Transcripts For KPHO CBS Overnight News 20160819 : compareme

Transcripts For KPHO CBS Overnight News 20160819

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>> no, he didn't say that in my presence before or after the briefing. and we sat at a congressman, generals and other national security experts. it was a very, very great conversation and i would call it very interactive. his questions are one of somebody who wants to be commander and chief and wants to do well by our armed forces, our allies abroad and i was happy to sit in that round table because extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. k-y intense. when it's time to move to underwear, toddlers see things... a bit differently. thanks to pampers easy ups... while they see their first underwear... you see the best way to potty train. introducing new pampers easy ups. our first and only training underwear... with an all-around stretchy waistband. and pampers' 12-hour protection. new pampers easy ups. the easiest way to underwear. pampers. these days. you are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. its unique powerball takes on anything. choose finish. take a look at these bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... you got any trophies, cowboy? ? whoomp there it is ? uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. >>best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. >>well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. man. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. max cover is another great way to lysol that. the olympic games are a show case for some of the greatest athletic feats. ben tracy is in rio. >> reporter: a very picturesque place to take a picture, but when it's your job to document the olympics and your photos are sent all over the world, let's just say the bar for that is blocks. >> reporter: the olympics often look like an endless sprint to the finish. a blur of non-stop action. but that can also look like this. a singular moment frozen in time. a full story in one frame. >> an image is going to last a lot longer. it imprints itself in your mind and when something stands out because it's different, spectacular, you remember this photo. >> reporter: he's been creating these photos for the last 12 olympic games. he's now deputy director of photography for the associated pres with a team of 61 photographers in rio. their work is used by news outlets around the world. >> we're sending on average 3,500 photos from these >> per day. >> reporter: that's a lot of photos. >> i can barely keep up looking at all of them. >> reporter: what are you looking for? this is david goldman's third olympics. >> i'm seeing this woman walking with a flag, holding it up. this is a nice graphic element. i might run underneath and shoot with a wide angle and her arm stretched out. got the rings and focus on the shadow. the amount of rings and torches i have shot probably number in the hundreds and thousands. >> reporter: do these olympic rings haunt you? >> yeah. they do. i go to bed sometimes with not visions of sheep, i'm counting rings. >> reporter: but now they have some help in getting those extra special shots in hard to reach places. >> these cameras are put into positions where photographers can't be. >> reporter: he helps operate eight robotic cameras and dozens of remotely controlled ones in every corner of the olympic venues. they're in the rafters and sunk in the pool for unique underwater, underbody perspectives. it's out to the world in how many seconds? >> out to the network in two minutes from the time it's shot. the right moment, it may live forever. >> when you get that image, it's the greatest reward. >> reporter: these photographers sometimes find themselves capturing a moment they didn't quite expect. during the winter olympics, david goldman was in a vip room with russian president vladimir putin. he took this picture of him checking his nails at the same time putin turns the longest aircraft in the world has taken its maiden voyage. >> reporter: on an air field just north of london, the world's longest aircraft spreads its tiny wings and takes to the sky. measuring in around the width and length of a football field, the airlander 10 is not what you'd call conventional. up close, it looks even stranger. >> this is the flight deck. >> reporter: but chief test pilot, david burns, who was at the controls for the maiden flight, says you need to look beyond the shape of the hull, which has been the but of some jokes, to appreciate the very modern flying machine. home coming in here. >> reporter: the helium filled airlander taking the shape and lift benefits of a blimp and combining them with the maneuverability of a helicopter and a cargo capacity of a small cargo plane. and they claim the air kraccraf super efficient. >> essentially the engines of four suv's propel this it can't compete with planes or helicopters when it comes to speed. how fast can you go? >> top speed, 65 knots, about 73 miles per hour. >> reporter: spokesman cris hri daniels say it can be used to deliver humanitarian aid. >> it can land on desert, ice, you name it. >> reporter: it doesn't need an ground like other air ships. the u.s. army is whom it was originally developed, before the was drawn because of budget cuts and troop draw downs. this allowed them to developing the aircraft for civilian usess. >> we can riddle that hull with bullets. the helium is under such low pressure that seep out. we are one of the safest forms of transport. >> reporter: there's already competition in the industry. lockheed martin is developing its own model. >> i think it's good for the industry. the market is plenty big enough for two people to be in there competing. >> reporter: and despite the considerable size, the sky is plenty big enough too. for some of you the news continues, for others, check the morning news and "cbs this morning." medaling with the truth. ryan lochte and three other olympic swimmers are being accused of lying about the story of being robbed in rio. and florida reports two more cases apparently spread by local mosquitos. the chicago police superintendent wants seven officers fired. accusing them of a cover up in the fatal shooting of a black teenager. and maybe this child can get the world's attention. he's the new face of syria's this is the cbs overnight news. >> the swimmer's story just d didn't hold water. police in brazil say ryan lochte and three other swirmz made up the story of being robbed at gunpoint last week in rio. so, what tdid happen? >> reporter: the security camera footage shows the four american disappearing down a hallway towards the bathroom. they're stopped by a security guard. you can see them raising their arms and sitting on the ground. rio police accusing the americans of vandalizing the bathroom, arguing with a security guard and leaving $50 to pay for the damage. it is a dramatically different said the four swimmers had been robbed at gunpoint by men posing as police. rio police say the security guard did point a gun at lochte but only because he was irattic and aggressive. this afternoon, gunner bentz and jack their flights. lo lochte left brazil before authorities could stop him. rio's chief of civil police say the u.s. swimmers owe the entire city an apology because the only thing they were honest about was that they were drunk. and the rio olympic organizing committee said no apology is of all times. they had fun, they made a mistake. it's part of life. life goes on. let's go. >> reporter: we've tried contacting ryan lochte and his attorney several times. they have not yet responded. as for the three swimmers in brazil, it's possible they could be charged with falsely reporting a crime. >> ben, thank you very much. east of los angeles, more facing walls of fire 80 feet tall. hot dry gusts are whipping up fire tornados across brush, brittle from drought. it's not known how many homes in san bernardino county were torched. but more than 80,000 people have fled their neighborhoods. carter evans is there. >> reporter: the air assault on the most stubborn part of the fire is relentless. and the flames keep coming back. even tidy embers could be catastrophic. you're looking at the head of the fire right now and firefighters want to keep it on the hill moving this direction. what they don't want it to do is jump across the road. >> as we get the winds, that has the potential to spread embers. >> reporter: he says the fire he's seen has been extraordinary. >> spotting ahead of itself by 3 and 400 fire walls that look like tornado. as firefighters, we read about, we train about but to actually see it was truly amazing. >> reporter: as the blue cut fire roared through desert towns, civilians fleed. flores is still looking for his horse. >> a home can be replaced. but not human life or an animal that you love. returned. trucks are once again rolling on interstate 15, costing up to a million dollars a day in economic losses and rail traffic is also moving again. among the homes and buildings burned to the ground, the summit restaurant, an icon along route 66. >> we've been through a lot of storms and car accidents coming through restaurant, but this time we didn't make it. >> reporter: a lot of history we're told elvis presly and john wayne once dined where i'm standing and the wind is beginning to pick up again. those hazardous red flag conditions expected to continue into the night. >> carter, thank you very much. today southern louisiana saw more thunderstorms. three inches of rain swamped baton rouge overnight just as neighborhoods were beginning to omar is covering the flood zone. >> reporter: the emotions came flooding back when janice hairline saw the damage that two 1/2 feet of water did to her home. >> i have a 15 foot deep canal behind my house and it was dry the day before. >> reporter: she has insurance to cover flood damage and the contents of her home but says it's still not enough. >> we're going through t and allow the water to come out. >> reporter: 17,000 residents have submitted insurance claims in louisiana. but only 20% have flood insurance. so far, more than 80,000 residents have registered with fema for the natural disaster assistance. the maximum amount given is $32,000. thousands of louisianaens cannot go home yet. flood waters keeping them from keltic studios has been turned into a shelter. >> this is really about making sure people are taken care of and that they're going to be able to have a roof over their heads and have that kind of comfort. >> reporter: more than 4,000 are still in shelters because they can't get to their homes because of the water or don't have a home to go back to. 1900 fema workers are on the ground in louisiana and more are on the way. >> omar, thank the cbs overnight news will ? today health officials in florida said two more people have been infected with zika virus. that makes 35 now infected by local mosquitos. crews have been saturating the so-called zika zone with insecticide hoping to contain the virus that causes severe birth defects. today donald trump took his campaign to a battleground state he cannot afford to lose. >> reporter: donald trump sought to burnish his law and order credentials where he said his campaign is in good shape. carolina. >> reporter: the latest public survey show that he is lagging in a state which has voted for a democrat in a presidential election precisely once in 40 years. and while party officials in some states have complained about a lack of resources to mount a challenge, the north carolina trump campaign said in a statement, we will have all the staff and resources needed to win here. north carolina is the latest in a series of hugely important states trump has visited in the last two weeks, including virginia, wisconsin, pennsylvania, florida and ohio, all currently uphill battles for trump. >> it's time for rule by the people, not rule by the special interests. >> reporter: it's a daunting political predicament with 82 days to go and one that gave rise to his latest campaign week. kellyanne is his new campaign manager. >> when it comes to personnel and senior level staff, more and more. >> reporter: now starting tomorrow, scott, the trump campaign will begin airing their first political ads of the general election. over the next 10 days, ads will be running in florida, ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, as well as here in north carolina. >> clinton's already been running ads for thank very much. today for the first time the state department acknowledged there was a link between a $400 million cash payment to iran and the release of four american prisoners. republicans call that ransom. but the administration denies it. margaret brennan, our state department correspondent is with us here tonight. >> they admit they held on to the cash until it was clear that the prisoners had left iran. this was ransom because the money was owed to iran as part of a failed arms deal 35 years ago. what we know is that money loaded with swiss franks and euros took off at the same time that a plane carrying the prisoners departed teheran. the planes cris crossed in the sky. they admitted to the link because they said they wanted maximum leverage, fearing iran would reneg. state sponsorism of terror. and they accuse president obama of lying. >> and all this was a side deal to the nuclear deal as well. thank you very much. now, have a look at this boy. for the four years he has been on this earth he has known nothing but war. he has become the new face of syria's civil war, which has claimed the lives of more than children. here's holly williams. >> reporter: for a 4-year-old who just survived an air strike, you may think that he seems unnaturally calm. but in the numbing violence of aleppo there is no child hood. he had only minor head injuries and his brother, two sisters and have been killed and maimed. the syrian regime and its backers try to pull back control of the city. this little boy was pulled from the rubble two days ago. god is great shouted his rescuers. but the truth is aleppo is god forsaken. this video appeared to show a boy who's just lost his brother take me instead of him, he cries. another child robbed of his innocence. united states is trying to avoid being drawn deeper into this conflict. in the meantime, the syrian regime is bombing its own people with near impunity. they've even targeted hospitals. this security camera video shows a strike on omar's hospital i aleppo last month. last week, 15 syrian doctors still working in rebel-held aleppo wrote a letter to president obama telling him about four new born babies who they said were suffocated to death after a blast cut the oxygen supply to their inccue baiters. they also demanded america do is struggling to negotiate even a three hour ceasefire in aleppo to deliver humanitarian aid. >> holly, thank you. coming up, seven chicago police officers could be fired for an alleged cover up and some breyers peanut butter gelato, rich chocolate sauce. peanut butter cups. tonight is perfect. can someone read me another story? daddd? mmm coming it's way beyond ice cream. these days. you are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. its unique powerball takes on anything. our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray that kills 99.9% of bacteria. introducing new k-y touch gel cr?me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. in chicago today seven police officers face firing for allegedly covering up the truth. in the shooting of a black teenager. here's don dahler. >> reporter: today, officer jason van dyke was back in court on the same day eddie johnson said seven other officers should be fired. mainly because they falsi their police reports. in an email to the department, it . >> reporter: chicago's inspector general determined the officers did not tell the truth about mcdonald's death. it stated he made a threatening but police dash cam video released under intense public pressure over a year later showed mcdonald was moving away from the officers when van dyke opened fire and continued firing even as the young man lay on the ground. that ignited pro-longed protest its and a u.s. justice department investigation chicago police conduct. community activist. >> nothing would have happened with these individuals who clearly lied about what encounter happened that evening. then i don't think he would have had any chance of rebuilding trust in the community. >> reporter: the superintendent can recommend firing but they must first go through a review board. three additional officers were recommended for firing and two >> coming up next, her this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. ? ? one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, oh, hey jen! hey... are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. narrator: finish is recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide than cascade. unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. its unique powerball takes on anything, for an amazing clean. narrator: switch and see the difference. an article in the new york times caught our attention about how powerless the food and drug administration is when it comes to hazardous cosmetic products. turns out just because an ingredient is dangerous doesn't mean it's illegal. into this. >> these are pictures of 11-year-old iliana lawrence two years ago. her mother says she went nearly bald after using a wen by chaz dean hair product. it has celebrity endorsements and boasts of stronger, fuller hair. >> i noticed her hair brush was over flowing with hair. >> reporter: the fda began investigating after reports of hair loss, balding and rashes. last month the agency took the rare step of issuing a safety alert after learning the company had received 21,000 complaints. the company tells cbs news it is cooperating and its products are safe. we have shared our formulations and ingredients with the fda. we exceed the fda requirements for cosmetic manufacturers and the fda disagrees. saying the company did not address safety concerns related to hair loss. we do not know if the company has other safety data and we do not have the legal authority to require a cosmetics firm to require product safety information. no authority because nad law that's been in effect since 1938, the fda has limited power to regulate the $62 billion cosmetics industry. >> we're talking baby wipes, >> there's no legal requirement that a company makes sure the product is safe before they sell it. fda has no access to safety records. only congress can give them that power. >> reporter: meanwhile, wen products remain on the shelves. the company said as for the lawrences, they are lawsuit. ? a full moon shown last night over the olympic stadium in rio. but jaime brighter, six feet of sunshine. >> it's over. the united states has won the bronze. >> reporter: she has three gold medals from the last four olympics and five shoulder surgeries to make all that possible. she does it. >> april ross is her beach volleyball partner. does she need an action figure? >> she is literally a super hero. >> reporter: kerri walsh jennings has a nickname, six feet of sunshine. she's quickly become one of the superstars of this olympics. >> make no mistake, no one wants to win more than her. >> reporter: friends point to oldest winner in beach volleyball history. but as jennings has always said her biggest job might be mom to her three children ages seven and under. >> hi, mommy. >> say love you, miss you. >> reporter: in the london games, she was five weeks pregnant with her yungest as she became arguably one of the most dominant u.s. athletes ever. >> i've been working this whole year to be a morning person and it's so hard. it's not who i am. i'm a mommy. if you wake me up at 4:00 in the morning, i'm ready to play. >> reporter: and this week she lost to host country brazil. after the match, jennings refused to speculate whether this would be her last. "i focus on the present" she said, "that's where my joy is." news" for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back later for the morning news and of course "cbs this morning." from the broadcast center in new this is "the cbs overnight news". welcome to the overnight news. twin disasters, fire and flood continue to keep 10s of thourns of americans from their homes. in southern california, the blue more than skil60,000 miles. and continues to burnout of control. and historic flood waters finally begin to reseed. omar villafranca where the clean up has barely begun. >> reporter: thousands of residents haven't had electricity in days. flood and it's clear parts of southern louisiana will never be the same. days after record rain triggered catastrophic flooding, parts of southern louisiana are still inundated with water. wednesday emergency teams continued search and rescue missions. parts of livingston perish are only accessible by boat. have you ever seen it like this? >> not this bad. >> reporter: we road along with national guard troops checking their homes. the national guard looks for two things, barking dogs and boats. people here don't leave their dogs behind and if there's a boat tied to the house, chances are they're still inside. around 3/4s of the homes here are a total loss. an estimated 40,000 are damaged and clean up could be costly. in louisiana. >> we actually lost everything in katrina and came here and 10 years later lost everything again. >> reporter: from the ground and from the air, sand bags are being piled up as areas prepare for the possibility of more flooding from over flowing canals. in the mountains east of los angeles, scorching temperatures and bone dry conditions are fuelling the massive blue cut fire. and between the san bernardino and san gabriel more than 80,000 residents have been forced to evacuate. >> reporter: there are 1500 firefighters on scene here. also 178 engine, 10 air tankers. but despite this massive fieting effort -- the frustration of firefighters becomes clear. >> the biggest thing was we had to continually retreat against that's something i haven't witnessed in this section ever. we have strike teams and remember our priorities are life, property and infrastructure and we can't stand in front of the 80 feet wall of fire. that's self defeating. >> reporter: it tore through neighborhoods with home after home going up in flames. it was only after smoke cleared wednesday that we can see the full extent of the devastation. >> i can tell you this fire came >> reporter: the fire fight continued on the ground and from the air. this wild fire now stretches more than 17 miles. cuhone boulevard to brightwood. on the presidential campaign trail, hillary clinton is warning supporters not to get complacent. as new polls show her widening another poll shows trump with an 11 point lead in indiana. sfwlr >> reporter: leading by a lot in the polls comes with its own set of challengers. how do you keep your donors and supporters from assuming the race is over. >> don't be complacent, my friends. >> reporter: one way is by not insisting that race is closer than you think. it's a tough case to make now that clinton is leading inos of the battleground states. most polls show her up by 12 points pennsylvania. >> we have packets for you at the door so you can also canvas. >> reporter: and it is true that anything can happen. in 1988, one poll showed michael george h.w. bush. >> there are just 83 days left in this election. >> reporter: as she counts down, her campaign strategy is to keep safe. she has not had an official press conference in 258 days. and answering questions about her emails. >> director comey said my answers were truthful. >> reporter: her running mate was asked about his assertion in 2002 that president clinton should have resigned following the monica lewinsky scandal. >> i tell you no reason to relitigate problems from 20 years ago. when americans want to talk about today and tomorrow. >> reporter: she has seen that voter complacency can have consequences. and she ended up losing because to get out and vote. >> reporter: his campaign is spending money in tv ads starting today. hillary clinton has spent more than 75 million on commercials since the democratic convention. and trump unveiled his new team at a round table first ever security briefing. >> reporter: donald trump quietly listening, first glimpse of his campaign under new management. kellyanne conway sat next to his second. and then stephen bannon. >> it's a very busy time getting to the last 12 weeks of the campaign. >> reporter: conway's key roll will be traveling with trump. something he's been missing manager. they acknowledged trump has lost grund since the gop convention. conway denied those claims. >> paul has the exact same title today as he did yesterday. >> reporter: in a memo obtained by cbs news, manafort said he would continue to provide the long-range vision. and the state-run organizations are only now devin the fall. new ceo bannon was once called the most dangerous political operative in america. his brass knuckled conservative conservativeitude which he honed at breitbart news. this june interview with trump is but one example. >> over the weekend, she would not say radical islam. do you believe that she could >> i don't think she can. i think she's ? music ? extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. what do you look for in an antiperspirant? advanced care? 48 hours hehe feels nice this is very very smooth. i am not messing around it's soft. your antiperspirant should give you more... than just protection. try dove advanced care. our bacteria family's been on this cushion for generations. alright kiddos! everybody off the backpack, we made it to the ottoman. i like to watch them clean, but they'll never get me on the mattress! finally there's a disinfectant mist designed for sofas, mattresses and more. introducing new lysol max cover. its innovative cap has a 2x wider spray ? ? donald trump's former campaign chief, paul manafort is at the center of a corruption scandal in ukrain. he helped a pro-russian political party secretly send more than $2 million to washington lobbyists and his name showed up on a ledger showing he received cash. >> reporter: more than two years ago, this independent square was in chaos. and over thrown in a corruption investigation that followed, paul manafort's name has surfaced and officials here want to know why. $5 billion in undisclosed cash paul manafort. deputy prosecutor is in charge of the investigation. are you investigating paul manafort? >> we're investigating all this ledger, including the name paul manafort in this case. taxes and so on. >> reporter: the prosecutor appears 12 times for 22 different entries are, totalling $12.7 million between 2007 and 2012. manafort has denied receiving any cash payments and it's not his signature on the ledger. investigators say they're tracking down those who did sign for the cash. the ledger itself is held at the page. on october fifth, 2012, paul manafort 's name appears against the sum of $400,000 designated for exit polling and alth 812,000. the new tenants told us that office has been empty for more than two years. man, he spent the decade rebrandingian covech. he's now exiled in rus prosecutors told us they will consider bringing criminal charges against paul manafort, just like every other name allegedly on that list if they believe there's been any wrong her new roll on "cbs this morning." >> welcome. >> thank you. >> are you going to do what a campaign manager does in terms of what's happening in each state? or managing the candidate? >> a little bit of both. i think it's important to make sure internally our structure is sound, that people have the equipment, tools they need and that includes our data folks, our ground game. i'm a big believer ofet politics and donald trump is a fantastic retail candidates. >> when he doesn't get in front of his own message. >> we started monday with a very muscular speech about radical islamic terrorism, why it matters, how to fight it. many feel we've been at war for 15 years against an enemy we can't name and hardly see but a majority of americans feel economically. so, we would like to take a policy centric message directly to the american people and that's our goal. >> how is this not a campaign in trouble for outsiders looking in? >> i see it as a campaign expanding. because with 12 weeks to go, less than that now. who's counting? with just 12 weeks to go, we look at it as an expansion at a bidsy time for the campaign. mores broad shoulders we can get inside the door. paul manafort is still there as chairman. he retains his title and yesterday we were together. >> but now you have three leaders, it appears. >> and donald trump has made very clear who it is, so i'm fine with that. i respect him tremendously. he's the candidate. throat to do what he's done which is basically build a movement. >> i mean, there is -- paul manafort famously said if this campaign becomes a referendum on donald trump, it has failed. this campaign has been a referendum on donald trump. >> and i made similar remarks during the democratic convention. i notice when hillary clinton and her supporters are asked in interviews, tell what you're going to do about obama care? they talk about donald trump. so, hillary clinton wants to talk about donald trump. we want to talk directly to the american people. >> and you want to talk to women in particular. you talked about having a good message week. he says she lacks the physical and mental stamina to take on isis and all the many he said she doesn't look presidential. how do you get him to stop saying things like that? that would alienate a lot of women. >> you showed something i fine to be unbecoming for someone who wants to be commander and chief of our armed forces. she said well, they can get him to read different words from a teleprompter. there's not a single uninsured american who gets health care from that kind of nastiness and i'll pledge this to you. the wa t all americans is through issues. we've got to get away from this content free campaign and on to the substance and even talking to people doing well. how do they feel secure moving forward? >> but confident you can keep your candidate on message. because it's the exact problem you say you want to direct it towards. >> i'm confident he's finding joy on the job this week and that he relishes being giving these speeches and at a rally where he's able to interact with the individuals and you don't see the local media inert views. so, yes, i am confident he can stay on message but also the message has to be one of substance, it has to be about issues. i'd rather lose a campaign where we put it all in the field substntively, where people saw the difference in the major issues of the day. this is about back to the apprentice, that was fun and successful and lucrative for him. they want it to be about tone and temperament. it needs to be about facts and figures. >> he has received an intelligence report. did he believe it? >> i can't disclose it. i can tell you he took it very seriously. >> you can't disclose whether he believed it or not? did he believe the intelligence report that the cia prepared for him? >> he certainly is taking it seriously and digesting it. nobody looks at something that complicated in one sitting. >> so donald trump is not saying i don't believe what they may be reporti reporting? >> no. and i was with him both times. and speaking of national security and foreign policy, we and other notable national security experts. i also would call it very interactive. his questions were one of somebody who wants be to commander and chief and wants to do well by our armed forces, by the american people, our allies abroad. these days. you are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. choose finish. ? the olympic games are a show case for some of the world's greatest athletic performances and capturing the images is a sport in itself. >> reporter: so take a look at this. rio de janeiro, a very picturesque place to take a picture. but when it's your job toolympis photos are sent all over the expectations are pretty high. the olympics often look like an endless sprint to the finish. a blur of non-stop action. but that can also look like this. a singular moment frozen in time. a full story in one frame. >> the image is going to last a lot longer. it imprints itself in your mind and when it stands out, you remember that >> reporter: photographer dennis pa has been creating these images for the past olympic games. he's now deputy director of photography for the associated press with a team of 61 photographers in rio. their work is used by news outlets around the world. >> on average 3,500 photos for the olympics. >> per day. >> reporter: that's a lot of photos. >> i can barely keep up looking at all of them. >> reporter: david goldman's third olympics. so that right there is a nice big graphic elmement of her walking with the flag. i might walk underneath her with a blue sky and the flag stretched out. the it amount of rings and torches i have shot probably name in the hundreds and thousands. >> reporter: do these olympic rings kind of haunt you? >> yeah. i go to bed sometimes with not visions of sheep, i'm counting rings. >> reporter: but now he and his fellow photographers have help getting the extra special shots in hard to reach places. >> these are put in positions where photographers can't be. there. sfwlrks he helps operate eight robotic cameras and dozens of remotely controlled ones in every corner of the olympic venues. sunk in the pool for unique underwater, underbody perspectives. >> somebody gets a great shot, it's out to the world in how many seconds? >> under two minutes from the time it's shot. >> reporter: that's fast. it may be takenn but it may live forever. when you get that image, then it's the greatest reward. these photographers sometimes find themselves capturing a moment they didn't quite expect. during the winter olympics, david goldman was in a vip room with russian president vladimir putin. he took this picture of him checking the nails at the same and by the time putin looked at the longest aircraft in the world has taken its maiden voyage. a first hand look at the air lander 10. >> reporter: on an air field just north of london, the world's longest aircraft spreads its tiny wings and takes to the sky. measuring in around the and length of a football field, the airlander 10 is not what you call conventional. up close, it looks even stranger. >> this is the flight deck. >> reporter: but chief test pilot who was at the controls for the maiden flight says you need to look beyond the shape of the hull, which has been, you could say the but of some jokes to appreciate this very modern flying machine. >> reporter: the helium filled airlander is a franken stein of technologies. taking the shape and lift benefits of a blimp and conbining them with the maneuverability of a helicopter and capacity of a cargo plane. they claim the aircraft is super efficient. >> essentially the engines of four suvs propel this thing. >> reporter: that's not a lot. >> but are >> reporter: it can spend days in the air without refuelling but can't compete when it comes to speed. >> i go top speed, 65 knots. 73 mile-per-hour. >> reporter: spokesman chris daniels claims it could be used to drop humanitarian aid into disaster areas. >> it's amphibious, land on water, lake, desert, ice, you name it. >> reporter: it doesn't need an ground like other air ships, benefits that undoubtedly appeal to the u.s. army, for whom the technology was originally developed, before it was dropped due to the troop draw down and budget cuts. this enabled them to develop the aircraft for civilian uses. >> surely it pops like a balloon. no, it doesn't. the helium is under such low pressure that it seep out. we're the airlander. we're one of the safest forms of transport. >> reporter: there's already transportation. lockheed martin is developing its own modelal. >> the market is plenty big enough for two people to be in there competing. >> reporter: and despite its considerable size, the sky is plenty big enough too. news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. continues. for others, check bacacac captioning funded by cbs it's friday, august 19th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." american swimmers are possible charges in brazil this morning, caught lying about getting robbed at gun point. overnight, u.s. olympic officials blast ryan lochte and his teammates and new surveillance video shows what really happened in rio. believe it or not, i regret it. >> donald trump's change of heart. he expressed regret at a rally but stopped short of apologizing to anyone in particular. there are two new cases of

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