Hi this is Michael Jackson Ricky I really love that you would never make it big with a student treating this as a couple pieces of music. Right he said which is Blessings to you this is Michael Bernardo back with the founder and spiritual director of their copper to National Spiritual Center and the author of spiritual liberation life visioning fulfilling your soul's potential and 40 day mind fast soul feast your interest now into the vibration of wake up the sound of transformation a weekly program that invites you to discover only who and what you really are but to embrace the evolutionary impulse that governs all creation that you may live up to your true potential that you may anchor the realm of ever expanding good the realm of excellence on earth as it is in the mind of the infinite the day you're listening to be on the here that you can begin to catch that there's something magnificent about you and that your life is an arm. Purpose with a purpose week after week we will have powerful guess. Spiritual principles and who are activating their own potential to begin to assist in the birthing of a kind in just global society of which you are to be a soulful protests appear listen to the ear beyond the ear and feel absolutely through something so good about you that it must be expressed you have entered into the vibration of wake up the sound of transformation. That's absolutely true this is Michael Bernard back with inviting you into into the land of paradise realm of ever expanding good and where do you find it inside yourself inside of your consciousness is unexplored the possibilities are infinite good you have no ceiling nor floor and what you are truly as a luminous being brilliant excellence intelligence law unity all those qualities loom large in your spiritual D.N.A. And you've come to set them free to make a mighty difference on this planet and help change the world with that her and you can do it in your own way you don't have to do it someone else is doing you are unrepeatable nominal idea a perfect patter unrepeatable unique in so as you uncover it giftedness of your own soul according to your unique pattern something you're doing small or big and change the world where the better that's when I know we're going to oh right over here to the sound of rhythm and joy a kind of call that recently sound of R. And B. Rhythm and less wonderful music that we're up there and they will be right back. Driving through uncertainty. A. Kinda. Kid is so. You. Sung. Something in. So strong that's liver L R R A from her CD entitled rise again powerful beautiful South African artists have the opportunity to meet her last year when I spoke at the divine feminine conference there and other places and she was the musical inspiration she started crying when she saw me because I have been one of her teachers for years and I didn't even know anything about that but very beautiful very powerful something inside so strong from her CD entitled rise again I have with me today hammock Heath's honors graduate of Harvard Law School left her law practice with the prestigious corporate law firm to write and help others discover in soar in their life's work she is the nationally bestselling author of this time my dad it's creating the work you love inspired and unstoppable wildly succeeding in your life's work in the most recent thriving through uncertainty moving beyond fear of the unknown in making change work for you he has sought after speaker and visionary career success in book coach whose work has been featured in USA Today The Huffington Post Forbes magazine A.B.C. News and Oprah radio among others she's on the faculty of the Omega Institute the Center for yoga and health excellent Institute as presented at Ted X. And at Canyon Ranch she treats both nationally internationally and is known for her electrifying presence grounded compassion dynamic sense of humor and the believable and sweeping possibilities She ignites in others in addition them has taught a course in miracles an internationally known program of choosing love instead of fear for over 25 years. She says I was put on earth to champion visionary minds creative souls freedom jockeys love driven entrepreneurs change agents and anyone who wants to live and work from inspiration instead of fear she says I'm a I also have been put here to eat some great tie food. She's grown wrong creative empowering to an international presence through inspired you know unconventional means greetings to I'm so glad to be here Michel I'm grooving on the music to hey was that good or what OH MY GOD I'M MAD AND. She's a great artist and her presentations are just spectacular the lira I love her but I'm glad you enjoyed that and I want to welcome you back to wake up the sound of transformation and to dive into some of the teachings of this new offering driving through uncertainty and I'm also pleased to announce that Tammy will be speaking at a guy at our Wednesday evening service next Wednesday on April the 4th meditation to 645 in the program the service starts at $715.00 she'll be signing copies of her books which will be available at Alice's climbin bookstore definitely come on be with us on that day for the 4th So this is jump in and then 1st of all the inspiration behind this particular book is The other books are really good bestsellers What inspired you to write this one because I've been a success coach in a career coach for thousands of people and I've worked with artists and entrepreneurs and visionaries and the thing that I see with so many people is that the reason that they are not living the life of their dreams is because they don't know how to handle uncertainty you know like uncertainty happens or a challenge happens and you get scared and you feel small and from that small list you might make weaker choices and I want to help people make stronger choices and choose from their genius and their loves you know I'll tell you a little bit of my back story you know it of just how I came to writing anything about uncertainties because I was one of those people that was hell a side of uncertainty and just chose certainty right so when I was young I knew I wanted to write that's all I ever wanted to do but I grew up in Brooklyn New York to an Orthodox Jewish family and I got you're going to write you are going to starve you going to write. You know what said with great certainty by the way I said with great certainty and so I ignored what I loved I squelched those desires like so many of us do and I thought well you just have to take the practical path you just have to take the path of reason and good judgment right and so I went off to law school and got accepted to Harvard law school and graduated with honors from Harvard Law School and I found myself on a partnership track in a major law firm just empty just meaningless just feeling like I was dying because you know when you're not listening to the voice of your spirit and your soul and your genius you are dying yes and so that for me was my wake up call of that I'd done what everybody told me was practical and safe and certain but it was by going into the life of uncertainty by following that genius and that love and that soul in me that I discovered a greater power than I've ever ever known and so that's what I want everybody to experience you know of just that when you're choosing from inspiration it's the greatest certainty there is but again it's very different than the conventional that absolutely I teach sometimes that people have more trust in their fear and in reason rather than life in love so they're trained that way that's the media you know we're bombarded constantly with that message and again we think negativity cruelty you know that self parading talk is good judgment you know as well as just being reasonable lawyer I'm too old I don't have an education I don't have this and instead of you know we're teaching people to listen to something that has never been here before a genius and a love and that light that's an all of us and that as you talk about Michael you know each of us is here to make such a tremendous difference especially at this time on earth Absolutely and it's about the courage to listen to that right and one of the things you share is that this kind of change you want to lead this to change doesn't happen through mere rote execution but wakening I rearrange many of our understanding and abilities. To them about that Oh absolutely you know especially because I tend to work with a lot of achievers and a lot of nut jobs just kind of a crazy people you know that I want to achieve I want to succeed I want to get there right now I want to get there instantaneously and the word you used you know execution I want to execute this path and this is not a path of doing it's not a path to what you do it's not doing as much is it's own doing you know and it's what your underlying is the conditioning and these beliefs and this you know we all have our old stories and we all have our old beliefs about what we can accomplish and what we can't what makes sense and what doesn't and it's scary for all of us but you know for me the path of really like you sort of awakening and really becoming the potential that we are all meant to be it means on doing the beliefs that are in the way and so many of us are against us so focused on what are the action steps and what are the 8 steps and what the pill I can take and the affirmation so I could just be done with this already you know and believe me I am on that same line like I want the same thing but my own path and my own healing has been that it's been about being kind and patient and really underlying any belief that you have that says you can't do this and doing any belief that you have that says you're not in the right life that you're not right where you belong because that's impossible you know if we are living a spiritual life it is impossible that you are not right where you belong right now but you might need to have a different perception Absolutely and you speak about this very powerfully when it comes to what appears to be taking wrist and people feel uncertain and afraid and they try to choose a life that they can control and one of things that you write this is a need for constant control causes boredom exhaustion and hollowness your solution grades growth and growth comes from taking risk actually leap into that for us because people we're here to change we have the you know it's funny Iraq. That and I hear that part of me that goes yeah I don't want to take the risk. You know like oh yeah I did I did I just you know I think we're programmed 1st of all I mean the lizard brain you know that old conditioning like I want to stay safe but what if if but you know again that safety that not going where you're being called right now that not going where you belong right now does create that hollowness does create that emptiness you know I've had to learn in my own life that as much as I think I want control I think I really want trust more as much as I think I will control I really think I want to trust more I want to trust that I don't need to be in control and by the way it's such a limited life because our brains are so small in the linear life so small it couldn't possibly contain what's possible for us I could never have imagined the life I am leading in a 1000000 years this is not the life that I ever you know like growing up Orthodox Jewish and going to law school it would never have occurred to me in a 1000000 years that my life is going to be about awakening souls and running around to do thought charges you know around the country and speaking to her child that was not my plan but I was speech people you can't plan and inspired life you can't plan this you can't figure this out right and so again we gradually become safer taking risks by taking them I just taking tiny ones by taking tiny steps you know the more that you do that just even doing anything you love one simple thing that you love anything it will change your brain chemistry again it's going against that part of your brain that says all you have time for that and that's stupid you're never going to make any money at that that's ridiculous why should you take a Wednesday night pottery class and you know that's ridiculous and you know of going to the pottery class Goby you know of just anything that you do that comes from love will lead you to love anything that you do that comes from your love will change your brain chemistry and for me. Me it ends up making me feel safer it has ended up making me feel more solid because when you come from that love something else comes through you all of a sudden and it changes everything yet a number of gems in the book but based on what you're seeing right now the one that comes to me is that we do not fear uncertainty we fear our search in T. As in we become certain about what things mean and this is what you're saying in substance Absolutely absolutely I mean that's something I work with my clients all the time on is that you think you feel fear uncertainty but it's not uncertainty that we're scared of it's the certainty and by that I mean it's just that you're already certain I'm going to fail it's not going to work it's going to be like 997 I tried something and it didn't happen or all men are going to not date me or leave me or whatever look we all have these beliefs that we don't even know we have we don't even think they're beliefs we think they're reality you know in my story I made my whole life decision on a certainty that writers will starve you know that was just you starting a family are you starting we're even questioned. Writers will start right you know my mother had like all creative people you know all they all take drugs that's it they're all going to live under the same bridge I'll have good company right you know and just it never even occurred to me to question that it never even occurred to me to say well what if that's a belief because obviously there are writers who are rising there are actresses who are thriving there are business people who are thriving there are people who start all over and it works and so many times you're making a decision on a certainty a fact that you think is a reality and you're not even questioning it and so uncertainty you know when I wrote driving to uncertainty for me it was just like you know I write all my books to teach me you know it's just my way of talking myself down from the ledge and you know for me I. Realized that stepping into uncertainty was stepping into the place where I could finally hear my God and I could finally hear my spirit because my mind wasn't so damn closed with you know I know this and I know that and I know this and I know that playing chess if they do this I'll do that if I was in a certainty I was open to the super power of listening and receiving Finally any next step any solution any bright crumb and I was open to an uncertainty of I can't imagine if I can't figure it out I'm going to be available only to be receptive I'm going to be original in this and for me that is the power absolutely the just tuning in to wake up the sound of transformation and with Tema keys latest contribution is thriving through uncertainty moving beyond fear of the unknown and making change work for you the so much as emerged in the short pretty time already what comes to mind is America song that we wrote that says God's will is just beyond our plans that the on our planning there is a destiny that's trying to happen and she breaks this down in her book and another thing that I love that you have in your book something that I love to teach is that you say while experiencing a transition there are times when we do spiral down but we have to call these times of a negotiation break that down for us I think this is very very powerful it is an initiation 1st for most of us our greatest transformations our greatest turning points in our life that will always happen from you know and then the flower is moved and I heard this angelic voice and the heart laid for most of us we missed that call I did anyway you know I made that call a few times for most of us it comes with pain a lot of times it will come through pain comes through that initiation of it's the changing of one identity to another you know like again when I left my legal career you know I walked out of everything without a plan without anything without even a lot of savings or anything. You know and people said oh my god you're so courageous How did you do that you're so courageous and for me it wasn't courage it was desperation it was just pure desperation I felt like I can't believe I'm not going to live another day like I'm nothing down I don't know what to do and sometimes desperation is that initiation because it's when your small self loses the battle you know my small self was trying to keep everything the way I know how to do it and keep the same life that I know how and make sure I'm on the path that I know and when you're small stealth starts losing power that's when a larger self that's when that original self that's when your creativity can come through and so it is often an initiation many times that if you're in a position right now where there's pain going on it's a signal it's a symptom it's not that you're doing something wrong it's just that calling or you know I think of the birth process of just you know like every mother who's ever given birth to a child that's a hell of a lot of pain. That is not happening food baby that is pain but again that is the greatest birth process so so much of what I want people to know in this process is that it's not so much what's going on it's how we go through it how we treat ourselves as we go through it and the relationship we cultivate with ourselves as we go through it so that if you are in pain can you at least be with this and say this is OK something bigger is going on I'm waking up something strands forming yeah I'm scared yeah this is hard but I'm going to breathe with this I'm going to be with this and I'm not going to chew small at some of these very very powerful is a something with about 2 subjects that are close together one is what are some of the small things that a person can do to overcome the fear of risk and what can people do to just have a little bit more faith when they're freaking out you know so that's a great question about what can you do to overcome a fear of risk and I think one of the. This is that I talk about a lot especially in thriving to uncertainty is about cultivating a different storyteller within you just like really making it a practice to cultivate a different story teller within you of the voice that is telling you you have your dreams for release and there's a reason you're here there's a reason you're doing this it's cultivating that different story teller if you're listening to that voice of love you literally can not hear that voice of fear if I'm listening to a voice of love I literally cannot hear a voice of fear if I'm listening to a voice of fear and negativity and I'm calling it practicality and literally cannot hear that voice of love and it's an amazing difference that it makes I think back of when I was writing my 1st book this time I dance I have these moments that I call choice points you know like we all have this we know these things we have this space we have these teaching but then something happens in your life and you freak out and you forget everything you know and it's like it goes out the window and it's like how do you remember right and so I was writing this time I dance and I didn't have a publisher and I didn't have an agent I didn't have a contract it was my 1st book I had just left law and I spent 12 years writing that book you know like really listening to that inner voice and I was going on faith and it was goi