Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News 20160828 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News 20160828

you see a different level of play. >> this is the experience of a lifetime. >> a fantastic opportunity for these young nfl hopeful - - hopefuls. 149 140 niner is facing a firestorm not for what he did, but for what he did not do. [ music ] he is pictured here, being questioned for choosing not to stand at the preseason game against the packers. in a statement he said i i am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. there are body - - bodies in the street and people getting away with murder. >> you make statements that are not always popular. i think overall, people are going to look at it and say you know, he has a point. >> what is going on today is not good. >> but the venue he chose to do it in, i don't agree. >> kids are looking up to these athletes and i think they need to set a better example. >> we recognize his right to do that. it is not my right to tell him not to do that. it is his right as a citizen. >> right cause, but some say, wrong place. chip kelly says this is not the first time he has set out the national anthem. a reporter noted he has been doing this all preseason. this is just the first time that he has done it in uniform. people in walnut creek are rattled by the first homicide of the year, and police are still looking for the killer. courtney brown was shot to - - to death in walnut creek. he was leaving the sports bar at 1:30. shots ring out. >> all of the information indicates that this event was not random. walnut creek is a safe city. but when these things happen, we take this extremely seriously. >> witnesses saw the african- american man running from the scene but so far, no arrests. people living in suburban east bay cities say that homicide is something they are not used to hearing about. >> it is tragic, horrible news. i did not think that could ever happen in this area. >> it is not something that happens often but it is scary. it makes you, you know, scared. a man is dead after being set - - stabbed in san jose. the victim was found just after midnight. he had at least one stab wound. one driver was lucky to walk away from a crash. the car hit a power pole. it happened in north interstate 680. you can see the airbags deployed in the car but nobody was hurt. a family owned market appears to be a total loss after an overnight fire. the one alarm fire was kept from joining a other businesses. but the owners did not have insurance. a preseason loss for the readers tonight. but some good news for the fans. we have more on the new star power and the effort to build a new stadium in town. [ cheering & applause ] [ crowd noise ] >> the first home game of the season. plenty of enthusiasm and jubilation. but it is also hard to ignore the anger toward mark davis for truck - - mark davis for trying to move the team. >> i came here to enjoy the players. >> diehard fans are up cautiously optimistic about the new agreement, spending 90 days to work on the new stadium plan. >> i hope they stay here. i really hope they stay. >> thank you. >> an appraiser is working on this. >> his star power could do a lot to help us galvanize the sport in the business community. >> building a stadium for the raiders in exchange for a percentage of the team. >> the league is 70% black. >> earlier this week, the team filed an application to change the name to las vegas raiders. they also released a video of a stadium by the strip. the bay area - - >> the bay area did not fail mark davis. >> they believe there will be a better chance of keeping the team in town. >> now to some scary moments. pictures of a blown engine show just how close passengers came to disaster. an emergency landing midflight. the frightening story from people on board. >> it was like an explosion. >> some of the 99 passengers feared the worst when they heard the blast as one of the engines below. >> i thought it was an attack. i thought the plane was going to go down. >> i thought the plane had capsized on that one side. >> i have my 5-year-old sitting next to me. >> as oxygen masks deployed, the pilot and crew member state calm, seeing the flights would be diverted. minutes later they touched down without further incident. >> a round of - - of applause for the captain. >> a different plane brought them to their rightful destination. >> god was with us that whole time. had it punctured the cabin, we would be dead. we were glad that we were safe. >> southwest said that no one was hurt. they are working to determine the cause. >> a spiraling murder rate with connections to an nba star. nikia alldredge was adding with her kids to school. she was not the intended target. wayne tweeted that it was an act of senseless gun violence. on to campaign 2016, donald trump is weighing in on the killing and connecting it to the election. and wendy has the latest in the race for the white house. >> a police car led several vehicles into an fbi office in new york. hillary clinton received her first national security briefing. she attended the more than two our briefing by herself with no aids present. she got an overview of threats facing the country from the representatives. it was her only scheduled event of the day. [ music ] and donald trump spoke at a fundraiser in iowa. the state where polling shows the candidates are tied, a bright spot for him, polls show clinton leading trump by about six points. and trump is staying positive about his chances. >> we will have a great victory on november 8th, i can tell you. >> she drew ire on twitter for his comments about duane wade's first cousin. he tweeted she was just shot and killed got just what i've been saying, african-americans will vote trump. the tweet brought condemnation on social media for those who said he was politicizing a strategy - - tragedy. he tweeted again, offering condolences, and mentioned the murder at his rally. cbs news, new york. >> dwayne wade has not responded. trump has no scheduled events tomorrow. hillary clinton will hold fundraisers in the hamptons. people applauded as coffins were carried out of the gym. the applause being a traditional italian way to honor people who died in tragic said circumstances. and 290 people died in the powerful quake on wednesday. and the deadly quake is is a reminder of how prone we are in california to this shaking. and there is still work that must be done to get us quake ready. >> far from the los angeles skyline, but lucy warns the destruction from a shallow earthquake center here would look very similar. >> we have buildings all over the state that are 100 years old. they are just as vulnerable as italy. >> break buildings crumbled when a six-point oh quake - - six - - a 6.0 quake hit germany. >> if that building is not reinforced, reinforced, what happens to it? >> without seismic - - >> reporter: he is a seismic - - a structural engineer. his company's strength in company's strength in buildings like this one. >> it is all concrete. >> anything built prior to 1980s could be very dangerous. >> 13,000, 500 buildings need strengthening. that could cost tens of thousands of dollars that owners can owners can start small. >> you don't have to fix everything. >> but everything you do makes a different? >> that is correct. >> many of the newer buildings are only earthquake resistant, designed to allow people to get out of line, but they may not be inhabitable afterward. making news right now, a four alarm fire at a public storage facility. the first calls came in at 9:00 tonight. weddings on hold, couples left scrambling. >> i feel my dreams are crushed. >> days before they were supposed to say i do, they didn't. a wedding planner gone with cash. >> a secret sandbar has the look - - has the attention of the feds. >> scenic views of the ocean right here in the area. our news is coming up after the break. ,,,,,,,,,,,, two stranded boaters got the rescue they needed by spellg "s-o-s" in the sand. they were stuck for eight ds you hear about stuff like this, look at the right center of our screen. to stranded voters spelled it in the sand. they were stuck for eight days until the naval aircraft spotted the message from above. a good thing to as they had limited supplies and no emergency equipment. >> a pair of sinkholes forced the shutdown of a highway. all southbound lanes had to be closed in the miami gardens, backing up traffic. it is not clear when the roads will be open. a sandbar connecting the united states and mexico, a walkway in the water between the two countries. the water is up to 10 inches lower than usual. the very low tide is expected to last for several days. marine mammal experts are monitoring a back well. will watching say it appears it is attached to a buoy. it is feeding with nearly 50 whales, 2 miles off the coast. >> a wedding venue spared from a wildfire in sammartino county. the wedding planner suddenly disappeared along with their money. joy talked to the couples who are now demanding answers. >> a perfect setting, for a perfect day. >> it's amazing, it is gorgeous. >> reporter: choline and her fianci chose this place to get married. now her wedding is in limbo after she got a call from her baker. >> she was not going to service our wedding. >> none of her vendors have been paid. no one was working her wedding. >> i feel like my dreams are crushed. so her wedding is not the only on hold. one dozen other couples showed up demanding answers. >> my high school sweetheart, i've been with him forever. god, it just makes it worse. >> everyone here waited for xavier perez, the man who took their money and has not returned calls. >> he penis with a check and it bounced. >> and a dj has not been paid since may. >> it froze up $8000. >> this group said that they paid more than $200,000. >> this does not go through and she does not have enough money to go to another venue. >> the mother of the bride, perez on the phone. in the meantime, the owner of the property showed up in disbelief. he told the group that perez is one month behind on his rent as well. perez showed up three hours late and told the couples he could not give refunds but wanted to throw their weddings and asked for a second chance. >> we will see if he gets it. 17 couples showed up to confront the wedding planner at 40 couples are affected. everyone's trying to figure out how much is owed. >> the park service is offering free admission this weekend to celebrate the 100th anniversary including many sites around the bay area like the john deere historic site. that is where he wrote most of his books and inspired widespread interest in nature. last year, 300 people - - a number of people visited the parks and they are welcome and even more. >> we want to see people who have never been to the national park in their lives. if it were free for one weekend, it may be enough of a push to come see a national park for the first time, to fall in love with wild places the way that he did. >> no entrance fee this weekend. >> he used to lash himself to trees in the sierra, just to see what it was like to be a tree in a storm. is that going to fire? really, an amazing guy. a nice place to visit. conquered at 60 degrees, oakland at 63, san francisco at 60, san jose, 62 degrees. now the view from the west coast has not changed much. low-pressure offshore, we are not under the influence of much at all. we are going with the usual status quo. mostly sunny around the bay after we burn off the low clouds. all the way out into the central valley and pulling out into the shore. a mostly sunny day, and again, it doesn't look like this is going to change. the last time we noticed the 70- degree temperatures in the bay area, 1972. we have not hit 70 or above so far this month. low clouds, fog, temperatures in the low 80s inland, and the giants are taking on the braves tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. fair and cool, 65 degrees, a nice day in the park, 86 degrees, street test in oakland tomorrow, 70 to trees there, and overnight lows tonight will be in the middle 50s, daytime highs tomorrow will be in the 90s in the northern end of the sacramento valley. in the bay area, same as we had it today, low clouds in the morning and hours and mid-80s only from here. >> i can deal with that. >> straight ahead, and the weekend, friday with the niners, tonight, the day at home. against three opponents this week. stay with us, we will be right back. every day, the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. narrator: it wasn't that long ago. years of devastating cutbacks to our schools. 30,000 teachers laid off. class sizes increased. art and music programs cut. we can't ever go back. ryan ruelas: so vote yes on proposition 55. reagan duncan: prop 55 prevents 4 billion in new cuts to our schools. letty muñoz-gonzalez: simply by maintaining the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. ryan ruelas: no new education cuts, and no new taxes. reagan duncan: vote yes on 55. sarah morgan: to help our children thrive. 29 days, tonight's opponent will be for real! jack del rio...coached agai white clad tennessee...its nfl of the top. tonight, practiced in 29 days, to nights opponent will be real. coaching against tennessee, week 34. excuse me. how about a 60-yard explosion, opening drive touchdown, readers give up 336 yards. - - oakland raiders give up 336 yards. 720 score. second quarter. cooper, we will call that a highlights. >> it was nice to do that this week. scoring some points, it was nice. it was good to move the ball and show what we were working on is a little bit. but you cannot show too much. we kept it very basic. >> one more preseason game. then we are on. >> we've seen the last of kenneth acker. he was treated to kansas city. he started 13 games as a rookie last season. three interceptions. san francisco also released nine players today as rosters had to be cut down to 75 by tuesday. tony romo, last night against seattle, just out of the pocket, going down awkwardly, out six up to 10 weeks. and prescott is the week one starting with the cowboys now. and a lot more game where that came from up ahead. including the giants trying to stay close to the dodgers in the west. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...every game critical... dodgers in front of hunter e and the 2 gam. e braves... second the giants have 33 regular seasons laughed. everything is critical. hosting the braves, picking up the second inning, crawford on the fastball. opened the scoring, in the fourth inning, this is where it went all wrong. a mistake and he did not mess, for 27 feet, atlanta was able to win 3-1. san francisco fell behind the charger - - the dodgers. oakland in town, up 2-1, runners on second and third, chris davis allowed to score and tie the game. a sac fly. that is going to allow ryan to slide in. athletics win the game, final 3- 2. play ball, san jose earthquakes on the road against columbus. on the attack. excuse me. he hooked up with ethan findlay to get that one period a final of 2-0. stay with us, we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, jose... it's at a public storage facility on felipe avenue. firefighters are on the sce a breaking story, a four alarm fire at a public storage facility, fire fighters are on the scene but cannot get inside of the storage unit at this point. no one has been evacuated, no injuries have been reported. we will have the latest tomorrow morning at 7:30. for now, our weather and news updates are always available online. good night. we will see you again tomorrow. ,, every day, the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. ♪ sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. only at a sleep number store. man ( on tv ): the kick is up. it's long enough. the kick is no good. yes! yes! ( laughs ) yes! yeah! who won? who cares? we covered the spread. charlie, call me an old-fashioned dad, but i was hoping my son wouldn't start betting on sports until he was old enough to have a drinking problem. he didn't really make a bet. i just gave him a taste of my action. nor do i want him tasting your action. dad, without action, there's no juice. all of a sudden, he's frank sinatra. ( doorbell rings ) i'll bet that's the pizza. what's the spread? pepperoni. what's next, charlie? you going to teach him how to shoot craps? he already knows how to shoot craps. i just wish i could teach him not to bet the hard eight. hey, mr. harper. here you go. nice and hot. i threw in some extra garlic puffs as well. thanks, pal. thank you, mr. harper.

Related Keywords

Mexico , New York , United States , Tennessee , Germany , Oakland , California , Interstate , Iowa , Central Valley , Crawford , Italy , Sacramento Valley , San Francisco , Italian , Californians , Americans , American , Jack Del Rio , Sarah Morgan , Xavier Perez , Courtney Brown , Reagan Duncan , Frank Sinatra , Ethan Findlay , Los Angeles , Dwayne Wade , Tony Romo , Tom Steyer , Duane Wade , John Deere , Las Vegas , Chris Davis , Kenneth Acker , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News 20160828 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News 20160828

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you see a different level of play. >> this is the experience of a lifetime. >> a fantastic opportunity for these young nfl hopeful - - hopefuls. 149 140 niner is facing a firestorm not for what he did, but for what he did not do. [ music ] he is pictured here, being questioned for choosing not to stand at the preseason game against the packers. in a statement he said i i am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. there are body - - bodies in the street and people getting away with murder. >> you make statements that are not always popular. i think overall, people are going to look at it and say you know, he has a point. >> what is going on today is not good. >> but the venue he chose to do it in, i don't agree. >> kids are looking up to these athletes and i think they need to set a better example. >> we recognize his right to do that. it is not my right to tell him not to do that. it is his right as a citizen. >> right cause, but some say, wrong place. chip kelly says this is not the first time he has set out the national anthem. a reporter noted he has been doing this all preseason. this is just the first time that he has done it in uniform. people in walnut creek are rattled by the first homicide of the year, and police are still looking for the killer. courtney brown was shot to - - to death in walnut creek. he was leaving the sports bar at 1:30. shots ring out. >> all of the information indicates that this event was not random. walnut creek is a safe city. but when these things happen, we take this extremely seriously. >> witnesses saw the african- american man running from the scene but so far, no arrests. people living in suburban east bay cities say that homicide is something they are not used to hearing about. >> it is tragic, horrible news. i did not think that could ever happen in this area. >> it is not something that happens often but it is scary. it makes you, you know, scared. a man is dead after being set - - stabbed in san jose. the victim was found just after midnight. he had at least one stab wound. one driver was lucky to walk away from a crash. the car hit a power pole. it happened in north interstate 680. you can see the airbags deployed in the car but nobody was hurt. a family owned market appears to be a total loss after an overnight fire. the one alarm fire was kept from joining a other businesses. but the owners did not have insurance. a preseason loss for the readers tonight. but some good news for the fans. we have more on the new star power and the effort to build a new stadium in town. [ cheering & applause ] [ crowd noise ] >> the first home game of the season. plenty of enthusiasm and jubilation. but it is also hard to ignore the anger toward mark davis for truck - - mark davis for trying to move the team. >> i came here to enjoy the players. >> diehard fans are up cautiously optimistic about the new agreement, spending 90 days to work on the new stadium plan. >> i hope they stay here. i really hope they stay. >> thank you. >> an appraiser is working on this. >> his star power could do a lot to help us galvanize the sport in the business community. >> building a stadium for the raiders in exchange for a percentage of the team. >> the league is 70% black. >> earlier this week, the team filed an application to change the name to las vegas raiders. they also released a video of a stadium by the strip. the bay area - - >> the bay area did not fail mark davis. >> they believe there will be a better chance of keeping the team in town. >> now to some scary moments. pictures of a blown engine show just how close passengers came to disaster. an emergency landing midflight. the frightening story from people on board. >> it was like an explosion. >> some of the 99 passengers feared the worst when they heard the blast as one of the engines below. >> i thought it was an attack. i thought the plane was going to go down. >> i thought the plane had capsized on that one side. >> i have my 5-year-old sitting next to me. >> as oxygen masks deployed, the pilot and crew member state calm, seeing the flights would be diverted. minutes later they touched down without further incident. >> a round of - - of applause for the captain. >> a different plane brought them to their rightful destination. >> god was with us that whole time. had it punctured the cabin, we would be dead. we were glad that we were safe. >> southwest said that no one was hurt. they are working to determine the cause. >> a spiraling murder rate with connections to an nba star. nikia alldredge was adding with her kids to school. she was not the intended target. wayne tweeted that it was an act of senseless gun violence. on to campaign 2016, donald trump is weighing in on the killing and connecting it to the election. and wendy has the latest in the race for the white house. >> a police car led several vehicles into an fbi office in new york. hillary clinton received her first national security briefing. she attended the more than two our briefing by herself with no aids present. she got an overview of threats facing the country from the representatives. it was her only scheduled event of the day. [ music ] and donald trump spoke at a fundraiser in iowa. the state where polling shows the candidates are tied, a bright spot for him, polls show clinton leading trump by about six points. and trump is staying positive about his chances. >> we will have a great victory on november 8th, i can tell you. >> she drew ire on twitter for his comments about duane wade's first cousin. he tweeted she was just shot and killed got just what i've been saying, african-americans will vote trump. the tweet brought condemnation on social media for those who said he was politicizing a strategy - - tragedy. he tweeted again, offering condolences, and mentioned the murder at his rally. cbs news, new york. >> dwayne wade has not responded. trump has no scheduled events tomorrow. hillary clinton will hold fundraisers in the hamptons. people applauded as coffins were carried out of the gym. the applause being a traditional italian way to honor people who died in tragic said circumstances. and 290 people died in the powerful quake on wednesday. and the deadly quake is is a reminder of how prone we are in california to this shaking. and there is still work that must be done to get us quake ready. >> far from the los angeles skyline, but lucy warns the destruction from a shallow earthquake center here would look very similar. >> we have buildings all over the state that are 100 years old. they are just as vulnerable as italy. >> break buildings crumbled when a six-point oh quake - - six - - a 6.0 quake hit germany. >> if that building is not reinforced, reinforced, what happens to it? >> without seismic - - >> reporter: he is a seismic - - a structural engineer. his company's strength in company's strength in buildings like this one. >> it is all concrete. >> anything built prior to 1980s could be very dangerous. >> 13,000, 500 buildings need strengthening. that could cost tens of thousands of dollars that owners can owners can start small. >> you don't have to fix everything. >> but everything you do makes a different? >> that is correct. >> many of the newer buildings are only earthquake resistant, designed to allow people to get out of line, but they may not be inhabitable afterward. making news right now, a four alarm fire at a public storage facility. the first calls came in at 9:00 tonight. weddings on hold, couples left scrambling. >> i feel my dreams are crushed. >> days before they were supposed to say i do, they didn't. a wedding planner gone with cash. >> a secret sandbar has the look - - has the attention of the feds. >> scenic views of the ocean right here in the area. our news is coming up after the break. ,,,,,,,,,,,, two stranded boaters got the rescue they needed by spellg "s-o-s" in the sand. they were stuck for eight ds you hear about stuff like this, look at the right center of our screen. to stranded voters spelled it in the sand. they were stuck for eight days until the naval aircraft spotted the message from above. a good thing to as they had limited supplies and no emergency equipment. >> a pair of sinkholes forced the shutdown of a highway. all southbound lanes had to be closed in the miami gardens, backing up traffic. it is not clear when the roads will be open. a sandbar connecting the united states and mexico, a walkway in the water between the two countries. the water is up to 10 inches lower than usual. the very low tide is expected to last for several days. marine mammal experts are monitoring a back well. will watching say it appears it is attached to a buoy. it is feeding with nearly 50 whales, 2 miles off the coast. >> a wedding venue spared from a wildfire in sammartino county. the wedding planner suddenly disappeared along with their money. joy talked to the couples who are now demanding answers. >> a perfect setting, for a perfect day. >> it's amazing, it is gorgeous. >> reporter: choline and her fianci chose this place to get married. now her wedding is in limbo after she got a call from her baker. >> she was not going to service our wedding. >> none of her vendors have been paid. no one was working her wedding. >> i feel like my dreams are crushed. so her wedding is not the only on hold. one dozen other couples showed up demanding answers. >> my high school sweetheart, i've been with him forever. god, it just makes it worse. >> everyone here waited for xavier perez, the man who took their money and has not returned calls. >> he penis with a check and it bounced. >> and a dj has not been paid since may. >> it froze up $8000. >> this group said that they paid more than $200,000. >> this does not go through and she does not have enough money to go to another venue. >> the mother of the bride, perez on the phone. in the meantime, the owner of the property showed up in disbelief. he told the group that perez is one month behind on his rent as well. perez showed up three hours late and told the couples he could not give refunds but wanted to throw their weddings and asked for a second chance. >> we will see if he gets it. 17 couples showed up to confront the wedding planner at 40 couples are affected. everyone's trying to figure out how much is owed. >> the park service is offering free admission this weekend to celebrate the 100th anniversary including many sites around the bay area like the john deere historic site. that is where he wrote most of his books and inspired widespread interest in nature. last year, 300 people - - a number of people visited the parks and they are welcome and even more. >> we want to see people who have never been to the national park in their lives. if it were free for one weekend, it may be enough of a push to come see a national park for the first time, to fall in love with wild places the way that he did. >> no entrance fee this weekend. >> he used to lash himself to trees in the sierra, just to see what it was like to be a tree in a storm. is that going to fire? really, an amazing guy. a nice place to visit. conquered at 60 degrees, oakland at 63, san francisco at 60, san jose, 62 degrees. now the view from the west coast has not changed much. low-pressure offshore, we are not under the influence of much at all. we are going with the usual status quo. mostly sunny around the bay after we burn off the low clouds. all the way out into the central valley and pulling out into the shore. a mostly sunny day, and again, it doesn't look like this is going to change. the last time we noticed the 70- degree temperatures in the bay area, 1972. we have not hit 70 or above so far this month. low clouds, fog, temperatures in the low 80s inland, and the giants are taking on the braves tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. fair and cool, 65 degrees, a nice day in the park, 86 degrees, street test in oakland tomorrow, 70 to trees there, and overnight lows tonight will be in the middle 50s, daytime highs tomorrow will be in the 90s in the northern end of the sacramento valley. in the bay area, same as we had it today, low clouds in the morning and hours and mid-80s only from here. >> i can deal with that. >> straight ahead, and the weekend, friday with the niners, tonight, the day at home. against three opponents this week. stay with us, we will be right back. every day, the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. narrator: it wasn't that long ago. years of devastating cutbacks to our schools. 30,000 teachers laid off. class sizes increased. art and music programs cut. we can't ever go back. ryan ruelas: so vote yes on proposition 55. reagan duncan: prop 55 prevents 4 billion in new cuts to our schools. letty muñoz-gonzalez: simply by maintaining the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. ryan ruelas: no new education cuts, and no new taxes. reagan duncan: vote yes on 55. sarah morgan: to help our children thrive. 29 days, tonight's opponent will be for real! jack del rio...coached agai white clad tennessee...its nfl of the top. tonight, practiced in 29 days, to nights opponent will be real. coaching against tennessee, week 34. excuse me. how about a 60-yard explosion, opening drive touchdown, readers give up 336 yards. - - oakland raiders give up 336 yards. 720 score. second quarter. cooper, we will call that a highlights. >> it was nice to do that this week. scoring some points, it was nice. it was good to move the ball and show what we were working on is a little bit. but you cannot show too much. we kept it very basic. >> one more preseason game. then we are on. >> we've seen the last of kenneth acker. he was treated to kansas city. he started 13 games as a rookie last season. three interceptions. san francisco also released nine players today as rosters had to be cut down to 75 by tuesday. tony romo, last night against seattle, just out of the pocket, going down awkwardly, out six up to 10 weeks. and prescott is the week one starting with the cowboys now. and a lot more game where that came from up ahead. including the giants trying to stay close to the dodgers in the west. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...every game critical... dodgers in front of hunter e and the 2 gam. e braves... second the giants have 33 regular seasons laughed. everything is critical. hosting the braves, picking up the second inning, crawford on the fastball. opened the scoring, in the fourth inning, this is where it went all wrong. a mistake and he did not mess, for 27 feet, atlanta was able to win 3-1. san francisco fell behind the charger - - the dodgers. oakland in town, up 2-1, runners on second and third, chris davis allowed to score and tie the game. a sac fly. that is going to allow ryan to slide in. athletics win the game, final 3- 2. play ball, san jose earthquakes on the road against columbus. on the attack. excuse me. he hooked up with ethan findlay to get that one period a final of 2-0. stay with us, we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,, jose... it's at a public storage facility on felipe avenue. firefighters are on the sce a breaking story, a four alarm fire at a public storage facility, fire fighters are on the scene but cannot get inside of the storage unit at this point. no one has been evacuated, no injuries have been reported. we will have the latest tomorrow morning at 7:30. for now, our weather and news updates are always available online. good night. we will see you again tomorrow. ,, every day, the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. ♪ sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. only at a sleep number store. man ( on tv ): the kick is up. it's long enough. the kick is no good. yes! yes! ( laughs ) yes! yeah! who won? who cares? we covered the spread. charlie, call me an old-fashioned dad, but i was hoping my son wouldn't start betting on sports until he was old enough to have a drinking problem. he didn't really make a bet. i just gave him a taste of my action. nor do i want him tasting your action. dad, without action, there's no juice. all of a sudden, he's frank sinatra. ( doorbell rings ) i'll bet that's the pizza. what's the spread? pepperoni. what's next, charlie? you going to teach him how to shoot craps? he already knows how to shoot craps. i just wish i could teach him not to bet the hard eight. hey, mr. harper. here you go. nice and hot. i threw in some extra garlic puffs as well. thanks, pal. thank you, mr. harper.

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