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Like it was a force your I got along with the house. He's the right. Right. You know what he let me play. What I've done for African American. Thole president is able to think he can. Call me a troublemaker Yes I'm a trouble. I'm a trouble for him would Central Park make trouble with reasonable keep making trouble for president from grab headlines for attacking the entire city of Baltimore on Twitter after responding to some perceived slights from Representative Elijah Cummings who chairs the House Oversight Committee he is district is wrapped in rodent infested infested It sounds like Berman it sounds subhuman that they were at and these are all 6 members of members of Congress who are people of color I think you speak spending way too much time reading between the lines does and I'm not reading between the lines on reading the law anyone this line of attack from the president is a resurfacing of something he introduced during his 2016 presidential campaign asking black Americans many of those living in urban areas to vote for him because he believes that many of the challenges that they face economically and culturally are because they live in areas that have long been led by Democratic politicians look how much African American communities are suffered under democratic control to those areas say the following. What do you have to lose the President and his campaign have adopted a political strategy focused on increasing turnout among the white working class voters that have been key to Trump's 2016 presidential when and his current approval ratings one of the reasons the president is relying on this political strategy of playing into the fears of his base is because he seems to believe that it was effective in 2018 we did see high levels of turnout on the right compared to other midterm elections but one of the things the president fails to acknowledge is that turnout was not higher than the turnout that came on the left the reality is as much as some people who backed have anxiety about what American culture could become there are also people on the left who also fear what American culture can become under trying Republicans are very aware that the base of the Republican Party is with Trump and there appear to be no real consequences for remaining silent they don't lose support from their voters they don't get criticism from the president and they get to remain in office and automatically That's what most of them want remaining in office that's what most of them want silence on the part of the Republican Party and will trump tactics of appealing to racist sentiment with work it certainly is dangerous and puts all of us who are of African descent black and brown people at risk of violence but you know what none of this is new on Tuesday July 30th the u.s. National Archives released the tape of a conversation between former presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon where Reagan disparaged people from Africa as monkeys Reagan continued quote to see those monkeys from those African countries damn them they're still uncomfortable wearing shoes and of quote Reagan and Nixon have both. Influence the politics and platforms of the trumpet ministration we live in a global world we're all interrelated so on so journey truth we work to bring directly to you news and views on local national and international policies and stories that affect us all and we draw out how those of us most impacted women communities of color and other communities are responding we also discuss the interrelationship between art and politics now for our news headlines for the sifaka radio I'm Eileen out in Derry Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren forcefully made the case for a Medicare for all system and more generally for bold progressive policies they send it off the tax for more conservative rivals seeking a breakthrough in last night's c.n.n. Sponsored debate in Detroit former Maryland Representative John Delaney made his case against the 2 in his opening statement folks we have a choice we can go down the road that Senator Sanders and center worn want to take us with his with bad policies like Medicare for all free everything and impossible promises that will turn off independent voters and get trumped reelected Ohio Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan said Medicare for all would take away good union health benefits Sanders said Medicare for all would be better will be better because better care for all is comprehensive that covers all health care needs for senior citizens it will finally include dental tap hearing aids and eyeglasses but you know a 2nd look or you don't know 2nd of all cockiness I got when I wrote that they don't. Go for many although you and your brothers and sisters nobody will produce any of them be up till now paying hard to talk to Bill to co-payments and when we do Medicare or instead of having the company putting money into health care they can get. Decent wage increases. Sanders also criticized Jake Tapper saying the c.n.n. Anchor was using a Republican talking point by framing the issue as a possible tradeoff between Medicare for all and higher taxes Sanders noted the health care industry would be advertising on c.n.n. One also criticize delay me for saying Democrats shouldn't be the party of subtraction on the issue of health care let's be clear about this where are the Democrats we are not about trying to take away health care from having what that's what the what our. Republican talking points in order to talk with each other about how the best for a guy. On tonight's debate stage Joe Biden come on Harris Cory Booker Kirsten Gillibrand on Costco Bill de Blasio Jay Ensley told Sigebert Michael Bennett and Andrew yang the American Civil Liberties Union says the trumpet ministration separated more than 900 children from their parents at the border in the year after a judge ordered their practice be sharply curtailed they included babies and toddlers the a.c.l.u. Said the administration is separating families over dubious allegations and minor transgressions including traffic offenses and marijuana possession it asked a judge to rule on whether the separations were justified the a.c.l.u. Said that since Judge sobre ordered the administration to stop the practice of splitting up families at the border a parent was separated for having damaged property valued at $5.00 a one year old was separated after an official criticized her father for letting her sleep with a wet diaper one because a father's speech impediment prevented him from answering questions despite evidence he was the parent a.c.l.u. Attorney legal learnt said it's shocking the troubled ministration continues to take babies from their parents and that the administration must not be allowed to circle. Event the court order over infractions like minor traffic violations California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law requiring presidential candidates release their tax returns both for they can be listed on the state's primary ballot the measure was spurred by President Trump's refusal to release his returns he's claimed it's because they're being audited by the i.r.s. Although an audit does not preclude him from choosing to make their returns public governor Newsome said California continues to set the bar and lead on the issue of transparency all we're requiring is people that aspire to be Presidents not on one person they have to disclose their tax returns just issues of self dealing conflicts of interest requiring that regardless of political party you choose to do the right thing you can choose not to do the right thing I think this law is appropriate law and I'm quite confident it's leading the nation the Trump campaign said the laws unconstitutional but even if it withstands a likely legal challenge Trump could avoid the requirement by choosing not to compete in the state's primary California's law does not apply to the general election ballot South Korea's military said the North conducted a 2nd weapons test in less than a week firing 2 short range ballistic missiles it comes as North Korea's negotiations with the u.s. Over its nuclear weapons program are at a stalemate and as the North has expressed anger over a planned u.s. South Korean military exercises which the North use as a provocative threat Senate Democrats have introduced a constitutional amendment to repeal the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court decision that decision opened the floodgates to unlimited election spending by corporations and fueled the rise of super PACs I'm Eileen elfin Darry You're listening to Sojourner Truth on Pacifica Radio this is market Prescott host of suggestion or truth and we are in our. 2nd week of our summer fun driving if any of you are close by to come by the station this morning and help us in the phone room that would be greatly appreciated 3729 coing go boulevard we are off the water one freeway the Lancashire exit and we are also close to a red line so I encourage you to come down and help us out today however even though we are in fun drive I really try to bring topics to you as well as thank you gifts that are related to the crucial critical critical situation that the are in now in the United States in the latest Democratic debate Pete booted Jake had a moment then he challenge Republicans he said look in the mirror and see what are you going to say to future generations about what you did at this time at this critical moment in the United States you have Donald Trump in the White House we refer to him as white supremacists in chief who is determined it seems to use appealing to racist sentiment to go for his reelection campaign to take him into back into the White House and he is calculating that racism worked for him in the 1st campaign so likely it would work for him again in this campaign and indeed it seems as though the base is sticking with him but there are some cracks out in the suburbs among white women white suburban women the latest polls are showing that they are beginning to break with Trump exactly on this issue of racism his attacks on black elected officials. Including Congresswoman Maxine Waters that he consistently calls ignorant the. Young women known as the squad representatives Omar of Minnesota Alexandria k.c. Oh Cortez of New York Iona Presley from Massachusetts and rush she did to leap from Michigan and also the representative allies or Cummings who is the chair of a critical committee and insulting the people in Baltimore by saying nobody no human being would want to live there a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess Meanwhile his son in law owns a thousands of these rat infested you know places in Baltimore so maybe he should look at cleaning his own house but. I was recently shot 2 men came across a story that said thousands of dollars had been made black dolls and were put in the stores and of the purpose of these dolls and by the way the hair was like dreadlocks was lots was to take this dollar and beat it up against the wall so you could take your frustrations out you know. It's shocking in a lot of ways but really not surprising due to protest the store that began to carry it did say that they would pull the dollar from the shelf I'm going to print that article out because I do want to read to you what was sewn onto this dollar bill outrage you so imagine the impact that has on young black children young black girls young black boys or any black person racism impacts in all kinds of ways and it is a conversation that we really must have in the u.s. . And today the thank you gifts that I'm going to bring you deals with this subject we're offering up the Great White Hope d.v.d. By Tim Wise he's an anti-racist educator he himself is white but he has really been deeply involved in racism that's $120.00 pleasure also offering white like comedian also by Tim Wise where he goes in to other aspects of racism a fascinating look at the race based white entitlement programs that built the u.s. Middle class among other things that's also $120.00 pledge but we're encouraging you you can get a deal if you get both you can get the Tim Wise. Pack for $200.00 so you save a little bit there you say $40.00 I suggest that you get both of those and we're also offering 2 books by Tim Wise under the influence and their Dear White America under the influence is a brand new book by Tim Wise actually and Dear White America each of those books $100.00 each We're also offering up the d.v.d. Race the power of an illusion and 75 dollars pledge one of my favorites how racism harms white Americans d.v.d. $75.00 so the pact today the dollar a day racisms impacted what can be done dollar a day pack the pledge level a dollar a day and the value of it is close to $700.00 if you break it down item by item there are 7 items in it for D.V.D.'s and 3 books wife 3 books because in addition to 2 new books by Tim Wise We're also offering up. Killing the black body race reproduction in the meaning of liberty by Dorothy Roberts the number to call is 8 to 1898557358189855735 what I want to do now is to go to a clip from great the great white hoax and this is about the Tea Party coming into power people talking about taking their country back this all laid the basis the precursor for Donald Trump selection and also the backlash against. Barack Obama we're going to cue that at $43.00 and let's go to that clip right now . It's interesting to hear folks who say they don't want to live in the past however not only creating something they call the Tea Party but more importantly saying as they do now quite loudly that they want to quote take their country back end of quote that being a directional word that means what it says going backward in time not forward in time that is to say going back to some mythical past now I've been white a very long time. 42 years and 2 months and in that 42 years in debt is more than enough time to know that when white folks who are 70 our old and I don't mean to be a just with this and if you are white and old and 70 you'll agree with this unless you're one of these people about whom I'm speaking and you're probably not if you're 70 and white and stand up and say I want to take my country back you scare the hell out. Because I know what your country was and so do you if you're being honest right and people of color surely know what it was so it scares them. The reality is this country was neither a good nor a great place. In that mythical past about which some wax so eloquent we were a society of profound institutional terror we were a system of formal White Supremacy racial fascism we don't use any of these words because honest language died a long time ago not only in our country but probably in the nation of any empire but here we are acting as if it didn't happen acting as if we can say we want to take our country back and not be accused of maybe just maybe having just a slight bit of racial resentment at the root of that phrase. The number to call is 818-985-5735 This is Mark of Prescott host of securing the truth I have to make $3000.00 or gold during this hour we fell way short of our goal yesterday we need to make it up today the number to call is 829855735 you can get the Tim Wise 2 d.v.d. Pack that includes the great white hoax. And also White Like Me D.V.D.'s for the $200.00 pledge or you could get either one of those the pledge level of $120.00 and you could get the dollar a day pack value close to $700.00 today only 7 items for D.V.D.'s and 3 books h 189855735 here's the deal I just need 8 of you calling and getting the dollar a day pack 8 of you calling saying yes I am anti-racist I want to do something about this horror this girds that is all over this country and indeed all over the world I want to share this material with my church my. Educators who are out there students 829855735 soft got to make up some time today I want to see those phone lines going you don't have to be a person of color to be concerned about this and indeed I'm encouraging white people to also pick up the phone and call us at 818-298-5573 extension 5 what I want to do now though is to go on to another clip this one is from White Like Me Again you can get both the great white house me the $200.00 pledge level or $120.00 pledge level each that will be your thank you gift and this White Like Me track he talks about. Programs that have helped white people including housing assistance except of mblaq people were locked out so a lot of people that are going around saying and you all stop talking about racism just pull yourself up by your bootstraps and and you know black people must be inferior because there are so many impoverished black people you better think again and if you know anybody who thinks like that I hope you call us at 821-985-5735 get this material Let's go now to that clip from me. Look at all the social programs that pulled the u.s. Out of the Great Depression and helped create the middle class in this country programs like Job insurance which provided cash to people to give them a leg up as they look for work to show how to job insurance where Let's introduce Steve has always you know walk away just lost his job he goes 1st to the nearest state employment office to register for a new job Steve because this office was set up just to help people like it but while Steve in Louisiana could apply for job insurance not everyone else could of course he cannot collect if he belongs to any of the groups of workers that the law does not enjoy these are. Agricultural workers. The mystic $75.00 and all agricultural workers and domestic service workers didn't qualify for assistance and it turns out this had everything to do with race these 2 jobs were overwhelmingly held by black people and over 80 percent of all blacks worked in those professions so the only way f.d.r. Could get Southern Democrats to support the Social Security Act was if he agreed to exclude those workers from benefits this was a conscious attempt by some in Congress to exclude as many blacks as possible and the net effect of it was to get preferential treatment to whites. Thousands of people got a big thrill out of looking at model housing and a much bigger role in that by what it was the same story with crucial housing assistance for the American middle class loans provided by the f.h.a. The Federal Housing Administration allowed working class families for really the 1st time in American history to own their own homes homeownership was the basis of a happy contented family life and now also the use of a national housing Arkansas mortgage as a prop within the reach of all citizens but the way the bill was written the American dream of homeownership wasn't within the reach of everyone. For the 1st 30 years of the program about 98 percent of the recipients were white people of color were almost completely barred. Then there was the g.i. Bill which provided immense benefits to returning veterans including low cost mortgages loans to start a business cash payments for tuition and living expenses. What the g.i. Bill didn't do is protect black that are who qualified for that assistance also from the kinds of legal discrimination rampant in priests of all rights America. The result was that the vast majority of those who benefited from the g.i. Bill were white veterans if a program like the g.i. Bill ended up disproportionately benefiting people of color you know what we call that we call it welfare we call it a reward to hand down a gravy train. Right or right maybe but that's not the way it was described in America the way to make it easier to take it's place once again in the community and get what you want. I'm not trying to say programs like these are bad there's no question they've been instrumental in creating and expanding opportunities for millions of people the point is that we're being dishonest if we fail to explicitly acknowledge how they only exclusively benefited white people were covered by but. It needs to be understood that for hundreds of years government assistance programs pumped literally hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars worth of wealth into the hands of white families before people of color even got to the starting gate this is what we're talking about when we talk about white privilege the structural advantage is built into our very system and it's helped white people often without us knowing it well making things more difficult for people of color for me being white means that I'm treated as the default in a lot of cases some of those privileges would be material better job opportunities better housing access better educational opportunities but some of them are psychological just the realization that I'm not going to be racially profiled when I'm driving around town or when I'm shopping in the mall and I'm not going to be followed by store security because they think I might shoplift the number to call is 818-985-5735 that is that clip from the d.v.d. White like the pledge level is $120.00 that will be your thank you gift. I'll need 25 of you calling for us to meet our goal during this hour now the phone lines are wide open I still have 3000 dollars to make by the top of this hour so I'm going to make a last call for this material are there any anti racists who are listening out there if you are please pick up the phone and call us at 818-985-5735 we have 7 items that you could choose from 4 D.V.D.'s or 3 books the phone answers would tell you all of what they are but they include a number of items from Tim Wise the great white hoax the White Like Me d.v.d. There's a Tim Wise white like me and the Great White whole pack. 2 d.v.d. Set for $200.00 or you could get our full pack which is 7 items and that is a dollar a day 819855735 I just need 8 of you calling say put that on a credit card at $60.00 a month over 6 months that would help us to meet our call our goal 15 people calling a pledging at the $200.00 level that's just 30 $3.00 over a 6 month period I need to see some phone calls coming in I can't believe that those of you are sitting right now you know that there's a racist in the White House you know there's a white supremacist the White House you know that is dangerous just at one of the airports I think it was at l.a.x. They found a new site with some monkeys or whatever hanging out was in Miami I think International Airport you now have this Dall that thousands of them were made a black dollar that you're supposed to hit on the wall and yell at this Dall people this is what time it is 818-985-5735 Donald Trump talking about Africa and how as s. Whole countries telling people to go. Back to where they came from you've got children snatch at the borders babies being snatched at the borders now $900.00 of them more than that was supposed to stop this practice what are we going to do people we need to wake up and if you know anybody who is racist if you know anybody who doesn't think there are races but you know that they do have some issues please call us an 818-985-5735 your actions could actually help to save lives right now you know because we are in a very very dangerous time as a person of African descent I get concerned when I'm leaving the house I get concerned when I'm going into certain neighborhoods because you just don't know what's going to happen to you a little black boy the police was called on him the other day because he was playing dodge ball and the ball hit a little white kid Well it's dodgeball that's what dodgeball is about so you know you can't even play while black when you're a child imagine the impact psychologically medically this has on people do not sit on your hands this is a dangerous time that we are in right now and Donald Trump could either win by you know selling his way into the White House by appealing to to racist sentiment or all you anti races out there could get up and say I want to do something please call us at 821-898-5573 extension 5 you can go out and picket you know you can't hit the streets the very least you can do is to call us and get the great white hoax d.v.d. Get it right like me d.v.d. $120.00 each to d.v.d. Set at $200.00 and a brand new book by Tim Wise and I'm looking for the full title yes it's under the influence. Shaming the poor praising the rich and sacrificing the future of America a brazing new book 818-985-5735 about the roots and ramifications of racial inequality in the United States also another book Tim Wise book Dear White America Letter to a new minority book in a few decades people of white people are going to be the minority in the United States and that's part of why you see Trump ripping up this fear we're also offering up the d.v.d. Race the power of an illusion how racism harms white people and for the 1st set of people who get the dollar a day pack throwing in my gift to you the book by the great Dorothy Roberts' killing the black body race reproduction and the meaning of liberty 821-898-5573 extension 5 so far see no pledges is that right not one pledges comment one pledge has come in that is really pitiful I have to say and what that tells me is that Trump is having an impact here Ok I don't want to see that happening to our audience I need you to get proactive and call in pledge at any level if you don't want to get any of these thank you gives color become a monthly subscriber to k p f k that's $25.00 a month and it to do that that will help us to cut down on these fun drives I want to don't move on now to another clip from White Like Me on the impact health impacts of racism you know this stuff has impacts your physical being I could tell you that I feel it every single day all righty and if you're not black you're not brown You may not know this but you need to know let's go to that clip now. The truth is there are large and seemingly intractable gaps between whites and folks of color when it comes to income wealth and educational attainment even basic health. Children born to African-American women for instance are more than twice as likely to die within their 1st year than children born to white women even black women who don't smoke have higher rates of infant mortality for their children than white women who do. You see the same trend of life expectancy African-American women will die 3 years before by Parliament on average. African-American men 5 years before white. Part of this has to do with access to quality health care African-Americans are twice as likely as whites to be uninsured and when they do receive medical attention studies have shown that they get inferior and unequal care but even more than these factors what the research increasingly finds is that dealing with racism and discrimination on a regular basis has incredibly damaging repercussions for black people's health. But maybe the most disturbing example of all of how race based inequality persist in America is in our criminal justice system. Today there are more African-Americans under correctional control in prison or jail on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850 a decade before the Civil War began Michelle Alexander's book The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness argues persuasively that America's War on Drugs has resulted in a devastating new system of racial control many Americans just have no idea the scale of mass incarceration in the United States because it's a phenomenon that does not affect everyone it effects certain groups define largely by race and class breaking news out of conference Costa County drug bust and treason what officials say is the largest drug bust in Baltimore County it's not home minutes later. Into the dragnet. The size of our prison system quintupled in a 30 year period of time not due to rising crime rates but rather because we declared a drug war a war on drugs these people record our society if you're a casual drug user you're at the top Mr Berger all of us agree that the grave is a mystic threat facing our nation to crooks and launched a get tough movement that swept millions of poor people overwhelmingly poor folks of color into our prisons and jails primarily for nonviolent and drug related offenses the very sorts of crimes that occur with roughly equal frequency in middle class white communities and on college campuses and go largely ignored you know a white kid live in rural Kansas doesn't drive to the hood to get his marijuana or his math or is x. To see or a little bit of cocaine he is buying it from someone most. Likely of his own race down the road drug dealing happens in all communities of all colors but those who do time for drug crime in the United States are overwhelmingly black and brown. Once they're caught they're swept into the criminal justice system branded criminals and felons and then ushered into a parallel social universe and which the basic civil and human rights that were supposedly won in the civil rights movement are stripped from them once branded a criminal are denied the right to vote in many states automatically excluded from juries and legally discriminated against in employment housing access to education and public benefits if you break the law you no longer have a public house so many of the old forms of discrimination that we supposedly left behind in the old Jim Crow era are suddenly legal again once he's been branded a felon that's why I say we haven't ended racial Caste in America we've just redesigned it we have just reached racial caste in the United States that was the voice of Michelle Alexander and that is from the d.v.d. White like me the pledge level is 120 dollars 89855735 this is Margaret Prescott make host of suggest that you are making a last call for all of this racist material now each and every one of us we have a job to do with young people with people in our own families Ok people in our own communities and I'm offering you up material that could help you to have this discussion this conversation about race and racism and help to educate people give us the tools to really get past this this divisiveness this very very dangerous time that we are in right now that Donald Trump is. Whipping things up I still need to raise another $2500.00 by the top of the hour you know what I believe in you I think we can do it if there are 2 people who want to call and pledge at the $1000.00 level or one person who says I want to call a pledge the $1000.00 level and make that a match Ok you can get all of the items that we're offering up today there are 7 items that we're offering for D.V.D.'s 3 books close to $700.00 value so if you pledge at the $1000.00 level you could get like 14 items and you could share it around to people that you know send it to the red states if you anybody listening knows any people who live in the red states are right now in the deep south 821-898-5573 extension 5 every single day we see examples of racist incidences whether it is the police killing young black and brown people that are you see white people calling the police on black people for no reason whatsoever I just heard a story from Philadelphia where a black woman living in an apartment condo complex a condo complex and they had a a garden where everybody was had access to the garden and share things in the garden she was picking tomatoes in the garden a white woman who lived in the condo and the complex accused her of stealing wanted to call the police on her this is what we go through day in and day out people we need to wake up Donald Trump is whipping all of that up 821-898-5573 extension 5 the great white hoax d.v.d. By Tim Wise $120.00 pledge right like me d.v.d. Tim Wise $120.00 pledge or you could get the Tim Wise pack both of those D.V.D.'s at the $200.00 pledge all. So Tim Wise is a brand new book Under the affluence under the affluence shaming the poor praising the rich and sacrificing the future of America I know everybody listening right now has got to be concerned about this 821-898-5573 extension 5 we also have the book Dear White America Letter to a new minority by Tim Wise in a free add on to those of you who get the Pac is killing the blackbody race reproduction and the meaning of liberty by Dorothy Roberts and you know I mentioned the the Dall that they produce thousands of them a black dog with dreadlocks is the way you get angry just this doll up against the wall well that is so related to the topic that Darcy Roberts' book is about. You know just a racially biased images of 7 black people systemic abuse of black women's bodies from slave masters economic stake in bonded women's fertility to government programs that coerce thousands of poor black women into being sterilize as late as the 1970s you know what I found out recently that for sterilization of black brown and Native American people still going 181-898-5573 extension 5 other any phone callers on the line I want to go on to another clip of got one caller on the line so far I've had to pay 3 pledges during this a drive of this topic we are way behind in our goal if you don't want any of these thank you gifts just please support community radio please support the last bastion of listener sponsored radio we're not taking money from the multinational corporations they're not underwriting us we stay on the air before. The kindness and the generosity of you the listener so I need you picking up the phone and calling us at 818-985-5735 let's go on to another clip from from Tim Wise great white hoax where you know people don't want you to talk about race we don't want to talk about any of this as a society in fact we are told we ought not talk about it we're told that to talk about it is to make the problem worse or talk about racism that's what causes racism. I mean that's what people say now there's not another social problem on the planet that we say that about like trying to imagine that being said about any other problem like world hunger Well I know that's a problem but if we would just stop talking about. Food would miraculously appear on the plates of the angry make no damn sense or crime or no crimes a bad problem but I've got a solution just don't talk about it nobody will ever get carjacked again right that's like blaming the speedometer for the speeding ticket that you just got. Right speeding ticket is not cause and the speeding was not caused by this but ominous but I'm going to just told you what the hell happened and that's what the conversation that we need to be having about this legacy tells us we talk about what happened but we're not supposed to because folks say well. You just can't live in the past. Some point you just have to move on. Can't live in the past is the 21st century by God which you know I thought it was too but then folks started calling themselves the Tea Party and that some really old as sharp an expression. So. I thought me more nappy to stop living in the past you know when they do. That July 4th thing is about some really old stuff to the fireworks thing that breaking away from the British that happened like a really long ass time ago so maybe we ought to move on from that but no that's that would be unpatriotic that would be un-American that means I hate America if I say that see that's the problem we are right now engaged in please do not underestimate the truth of what I'm about to say we are engaged in a battle for the narrative of this country not just for the physical land and who can be here and who can't be the war with regard to the border and who's going to be allowed in and under what terms that's one piece of the battle but the other piece is we got folks saying well if we can't control the border by God we will control the story. We will control the narrative we will tell you what America is 1st off we will tell you that an entire continental shelf is just our country by calling it America that's number one. Then number 2 we will tell you what aspects of the story are real and worth remembering so in Texas we got folks trying to rewrite textbooks to their liking now and. Then it's not just a Texas problem because Texas happens to be the largest school textbook market in the country so whatever the folks in Texas end up recommending and then you know pushing for that's what the publishers churn out because there's money to be made and then whatever the publishers churn out that's what folks in California get stuck with too and that's what folks in Arizona get stuck with and New Mexico gets stuck with in Maine and Florida everywhere else so they're trying to rewrite these textbooks to take out the stuff they don't like now I'm not one of these people on the rewrite committee actually has a history degree. Not one but they've got a whole bunch of ideas in their head that they'd like to try out among them let's remove Thurgood Marshall from the text book because why do we need to know about him yes he was the lead attorney and Brown v Board Yes he was the 1st African-American Supreme Court justice but we don't need to have him say so Chavez Why do we need to have him do a lot of so where did the why do we need to have her but we do need Rush Limbaugh. And we do need Jerry Falwell and we do need Phyllis Schlafly who led the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment we need more time for cultural conservatives less time for civil rights legend and when it comes to talking about the slavery trade we should be even call that the slave trade we should call it the triangular trade because because there were 3 things being traded in it was like a triangle on the map and so we'll just like they ignore the fact that it was mostly about you know human beings being sold into chat and sold into bondage they wanted to change that actually got voted down thank God they lost on that one but they want them some of those others they also want to take Thomas Jefferson out now this is especially interesting there are lots of reasons not to like Thomas Jefferson like the fact that he said he thought we should all Indigenous people to the ends of the earth until they were exterminated right that's sort of bad but that's not what bothered them and the fact that he said horrible things about African-American folks in particular about the physical beauty or lack there of a Black people in his notes on the state of Virginia he said all kinds of races things on human beings lots of reasons not to like Jefferson but none of that stuff bothered the folks in Texas what bothered them is that he was insufficiently committed to the creation of a Christian republic because Indeed Jefferson was pretty much an agnostic and actually wrote his own Bible you know we actually went in and just like rewrote the Bible to suit his own purpose that was kind of guy but I don't like that because they believe that this was intended to be a Christian republic in the most narrow evangelical and absurd sense of that word right and because Jefferson disagree believe him. Now understand that's what's happening in Texas. That's what's happening in Texas that's what's happening in these United States this is market Prescott host of surgery at youth making a last call for this incredible package that we're offering today racism and racisms impact and what can be done I still need to raise another $2000.00 I only have 9 minutes in which to do it I want to see a big pledge come in there I want to see a $1000.00 pledge or a $500.00 pledge that we could match but if you could call it pledge at the $25.00 level that Jackie just did that would be appreciated i need you calling 8189855735 hour a dollar a day pack that's $60.00 over a 6 month period you can put it on a credit card or a bank transfer you get 7 items for D.V.D.'s 3 books the pledge value 700 dollars just today and the last call I'm behind in my goal the phone lines are wide open right now. I can't believe it you have doubled from spewing all kinds or racist crap Ok on television you have evangelicals wrapping this stuff up do you know any white people who live out in the suburbs please call us at 818-985-5735 get at least some of this material and send it to them the Tim Wise D.V.D.'s each one is $120.00 or you could get both of them you get a little deal at the $200.00 level that's a great white hoax and white like me the time that we're living in you have us elected officials being attacked because they're black and brown you have Africa the global south countries attacked by Trump being called asshole countries and saying why can't we get immigrants coming in from Norway he's calling them agree. It's from south of the border racists and thieves snatching babies at the border Ok Eric Garner who you know we all saw the video of him saying he can't breathe well guess what no charges against a white police officer who killed him you have racists that are complaining about a Disney film Little Mermaid why because it is a black actress playing a Little Mermaid I mean come on people what does it do to little black children when all they see that is good and successful etc are white people they don't see and Donald Trump. Being racist and calling names a life Cummings you know all kinds of names elected officials black elected officials Congresswoman Maxine Waters calling her ignorant I mean come on this is what time it is deficit threats Oh man Omar she gets them every day rushy to tell me who is Palestinian elected official from out of Michigan she gets death threats every day from these racist 821-898-5573 extension 5 that guy that just shot up a bunch of people at the garlic festival a lot of those people were Latino who were killed including 2 children well guess what he was reading this white supremacist propaganda and had it up on his social media this is what time it is people it's a dangerous time I want you right now not to sit on your hands but the think about it say what can I do here's what you can do you can pick up the phone and call us at 821-898-5573 extension 5 I've had 5 people calling during this hour I really am very discouraged by that because I don't know what that means about what you all think about me being an African-American person. Our team the suggested truth team who are all people of color you know people want to be able to come together they want to be able to break down these divides based on race and that some of the material that we're offering race the power of an illusion d.v.d. It's a $75.00 pledge level how racism harms white Americans d.v.d. That's a $75.00 level so if you don't care about how it impacts people of color or how it impacts all children I think about how it impacts white people if you are white 821-898-5573 extension 5 then I've got one caller on the line and let's see how much more do we have to raise I think I still have to raise another $2000.00 by the top of the hour this is Margaret Prescott Whosis the journal truth we actually have only brought in about a $1000.00 so far I've got 5 more minutes in this I want to play just part of the next clip where you have people complaining about affirmative action Keep in mind. Oh close to 300 years of free labor from people who are in slave you know in the Caribbean region you had the slave masters getting paid reparations here in the United States and throughout the diaspora you don't see a black person getting one thing but people complaining about affirmative action last call for this material this is it people I need to raise $2000.00 I need a couple of angels to put me out of my misery I can't offer this material anymore and it would really hurt my heart Ted Let's go to a piece of that clip right now everywhere I give talks whether it's. West or the west coast white folks asked me what about us want to talk about racism against white people. Undercurrent and all of these. Efforts to curb discrimination against people of color while admirable in the past have gotten out of control and somehow now hurting white. Kind of the time people complaining about what they call reverse discrimination this is a case of clear and obvious for us discrimination complaining about affirmative action what do you what do you think that affirmative action is for. Affirmative action is to increase diversity by discriminating against white males and that's why I oppose it who are. Discriminating against white males people wake up don't sit on your hands and this critical moment in the history of this country you know your children your grandchildren are going to say what did you do then you have a white supremacist in the White House spouting all of this racist crap that is dangerous 818-985-5735 last call for 7 items in our dollar a day pack valued at 700 dollars only today this is it people the great white hope . $120.00 White Like Me d.v.d. $120.00 race the power of an illusion d.v.d. $75.00 pledge how racism harms white Americans d.v.d. $75.00 pledge these are all thank you guess we will send to you for supporting this community radio for supporting k p f k for supporting suggestion or truth for keeping this show on the air so I could go face my boss after this show to say you know what we did meet up meet our goal today I would feel terrible about it we also have a few books we have the books under the affluence remember the white guy the judge who let a white guy off because he was suffering from affluenza meaning he was so rich he didn't know any better a lot of people say that about Donald Trump he was so rich all his life and his daddy his family was so racist he don't know any better I don't buy it there's a book under the affluent shaming the poor praising the rich and sacrificing the future of America dare white America Letter to a new minority book 8 and also a free ad on his Darcy Roberts killing the blackbody race reproduction and the meaning of liberty think of all these young black people who have been killed by police officers and no convictions of white people calling the police on the young black people because the lists the music the black person was listening to was threatening to them I mean come on people a little black boy who got the police called on him because he was playing dodgeball and his ball hit a little white kid 818-985-5735 this is the last call I've got less than a minute and that minute I need to raise another 1500 dollars Will somebody please put me out of my misery you can go in pledge on line one at. A p f k o r g I want to thank you for listening I want to go make answer your call the phone lines are full right now but please keep calling us because I can't offer this material anymore if I don't go you know a guy ballasts me up in here if I don't make my go 8 Why date 9855735 thank you for calling and pledging a thank you to all of the n.c. Races out there this is Margaret Prescott house of Sojourner Truth. This is deafening Miller it's summer fun drive time make a call late 189855735 make a donation to keep this station on the air now we can't keep this great programming on the air without your help so let's make it happen 18955735 it's our 60th anniversary Call now 818955735 this is John Waters. You're listening. That says Democracy Now. That's when we run our real solutions not impossible promises when we run on things that are workable not fairy tale economics we don't I don't understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can't do and should fight for in the 2nd Democratic debate senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders with their moderate ribozyme how to beat President Trump as well as on economics immigration health care. It was the couple's old hope today it's for the senior citizens it will finally include the period they're using it annoys them but your 2nd look at the overall goes across the bill. Will air highlights of the debate can get response from journalists many constant immigration activists Erica and Taylor and former Michigan gubernatorial candidate Dr I'm saying all that and more coming up. Welcome to Democracy Now and Democracy Now dot org The War and Peace Report I mean the goodman 10 candidates vying for the 2020 Democratic nomination took the stage in Detroit last night in the 1st of a 2 night c.n.n. Hosts to debate the evening was billed as the 1st showdown between the 2 leading progressives in the race Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren but the 2 agreed on all major issues and instead fended off criticism from the more moderate candidates in the race c.n.n. Anchor Jake Tapper asked Bernie Sanders to respond to former Congress member John Delaney's assertion that senators cornerstone health care proposal Medicare for All which seeks to offer free public health care for all Americans was bad policy. You're wrong. Right now we have a dysfunctional health care system $87000000.00 uninsured or under-insured 500000 dollars 1000 Americans every year going bankrupt because of medical bills $30000.00 people dying while the health care industry makes tens of billions of dollars of profit Senator Elizabeth Warren who also supports Medicare for all touted her progressive track record taking on Wall Street She grabbed her hands together when host Don Lemon noted her proposal for imposing a 2 percent tax on the ultra wealthy would include John Delaney $65000000.00 personal fortune Warren also urged Democrats not to act out of fear in the upcoming elections. And choose a candidate we don't believe in just because we're too scared to do anything else and we can't ask other people to vote for a candidate we don't believe in and Democrats win when we figure out what is right and we get out there and fight for it South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete booted Gedge Meanwhile question why Democrats were reluctant to implement major structural reforms that would reshape voting laws or the Supreme Court. What I propose the actual structural democratic reforms that might make a difference and the Electoral College amend the Constitution is necessary to clear up Citizens United have d.c. Actually be a state and d. Politicize a Supreme Court with structural reform people look at me funny as if this country were incapable of structural reform so what I really think we're going to overtake citizens united without cost to to tional action this is a country that once changed its constitution so you couldn't drink and then change it back because we danger minds a bank and you're telling me you can't reform or be a mockery in our talk you merely have to only have a misleading argument 20 years ago on foreign policy Sanders and the judge both called for an end to the Afghan war Senator Sanders also called for the u.s. To work with the international community saying quote.

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