 79-year-old man who was found dead inside this burned house yesterday. neighbors say whatever happened was no accident. >> the car leaving late night, the fire starting, it is definitely -- and to have the investigation now with the red tape. it was clear to us something was going on. >> the police were after ricardo anthony chaney for a carjacking. he then went down highway 101 and just a few miles outside of fort bragg killed fallen veteran mendocino county sheriff's deputy rick del fiorentino. he spent half his life in law enforcement. right now search crews looking for the missing plane. a satellite picked up these images of two large objects. the bigicist 75 feet long. -- the biggest is 75 feet long. it takes longer to fly there than they will be able to search and there is something else to deal with. >> the part of the indian ocean where the possible wreckage has been found is called the roaring 40s. 40 degrees south of the equator, known for strong winds. after 12 days in the waters any wreckage could have traveled 250 miles from where a plane crashed. >> there is a reason we only explored 7%, because it is difficult. >> reporter: he helped track down a wreckage of air france. >> no gps. there is no radio communications. there is no power. we have to bring our own. lights don't go very far. >> it could take weeks to get equipment to this area and find wreckage. it could take months to recover it. >> you got to deal with currents, visibility, you got to deal with wind and waves. >> the ocean floor where the debris was spoticide 3 miles -- spotted is 3 miles deep. the ping from the ] boxes is not heard much beyond 2-1/2 -- black boxes is not heard from much beyond 2-1/2. >> the satellite helped find a crashed plane carrying a bay area family. that plane went down in the idaho mountains in december. a colorado company posted pictures to a website that anyone could view. it was one of those people that found the plane. russia masked 20,000 troops on the boarder withugh and can -- ukraine and the question is, does vladimir putin now have his sights set on a new conrequest? >> reporter: the convoy rolled out carrying ukrainian soldiers towards the soldier where russian troops are gathering strengths. this part is braced for a possible russian invasion. we found these troops setting up 60 miles away from the boarder. >> you got here last night. >> reporter: we can't reveal their exact location. the village's mayor told us a group of armed men forced the military convoy to turn back. >> i don't know they are pro russians, they weren't chanting slogans but they said wanted to prevent war. >> reporter: in several other towns, pro russian mobs tried to stop the ukrainian soldiers from deployingploying to the boarder. digging miles of trenches along the boarder in an attempt to slow down a possible russian advance. nobody here wants a shooting war. they are getting ready for one anyway. >> the crisis is really -- reached levels since we have not seen since the cold war. >> the russian people needs to know the ukrainians shouldn't have to choose between the west and russia. >> today president obama imposed more sanctions on russia. the u.s. and european union froze bank accounts accounts and slapped travel restrictions on russia. russia imposed their own sanctions against american officials. san jose police officer said the safety of their streets is only getting worse. at a meeting firefighters and police officers said they are understaffed and they questioned leaders who say 200 officers will be added in the next four years. >> with projections we have we can't get to those numbers. >> officers say san jose is not a competitive place to work for police with low pension plans and no disability protection. new details on the hate crime at san jose state university university. a african american student said his roommates did terrible things to him. joe vazquez with how the family is fighting back. >> reporter: this is a very first legal action against san jose state university university. inside the paper work is the first mention of the victim's name. >> reporter: donald williams moved out of the dorm but the legal case has begun. the family filed a $5 million claim against the university and other personnel. the claim is not a lawsuit but a precursor that allows for settlement discussions. roommates are accused of locking a lucarnes his neck, making slave references and threatening him. >> it is amazing he has been able toendure so much -- to endure so much. . >> reporter: he is representing him. he wrote she was subjected to racist assault -- he was subjected to racist assaults and humiliation. >> he is a proud, strong american. and he is not going to let these bullies, this harassment and these roommates deter him from his dream. >> my comment is so be it. >> panel investigating the incident is now making recommendations to fix the culture. >> this claim means they will battle it out or settle so our job is to not point fingers and not to get involved. our job is to ensure incidents like this don't happen again. >> in a statement san jose state university says the claim was filed in the wrong court. they will talk to the attorneys about it. driver hits and kill as pedestrian and then does something outrageous. tonight police have a new clue. >> and tonight sex offenders living next to your kids or their schools, the rules could be changing. >> new baby buggy. new baby -- >> amazing. how did he do it? we will give you a hint, next. ,,,,,,,,,,,, pulled out onto the road in albuquerque. police cameras a 7-year-old behind the wheel of this car in albuquerque. officers say the girl was sitting in her mom's lap driving because the mom was too drunk. the mom is now in jail and the girl is okay. tonight san francisco police are searching for a driver who hit and killed a woman in a crosswalk. what is more disturbing is what the driver did before speeding off. >> reporter: that driver hit the woman at this light and then made a u-turn, came back, looked at the body and kept going. >> reporter: hours after the hit and run investigators remained patrolling the block where it happened. right now this is their biggest lead. a snapshot of the vehicle captured on surveillance video. a white dodge durango with a black ski rack. investigators canvassed homes looking for more surveillance video. investigators believe the driver of the suv was turning left when he ran over a 60-year- old woman in the crosswalk. witnesses watched him drive 100 feet from the scene, make a u- turn and come back. >> slowly driving by as he passed the victim. >> then he took off again. >> we have seen more people lose their lives to collisions than we have had violent crimes. >> reporter: this is the 6th 6th pedestrian fatality this year in san francisco. >> it is not safe. >> he works for a community center and says some of the seniors have known for years this is unsafe. >> people are scared because it is -- there is a lot of close incidents that happen so they don't want this to happen again. >> reporter: again the guy is still out there tonight and police don't have much of a description. they can only say he had short curly air and light skin. reporting live in san francisco, christin ayers. kpix 5. >> last year 21 pedestrians were killed in fran. mayor ed lee threw -- in san francisco. mayor ed lee through his sport behind a plan to make intersections safer. the rules could be changing for sex offenders. the push to let a lot of them go off the radar. legally. >> reporter: california has a estimated 78,000 sex offenders. all of them must by law register with the state for life. but today the sex offender management board is moving forward to change the rules in which lower level offenders would register for 10 to 20 years. >> we want to focus the resources available on the people who pose the greatest risk to the people in the community. >> reporter: sex offenders convicted of possessing child pornography would be considered minor offenders. >> nobody goes to state prison for minor offenses. and those are serious offenders coming out. >> hundreds of violaters, many sex offenders fail to wear their gps tracking devices. he worries the new rule could compromise public safety. >> many sex offenders are clever and diabolical and they stock their victims for weeks, months. and these aren't the people that show up on the radar till after they have done something. >> reporter: groups applaud the change. >> this constitutes people arrested for indecent exposure. >> reporter: they insist it would save money without putting the public at risk. >> it would apply to sex offenders convicted in future. police have a new tool to keep tabs on everyone and everything. the police department installed new five camera video systems in their cars. they have a 360-degree view at all times. palo alto is the only city with something like this and the cameras are already paying off. starbucks is expanding its menu to booze. >> they are testing out alcohol sales in a hand full of locations. alcohol will be a part of the evening menu. they plan to expand sales to thousands of stores in the next few years. paul, another gorgeous day today and it will be beautiful this weekend. just -- we hit the lottery. >> only thing today, it wasn't weekend. thursday. we want it on saturday and sunday. guess what, mother nature dishing it out again. there are changes next week but not for the weekend. just sunshine for you. we are mostly cloudy. filtered sunshine today. i wouldn't call it mostly cloudy because we got a lot of sun light. north bay low 40s in santa rosa. oakland, san francisco, 50. mountain view 49. sun coming up tomorrow 7:12 a.m. livermore 44 degrees tomorrow. awesome afternoon with the fifth graders in walnut creek. sunshine tomorrow. high of 70 degrees. 5 degrees cooler than today. saturday more sunshine. 72 degrees. the sunshine keeps coming but we are not going to be as warm. the chilly pacific ocean. we can cool down even with sunshine. we will because high pressure is pushing down to the south. on the top of the high pressure we will have a onshore flow. no rain but cooler. temperatures taking 5 degrees back tomorrow with morning cloud cover. pacifica, half moon bay, fog tomorrow morning because of the flow. next week the ridge moves further away. allowing something else to move in, a weak area of low-pressure system low pressure to the -- low pressure to the north and west. showers coming back but it is still 5 days away, tuesday afternoon. low cloud cover. fog returning to the coast. oakland may get fog. tomorrow sunny but cooler. showers coming in next week, after a fantastic weekend. first weekend of spring. concord 69 degrees. cooler. san jose 68. morgan hill, gilroy 70. pacifica foggy start, 60. antioch 60s. 60s for san san ramon and 70 for walnut creek. sonoma 70. away from the water highs in the mid-70s. sunny skies. get outside, enjoy. having a barbecue at ken's house. [ talking at the same time ] [ laughter ] >> a lot of people coming. >> scattered showers tuesday and wednesday. we need the rain. we will get a little bit next week. better buy food. >> i will go to costo. >> thank you. the most amazing wheel of fortune guess tonight. why this bay area guy had babies on the brain. the great american novel. so you can happily let life get in the way, while planning for tomorrow. so you can finish the great american novel banking for the life you have investing for the life you want chase. so you can ♪ told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. prize. "mahendra k-c".. and his 2 we a san francisco cabby did not waste time claiming his mega millions prize. he and his two kids were with him. they were nervous about losing their ticket they showed up at the district office the minute it opened yesterday. he matched 5-6 numbers. he is now nearly $2 million richer. >> awesome. >> good for him. a man beat the odds on wheel of fortune this weekend. >> he got so lucky, pat sajak called it the most amazing solve he saw in his 30 years on the show. >> good luck. >> new baby buggy. new baby -- new -- >> oh! oh, my god. >> new baby buggy. he solved the puzzle. checking him for a wire or something. he is a nursing student and said he had babies on the brain. plus he grew up watching wheel of fortune. he walked away with 45 grand. >> awesome. >> new baby buggy. >> i don't want to play cards with this guy. >> how do i have 5 of the same thing. >> he should join the bracket challenge. >> he should. >> he should. [ talking at the same time ] >> we got a first place show down on the ice. sharks and ducks and buzzer beaters, over time. yes, march madness arrived. tip-off is next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, upset... saul phillips and his 12-se north dakota state s a quarter of today's tournament games went to over time. just one ended in a upset. north dakota state facing oklahoma. he hits the three. tieing the game 66-66. extra period. north dakota state got the tough layup to go. they win 8075. they win their first tournament game for the school and the state. >> harvard. over cincinnati. crimson leading by one. he hits the jump shot. harvard up three and they pull off the upset. they win 61-56. >> arizona state game. the sun devils against texas. under a minute to play. drives, gives it tojuredden for the dunk --juredden for the dunk. 47 seconds left. final seconds. he misses the three. ridly gets the put back and the longhorns get michigan on saturday. >> elizabeth is out to the early lead in the bracket challenge, getting 13-16 right on day one. you can see how you stack up on [ talking at the same time ] >> kenny is pulling up the rear. [ talking at the same time ] [ laughter ] >> stanford to the ncaa tournament. vern glenn is on the scene. >> the order is tall for the stanford men going in tomorrow against new mexico. they have been getting it done on guts all year. and for them emthe time is definitely now after a -- them the time is definitely now after a six year absence. >> i look at the seniors, all those guys that started with me, have a opportunity to compete in the ncaa tournament is a moment that will last for the rest of their lives. >> reporter: new mexico comes to town as the champions but they won't be over looking anybody after last year's upset loss to harvard. >> we talked about it, we figured someone would ask us, glad you did. we talk about it all the time. everyone loses. tough way to lose. >> reporter: from the muddy mississippi in st. louis, i am vern glenn. >> steven hector and the warriors -- seth curry and the warriors holding off milwaukee 115-110. 44 and 26. 18 games over .500 for the first time since bill clinton was in the white house. >> sharks and anaheim. 2-2. he scores. that was the game winner. sharks win 3-2 to take over sole position of first place in the pacificking division. and -- pacific division and buster posey hit a grand slam. march madness, baseball around the corner and azellias -- >> spring is in the air -- >> mast arizona. masters around the corner. -- masters around the corner. we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, piece of its history -- win dale earnhardt junior. our next newscast is tomorr david letterman is next with 2014 daytona 500 winner dale earnhardt jr. >> who is the breakt leader right now -- bracket leader right now? >> yes. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, with the power of four double-a batteries, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs

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