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Transcripts For KPHO Face The Nation 20160828 : comparemela.
Transcripts For KPHO Face The Nation 20160828 : comparemela.
KPHO Face The Nation August 28, 2016
Prejudice and paranoia. Hillary clinton is a bigot who sees people votes. Dickerson well talk with trump supporter and former
President Shall
candidate dr. Ben carson. Hillary clintons controversies pop up again, a new batch of emails and new questions about the cozy relationship between the
Clinton Foundation
and state department. House oversight and
Government Reform Committee
Jason Chaffetz
wise in as does
Donna Brazile
. 72 days left until the election, the
President Shall
candidates are boiling it down to one question. What the hell do you have to lose . The answer is, everything. Dickerson all ahead on face the nation. Good morning, welcome to face the nation im john dickerson. Joining us
Donald Trumps
Campaign Manager
Kellyanne Conway
. I want to start with over the last several months on the question of the 11 million undocumented, that they will me must leave the country as part of his plan, that seems to have been pretty stable in our conversations with him. Now it seems to be shifting, why is that . Actually hes not, hes pretty consistent, immigration is a very complex issue, so if i may just talk about the six or seven tenants of his plan, i will address your question. First, theres still no amnesty. Wall. That has been the centerpiece of his candidacy and his immigration from the beginning it has not changed one inch. Third, we have to have sanctuary cities. Next, he has said that he will force enforce the law that is a model concept they like to lay law on top of law never enforce it. Also said, that for those 11 million if that in fact is the number, he wants to address that issue humanely and fairly, those cause harm to people. The question what to do. He has said that, if you want to be here legally, you have to apply to be here legally. We all learned in kindergarten to stand in line and wait our turn, he is not talking about deportation, but he is talking about being fair and humane, also being fair to the workers who are competing for jobs, being fair to all of us that want secure borders. Dickerson is law to be enforced the 11 million lets just use that number for the moment are here enforcing the law would mean having them leave. How do they leave . Do they self deport or does is there a
Deportation Force
or something that helps them leave the country immediately as hes previously said hed like to see happen. Thats really the question here, john. He has to deal with those agencies and those individuals already responsible for this who arent doing their job. Enforce the law the way he wants to enforce the law, he obviously immigration, immigration agencies, we have ice, we have agencies that already exist that are meant to be doing this already. And again, its a very unusual idea for a president of the
United States
that would be
President Trump
to actually enforce a law and see how we can do this in way that to quote him, fair, humane and effective. Dickerson someone who has run on being candid about things, apparent muddiness of this caused some of his supporters, hes at the center of immigration studies, sarah palin and anne colter have subtled or think or might be abandoning his position, sheer what he said, whatever remaining chance he had to win the white house is gone. Fact now that he has betrayed his base on the signature issue that he ran on seems to me the death knell of his candidacy, he said that to the wall street journal. What has he got wrong . He says something differently in a meeting just last week, or was in trump tower for a roundtable, the fact is i would say all those people, and mr. Trump supporters, that look at his plan, you look at the no amnesty, and enforcing the law and making sure that theres no legalization, also said that, its exactly what hes been talking about all together. And by the way, there are two major choices in that ballot box, if you look at
Hillary Clintons
immigration plan, you see a real see c a plan that would actually create more illegals coming in here, porous border, sanctuary cities, catch and release that local
Law Enforcement
hands are tied, catching illegal immigrant who has committed a crime. Just release them. Donald trump said if you committed a crime youre out of here. This isnt just referendum of
Donald Trumps
immigration you have to contrast to
Hillary Clintons
, shes been very because he has deported millions of illegals and because he has used executive amnesty a little bit. But she promises to use that it much more. Dickerson let me touch on couple of other issues that mr. Drum tweeted after nbas cousin was shot. Dwyane wades cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago, just what i have been saying,
African Americans
will vote trump. What did he mean . Tweeted his condolences to the family right after that, like everybody to know about those tweets because i think its incredibly important for all of us to come together, john, in a very nonpartisan fashion and express our condolences to families like the wade family. Also our outrage that things like this can happen. This wan was pushing her baby stroller, four children today including newborn that dont have their mort. Dickerson absolutely i think its important that donald trump is taking his message to communities of color. Republicans sometimes show up at different forms but they dont trying to reach all americans in the coming weeks you will see mr. Trump directly dickerson let me ask you just a second try to unpack the first tweet. I just dont know what that means. I think you have to look at both where he expresses condolences and he says, reminds hes been trying to make the case that the increase in random crime and senseless murders, the povert homelessness in some of our major cities is unacceptable to all of us. The idea that certain politicians, hes not one of them, have looked the other way and have not done everything they can do to help all americans including communities of color, is unacceptable to all of us. Certainly unacceptable to a
President Trump
. Dickerson some people pointed out in number of instances whether its orlando shooting, paris attacks now this one, his first instinct to talk tragedy as validation of what hes been saying. Is that healthy for
President Shall
candidate to do that . But most americans see what he does on a weekly basis which is he gives policy position speeches. Hes been out there just in the last two weeks, john, talking about middle class tax relief,
Law Enforcement
, communities of color, the corrupt system that is the clinton enterprise. Taking his case to the people. What did
Hillary Clinton
give speech on, not energy, infrastructure, economy of jobs, obamacare, defeating terrorism. She talked about him. Hes talking about issues she talking about him. And that is just remarkable contrast in the way these two individuals are running their campaign. And so, i think people should look at the full measure of the man, look at his plan to defeat radical terrorism. Also all americans. And contrast it to
Hillary Clinton
who this week i think elevated insult into an art form. Frankly, has less the
Democratic Party
where i grew up, the
Democratic Party
, her fair is a big way from hope and change. Dickerson what about, donald trump called her a bigot. Do you is that a campaign position, something hes going to keep saying . See what donald trump is called by near low everybody in clinton world including many of her supporters before he gets out of bed in the morning. This man has been called everything in the book, insults, routinely, people think its funny they put on twitter feeds even though theyre supposed to be objective journalists he says, basically to her policies have left people behind. And the policy that she will continue will not help many of the people who still feel like they dont have the same same economic upward mobility that other people have been able to leverage. That they deserve the same. So, pardon me if i cant get all exercised about name calling when
Hillary Clinton
gave entire speech this week about name calling, not about the issues, we have no idea what she was doing with obamacare which is failing everywhere, tennessee just this week said that that exchange is failing as well. That would be number 17 by my count of the 23 obviously obamacare looks like a failed experiment. We dont know what she will do about economy of jobs, no idea what y she called isis our determined enemies rather than terrorists. She preferred to pro life republican as terrorist, she doesnt refer to terrorists as terrorists. Thats very troubling. Dickerson thanks so much for being with us. Thank you. With us now is
Democratic National
Committee Chair
donna political reporter al hunted, he writes this in bloomberg. The democrats had successful convention, republicans didnt. Clintons campaign has been smooth, trump as has careened between disasters. She reached out to independents and republicans, he insulted the family of a soldier killed in iraq. Clinton out spent him three to one, shes only ahead by five percentage points, why do you think that is . Thank you, its back, its been awhile, good to see you always. If you dont mind let me just start by saying, 53 years ago they dr. King gave historic speech not far from here where he raised our consciousness to talk about ways in which we come together as americans. So, listening to kellyanne i just wanted to remind our friends out there that this is a country that made so many remarkable strides toward more perfect union. We have a great election psych they will year, theres no question that the
American People
are looking for a candidate who will be able to, what i call, continue to make progress whether on health care, whether its job creation, of course keeping the country safe and secure. Im not worried about the polls today because as you know, the polls today reflect pretty much where the mood s. The mood of the country, lot of voters are still undecided. Hillary clinton and tim kaine they have been able to expand their performance, not just in the socalled battleground states, but were looking now at opportunities in arizona and georgia and elsewhere to continue to spread this democratic message of inclusion, of stronger job creation, small businesses. I think were going to have a terrific year this year. Dickerson what al shunt getting a at something we hear about,
Hillary Clinton
should be doing better, the reason she first is, the emails that were disclosed of relationships between the
Clinton Foundation
and the clinton state department, republicans call it, pay to play. Why are they wrong about that . First of all the republicans call when republicans meet with their donors, their supporters they call it a conflick. Its not pay to play, less somebody actually gave someone 50 cents to say i need a meeting, no. This great country when you meet who states, meet with people like bono who i love, you meet with them because they have want to bring a matter to your attention thats not pay to play. Its called that when democrats do it. Its not called that when republicans do it. Dickerson we do see in the emails is a kind of easy relationship between the foundation and the state department, foundation calls says, weve got somebody who they say is a friend of ours, christmas. They are saying because theyre a big donora friend of ours, can you have this meeting, some times it happens, sometimes it didnt. Theres a very easy relationship, is that just the way washington works . I dont want to say that is how washington works. I didnt work for the foundation, let me say im very strong supporter of the
Clinton Foundation
. I remember back in 2001 when bill clinton set up shop in harlem in new york to begin to build a foundation that would help not just poor developing countries with hiv aids, with malaria, other disgusting diseases, this is a foundation that has done remarkable work, even
Kellyanne Conway
said they have supported the
Clinton Foundation
, i think they had bright purpose, green or blue line between foundation and state department theres no question that when someone knows someone, look, i have friend, do you want to set this up meeting. Socalled chain almost at the point where im exhausted reading internal emails that have been leaked or somehow another received, even in the case of bono who i mentioned who i love, he had a request in, his music to be streamed through, they rejected it. There is no of course we are going to read these emails, have a lot of answers from the gossip, some times dont have lot of interest in the crime. In the case of the democrat, i have to mention this because im a little bit familiar,
Democratic Party
was victim of a cyberattack by a foreign count country. And once we were attacked, the media became obsessed with what was in the emails and not the crime itself. In fact, the person who is telling personal information of individuals involved in this serious act, able to come on television and say, i got more i have more material to gossip not the crime itself. I am worried about cybersecurity and the threat that it poses to our democracy. Dickerson but concern about emails because emails were in a private server they werent couldnt get to them in the normal way this isnt just some kind of random and again, going back because i like so many lines that you cross talking about emails, theres no question that whether the state
Department Emails
that were released, the state
Department Emails
that were leaked, state
Department Email
however you draw the conclusion, if theres no there there. If by if because you were able to get in and see someone by making a request, we saw nobel
Prize Winners
wanting to meet with the secretary of state. Heads of state, there was a lot of people who wanted to meet the secretary of state, former secretary of state met with literally thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of individuals. Dickerson well have to leave it there, donna. Be back in one minute. t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara . Just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara . May lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara . Tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara . If you are allergic to stelara . Or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara . Saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Is. Dickerson joining us now is jay on chaffetz. Nothing to see, theres no there there that dnc chair, whats your reaction . Well, they also said theres smoke and no fire but my 8 00 league said, theres a fire, in fact it was arson. I think the public has the right to know, we certainly have been asking fores 2012, if
Hillary Clinton
wants to come clean, she hasnt yet, most everything she said about this turned out to be a lie. She should provide her calendar,
Associated Press
has been fighting for years in the courts just to get her calendar she has more than one. But get her calendar out there. She said at press conference, i think fbi should provide the congress, consequently the public unclassified version that can be released. Dickerson one of the things were trying to do here figure truly wrong that was done here in the relationship with the state department and
Clinton Foundation
for whether this is just kind of way things are done in washington, people give lot of money, get phone called returned faster, get emails returned. So youve said that it smells like pay to play in this relationship between
Clinton Foundation
donors and state department. What evidence do you have of that . Look at the
Associated Press
report that came out for nearly majority of the people who have made these major major donations got a meeting, if you look at the interaction between foundation and those that worked at the state department, at one point they said, our boss. Supposed to be a bright clear line, i think one of the questions the media needs to ask
Hillary Clinton
, was her interaction and senior staff, was there interaction with the foundation, that was a official business . Because they say that sometimes it was or was that just a communications. Because right now its still years after the fact that we have sent subpoenas, sent letters of preservation, requests for information, and still the state department and
Hillary Clinton
we get these new revelations almost weekly that there are thousands of new things that we havent yet seen. Dickerson the
President Shall<\/a> candidate dr. Ben carson. Hillary clintons controversies pop up again, a new batch of emails and new questions about the cozy relationship between the
Clinton Foundation<\/a> and state department. House oversight and
Government Reform Committee<\/a> chair
Jason Chaffetz<\/a> wise in as does
Donna Brazile<\/a>. 72 days left until the election, the
President Shall<\/a> candidates are boiling it down to one question. What the hell do you have to lose . The answer is, everything. Dickerson all ahead on face the nation. Good morning, welcome to face the nation im john dickerson. Joining us
Donald Trumps<\/a>
Campaign Manager<\/a>
Kellyanne Conway<\/a>. I want to start with over the last several months on the question of the 11 million undocumented, that they will me must leave the country as part of his plan, that seems to have been pretty stable in our conversations with him. Now it seems to be shifting, why is that . Actually hes not, hes pretty consistent, immigration is a very complex issue, so if i may just talk about the six or seven tenants of his plan, i will address your question. First, theres still no amnesty. Wall. That has been the centerpiece of his candidacy and his immigration from the beginning it has not changed one inch. Third, we have to have sanctuary cities. Next, he has said that he will force enforce the law that is a model concept they like to lay law on top of law never enforce it. Also said, that for those 11 million if that in fact is the number, he wants to address that issue humanely and fairly, those cause harm to people. The question what to do. He has said that, if you want to be here legally, you have to apply to be here legally. We all learned in kindergarten to stand in line and wait our turn, he is not talking about deportation, but he is talking about being fair and humane, also being fair to the workers who are competing for jobs, being fair to all of us that want secure borders. Dickerson is law to be enforced the 11 million lets just use that number for the moment are here enforcing the law would mean having them leave. How do they leave . Do they self deport or does is there a
Deportation Force<\/a> or something that helps them leave the country immediately as hes previously said hed like to see happen. Thats really the question here, john. He has to deal with those agencies and those individuals already responsible for this who arent doing their job. Enforce the law the way he wants to enforce the law, he obviously immigration, immigration agencies, we have ice, we have agencies that already exist that are meant to be doing this already. And again, its a very unusual idea for a president of the
United States<\/a> that would be
President Trump<\/a> to actually enforce a law and see how we can do this in way that to quote him, fair, humane and effective. Dickerson someone who has run on being candid about things, apparent muddiness of this caused some of his supporters, hes at the center of immigration studies, sarah palin and anne colter have subtled or think or might be abandoning his position, sheer what he said, whatever remaining chance he had to win the white house is gone. Fact now that he has betrayed his base on the signature issue that he ran on seems to me the death knell of his candidacy, he said that to the wall street journal. What has he got wrong . He says something differently in a meeting just last week, or was in trump tower for a roundtable, the fact is i would say all those people, and mr. Trump supporters, that look at his plan, you look at the no amnesty, and enforcing the law and making sure that theres no legalization, also said that, its exactly what hes been talking about all together. And by the way, there are two major choices in that ballot box, if you look at
Hillary Clintons<\/a> immigration plan, you see a real see c a plan that would actually create more illegals coming in here, porous border, sanctuary cities, catch and release that local
Law Enforcement<\/a> hands are tied, catching illegal immigrant who has committed a crime. Just release them. Donald trump said if you committed a crime youre out of here. This isnt just referendum of
Donald Trumps<\/a> immigration you have to contrast to
Hillary Clintons<\/a>, shes been very because he has deported millions of illegals and because he has used executive amnesty a little bit. But she promises to use that it much more. Dickerson let me touch on couple of other issues that mr. Drum tweeted after nbas cousin was shot. Dwyane wades cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago, just what i have been saying,
African Americans<\/a> will vote trump. What did he mean . Tweeted his condolences to the family right after that, like everybody to know about those tweets because i think its incredibly important for all of us to come together, john, in a very nonpartisan fashion and express our condolences to families like the wade family. Also our outrage that things like this can happen. This wan was pushing her baby stroller, four children today including newborn that dont have their mort. Dickerson absolutely i think its important that donald trump is taking his message to communities of color. Republicans sometimes show up at different forms but they dont trying to reach all americans in the coming weeks you will see mr. Trump directly dickerson let me ask you just a second try to unpack the first tweet. I just dont know what that means. I think you have to look at both where he expresses condolences and he says, reminds hes been trying to make the case that the increase in random crime and senseless murders, the povert homelessness in some of our major cities is unacceptable to all of us. The idea that certain politicians, hes not one of them, have looked the other way and have not done everything they can do to help all americans including communities of color, is unacceptable to all of us. Certainly unacceptable to a
President Trump<\/a>. Dickerson some people pointed out in number of instances whether its orlando shooting, paris attacks now this one, his first instinct to talk tragedy as validation of what hes been saying. Is that healthy for
President Shall<\/a> candidate to do that . But most americans see what he does on a weekly basis which is he gives policy position speeches. Hes been out there just in the last two weeks, john, talking about middle class tax relief,
Law Enforcement<\/a>, communities of color, the corrupt system that is the clinton enterprise. Taking his case to the people. What did
Hillary Clinton<\/a> give speech on, not energy, infrastructure, economy of jobs, obamacare, defeating terrorism. She talked about him. Hes talking about issues she talking about him. And that is just remarkable contrast in the way these two individuals are running their campaign. And so, i think people should look at the full measure of the man, look at his plan to defeat radical terrorism. Also all americans. And contrast it to
Hillary Clinton<\/a> who this week i think elevated insult into an art form. Frankly, has less the
Democratic Party<\/a> where i grew up, the
Democratic Party<\/a>, her fair is a big way from hope and change. Dickerson what about, donald trump called her a bigot. Do you is that a campaign position, something hes going to keep saying . See what donald trump is called by near low everybody in clinton world including many of her supporters before he gets out of bed in the morning. This man has been called everything in the book, insults, routinely, people think its funny they put on twitter feeds even though theyre supposed to be objective journalists he says, basically to her policies have left people behind. And the policy that she will continue will not help many of the people who still feel like they dont have the same same economic upward mobility that other people have been able to leverage. That they deserve the same. So, pardon me if i cant get all exercised about name calling when
Hillary Clinton<\/a> gave entire speech this week about name calling, not about the issues, we have no idea what she was doing with obamacare which is failing everywhere, tennessee just this week said that that exchange is failing as well. That would be number 17 by my count of the 23 obviously obamacare looks like a failed experiment. We dont know what she will do about economy of jobs, no idea what y she called isis our determined enemies rather than terrorists. She preferred to pro life republican as terrorist, she doesnt refer to terrorists as terrorists. Thats very troubling. Dickerson thanks so much for being with us. Thank you. With us now is
Democratic National<\/a>
Committee Chair<\/a> donna political reporter al hunted, he writes this in bloomberg. The democrats had successful convention, republicans didnt. Clintons campaign has been smooth, trump as has careened between disasters. She reached out to independents and republicans, he insulted the family of a soldier killed in iraq. Clinton out spent him three to one, shes only ahead by five percentage points, why do you think that is . Thank you, its back, its been awhile, good to see you always. If you dont mind let me just start by saying, 53 years ago they dr. King gave historic speech not far from here where he raised our consciousness to talk about ways in which we come together as americans. So, listening to kellyanne i just wanted to remind our friends out there that this is a country that made so many remarkable strides toward more perfect union. We have a great election psych they will year, theres no question that the
American People<\/a> are looking for a candidate who will be able to, what i call, continue to make progress whether on health care, whether its job creation, of course keeping the country safe and secure. Im not worried about the polls today because as you know, the polls today reflect pretty much where the mood s. The mood of the country, lot of voters are still undecided. Hillary clinton and tim kaine they have been able to expand their performance, not just in the socalled battleground states, but were looking now at opportunities in arizona and georgia and elsewhere to continue to spread this democratic message of inclusion, of stronger job creation, small businesses. I think were going to have a terrific year this year. Dickerson what al shunt getting a at something we hear about,
Hillary Clinton<\/a> should be doing better, the reason she first is, the emails that were disclosed of relationships between the
Clinton Foundation<\/a> and the clinton state department, republicans call it, pay to play. Why are they wrong about that . First of all the republicans call when republicans meet with their donors, their supporters they call it a conflick. Its not pay to play, less somebody actually gave someone 50 cents to say i need a meeting, no. This great country when you meet who states, meet with people like bono who i love, you meet with them because they have want to bring a matter to your attention thats not pay to play. Its called that when democrats do it. Its not called that when republicans do it. Dickerson we do see in the emails is a kind of easy relationship between the foundation and the state department, foundation calls says, weve got somebody who they say is a friend of ours, christmas. They are saying because theyre a big donora friend of ours, can you have this meeting, some times it happens, sometimes it didnt. Theres a very easy relationship, is that just the way washington works . I dont want to say that is how washington works. I didnt work for the foundation, let me say im very strong supporter of the
Clinton Foundation<\/a>. I remember back in 2001 when bill clinton set up shop in harlem in new york to begin to build a foundation that would help not just poor developing countries with hiv aids, with malaria, other disgusting diseases, this is a foundation that has done remarkable work, even
Kellyanne Conway<\/a> said they have supported the
Clinton Foundation<\/a>, i think they had bright purpose, green or blue line between foundation and state department theres no question that when someone knows someone, look, i have friend, do you want to set this up meeting. Socalled chain almost at the point where im exhausted reading internal emails that have been leaked or somehow another received, even in the case of bono who i mentioned who i love, he had a request in, his music to be streamed through, they rejected it. There is no of course we are going to read these emails, have a lot of answers from the gossip, some times dont have lot of interest in the crime. In the case of the democrat, i have to mention this because im a little bit familiar,
Democratic Party<\/a> was victim of a cyberattack by a foreign count country. And once we were attacked, the media became obsessed with what was in the emails and not the crime itself. In fact, the person who is telling personal information of individuals involved in this serious act, able to come on television and say, i got more i have more material to gossip not the crime itself. I am worried about cybersecurity and the threat that it poses to our democracy. Dickerson but concern about emails because emails were in a private server they werent couldnt get to them in the normal way this isnt just some kind of random and again, going back because i like so many lines that you cross talking about emails, theres no question that whether the state
Department Emails<\/a> that were released, the state
Department Emails<\/a> that were leaked, state
Department Email<\/a> however you draw the conclusion, if theres no there there. If by if because you were able to get in and see someone by making a request, we saw nobel
Prize Winners<\/a> wanting to meet with the secretary of state. Heads of state, there was a lot of people who wanted to meet the secretary of state, former secretary of state met with literally thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of individuals. Dickerson well have to leave it there, donna. Be back in one minute. t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara . Just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara . May lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara . Tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara . If you are allergic to stelara . Or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara . Saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Is. Dickerson joining us now is jay on chaffetz. Nothing to see, theres no there there that dnc chair, whats your reaction . Well, they also said theres smoke and no fire but my 8 00 league said, theres a fire, in fact it was arson. I think the public has the right to know, we certainly have been asking fores 2012, if
Hillary Clinton<\/a> wants to come clean, she hasnt yet, most everything she said about this turned out to be a lie. She should provide her calendar,
Associated Press<\/a> has been fighting for years in the courts just to get her calendar she has more than one. But get her calendar out there. She said at press conference, i think fbi should provide the congress, consequently the public unclassified version that can be released. Dickerson one of the things were trying to do here figure truly wrong that was done here in the relationship with the state department and
Clinton Foundation<\/a> for whether this is just kind of way things are done in washington, people give lot of money, get phone called returned faster, get emails returned. So youve said that it smells like pay to play in this relationship between
Clinton Foundation<\/a> donors and state department. What evidence do you have of that . Look at the
Associated Press<\/a> report that came out for nearly majority of the people who have made these major major donations got a meeting, if you look at the interaction between foundation and those that worked at the state department, at one point they said, our boss. Supposed to be a bright clear line, i think one of the questions the media needs to ask
Hillary Clinton<\/a>, was her interaction and senior staff, was there interaction with the foundation, that was a official business . Because they say that sometimes it was or was that just a communications. Because right now its still years after the fact that we have sent subpoenas, sent letters of preservation, requests for information, and still the state department and
Hillary Clinton<\/a> we get these new revelations almost weekly that there are thousands of new things that we havent yet seen. Dickerson the
Clinton Campaign<\/a> says that ap report didnt take into account all the meetings she had. Theres no doubt they took place. Pay to play, dont you have to show that the state department did something that there was some action was taken as a result of requests by somebody who gave a lot of money, in this case, what in your mind is the action that was taken, what policy was changed or what action should people focus on when theyre looking at these . Thats why we want to see her calendars, see the rest of the emails, remember, theres 14,000 emails, we have not yet also want to know about the destruction of these documents. These are federal records. This is not her emails. And shes the one that set this up, the
Inspector General<\/a> tried to interview
Hillary Clinton<\/a>, she said she wants to be open and transparent but prefused to meet with the
Inspector General<\/a>. Then you have the fbi director said they never looked at her testimony before congress and her interaction with congress. Were requesting documents, federal records, those are destroyed. We we want answer to. Dickerson two baskets, the
Clinton Foundation<\/a> and the emails which were on her private server that was at her home in her system she set up. You have said that she committed perjury in testimony in front of your committee, what are you asking the fbi to do, they have already said that they didnt see a willful deletion on her part, they said that in terms of classified material that she didnt know because it wasnt marked classified, havent they answered some of the questions director said that known or should have known that the information was classified. Remember, the state department, there are two different systems. One system is the classified system. And one of the key concerns we have is, how did the information on those classified servers get over on to the ones that were not classified . From our
Vantage Point<\/a> its one of the largest breaches of security in the history of the state department. We got to make sure that people arent just walking out the door with literally hundreds if not thousands of their way into a nonsecure setting. And when
Hillary Clinton<\/a> herself allows people without the proper security clearance to have access to that information, again, that is a self inflicted breach that she put upon the country to put peoples lives in jeopardy. Dickerson on that question, which is the lawyer she hired to delete emails from her private server are you saying the fbi dropped the ball . Surely they were aware that the lawyers were looking at the information, they dropped the ball in their investigation . Also later offered a bit of clarification to say, some of the attorneys have some of the clearances but not just her attorneys there are i. T. Professionals that she engaged in networks who had no security clearance. And yet when the fbi provides us those documents in a secure in this skiff, socalled skiff in secure place they redact those names. We want to know who those people are. They dont have the proper securiar them access to classified information. Dickerson hanks so much for being with us well be back in a moment. Pear . Its what the
National Debt<\/a> could do to our economy. If we dont solve our debt problem 19 trillion and growing money for programs like education will shrink. In just 8 years, interest on the debt will be our
Third Largest<\/a> federal program. Bad news for small businesses. The good news . Okay, so whats our latest data say . Our customer is a 21yearold female. Heavily into basketball. Wait. Data just changed. Now shes into disc sports. Ah, no shes not. Since when . Since now. Shes into tai chi. She found disc sports too stressful. Hold on. Let me ask you this. Whats she gonna like six months from now . Who do we have on aerial karate . Steve. Steve. Steve. Just steve. Live business, powered by sap. When you run live, you run simple. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. Theres only one place where real and amazing live. Dickerson former
President Shall<\/a> candidate dr. Ben carson is with us now from west palm beach, florida. Dr. Carson, i want to go back to the question of immigration and
Donald Trumps<\/a> position on it because politicians who have changed their position on immigration are responsible for a lot of unhappiness in the base of the republican party. What do you make of where donald question of the 11 million undocumented workers . Well, i think basically what he is saying is, theres no path to citizenship. Theres no voting, unless you go through the same process that anybody else goes through. Hes saying that he clearly wants to secure the border, everify in place, tend to the visa situation. Do all those things, built hes saying, lets apply the constitution, these things have not been tried by democrats or republicans. Then lets see whats left over and whats left over after that is something that should be dealt with in a reasonable, compassionate and fairway. I dont think thats a big departure. Dr. Carson well hold off just a moment well be back with more from you, have to take a commercial break here. Which you are you . Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Sis with stelara . Just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara . May lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara . Tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has usion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara . If you are allergic to stelara . Or any of its ingredients. Most people using stelara . Saw 75 clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara . Dickerson some of our cbs stat a back. With a lot more face the nation. Dickerson welcome back. Were back with more this former president vat candidate and current donald trump supporter dr. Ben carson. Dr. Carson pick up where we left off on the question of immigration. You said donald trump wants to enforce the laws. So that logically leads to conclusion that 11
Million People<\/a> who are in the country would mean getting them out. But when you press the campaign on that, thats what has to be worked out which a lot of people who have been in this paid attention to this issue for awhile here as code. Thats building a back door to ultimately not deport the 11 million who are in america and are undocumented. Its not really code. Its using our heads. Using common sense. We have laws and regulations for work because we simply havent been applying them, thats both democrats and republicans. Its very much like your home. Because somebody wants to come to your home, do you let them in . No, you want to know who they are. You want to know who if they are your son or daughters friend, you say, make sure that you understand who this person is. Its the same thing that we want to do now we want to protect the
American People<\/a>. Particularly at a time when we know that t a this is just common sense. Dickerson so i guess the last question, do you have any doubt that donald trump will begin once he becomes president , deporting the 11 million who are in america and are undocumented . Well, certainly the individuals who have committed crimes, who keep coming back and who ice demands be let loose into our communities, those cities. We will begin to do things that make sense. This should be something that appeals to all americans, as far as im concerned it should not be a partisan issue. Were talking about our safety and our security for ourselves and for our progeny. Dickerson donald trump had harsh words for
Hillary Clinton<\/a> he called her a bigot you suggest he not use that word, why . Well, one of the left wing that i said, you know, the use of terminology, racist, bigots all these kind of things are detracting from the real things that we need to be talking about. Of course they just say, carson says, trump shouldnt use this word. But, you know, i think people are getting sophisticated enough to read through the lines now and understand that issues that face america are gigantic. Important. Because its two completely different philosophies. One says, lets take the pie and redivide it equitably redistribute, lets make lots of pies, grow this thing tremendously. These are very different philosophies. And there are those who dont want to talk about the issues, they want to pick on these little words that people say so we can divert attention away. Lets talk about the issues, this is viy everybody should be proud of their position, dont try to hide your positions and deceive people and to thinking something else. Dickerson fair enough. But the word bigot means something very spes i have particular people. And it goes to what the candidates, head of the
Democratic Party<\/a> has in her heart if she is bigot at heart anything she says about those issues is discounted. So this isnt just a kind of side word this goes to the heart of her motivations about a whole is it wise to just pass it by when this is charge being made against her . Well, its not wise to engage in a name calling at all. Hillary clinton is calling him a racist trying to associate him with the klu klux klan, where did the ku klux klan came from, it came from the
Democratic Party<\/a>. Who is the party of slavery, party of jim crow and discrimination, what was the party that pushed through the the civil rights legislation. And voting rights. That was the they were established as abolitionist party, democrats come along saying, yeah, i know, but it all switched. And republicans became democrats what a total lie. Theres no evidence of that whatsoever. A small group of people. Still going on, still manipulating, still using, still lying. Do we want to talk about that, yes, we do want to talk about it to some degree. But we really need to talk about the issues that affect the 20 trillion dollars in debt, what is that going to do to them . Why dont we talk about these things. Dickerson let me ask you about the pitch that donald trump made to the
African American<\/a> community in his speech, this is donald trump saying, what do you have to lose by trying something new like donald trump. You live in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 of your youth sun employed. What the hell do you have to use. What do you make what do you think that have pitch how it will be received . Well, listen to what is being said, hes talking about
Progressive Movement<\/a> and theyre ruling and major cities of our nation. What has that led to in the last 30, 40, 50 years, more poverty, more incarceration, broken homes out of wedlock births, high school dropouts. How is that a success . Why do we want to continue that. We need to look at something coming from the republicans, which i admit, they have been late to the game, we should have been into this a long time ago because the policies that have been espoused or good policies but they have not been expressed in a way that people are going to is understand or listen to them. Thats why hes being attacked because youre not supposed to attack the sacred cow this is our these are our people, these are our voting block, dont you dare come in here. A lot of people in the black community are very, very intelligent theyre going to be listening very carefully to what is being said by both sides and theyre going to be making in diligent decisions. Dickerson last question based on medical expertise you mentioned they should release medical records, as a doctor, what do you make of some people and other doctors diagnosing candidates, kind of on television and from the sidelines . Is that something that should be done . We like to use real data. But i think one of the ways to eliminate that kind of speculation is for both candidates to release their medical records. As people get older, a lot of things begin to go wrong with their bodies. And i think the
American People<\/a> have a right to know, because were dealing with two older candidates what their
Health Status<\/a> is because its a very intense job, its not eight hours a day, its 247 with constant stress. Leader who can withstand that. Dickerson made that case privately to mr. Trump who youre in communication with . I have talked to him about the
Health Records<\/a> and
Health Concerns<\/a> this week. I think hes perfectly willing to release that information as long as she releases hers as well. Dickerson dr. Ben carson thanks for being with us well be right back. Hey, its the p theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Mmmm. These are great. My work here is done. Phillips. The tasty side of fiber. Marco. polo marco. polo marco. polo marco. polo marco. s . . Polo marco. polo scusa . Ma io sono marco polo, ma. Marco. playing marco polo with marco polo . Surprising. Ragazzini, io sono marco polo. S . , sono qui. Whats not surprising . How much money ahhh. Polo. Marco. polo fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Polo i love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Dickerson for . M analysis, jeffly goldberg is
National Correspondent<\/a> for atlantic, ed okeefe covers politics for the washington post. Leslie sanchez republican consultant and contributor to our
Digital Network<\/a> cbsn and
Mark Leibovich<\/a> is chief
National Correspondent<\/a> for the
New York Times<\/a> magazine. Jeffrey, what do you make of donald trump and where he is on immigration. Nothing has changed, ben carson says and
Kellyanne Conway<\/a> says. The harder jobs in journalism right now because he has to cover moment to moment
Donald Trumps<\/a> rhetorical and possible policy shifts on immigration. Its very hard to keep up. It really is. Obviously he was trying to pivot away from a very hard position, he understands that he has a floor, he understands that he has a ceiling, the floor, his core supporters want to hear that tough rhetoric but he knows that hes not punching through a ceiling unless he softens, this whole week has been this vertigo inducing kind spinning, trying to please all camps what hes doing is risk can, alienating the base without punching through the ceiling convincing people that hes softening as the word goes. Dickerson ceiling that jeffrey is talking about this notion that there are republican women voters,
College Educated<\/a> voters who are looking for some proof, they dont like
Hillary Clinton<\/a> so theyre going to grab anything they can but some proof that donald trump is softening that hes listening to advice. Is this a gambit towards that would know that is
Kellyanne Conway<\/a> she certainly somebody who helped close that womens gap for republicans for 20 years. Whats interesting when you close the hispanic gap, is start to sound more inclusive instead of the white hot rhetoric, but more inclusive, you actually close the womens gap as well. And thats where they are aiming, not so much communities of color i think as white independents. Dickerson sit working based speaking of white women this week at a rally in florida, it was working, because the argument
Trump Supporters<\/a> to begin with they made clear as long as the wall is untouched, as long as its still built basically, we have no problem with him modulating here on everything else. So if he made no news on the wall, still in the system that mexico would pay for it to them they were fine with that. Maybe 2 disapproval rating with hispanics not going anywhere reminded me this week of covering jeb bush and marco rubio a year ago while immigration policy was pretty clear, they would suddenly modulate every once in awhile
Say Something<\/a> slightly different you have to be attuned to that. I think that folks covering trump closely got a taste this week. But at the end of the week hes back to where he was. Nothing changed i think, leslie is right, may have confused things enough for some voters who were step particular call at least he was talking about when in reality nothing will change. We ext shillyshally but donald trump built his brand on it, on immigration, his central signature issue. Correct. I would say this week has been a very muddled week for whatever that immigration message s. His brand has been one of decisiveness, it will be one of deportation, explicitly talked about
Deportation Force<\/a> several months ago. When you asked kellyanne or name softened tone going to win him any new supporters, but will it alienate the base, people who brought him here. Theres a you can ask marco rubio or john mccain what happens when you shift on immigration, because among hardliners theres no going back. Theres two key words, theres amnesty and the wall. On those areas, hardliners never move but losing issue for republicans, it is not possible border, not going to happen. You have the rio grand river, a flood plain just not feasible. I think the resalt, somewhere in the middle they have to find approach that works. Dickerson where are we in last week donald trump expressed regret, leslie talked about the talent for helping candidates pitch to different constituencies, where are we in the donald trump evolution, is this a new version of
Donald Clinton<\/a> a bigot that got some people concerned that he was going back to the old trump, where do things stand . I dont see any real discernible
Movement Towards<\/a> a warmer, fuzzier trump when he says things like that, when he fires off these tweets about dwyane wades cousin, a few hours later expressing condolences, when he continues to talk about or his surrogates talk about
Deportation Force<\/a> or illegals or the h works. None of it will work. And voters i talk to, the experts that look at this say, like this is going to be transactional like that may just make it worse for him in any attempt toe try to be unifying figure. If it gives some comfort to skeptical republicans, fine. But they should have been expressing that concern a year ago. This has been baked for awhile. It is late to be try the say. Its not his nature. I think one thing, again, what was one of his biggest assets was the decisiveness, this is a sort of confused version where, okay, where does he stand after all . People talk about the bigot, he called
Hillary Clinton<\/a> a bigot this came after a pretty blistering speech that
Hillary Clinton<\/a> gave on which was striking one, it was not actually a name calling speech it was using his own words, his own policies, own pretty cohesively against him. And what was striking about the reaction, other than donald trump staying shes a bigot, there was really unless i missed it not lot of republican leaders, traditional republicans who rise to his defense which i think spoke volumes, maybe more so than whatever came out of his the purpose that have, one of the purposes that have speech was to force him to revert back to his usual self which is, he predicted
Clinton Campaign<\/a> knew that he would
Say Something<\/a>, bigot in this case, that again trying to bring him back to what they think of as his true nature where his moving, i think, again, on immigration and other issues. Confrontational, the harsh language how much they try to muddy it up this week, were back to where we were. Dickerson also
Hillary Clinton<\/a> trying to change the top frick her own bad news which well switch to in a moment, leslie let me ask you what
Hillary Clinton<\/a> tried to do, cut off saying, he has this relationship to this nationalist, racist group but thats not republicans. Do you think that will be successful, shes defending the party against donald trump. Does
Hillary Clinton<\/a> have any standing to do that . A lot of republicans try to do the same thing earlier in the primary. Finally came out if we go back to earlier this year is donald trump disavowed, denounced any of these organizations, these extremists who supported his campaign distance himself to the quickly, no. Waited too too long, in the media cycle especially in iowa where accusations of robo calls. That were impacting the caucus caucuses. I dont think its new, i dont think its particularly effective because on that particular issue, people made up their mind. Now theyre trying to decide, if its the lesser of two evils so to speak, really not tone at this point. I would say sorry. I would just to me when about winning the
Republican Voters<\/a> its about sort of reminding republican law makers that when you get back to town, should i be president , i still want to work with you. I understand the difference between you, paul ryan and
Mitch Mcconnell<\/a> than you donald trump. That if im going to be successful president im go to need to find way to work with you on something, that to me just code. Sort of saying to them, i see the difference. Although i do think it is targeted directly at
Republican Voters<\/a> particularly suburbs of cleaved, denver, so forth. Shes probably gained eight or nine points from the deficit she was coming in. Shes are
Republican Voters<\/a>, the
Democratic Convention<\/a> was geared very, very explicitly, very clearly i think at republicans, mainstream republicans, jeb bush, marco rubio, what have you. Its been very auto incometive and going to continue. Dickerson they see him trying to pivot saying you cant visit . I i dont think that its only directed at republicans. This is to get out to vote remind hispanics, blacks, asians, everyone, that these are the people hes associated with. Very important to add to mobilize those numbers, thats how you do it. I dont think its ineffective at all. Its very effective to remind people that david duke likes donald trump. That same kind of argument made in 2008 when people were talking about the alignments and associations that barack obama had through history of his grass roots campaigning. Have such a baked in idea, especially republicans when it comes to
Hillary Clinton<\/a>. For many republicans never thought they see position of voting for
Hillary Clinton<\/a>, not going to be moved on this identity politics as much as who is going to be changing the direction. Dickerson well be talk talk about
Hillary Clintons<\/a> news this week. Stay with us well be back in a dickerson were back with more from our politics panel. Mark, ill start with you,
Hillary Clinton<\/a> this week, two disclosures two, developments. One set of emails that showed a cozy relationship between staffers of the
Clinton Foundation<\/a> and staffers at the state department. And emails that were found that werent turned over from the home brew server. Take either one of those you want and whether this is coming up periodically, one expect it will until. It is a dull ache for them. Whats interesting about this week it links the two kind of big lurking issues. Email and the foundation. Really sort of brought them together into the same conversation. This is a bad week for should have been bad week for the
Clinton Campaign<\/a> i think, again, own advantage by talking about
Hillary Clintons<\/a> health and what have you. But you do sort of wonder why the foundation at least, lot of people suggest, why not turn over the operations of the
Foundation Going<\/a> forward to say
Gates Foundation<\/a> or someone who knows how to do this, incorporate all the resources, its complicated but it could foreclose a lot of these suspicions, it could be sort of decisive answer. And i think theyre unwillingness to do this try to sort of litigate this maybe m than they need to, get to a kind of something between entitlement and maybe false confidence. Dickerson sheer what i wonder, about 30 of the people trust her, response from the clinton camp to these questions of this, these emails clearly show that when somebody from the
Clinton Foundation<\/a> sends an email theres fussing around to try to help them out. Now, maybe theres not a pay to play but lot of activity based on the fact that people have given a lot of money. The
Clinton Campaign<\/a> says, donations to that pass the smell test . Theres a presumption of nefariousness on the part of the foundation and the clintons. In this particular case, look, i agree, that the foundation probably should have been, to borrow a phrase, walled off a while ago. That there should have been way to put that in trust. That said, this story, i think theres less than meets the eye. Most of the people who were talking about, theres a nobel prize winner, from bangladesh who got a meeting who would get a meeting with any secretary of state. Whether are heads of state given money to the foundation who would get meeting with the secretary of state. The problem is, is that no one can prove that these people got anything out of these meetings. All that said, theres an appearance of coziness, i guess is the word that youre using. Dickerson if you dont admit a little cozy insurance,
Donna Brazile<\/a> said, republicans see as campaign barely saying there was a meeting, saying theres no relationship. Dont they have to admit, yes, okay, you got emails got returned, but some people got a meeting, some people didnt and its not as bad as you think. But theyre not even saying that. What your definition of meeting is. This is clearly pay to play scheme. As much as republicans like to use it, theres so much smoke there that the bigger question is, isnt this part of the pallh brings you book selling access to the lincoln bedroom. All the
Different Things<\/a> that come part of this package deal of bill and
Hillary Clinton<\/a>, i would say that the independence looking at possibly supporting
Hillary Clinton<\/a> are looking at this again saying, here we are on these corruption show me one thing that someone got from
Hillary Clintons<\/a> state department because they happen to give money to the
Clinton Foundation<\/a>. The meetings. Im waiting for actual dickerson but your bar is meeting there are lot of meet thanks happened had hundreds of meetings a week. Emails between them that said this is a friend of ours maybe you can do this, then get a short but meeting nonetheless. Yes, maybe the crown prince of saudi arabia would get the meeting anyway. You would think. These are theres emails part is very interesting part why donald trump is succeeding to the degree that tease succeeding. This is washington. People who know each are influential meet with other influential people thats human nature thats politics. This is what people outside of washington do find, this is not a clinton specific issue. Its an example. Dickerson well have to go. People write big checks get things that they want even if its not the big casino they get what they want thats what makes people thats going to be it for us today thank to all of you
Houston Mission<\/a> allergy escape. For those whove gone to extremes nasal allergy symptoms. Houston news alert. New from the makers of claritin, clarispray. . . Welcome back. Clarispray is a nasal allergy spray that contains the 1 prescribed, clinically proven ingredient. Nothing is more effective at relieving your sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. Dickerson wed like to close today by congratulating cbs sunday morning
Charles Osgood<\/a> who announced this morning he will retire from the broadcast next month after 22 years at the helm. The osgood file will go on, however, as he says, well keep seeing him on the radio for years to come. Thats it for us today, thanks for watching. Until next week for face the nation im john don captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by
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