Transcripts For KPHO CBS 5 News At 10 20160928 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPHO CBS 5 News At 10 20160928

videotaped what appears to be animal handlers working on a dolphin in one of those structures used to carry marine mammals outside the water. >> do you have a permit? >> reporter: the people warehouse eventually dropped the garage door. >> they can still hear everything. >> reporter: it appears the dolphin or dolphins are boarded up in a crate on the back of a flatbed truck. activists believe at least two of them are headed for arizona. an official at near scottsdale, confirms three new dolphins arrived on monday via fedex. >> i am proud of the new facility. >> reporter: the general manager says fedex is one carrier experienced that safely transporting animals and frankly, one of the best. he says the new dolphins are doing well but proteste a crate on a plane is no way to are as intelligent has dolphins. lisa says are bombarded with foreign sounds, sensations, changing air pressure during flights, and are known to vocalize and thrash out in fear. dolphin air is set to open next month but has created controversy because of its location in the desert heat and on an indian reservation where state animal welfare laws would not apply. dolphin air officials tell us they chartered the flight with fedex. veterinarian and trainers were on the flight with the dolphins and they were in fiberglass tanks with water. dolphin transport is regulated by the federal government as is the dolphin air aquarium. >> thank you, morgan. ray king news. phoenix police shot a man suspect that of ramming their patrol units near 19th during a drug-related traffic stop. >> they got out to talk to the driver and saw he had a gun. police say the driver put the car in reverse, slamming into the patrol car. an officer opened fire, hitting the driver who is now in critical but stable condition. just an amazing e and plumbing news chopper. dust from tonight's monsoon storm rolling into the valley. that dust from the southeast before bearing down on the valley. >> check out this. joseph romo struck out his camera and gave us this amazing time lapse of the dust storm. you can see it role in and blankets the area, dropping visibility. is our summer monsoon hanging on for another day? >> the end of the season is friday but we see showers and storms through thursday. valley pinpoint doppler radar shows hayes out there -- haze out there with activity in the high country through beaver and winslow, toward flagstaff and some showers and thunderstorms up toward sedona. you can see clear skies out there but you see a bit of haze as we look out. winds are fairly light at the northeast at 7 miles per hour. ashlee demartino was in the east valley when the dust rolled in. that is where she picks up the story. >> reporter: impressive to watch the massive storm rolling. this dust storm could be one of the last mother nature gives us as monsoon season gets ready to take a look at images of the dust storm south of the valley. it was a towering cloud of dust. you can see it stretching from chandler all the way into maricopa. it really was the town of maricopa that got hit hard. we had crews on the ground. you can see the dust lowered visibility in the area and shook the trees and the wind was fierce. the dust made its way up into the sky at about sunset. we got some shades of pink, orange and yellow making for a that dust storm then rolled right over the top of south mountain and went into the valley and right through downtown. outside this evening, we are still seeing a little bit of haze in the area as dust settles. ashlee demartino, mesa school thought they were doing a good thing including a student in a weekend food could have had potentially deadly consequences because of a salute -- a severe food allergy. amanda goodman has the exclusive story . >> reporter: the student's mom is really upset. she says making matters worse, the school never told her they were sending anything home with her student. jase is a pretty shy old but he is an open book when it comes to what he can and >> can't have peanuts. >> reporter: his mom says everybody at school knows about his peanut allergy because it is so severe. >> he swells up. he is read and gets hives everywhere and he can't breathe. he could die. >> reporter: so when she found a mysterious grocery bag with peanut products on friday, she was ticked. turns out, the bag is part of the arizona bring free program providing students in need with food to get them need and slipped the food into his backpack on friday. >> normally, we will send a letter home prior bag knowing this -- letting the family know that they are being invited to participate in the program. >> reporter: also giving them a chance to opt out if there kid has a food allergy but for some reason the letter arrived with the food instead of ahead of it. >> we understand mom's concern about having received those products. >> reporter: me to prevent this from happening again. jase's mom says they need to pay attention to allergies. >> i would have appreciated that they opened it to make sure there was nothing in there to harm my child. >> reporter: the school apologized and removed him the program but his mom says the damages done and she has concerns about her son's well- being at school. amanda goodman, cbs 5 news some accused of taking pictures of women in the bathroom. police arrested 21-year-old jawa zang for unlawful and photographing. police say there are six victims but there could be more. three kids are facing felony charges for making social media threats against two dozen valley schools, all of them linked to a scary clown image. police tell us kids in the phoenix union and glendale targeted online and now federal counterterrorism experts are now involved. schools are stepping up security but classes will go on. police say there may be more of kids involved. for the first time in the paper's history, the arizona republic has endorsed a democrat for president. >> that move making national headlines. in the 126 years of existence, they have always backed the gop nominee. that changed when the editorial board clinton, saying she is the only candidate to move america forward. >> last night's presidential debate didn't do much when it came to trump got -- trump garnering flake's support. he called trump's performance poor and says the microphone, that is as close as you can get to conceding you had a bad night. the race for maricopa county sheriff could soon be the center of a lawsuit. >> it was released by sheriff arpaio's campaign claiming paul patton zone assaulted his ex- wife and she had to go to court to get an order of protection. paul patton zone says he will sue arpaio -- paul he will sue arpaio. records. let's get a look at your forecast. we have 70 planner in the first 10 minutes. some showers still taking place to the north three areas of sedona, flagstaff, ash fork and areas of winslow. interstate 40 looking wet. amazing pictures this evening. this one from the penguin air and plumbing chopper earlier. one of my favorites earlier that we posted from air and plumbing chopper. you can see the approaching tempe town lake. an amazing sunset as well. that's in the high country. flagstaff sitting at 46 degrees. we are in the low 80s but weather changes will be with us for tomorrow. the threat of showers and thunderstorms with an area of low pressure south of the border will continue to pull in some moisture. we got a chance of rain fall as you can see at 6:30 am tomorrow and another chance of rain in the evening around eastern arizona. the chance of showers sticks with us through thursday and we 94 degrees for wednesday, a chance of rain through thursday. we see drier air moving over the weekend with highs in the lower to mid 90s now that you are caught up, you are ready for your wednesday. >> we have a lot more coming up including a testy town hall meeting between adot and neighbors natalie 202. asu research on the power of lightning. >> we know that lightning can last for several seconds and it travel hundreds of miles was something that was surprising. a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records related to how babeu's office used seized criminal money also known as rico funds. critics have said pcso's use of the foundation is like money laundering. and they've also accused babeu of using the funds to fuel his campaign. it may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. as he runs for congress. cbs 5 news weather brought to you by the law tigers. >> c mclaughlin, chris pickle, you are watching cbs five news at 10:00. construction has already started and adot want to give neighbors more answers on the le trendy to extension. of protesters out of the meeting at desert vista high school. >> that is where jared dillingham joins us live . >> reporter: many of those protesters were members of the gila river indian community. they say this new freeway cuts through a site which they consider sacred. today, they ran from the sacred site in the middle of the desert south of south mountain all the way to this school, which was hosting the adot were not let inside. they were carrying what they consider prayer sticks and the officers at the meeting said the sticks could be used as weapons. the group left disappointed and disheartened but they vow to continue to protest and say they do not regret their 10 mile run through the desert today. >> is what makes us who we are. we're going to stop them. their plans are not written in history. >> reporter: hundreds of others showed up to hear adot talk about the plans which have been in the works for 18 years. the 22 mile stretch is intended to relieve congestion and cut drive times across the valley. early construction has already begun but opponents say they could still challenge in court to try to stop it. live in ahwatukee, jared billingham cbs 5 news. >> if you missed the form, there is another tomorrow from 6 pm to 8 pm. this will be at betty fairfax high school at 59th and baseline in living. with almost 82,000,000 people tuning in, last night's presidential matchup was the most watched debate in history. >> americans were not the only ones tuning in. the debate was carried around in china, two dozen millennials gathered at a coffee shop to watch. >> reporter: --translator: i like trump's character and i think he is a fighter but from the performance, clinton was more of a much her politician. >> victor and others say both candidates lacked leadership and charisma. answers on upcoming propositions on the november ballot. the center participation has teamed up with the maricopa community college district for a series of forums at mesa community college starting at 6 pm tomorrow. you know the monsoon can bring a lot of dangerous lightning to the valley. >> we saw some tonight. ashlee demartino shows us researchers at asu finding streaks in the sky are a lot more powerful than once thought confirmed a bolt travels from pulse to the western border of the state. >> that is the equivalent of phoenix to kingman in one strike. >> reporter: that's 200 miles. they also uncovered a strike over france that lasted eight seconds. >> we know lightning can last several seconds but to have it travel several miles was surprising . >> reporter: they measured in pinpointed data by using sensors that monitored the electromagnetic emissions. >> a.m. radio, you know there is static. if you have receivers strong around an area, you can very precisely delineate exactly where the lightning strike took place . >> reporter: the new information is leading researchers wanting to know more. advanced technologies will lead them to a new phase of studying and understanding one of mother nature's must spectacular weather shows. it's a look at what's to come for space exploration. take a look at this brand-new computerized animation from space x. it's pretty cool, right? the space x rocket will launch from cape canaveral and once in space, it will ditch the rocket stage and head off to the red planet. the mission dubbed red rock and is expected to launch in 2018. space x is looking for volunteers but the company says if never coming back. one way ticket. >> something to think about. tomorrow, weather permitting you can see the international space station cruising over the valley. the space station will be seen around 7 pm. if your eyes and telescopes toward the southwest part of the valley. google is about to unveil new gadgets including a new phone called the pixel. google ditched nexis and is expected to show off a new wi- fi router and a chromecast device that streams 4k video. important information for people planning to travel out of the country. >> some nations may not accept your valid u.s. passport because many countries in europe require passports to be valid up to six months beyond your return date. your passport has to be valid until april of next year. travel experts say countries do this in case of unexpected stays. >> let's say you get in an accident and you are in the hospital for a few months. they don't want to deal with someone who doesn't have a valid passport. >> the state department u.s. passport site lets travelers into their international destination so they can find out how long their passport needs celebrate something. did you know tomorrow is national drink beer day? >> we can do that. >> the valley has a lot of different options for craft beer. >> if you're going to take heart, beer lovers will be using #drink beer day. it will be all over social media. we're going to talk about celebrations. okay? this one the frying pan. you jump into the pan and you guys go with your legs and arms. he scores. oh my god. oh yes, it's the frying pan. >> [ applause ] >> how good is that? did you coaching skills? tonight, he welcomes the fastest man in the world and trending tomorrow. ? ? ? jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. to deposit checks too. easy to use chase technology for whatever you're trying to master. a few stray showers out there north of sedona and flagstaff. we had a chance for another round on wednesday and thursday. temperatures not bad in the morning. would drop to 73 degrees and a high tomorrow around 94 degrees, 63 degrees and flagstaff. super bowl expectations but the cardinals are 1-2 and things had to change. a long list of moves. cam canaday sunday. the cards have signed aaron brewer formally of the chicago bears. troy niklas plays some injury reserve with her postinjury. and linebacker cam johnson has been signed to the. the squad. the former fifth-round pick been released. the phoenix suns will spend the week and flagstaff getting set for the season with a weeks worth of training camp. for more, we check in with tim. >> reporter: greetings from flagstaff for the suns opened up training camp 2016. younger guys, old guys, guys in their prime and a 37-year-old head coach who is trying to make his mark. take a look at the video here after pack this. enthusiasm we saw today as watson opened up pack this. i talked to the coach earlier about making his mark and heading this team to believe the culture. that's what he wants changed. >> quick, don't hurry but we cannot surpass details. we have to teach them on the way. >> there are too old faces on the team, leandra barbosa and jared dudley. back in 2010, when dudley was on the team that went to the western conference finals, he had the perfect role coming off the bench. safe to say his role this year will be a bit different. >> leadership is what the team was lacking the last couple years. stay focused, it comes to offense, it shows you how to play basketball. >> the suns will be here all week long with their preseason opener monday night at talking san antonio spurs. >> good stuff. finally, the diamondbacks in dc. jean segura leads off with a home on but not a good sign as a home run leads to matt cooke taking a no-hitter. the nationals bats exploded and anthony rendon launches a three- run homer. o'halleran: i had some really tough cases as a police detective. but the problem in washington is as clear as day -- we can't trust our politicians to work for us. tom o'halleran has a plan to hold the politicians accountable -- no pay for congress if they don't pass a budget, reduce the influence of big money and special interests, and no more first-class travel paid for by taxpayers. i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this message i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. if you're told you have cancer, explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage... every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. i am heidi goitia tracking traffi a reminder, we do have closures on i-17 southbound at seventh avenue. expect construction between seventh avenue and seventh street. the parallel roadway, the frontage road, will also be closed through the end of the week, through september 29. will not impact a ton of people but if you have an early shift, it could impact your commute. end of the week. if you want to get through, take buckeye or exit 19th avenue. stick to the 17 and exit seventh street instead. join me in the morning on wake up arizona for all your early- morning traffic updates. >> sounds good. sean penn is up next being interviewed by stephen colbert. >> that will be interesting. it always is with him. >> see you tomorrow. >>, your online home for free news and we got married in june... ...on tunaday. there's a subway? $3.50 sub of the day to help you remember life's important days. every day a different six-inch sub for just $3.50 at subway? every day of the week. her name is teri... ...she was born on >> and now on voter registration day, an important message from "late show"." listen. >> you need on vote. >> you need to vote. >> you really need on vote. >> you need to >> voting voting is fup, and it cause nose bleeds. >> it doesn't cause nose bleeds. >> it almost never causes nose bleeds. >> all those people in 2004 already had nose bleeds when they went in there. >> voting makes you strong. >> strong. >> strong. >> strong. >> i was strong enough to move my house. it's by the beach now. >> voting made my kids proud. >> proud. >> my kids were really proud. >> joseph gordon levitt's kids were really proud of me.

Related Keywords

United States , Arizona , Maricopa County , Ahwatukee , Tempe , South Mountain , Texas , China , Phoenix , Sedona , San Antonio , Washington , Maricopa , France , Chicago , Illinois , Hawaii , East Valley , Americans , America , Amanda Goodman , Ray King , Joseph Gordon Levitt , Jon Batiste , Leandra Barbosa , Betty Fairfax , Stephen Colbert , Matt Cooke , Joseph Romo , Jawa Zang , Anthony Rendon , Sean Penn , Jared Dillingham , Arpaio Paul , Paul Patton , Jared Dudley , Troy Niklas , Hillary Clinton , Paul Babeu ,

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Transcripts For KPHO CBS 5 News At 10 20160928 :

Transcripts For KPHO CBS 5 News At 10 20160928

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videotaped what appears to be animal handlers working on a dolphin in one of those structures used to carry marine mammals outside the water. >> do you have a permit? >> reporter: the people warehouse eventually dropped the garage door. >> they can still hear everything. >> reporter: it appears the dolphin or dolphins are boarded up in a crate on the back of a flatbed truck. activists believe at least two of them are headed for arizona. an official at near scottsdale, confirms three new dolphins arrived on monday via fedex. >> i am proud of the new facility. >> reporter: the general manager says fedex is one carrier experienced that safely transporting animals and frankly, one of the best. he says the new dolphins are doing well but proteste a crate on a plane is no way to are as intelligent has dolphins. lisa says are bombarded with foreign sounds, sensations, changing air pressure during flights, and are known to vocalize and thrash out in fear. dolphin air is set to open next month but has created controversy because of its location in the desert heat and on an indian reservation where state animal welfare laws would not apply. dolphin air officials tell us they chartered the flight with fedex. veterinarian and trainers were on the flight with the dolphins and they were in fiberglass tanks with water. dolphin transport is regulated by the federal government as is the dolphin air aquarium. >> thank you, morgan. ray king news. phoenix police shot a man suspect that of ramming their patrol units near 19th during a drug-related traffic stop. >> they got out to talk to the driver and saw he had a gun. police say the driver put the car in reverse, slamming into the patrol car. an officer opened fire, hitting the driver who is now in critical but stable condition. just an amazing e and plumbing news chopper. dust from tonight's monsoon storm rolling into the valley. that dust from the southeast before bearing down on the valley. >> check out this. joseph romo struck out his camera and gave us this amazing time lapse of the dust storm. you can see it role in and blankets the area, dropping visibility. is our summer monsoon hanging on for another day? >> the end of the season is friday but we see showers and storms through thursday. valley pinpoint doppler radar shows hayes out there -- haze out there with activity in the high country through beaver and winslow, toward flagstaff and some showers and thunderstorms up toward sedona. you can see clear skies out there but you see a bit of haze as we look out. winds are fairly light at the northeast at 7 miles per hour. ashlee demartino was in the east valley when the dust rolled in. that is where she picks up the story. >> reporter: impressive to watch the massive storm rolling. this dust storm could be one of the last mother nature gives us as monsoon season gets ready to take a look at images of the dust storm south of the valley. it was a towering cloud of dust. you can see it stretching from chandler all the way into maricopa. it really was the town of maricopa that got hit hard. we had crews on the ground. you can see the dust lowered visibility in the area and shook the trees and the wind was fierce. the dust made its way up into the sky at about sunset. we got some shades of pink, orange and yellow making for a that dust storm then rolled right over the top of south mountain and went into the valley and right through downtown. outside this evening, we are still seeing a little bit of haze in the area as dust settles. ashlee demartino, mesa school thought they were doing a good thing including a student in a weekend food could have had potentially deadly consequences because of a salute -- a severe food allergy. amanda goodman has the exclusive story . >> reporter: the student's mom is really upset. she says making matters worse, the school never told her they were sending anything home with her student. jase is a pretty shy old but he is an open book when it comes to what he can and >> can't have peanuts. >> reporter: his mom says everybody at school knows about his peanut allergy because it is so severe. >> he swells up. he is read and gets hives everywhere and he can't breathe. he could die. >> reporter: so when she found a mysterious grocery bag with peanut products on friday, she was ticked. turns out, the bag is part of the arizona bring free program providing students in need with food to get them need and slipped the food into his backpack on friday. >> normally, we will send a letter home prior bag knowing this -- letting the family know that they are being invited to participate in the program. >> reporter: also giving them a chance to opt out if there kid has a food allergy but for some reason the letter arrived with the food instead of ahead of it. >> we understand mom's concern about having received those products. >> reporter: me to prevent this from happening again. jase's mom says they need to pay attention to allergies. >> i would have appreciated that they opened it to make sure there was nothing in there to harm my child. >> reporter: the school apologized and removed him the program but his mom says the damages done and she has concerns about her son's well- being at school. amanda goodman, cbs 5 news some accused of taking pictures of women in the bathroom. police arrested 21-year-old jawa zang for unlawful and photographing. police say there are six victims but there could be more. three kids are facing felony charges for making social media threats against two dozen valley schools, all of them linked to a scary clown image. police tell us kids in the phoenix union and glendale targeted online and now federal counterterrorism experts are now involved. schools are stepping up security but classes will go on. police say there may be more of kids involved. for the first time in the paper's history, the arizona republic has endorsed a democrat for president. >> that move making national headlines. in the 126 years of existence, they have always backed the gop nominee. that changed when the editorial board clinton, saying she is the only candidate to move america forward. >> last night's presidential debate didn't do much when it came to trump got -- trump garnering flake's support. he called trump's performance poor and says the microphone, that is as close as you can get to conceding you had a bad night. the race for maricopa county sheriff could soon be the center of a lawsuit. >> it was released by sheriff arpaio's campaign claiming paul patton zone assaulted his ex- wife and she had to go to court to get an order of protection. paul patton zone says he will sue arpaio -- paul he will sue arpaio. records. let's get a look at your forecast. we have 70 planner in the first 10 minutes. some showers still taking place to the north three areas of sedona, flagstaff, ash fork and areas of winslow. interstate 40 looking wet. amazing pictures this evening. this one from the penguin air and plumbing chopper earlier. one of my favorites earlier that we posted from air and plumbing chopper. you can see the approaching tempe town lake. an amazing sunset as well. that's in the high country. flagstaff sitting at 46 degrees. we are in the low 80s but weather changes will be with us for tomorrow. the threat of showers and thunderstorms with an area of low pressure south of the border will continue to pull in some moisture. we got a chance of rain fall as you can see at 6:30 am tomorrow and another chance of rain in the evening around eastern arizona. the chance of showers sticks with us through thursday and we 94 degrees for wednesday, a chance of rain through thursday. we see drier air moving over the weekend with highs in the lower to mid 90s now that you are caught up, you are ready for your wednesday. >> we have a lot more coming up including a testy town hall meeting between adot and neighbors natalie 202. asu research on the power of lightning. >> we know that lightning can last for several seconds and it travel hundreds of miles was something that was surprising. a new page of controversy for sheriff paul babeu. sources tell us the fbi has subpoenaed records related to how babeu's office used seized criminal money also known as rico funds. critics have said pcso's use of the foundation is like money laundering. and they've also accused babeu of using the funds to fuel his campaign. it may already be illegal campaigning with government resources. as he runs for congress. cbs 5 news weather brought to you by the law tigers. >> c mclaughlin, chris pickle, you are watching cbs five news at 10:00. construction has already started and adot want to give neighbors more answers on the le trendy to extension. of protesters out of the meeting at desert vista high school. >> that is where jared dillingham joins us live . >> reporter: many of those protesters were members of the gila river indian community. they say this new freeway cuts through a site which they consider sacred. today, they ran from the sacred site in the middle of the desert south of south mountain all the way to this school, which was hosting the adot were not let inside. they were carrying what they consider prayer sticks and the officers at the meeting said the sticks could be used as weapons. the group left disappointed and disheartened but they vow to continue to protest and say they do not regret their 10 mile run through the desert today. >> is what makes us who we are. we're going to stop them. their plans are not written in history. >> reporter: hundreds of others showed up to hear adot talk about the plans which have been in the works for 18 years. the 22 mile stretch is intended to relieve congestion and cut drive times across the valley. early construction has already begun but opponents say they could still challenge in court to try to stop it. live in ahwatukee, jared billingham cbs 5 news. >> if you missed the form, there is another tomorrow from 6 pm to 8 pm. this will be at betty fairfax high school at 59th and baseline in living. with almost 82,000,000 people tuning in, last night's presidential matchup was the most watched debate in history. >> americans were not the only ones tuning in. the debate was carried around in china, two dozen millennials gathered at a coffee shop to watch. >> reporter: --translator: i like trump's character and i think he is a fighter but from the performance, clinton was more of a much her politician. >> victor and others say both candidates lacked leadership and charisma. answers on upcoming propositions on the november ballot. the center participation has teamed up with the maricopa community college district for a series of forums at mesa community college starting at 6 pm tomorrow. you know the monsoon can bring a lot of dangerous lightning to the valley. >> we saw some tonight. ashlee demartino shows us researchers at asu finding streaks in the sky are a lot more powerful than once thought confirmed a bolt travels from pulse to the western border of the state. >> that is the equivalent of phoenix to kingman in one strike. >> reporter: that's 200 miles. they also uncovered a strike over france that lasted eight seconds. >> we know lightning can last several seconds but to have it travel several miles was surprising . >> reporter: they measured in pinpointed data by using sensors that monitored the electromagnetic emissions. >> a.m. radio, you know there is static. if you have receivers strong around an area, you can very precisely delineate exactly where the lightning strike took place . >> reporter: the new information is leading researchers wanting to know more. advanced technologies will lead them to a new phase of studying and understanding one of mother nature's must spectacular weather shows. it's a look at what's to come for space exploration. take a look at this brand-new computerized animation from space x. it's pretty cool, right? the space x rocket will launch from cape canaveral and once in space, it will ditch the rocket stage and head off to the red planet. the mission dubbed red rock and is expected to launch in 2018. space x is looking for volunteers but the company says if never coming back. one way ticket. >> something to think about. tomorrow, weather permitting you can see the international space station cruising over the valley. the space station will be seen around 7 pm. if your eyes and telescopes toward the southwest part of the valley. google is about to unveil new gadgets including a new phone called the pixel. google ditched nexis and is expected to show off a new wi- fi router and a chromecast device that streams 4k video. important information for people planning to travel out of the country. >> some nations may not accept your valid u.s. passport because many countries in europe require passports to be valid up to six months beyond your return date. your passport has to be valid until april of next year. travel experts say countries do this in case of unexpected stays. >> let's say you get in an accident and you are in the hospital for a few months. they don't want to deal with someone who doesn't have a valid passport. >> the state department u.s. passport site lets travelers into their international destination so they can find out how long their passport needs celebrate something. did you know tomorrow is national drink beer day? >> we can do that. >> the valley has a lot of different options for craft beer. >> if you're going to take heart, beer lovers will be using #drink beer day. it will be all over social media. we're going to talk about celebrations. okay? this one the frying pan. you jump into the pan and you guys go with your legs and arms. he scores. oh my god. oh yes, it's the frying pan. >> [ applause ] >> how good is that? did you coaching skills? tonight, he welcomes the fastest man in the world and trending tomorrow. ? ? ? jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. to deposit checks too. easy to use chase technology for whatever you're trying to master. a few stray showers out there north of sedona and flagstaff. we had a chance for another round on wednesday and thursday. temperatures not bad in the morning. would drop to 73 degrees and a high tomorrow around 94 degrees, 63 degrees and flagstaff. super bowl expectations but the cardinals are 1-2 and things had to change. a long list of moves. cam canaday sunday. the cards have signed aaron brewer formally of the chicago bears. troy niklas plays some injury reserve with her postinjury. and linebacker cam johnson has been signed to the. the squad. the former fifth-round pick been released. the phoenix suns will spend the week and flagstaff getting set for the season with a weeks worth of training camp. for more, we check in with tim. >> reporter: greetings from flagstaff for the suns opened up training camp 2016. younger guys, old guys, guys in their prime and a 37-year-old head coach who is trying to make his mark. take a look at the video here after pack this. enthusiasm we saw today as watson opened up pack this. i talked to the coach earlier about making his mark and heading this team to believe the culture. that's what he wants changed. >> quick, don't hurry but we cannot surpass details. we have to teach them on the way. >> there are too old faces on the team, leandra barbosa and jared dudley. back in 2010, when dudley was on the team that went to the western conference finals, he had the perfect role coming off the bench. safe to say his role this year will be a bit different. >> leadership is what the team was lacking the last couple years. stay focused, it comes to offense, it shows you how to play basketball. >> the suns will be here all week long with their preseason opener monday night at talking san antonio spurs. >> good stuff. finally, the diamondbacks in dc. jean segura leads off with a home on but not a good sign as a home run leads to matt cooke taking a no-hitter. the nationals bats exploded and anthony rendon launches a three- run homer. o'halleran: i had some really tough cases as a police detective. but the problem in washington is as clear as day -- we can't trust our politicians to work for us. tom o'halleran has a plan to hold the politicians accountable -- no pay for congress if they don't pass a budget, reduce the influence of big money and special interests, and no more first-class travel paid for by taxpayers. i'm tom o'halleran, and i approve this message i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. if you're told you have cancer, explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage... every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. i am heidi goitia tracking traffi a reminder, we do have closures on i-17 southbound at seventh avenue. expect construction between seventh avenue and seventh street. the parallel roadway, the frontage road, will also be closed through the end of the week, through september 29. will not impact a ton of people but if you have an early shift, it could impact your commute. end of the week. if you want to get through, take buckeye or exit 19th avenue. stick to the 17 and exit seventh street instead. join me in the morning on wake up arizona for all your early- morning traffic updates. >> sounds good. sean penn is up next being interviewed by stephen colbert. >> that will be interesting. it always is with him. >> see you tomorrow. >>, your online home for free news and we got married in june... ...on tunaday. there's a subway? $3.50 sub of the day to help you remember life's important days. every day a different six-inch sub for just $3.50 at subway? every day of the week. her name is teri... ...she was born on >> and now on voter registration day, an important message from "late show"." listen. >> you need on vote. >> you need to vote. >> you really need on vote. >> you need to >> voting voting is fup, and it cause nose bleeds. >> it doesn't cause nose bleeds. >> it almost never causes nose bleeds. >> all those people in 2004 already had nose bleeds when they went in there. >> voting makes you strong. >> strong. >> strong. >> strong. >> i was strong enough to move my house. it's by the beach now. >> voting made my kids proud. >> proud. >> my kids were really proud. >> joseph gordon levitt's kids were really proud of me.

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